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Salt Rheum Ointment. T. ’ WHITING, - NYS Historic...

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i • i' .-l-> e-l l.ilin.s t, U i SS ■-** ***ei ii ed J ( b u s e x a c t i n g «>*rt y on - y e a r’-s s<-r.l*-6 to tm Armv alter his edu'*alioM IS CtHnplffifcl I B ? dotjs not nppe.tr io me mi li lent. (juven>mem ought to command fora lungtr period tne sem ce- of th se tv ho aie eduuat«-d at he pufilp’ expense; aud I le-ominend lhat tlie tim-‘ ot e hslin-nt !>• ex end 'd to seven years, and the terms of ttt- gageinent suicHy eufurc d. The creadon ol a n<ni mal fiundry for cann-*n. to be common to the service of tbe army and navy of the United States has been heret«»tor« recommended, and appears to be req itred^in m - der to place our ordnance on an ecjual looting with that of other countries, aud to enable tha- branch of the service to control the prices <d those articles, and graduate the| supplies to the wants of tne government as well as to regulate their quality and ensure thei> u it trinity. Fh sarm reasons liuldue me to recoin'iien* the e- riction of a manufactoiy of gunpowder; to be under the directi >n ofthe ordna c« *-ffi -e. To** establishment of a manufactory of small arm' vvest ofthe Alleg my rn >uni tiii-*, upon the plan proposed by the Secretary of War, wi I <untabu'e to extend throughout tiiat country the improve ments which exist iri t ie esraldi-dunents of a similar description in the A lantic Slates, and tend to a mil' h more economical distribution ol the armament required in the western portion of our Union. The system of removing the Indians west of the Mis-issippi, co otneneed by Mr. Jefferson m 1804, has been ste tdi'y persevered io by even succeeding Pr sid‘*n!,amf any be considered Hi- settled p<>h*'y ef ihJ countiy-. Unconnected al first wilh any vvel, defined system for their irn- piovernent, the inducements field out lo the Indi ms were confined tothe greater abund.ine of "ime ti be found in the West but when <h o beneficial efforts of their removal were made apparent, a more p lilanthrop c and enligh e -ed policy was adopt d, ii purchasing their laud' east oflhe Mi si'sippi. Liberal pi ices were gD- en, and provision in-eri-d to ad the treaties with them, for the applicati »n of ttio funds they received in »-xcu i ige, to such purpose- as were be?t calculated to promote t eir presen welfire, and advance their future cinhzati m,— The-e measures have been atunded thus tut with the h ‘ppie-t results-. Itwidbe seen, by referring t<> the report oi the Commissioner of Inlim Affairs, that th * most sanguine exp< ct itiions of the friend"* and protn-dors of this system h>ve bteti reahz d — The Choctaws, Cherokees, and other tribes tha: first emigrated beyond the M st-isMppi, h-»e, for the moM p irt abandoned the huut.-F trade, am1 become cultivato* s of the sod. Tht* improvem< nt in their condition has been rapid,and it i? believe that they are now fit ed to e ]•>) the advnn(ag> .«* of a simple form of government winch has be i> submittad t» then and rt-cvve l their ? >n ti mi— and I cannot to a strongly u-ge tins subject up n the attenTTuri of Congress. Stijiul dions have bent made with all fhe Indian tribes to remove tip-m beyond the M'ssi'Sippi. except with the burl of the Wyt.nd uts, fie s x nations in i\Te York.the Menomonee?, Muridiuts and ctoekhiidg^s m Vti-con-in, and Al amies i Indian). VSnil all hut the Me-iomunees it i* 01 peeled th it airangements for their emigrauo will be completed tho pre-ent year. Th-* resist ance. winch has been opposed lotiieir removal h\ some of file trib-s, even ..f***r tre.ili'*- had bem m ide with the o to ih.it cfF «*i. ha- 'rist-n from various eui-e-j. op*r-iting ditT*rentl v on e ich o' the n. Iu most nw me *s hev have been ins iga. led !o rc-ist.mce by persons tn who ii the tr d* with them and the acq u-iii >n of their aumiiti-- were important ; and m some, by ttie p-r.son if influence ol’ mterest.-d chieis. TYe.se ub-tn* iu nui-t he overcome- ; for ihe Guvernmm *-anm t relinqm-h iIip execution ofthis j olu-y withm sacrificing important infer sis,arid abandoning tin tribes remaining east of the M.sstssippi to cer tain destruction. f'h*-decri iise in nun.hers of the tribes vvilhm the limits of the Suites mid T e i r tor>*"s fni- b -**i m-'St rapid. If fhey be remov-d, lb y can b protected from those associations and evil pi non ccs which ex'Mt so pernicious . nd (tcMromive a< ii.flumce over their d'siime*. Tliej can lie in OU’ed to labor, and t> .i<-qune piopeitv, ind its acquisi ion vvdi inspire them vv th a le- I ng ot in d ■pcodence. fii'-ir min s c.ni he cul iv.aed. and they can lie laugh: the va ur of s.thitu'y aud um form laws, and he m de sensible of the ble sing- of free government, and cap.ilde of enp>ving i-- advant.iges. In the posse-smii of pr periy. knnvvleiige and a good government, Yet* to g v. what direction they please to tn. ir labor, m d h >■ rcrs iu tlie legislation by which tbeir person- n-f the profits of ih.-ir i nlustry -re to be pr -lected and secured, they will have an ever present con- vietion of the importance of um> n. of pe ice >•- m-mg themselves, and tlie preservation aruie • ble relations with us. The in'.eresta of the Uni ted St tes would also be greaiy prommed b\ freeing die relations be<vveen llie General an'1 State G >vernments from vvh-t ha- proved » m«>-t Ginb.trr-iSsing incumb? mce. by a saii-fa tory ;.d- justment ol c< nflictmg ti’ .les ti lands, < aus d by the occupation ofthe Indians, ami t>y causing t'« resources of the whole cour-try to be (level pe< by the power of the State .md G« ner-i Govi rn- ments. and improved by the eoterpuse of a white population. Iminia ely connected wish ihe subject is tin- ohhg itton of tbe (lover, ment to fulfil its tre t stipulations, and to prote t the U d ans thn** as sen.bled “ at their new resident** s fiom a 1 mier- ruptioiis atid disturbances, f.run any other tub* or nations or Indians, or from any other person or persons what-o* ver.” aric t e equ .dy so emn galmn toguaid from Indian hostility its *wn bor der settem* nts, slieudtn.g ..l"tig aline ofmote than oue. ih »usa d m lea. to enable the Govern ment to redeem (heir pledge to ill**- Indians, **>ti to afford adequate pro.ecti >n io its own cn zens; Will reqaire the continu .1 presence of a considera ble regul if force on tho front lets, and the e*tt .b- lishmeut of a chain of permanent p 'Sts. Extim inuiions of the country aie now miking, vv itti ;i view t*i decide mi the. m ‘-t suit ble points for th* erection of forti esses and other woiks of defence the results of wh cn will be prescn cd t<> you b. the Secret try of War at an early day. together wilh a plan tor theeffectn.it protection of friend I Indians, and the permanent defence of he frun- t er State*. By the report of fhe Secretary of the N vv herewith comm m;c .ted, ;t appears that unremi ted exertions have been made at the different navy yards to carry into effeet al! authorised mea sures for the extension and employment * f our naval force. '! he hunching and preparat on ot the ship of the I ne Pemi'y vauia.and the complete repairs of the ships of the line Ooio, D -hware and Columbus, may fie noticed a* fo ming a re— pectable additio.i to this important arm ot our na tional defence.— Our co mnerce and ravgatmn have received increased a d a 'd protection dur.nu- the present year. Our squadrons in the Pacific and on the Biazdian station have been much in- ceased, and that in the Aleditera'iean, tilth 'Ugh small, is adequate to the present wants ol oui com oerce m thit sea. Additions have b.-en made to <iur squadron un the West India station, where he large force under Commodore Dalfii- has been most ac ivety and efficiently employed m pretectiiig our commerce, m proven mgtheimpor tation ofslityes, undin cunperatmg with offi*:ei> of the army i i catrvmg on th' war in FI >ritjn. The satisfactory condition of our n v-*| f.»rce abroad le.ives at our di--p.«sal the mean* of C« *- vemently providtrig for a home squofron. f r th pritecfion olcoimneice upo-** our extensive coast. Tiie amount of appropriations required for such a .-q * <• r>* . wh, o- t eui • in t -e m ai estiuia-. lo* he nav .l seivice lor the ye.r 1B3U. The naval nllicera engaged Upon our coa-t KinveyttavH rendered impoitrm .’•ervice to ou uavnitiou. Thedscoveiy ui'a new ctiannei into ih natburof Nevv-foik, throu.li wti.ch ‘>r large --1 -hq)' may p s-; w iihout danger, must afforu impur taut com iierci ii advan ages to th t haibor, aim add gieitiy to its value as tt Rival station. 1 b- ’ccur.ite s-irvey ofGeor^tj’*- stinitb "fi the co.*> '»f .VI i s s a c h u s e t t s , lately cmiijdeSed will icnclt- <-omp iratively safe a naviga iou hitherto conqu er* d dangerous. Considerable addiiions have beer, made to tlit* •lumber of ciplains, cotnm iiiders. lieuti nant-*, urgeons, and as-tstant suigeous, m the Navy. — These additions were ren*leied n«*ce-sary, by the increased'nu nber ol vess-ls p it m commis sion t-> answer the exigo ictes oi uur growing comm -rce. Tour attention is respectfully invited to the variou- s’iggestioiis «>f tlie Secieiary, to*’ the im provement ofthe uoval serve e. J’he iep wt ot th- Post Master General exhib its fi - progress and coodittou ot the mail ser.ice. I'he operatio is of the Po-t Office 1) piit nem urn itute one of th j m >it active ele neats oi • >ur iHitional prosperity, and ti t- gra ifv mg »•* observe wiihwhd vig.»riuey are cond.cte.b Ftie mail routes of tit * Un re I Stales cover <m -■xii-nt of about one fiu.i lied a ut tortv-’vvo th- u s .nl eight hon r -d and s *vent>-sev n miir-s, having neeu iuci ea.^ed about Imrty seven thou sand one huodred and ihrou imle.s witlitn the ia.s t vo years. The an-ualmi-l iransport ui > mi tu se to tes, is ab u thirty-six m him s two riu. - de it and tw*nty-eigut Ihou-and nine hu nlred ao>. -.ixtv-two miles, h.viiii b eu increased about ien mi'dions three titmdr- d .m t til y m-ie thou- sa'id four turn red and seve«ty--ix . ih-s vvitoii ■ h- smile period. lhe n umbei f post-odin .- has also b* en inrreas d from ten th us.*nd seven nun Ired and g- Vfii-y, to twe.vt h us nd and i eiy-nine, very ie*v of vvh clt receive the mat s l--s- than once a wei-k, ami a Iu g* portion oi them didy. Contra t *is and p.i-tm sicis in aener-d aie repr seated a- atti-udti.g t > tlieir du ties with most common ’able z al and fi elity. Tiie revenue o> the Uepa-tim-nt, w I inn the year ending on the thirtieth June las:, vvas f u. millions one hundred and thirty-se en t ous md ami fifty-six d .iiais and fify-nine cents ; ..md its li I) ritie- aeciumg vvuhi i the same limn- vere thr*-e millions th<ee hundied a->d e-gtnv- ihousand eighi hundred and toriy s.'vuu dolla«- arid seventh-five cems. Tne luereaa' r.-venne over tl.ai of the piecedi gyear, was sev en hmidie.f eight tlnmsa (f one ti ndr. d and six ty six doff irs ami forty one cems. F o' many interns ini details I nfer you to tbe report of the Po.-nmrMer Ge ie al, With til- ae.compa >y ng pap r. Your particular uttcntim is invited o til necessity »d ptovidmg a -s-oie stfe-.nd c uveme u bud Img lor tbe ac-commo- d .tion ot that depart ment. I lay before Congress cop ea of reports sub in tted in pursu mce o fa c.dl m.nie by rn ■ upon the be i-i.s of Dep irtmeuts, for such sugoestions as tie ir exper e ce mbhi enable tit m to make as to vvh >t fii'i her h-gisl tive pr ivi-ion- may in advantage! u-ly ai opted tn secure the ta.tnlm ap- plication of publm momysto the obj-cts o.t which th y are aup-opruiterl ; to pr v* ut dieii mis.ipplicaii-in or entticzzlerncn bv those entiu-- t--d wi h tbe expe iduum of ihem ; and ^em-iat |> tn mere.ise ihe se uri y of ,he G -vernmeu ag in -I losse- in their disbur-ement. It i» needi- less io unafe on b* impoit iiice • f prove int such ne*v s lego irdg as n e vvitht i the powei o. ie f -11 mn io proim-t"- dies ■ends ; and i h ve hi tl to i-’d to ihe r* e.ouion'ndauoi.s subin.tted in t-ie accompanyc>^ p,ij>ers. l>y 1 -vv. tbe n-rni- of servi-.e of our mo-t im porant c'Heeling and disbursing uffi ei s in th civil depat tmeots . re limited to f ij( teats am w le n i e.ipp -l.it'-d, tlieir bond-* ure lequ red -<> he renewed Thu s fe y <>f the puhlic e* much inci easeif hy th s featu'«“ <*f the aw, and du-re ran tie no do-i- t tti-i ii -i a ipiicatiou to Jl offi ,e> s iu’iust d wit. the eo le* tion or disbursement of the pub ic mo. ii y, whatever may fie the tennie of th tr ■ flic* s. Would tie equally hem fici-1 . Ijth -ief -r-- re c mmiend, 'oi ad ntiou t > -u-'h uf ihe suggestion fir s nw-d hy tap heads- of Departments a* yo m.y think um ful, n ge era or >vision lhat a ' office is of me A my or N ivy or in the Civ | Depsutment. intrusted viuti ihe rece p or piv- uunl ol publi-- money mid who-*e ti-fin of ^**i vice i-i either un uinled or for a longer iim-* (b >u lour ve. n*. he uqu red to give tionds. vviih go it an I suffi ient sureties, al 'he eXpiiatiou of every su h peiio't. A lir.mgei i the period o' tm mmaling tlv* fi-*. ctl v,jar fr un ihe tirst ol October m the fii>t of April, hasbeen fn quenti- reccoinmem-'ed, ami appears to be desirable. 'File distressing casualties in s|parnl>o t-. which h we su trequ ntlv hqtp tti d dutiuu th * 1 y.-ar, sse<-m to evim e the necessity ol at euiji'icg to prevent them, by me uis of «*i-ver»* pr vi ion eonneete.l with ttieir custoin-house prpers This Suhj CI was Mitijiiitled to the at en'.iori o Congress hy ihe secrelaty of the tieuMiry it h-s la't annual report, an I will b-- agon tpe presem session vvith additional details. It wiil d *u tie." receive that eirly aud cartful consider,.ti-u w ich its pressing importance uppa irs lo re qu rc. Your attention has heretofore been fir* q u e n t'v called to the affu.rs ofthe Dis r ct o f Colnm'Mu and I should not again ask it did not th*-ir en- ;ue dependence on Congress give th* m a con -I nt claim upo.i its notice. Separated by ih Constitution from lhe icst of lhe U *iion. limi - U in extent, and aid -d b\ no Li-gi-'ature ot it- own t wmild seem fi) he a spot where a wise a- d u'ifurm s\s cm • f loc,.| govi nmient might hav* b en eas lv adopted This IdiMi i<M , ho» evri, uofort uiatuly ha-* h e e n left to linger helimd the rest of the Un on * , US Code-*, civil and criminal, arn nut ofih very d lie ivr, but full of tilwi et» o: mconv •jiieut provisions ; firing formed of por tions of two St -te-* ili-crep mcies in ihe law’s prevail in uiffereni p u ls ol the tei i it->ry,-m «ll s r is ; and abliougti it w as s*-lect« d a- ttie seat . I' th G- neral Govi rnment, ihe sit ■of it-* pu'Tc ed fices, th -1 depository of its at chives, and *he residence of officers entust*d wnli Urge a tnoun a of pub c property and the m magem nt of pub tc business, y I it has never been subjected! to, or re- eivcd, ih t special and compi ebensivi f.sg slation whch th-se circumstances p cub irl\ demat d. t am vv. 1 ! aw re ef the v rio; s sub ject*- of greater magnrude and immediate rn- t r-st lhat press them elves on he considerado* f C -ngress ; but I behove there is rmt on** that ap >eals mote directly to its justice than a liber al, and even gi nerous. attention to lhe inlere-ts of he District of Columbia, and a thorough -nd caielul revision of its loc d government M VAN BUREN. W ashington . D ^ c . 5, IS37. CROCKERY—TO MERCHANTS. rS!H E subscribers are now receiving their Spring J. Stock of Chisia, Glass & Eartliern Ware, and will repack to order, all articles k- pt by the trade, the lowest Neio York prices for CASH, Merchants may depend upon hav u„ good articles aud well packed, on the above terms. ABBOTT & FORGATE. Exchange Buildings, No. 6 , Aubnrn. May 1st. 1837. _____________________ 7 4 JOJJl -?JLS-IOIV E212- OF 1>JEE1>S- P II. MY ERS.bas *ratoved his ofRee lo No. 8 Ex • change Budding?. O ne door we?1 of 1vis >n% Bookstore.) where he wil! attend to Conveyancin^ ol all kinds takingacknowIpdgeroenls,affidavili,etc. Auburn, April4tb, 1836. 9 Oe \V A ili-iloL S JE . CA T!AN. FOOT Sy Ct). « AVE moved to the new store of A. {Jnde*-- 0 , vvon I, opposite the Western Exchange, • tvo doors east o‘‘their former stand, wnere they offer & SvKOSiS Cheaper l/mn mer. in view o f ” Hard Ttaics." Boots and shots will be suld at tiie following prices : Mens’ Calf Bouts, from Lace, Coarse, ” Lace, *’ Womeiit’ Gaiier Boots, Leather *’ Shoes. $4 lo $6 Of) 2 UO 2 75 J 50 2 00 1 50 1 25 Children’s Shoes will be kept for sale in proportion to the above bill- All work sold at the Prison Shoo Store, will be war ranted. lEptVhohsale at reduced prices. Avh ’vn. Av<r. }). 1P37. ________ ~T;Ati .U U b iVJAMIKACTHKY.” 'S^IIE subscribers would respHC-tliiHy give notice, that § they are extensively engaged in tiie manufacture of every descriplion of CM It H I A G E , at tlieir shop corner of Mate and < lark si reefs. For periority ofW’orkinanship tlx y will not. yield the pa«m to anv in tlie state. Those wishing to see good and tastvVork, will please call and examine. N. B. Cudinges made to order, an-iully packed and forwarded to any part of lhe United tales. JOHN & GEORGE CLAPP. Avham, Cayaira, Co. N. Y .M>TIVIC. 'ET II E ->u''?rril-pr i» now eng-":'*! in lhe V>usines« oi I (io acli. Clarriage^ %Yjigo» & Slciglii .T 3 a 3 il 2 sg, itiad fiSIaclfcssfiiiaSiisag m aiiyhtn hrani-tu-^, a> \iibnrn. m me -hap on in*: east side ol Stale slree', formerly nccopied hy N Ij. Appleget 'Phesiibscrtbe* is cmifi lent that experience in 111 * hiiaiae-s. an-l the «kill of ihe workmen employed b\ mn. w ill enable turn l o fnrni-h Coache-*. Carriage-, and v a;oii-()f ■(* g')*ol quaiiiY and at as low prices as the> •an fie ofitaine I el-ewherp The suhscrifipr has now on hand a »reat variety*) Ciirri»g»*s. VVituf.ms an I Sleig‘>s, which lie will sel: •he.t Im- Ca-li. ornn approved credit. T rR pp-iiring Wagon?, &c. and Si *rt Painting dom it shot t notice and on rea-cmafile term®. EOWXR!) N KITCHFL. flat pit Vnfi'trn. Mav 1 f. I *H7 9 /U \ Y K s & S JJil ih IIA f 31A NfrFACTUfiF.ItS A \B DEALERS IN B (J F F A L O R () fi E S , fur cS* Cloth (dps. Fur Collars vS* Fur Gloves , / aiiics’ Fur Capes <V Boas, v i 1 -* el foi Lash a* low- a &-my in t he -ountv. a i their it me tfirred mrs east ol theGayuga County Bank. ]alnt.rri D^remhri 4 . I 834 4 .7£7’V.l J\SLWA.VCE COMPANY. O F ! la rtf >rd. C o m C.ipdal 2*K) 1)00 dolieis. (n'llh Hhfirli/la increast lhe same to halj a million oj <nl- '•tnf) olf-r to in'tire I) veiling !i.*u-<*s, Moies. .Mill . •I cm factories. Li'tilfi ries. Burns, strips and Ve»-* - die iu nort.or on hu sloc.ks, G'»>> I*, and every olfni i)fci-s.>f iri-mrafile personal property, ugainft Lors m Linage hy Fire, at a-( low rat**- ol Premiuui, as ani 'iinil ir in? ttu'ton in £ >od slan ling. The -or I n-nr.inec (Jo npa iy wa? incor por *l ed ii IH19..md •lie repU’atnm il ha* acquired lor protnp'nt.- md li'ieralMy in th* u-Jjn-t nen: and payment ol losses requires no athlional ple*<ge, lo t util le il to a liberal * iare nf public patronage. ppr?t)n? wi.'iing to he insured, cun apptv to THOM \ - Y. f f i )\V . f u. at hi* *»ifi*-«- i \uburn, who is appoinie-- X jent.’V’th full power to ie*:*-ive pro|>o“alf smU is?vi Polieir? without th** dalay ne‘-r-*'arily attendant on an t-lnlical u> >to ' lie olfi-P. f 1AIITFOI n F* fi l« 3 J . SPL K N D I D~ PA FEU HANGINGS. U K UOUBLE!) \ Y. invites his hieiids a>id th* # M.tfil-*- ■ <i ex-*1'*"*" h*K’ ew stock ol Papur QfiugitiifM, Firfi Screeaas, Bor- <U mn, & c > •on*i?!i»)g ol more than one hnndred *lifTerpr*t pattern* * •idscv. ral tllail-Miid pieces Ilis Gold Bmnze an- |,eth*igrnphic patters ar exert any tot pm.? I e'nrc n flier#- ■I this m-trkel and equal to anv ever off* i ed >n Ne" Vork 11 i--l-w-5< ha-fi* er* qo*cl.HseO ai 1 f>* lowr*-! rate nut M* rc.u.-mis acqnaiiitc I vilb 1he aSew V •* k markei vil| ai:')’ .v that hi* ti;r>er« ''enr railv aec old in paUrtn * >r r*m n* r-on-i Ir raV.'y l-<wei th-in<he N ew York (irice- \ u I *1 n \T i • 1 I ". ‘7 7 £*~- Soap Candle Factory. J T t f I-- *u scritier keeps constantly on hand t AN 4. IlLF.’s. and White and Yellow BAB ~OKl. hieh fie w>l -<'ll hv ihe B x or sum I lei qnaniily C A SH F O B T A I.L G W -tlc wrllpay if.» higt'- sl pric in ( :-t*ii fin- I' VI.Lit W . del i v- f red** t i*is f a* iry . in G a rden si i eel LTV3HES and SO \ P GBF. V 8 E wanted SAMUEL FLETCHER. V i,i->urn Ocf 1Q I 838 . M a r b le F a c to r y , T. ’ WHITING, -S IT W ING just received a. largo addition tn his fnrm- '* % cr slock, at bis obi stand, opposite the new Mar ket. will keep constantly on hand an extensive assort ment of M A R IIJL E , and will furnish lo order, Grave stones, Monuments, Tomb Atones. &c. dec. ofevery varidy and description, upon the shortest no tice. and at as cheat) a rale, as they can be procured al any place west of Albany. I f e respectfully solicits lhe patronage of the public. Aaharv, Aua. 23, 183P>. 23 S,:‘ h ’v* ^ s ^ ' - y - V M K O H I N E recommended by the faculty of Physicians to those who are about to become mo theis, is now for sale by the principal druggists in the United -Slalt-e, where pamphlets containing a history ot its discovery—(-ff els on llie s) stein—directions for us ing- together wiili certificate* of many who have expe rieiiced its hi-nefiei-al effects, may 1e had free ol expense by those who wish furihrr inlorumtioii resppcling it. L*. <S>. Those who wish to purchase the above useful medicine by the dozen, or to become agents, are reques ted lo address d. A liarlholidi A* Co , sole proprietors, Rochester, N. Y., or .Messrs. Ollcott, AicKesscn <3j- C’o ., wholesale agents, N. Y. For sale by T. M. HUNT, Auburn, Agent Jor the Pro prietors. ' * 43//1 IP A n l) E N, B U R G E S $ sj C O. . Mechanics ’ //«//, Avburn , N. Y. ^ H K F K S ot Ploughs of all thevarioi,. L»J1 patterns now in use. Also Engine and othe* Lathes. Cotton Machinery, and all other kinds <-flror vn* k, turned and filed t-- any shape, or pattern, and fin ished in a superior manner. They h >v*» in connexion with their Machine Shop, a Furnace in lull bla*L where Mill gearing, Colton Ma '•htiury.and all kinds <>• Castings can be had from thr fiest S*-t> oh and Salisbury Iron All job work done on shod nolice and in the bes* ur»no«*t. 'nhnrn A*»ril. J837 Something New for the Ladies. E LEGaNT GrodeNofile 8 tlks. Challys. P'inted 3arcenetl? and Fr*neh Prints French Cashmeie "hawls,fnn- $25 lo $3o each. Rich French Work. Silk Hosiery, Embroidered Belt mg.&c now openi*i«: at MURFEY & WOODRUFF’S Mav? Fnnov "tore 4 IO ETON B \T PING—Of an excellent quality ; al V^/_so. Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Brown an ) B'eached Shirtings, Canton-Flannels, 3-4, 4-4 and 6-4 Tickings, mav he fotind at BARTLETT & Co’s ficuictie & H arness AlHJFACTOBI. THE subscriber hereby gives notice, that lie has now, and intends at all tu tes hereafter to keep on hand at bis shop on Genesee-street, opposite the We&tern Exchange, a large assortment of work of every description in his line of business.composed of superior materials and wrought in the must fashionable and substantial manner, which he will offerto customers on as favorable terms as can be off :redat any establishment in the countv. All or ders for eilhor new work or repairing, will be attended to at the shortest notice, and in the most faithful man ner. GYM AN BALDWIN Auburn. September 13, 1837. 27 blac k sm ith in g and ca hr I a ge iU A N U P A C T O R T . j. f l p l l E subscriber hereby gives a —— 5 notice, that there having been ThLISGTl 13 U K It MILL STONE M A N V F A CTO ll Y. A U B U R N , N . Y . ry 11HE undersigned is extensively engaged in manufac A turing French Barr Milt. Slones, aud as no othei than selected Blocksare used in thermal)ufa :ture ot Miii Stones al this Factory, he respectfully solicits the atten tion of JYLUers and Mill Wrights to an examination o' the quality ol block and Workmanship. I have non on hand £ 0 0 0 BTTRK. SL O C K S, V ▼ earner am, Charlotip his tt'i/e i ni gage<i to Prancis Sprii-.M-a An "hUI moii uiile ii) Ihe town o! m u'. ic u tct *it- ,,„u . . . t o , ......... j.ei^vr z yA: L- - East Cayuga Rest, vi-tmn, ar U bounded as"t 1 W ?’/ ' 6 B/gmtn. g on the north bounds ofa piece of lamn euy owned by PeUr Post, in Ihe centre of the hf I md al a uoml three chains east ,,i u e . out. ^ jWay ner Of said Post’s and on said lot mm,b.r J ? ' C°V' roo.ijng i hence in the centre of said hisrhu*.,. . a’,d vcn degree.- west, eight chains aod eiKhi> tour'fi l-"?' tlie south-west corner oi Elizabeth Allan's Sand , !°!- “Ul|d).er ^vf* thfboe cast along said Alien’s anj three chains and n ne links, thence smith one chain - «8r‘a dissolution of the eo partne ship -^s»ggS»SPPE^.)f which he was a member, ho lias taken upon himself the business ot Blacksmithing and Cairiage and Sleigh making in all its branches, at his old Stand, on the corner of Dill and Water street: where he intends keeping constantly on hand an elegant and fashionable assortment of Carriages of every descrip tion, made of the best materials, which he will offer for sale ori the most favorable terms. O ’ All orders lor work in either branch of the busi ness, will meet wilh prompt attention. BENJAMIN F. SPENCER. Auburn. September 20, it<37. 28 The Catjifga ,TSutuul Sit - durance Com pany. rjjpiIIS Company being now duly orginized, is pre- JL pared to receive applications tor insurance, and to issue Policies thereon. When the principles governing such Companies be come -nore gan-'r.illy kn >w.n, il is confidently believed that they will meet, its they most assuredly merit, very genera] patronage. Any person being desirous of insuring in this Com pany. will be required top ty one dollar a-nd fitly cents for survey *nd policy; als >five per cent, upon ihe premi um iu cash to create a contingent fund to pay expenses, &o. and give a note fur the residue, of the premium. wliicb will be retained by tbe Company to meet losses, in case llie contingent fun -1 shall become exhausted. Each Director is aulh* rizeri to receive applications for insurance, and any person desirous of obtaining in formation upon the subject is requested to apply toeith- er of tbe following Directors, to v\it: Jonathan Rich mond. Eleazer Burnham, Seneca Wood. Edwin B Mor gan. Be.njimin Gould or David Wright, of Aurora ; Oaidner Ciiidt-sler of Levan-i ; John Moslipr of Spring- * port; Denison Robinson of Port Byron; Seneca B. Den- ! nis or Charles D Fitch of Seipia; Arlemas Cady of Moravia; or Luman Sherwood of Genoa, or lo John E. Wiia.uivis. Esq. who has be-en duly eleeted The General Agent, ibr said Company. DAVID WRIGHT, Secretary. Dated at Aurora, June Gth. 1837. 5 selected with the greatest care by my Foreman "and I to. <h.e '*s,slermost south west corner of confidently 1 ecommend them to genlletnen engaged ii ^ ‘ <w ' building mill#, to make t h*: best possible q na I i ty of M i! Stones, and *uch as are wanted to make first rale woik \ 1 ) peisons interested will be furnished to oider will any size 8 toue they may require fur grinding eiihe> M h ea t 01 C - 0111 . a ml t lie 3 (ones will 1 n all <-?is's be mad * a et hey should fie made, ain’t wirranledJirst qad'Uy 1 have also on hand the folio ving VI i Fix ur*s,whici' ire offered at Wholesale and Retail. 2500 Yards Nev. 4nker Dutch BOLTING CLOTH, warranted as *uch,lor Grist or Flouring Mills, inucfi heavier, and moresquart in mesh titan any other Cloth- in market. The style of Cl-th is en'itely free from !'uize. which lenders so many Bolts useless 204 Poji-hed Damsells, 200 Lighter Screws,r! oislinr "crews. Wheat. Cockle. Chess and Shorts Wire Cloth Mill Spindle?. Bafi-sand Drivers. iCF* The Subscriber’s knowledge oftiie Milling Busi ness generally.enables him I c Im nish the most approved nu nher? ol Bolting Cloths forthe various purposes to which Millers may wish to apply them, either for Grist ing. Flouring nr Dusting Reels, ami all ( loth? sold !■> me will he warranted to be the real Dutch fabric, arm if not ent.rely satisfactory, purchasers will be allowed to re-urn them. A. D. LEONARD. A n't urn AJarch . 1!ir?7 ATv! Hewson & Milligan’s UAitlBt'AKE N'lOltE, ANI) Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Factor) Wo. 3 -Exchange EnlldiugN. U N ^ I’ A.N I \ j Y on baud a good ass'-ri mt nt of Hard- ware. Cutlf ry, vVc.; a genera 1 assor*(tienl ot Cast ng=, at furnac. prices; a Iso, Si.. ve-, of thelalrst a no irion-ly improved patterns, lor sale as above chea; 10 V .i in cash p l o u g h s . '8 fi s-lt sci it-, ip ar*- mak'fig and s.I i sci 11 -. i s a re a'ways tia\e oo hand, the most a pt>l > Ved k'lid' III PLOUGHS ised in the c.ountry. mad-- «•! ifo best materials and* - orkman^trij*. at tlieir Furnac** in Mechanic street, op losite Leonaid & Warden'- Ston* Mill W ARDEN, BURGESS & Go. \ 'ihurn Anri 1 17 1 f'-37 5 French Figured i\ierinos. p H I S new. fashionable and beautiful ;irticle mav be $ found ola variety of widths, qualities and pricps at J. S B > RT1 I TT A FO.'s. iNLW H«U)Kh. J UST rrccivPtl and for sal? at thp Cayaga County Bookstore, by U. F. DOUBLLDAY, Mis? artinean’s New Work "qciety in America, Mifishipman’s Expedients and other la’es. Also, a new supply of Penknives aud Fine Cutlery. Also atliematical Instruments. Ac. Auburn, ept. f>. 1837. 1 oreign importiitioi s. Ship Shakspeare, from Livcrpo/-!, 41 Package Kartln*u Ware and China, lor Abbott, & Fosgate. The. subscribers are now receiving and opening the above invoice of Crockery, consisting of a full assortment, which tiiey wili sell in lots to suit purchasers low lor Dash. ABBOTT & FOSGATE. July 17. 1837. 18 T aj D o i t l AjS' r to th e afflic ied . G lU f) L E Y 'S Salt Rheum Ointment. P i R"OY’" till. vied will) 8*1 1 lilieuin, "Cult! llead Ring Worm-, "cr->fnl„. exIens'V*- old Sore* i.l lun. 1 aud ilig. Pi >npi e s or 11fi. tc be r ou t lief ace. vv 11 . find tin Iiii 1 men I in a I must every case, a -at« and fiua I cm e ; it ■ Ifictis'o prud'icc a temporar) 111 itat io n . I here- fiy * x - •I'iriga nr whi I icaltuy-iclmth which not mil y rtM'dci- ■I client na I. but altogether mure *at- tln<nthe u«ua •imlmg rcme lies i u g*-iif ral use. a* -ucii remedies n-.i uly fail it .Mo!-icin*a d ial "lire, hit1 Ircqnmth dm ( . lie -1 is* a-e i o (lie 1 nags or <>t h e r i n l e r n a l (>a i l s . e m | a n *e*il)g llie-. *'<-vi>rai c H’P< if a mo*t extranrdiuarv i-lm r * ct *■ i hav. fie^n etf-cted h the use of it. in t hi? vi| vi and vicinity, during *he last lew mom 1 is. som e ol vv hi* ) havebecn I Ihlfittp l.as Will he seen llV r e f e r e n c e <«. th* Cayuga B-drjot and Vifi-rrn J -urual ol June and July The monev wiil tie refunded in all «:a*es <>i failure in ibf cure of the three first abovenamed diseases. t-j !\ ept <?ori*l a nt 1 1 for *,ile ai t he Medica I La ho rat pi J •■I \. GRIDLI-Y AzCO o-ipo-ite the Pus! Office. Au Him. an I bv in* «l . ic !)r.iggi*is in t ie country •— A No hv IUC 1 D 8 TEE„ T- M. fiuvr, and AB JOI’r £ FOS 1 \ TE. I)ru*gj-(s, Auburn. Dricr 50."ent? per bottle. Prepared «nlv *>v llie sub -criber =ole uropn* tor. A. G RI D L f Y . \ iih iirn Iu v -JO tP'T. i fa i books and fancy articles , AVf) t’APEH HANGINGS AT ON Si. TERRY are, and will he rocfMving’ in, all this week, a new Supply of iscellaneons Books Paper Hangings, Stationary of all kinds. Fancy art' des, vVc. &c. At No. 9. Exchange Buildings. Auburn, May 3. 1837. 7 GHOC1L7 IB S. J S. B Mi I'LL !' 1' & (JO. at No. IQ, F.xchangt • Buddings. Have a )d"d to iheir stock ol I)*v innds, which tlif-v saved 'mm the Old Gieeu (’as! * oie.astock *»f DRY G ItOCJ E Rl ES, ol very sunrrioi ptalil v .part u-utar Iv SI. Cruz 8 vrnp, Cheap Y*’U**l l\snn Tea. etc. 'Viiai Guo i» ihoy have now on hard hev intend lo^ell very cheap. F. > 7 1* ->7 ' 47 | Q LEI . - 4oi 5 go -u |)-v eilipo*. and constant employment and good wages given for 6 laboring men. Inquire of GEO H. H ’,M. Feb. 28. 1837. Springport. 40 FOR SALE. BARRELS Mackerell No. 1.2 and 3. GEO. H Ham. W ANTED Lo contract to Furnish Hewn ^tone to build two or inorc Lucks on the Sonera, Erie or SodnsOanals. Applv to GEO. H. H M, Dec. 8. 1836. ~ nringoorf r AMP OIL AND SPK»?M CAJiDi.ES.- A Tiie-uhscnhcr? offer forsale Lamp Oil a* d Si frr>> Caudles ofa pare quality^direptlv fiom New Bedf. rd. Also an exfenrive acsorIment of Gla?« Lamps, Lamp Glagsej,and Lucifer and Lorn .'«ec- Matehe*. ABBOTT & FOSGATE. May 22,1837. Exchange Buildings No, S. NEW BOOKS. J UST received and for sale by the subscriber at the Cayuga co. Bookstore, the following new books, narleyow or the Dog Fiend. 2 vols. The Scourge of the Ocean, by an officer in the U. S. Navy, 2 vols. Janet Hamilton and other Tales. 2 vols. Gleanings in Europe and England, by Cooper, 2 v. The Pickwick Club, 3 vols. Oct. 2.______________________________ U. F. DOUBLEDAY. ( "NOLORED and Blaek Silks. Fall and Winter Dre*s J Handkerchiefs, Black, Wnite, and Scarlet Meri no Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery Arc. just received from New York, by J- S. BARTLETT # Co. A REPLY to the Main Arguments advanced by Dr. XjL Beecher, of Cincinnati, in a Discourse preac-hpd by him in the 1st Presbyterian Church in Auburn, on the evening of Aug. 20th. By G W. Montgomery. F *r sale at U. F. DOUBLEDAY’S Bookstore. Sept. 12. Notice to Tavern-Keepers. r BNHE subscribers he ve opene.l a new ani '-Xtensiv, JL stuck of Flint Glass BAR DFC \NTF.R 8 , and DoiiWIp Flint Bar Tumbler., whieh thev will sell to Tavern Keeper.* at the-New-Yo k wholesale prices. ABBOTT Se FOSGATE. Auburn. Mav 29. F.xcbnnge Buildings No 6 M RS. G. B MILLER’S Fine Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, at wholesale and retail Fac tory price*. X P. BENEDICT, T a Oouii o! C hancei). held lor tlie Stale ol \-z\s- ork, at the City of tlbany. on thi- twenty fii-l day of November, tne thousand eight hundred aim thirty seven— Present : R kdbkn H. Wai . vvohth.C hancellor Aaron D. Patciim vs. Cor ntdiu? B . De Reinier, Ja r-oh R. De Reiaier, William S. Briggs and RhuUa Bi igsS, ii appearing by affidavit to the satisfaction ol thi* Court, that Jacofi R De Rom* r and lomeliu.-B D* Reirn r. t wo ol tile above Iiainev! d* leritlant *, reside out 01 tins State, and 111 either the Stale of Mi'Suiin or 1hi ~lale o- Illinois, 011 motion <>i George fi. Davi-, o ouri'td to* ihe Conij lamaut.oidend.lhaf the said Ja cofi R Dt Reimei end Cnmeliu- B De Reunei chum ifieir appearance to tie eiueied and noti'-e Iheieol to In served on Ihe Complainai l‘s Solicitor wilhm fou month* lrom tlie 1 1 a ’■ e uflh's Older, and mease o! then app> aiance. that Ihey cause tfie 1 r answers lo the t om (dalnaut’s fill I to b.-'filed. and a copy inereol to he st* Vtd on the Comtfamaul’s Solicitor wi’hin tolly da\ aiier set vice 01 a copy ol’*aid bill, or in de:aull fh< ren thal lhe said hill mav be taken as rontesstd— And 11 I lur'lier 01 dered. that wilhin I weul\ days the said Com in»imnit cause thi* o-der tn fie puiilis ed in ihe 8 :a' Paper »n*l in the \ufiuiu Patriot. « paper pnfi)i.'h>< in tne County «d Cay uga, ami that said publication I-- cuntmiud in *acb *)! saul (aprrsat le.iSt 011 e a ve I in*- eighl w< eks 111 su<-ee*sion, or lhat he <a ise a cop, ot ih'S • rder to he per* niau v s -r ved 01 the said Ja.-*-* R De Reimtr and Cornedus B De Rt-imeral i(a- nviriiv days fieloif the tune above pres* nbed for then ap* earanco ( \ G«*p») 3hw3 _______________ J IM ..8 PORTER, Register. N pursuance of a decree of the Court of Chancery, the sun.seribt-r. one of llie .Masters of said court, wil sell at public auction, at lhe Aurora House in the vd lage of Aurora, ori tho twenty-eighth day ofNovemhti ru-xt, at one o’clock in the afternoon, All that par* o. lot numb* r sixty-seven in the town ot Ledyard. hound ed as follows : Beg lining ill the north east corner of said lol and running from thenee west sixty chains and fifty links to a beach iree on the line of lots, tin nee smiffi eli ven and three fourths of a degree west five chains and stxiy sev.-n links, thence souih twenty-nine degree *■ west sever) chains and forty links thence south thirty four and a half degrees east six chams and seventy tv 1 links to a sink*’ and stones thence east to the wesl liln of the survey fifty acres on said lot lo a slake and st*»n- s. thence north two chains, t enceeasf. twenty iwn chains and thirty’ six links tu the centre ofthe highway tln-nci mirth along the centre ol the highway ilnrlcen chair..- and twenty six links to the place of beginning, coniuir. ing one hundred and three acres uf land. — D. i ' i d Qcf Oil). 1837 NELSON BE.l 11DSLEY, E. VV. Aldus, Solicitor. Master in Chancenj. The.almve sale is postponed to tlie seventh day uf De comber next, at the same hour and place. - Nov. ]()th 1837. A E L S ON H E A R D S LEV, Master in Chaare.ry. The above sale is further postponed to llie fourth i!a\ of January next, to be held al the same place and tiim of day.—Dated Dec. 5lh, 1837. NEL-QN BEARDSLEY. Mast- r in Chancery. S N’pursuance of an order of the Court of Chanccrt. Ihe subscriber, one of the Masters of said ( ourt will sell a' public auction at the Aurora House in lie village of Aurora, on the seventh di.y of December nexi at eleven o clock in the forenoon. All thal certain tract piece or parcel of la nd. situate. lying A: being in 1 lie t.o\\ i of pringport aforesaid, and being a part of the lafi ayoga two mile square reservation, and is more parli cularlv known and distinguished, by being all llmsi parts of lots number twelvi and seventeen, in said Re servation. lying >et wc n 1 lie centre of t tie Lake Roar, so called, and the (’ayugi I ake. containing two Imri dred and thirty-five acres of bind, be tlie same mote m less, excepting awl reserving therefrom fifty acres oftJj* sain parcel of land deeded by tbe party of the first par to Elv . Lockwood, on th*> twi nty-first dav of June 1832.” — Dated Oct. 241 It. 1837. NELSON BE‘P. DSLEY, E. W. Vums. Sol. Master in (Chancery. The above sale is postponed lo lhe fourtn day ol jan nary next, to be hold at lho same place and time ofday. —Dated Dec 5lh, 1837. NELSON BEARDSLEY, .Master in Chancery. | Y virtue ot an execution issu'd out oi tlie Clerks * Office of Cavuga County, to me directed again?' the good and ehaitels, lands and lenen-ents of Amasa Sarideis, I have seized and taken all his right, title and interi st, in ai d to all l hat. certain piece or parcel ol land, situate, lying and being in the §fown of Aurelia County of Cayuga, and state of New York, known and distinguished as part oflot. number thiily of the Caytig; East Reservation, bounded as follows : Jieginning at th* centre of tiie turnpike road commonly called tin Seneca T urnpike, on th*: tast line of said :ot, thence northerly three runs and five fe* t, thence westerly one rod am seven feet, thence southerly nine feet, thence westerly one rod and two feet, thence southerly two rods aru! fit Vl‘l) feet to the centre of the Turnpike road, thence easterly along the centre of said road to llie place o; b -girming, eonlaiuincr one eighth of"an acre of land, l<cs the same more or less, which I shall sell at public ven due as tlie law directs on tlie I J Ih day of January next at I I o’clock in the forenoon, at the house of H. Wil cox, in the town of Aurelius Dated Nov. 23, 1837. WARREN PARSONS. Sheriff. Ry R P. S tow. Deputy. | > Y virtue of an execution issued out of the Court oi t > Chancery to me directed and delivered against the goods and chattels, lanos and tenei: ents of Sylvester Bishop, I huvesiezed and taken all his right, title and in-erest. in and to th e follow ing described premist s, viz: fifty acres of iand. si uate in the Southwesl corner ol lot r umher thirty-three, in the old fown of Brutus, now Cato: Also one other piec of land, situate on lol number forty-three, and is bounded on the north by the north line of said lot, on*tlie wesl hy land owned and occupied by J. Conklin, and on the southeast by tlie highway, and is the same p ece of land on which lhe sain Bishop now resides, containing one acre ofland be the same more or less, which 1 shall expose to sale as the law directs, at the house of Charles D. Furman, in Ira, on the tenth day of January m xt, at one o’elock in the afternoon of said day.—Dalcd November24 1837. R D u c* WA£ RKN PARSON', Sheriff! By Gsorgk H. Carr. Under Sheriff. 37 NO I ICE. K N pursiaance of a resolution of the Board of Supervi- j S lh-C Count-v. °f Cavuga, passed on the T 8 t.h day o{-*Nov. jnst.. notice is hereby given, that applica lion will be made to the Legislature of tliis state at the next sfssion, for the passage ofa law, authorising the said board to raise, levy arid collect the gum of eleven hundred dollars, on the taxable property of .said Coun ty. for the purpose of completing the payments for the new Court House. Auburn, Nov. 29th, 1837. 37w6 raid AHen’, had. tin nee east along the south bounds .“r -an! Alien * in rid sevente* 11chains and sixty six lifk«i 'he west hounds ol J„?(.,h C. U „„,!»* iH,»|. "thence ah,L! ■he same south seven rTain? and forty fhe to tio Moil!* bisun<!& o. saitl P«>M s lm cl thence wlong1ihe fHQie -vest twenty (hams ami eight li. k? to the place of te 'inning, contain ng six-eui acres rnd ftxiy fi)Ur 1|U " Hed'l.* <>t laud ; which mortgage was retoidcditj it Clerk’s Office of said county, m liber II ol nior(-»oef pages 210 cYc on thr twenty ninth day of November' ll 36, at two *f'click P M — And whereas default ha! been made m the payment of $.Jip 95 . 1H(W c,aimid . be due on said mor.gage-T l,*, t to,e, m pursuance of ...w and by virtue of a pove, of sale room ned m «aid mor gage, said prrmts.s wdl be sob! at publtc auc'tinn at the VVe-tern Exc.-.aiige m Anhui», on the 17th iLv f May n o t. at ten o’clock iu .hc foieuuou — i w j November 29th, 1837 37n.6 URANCIS SPRINGS'! ED, NFI.SOIV F f a tt Tl*Ll- y A f ’v. Morf Sa?ee. I &Lf, ''EEi l.auu- leeiin.hJe in the pawi-tulof Jl Jf lhe money si cured 10 fie paid by a eeriair. indcn- ure Of mortgage,bearing date on the nineltcnth day of i cemtier in the year «,1 out Lord one thousand ei^ht •Mindrcd and thirty lour, executed t y Bennet '1 ayk.r !hen et the town ol M.nlz, m ihe county ol Cat U«a' and state nf New \ ork lo Samuel Main then,,) the -lime place ; the said indenture ot mot l»a«e l.atino- been reco. ded on pagez39. in the hook T. oi moituatcs. in ■he Gfi rk s Office in the county of (N,\ uga, cn tl e 25th day of December, in the year ot(U; Li /done fl:t.u!!brd fight hundred and thirty (onr. at I 4 past one o’r l<c£ P.M.; and the sail! tnorlgage was on the 5 th day o{ v]ay, 18.>7. duly a-si„ned to Norman Main, fiy li e sa/d "amitel .Mam, and there being due iheietm ai the dh(e hereof for principal and interest, the sum of four l.un- I ed and sixty three dollars and five c-« nts—Notice js therefore heiefiy given that fiy virtue ol a power con tained in ti d indenture ol mortgage, a d pursuant to tie statute in such cast madf a 11(1 JHOt ided. Will fie Sold d public auction to the highest tn- der, at tlie inn cf larry Lampkin in the village of Poil Bvron. in said own.on the tenth day of F< t rttary next, at one o'clock HI ihe afternoon ol that day. the piemisrs desr rit ed in aid indent ure ot mortga e. to wit . All that certain ,.iece or parctl of land situate lyiug utt being iD said -fi niz and heing part of lot number sixteen, in the < ri- rmal township ol Aureliu .and being a village lot in he villagi ot fhroopsvdle, eoida'ti ng a fiallun acre, •lonndod on ihe eas- by the high way ; on the noMh by die lot now occupied h\ Daniel I) Waite ; on tht west >y Friend Ba i bei V t-.n 1 . and on the south Ly lands be- ‘.mgio? t o the tst ate ot David Akirt. dee* ased — Dn'ed \ogu*- 23. I ::-]7. NORMAN -MAIN. As-tgnee, 1 rcvjs -k 1‘opivco*.. At1’* 2:Jt. fi f N pursuance of a decree of tlie Court of Chancery, the subscriber, one of tlie Masters of said Court, will sell at public auction at the Western Exchar.ge, in the village of Aubnrn, on the sixteenth day ot December next at ten o’clock in the forenoon All that certain piece or parcel of land, being part oflot number ninety- five in the township of Cato and bounded as follows : Beginning at the south west corner of said lot number ninety five and runs thence north thirty six chains on the west line of said lot to a stake. 1hence east twenly nine chains and sixty links to a stake standing in the centre oi the lot (trotn cast to wist.)tbence south twen ty fr ven minutes cast thirty five chums and ninety se ven links to a stake standing on the smith line oi said lot being itt the centre of the lot, thence west twenty nine chains and ninel y links to the place of beginning, containing one hnndred and seven acres ofland.—Dated v)clober iilltli, 1837. NELSON BEARDSLEY, P. G. ( i.auk. Solicitor. Master in Chancery J N pilf-ti )■•' *- HI n d- CI.-I' ol thr ( olir Df Cn ll ce- l y the sub?eriher, one of the -Masters of said Court, will •u'li al public auction at the Western Exchange in the villa go of Auburn, on ihe fourtee.it h day of Der ember next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. All that certain piece nr parcel ol land, situate, lying atul being in the •,’illagF of Auburn. Known and distinguished as part of ot number thirty eurht. in the original township ol Au dios and hounded as follow s : Beginning at tl.*-south ■vest I't-rner ofthe burying ground, t, ence south <n the ust line of North street three chains and twenty four inks loa slake and stones, thence easterly parallel lo lie east arm wist lines nt said burying ground twenty wo chains and ninety one and a halt links, tln-nce tnrlliorie degree east three (.ha ins and tvv< nty lour links io a stake and stones, tlnmce we-terJ) along land f wn- •d by G. Standard and said burying giountl twenty two -hums ami nun ty one. a half links to tlie place ot begin- (Hig, c nitaiuirig seven acres ofland — Dated October Jdt.i, 1837. NELSON BEARDSLEY, 33 Master m Chancery. | N fni i -na (j- e nf a <li cn C of Hie (Jo nr I u| (Jo a 1 ee ry. tlie subscriber, one of the -Masters of said court, will *e!l at public auction at lhe American Hotel in tiie vi 1- :.igc of Auburn, on the fourteenth day of December next it eleven o’c. 10*k in tne forenoon. A j I tbat piece, or pur- -•el of land, situate on the south side ot Ge/ c-see sireet, iu tlie village of Auburn, an I briifly described as fol lows: Beginning llnrtv seven feet eight incites fiom lhe vest hue of W illiino street and running thenee along the south line of Genesee siree! fily five leet tothe lot late- :y occupied hy Gershom Potters deceased, tln-nce along •he ea?i line of said Powers’ lot ab nit ninety nine feet to the lot bit ly occupied by Plu.ip Hurd, iteceased, l hence east along the nortli line ol laid llnrd lot about iifly five it-ei. and fbeme northerly about ninety nine fi et In’tin- place nf beginning, togelln r with the rights, privileges and easements belonging to and connected villi said premises as specified in said decree, or so much I hereof as may be ueeessary lo rinse Ihe amount direct- • •d by said deeiee.—Dated < Jctober 30 t b, 1837 DAVil) WRIGHT, Master 111 Chancery. Nki.son BKARnsm-v, Solicitor. 33 \t a Court of Chancery held for lhe Stale of New-Yrrk al the town of Auburn, on the twe.nly-fourth day of October, one thousand eight hundred ard thirly se ven. Present. Daniel Moseley, Vice-Chancellor of the seventh circuit. Sylvester Willard rs. Jared Arnold. Junior. Jared Ar il -Id, Elijah Cole, Luther F. Stevens, Horace Hotch kiss and others. . T appearing by affidavit to tiie satisfaction of this court that the Defendants, Jared Arnold, Luther F. Stevens and Horace Hotchkiss, reside out ofthis slate, but within the Uniled !r tatis, lo wit the said Jared Ar- nol I and Horace. Hotchkiss in the state of Connecticut, and the said Luther F. Slevcrn tri the state of Michi gan ; on motion of .Mr. Nelson Beardsley of counsel for the Complainin' I. it is ordered that said defendants cause Iheir appearance to be entered and notice (hereof .o be served on the complainant’s Solicitor within lour months from the dale ol this order, and in case of tbeir appearance that they cause their answer to the corn* plainanl’s bill to be filed and a copy thereof lo be served on Ihe complainant’s Solicitor within forty days arter service of a copy of said bill, and in default thereof said bill of complaint n-ay be taken as confessed by them, and it is fun her ordered lhat within twenty days the said complainant cause this order to be published in tjtc state paper and in theGayuga Patriot, and that said publication bo conlinued in each of paid papers at least once in each week for etgh- weeks in succession, or that he cause a copy of tl is order to be personally served on said defendants, at least twenty days before the time prescribed for their appearance. ( A copy) S. A. GOODWIN, Clerk. P UIl-U tN T t<- an ornn ol Ti-i'Qihs V . How, Jun. 8 nrrog»le ol the comity of Cayut-a. notice i* here by advert tc all persons who have claims against Daniel atle*. lafc oi tire town of Aut^lius, in said munly, de ceased. fo exhibit 'fie pan e. with the voucher? (hfteof (n William S»il*s. a«*nf for Tamar 8 arJcs. Executrix >f Ihe l***t v ill aud *t«*li mei 1 of said drc*as<d. at his iwpiling hoys* in (be town of \ureiius in -aid county, or before the nim tet-ni 1 day of .Marcl- next, nf twelve o’clock.noon—Daled Sept# mbei 7 1837. °6 T’J M R " \ R I F," Executrix. "WrOTICF is hereby given that the Auburn and Sy. J.-NI racuse Rail Road f’oinpany. will apply to the Le gislature of t he State of New York, at its ensuing ses sion, to increase their apital Stock to $300,000, and for an amendment of tbeir charter.—Dated Auburn Nov. 27, 1837. By^order of tbe Board ot Dir**ctoa-s. THOMAS Y HOW. Jr. ceey UfrT ifim e il a Ite-s.i suppiy ol D.-mor M »R- SiUl L*s Vegetable Tndian Black Plaster; Afso— MARSH tJ^L'S Superior Aromatic Catarrh and Headache Snuff 03*For sale by H. WILLSON, R. STEEL, T. M HUNT, a d J. DARROW. Aubnrn, August 22, 1837. §4 1 ^ ’ O I H'L.—'I lie not* h am arc*.but? ut.« tl1 .* laU firn. 19 of HYDE & LANSING, are left for the present at tin s'ore lately occupied by said finn jor settlement, vvh* re those indebted are requested to call and make immediate payment. Unless j *t:l soon they will be in the bands of the subscribers for collection, as the silu- ation of the affairs of said firm renders speedy payment indispensable. RATHBUN & GOULD. Dated April 25th. 1837. 6 M)TJCjFr 4 LL persons indebted to Bradford While, late ot Auburn, deceased, are requested to call-at the of fice ot George Rathbun, or L. V. Keyes, in Aubnrn. and settle the same, and all Uk.sp having demands against his* state will please to present them for adjustment at the same place. ELANOR WHITE, Administratrix, L. V. KEYES, and ) , . . . GEO. It ATM BUN, \ A(imin^ra(0T8. May 291 h t P37. j] F ANCY CHINA.— \ large a8 *i>rtment of Fancy Tea China, olthe latest patterns, .both En°-lish and French, has been just received and is for sale by the subscribers. Also—An extensive stock rf Cu! Gif se. ABBOTT & FO&GATE. May 22,1837. Exchange Bmldmrs No iS.

i •i' .-l-> e-l l.ilin.s t, U i SS ■-** ***ei iie d J ( b u s e x a c t i n g «>*rty o n - y e a r ’-s s< -r . l* -6 t o tmA rm v a lte r his edu'*alioM IS CtHnplffifcl I B ? dotjs not nppe.tr io me mi li lent. (juven >mem ought to command fora lungtr period tne sem ce- of th se tv ho aie eduuat«-d at he pufilp’ e x p e n s e ; aud I le-ominend lhat tlie tim-‘ ot e hslin-nt !>• ex end 'd to seven years, and the terms of ttt- gageinent suicHy eufurc d.

The creadon ol a n<ni mal fiundry for cann-*n. to be common to the service of tbe army and navy of the United States has been heret«»tor« recommended, and appears to be req itred in m - der to place our ordnance on an ecjual looting with that of other countries, aud to enable tha- branch of the service to control the prices <d those articles, and graduate the| supplies to the wants of tne government as well as to regulate their quality and ensure thei> u it trinity. Fh sarm reasons liuldue me to recoin'iien* the e- riction of a manufactoiy of gunpowder; to be under the directi >n ofthe ordna c« *-ffi -e. To** establishment of a manufactory of small arm' vvest ofthe Alleg my rn >uni tiii-*, upon the plan proposed by the Secretary of War, wi I <untabu'e to extend throughout tiiat country the improve­ments which exist iri t ie esraldi-dunents of a similar description in the A lantic Slates, and tend to a mil' h more economical distribution ol the armament required in the western portion o f our Union.

T h e system of rem oving the Ind ians west of the M is-issippi, co otneneed by M r. Jefferson m1804, has been ste tdi'y persevered io by even succeeding Pr sid‘*n!,amf any be considered Hi- settled p<>h*'y ef ihJ countiy-. Unconnected al first wilh any vvel, defined system for their irn- piovernent, the inducements field out lo the Indi ms were confined tothe greater abund.ineof "ime t i be found in the West — but when <hobeneficial efforts of their removal were made apparent, a more p lilanthrop c and enligh e -ed policy was adopt d, i i purchasing their laud' east oflhe Mi si'sippi. Liberal pi ices were gD- en, and provision in-eri-d to ad the treaties with them, for the applicati »n of ttio funds they received in »-xcu i ige, to such purpose- as were be?t calculated to promote t eir presen welfire, and advance their future cinhzati m,— The-e measures have been atunded thus tut with the h ‘ppie-t results-.

I tw id b e seen, by referring t<> the report oi the Commissioner of In lim Affairs, that th * most sanguine exp< ct itiions of the friend"* and protn-dors of this system h>ve bteti reahz d — The Choctaws, Cherokees, and other tribes tha: first emigrated beyond the M st-isMppi, h-»e, for the moM p irt abandoned the huut.-F trade, am1 become cultivato* s of the sod. Tht* improvem< nt in their condition has been rapid,and it i? believe that they are now fit ed to e ]•>) the advnn(ag> .«* of a simple form of government winch has be i> submittad t» then and rt-cvve l their ? >n ti mi— and I cannot to a strongly u-ge tins subject up n the attenTTuri of Congress.

Stijiul dions have bent made with all fhe Indian tribes to remove tip-m beyond the M'ssi'Sippi. except with the burl of the Wyt.nd uts, f ie s x nations in i\Te York.the Menomonee?, Muridiuts and ctoekhiidg^s m Vti-con-in, and Al amies i Indian). VS nil all hut the Me-iomunees it i* 01 peeled th it airangements for their emigrauo will be completed tho pre-ent year. Th-* resist­ance. winch has been opposed lotiieir removal h\ some of file trib-s, even ..f***r tre.ili'*- had bem m ide with the o to ih.it cfF «*i. ha- 'rist-n from various eui-e-j. op*r-iting ditT*rentl v on e ich o' the n. Iu most nw me *s hev have been ins iga. led !o rc-ist.mce by persons tn who ii the tr d* with them and the acq u-iii >n of their aumiiti-- were important ; and m some, by ttie p-r.son if influence ol’ mterest.-d chieis. TYe.se ub-tn* iu nui-t he overcome- ; for ihe Guvernmm *-anm t relinqm-h iIip execution o fth is j olu-y withm sacrificing important infer sis,arid abandoning tin tribes remaining east of the M.sstssippi to cer­tain destruction.

f'h*-decri iise in nun.hers of the tribes vv ilhm the limits of the Suites mid Tei r tor>*"s fni- b -**i m-'St rapid. If fhey be remov-d, lb y can b protected from those associations and evil pi non ccs which ex'Mt so pernicious . nd (tcMromive a< ii.flumce over their d'siime*. Tliej can lie in OU’ed to labor, and t> .i<-qune piopeitv, ind its acquisi ion vvdi inspire them vv th a le- I ng ot in d ■pcodence. fii'-ir min s c.ni he cul iv.aed. and they can lie laugh: the va ur of s.thitu'y aud um form laws, and he m de sensible of the ble sing- of free government, and cap.ilde of enp>ving i-- advant.iges. In the posse-smii of pr periy. knnvvleiige and a good government, Yet* to g v. what direction they please to tn. ir labor, m d h >■ rcrs iu tlie legislation by which tbeir person- n-f the profits of ih.-ir i nlustry -re to be pr -lected and secured, they will have an ever present con-vietion of the importance of um> n. of pe ice >•- m-mg themselves, and tlie preservation aruie • ble relations with us. The in'.eresta of the Uni­ted St tes would also be greaiy prommed b\ freeing die relations be<vveen llie General an'1 State G >vernments from vvh-t ha- proved » m«>-t Ginb.trr-iSsing incumb? mce. by a saii-fa tory ;.d- justment ol c< nflictmg ti’.les t i lands, < aus d by the occupation ofthe Indians, ami t>y causing t ' « resources of the whole cour-try to be (level pe< by the power of the State .md G« ner-i Govi rn- ments. and improved by the eoterpuse of a white population.

Iminia ely connected wish ihe subject is tin- ohhg itton of tbe (lover, ment to fulfil its tre t stipulations, and to prote t the U d ans thn** as sen.bled “ at their n e w resident** s fiom a 1 mier- ruptioiis atid disturbances, f.run any other tub* or nations or Indians, or from any other person or persons what-o* ver.” aric t e equ .dy so emn galmn toguaid from Indian hostility its *wn b o r ­der settem* nts, slieudtn.g ..l"tig a line ofmote than oue. ih »usa d m lea. to enable the Govern­ment to redeem (heir pledge to ill**- Indians, **>ti to afford adequate pro.ecti >n io its own cn zens; Will reqaire the continu .1 presence of a considerable regul if force on tho front lets, and the e*tt .b- lishmeut of a chain of permanent p 'Sts. Extim inuiions of the country aie now miking, vv itti ;i view t*i decide mi the. m ‘-t suit ble points for th* erection of forti esses and other woiks of defence the results of wh cn will be prescn cd t<> you b. the Secret try o f War at an early day. together wilh a plan tor theeffectn.it protection of friend I Indians, and the permanent defence of he frun- t er State*.

By the report of fhe Secretary of the N vv herewith comm m;c .ted, ;t appears that unremi ted exertions have been made at the different navy yards to carry into effeet al! authorised mea­sures for the extension and employment * f our naval force. '! he hunching and preparat on ot the ship of the I ne Pemi'y vauia.and the complete repairs of the ships of the line Ooio, D -hware and Columbus, may fie noticed a* fo ming a re— pectable additio.i to this important arm ot our na­tional defence.— Our co mnerce and ravgatmn have received increased a d a ' d protection dur.nu- the present year. Our squadrons in the Pacific and on the Biazdian station have been much in- ceased , and that in the Aleditera'iean, tilth 'Ugh small, is adequate to the present wants ol oui com oerce m thit sea. Additions have b.-en made to <iur squadron un the West India station, where he large force under Commodore Dalfii- has been most ac ivety and efficiently employed mpretectiiig our commerce, m proven mgtheimpor tation ofslityes, undin cunperatmg with offi*:ei> of the army i i catrvmg on th' war in FI >ritjn.

The satisfactory condition of our n v-*| f.»rce abroad le.ives at our di--p.«sal the mean* of C« *-vemently providtrig for a home squofron. f r th pritecfion olcoimneice upo-** our extensive coast. Tiie amount o f appropriations required for such a

.-q * <• r>* . wh, o- t eui • in t -e m ai estiuia-. lo* he nav .l s e iv i c e lor the y e . r 1B3U.

T h e naval nllicera e n g a g e d Upon our coa-t KinveyttavH ren d ered im p o itrm .’•ervice to ouuavnitiou. T h e d s c o v e i y ui'a new ctiannei into ih n a tb u r o f N e v v - f o i k , th r o u .l i wti.ch ‘>r large--1 -hq)' may p s-; w iihout danger, must afforu impur taut co m iierci ii advan a g e s to th t haibor, aim add g i e i t i y to its va lue as tt R ival station. 1 b- ’ccur.ite s-irvey o fG eor^ tj’*- stinitb "fi the co.*>

'»f .VI issa ch u se tts , lately cmiijdeSed will icnclt- <-omp iratively safe a nav iga iou hitherto c o n q u ­er* d dangerous.

Considerable addiiions have beer, m ade to tlit* •lumber o f c ip la in s , cotnm iiiders. lieuti nant-*,

urgeons, and as-tstan t s u ig e o u s , m the N a v y . — These additions w e r e ren*leied n«*ce-sary, by the increased 'nu nber ol v e s s - l s p it m c o m m is ­sion t-> answ er the ex igo ictes oi uur grow ing co m m -rce.

Tour attention is respectfu lly invited to the variou- s ’ig g es t io i is «>f tlie S e c ie ia r y , to*’ the im ­provem ent o f t h e uoval s erv e e.

J ’he iep wt ot th - P ost M aster G en era l e x h ib ­its fi - progress and coodittou ot the mail s e r . i c e . I'he operatio is o f the P o -t O ffice 1) p i i t nem urn itute one o f th j m >it active ele n e a ts oi

• >ur iHitional prosperity , and ti t- gra ifv m g »•* ob serve w i i h w h d v ig .»riuey are c o n d .c t e .b Ftie mail routes o f tit * U n re I S ta le s cover <m

-■xii-nt o f about one fiu.i l ied a ut to r tv -’vvo th- u s .n l e ight hon r -d and s *vent>-sev n miir-s, having neeu iuci ea.^ed about Imrty sev en thou­sand one huodred and ihrou imle.s witlitn the ia.s t vo years. T h e a n - u a l m i - l iransport ui > mi tu se to tes , is ab u thirty-six m him s two riu. - de it and tw *nty-eigut Ihou-and nine hu nlred ao>. -.ixtv-two m iles, h .v i i i i b eu in creased about ien mi'dions three titmdr- d .m t til y m-ie thou- sa'id four turn red and s e v e « ty - - ix . ih-s vvitoii ■ h - sm ile period. l h e n umbei f p o s t -o d in .-

has a lso b* en inrreas d from ten th us.*nd seven nun Ired and g- Vfii-y, to tw e .v t h us nd and

i e iy -n in e , very ie*v o f vvh clt r e ce iv e the mat s l--s- than once a wei-k, ami a Iu g* portion oi them d id y . Contra t *is and p.i-tm s i c i s in aener-d a ie repr sea ted a- atti-udti.g t > tlieir du­ties with most com m on ’able z al and fi e lity .

T i i e revenue o> the Uepa-tim -nt, w I inn the year ending on the thirtieth J u n e las:, vvas f u. m illions one hundred and thirty-se en t ous md ami fifty-six d . i ia is and f i f y -n in e cen ts ; ..md its li I) ritie- a e c iu m g vvuhi i the sam e limn- v ere thr*-e m illions th<ee hundied a->d e-g tnv-

ihousand e ig h i hundred and toriy s.'vuu dolla«- arid seven th -f ive c e m s . T n e luereaa ' r.-venne over tl.ai of the p ie c e d i g y e a r , was se v ­en hm idie.f eight tlnmsa (f one ti ndr. d and s ix ­ty six doff irs ami forty one c e m s .

F o' m any interns in i details I n f e r y o u to tbe report of the Po.-nmrMer G e ie al, With til- ae.compa >y ng pap r. Your particular uttcntim is i n v i t e d o til • n ecess ity »d p to v id m g a -s -o ie s t fe - .n d c uvem e u bud Img lor tbe ac-commo- d .tion ot that depart m ent.

I lay before C on gress cop ea o f reports sub in tted in pursu m ce o f a c.dl m.nie by rn ■ upon the be i-i.s o f D e p irtmeuts, for such su g o e s t io n s as tie ir exper e c e m b h i enable tit m to make as to vvh >t fii'i her h-gisl tive pr iv i-ion- may in advantage! u-ly ai opted tn secu re the ta.tnlm ap- plication o f publm m o m y s t o the o b j-c ts o.t which th y are aup-opruiterl ; to pr v* ut dieii mis.ipplicaii-in or entticzzlerncn bv those e n t iu - - t--d wi h tbe exp e iduum o f ihem ; and ^em-iat |> tn m ere.ise ihe se uri y o f ,he G -vernmeu ag in -I lo sse - in their d isbur-em ent. It i» needi- le ss io unafe on b* im poit iiice • f prove in t such ne*v s lego irdg as n e vvitht i the pow ei o. ie f - 1 1 mn io proim-t"- d ie s ■ ends ; and i h ve hi tl to i-’d to ihe r* e.ouion'ndauoi.s subin.tted in t-ie accompanyc>^ p,ij>ers.

l>y 1 -vv. tbe n-rni- of servi-.e o f our m o-t imp o r a n t c 'H e e l in g and d isbursing uffi e i s in th civil depat tmeots . re limited to f ij( t e a t s am w le n i e.ipp -l.it'-d, tlieir bond-* ure leq u red -<> he renewed

T h u s fe y <>f the puhlic e* m uch inci easeif hy th s featu'«“ <*f the aw, and du-re ran tie no do-i- t tti-i ii -i a ipiicatiou to Jl offi ,e> s iu ’iu st d wit. the eo le* tion or disbursement of the pub ic m o. ii y, w hatever may fie the ten n ie of th tr ■ flic* s. Would tie equally hem f i c i -1. Ijth - ie f -r-- re c m miend, 'oi ad ntiou t > -u-'h u f ihe su g g e s t io n fir s nw-d hy tap heads- of D epartm ents a* yom .y think um ful, n ge era or >vision lhat a ' office i s o f m e A m y or N ivy or in the Civ | D epsutm ent. intrusted viuti ihe rece p or p iv - uunl ol publi-- m oney mid who-*e ti-fin o f **i

vice i-i either un uinled or for a longer iim-* (b >u lour ve. n* . he u q u red to g ive tionds. vviih go it an I suffi ient sureties, al 'he eXpiiatiou o f every su h peiio't.

A l ir .m g e i i the period o' tm m m alin g tlv* fi-*. c t l v ,jar fr un ihe tirst ol O ctob er m the fii>t ofApril, h a s b e e n fn quenti- reccoinmem-'ed, ami appears to be desirable.

'File d is tressing casu a lt ies in s |p arnl>o t-. w hich h w e su trequ ntlv hqtp tti d dutiuu th * 1y.-ar, sse<-m to ev im e the n ecess ity ol at euiji'icg to prevent them, by m e uis of «*i-ver»* pr vi ion eonneete .l with ttieir cu s to in -h ou se prpers T h is Suhj CI was Mitijiiitled to the at en'.iori o Congress hy ihe secre la ty o f the tieuMiry i t h-s la 't annual report, an I will b-- a g o n tpe presem session vvith additional details. It wiil d *u tie." r e ce iv e that e ir ly aud cartfu l consider,.t i-u w ich its p ress in g im portance uppa irs lo re qu rc.

Y our attention has heretofore been fir* quent'v called to the affu.rs o f th e D is r ct o f Colnm'Mu and I should not again ask it did not th*-ir en- ;u e dependence on C o n g ress g ive th* m a con -I n t c laim upo.i its notice . Separated by ih Constitution from lhe ic s t o f lhe U *iion. limi - U in ex ten t , and aid -d b \ no Li-gi-'ature ot it- ownt wmild seem fi) he a spot where a w ise a- d

u'ifurm s \ s cm • f loc,.| gov i nm ient might hav* b en eas lv adopted T h is IdiMi i<M, ho» e v r i , uofort uiatuly ha-* heen left to linger helimd the rest o f the U n on *, US Code-*, civil and criminal,arn nut ofih very d l i e ivr , but full o f tilwi et» o: m conv •jiieut provisions ; firing formed o f por­tions o f two St -te-* ili-crep m cies in ihe law’s prevail in uiffereni p u ls ol the tei i it->ry,-m «ll s r is ; and abliougti it w as s*-lect« d a- ttie seat . I' th G- neral G ovi rnm ent, ihe sit ■ of it-* p u 'T c ed fices, th-1 depository o f its at ch ives , and *he r e s id en ce of officers e n t u s t * d wnli U rge a tnoun a o f pub c property and the m m agem nt o f pub tc business, y I it has never been subjected! t o , o r re- e ivcd , ih t specia l and com p i eb en siv i f.sg slation w h c h th -s e c ircum stances p cub irl\ demat d. t am vv. 1! aw re e f the v rio; s sub ject*- o f greater m a g n r u d e and im m ediate rn- t r-st lhat press them e lv es on he considerado*

f C -ngress ; but I behove there is rmt on** that ap >eals m o te directly to its ju s t ice than a liber­al, and even gi n e r o u s . attention to lhe in lere-ts o f he D istr ic t o f C olum bia , and a thorough -nd c a ie lu l rev is ion o f its loc d govern m en t

M V A N B U R E N .W a s h i n g t o n . D ^ c . 5 , I S 3 7 .

C R O C K E R Y — T O M E R C H A N T S .r S ! H E subscribers are now receiving their Spring J . S tock o f

C h i s i a , G l a s s & E a r t l i e r n W a r e ,and will repack to order, all articles k- pt by the trade,

the lowest Neio York prices for CASH ,Merchants may depend upon hav u„ good articles

aud w ell packed, on th e above terms.A B B O T T & FO RG ATE.

E xchange Buildings, No. 6 , Aubnrn. May 1st. 1837. _____________________ 7

4JOJJl -?JL S-IO IV E212- O F 1>JEE1>S-

P I I . M Y E R S . b a s * r a t o v e d h i s o fR ee l o N o . 8 E x• change B u d d in g ? . O n e d o o r we?1 o f 1 vis >n%

B o o k s t o r e . ) w h e r e h e wil! attend to Conveyancin^ ol all kinds takingacknowIpdgeroenls,affidavili,etc.

Auburn, April4tb , 1836. 9

Oe \V A i l i - i l o L S J E .C A T ! A N . F O O T Sy C t ) .

« A V E moved to the new store o f A. {Jnde*--0 , vvon I, opposite the Western Exchange,• tvo doors east o ‘‘their former stand, wnere they

offer & SvK O S iS Cheaper l/mn mer. inview o f ” Hard Ttaics." Boots and shots will be suld at tiie following prices :

Mens’ Calf Bouts, from ” Lace, Coarse, ”

” ” Lace, *’W om eiit’ Gaiier Boots,

” Leather ”*’ ” Shoes.

$ 4 lo $ 6 Of) 2 UO 2 75 J 50 2 00 1 50 1 25

Children’s Shoes will be kept for sale in proportionto the above bill-

All work sold at the Prison Shoo Store, will be war­ranted.

lEptVhohsale at reduced prices.Avh ’vn. Av<r. }). 1P37. ________

~ T ; A t i . U U b i V J A M I K A C T H K Y . ”'S ^ IIE subscribers would respHC-tliiHy give notice, that

§ they are extensively engaged in tiie manufacture of every descriplion of

CM It H I A G E ,at tlieir shop corner of Mate and < lark si reefs. For periority ofW’orkinanship tlx y will not. yield the pa«m to anv in tlie state. Those wishing to see good and tastvVork, will please call and examine.

N. B. Cudinges made to order, an-iully packed and forwarded to any part o f lhe United tales.

JOHN & G EO RG E CLAPP.A vham , Cayaira, Co. N. Y

. M > T I V I C .'ET I I E ->u''?rril-pr i» n o w eng-":'*! in l h e V>usines« oiI ( i o a c l i . C l a r r i a g e ^ % Y jig o » & S l c i g l i i

.T3 a 3i l 2s g , i t ia d fiSIaclfcssfiiiaSiisag m a i iy h tnhrani-tu- , a> \iibnrn. m me -hap on in*: east side ol Stale s lree ' , formerly nccopied hy N Ij. Appleget

'Phesiibscrtbe* is cmifi lent that experience in 111* hiiaiae-s. an-l the «kill of ihe workmen employed b\mn. w ill enable turn l o fnrni-h Coache-*. Carriage-, and v a;oii-()f ■(* g')*ol quaiiiY and at as low prices as the>

•an fie ofitaine I el-ewherp The suhscrifipr has now on hand a »reat variety*)

Ciirri»g»*s. VVituf.ms an I S le ig ‘>s, which lie will sel: •he.t Im- Ca-li. ornn approved credit.

T r R pp-iiring Wagon?, &c. and Si *rt Painting domi t shot t notice and on rea-cmafile term®.

EO W X R !) N K IT C H F L . flat pit Vnfi'trn. Mav 1 f . I *H7 9

/ U \ Y K s & S J J i l i hIIA f 31A NfrFACTUfiF.ItS A \ B DEALERS IN

B (J F F A L O R ( ) f i E S ,f u r cS* C l o t h ( d p s . F u r C o l l a r s vS* F u r

G l o v e s , / a i i i c s ’’ F u r C a p e s <V B o a s ,v i 1 -* el foi Lash a* low- a & -my in t he -o u n tv . a i their it me tfirred mrs east ol theGayuga County Bank.

]alnt.rri D ^rem hri 4 . I 834 4

.7 £ 7 ’ V .l J \ S L W A . V C E C O M P A N Y .

OF ! la rtf >rd. C om C.ipdal 2*K) 1)00 dolieis. (n'llh Hhfirli/la increast lhe same to h a lj a m illion oj <nl-

'• tn f) olf-r to in'tire I) veiling !i.*u-<*s, M oies. .Mill . •I cm factories. Li'tilfi ries. Burns, strips and Ve»-* -

die iu nort.or on hu sloc.ks, G'»>> I*, and every olfni i)fci-s.>f iri-mrafile personal property, ugainft Lors m Linage hy Fire, at a-( low rat**- ol Premiuui, as ani

'iinil ir in? ttu'ton in £ >od slan ling.T h e -or I n-nr.inec (Jo npa iy wa? incor por * l ed ii

IH19 . .md • lie repU’atnm il ha* acquired lor protnp'nt.- md li'ieralMy in th* u-Jjn-t nen: and payment ol losses requires no a th lio n a l ple*<ge, lo t util le il to a liberal* iare nf public patronage.

ppr?t)n? wi.'iing to he insured, cun apptv to THOM \ - Y. f f i )\V. f u. at hi* *»ifi*-«- i \uburn, who is appoinie-- X jen t .’V’th full power to ie*:*-ive pro|>o“alf smU is?vi Polieir? without th** dalay ne‘-r-*'arily attendant on an t-lnlical u> > to ' lie olfi-P. f 1 AIITFOI n F* fi l«3J.

S P L K N D I D~P A F E U H A N G I N G S .

U K U O U B L E !) \ Y. invites his hieiids a>id th* # M.tfil-*- ■ <i ex-*1'*"*" h*K ’ ew stock ol

P a p u r Q f i u g i t i i f M , F i r f i S c r e e a a s , B o r - <Umn, & c >

•on*i?!i»)g ol more than one hnndred *lifTerpr*t pattern** •idscv. ral tllail-Miid pieces Ilis Gold Bmnze an- |,eth*igrnphic patters ar exert any tot pm.? I e'nrc n flier#- ■I this m-trkel and equal to anv ever off* i ed >n Ne" Vork 11 i--l-w-5< ha-fi* er* qo*cl.HseO ai 1 f>* lowr*-! rate nut M* rc.u.-mis acqnaiiitc I vilb 1 he aSew V •* k markei vil| a i :')’.v that hi* ti;r>er« ''enr railv aec old in paUrtn

* >r r*m n* r-on-i Ir raV.'y l-<wei th-in<he N e w Y o r k (irice-\ u I *1 n \T i • 1 I ". ‘7 7


Soap Candle Factory.J T t f I-- *u scritier keeps constantly on hand t AN 4. IlLF.’s. and W hite and Yellow BAB ~ OKl . hieh fie w>l -<'ll hv ihe B x or sum I lei qnaniily C A S H F O B T A I . L G W - t l c wrllpay if.» higt'-

sl pric in ( :-t*ii fin- I' VI.Lit W . del i v- f red** t i* is f a* iry . in G a rden si i eelLT V 3H ES and SO \ P GBF. V8 E wanted

SA M U EL F L E T C H E R .V i,i-> urn Ocf 1Q I 8 3 8 .

M a r b l e F a c t o r y ,

T. ’ W H I T I N G ,-S IT W I N G just received a. largo addition tn his fnrm-'* % cr slock, at bis obi stand, opposite the new Mar

ket. will keep constantly on hand an extensive assort ment o f

M A R IIJL E ,and will furnish lo order,

G r a v e s t o n e s , M o n u m e n t s , T o m b A t o n e s . & c . dec.

ofevery varidy and description, upon the shortest no­tice. and at as cheat) a rale, as they can be procured al any place west o f Albany.

I f e respectfully solicits lhe patronage of the public. Aaharv, Aua. 23, 183P>. 23

S,:‘ h

’v* ^ s ^ ' - y -

VM K O H I N E r e c o m m e n d e d b y t h e f a c u l t y o f P h y s i c i a n s to t h o s e w h o a r e a b o u t to b e c o m e m o theis, is n o w fo r sale by the principal druggists in the

U n i t e d -Slalt-e, w h e r e p a m p h l e t s c o n t a i n i n g a h i s t o r y o tits discovery—(-ff els on llie s) stein—directions for us­ing- t o g e t h e r w ii l i c e r t i f i c a te * o f m a n y w h o h a v e e x p e r ie i ice d i t s hi-nefiei-al e f f e c t s , m a y 1 e h a d f r e e ol e x p e n s eby those who wish furihrr inlorumtioii resppcling it.

L*. <S>. T h o s e w h o w i s h to p u r c h a s e t h e a b o v e u s e fu l medicine by the dozen, or to become agents, are reques­ted lo address d . A liarlholidi A* Co , sole proprietors,R o c h e s t e r , N . Y . , o r .M essrs . Ollcott, AicKesscn <3j- C’o . , wholesale agents, N. Y.

For sale by T. M. HU NT, Auburn, Agent Jor the Pro­prietors. ' * 43//1

IP A n l ) E N , B U R G E S $ s j C O ..M ech a n ics ’ / / « / / , A v b u r n , N . Y .

^ H K F K S ot Ploughs of all thevarioi,. L»J1 patterns now in use. A l s o Engine and othe* Lathes. Cotton Machinery, and all other kinds <-flror vn* k, turned and filed t-- any shape, or pattern, and fin

ished in a superior manner.They h >v*» in connexion with their Machine Shop, a

Furnace in lull bla*L where Mill gearing, Colton Ma '•htiury.and all kinds <>• Castings can be had from thr fiest S*-t> oh and Salisbury Iron

All job work done on shod nolice and in the bes* ur»no«*t. 'nhnrn A*»ril. J837

Something New for the Ladies.EL E G a N T G rod eN ofile 8 tlks. Challys. P'inted

3arcenetl? and Fr*neh Prints French Cashmeie "hawls,fnn- $25 lo $3o each. Rich French Work. Silk Hosiery, Embroidered Belt mg.&c now openi*i«: at

M U R FEY & W O O D R U F F ’S M a v ? Fnnov "tore

4 IO ETON B \ T PING—O f an excellent quality ; al V^/_so. Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Brown an ) B'eached Shirtings, Canton-Flannels, 3-4, 4-4 and 6-4 Tickings, mav he fotind at BA R T LET T & Co’s

f i c u i c t i e & H a r n e s sA l H J F A C T O B I .

T H E subscriber hereby gives notice, that lie has now, and intends at alltu tes hereafter to keep on hand at bisshop on Genesee-street, opposite the We&tern Exchange, a large assortment o f work o f every description in his line

of business.composed o f superior materials and wroughtin the must fashionable and substantial manner, which he will offer to customers on as favorable terms as canbe off :red at any establishment in the countv. All or­ders for eilhor new work or repairing, will be attended to at the shortest notice, and in the most faithful man­ner. GYM AN B A L D W IN

Auburn. September 13, 1837. 27

b l a c k s m i t h i n g a n d c a h r I a g e

iU A N U P A C T O R T .j . f l p l l E subscriber hereby gives

a —— 5 notice, that there having been

T h L I S G T l 13 U K It

M I L L S T O N EM A N V F A C T O l l Y .

A U B U R N , N . Y .ry 11H E undersigned is extensively engaged in manufac A turing F ren ch B a r r Milt. S lones, aud as no othei

than selected Blocksare used in thermal)ufa :ture ot Miii Stones al this Factory, he respectfully solicits the atten­tion o f JYLUers and Mill Wrights to an examination o' the quality ol block and Workmanship. I have nonon hand

£ 0 0 0 B T T R K . S L O C K S ,

V ▼ earner am, Charlotip his tt'i/e i nigage<i to Prancis Sprii-.M-a An "hUI moiiuiile ii) Ihe town o! m ’u' . ic u tct *it-,,„u . . . t o , ......... ™j.ei vr z yA:L- - •East Cayuga Rest, vi-tmn, ar U bounded as"t 1W ?’/ '6 B/gmtn. g on the north bounds ofa piece of lam n eu y owned by PeUr Post, in I he centre of the hf I md al a uoml three chains east ,,i u e . out. ^ jWay ner O f said Post’s and on said lot mm,b.r J ? ' C° V' roo.ijng i hence in the centre of said hisrhu*.,. . a’,d vcn degree.- west, eight chains aod eiKhi> tour'fi l-"?' tlie south-west corner oi Elizabeth Allan's Sand , !°!- “ Ul|d).er ^vf* thfboe cast along said Alien’s

anjthree chains and n ne links, thence smith one chain

- «8r‘a dissolution of the eo partne ship-^s»ggS»SPPE ^.)f which he was a member, ho lias

taken upon himself the business ot Blacksmithing and Cairiage and Sleigh making in all its branches, at his old Stand, on the corner of Dill and Water s tree t: where he intends keeping constantly on hand an elegant and fashionable assortment of Carriages of every descrip­tion, made of the best materials, which he will offer for sale ori the most favorable terms.

O ’ All orders lor work in either branch o f the busi­ness, will meet wilh prompt attention.

BENJAMIN F. SPENCER.Auburn. September 20, it<37. 28

T h e C a t j i f g a , T S u t u u l S i t -d u r a n c e C o m p a n y .

r jjpiIIS Company being now duly orginized, is pre- JL pared to receive applications tor insurance, and to

issue Policies thereon.When the principles governing such Companies be­

come -nore gan-'r.illy kn >w.n, il is confidently believed that they will meet, its they most assuredly merit, very genera] patronage.

Any person being desirous o f insuring in this Com­pany. will be required top ty one dollar a-nd fitly cents for survey *nd policy; als > five per cent, upon ihe premi­um iu cash to create a contingent fund to pay expenses, &o. and give a note fur the residue, of the premium.wliicb will be retained by tbe Company to meet losses,in case llie contingent fun-1 shall become exhausted.

Each Director is aulh* rizeri to receive applications for insurance, and any person desirous o f obtaining in­formation upon the subject is requested to apply toeith- er of tbe following Directors, to v\it: Jonathan Rich­mond. Eleazer Burnham, Seneca Wood. Edwin B Mor­gan. Be.njimin Gould or David Wright, o f Aurora ; Oaidner Ciiidt-sler of Levan-i ; John Moslipr o f Spring- * port; Denison Robinson of Port Byron; Seneca B. Den- ! nis or Charles D Fitch o f Seipia; Arlemas Cady o f Moravia; or Luman Sherwood o f Genoa, or lo John E. Wiia.uivis. Esq. who has be-en duly eleeted The General Agent, ibr said Company.

DA V ID W R IG H T , Secretary.Dated at Aurora, June Gth. 1837. 5

selected with the greatest care by my Foreman "and I to. <h.e '*s,slermost south west corner ofconfidently1 ecommend them to genlletnen engaged ii ‘ <w 'building mill#, to make t h*: best possible q na I i ty o f M i!Stones, and *uch as are wanted to make first rale woik\ 1) peisons interested will be furnished to oider willany size 8 toue they may require fur grinding eiihe>M h ea t 01 C -0111. a ml t lie 3 (ones will 1 n all <-?is's be mad * a et hey should fie made, ain’t w irranledJirst qad'U y

1 have also on hand the folio ving VI i Fix ur*s,whici' ire offered at Wholesale and Retail. 2500 Yards Nev.4nker Dutch

B O L T I N G C L O T H ,warranted as *uch,lor Grist or Flouring Mills, inucfi heavier, and moresquart in mesh titan any other Cloth- in market. The style o f Cl-th is en'ite ly free from !'uize. which lenders so many Bolts useless

204 Poji-hed Damsells, 200 Lighter S crew s ,r! oislinr "crews. Wheat. Cockle. Chess and Shorts Wire Cloth Mill Spindle?. Bafi-sand Drivers.

iCF* T h e Subscriber’s knowledge oftiie Milling Busi­ness generally.enables him I c Im nish the most approved nu nher? ol Bolting Cloths forthe various purposes to which Millers may wish to apply them, either for Grist ing. Flouring nr Dusting Reels, ami all ( loth? sold !■> me will he warranted to be the real Dutch fabric, arm if not ent.rely satisfactory, purchasers will be allowedto re-urn them. A. D. L E O N A R D .

A n't urn AJ arch . 1 !ir?7


H e w s o n & M il l ig a n ’s U A it lB t 'A K E N 'lO ltE ,


Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Factor) W o . 3 - E x c h a n g e E n l l d i u g N .

UN^ I’A.N I \ j Y on baud a good ass'-ri mt nt of Hard- ware. Cutlf ry, vVc.; a genera 1 assor*(tienl ot Cast

ng=, at furnac. prices; a Iso, S i .. ve- , o f the la lrst a no irion-ly improved patterns, lor sale as above chea;

10V.i in cash

p l o u g h s .'8 fi s-lt sci it-, ip ar*- mak'fig ands.I i sci 11-. i s a re

a'ways tia\e oo hand, the mosta p t>l > V e d k ' l i d ' III

P L O U G H Sised in the c.ountry. mad-- «•! ifo best materials and* - orkman^trij*. at tlieir Furnac** in Mechanic street, op losite Leonaid & Warden'- Ston* Mill

W ARDEN, BURG ESS & G o .\ 'ihurn Anri1 17 1 f'-37 5

French Figured i\ierinos.p H I S new. fashionable and beautiful ;irticle mav be $ found o la variety o f widths, qualities and pricps

at J. S B > RT1 I T T A F O .'s.

iN L W H « U ) K h .

JU ST rrccivPtl and for sal? at thp Cayaga County B o o k s t o r e , b y U . F . D O U B L L D A Y ,

Mis? artinean’s New Work "qciety in America,Mifishipman’s Expedients and other la’es.Also, a new supply o f Penknives aud Fine Cutlery.

Also atliematical Instruments. Ac.Auburn, ept. f>. 1837.

1 oreign importiitioi s.Ship Shakspeare, from Livcrpo/-!, 41 Package

Kartln*u Ware and China, lor Abbott, & Fosgate.The. subscribers are now receiving and opening the above invoice of Crockery, consisting of a full assortment, which tiiey wili sell in lots to suit purchasers low lor Dash. A B B O T T & FO SG A TE .

July 17. 1837. 18

T aj D o i t l AjS' r t o t h e a f f l i c i e d .G l U f ) L E Y ' S

Salt Rheum Ointment.P i R " O Y ’ " till.v i e d will) 8*1 1 l i l i e u i n , "Cult! llead

R i n g Worm-, "cr->fnl„. exIens 'V *- old Sore* i.l lun.1 aud ilig. Pi >n pi e s or 11 fi. tc be r ou t l ief ace. vv 11. find tin Iiii1 men I in a I must every case, a -at« and fiua I cm e ; it ■ I f ic t i s 'o prud'icc a temporar) 111 itat ion. I here- fiy * x -

•I'iriga nr w h i I icaltuy-iclmth which not mil y rtM'dci-■I c l ien t n a I. b u t a l t o g e t h e r m u r e *at- t l n < n t h e u « u a •imlmg rcme l ie s i u g*-iif r a l u s e . a* -ucii remedies n-.i ■ uly fail it .Mo!-icin*a d ial "lire,hit1 Ircqnm th d m (

. l i e -1 is* a - e i o ( lie 1 n a g s or <>t h e r i n l e r n a l (>a il s . e m |a n *e*il)g llie-. *'<-vi>rai c H’P< if a m o* t e x t r a n r d i u a r v i-lm r * ct *■ i h a v . f ie^n e t f - c t e d h t h e u s e of i t . in t h i? v i | vi a n d v i c i n i t y , d u r i n g * h e l a s t l e w m o m 1 is. s o m e o l vv hi* ) h a v e b e c n I Ih l f i t tp l . a s W ill h e s e e n llV r e f e r e n c e <«. th* C a y u g a B - d r jo t a n d V if i - r r n J - u r u a l o l J u n e a n d J u l y T h e m o n e v w i i l tie r e f u n d e d in a l l «:a*es <>i f a i l u r e in ibf c u r e of t h e t h r e e firs t a b o v e n a m e d d i s e a s e s .

t-j !\ ept <?o ri*l a nt 11 for *,ile ai t he Medica I La ho rat pi J •■I \ . G R I D L I - Y AzCO o-ipo-ite the Pus! Office. Au Him. an I bv in* «l . ic !)r.iggi*is in t ie country •—A No hv IUC 1 D 8 T E E „ T- M. f i u v r , and AB JOI’ r £ FOS 1 \ TE. I)ru*gj-(s, Auburn.

Dricr 5 0 ."ent? per bottle. Prepared «nlv *>v llie sub -criber =ole uropn* tor. A. G RI D L f Y .

\ i i h i i r n Iu v -JO t P ' T . i fa i

b o o k s a n d f a n c y a r t i c l e s ,A V f ) t ’ A P E H H A N G I N G S

AT ON Si. T E R R Y are, and will he rocfMving’ in, all this week, a new Supply o f iscellaneons Books

Paper Hangings, Stationary o f all kinds. Fancy art'd es , vVc. &c. At No. 9. Exchange Buildings.

Auburn, May 3. 1837. 7

G H O C 1L 7 I B S .J S. B Mi I'LL !' 1' & (JO. at No. IQ, F.xchangt

• Buddings. Have a )d"d to iheir stock ol I)*vinnds, which tlif-v saved 'mm the Old Gieeu ( ’as!

* o ie .a s to c k *»f DRY G ItOCJ E Rl ES, ol very sunrrioi ptalil v .part u-utar I v SI. Cruz 8 vrnp, Cheap Y*’U**ll\snn Tea. etc. 'Viiai Guo i» ihoy have now on hardhev intend lo^ell very cheap.

F. > 7 1 * ->7 ' 47

| Q L E I . - 4 o i 5 go -u |)-v eilipo*. and constant employment and good wages given for 6 laboring men.

Inquire o f GEO H. H ’,M.Feb. 28. 1837. Springport.


BARRELS Mackerell No. 1 .2 and 3.GEO. H Ham.

W ANTED Lo contract to Furnish Hewn ^tone tobuild two or inorc Lucks on the Sonera, Erie or

SodnsOanals. Applv to GEO. H. H M,Dec. 8. 1836. ~ nringoorf

r A M P O I L A N D S P K » ? M C A J i D i . E S . - A Tiie-uhscnhcr? offer forsale Lamp Oil a* d Si frr>>

Caudles ofa pare quality^direptlv fiom New Bedf. rd. Also an exfenrive acsorIment of Gla?« Lamps, Lamp Glagsej,and Lucifer and Lorn .'«ec- Matehe*.

A BBO TT & FO SG A T E .May 22 ,1837 . Exchange Buildings No, S.

NEW BOOKS.JU ST received and for sale by the subscriber at the

Cayuga co. Bookstore, the following new books, narleyow or the Dog Fiend. 2 vols.

The Scourge o f the Ocean, by an officer in the U. S. Navy, 2 vols.

Janet Hamilton and other Tales. 2 vols.Gleanings in Europe and England, by Cooper, 2 v. The Pickwick Club, 3 vols.

Oct. 2.______________________________U. F. DOUBLEDAY.

("NOLORED and Blaek Silks. Fall and Winter Dre*s J Handkerchiefs, Black, Wnite, and Scarlet Meri­no Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery Arc. just received from New

York, by J- S . B A R T L E T T # Co.

A REPLY to the Main Arguments advanced by Dr. XjL Beecher, o f Cincinnati, in a Discourse preac-hpd by him in the 1st Presbyterian Church in Auburn, on the evening o f Aug. 20th. By G W. Montgomery.

F *r sale at U. F. D O UBLEDAY’S Bookstore. Sept. 12.

Notice to Tavern-Keepers.r BNHE subscribers he ve opene.l a new an i '-Xtensiv,JL stuck o f Flint Glass BAR DFC \N T F .R 8 , and

DoiiWIp Flint Bar Tum bler., whieh thev will sell to Tavern Keeper.* at the-N ew -Y o k wholesale prices.

A B B O T T Se FOSGATE. Auburn. Mav 29 . F.xcbnnge Buildings No 6

MRS. G. B M ILLER’S Fine Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, at wholesale and retail Fac­

tory price*. X P. B E N E D IC T ,

T a Oouii o! C hancei) . held lor tlie Stale ol \-z\s- ork, at the City of tlbany. on thi- twenty fii-l

day of November, tne thousand eight hundred aimt h i r t y s e v e n —

Present : R kdbkn H. Wai.vvohth. C hancellor Aaron D. Patciim vs. Cor ntdiu? B . De Reinier, Ja

r-oh R. De Reiaier, William S. Briggs and RhuUa Bi igsS,

ii appearing by affidavit to the satisfaction ol thi* Court, that Jacofi R De Rom* r and lo m e l iu .-B D* Reirn r. t wo ol tile above Iiainev! d* leritlant *, reside out 01 tins State, and 111 either the Stale of Mi'Suiin or 1 hi ~lale o - Illinois, 011 motion <>i George fi. Davi-, o

ouri'td to* ihe Conij lam aut.o idend .lhaf the said Ja cofi R D t Reimei end Cnmeliu- B De Reunei chum ifieir appearance to tie eiueied and noti'-e Iheieol to In served on Ihe Complainai l ‘s Solicitor wilhm fou month* lrom tlie 11 a ’■ e uflh's Older, and mease o! then app> aiance. that Ihey cause tfie 1 r answers lo the t om (dalnaut’s fill I to b.-'filed. and a copy inereol to he st* Vtd on the Comtfamaul’s Solicitor wi’hin tolly da\ aiier set vice 01 a copy ol’*aid bill, or in de:aull fh< ren thal lhe said hill mav be taken as rontesstd— And 11 I lur'lier 01 dered. that wilhin I weul\ days the said Com in»imnit cause thi* o-der tn fie puiilis ed in ihe 8 :a' Paper »n*l in the \ufiuiu Patriot. « paper pnfi)i.'h>< in tne County «d Cay uga, ami that said publication I-- cuntmiud in *acb *)! saul (aprrsat le.iSt 011 e a v e I in*- eighl w< eks 111 su<-ee*sion, or lhat he <a ise a cop, ot ih'S • rder to he per* niau v s -r ved 01 the said Ja.-*-*R De Reimtr and Cornedus B De Rt-imeral i(a- nviriiv days fieloif the tune above pres* nbed for then ap* earanco ( \ G«*p»)

3hw3_______________ J IM ..8 P O R T E R , R e g is te r .

N pursuance of a decree o f the Court o f Chancery, the sun.seribt-r. one of llie .Masters o f said court, wil

sell at public auction, at lhe Aurora House in the vd lage o f Aurora, ori tho twenty-eighth day ofNovemhti ru-xt, at one o’clock in the afternoon, All that par* o. lot numb* r sixty-seven in the town ot Ledyard. hound ed as follows : Beg lining ill the north east corner of said lol and running from thenee west sixty chains and fifty links to a beach iree on the line of lots, tin nee smiffi eli ven and three fourths of a degree west five chains and stxiy sev.-n links, thence souih twenty-nine degree *■ west sever) chains and forty links thence south thirty four and a half degrees east six chams and seventy tv 1 links to a sink*’ and stones thence east to the wesl liln of the survey fifty acres on said lot lo a slake and st*»n- s. thence north two chains, t enceeasf. twenty iwn chains and thirty’ six links tu the centre o fthe highway tln-nci mirth along the centre ol the highway ilnrlcen chair..-and twenty six links to the place of beginning, coniuir.ing o n e hundred and three a c r e s uf land. — D.i ' i d Q c fOil). 1837 N E L S O N B E .l 11D S L E Y ,

E. VV. Aldus, Solicitor. Master in Chancenj.The.almve sale is postponed to tlie seventh day uf De

comber next, at the same hour and place. - Nov. ]()th 1837. A E L S O N H E A R D S LEV,

Master in Chaare.ry. T h e a b o v e sale i s f u r t h e r p o s t p o n e d to llie f o u r t h i!a\

of January n e x t , to be h e ld a l t h e s a m e place and tiim of day.— Dated Dec. 5lh, 1837.

N E L - Q N B E A R D S L E Y .Mast- r in Chancery.

SN’pursuance o f an order o f the Court of Chanccrt. Ihe subscriber, one of the Masters of said ( ourt

will sell a' public auction at the Aurora House in lie village o f Aurora, on the seventh di.y of December nexi at eleven o clock in the forenoon. All thal certain tract piece or parcel of la nd. situate. lying A: being in 1 lie t.o\\ i of pringport aforesaid, and being a part of the lafi

ayoga two mile square reservation, and is more parli cularlv known and distinguished, by being all llmsi parts of lots number twelvi and seventeen, in said Re servation. lying >et w c n 1 lie centre of t tie Lake Roar, so called, and the ( ’ayugi I ake. containing two Imri dred and thirty-five acres o f bind, be tlie same mote m less, excepting awl reserving therefrom fifty acres oftJj* sain parcel of land deeded by tbe party of the first par to Elv . Lockwood, on th*> twi nty-first dav of June1832.” — Dated Oct. 241 It. 1837.

N E L S O N B E ‘ P. D S L E Y ,E. W. Vums. Sol. Master in (Chancery.The above sale is postponed lo lhe fourtn day ol jan

nary next, to be hold at lho same place and time ofday.— Dated Dec 5lh, 1837.

N E L S O N B E A R D S L E Y ,.Master in Chancery.

| Y virtue ot an execution issu'd out oi tlie Clerks * Office of Cavuga County, to me directed again?'

the good and ehaitels, lands and lenen-ents of Amasa Sarideis, I have seized and taken all his right, title and interi st, in ai d to all l hat. certain piece or parcel ol land, situate, lying and being in the §fown o f Aurelia County of Cayuga, and state o f New York, known and distinguished as part oflot. number thiily of the Caytig; East Reservation, bounded as follows : Jieginning at th* centre of tiie turnpike road commonly called tin Seneca T urnpike, on th*: tast line of said :ot, thence northerly three runs and five fe* t, thence westerly one rod am seven feet, thence southerly nine feet, thence westerly one rod and two feet, thence southerly two rods aru! fit Vl‘l) feet to the centre o f the Turnpike road, thence easterly along the centre o f said road to llie place o;b -girming, eonlaiuincr one eighth of"an acre o f land, l<csthe same more or less, which I shall sell at public vend u e a s t l i e la w d i r e c t s on t l i e I J Ih d a y o f J a n u a r y n e x t a t I I o ’c lo c k in t h e f o r e n o o n , a t t h e h o u s e o f H. W ilcox, in the town of Aurelius Dated Nov. 23, 1837.

W A R R E N PARSONS. Sheriff.Ry R P. Stow. Deputy.

| > Y virtue of an execution issued out o f the Court oi t > Chancery to me directed and delivered against the

goods and chattels, lanos a n d tenei: e n t s o f SylvesterBishop, I huvesiezed and taken all his right, title and in-erest. in and t o t h e follow ing described premist s, viz: fifty acres o f iand. si uate in t h e Southwesl c o r n e rol lot r umher thirty-three, in the old fown of Brutus, now Cato: Also one other piec of land, situate on lol number forty-three, and is bounded on the north by the north line o f said lot, on*tlie wesl hy land owned and occupied by J. Conklin, and on the southeast by tlie highway, and is the same p ece o f land on which lhe sain Bishop now resides, containing one acre ofland be the same more or less, which 1 shall expose to sale as the law directs, at the house of Charles D. Furman, in Ira, on the tenth day of January m xt, at one o’elock in the afternoon o f said day.— Dalcd November24 1837.

R D u c* WA£ RKN P A R S O N ', Sheriff!By Gsorgk H. Carr. Under Sheriff. 37

NO I ICE.K N pursiaance o f a resolution o f the Board o f Supervi-

j S lh-C Count-v. ° f Cavuga, passed on the T8 t.h day o{-*Nov. jnst.. notice is hereby given, that applica lion will be made to the Legislature o f tliis state at the next sfssion, for the passage o fa law, authorising the said board to raise, levy arid collect the gum of eleven hundred dollars, on the taxable property o f .said Coun ty. for the purpose of completing the payments for the new Court House.

Auburn, Nov. 29th, 1837. 37w6

raid AHen’, h a d . tin nee east along the south bounds .“r -an! Alien * in rid sevente* 11 chains and sixty six lifk«i 'he west hounds ol J„?(.,h C. U „„,!»* iH,»|. "thence ah,L! ■he same south seven rTain? and forty fhe to tioMoil!* bisun<!& o. saitl P«>M s lm cl thence wlong1 ihe fHQie -vest twenty (hams ami eight li. k? to the place of t e 'inning, contain ng six-eui acres rnd ftxiy fi)Ur 1|U " H ed'l.* <>t laud ; which mortgage was retoidcditj it Clerk’s Office of said county, m liber II ol nior(-»oef pages 210 cYc on thr twenty ninth day of November' ll 36, at two *f'click P M — And whereas default ha! been made m the payment of $.Jip 95 . 1H(W c,aimid .be due on said m or.gage-T l,*, t to,e, m pursuance of ...w and by virtue of a pove, of sale room ned m «aid mor gage, said prrmts.s wdl be sob! at publtc auc'tinn at the VV e-tern Exc.-.aiige m Anhui», on the 17th iLv

f May n o t . at ten o’clock iu .h c foieuuou — i w j November 29th, 1837 37n.6

URANCIS SPRINGS'! ED, NFI.SOIV F f a tt Tl* Ll- y A f ’v. Morf Sa?ee.

I &Lf, ' 'E E i l .au u - lee iin .hJe in the pawi-tulof Jl J f lhe money si cured 10 fie paid by a eeriair. indcn- ure Of mortgage,bearing date on the nineltcnth day of

i cemtier in the year «,1 out Lord one thousand ei^ht •Mindrcd and thirty lour, executed t y Bennet '1 ayk.r ! hen et the town ol M .n lz , m ih e county ol Cat U«a' and state nf New \ ork lo Samuel Main then,,) the -lime place ; the said indenture ot mot l»a«e l.atino- been reco. ded on pagez39. in the hook T. oi moituatcs. in ■he Gfi rk s Office in the county of (N,\ uga, cn tl e 25th day o f December, in the year ot(U; Li /d on e fl:t.u!!brd fight hundred and thirty (onr. at I 4 past one o’r l< c£ P .M .; and the sail! tnorlgage was on the 5th day o{ v]ay, 18.>7. duly a-si„ned to Norman Main, fiy li e sa/d"amitel .Mam, and there being due iheietm ai the dh(ehereof for principal and interest, the sum of four l.un- I ed and sixty three dollars and five c-« nts— Notice js

therefore heiefiy given that fiy virtue ol a power con­tained in ti d indenture ol mortgage, a d pursuant to tie statute in such cast madf a 11(1 JH Ot ided. Will fie Sold

d public auction to the highest tn- der, at tlie inn cflarry Lampkin in the village of Poil Bvron. in said own.on the tenth day of F< t rttary next, at one o'clock

HI ihe afternoon ol that day. the piemisrs desr rit ed in aid indent ure ot mortga e. to wit . All that certain

,.iece or parctl of land situate lyiug utt being iD said -fi niz and heing part of lot number sixteen, in the < ri- rmal township ol Aureliu .and being a village lot in he villagi ot fhroopsvdle, eoida'ti ng a fiallun acre,

•lonndod on ihe eas- by the high way ; on the noMh by die lot now occupied h\ Daniel I) Waite ; on t h t west >y Friend Ba i bei V t-.n 1. and on the south Ly lands be-

‘.mgio? t o the tst ate ot David Akirt. dee* ased — Dn'ed \ogu*- 23. I ::-]7. NORMAN -MAIN. As-tgnee,

1 r c v j s -k 1‘o p i v c o * . . At1’* 2:Jt. fi

f N pursuance o f a decree o f tlie Court o f Chancery, the subscriber, one of tlie Masters o f said Court, will sell at public auction at the Western Exchar.ge, in the

village of Aubnrn, on the sixteenth day ot December next at ten o’clock in the forenoon All that certain piece or parcel of land, being part o f lo t number ninety- five in the township o f Cato and bounded as follows : Beginning at the south west corner of said lot number ninety five and runs thence north thirty six chains on the west line of said lot to a stake. 1 hence east twenly nine chains and sixty links to a stake standing in the centre oi the lot (trotn cast to w ist.)tbence south twen­ty fr ven minutes cast thirty five chums and ninety se­ven links to a stake standing on the smith line oi said lot being itt the centre of the lot, thence west twenty nine chains and ninel y links to the place of beginning, containing one hnndred and seven acres ofland.— Dated v)clober iilltli, 1837.

NELSO N BEARDSLEY,P. G. ( i.auk. Solicitor. Master in Chancery

J N pilf-ti )■•' *- HI n d- CI.-I' ol thr ( olir Df Cn ll c e - l y the sub?eriher, one of the -Masters of said Court, will •u'li al public auction at the Western Exchange in the villa go of Auburn, on ihe fourtee.it h day of Der ember next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. All that certain piece nr parcel ol land, situate, lying atul being in the •,’illagF of Auburn. Known and distinguished as part of ot number thirty eurht. in the original township ol Au­d io s and hounded as follow s : Beginning at tl.*-south

■vest I't-rner ofthe burying ground, t, ence south < n the ust line of North street three chains and twenty four inks lo a slake and stones, thence easterly parallel lo lie east arm wist lines nt said burying ground twenty w o c h a i n s and ninety one a n d a halt links, tln-ncetnrlliorie degree east three (.ha ins and tvv< nty lour links io a stake and stones, tlnmce we-terJ) along land f wn- •d by G. Standard and said burying giountl twenty two -hums ami nun ty one. a half links to tlie place ot begin- (Hig, c nitaiuirig seven acres o f lan d — Dated October Jdt.i, 1837. NELSO N BEARDSLEY,

33 Master m Chancery.

| N fni i -na (j- e nf a <li cn C of Hie (Jo nr I u| (Jo a 1 e e ­ry. tlie subscriber, one of the -Masters of said court, will *e!l at public auction at lhe American Hotel in tiie vi 1- :.igc o f Auburn, on the fourteenth day of December next it eleven o’c.10* k in tne forenoon. A j I tbat piece, or pur- -•el of land, situate on the south side ot Ge/ c-see sireet, iu tlie village of Auburn, an I briifly described as fol­lows: Beginning llnrtv seven feet eight incites fiom lhe vest hue of W illiino street and running thenee along the

south line of Genesee siree! f i ly five leet tothe lot late- :y occupied hy Gershom Potters deceased, tln-nce along• he ea?i line of said Powers’ lot ab nit ninety nine feet to the lot bit ly occupied by Plu.ip Hurd, iteceased,lhence east along the nortli line ol laid l ln rd lot aboutiifly five it-ei. and fbeme northerly about ninety nine fi et In’ tin- place nf beginning, togelln r with the rights, privileges and easements belonging to and connected villi said premises as specified in said decree, or so much

I hereof as may be ueeessary lo rinse Ihe am o u n t di rect -• •d by said deeiee.— Dated < Jctober 30t b, 1837

DA V il) W RIG HT, Master 111 Chancery. Nki.son BKARnsm-v, Solicitor. 33

\ t a Court of Chancery held for lhe Stale o f New-Yr rk al the town of Auburn, on the twe.nly-fourth day of October, one thousand eight hundred ard thirly se­ven. Present. Daniel Moseley, Vice-Chancellor of the seventh circuit.

Sylvester Willard rs. Jared Arnold. Junior. Jared Ar­il -Id, Elijah Cole, Luther F. Stevens, Horace Hotch­kiss and others.

. T appearing by affidavit to tiie satisfaction o f this court that the Defendants, Jared Arnold, Luther F.

Stevens and Horace Hotchk is s , reside out o f th is s late , but within the Uniled !r tatis, lo wit the said Jared Ar- nol I and Horace. Hotchkiss in the state of Connecticut, and the said Luther F. Slevcrn tri the state of Michi­gan ; on motion o f .Mr. Nelson Beards ley o f counsel forthe Complainin' I. it is ordered that said defendantscause Iheir appearance to be en te r ed an d no t ice (hereof.o be s e r v e d o n t h e c o m p l a i n a n t ’s S o l i c i t o r w i t h i n l o u r months from the dale ol this order, and in case o f tbeirappearance that they cause their answer to the corn*plainanl’s bill to be filed and a copy thereof lo be servedon Ihe c o m p la in a n t ’s Solic itor w i th i n for ty days ar terservice of a copy of said bill, and in default thereof said bill o f complaint n-ay be taken as confessed by them,and it is fun her ordered l h a t with in t w e n t y days thesaid complainant cause this order to be published in tjtc state paper and in theGayuga Patriot, a n d that saidpubl icat ion bo conl inued in each of paid papers a t leastonce in each week for etgh- weeks in succession, or that he cause a copy of tl is order to be personally served on said defendants, at least twenty days before the timeprescribed for their appearance.

( A copy) S. A. G OO DW IN, Clerk.P U Il-U t N T t<- an ornn ol Ti-i'Qihs V . How, Jun.

8 nrrog»le ol the comity of Cayut-a. notice i* here­by advert tc all persons who have claims against Daniel

atle*. lafc oi tire town of Aut^lius, in said m unly , de­ceased. fo exhibit 'fie pan e. with the voucher? (h fteof (n William S»il*s. a«*nf for Tamar 8arJcs. Executrix >f Ihe l***t v ill aud *t«*li mei 1 of said drc*as<d. at his iwpiling hoys* in (be town of \ureiius in -aid county,

a« o r before the nim tet-ni 1 day of .Marcl- next, nf twelve o ’clock.noon— Daled Sept# mbei 7 1837.

°6 T’J M R " \ R I F," Executrix.

"WrOTICF is hereby given that the Auburn and Sy. J.-NI racuse Rail Road f ’oinpany. will apply to the L e ­gislature of t he State o f New York, at its ensuing ses sion, to increase their apital Stock to $300,000, and for an amendment of tbeir charter.— Dated Auburn Nov. 27, 1837.

By^order of tbe Board ot Dir**ctoa-s.TH O M AS Y HOW. Jr. c eey

UfrT i f i m e i l a Ite-s.i suppiy ol D.-mor M »R- S i U l L*s

Vegetable Tndian Black Plaster;Afso— MARSH tJ^L'S Superior Aromatic

Catarrh and Headache Snuff03*For sale by H. W ILLSON, R . S T E E L , T . M

H U N T , a d J. D A R R O W .Aubnrn, August 22, 1837. §4

1 ’ O I H 'L .—'I lie not* h am arc*.but? ut.« tl1.* laU firn. 1 9 o f H YDE & LA N SIN G , are left for the present at tin s'ore lately occupied by said finn jor settlement, vvh* re those indebted are requested to call and make immediate payment. Unless j *t:l soon they will be in the bands o f the subscribers for collection, as the silu- ation o f the affairs o f said firm renders speedy payment indispensable. R A T H B U N & G OULD.

Dated April 25th. 1837. 6M ) T J C j F r

4 LL persons indebted to Bradford W hile, late ot Auburn, deceased, are requested to call-at the of­

fice ot George Rathbun, or L. V. Keyes, in Aubnrn. and settle the same, and all Uk.sp h av in g d em ands a g a in s th is* s t a t e w i l l p l e a s e t o p r e s e n t t h e m f o r a d j u s t m e n t atth e sam e place .

E L A N O R W H I T E , A dm inistratrix,L . V. K E Y E S , and ) , . . .GEO. It ATM BUN, \ A(imin^ra(0T8.

May 291 h t P37. j]

F A N C Y C H I N A . — \ large a8*i>rtment of Fancy Tea China, o l th e latest patterns, .both En°-lish

and French, has been just received and is for sale by the subscribers. Also— An extensive stock r f Cu! G if se. A B B O T T & FO&GATE.

May 2 2 ,1 8 3 7 . E xchange Bmldmrs No iS.
