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Salana DuaiyyaSalana Duaiyya · 2011. 2. 12. · Aziz, and Asst. General Secretary, Adil Khan, and...

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1 Salana Duaiyya Salana Duaiyya Salana Duaiyya Salana Duaiyya 2010 2010 2010 2010 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful .......... The HOPE Bulletin ……….. H ealth, O ngoing P rojects, E ducation www.aaiil.org
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    Salana DuaiyyaSalana DuaiyyaSalana DuaiyyaSalana Duaiyya


    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    .......... The HOPE Bulletin ………..

    Health, Ongoing Projects, Education


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    Akbar Abdullah, Editor We are pleased to bring you a report and photographs of the 2010 Salana Duiayya.

    We thank our Hazrat Ameer, Dr. Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha Sahib, for his support and for making it

    possible for us to have the photographs, and Br Shaukat A. Ali, Coordinator, Asia-Pacific Region, for his

    submission on this important event in our Jama‘at’s calendar.

    As always, we welcome your comments.


    Attendance at Salana Duaiyya - 2010

    I arrived at Lahore International Airport on 23 December and was picked by the General Secretary, Amir

    Aziz, and Asst. General Secretary, Adil Khan, and taken to Darus Salam.

    Those members who have been to Darus Salam know that as soon as you enter the “Ahmadiyya Colony”,

    there is a spiritual force that engulfs you and soon you forget about the rest of the material world. The

    atmosphere particularly during the Salana Duaiyya, i.e., the Annual Prayer Gathering, is such that you

    feel spiritual energy entering you and you start talking only the spiritual language.

    At Darus Salam, Hazrat Ameer, Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha, two visitors from Holland, Mr.

    Henk and his son, Alvin, and several other members were available to meet me.

    As usual, I stayed at the Guest House, where the two visitors from Holland were also staying. As this was

    their first visit and they had not met other members of the Jamaat, apart from Hazrat Ameer, we spent a

    lot of time together and I was able to respond to their barrage of useful questions. By their own admission

    they learnt more in two weeks at Darus Salam than they would have learnt in two years.

    More and more members met me during the prayers at the Masjid, which is very close to the Guest

    House. For the next 9 days I attended all the prayers including Tahajud, as has been the case during the

    last thirty years, at the Masjid.

    The next four days were scheduled for the Duaiyya and the whole Darus Salam was electrified with

    spiritual energy. People from all over Pakistan had arrived and the children and adults could be seen all

    over the compound while the Prayer Gathering was not in sessions. Among the other foreign visitors

    were Dr. Jawad Ahmad and his family from the UK, and Sister Samina Malik from the USA.

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    The lectures/presentations during Duaiyya, as is the case every year, were well researched and of high

    quality. Hazrat Ameer was at his best with the Jumuah Khutba, Opening of the Duaiyya, Annual Appeal,

    and the Closing sessions; resulting in spiritual enlightenment not only for all those present at the Masjid,

    but also for those watching and listening around the world, as all the sessions were broadcast live.

    Every year I am impressed with the children’s sessions when children of various ages from all over

    Pakistan participate in their sessions. These sessions show that the Anjuman’s future is very bright.

    However, this year it was incredible to see children as young as four (4) years reciting all six Kalima and

    up to ten short Suras. This I would say impressed the elders most.

    Although I am in contact with the Central Anjuman on almost daily basis, I was very pleasantly surprised

    with Hazrat Ameer and the General Secretary’s report on activities during 2010. There are so many

    activities undertaken at or by the Central Anjuman, which we were not aware of. I have requested them to

    summarize them for the benefit of our members abroad and I urge members to take note of those.

    The International Coordination Committee Meeting the day after the end of Duaiyya lasted a whole day

    and there was very active and enthusiastic participation by all those present. A wide range of issues were

    raised, discussed and actions agreed upon. Although there have been heightened activities during 2010,

    there is always room for improvement and enhancement and I am confident that more actions will be

    taken as a result of these deliberations.

    I left Lahore for Bangkok on 1 January 2011 and Hazrat Ameer, Brig. Muhammad Saeed and other

    members accompanied me to the Airport and offered their prayers for my safe journey.

    In conclusion, I urge all those who have not been to a Salana Duaiyya to make every effort to attend one,

    so that they too can see and feel the spiritual atmosphere generated by this spiritual gathering, which was

    started by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Mujaddid of the 14th

    Century and Masih Mauood, and has

    continued annually ever since for well over a hundred years.

    I thank Allah ta’ala again, for making it possible for me to attend the Salana Duaiyya and pray that I get

    the opportunity in the future – aameen.

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    New Shaban executive

    With Hazrat Ameer

    Swearing in of Shaban executive

    Taking of Baiat


    Young Ahmadiyya discussion group – a new initiative of


    Table tennis tournament organised by Shaban

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    Foreign visitors awarded shields of


    Shaukat Ali

    Jawad Ahmad

    Foreign guests

    Samina Malik and Jawad Ahmad

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    Malik Sahib

    (In chair)


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    Akbar Abdullah

    Editor, The HOPE Bulletin Mailing Address: P.O. Box 232811

    Sacramento, California 95823-0430, U.S.A.

    E-mail Address: [email protected]

    Telephone Number: (773) 539-6892
