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Sales Order Life Cycle

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1. Order Management Overview 1.1. Enter Orders 1.1.1. Enter Header information Enter header level information like Customer name, Customer PO, Ship To, Bill To location, Price list, Sales rep and currency for the Order. Fig1.1 Order Entry Screen These field values can be set up to default from a variety of sources such as the Order Type, Customer or Customer address record. Defaulting rules can be set up to achieve this. All
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1. Order Management Overview

1.1. Enter Orders

1.1.1. Enter Header information

Enter header level information like Customer name, Customer PO, Ship To, Bill To location, Price list, Sales rep and currency for the Order.

Fig1.1 Order Entry ScreenThese field values can be set up to default from a variety of sources such as the Order Type, Customer or Customer address record. Defaulting rules can be set up to achieve this. All defaults can be overridden unless the business unit defines constraints preventing update. Enter Other Header information like  sales channel, warehouse, payment term, ship method, Line set ( ship or Arrival), FOB, shipping and packing instructions, Tax exempt number and reason etc.

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1.1.2. Order Actions

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Fig 1.2 Additional Order InformationOther functions are available through the Actions button. The Actions include functions such as Additional order information, Copy, Cancel, Apply and Release Holds, Price Order, etc.

1.1.3. Enter Line information

Enter the line information like Item, Quantity, Request Date, Schedule Ship Date etc. Other line info like Line Type, Cancelled Qty, Shipped Qty, Sales Rep, Order Source, Tax code etc. get defaulted based on defaulting rules.

1.1.4. Line Shipping information

Shipping tab shows info like warehouse, Receiving Org (for Drop ship orders), Schedule Ship date, schedule arrival date, Source type (External for Drop ship orders and Internal otherwise), Ship set, Arrival set, Shiping method, shipment priority, Freight terms, Shipping and Packing Instructions etc.

1.1.5. Line Pricing information

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Pricing tab shows info like Unit Selling Price, Extended Price, Price List, List Price, Line Charges, Tax Amount, Payment terms, Pricing Agreement etc. In view price adjustments we will see the adjustments and charges applied on the list price, after applying all these the unit selling price is derived.

1.1.6. Order Architecture


HEADER_ID                      ORDER_NUMBER                   ORG_ID                         ORDER_TYPE_ID                  VERSION_NUMBER                 ORDER_SOURCE_ID                SOURCE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_IDORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REFSOURCE_DOCUMENT_ID             ORDERED_DATE                   REQUEST_DATE                   PRICING_DATE                   SHIPMENT_PRIORITY_CODEDEMAND_CLASS_CODE              PRICE_LIST_ID                  TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG                TAX_EXEMPT_NUMBER              PARTIAL_SHIPMENTS_ALLOWED




SALESREP_ID                    SALES_CREDIT_TYPE_ID           NAME                           SALESREP_NUMBER                STATUS                         START_DATE_ACTIVE              END_DATE_ACTIVE                SET_OF_BOOKS_ID                ORG_ID                         EMAIL_ADDRESS                  ASSIGNED_TO_USER_ID            COST_CENTER                    CHARGE_TO_COST_CENTER         PERSON_ID                      TYPE                           COMMISSIONABLE_FLAG          




TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID                    TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE                  ORDER_CATEGORY_CODE                    CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID                       COST_OF_GOODS_SOLD_ACCOUNT PRICE_LIST_ID                          WAREHOUSE_ID                           DEMAND_CLASS_CODE                      SHIPMENT_PRIORITY_CODE                 SHIPPING_METHOD_CODE                   FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE                     FOB_POINT_CODE                         SHIP_SOURCE_TYPE_CODE                  AGREEMENT_TYPE_CODE                    AGREEMENT_REQUIRED_FLAG                PO_REQUIRED_FLAG                       INVOICING_RULE_ID                      ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID                     INVOICE_SOURCE_ID                      ORG_ID

Query to find out the customer, line item, ordered qty  and price info of the order :

Query to find customer, ship to and bill to information of an order :

set pages 500set lines 500set buffer 500col order_type form a16col customer_name form a30col segment1 form a16col sales_rep form a30select        h.order_number,       org.name customer_name,       h.ordered_date order_date,       ot.name order_type,       s.name sales_rep,       l.line_id,       l.line_number,       l.inventory_item_id,       si.segment1,

col ship_address1 form a40col ship_address2 form a20col bill_address1 form a40col bill_address2 form a20col ship_country form a10col bill_country form a10col ship_location_code form a30col ship_state form a10col ship_zip form a10col bill_location_code form a30col customer_name form a30col freight_terms form a24col FOB form a16

select       h.order_number,      c.name customer_name,

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       l.ordered_quantity,       l.unit_selling_price,       nvl(l.ordered_quantity,0) * nvl(l.unit_selling_price,0) amount,       h.transactional_curr_code currency_codefrom ra_salesreps s,        oe_transaction_types_tl ot,        oe_sold_to_orgs_v org,       mtl_system_items_vl si,       oe_order_lines_all l,       oe_order_headers_all h where h.order_number= 14463   and h.org_id  = 204   and l.header_id = h.header_id   and h.sold_to_org_id = org.organization_id   and  (h.cancelled_flag is null or h.cancelled_flag = 'N')   and  h.open_flag='Y'  and l.open_flag = 'Y'   and l.service_reference_line_id is null  and l.inventory_item_id = si.inventory_item_id  and nvl(si.organization_id,0) = 204 --Item master orgn  and h.order_type_id = ot.transaction_type_id  and h.salesrep_id=s.salesrep_id  and h.org_id=s.org_idorder by l.line_id/a: Oe_sold_to_orgs_v is a view based on hz_parties and hz_cust_accounts.b: Ra_salesreps is a view based on JTF_RS_SALESREPS and JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_VL.

You must set the org context for the views to function properly as..begin  fnd_client_info.set_org_context('204');end;

      lk1.meaning Freight_Terms,      lk2.meaning FOB,       s.location_code ship_location_code,      s.address_line_1 ship_address1,      s.address_line_2 ship_address2,      s.state ship_state,      s.postal_code ship_zip,      s.country ship_country,      b.location_code bill_location_code,      b.address_line_1 bill_address1,      b.address_line_2 bill_address2,      b.country bill_countryfrom        ar_lookups lk2,       oe_lookups lk1,       oe_sold_to_orgs_v c,       oe_invoice_to_orgs_v b,       oe_ship_to_orgs_v s,       oe_order_headers_all h where h.order_number= 14463   and h.org_id  = 204   and h.ship_to_org_id = s.organization_id   and h.invoice_to_org_id = b.organization_id   and h.sold_to_org_id = c.organization_id   and h.freight_terms_code = lk1.lookup_code(+)   and lk1.lookup_type(+) = 'FREIGHT_TERMS'    and lk2.lookup_code(+) = h.fob_point_code    and lk2.lookup_type(+) = 'FOB' /a: The oe_ship_to_orgs_v and oe_invoice_to_orgs_v views are based on HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL, HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL, HZ_PARTY_SITES and HZ_LOCATIONS.b: Oe_lookups and ar_lookups are views based on fnd_lookup_values.




HOLD_ID                        NAME                           TYPE_CODE                     


HOLD_SOURCE_ID         HOLD_ID                HOLD_ENTITY_CODE      



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HEADER_ID              LINE_ID                ORG_ID                 RELEASED_FLAG        




Query to find out order and line hold information :

col ordered_item form a32col hold_name form a24col hold_comment form a32select ho.name hold_name,       hs.hold_until_date,       hs.hold_comment,       h.order_number,      oh.header_id,      oh.line_id,      oh.order_hold_id,      l.item_identifier_type,      l.inventory_item_id,      l.ordered_itemfrom oe_order_holds_all oh,       oe_order_lines_all l,       oe_order_headers_all h,       oe_hold_definitions ho,       oe_hold_sources_all hs where h.order_number= 14463   and oh.header_id = h.header_id   and  (h.cancelled_flag is null or h.cancelled_flag = 'N')   and  h.open_flag='Y'   and oh.hold_source_id = hs.hold_source_id   and hs.hold_id = ho.hold_id   and h.header_id = l.header_id(+)  and l.open_flag = 'Y'   and l.line_id = nvl(oh.line_id,l.line_id)  and l.service_reference_line_id is null  and oh.hold_release_id is null  and nvl(h.org_id,0)  = 204  and nvl(l.org_id,0) = nvl(h.org_id,0)order by ho.name,h.order_number/


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Query to find freight related info of order viz: freight carrier, ship method and service level :

col shipping_method_code form a32col carrier_name form a24

select        h.order_number,       h.shipping_method_code,      wc.carrier_name,      wcsm.SERVICE_LEVEL ,      wcsm.freight_codefrom       wsh_carrier_ship_methods_v wcsm,       wsh_carriers_v wc,       oe_order_headers_all h where h.order_number= 14463  and h.org_id  = 204  and h.shipping_method_code = wcsm.ship_method_code(+)   and nvl(wcsm.organization_id(+),0) = 204 --Master Organization   and wcsm.freight_code =  wc.freight_code(+)order by h.order_number

1.2. View Order Charges & Adjustments

1.2.1. View List Price Adjustments

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Fig1.1 Order Entry ScreenThe list price is derived from the price list and the selling price is calculated taking into account other adjustments and charges info.Go to line price adjustments thru’ the actions LOV. The modifier details like rate of adjustment,  adjusted amount and extended price will appear.

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1.2.2. View Adjustment Atributes

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Click on adjustment attributes to find the Pricing and Qualifier attributes and their values, which were satisfied for the previously mentioned modifier to be applied on this Order line.

1.2.3. View Charges

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The charges and freight costs can be defined in Adv Pricing and automatically applied to the Order line based on business rules.Click on actions button and choose charges from the LOV. For a charge click on attributes button to view the pricing and qualifier attributes.

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1.2.4. Order Adjustment Architecture

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 PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_ID             REQUEST_ID                      HEADER_ID                       DISCOUNT_ID                     DISCOUNT_LINE_ID                AUTOMATIC_FLAG                  PERCENT                         LINE_ID                         ORIG_SYS_DISCOUNT_REF           CHANGE_SEQUENCE                 LIST_HEADER_ID                  LIST_LINE_ID                    LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE             MODIFIED_FROM                   MODIFIED_TO                     MODIFIER_MECHANISM_TYPE_CODE UPDATED_FLAG                    APPLIED_FLAG                    OPERAND                         ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR           


PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_ID            PRICING_CONTEXT                PRICING_ATTRIBUTE              PRICING_ATTR_VALUE_FROM        PRICING_ATTR_VALUE_TO          COMPARISON_OPERATOR            FLEX_TITLE                     PRICE_ADJ_ATTRIB_ID            LOCK_CONTROL                  


 HEADER_ID                       LINE_ID                         CHARGE_ID                       CHARGE_NAME                     CHARGE_AMOUNT                   CURRENCY_CODE                

 INVOICED_FLAG                   INTERCO_INVOICED_FLAG           ORG_ID                          SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODE              ESTIMATED_FLAG               



LIST_HEADER_ID                 NAME                           DESCRIPTION        AUTOMATIC_FLAG                 LIST_TYPE_CODE                 TERMS_ID                       ROUNDING_FACTOR                PRORATE_FLAG                   SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODE             ASK_FOR_FLAG

Query to find  price discounts and surcharges on order lines :

Query to find  freight charges on order lines :

col list_line_type_code form a12col arithmetic_operator form a12

Select h.order_number,     l.line_number,     pa.list_line_type_code,     pa.arithmetic_operator,      pa.operand,     DECODE(PA.MODIFIER_LEVEL_CODE,'ORDER',       L.UNIT_LIST_PRICE*L.ORDERED_QUANTITY *PA.OPERAND * SIGN(PA.ADJUSTED_AMOUNT)/100,      (PA.ADJUSTED_AMOUNT* NVL(L.ORDERED_QUANTITY,0) ))   DISCOUNT_AMTFrom    qp_list_headers_vl lh,    oe_price_adjustments pa,    oe_order_lines_all l,    oe_order_headers_all hWhere h.order_number = 14463    and h.header_id = l.header_id    and h.org_id = l.org_id    and h.header_id = pa.header_id    and l.line_id = pa.line_id(+)    and pa.list_header_id = lh.list_header_id    AND     ( PA.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE = 'DIS'                  OR  PA.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE = 'SUR'                   OR  PA.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE = 'PBH' )

col charge_name form a24col source_system_code form a12

select  HEADER_ID                      , LINE_ID                        , CHARGE_ID                   ,    CHARGE_NAME               ,      CHARGE_AMOUNT           ,        CURRENCY_CODE             ,      INVOICED_FLAG                ,   INTERCO_INVOICED_FLAG  ,         ORG_ID                         , SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODE  ,            ESTIMATED_FLAG            ,      INVOICED_AMOUNTfrom OE_CHARGE_LINES_Vwhere header_id=           (select header_id             from oe_order_headers_all             where order_number=14463)order by line_id/a: The OE_CHARGE_LINES_V view is based on oe_price_adjustments, oe_

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    AND PA.APPLIED_FLAG='Y'    AND NOT EXISTS        (SELECT  'X'          FROM OE_PRICE_ADJ_ASSOCS PAS,                     OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS PA1          WHERE PAS.RLTD_PRICE_ADJ_ID =                                                                 PA.PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_ID          AND  PA1.PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_ID=                                                                   PAS.PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_ID                    AND  PA1.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE ='PBH')Order by l.line_id/a: Qp_list_headers_vl is view based on qp_list_headers_b and qp_list_headers_tl tables.

1.3. View Tax

1.3.1. View Line Tax

The tax amount appears while entering the order. The tax method, rate or amount of tax is decided by the Receivables system options.

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Oracle Receivables system option determines tax method.. i• Sales Tax ii• Value Added Tax (VAT). For value added tax, taxes are based on tax rates assigned to user- defined codes. For Sales tax location based tax is used as maintained below..

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Here tax rates are maintained at state and zip code level. Usually third party softwares like Taxware keeps updating the tax rates time to time.

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Tax calculation in OM can occur at Entry, Booking or Invoicing which can only be controlled at the order level. In "Tax event", you specify when to calculate the tax . The default value for Tax Calculation Event Code is null which is same as Entry. The Receivables Transaction Type associated here decides whether the order is taxable.

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The tax calculation flag associated with the previous Receivables Transaction Type will determine if tax is required on an order.

1.2.4. Sales Tax Architecture









Query to find location based Sales tax :

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For sales tax location structure of State.county.city, At first tax for these individual segment values are found as mentioned below. Then all taxes are added up and applied to the sales order line.

Sales tax rate for State 'CA' :

select distinct lv.parent_segment_id,lc.location_id_segment_1,        location_segment_user_value ,lr.from_postal_code,lr.to_postal_code,        location_segment_value, lr.tax_ratefrom ar_location_rates lr,        ar_location_combinations lc,        ar_location_values lvwhere   lv.location_segment_user_value='CA'  --State nameand   lv.location_segment_id=lc.location_id_segment_1and   lv.location_structure_id= lc.location_structure_idand   lc.location_structure_id=101and   lv.location_segment_id=lr.location_segment_idorder by 1/

Sales tax rate for County 'Santa Clara' :

select distinct lv.parent_segment_id,lc.location_id_segment_2,        location_segment_user_value ,        location_segment_value,        lr.from_postal_code,lr.to_postal_code,lr.tax_ratefrom ar_location_rates lr,        ar_location_combinations lc,        ar_location_values lvwhere   lv.location_segment_user_value='Santa Clara'  --County nameand   lv.location_segment_id=lc.location_id_segment_2and   lv.location_structure_id= lc.location_structure_idand   lc.location_structure_id=101and   lv.location_segment_id=lr.location_segment_idorder by 1/

Sales tax rate for city 'San Jose' :

select lv.parent_segment_id,lc.location_id_segment_3,        location_segment_user_value ,        location_segment_value, lr.tax_ratefrom ar_location_rates lr,        ar_location_combinations lc,        ar_location_values lvwhere   lv.location_segment_user_value='San Jose'  --City nameand   lv.location_segment_id=lc.location_id_segment_3and   lv.location_structure_id= lc.location_structure_idand   lc.location_structure_id=101and   lv.location_segment_id=lr.location_segment_idorder by 1/

Table ar_sales_tax contains location wise total tax- rates with tax break up ..select distinct   location_id,   rate_context,   tax_rate,   location1_rate,   location2_rate,   location3_rate,   from_postal_code,   to_postal_codefrom ar_sales_taxwhere location_id=1000and enabled_flag='Y'/

1.4. Order Management APIs

1.4.1. Create Order API

Creating a new order with 2 lines and 1 line adjustment and the adjustment belongs to the second line.

Declarel_header_rec := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_HEADER_REC; -- Required attributes (e.g. Order Type and Customer)l_header_rec.order_type_id := 1000;l_header_rec.sold_to_org_id := 100;l_header_rec.price_list_id := 10;l_header_rec.freight_term_code = NULL;l_header_rec.operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE;-- FIRST LINE RECORD. Initialize record to missing

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l_line_tbl(1) := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_REC;l_line_tbl(1).inventory_item_id := 311;l_line_tbl(1).ordered_quantity := 1;l_line_tbl(1).operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE;-- SECOND LINE RECORDl_line_tbl(2) := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_REC;l_line_tbl(2)inventory_item_id := 312;l_line_tbl(2).ordered_quantity := 2;l_line_tbl(2).operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE;-- LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDl_line_adj_tbl(1) := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_REC;l_line_adj_tbl(1).discount_id := 1;l_line_adj_tbl(1).percent := 5;l_line_adj_tbl(1).operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE;-- Indicator that this adjustment belongs to the second linel_line_adj_tbl(1).line_index := 2;

-- CALL TO PROCESS ORDEROE_Order_PUB.Process_Order(p_header_rec => l_header_recp_line_tbl=> l_line_tblp_line_adj_tbl=> l_line_adj_tbl-- OUT variablesx_header_rec=> l_header_recx_header_scredit_tbl=> l_header_scr_tblx_header_adj_tbl=> l_header_adj_tblx_line_tbl=> l_line_tblx_line_scredit_tbl=> l_line_scredit_tblx_line_adj_tbl=> l_line_adj_tbl................x_return_status=> l_return_statusx_msg_count=> l_msg_countx_msg_data=> l_msg_data);if l_msg_count > 0 thenfor l_index in 1..l_msg_count loopl_msg_data := oe_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => l_index, p_encoded => ‘F’);end loop;end if;-- Check the return statusif x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS then success;Else failure;end if;End;

1.4.2. Create New Line

Inserting a new line into an existing order.

-- NEW LINE RECORDl_line_tbl(1) := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_REC;l_line_tbl(1).header_id := 1000;l_line_tbl(1).inventory_item_id := 311;l_line_tbl(1).ordered_quantity := 1;l_line_tbl(1).operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE;

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OE_ORDER_PUB.Process_Order(........p_line_tbl=> l_line_tbl......);

1.4.3. Update an existing Line

Updating the bill to organization and order quantity on an order line.

-- LINE RECORD WITH THE CHANGESl_line_tbl(1) := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_REC.l_line_tbl(1).invoice_to_org_id := 322;l_line_tbl(1).ordered_quantity := 2;l_line_tbl(1).line_id := 1000;l_line_tbl(1).operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE;

OE_ORDER_PUB.Process_Order(........p_line_tbl=> l_line_tbl........);

1.4.4. Delete an Order

Deleting an order.

l_header_rec := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_HEADER_REC;l_header_rec.header_id:=1000;l_header_rec.operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE;

OE_ORDER_PUB.Process_Order(p_header_rec=> l_header_rec........);

1.4.5. Apply Line Hold API

Apply a hold to an order line due to a defective item.

-- ACTION REQUEST RECORDl_request_rec.entity := OE_GLOBALS.G_ENTITY_LINE;  -- Indicates that it is a line level actionl_request_rec.entity_id := 100; -- Line Idl_request_rec.request_name := OE_GLOBALS.G_APPLY_HOLD;l_request_rec.param1 := 4; --Hold ID to identify the type of hold applied. (HOLD_ID from OE_HOLD_DEFINITIONS)l_request_rec.param2 = ‘I’;  -- indicator that it is an item hold l_request_rec.param3 := 3214;  -- Inv_item_Id of the item since it is an Item holdl_action_request_tbl := l_request_rec;

Apply Hold action record fields and their valid values.


OE_GLOBALS.G_APPLY_HOLDOE_GLOBALS.G_ENTITY_ORDER for order or OE_ID of the order or line to be held

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param4 date_param1 parm6-param20

Hold ID to identify the type of hold that should be applied. (HOLD_ID from OE_HOLD_DEFINITIONS)Hold entity code for the hold source to be createdviz:C: Customer hold sourceS: Bill To or Ship To hold sourceI: Item hold sourceO: Order hold sourceW: Warehouse Hold SourceHold entity ID viz:C, B, or S: for Org IDO: Header IDI: Inventory Item IDHold commentHold Until DateAttribute1-15 of the descriptive flexfield associatedwith the hold source record.

1.4.6. Other APIs

Other OM APIs available are Release Hold, Book Order and for ATO models Delink Config and Match & Reserve APIs are available.

1.5. Order Scheduling

Scheduling determines the source (warehouse) for an order line. If the warehouse is already entered on the line, the scheduling action uses the requested warehouse to determine the scheduled ship date, scheduled arrival date etc. If the warehouse is blank, the scheduling action determines the best warehouse based on the sourcing rules.

1.5.1. Scheduling Features :

• Calculating Available-to-Promise (ATP)• Scheduling• Reserving

1.5.2. Scheduling

Scheduling determines the schedule ship date, the schedule arrival date, the delivery lead time and the shipping method. It makes the line visible to the planning applications and consumes supply for the item. When a line is successfully scheduled the VISIBLE_DEMAND_FLAG is set to Yes. If the reservation time fence is set and the schedule ship date is within the reservation time fence, automatically reserves the line. Autoschedule

The sales order line is scheduled when it is saved, if either the Autoschedule check box on the order transaction type is checked or the OM: Autoschedule profile option is Yes. You can turn

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Autoschedule on or off from the sales order window by going to the Tools menu. Note that if autoschedule is turned on the availability window is automatically displayed when the sales order window is opened. You can close the availability window, but the lines will still be autoscheduled unless the autoschedule check box on the tools menu is unchecked.

1.5.3. Reserving

You can reserve on-hand inventory to a sales order. Reserved inventory cannot be used for any other purpose. The reserved quantity for a sales order line is displayed on the shipping tab. You may reserve part or all of the ordered quantity. A line must be scheduled before it can be reserved. If you try to reserve an unscheduled line, the system will first try to schedule the line. If the line is successfully scheduled then the system will try to reserve it.There are two ways to reserve manually from the sales order window.• Select reserve from the scheduling option under the tools menu• Select reserve from the scheduling sub menu which is displayed when you select the context menu.If you are on an order line the line will be reserved. If you are on the header, all the lines will be reserved.

Manual reservations are affected by a scheduling parameter that lets you control whether to apply a partial reservation manually. If 9 out of 10 are available, and if you have set the parameters to allow partials, you can right mouse click to bring up the context menu and select Reserve to reserve the 9.

1.5.4. Order Scheduling Transaction


DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID              SOURCE_CODE                     SOURCE_HEADER_ID                       SOURCE_LINE_ID                  SOURCE_HEADER_TYPE_ID                  SOURCE_HEADER_TYPE_NAME               

CUST_PO_NUMBER                         CUSTOMER_ID                            INVENTORY_ITEM_ID                      ITEM_DESCRIPTION                      

For each order line scheduled, one record is created in wsh_delivery_details referencing the line as source_line_id.

2.1. Release Sales Order

Once the order is scheduled and booked then we need to release the order to warehouse for shipping.

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Pick release the order from Release Sales Orders window. Enter the order number and clear out the default scheduled ship date and requested date.

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Make sure to include a Warehouse, based on this the order lines available on the order will be filtered. Choose Auto Allocate as "Yes" such that the system will suggest from which sibinventory or locator the goods can be shipped.

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Set Autocreate delivery to Yes, such that a shipper/Delivery is automatically created.Check Auto Pick Confirm box for accepting the suggestions given by system and staging the goods at staging subinventory. If you don't want to use the suggestions made by the system then say Auto pick confirm as "No". Then you need to go to Transact move order screen in Inventory and  modify the suggestions made by the system and thus manually pick confirm.

2.1.1. Pick Release Transactions


BATCH_ID                       NAME                           TRIP_ID                        TRIP_STOP_ID                   DELIVERY_ID                    DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID             BACKORDERS_ONLY_FLAG           DOCUMENT_SET_ID                EXISTING_RSVS_ONLY_FLAG        SHIPMENT_PRIORITY_CODE         SHIP_METHOD_CODE               CARRIER_ID                     CUSTOMER_ID                    SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID            ORDER_HEADER_ID               



DELIVERY_ID                    NAME                           PLANNED_FLAG                   STATUS_CODE                    INITIAL_PICKUP_DATE            INITIAL_PICKUP_LOCATION_ID     ULTIMATE_DROPOFF_LOCATION_ID   ULTIMATE_DROPOFF_DATE          CUSTOMER_ID                    INTMED_SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID     POOLED_SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID     FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE             FOB_CODE                       FOB_LOCATION_ID                WAYBILL                       




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Query to find out the shipper info : Query to find out shipper detail info :

select    wnd.delivery_id delivery_id,   substrb(party.party_name,1,50) customer,   wpb.name batch_name,   wsh_util_core.get_location_description(              wnd.INITIAL_PICKUP_LOCATION_ID,                'NEW UI CODE') ship_from,   wsh_util_core.get_location_description(                wnd.ULTIMATE_DROPOFF_LOCATION_ID,                 'NEW UI CODE') ship_to,   wnd.INITIAL_PICKUP_DATE pickup_date,   wnd.ULTIMATE_DROPOFF_DATE dropoff_date,   lv.meaning ship_method,   wnd.WAYBILL waybill,   wnd.GROSS_WEIGHT gross_weight,   wnd.WEIGHT_UOM_CODE uom,   wnd.status_code,   we.messagefrom wsh_new_deliveries wnd,       wsh_picking_batches wpb,       wsh_exceptions we,       fnd_lookup_values_vl lv,       hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,       hz_parties partywhere wnd.delivery_id = 12814and     wpb.batch_id = wnd.batch_id and     we.delivery_id(+) = wnd.delivery_id and     we.exception_name(+) = 'WSH_BATCH_MESSAGE' and     lv.lookup_code(+) = wpb.ship_method_code and     lv.lookup_type(+) = 'SHIP_METHOD' and     lv.view_application_id(+) = 3 and     cust_acct.cust_account_id (+)=wnd.customer_idand     party.party_id(+) = cust_acct.party_id /

SELECT                                                                 wnd.delivery_id,                                                                   wnd.name  delivery_name,                                                                    wdd.source_header_number                         so_order_number,                                                                          oola.line_number so_line_number,        wdd.source_header_id so_header_id,                                       

       wdd.source_line_id so_line_id,                                                   wdd.shipping_instructions,                                                                       wdd.inventory_item_id,                                                                   

       wdd.requested_quantity_uom,          msi.description item_description,          msi.revision_qty_control_code  ,                                                       wdd.ship_method_code carrier,       wdd.shipment_priority_code priority,       wdd.organization_id,       wnd.initial_pickup_location_id,       wdd.released_status,                               wdd.source_code  FROM  mtl_system_items_vl msi,       oe_order_lines_all oola,       wsh_delivery_details wdd,       wsh_delivery_assignments wda,                                                                 wsh_new_deliveries wnd WHERE wnd.delivery_id =18910   AND wda.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id(+)                              AND wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id               

   AND wdd.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)                                            AND wdd.organization_id = msi.organization_id(+)                                                 AND wdd.source_line_id = oola.line_id                                 AND wdd.source_header_id = oola.header_id/

2.2. Order Pick Confirm

Navigate to Transact Move Orders window in Inventory.

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Search the Sales order with order type, Order number and source as ‘ORDER ENTRY’. You can also search using the Picking batch number. 

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After finding the Move order, click on view/update allocation to update the system generated inventory allocations.

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View the allocation done by the system. You can change the subinventory and quantity and click on transact.View the status of the order line in Shipping transactions window. The status shoud be changed to Staged/Pick confirmed.

2.1.1. Pick Confirm Transactions




 LINE_ID                         HEADER_ID                       LINE_NUMBER                     ORGANIZATION_ID                 INVENTORY_ITEM_ID               REVISION                        FROM_SUBINVENTORY_CODE          FROM_LOCATOR_ID                 TO_SUBINVENTORY_CODE            TO_LOCATOR_ID                   LOT_NUMBER                      SERIAL_NUMBER_START             SERIAL_NUMBER_END               UOM_CODE                        QUANTITY                        QUANTITY_DELIVERED              QUANTITY_DETAILED               DATE_REQUIRED                   REASON_ID                       REFERENCE                                  


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Query to find out Move order line details :

SELECT                                                                 wnd.delivery_id,                                                                   wnd.name  delivery_name,                                                                    wnd.initial_pickup_location_id,       mtrh.request_number mo_number,                                                                     mtrl.line_number mo_line_number,        mtrl.line_id mo_line_id,                          mtrl.from_subinventory_code,       mtrl.to_subinventory_code,       mtrl.lot_number,       mtrl.serial_number_start,       mtrl.serial_number_end,       mtrl.uom_code,       mtrl.quantity,       mtrl.quantity_delivered,       mtrl.quantity_detailed,                                                        wdd.source_header_number so_order_number,                                                                          oola.line_number so_line_number,        wdd.source_header_id so_header_id,                                               wdd.source_line_id so_line_id,                                                   wdd.shipping_instructions,                                                                       wdd.inventory_item_id,                                                                           wdd.requested_quantity_uom,          msi.description item_description,          msi.revision_qty_control_code  ,                                                       wdd.ship_method_code carrier,       wdd.shipment_priority_code priority,       wdd.organization_id,       wdd.released_status,                               wdd.source_code  FROM  mtl_system_items_vl msi,       oe_order_lines_all oola,       mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl,                                                                 mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh,       wsh_delivery_details wdd,       wsh_delivery_assignments wda,                                                                 wsh_new_deliveries wnd WHERE wnd.delivery_id =18910   AND wda.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id(+)                              AND wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id                   AND wdd.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id                                          AND  mtrl.header_id = mtrh.header_id   AND wdd.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)                                            AND wdd.organization_id = msi.organization_id(+)                                                 AND wdd.source_line_id = oola.line_id                                 AND wdd.source_header_id = oola.header_id  /

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2.3. Order Ship Confirm

Navigate to Shipping Transactions Form and query the order. All non-shipped lines will appear. Click on the details button to see detailed line information. 

Here, you can enter the actual quantity to be shipped.

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Click on the Delivery tab and the details button to see detailed delivery information. You can enter the waybill number & additional info etc. here.To ship confirm the order, select the Actions list in the Delivery Tab, choose Ship Confirm and GO.

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The ship confirmation window will appear and give you the options to backorder, ship all or ship partial quantities and set user defined shipping documents to print. Enter the trip creation options viz: Ship method, departure date, close trip and defer interface.The ship confirm process triggers the inventory interface automatically to update quantities, and triggers the Order Management Interface to update the status of the order lines.

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Invoicing the order: Once the Fulfillment activity completes, a Background Workflow Process processes the order line(s) to the Invoice Interface activity. The invoice interface activity places the information from the sales order line into the Receivables Interface tables. The invoice is not generated until the Autoinvoice program in Receivables has been run. The invoice will then be viewable in the Sales Orders window. The line will be eligible to close after the Invoice interface workflow is run.

2.3.1. Ship Confirm Transactions




DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID              SOURCE_CODE                     SOURCE_HEADER_ID                       SOURCE_LINE_ID                  SOURCE_HEADER_TYPE_ID                  SOURCE_HEADER_TYPE_NAME                CUST_PO_NUMBER                         CUSTOMER_ID                            INVENTORY_ITEM_ID                      ITEM_DESCRIPTION                                      


Page 38: Sales Order Life Cycle

FOB_CODE                       FOB_LOCATION_ID                WAYBILL                       


DELIVERY_LEG_ID                DELIVERY_ID                    PICK_UP_STOP_ID                DROP_OFF_STOP_ID               SEQUENCE_NUMBER                LOADING_ORDER_FLAG             GROSS_WEIGHT                   NET_WEIGHT                     WEIGHT_UOM_CODE                VOLUME                         VOLUME_UOM_CODE                LOAD_TENDER_STATUS             SHIPPER_TITLE                  SHIPPER_PHONE                 


TRIP_ID                        NAME                           PLANNED_FLAG                   ARRIVE_AFTER_TRIP_ID           STATUS_CODE                    VEHICLE_ITEM_ID                VEHICLE_NUMBER                 CARRIER_ID                     SHIP_METHOD_CODE               ROUTE_ID                       ROUTING_INSTRUCTIONS           VEHICLE_ORGANIZATION_ID        


STOP_ID                        TRIP_ID                        STOP_LOCATION_ID               STATUS_CODE                    STOP_SEQUENCE_NUMBER           PLANNED_ARRIVAL_DATE           PLANNED_DEPARTURE_DATE         ACTUAL_ARRIVAL_DATE            ACTUAL_DEPARTURE_DATE          DEPARTURE_GROSS_WEIGHT         DEPARTURE_NET_WEIGHT           WEIGHT_UOM_CODE                DEPARTURE_VOLUME               

Query to find Bill of Lading info of the Delivery :

Query to find delivery leg and pick up stop info :

select    wnd.delivery_id delivery_id,   wdi.sequence_number bol_number,   wdi.bol_notify_party,   wdi.port_of_loading,   wdi.port_of_discharge,   wnd.WAYBILL waybill,   wnd.GROSS_WEIGHT gross_weight,   wnd.WEIGHT_UOM_CODE uom,   wnd.status_codefrom wsh_new_deliveries wnd,       wsh_delivery_legs wdl,       wsh_document_instances wdiwhere wnd.delivery_id =12784and     wnd.delivery_id = wdl.delivery_id (+)and     wdi.entity_id (+) = wdl.delivery_leg_idAND    wdi.entity_name (+) = 'WSH_DELIVERY_LEGS' AND    wdi.document_type (+) = 'BOL'AND    wdi.status (+) <> 'CANCELLED'/

SELECT wt.trip_id,   wt.name,   wt.STATUS_CODE,   wt.VEHICLE_ITEM_ID,   wt.VEHICLE_NUMBER,   wt.CARRIER_ID,   wt.SHIP_METHOD_CODE,   wts.STOP_ID,   wts.STOP_LOCATION_ID,   wts.STATUS_CODE,   wts.STOP_SEQUENCE_NUMBER,   wts.PLANNED_ARRIVAL_DATE,   wts.PLANNED_DEPARTURE_DATE,   wts.ACTUAL_ARRIVAL_DATE,   wts.ACTUAL_DEPARTURE_DATE,   wts.DEPARTURE_NET_WEIGHT,   wts.WEIGHT_UOM_CODE,   wdl.DELIVERY_LEG_ID,   wdl.DELIVERY_ID,   wdl.PICK_UP_STOP_ID,   wdl.DROP_OFF_STOP_ID,   wdl.SEQUENCE_NUMBER,   wdl.LOADING_ORDER_FLAG,   wdl.SHIPPER_TITLE,   wdl.SHIPPER_PHONEFROM wsh_trips wt             ,wsh_trip_stops wts             ,wsh_delivery_legs  wdlWHERE wdl.delivery_id =12814         AND wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id         AND wts.trip_id = wt.trip_id;

2.4. Shipping APIs

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2.4.1. Shipping Transaction Form(STF) actions and APIs mapping

A sample list of STF actions and their equivalent APIs are given here. These are used in a customization scenario given below.

STF Action API



Update actual shippedquantities


Ship confirm delivery WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB. DELIVERY_ACTION CONFIRM Scenario 1Assume a scenario where an Enterprise uses a  legacy system to ship the  goods and  then need to synchronize the Oracle EBS with actual shipment data.We will use the above APIs and keep Oracle tables in sync with the legacy system.

At first the actual shipment data is staged in a temporary table. You need to identify the actual delivey details for each shipment delivery" API which will group the delivery details and create the Delivery in Oracle. Then call "Pick release Delivery" API to pick the delivery. Now your delivery deails are staged/pick confirmed for the whole ordered quantity. Now call "Update actual shipped qty" API to update the actual shipped quantities as per legacy information. Next you need to call "Ship confirm Delivery" API to confirm the Shipper. This completes the shipment synchronization process with Oracle. Scenario 2An example of how to ship confirm a delivery consisting of delivery details that have already been pick released and assigned to a delivery..

Call WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Update_Shipping_Attributes API to update the corresponding delivery details to ship all quantities in the first delivery detail; to back order all in the second; to stage all in the third delivery detail.Call WSH_FREIGHT_COSTS_PUB.Create_Update_Freight_Costs API to create freight costs for the delivery that the details have been assigned to.Call WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.Auto_Pack to pack the delivery lines into a container.Call WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action API to ship confirm the delivery.

Procedure SHIP_CONFIRM1::::::::::::changed_attributes WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.ChangedAttributeTabType;p_entity_tab WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;

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p_group_id_tab WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;

p_pack_cont_flag varchar2(30);

x_cont_inst_tab WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;

--Parameters for WSH_FREIGHT_COSTS_PUB.Create_Update_Freight_Costs.

action_code VARCHAR2(15);

pub_freight_costs WSH_FREIGHT_COSTS_PUB.PubFreightCostRecType;

freight_cost_id NUMBER;

--Parameters for WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action.

p_action_code VARCHAR2(15);

p_delivery_id NUMBER;

p_delivery_name VARCHAR2(30);

p_asg_trip_id NUMBER;


/*Handle exceptions*/

fail_api EXCEPTION;



,resp_id =>52892

,resp_appl_id =>660);

/* Values for updating delivery details to ship all quantities in the first line, stage everything in the second line, and back order all in the

third. It is assumed that the user knows the quantities in each line. */

source_code := 'OE'; -- The only source code that should be used by the API

changed_attributes(1).delivery_detail_id := 13431; -- Ship All quantities in this detail.

changed_attributes(1).shipped_quantity := 1;

changed_attributes(2).source_line_id := 13432; -- Back Order All in this detail.

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changed_attributes(2).shipped_quantity := 0;

changed_attributes(2).cycle_count_quantity := 2;

changed_attributes(3).source_line_id := 13433; -- Stage All in this detail.

changed_attributes(3).shipped_quantity := 0;

changed_attributes(3).cycle_count_quantity := 0;



p_changed_attributes => changed_attributes,

p_source_code => source_code);

if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then

raise fail_api;

end if;

/* Values for creating freight costs for the delivery created for the above delivery details. The delivery can be queried for the respective delivery detail through wsh_delivery_assignments. */

pub_freight_costs.freight_cost_type_id := 1;

pub_freight_costs.unit_amount := 20;

pub_freight_costs.currency_code := 'USD';

pub_freight_costs.delivery_id := 5341;



p_pub_freight_costs => pub_freight_costs,

p_action_code => 'CREATE',

x_freight_cost_id => freight_cost_id);

if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then

raise fail_api;

end if;

/* Values for autopacking the delivery details to a container. */

Page 42: Sales Order Life Cycle

p_entity_tab(1) := 13431;

p_entity_tab(2) := 13432;

p_entity_tab(3) := 13434;


p_api_version => 1.0,

p_init_msg_list => init_msg_list,

p_commit => p_commit,

p_validation_level => p_validation_level,

x_return_status => x_return_status,

x_msg_count => x_msg_count,

x_msg_data => x_msg_data,

p_entity_tab => p_entity_tab,

p_entity_type => 'L',

p_group_id_tab => p_group_id_tab,

p_pack_cont_flag => p_pack_cont_flag,

x_cont_inst_tab => x_cont_inst_tab);

if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then

raise fail_api;

end if;

/* Values for Ship Confirming the delivery.*/

p_action_code := 'CONFIRM'; -- The action code for ship confirm

p_delivery_id := 5341; -- The delivery that needs to be confirmed

p_delivery_name := '5341'; -- The delivery name,

p_sc_action_flag := 'S'; -- Ship entered quantity.

p_sc_close_trip_flag := 'Y'; -- Close the trip after ship confirm

p_sc_trip_ship_method := 'GROUND'; -- The ship method code

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p_action_code => p_action_code,

p_delivery_id => p_delivery_id,

p_delivery_name => p_delivery_name,

p_sc_action_flag => p_sc_action_flag,

p_sc_close_trip_flag => p_sc_close_trip_flag,

p_sc_report_set_name => p_sc_report_set_name,

p_wv_override_flag => p_wv_override_flag,

x_trip_id => x_trip_id,


if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then

raise fail_api;

end if;


when fail_api then

WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details, x_msg_count);

if x_msg_count > 1 then

x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;


x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;

end if;

END SHIP_CONFIRM1; Scenario 3Ship confirm delivery details that have originally not been assigned to a delivery.Call WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.CREATE_UPDATE_DELIVERY to create a new delivery.Call WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery to assign the delivery details to the new delivery.Call WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action to ship confim.

Procedure SHIP_CONFIRM2::::::::::::::::::

Page 44: Sales Order Life Cycle

BeginFND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(user_id => 1001594,resp_id =>52892,resp_appl_id =>660);::::::::::-- Values for WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.CREATE_UPDATE_DELIVERY to create a new deliverydelivery_info.initial_pickup_location_id := 204;delivery_info.ultimate_dropoff_location_id := 840;delivery_info.gross_weight := 10;delivery_info.ship_method_code := 'UPS';p_action_code := 'CREATE';

WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.CREATE_UPDATE_DELIVERY(p_api_version_number => 1.0,::::::::::::::::::p_action_code => p_action_code,p_delivery_info => delivery_info,x_delivery_id => delivery_id::::::::::::

if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) thenraise fail_api;end if;p_delivery_id := delivery_id;pub_freight_costs.delivery_id := delivery_id;

-- Call Detail_to_Delivery with an action code of ASSIGN to assign details to a delivery.p_TabOfDelDets(1) := 13463;p_TabOfDelDets(2) := 13464;p_action := 'ASSIGN';

WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery(p_api_version => 1.0,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::p_TabOfDelDets => p_TabOfDelDets,p_action => p_action,p_delivery_id => p_delivery_id,:::::::::::::if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) thenraise fail_api;end if;

-- Values for Ship Confirming the delivery.p_action_code := 'CONFIRM'; -- The action code for ship confirmp_delivery_id := 5341; -- The delivery that needs to be confirmed

Page 45: Sales Order Life Cycle

p_delivery_name := '5341'; -- The delivery name,p_sc_action_flag := 'S'; -- Ship entered quantity.p_sc_close_trip_flag := 'Y'; -- Close the trip after ship confirmp_sc_trip_ship_method := 'UPS'; -- The ship method code

WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action(p_api_version_number => 1.0,::::::::::::::::::p_action_code => p_action_code,p_delivery_id => p_delivery_id,p_delivery_name => p_delivery_name,p_sc_action_flag => p_sc_action_flag,p_sc_close_trip_flag => p_sc_close_trip_flag,p_sc_trip_ship_method => p_sc_trip_ship_method::::::::::::::::::

if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) thenraise fail_api;end if;exceptionwhen fail_api thenWSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details, x_msg_count);if x_msg_count > 1 thenx_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;elsex_msg_data := x_msg_summary;end if;END;
