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Salem Municipal Airport - Master Plan Executive Summary

Date post: 06-Apr-2018
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Salem municipal airport maSter plan executive Summary Capital Improvement Plan Summary  Year Improvement Project Cost Estimate 1 2012 Runway lighting repairs $350,000 Taxiway lighting repairs $300,000 Runway signage replacement $350,000 2013 Ru nway extension en gin eer ing 2 $3,500,000 20 14 Ru nway extension con str uct io n 2, 3 $10,500,000 2015 Apron rehabilitation engineering $315,000 2016 Apron rehabilitation construction $2,650,000 2017 Deicing containment acility $470,000 2018 Emergency generator $480,000 Airport Layout Plan $400,000 2019 East pa ra ll el t ax iway 2 $3,700,000 2020 Ru nway end hol d apron 2 $900,000 T otal $24,000,000 1: Cost estimates include design contingencies to account for unknowns at time of estimate. Estimates are subject to revision as data becomes available.  2: Denotes part of the runway extension project.  3: Runway extension costs include easement or acquisition costs and improvements to navigational aids. Project implementation is subject to need and funding availability. Projects will require evaluation pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. pj Fdg Funding or the airport improvement projects is expected to come rom ederal, state and local sources.  Fd Fdg The primary source o unding will be the FAA Airport Improvement Program, which is unded through excise taxes paid by users o the national airspace system.  Salem Airport receives annual entitlement unding and may compete with other airports or additional discre- tionary unding. Federal unding may be used or up to 95 percent o a project’s cost. The 5 percent local match or ederal unding is expected to come rom the State o Oregon or the Salem Airport enterprise und not the City’s general und. S f og Fdg ConnectOre gon is a lottery-based unding source or air, rail, marine and transit inrastructure. ConnectOregon unds may be used to pay or up to 80 percent o a proj- ect’s cost or as a match or FAA unding. The Salem Air- port was awarded a $2.6 million ConnectOregon grant to extend the runway and complete other related projects. l Fdg The Salem Airport does not receive general und support rom the City o Salem and instead generates revenue through airport operations including property leases, landing ees and uel owage ees. As an enterprise und airport, revenue generated by the Airport may only be used to und airport-related expenses . F add if Please visit the City o Salem’s airport website at www. cityosalem.net/visito rs/airport and look or the Airport Master Plan link. The Master Plan website includes documents or download, meeting announcements, requently asked questions and a comment orm. 201 NE Park Plaza Drive, Suite 167 Vancouver, WA 98684 360-883-0047 meadhunt.com

8/3/2019 Salem Municipal Airport - Master Plan Executive Summary

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Salem municipal airpo

maSter planexecutive Summary

Capital Improvement Plan Summary

 Year Improvement Project Cost Estimate 1

2012 Runway lighting repairs $350,000

Taxiway lighting repairs $300,000

Runway signage replacement $350,000

2013 Runway extension engineering2 $3,500,000

2014 Runway extension construction2, 3 $10,500,000

2015 Apron rehabilitation engineering $315,0002016 Apron rehabilitation construction $2,650,000

2017 Deicing containment acility $470,000

2018 Emergency generator $480,000

Airport Layout Plan $400,000

2019 East parallel taxiway 2 $3,700,000

2020 Runway end hold apron2 $900,000

Total $24,000,000

1: Cost estimates include design contingencies to account for unknowns at time of estimate. Estimates are subject to revision as data becomes available.

 2: Denotes part of the runway extension project.

 3: Runway extension costs include easement or acquisition costs and improvements to navigational aids.

Project implementation is subject to need and funding availability. Projects will require evaluation pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.

pj FdgFunding or the airport improvement projects is expected

to come rom ederal, state and local sources.


Fd FdgThe primary source o unding will be the FAA Airport

Improvement Program, which is unded through excise

taxes paid by users o the national airspace system.


Salem Airport receives annual entitlement unding and

may compete with other airports or additional discre-

tionary unding. Federal unding may be used or up to95 percent o a project’s cost. The 5 percent local match

or ederal unding is expected to come rom the State

o Oregon or the Salem Airport enterprise und not the

City’s general und.

S f og FdgConnectOregon is a lottery-based unding source or air,

rail, marine and transit inrastructure. ConnectOregon

unds may be used to pay or up to 80 percent o a proj-

ect’s cost or as a match or FAA unding. The Salem Air-

port was awarded a $2.6 million ConnectOregon grant to

extend the runway and complete other related projects.

l FdgThe Salem Airport does not receive general und support

rom the City o Salem and instead generates revenue

through airport operations including property leases,landing ees and uel owage ees. As an enterprise und

airport, revenue generated by the Airport may only be

used to und airport-related expenses.

F add ifPlease visit the City o Salem’s airport website at www.

cityosalem.net/visitors/airport and look or the Airport

Master Plan link. The Master Plan website includes

documents or download, meeting announcements,

requently asked questions and a comment orm.

201 NE Park Plaza Drive, Suite 167

Vancouver, WA 98684



8/3/2019 Salem Municipal Airport - Master Plan Executive Summary

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BkgdThe Salem Municipal Airport (Salem Airport) Master

Plan builds on the 1997 Airport Master Plan, as adopted

by City Council. The Master Plan includes an inventory 

o existing acilities, an overview o environmental

conditions, aviation activity orecasts, a runway needs

assessment, acility requirements and improvement

alternatives analysis, a summary o existing land use

compatibility measures, noise analysis and a Capital

Improvement Plan. The Master Plan is an initial step in

seeking ederal unding or airport improvement projects.

 The Master Plan includes justifcation or runway 

expansion, which was proposed in the 1997 Master

Plan and included in the City o Salem’s Comprehensive

Plan. The runway length justifcation demonstrated

the need or a 7,000-oot long runway to support

existing users o the Airport. Survey and analysis

indicated that some aircrat operators are required to

take on ewer passengers, less cargo or less uel in order

to operate saely and efciently. The Federal Aviation

 Administration (FAA) approved the runway length

 justifcation in 2010.

pb p A proactive communications program inormed and

involved stakeholders and citizens interested in the

Master Plan. Outreach included stakeholder interviews,

presentations to neighborhood associations and two openhouses. A Planning Advisory Committee made up o airport

neighbors, members o the Airport Advisory Commission,

 Airport tenants and Salem sta provided ongoing review o 

the Master Plan. The Master Plan was unanimously accepted

by the planning advisory committee and the Airport

 Advisory Commission in February 2012.

a a Fss Airport improvement projects are developed to meet exist-

ing and orecasted aviation activity. Forecasts are developed

or general aviation, scheduled commercial passenger and

cargo airlines, and military users or the next 20 years.

The FAA approved the aviation activity orecasts in April

2011 and will adopt them as ofcial FAA orecasts or the

Salem Airport.


 Aviation activity is orecasted to 2028 and assumes no

new commercial service; however, the Salem Airport

accommodated scheduled commercial carriers in 2007,

2008 and 2011, and has existing acilities to accommodate

an air carrier should one establish new air service. Other

aviation activity orecasts includes a 22 percent increase inthe number o landings and takeos, a 25 percent increase in

the number o aircrat stored at the Airport and a 45 percent

increase in the volume o cargo handled at the Airport.

Demographic orecasts by Woods & Poole Economics

indicate that the population o the Salem Metropolitan

Statistical Area will increase by 25 percent by 2028.

pfd D pg The Master Plan identifes the preerred airport layout,

 which was developed in coordination with the Planning

 Advisory Committee and local stakeholders. Airport

improvement projects include the ollowing:

•Extension o the runway to 7,000 eet

•Reconfguration o the taxiway system to improve

efciency and pilot line-o-sight at runway intersections

•Removal o excess taxiway pavement

•Improvement o the passenger terminal

•Rehabilitation o apron

•Development o hangars

•Development o commercial property 

pj Hghgh: rw eThe Master Plan calls or the runway extensio

improvement, to be constructed in 2014 to im

 Airport saety, efciency and utility or existin

other projects in the capital improvement plan

ered supporting projects to the runway extensi

taxiway extension and navigational aid relocat

the runway will be shited to the south by 216

FAA requirements and improve the airport tra

tower’s line-o-sight to the runway end.


Existing Airport users will not have to reduce p

reuel en route as requently, which will impro

their operations. Noise analysis indicates that t

runway to the south will reduce aircrat noise neighborhoods to the north o the Airport.


 An environmental assessment is being comple

runway extension and will provide detailed rev

environmental categories that must be conside

to the National Environmental Policy Act.
