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Salia Sahi Report

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  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    2015 -16





  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report



    This report is on SALIA SAHI Slum in BHUBANESWAR, is brought on the

    basis of sample surve !on"u!te" in last # $ee%s i&e& 'rom #(th

    )e!ember#*+ - +.th/anuar #*+0& The report !ontains information relating to

    stru!ture, living fa!ilities li%e ele!tri!it, "rin%ing $ater, se$erage,

    garbage "isposal an" "istan!e of slums from the nearest primar s!hool

    an" government hospital1health !are !entre an" problems fa!e" b people

    living in the slum&

    We $ent to S!i "#i, Trinin$rfor the surve& We have !on"u!te"our surve on follo$ing basis point2


    'amil Si3e In!ome 4 povert



    I""u%"relate" to2





    5arbage )isposal

    Health !are units

    Roa"s !onne!tivit

    An %in" of e6ploitation b the !ompanies1organi3ations

    Till no$ $e have ta%en intervie$ of 7 peoples 1 families that in!lu"es

    o!d%r-$%d& %!d%r!' con"u(%r"& con"u(%r" )it# *i"i+!% +odi!'d%,or(iti%"& !o) inco(% )or%r" nd c#i!dr%n.The ob8e!tive of thesurve $as to !ome out $ith a status report on Pro+!%("/dicu!ti%",cin$ +' %o!% !i*in$ in SALIA SAHI SLUM&


    Prticu!r" /Ar% N(% Trinin$rEle!tri!it 9onne!tion :esWater an" Sanitation ;oorResi"ential Stru!ture Besi"e )rainageRoa" fa!ilit ;oor;hone 9onne!tions :es

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report



    To e6pose stu"ents to a B=; >ar%et, i"entif an" un"erstan"vulnerable !onsumers an" e6plore

    Ho$ su!h !onsumers manage their !onsumption the role of

    mar%eting base" on the integrative 8usti!e mo"el& 9on"u!t an ethi!al evaluation of the slum "$ellers&

    T#% (in ndin$" o, t#% "ur*%' r% " ,o!!o)":

    Int%r*i%) 1: Trn"crit

    Name2 Raghunath


    Age2 . rs& )ate2#(th)e! #*+0

    >r Raghunath Re"", he is from %avisu8anagar, 5an8am& He has been

    staing $ith his famil an" # !hil"ren ?+ bo an" + girl@ in the slum for

    long ears an" he is $or%ing as a mason an" also "oing part time 8obs &

    We as%e" him about their !hil"ren e"u!ation, he sai" his !hil"ren are

    rea"ing in private s!hool an" $e as%e" $h in private s!hool He sai"

    that sen"ing !hil"ren to private s!hool $ill help them for their better

    e"u!ation an" $e as%e" $h he !ame to Bhubanes$ar an" stainghere He tol" us that he !ame to Bhubanes$ar loo%ing for a 8ob& He is

    staing $ith his famil in his o$n house in salia sahi , Tarininagar&

    He uses boring $ater $hi!h is share" b .* househol"s an" pa

    monthl bill of Rs +** an" also uses $ell $ater in !ase of urgen!& He

    "is!usse" $ith us about the problems he is fa!ing $ith "rainage line an"

    he !ontinue" saing that Bhubanes$ar >uni!ipalit 9orporation is not

    "oing their 8obs an" no one is here to loo% into the issues relate" to

    "rain& We as%e" him about the health issues $here "o the generall

    $hen someone from their famil falls ill then he sai" that thesometimes go to private hospitals if there is some minor health issue in

    his famil an" 5ovt& )ispensar the prefer if anthing ma8or health

    relate" issues be!ause ma8or relate" health issues !ost $ill be more& We

    as%e" about their future plans $hether $ant to sta here or the $ant to

    move to some other pla!e then >r Re"" sai" the $ant to live here the

    entire life&

    We as%e" him about his monthl spen"ing then he !ontinue" saing

    that his monthl spen"ing ?in!lu"ing 5as !lin"er, 9hil"ren s!hool

    fees ,'oo"s an" vegetables, ele!tri!it, transportation@ is Rs (***1 &Healso tol" us that !orporator in there lo!alit Tarini Nagar is ver helpfulS!i S#i S!u( Sur*%' R%ortP$% 4 2

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    an" !orporator has helpe" him a lot an" he also a""e" saing that no

    N5= is $or%ing in that lo!alit to help the people staing there& He also

    has a B;L 9ar" , $ith the help of $hi!h he re!eives +#%g of Ri!e an" .Cg

    of $heat from the 5overnment& 'ainall $e as%e" him $hat !hanges he

    $ant to bring in his area he onl sai" about to !lean an" improve the

    "rain line $hi!h the >uni!ipalit is negle!ting &

    Int%r*i%) 2: Trn"crit

    Name2 ;a"malo!han


    Age +( rs& )ate2+*th/an #*+0

    ;a"malo!han )igal , he has been staing in salia sahi slum from last (

    ears , he is basi!all from ;hulbani an" he migrate" to Bhubanes$ar

    be!ause of riots happene" there& We as%e" him about $ho is theearning member of her famil He sai" her mother but refuse" to

    mention about her o!!upation an" he has . siblings in his famil ?+

    el"er brothers an" # sisters@& We as%e" him about problems fa!e" b

    him1b the lo!alit he !ontinue" saing that there are no problems

    e6!ept garbage !leaning an" no !on!rete roa"s & An" there is no

    problem of $ater an" ele!tri!it in his house , as per him there is no big

    issue in his area &Also no e6ploitation is "one b !ompanies1organi3ation

    in their lo!alit&

    Int%r*i%) 7: Trn"crit

    Name2 Amaresh$ar


    Age2 7 rs& +*th/an #*+0

    Amresh$ar /ena , he is the presi"ent of his lo!alit Taraninagar an" his

    native la!e is at Conar%, ;uri )istri!t & We as%e" about the problems that

    people are fa!ing in the lo!alit , he sai" that earlier the $ere fa!ing a

    lot of problems but no$a"as the are all getting basi! reDuirements in

    their lo!alit an" !on"ition of their lo!alit has been improving a lot "ab "a&

    We as%e" him about the "evelopments that !an be "one in this lo!alit

    he !ontinue" saing as this is a forest lan" there !annot be an

    "evelopment an" he "is!usse" about the problems fa!e" that no $ater

    suppl from 5overnment , the are using boring $ater ,no !on!rete roa"

    an" no proper "rainage sstem an" after ghting a lot he got the

    ele!tri!it !onne!tion in their lo!alit an" he tol" us about health !are

    near the lo!alit has been improve" a lot FAngan$a"iG provi"es basi!

    nutrients to lo!alities for free an" va!!ines an" all & We as%e" about the

    avg in!ome 1 member of ea!h househol" , he sai" on an avg, >asonin!ome is Rs ****1"a an" labour is Rs .** 1"a&

    S!i S#i S!u( Sur*%' R%ortP$% 4 7

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    Int%r*i%) 8: Trn"crit

    Name2 Trinath )igal Age2 ( rs& +*th/an #*+0

    Trinath )igal, A resi"ent of Tarininagar has migrate" from 'ul$ani for

    o!!upation +0 rs before& B profession he is a ;ainter 4 earns appro6&

    Rs& **1 per "a& We as%e" him about the problem he is fa!ing in that

    slum, in repl of $hi!h he sai" t$o ma8or problems $hi!h are )rainage

    sstem 4 5arbage !leaning&

    A!!or"ing to him, muni!ipalit shoul" be!ome more ee!tive for the

    above mentione" tas%s&

    Also, $e have as%e" An e6ternal agen! is tring to harass them for

    $hi!h he sai", no one is tring to "o so in the present "a&

    Int%r*i%) 5: Trn"crit

    Name2 Bhima )igal Age2 0 rs& +#th/an #*+0

    Bhima )igal, A resi"ent of Tarininagar has migrate" from 'ul$ani for

    o!!upation #( rs before& B profession he is a >ason 4 earns appro6&

    Rs& **1 per "a&

    His response $as same as Trinath )igal as the $ere neighbours 4 $ehave intervie$e" them !onse!utivel&

    Int%r*i%) 6: Trn"crit

    Name2 AC ;atnai% Age2 # rs& +#th/an #*+0

    AC ;atnai%, Age" # rs& Has migrate" from from Narsipuram ?A&;&@& B

    profession he is a )river 4 his per "a in!ome is Rs& **1 appro6&

    We as%e" him the problems 4 issues to be resolve" in the slum,

    A!!or"ing to him, the !on!erns $ereJ

    )rainage sstem

    5arbage 9leaning 4

    Health Issues

    His ans$er to the Duestion $hether an agen! is tring to ta%e

    a"vantage of them $as the 5ro!er shops sells all pro"u!t !ostl

    !ompare to the outsi"e mar%et&

    S!i S#i S!u( Sur*%' R%ortP$% 4 8

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    Int%r*i%) 9: Trn"crit

    Name2 >ano8 )igal Age2 .( rs& )ate2+#th/an #*+0

    >ano8 )igal has been staing here sin!e last # ears an" $e as%e" him

    about his o!!upation he sai" "riving private !ars an" $e "ire!tl as%e"

    him about the issues relate" in this lo!alit, he sai" there are problems

    relate" to garbage , muni!ipalit here is negle!ting their $or% not "oing

    properl an" the are !oming t$i!e an" thri!e in a $ee% !ontinue"

    saing no proper roa"s an" "rainage issues , $ater logging "uring rains

    but there is no health issue he sai"& An" also no e6ploitation from


    Int%r*i%) : Trn"crit

    Name2 C&9& ;ra"han Age2 . rs& +.th/an #*+0

    C9 ;ra"han, Age" . rs& Has migrate" from Rasnagar, Naagarh "ist&

    =f ="isha& B profession he is "oing permanent servi!e in Calinga

    hospital as a sta $ith a monthl in!ome of Rs& +7***1 pm&

    We as%e" him the problems 4 issues to be resolve" in the slum,

    A!!or"ing to him, the !on!erns $ereJ

    )rainage sstem

    9lean Water suppl 4

    Health !are units&

    We foun" him more in!line" to$ar"s the health relate" Issues as he $asa$are of all the health pra!ti!es being a"opte" in mar%et be!ause of

    his professional e6posure& Where goo" health !are units 4 health $ater

    $as not a !on!ern for ma8orit of the people in that slum, he $as

    emphasi3ing in that part onl&

    His ans$er to the Duestion $hether an agen! is tring to ta%e

    a"vantage of them $as ver !lear that all the persons are mature" here

    4 if anone even thin%s of "oing so, the $onKt su!!ee"&

    S!i S#i S!u( Sur*%' R%ortP$% 4 5

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    Int%r*i%) ;: Trn"crit

    Name2 ;rasanna


    Age2 .. rs& +.th/an #*+0

    ;rassana Cumar, Age" .. rs& He is o$ning a me"i!al shop insi"e the

    slum area 4 is earning appro6imatel #*,***1 pm& He migrate" from

    ;uri to Bbsr in sear!h of some 8ob after "oing basi! me"i!al !ourse


    We as%e" him the problems 4 issues to be resolve" in the slum,

    A!!or"ing to him, the !on!erns $ereJ

    Emploment for ouths&

    Health relate" issues&

    He also sai" that there is no e6ploitation as su!h from an outer

    agen! 1 !ompan but muni!ipalit shoul" thin% more to$ar"s the

    overall health issues of the peoples staing there&

    Int%r*i%) 10& 11& 12: Trn"crit

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    Int%r*i%) 17: Trn"crit

    Name2 Ra8esh Lin%ar Age2 .# rs& +th/an #*+0

    Ra8esh Lin%ar, Age" .# rs& 4 resi"ing in this slum sin!e last 7 ears& B

    o!!upation he is a $el"er 4 earns appro6& +***1 pm& He migrate"

    from %eon8har "ist& to Bbsr in sear!h of 8ob&

    A!!or"ing to him, the !on!erns to be ta%en !are in the slum $ereJ

    )rainage problem 4

    Roa" !onne!tivit issue&

    He seems Duite happ $ith the lo!al government of ="isha 4 spo%eman things in favour of them& A!!or"ing to him thr $onKt be an ma8or

    problem till the time B/T government is there in state& He $as a big

    follo$er of 9> Navin ;attanai%&

    He sai" our lo!al politi!al bo"ies of slum is not approa!hing muni!ipalit

    properl 4 for the "rainage 4 roa" issue other$ise it $oul" have been

    "one long ba!%&

    Int%r*i%) 18: Trn"crit

    N(%: Ravin"raCumar Rout

    A$% : rs& Dt%: +th/an #*+0

    Ravin"ra sai" to us that $e have been staing $ith our famil in Salia

    Sahi slum area from last #0 ears an" $e have !hil"ren ?# bos an"

    # girls@ an" his native pla!e is Can"hamal "istri!t of ="isha& He

    migrate" to Salia Sahi, Bhubanes$ar in sear!h of 8ob& He $as $or%ing

    as a mason but he stoppe" $or%ing after he met $ith a severe a!!i"ent

    $here his leg $as ba"l in8ure" then after his famil is surviving on his

    $ifeKs in!ome an" no$ his $ife is $or%ing as a mason an" also "oing

    some part time $or%s& Even, he !ontinue" saing that he "onKt have

    B;L 9ar", he has been tring to get one B;L !ar" sin!e man ears butit has been stu!% some$here in the pro!ess, no one is here to help him

    S!i S#i S!u( Sur*%' R%ortP$% 4 9

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    an" government is also not supporting us an" not provi"ing an help&

    We as%e" about $hat are the issues that he is fa!ing staing in salia

    sahi for long ears& He tol" us he has been fa!ing a lot of issues an"

    !hallenges staing here, there is al$as a problem relate" to $ater&

    The use boring $ater $hi!h is share" b man househol"s an" pa the

    monthl bill an" "rainage is also a main problem here "uring rains there

    are lot of $ater logging an" the "rain $ater Mo$s to his house& He has

    been using ele!tri!it !onne!tion at his home sin!e last # ears before

    that he $as not using ele!tri!it !onne!tion in their home& An" $e as%e"

    him about health relate" issues in the lo!alit he sai" that health is not

    an issue here an" also he tol" us that there is no e6ploitation "one m

    b an !ompan1organi3ation&

    >%' indin$" / O+"%r*tion":

    We have Ta%en Intervie$ of 7 peoples 1 families there till no$ 4 $e inten"

    to ta%e fe$ more in the !oming "as& Till no$ our preliminar n"ings areJ

    +@ >ost of the families resi"ing there are not e6a!tl poor rather $e

    !an sa them lo$ - in!ome people $ith an avg& in!ome ranging

    from +#% to +% per month@ >ostl the $ere having a nu!lear famil $ith to members in

    ever famil&.@ All the families $ere living in spa!e not more than ** to 0** SD& ft&

    @ >a8orit of the respon"ent sai" that the have no problem relate" tohealth 4 ele!tri!it issues&

    @ But on the other han" there $ere !ertain respon"ents $ho $ere

    !on!erne" about the peopleKs health relate" to the $ater 4 the

    health !are servi!es&0@ We have got more !on!erns about the )rainage fa!ilit, Removal of

    garbage 4 Roa" !onne!tivit insi"e the slum area&(@ 'e$ !on!erns $ere also relate" to the e"u!ation Dualit 4

    emploment opportunit for ouths&7@ 'e$ peoples $ere ver hopeful that government $ill "o something

    for the above mentione" issues $hereas fe$ $ere Duite satise",$ith the present govt& 4 $hatever the are getting&

    @ Almost all the la"ies are home ma%ers 4 the have got su!ient

    free time after their routine 8obs, $hi!h !an be utili3e" in a better

    $a&+*@ We foun" most of the :ouths are not ver happ $ith their

    present emploment 4 are $illing to "o something better $hi!h !an

    be !apitali3e"&

    Our R%co((%ndtion":

    9reating a$areness regar"ing the ne!essit of e"u!ation an"

    S!i S#i S!u( Sur*%' R%ortP$% 4

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    appropriate behaviours of repro"u!tive health, famil planning an"

    !hil" health in slum areas through intervention&

    Strengthening an" e6pan"ing e6isting interventions regar"ing

    e"u!ation an" health servi!es in slum areas&

    Establishing ee!tive lin%age bet$een slum !ommunit an" health

    fa!ilities for referral in !ase of repro"u!tive health relate"


    ;rovision of free sele!te" health !are servi!es for $omen an" !hil"ren&

    Establishing housing for poor an" slum improvement in or"er to

    era"i!ate the ris% of evi!tion of slum "$ellers an" ragpi!%ers $ithout

    proper rehabilitation or relo!ation&

    ;atroni3ing urban resear!h in or"er to fo!us on planne" urbani3ation&

    The shoul" utili3e 5ovt& poli!ies li%e Bharat Nirmaan ee!tivel&

    Litera! levels shoul" in!rease&

    5overnment shoul" provi"e free e"u!ation to !hil"ren&

    'orm strong !ommunities 4 bring them together to $or% for the

    betterment of their slum&

    Eci%nt ?"t% Mn$%(%nt !on$ )it# ti%-u )it# t#% !oc!(unici!it' @ cit!iin$ ,ro( t#t cou!d +% $ood otion.

    Rod conn%cti*it' @ drin$% ,ci!it' d%*%!o(%nt in"id% t#%"!u( cou!d +% otion to %rn rot +' +%n%tin$ t#% %o!%t#%r%.

    A +u"in%"" (od%!

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    Thus the s!ope of slum !learan!e in S!i"#i S!u(shoul" be enlarge"to embra!e slum improvement b provi"ing them minimum amenities !i%"nitr'-!*tori%"& drin$%& uncont(int%d )t%r "u!'&roc# rod"& *%d "tr%%t" nd !i$#tin$&in or"er to prevent themfrom spoiling both the phsi!al an" so!ial environment an" also uplifting

    them from a "egra"ing Dualit of life& S!u( d)%!!%r" nd r$-ic%r" inS!i"#i are more prone to "isease be!ause of the subhuman!on"itions, $hi!h prevail "ue to una$areness an" negle!t& In or"er tosolve this, proper eorts to e"u!ate them in the "ire!tion of health an"hgiene shoul" be ma"e&

    In !omputing this shortage, the fun"amental assumption $as that ea!hhousehol" shoul" have a ucc d)%!!in$ unit, r%"on+!'%r(n%nt "tructur% to ro*id% (ini(u( "tndrd" o, co(,ortnd ",%t'& The prevailing i"eas of $holesale slum !learan!e an"!onstru!tion of !ostl housing must be aban"one" an" ne$ i"eas must be"evelope" to solve the shelter problem an" improve phsi!alenvironments an" the slum life& The fa!t that emergen!e of slums, is theresult of so!ial "egeneration an" e!onomi! povert !annot be ignore"&The approa!h therefore has to be su!h that ta%ing into !onsi"eration boththe phsi!al environments an" the so!ial an" e!onomi! status of the slum"$ellers its e6e!ution shoul" involve no harassment, no a"verse ee!t onthe so!ioe!onomi! !on"itions of the slum "$ellers&

    in!!', $hat is %u!!' %""%nti!, is the n%%d ,or t!in$ to t#%"%

    %o!% in S!i S#i Loc!it'& ,or (in$ t#%( ,%%! cc%t+!%& fortelling the $omen fol% ho$ the !an %eep their home an" !hil"ren !lean,for telling the !hil"ren $hat games to pla, for telling the men $hat $or%a$aits them in the $orl" beon" the one& P%o!%B" rticition&d%c%ntr!ition& nd Pri*titionshoul" not be ta%en as snonmsof ea!h other&

    Ro!% o, t#% "tt% nd ro!% o, ri*t% "%ctor nd %o!%B" n%%d"shoul" be appropriatel an" a"eDuatel "is!usse" so that some generalun"erstan"ing is arrive" at, as there !annot be a single mo"el appli!ableto all the urban housing an" basi! servi!es an" utilities& All "imensions,

    politi!al as $ell as e!onomi!, of the (th !onstitutional amen"ment beanal3e" an" un"erstoo" realisti!all an" not on i"eologi!al or emotionalbasis& A proper un"erstan"ing of urban institutions an" their fun!tioninghas to be "evelope"& The out!omes of N5=Ks a!ting as !atalsts in the!ommunit a!tions to$ar"s "evelopment are ver en!ouraging& Thee6perien!es an" e6periments have been regar"ing alternative institutionbuil"ing, $here the sta%ehol"ers themselves are "ire!tl brought as a!torsin the "evelopment pro!ess&

    Thus there is nee" of !hanging in the ttitud%of the government an" the

    %!it% to$ar"s the slum "$ellers& ;rogram for slum "evelopment mustprimaril be seen as an environmental s!heme an" not merel as an

    S!i S#i S!u( Sur*%' R%ortP$% 4 10

  • 7/25/2019 Salia Sahi Report


    agen"a for real estate "evelopment an" !onstru!tion turnover& It is the"!u(-!i% condition" i.%. !c o, drinin$ )t%r& ind%ut% toi!%t,ci!iti%"& $r+$%& #%"& !c o, "%)$% di"o"!& +"%nc% o,o%n-"c%"& ind%ut% nd un",% cc%"" t#t r% o, ri(r'conc%rn.

    S!i S#i S!u( Sur*%' R%ortP$% 4 11
