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Sambuhay, National Bible Week

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Sambuhay for January 26, 2014
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AMBUHAY 5T pAt,rt-! h4##8,& ffiffiffi 3rd Sundoy in OrdinoryTime (A) - Green F&s Wsrd r&s *sge$ wfl elrr*r i'{L''',*s'i ,{ priestaskedhis professor fTwho taughthim almost 20 years ago, "What is new in the kingdom of Cod." He smiled and answered him, 'Are you changed?" Then a priest realized that the kingdom of Cod is the same because "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb 13:B). And Jesus is the kingdomof Cod in person. "Are you changed?" "Are you transformed?" We ask ourselves the same question. There is no transformation without an interior con- version. And part of this conversion is putting the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of Cod in the first place again in one's own life and let this kingdom work within our society, thus acknowledging Cod's lordship over our life.When people follow Cod as Lord, there will be peace, justice, and conservation of creation. The Cospel tells us that Christ begins his public ministry by preaching the kingdom of heavenwhose condition is repentance. Repentance is turning away from what makes one isolated from Cod and from one another.One cannot have peace/ justice, and concern for creation unless one learns how to be fair and respectful to others. And so Christinvites his close collaborators to work with him in hisevangelization and they followed him immediately. Peter, who is apparently the head of a fishing cooperative (cf Lk 5: 10) in wh ich he works alongside his older brother Andrew, leavestheir nets and follows him. The same is true with John and James who leave their boatand their father to heedJesus' call. We hearthe same voice of Jesus today as we celebrate the Natlonal Bible Sundav. Our minds must focus on Christ himself, the Word of God. The Word is a voice we hear and an event we must experience. The Word of Cod is not just a book but an event, an experience of salvation, which is realized in Christ. who is the Word made flesh.The word is speaking to us because the Word is Jesus. And so when we read, study, and meditate the Bible and live it, we encounter Christ. Encountering Jesus in Sacred Scriptures is to know the meaning of life, our call to serviceto others in the community. Necessarily, we m ust nourish and immerse ourselves on the word of Cod to be effective in sharing Christ. The Bible is not just a book. lt is the word of Cod that shinesin the dark that we may see light. Cod is our light. "The peoplewho walked in darkness haveseen a great light;uponthose who dwelt in the land of gloom a lighthas shone'/ (ls 9:1 ). Like Nepthali and Zebulun who experienced captivity and later saw the light,a disciple can also get out of captivity of sin and darkness and come to the light of freedom and conversion. The Lord invites us to be repentant because "the kingdomof Cod is at hand." We can never see light if we are not converted and follow Jesus. May we always "seek first the kingdom lof Cod] and his righteousness" (Mt 6:33) and acknowledge the primacy of Cod in whatever we do. - Fr. fose S.Aripio, SSP Yeor 27 No.42 Jonuory 26,2014
Page 1: Sambuhay, National Bible Week

AMBUHAY5T pAt,rt-! h4##8,& ffiffiffi

3rd Sundoy in OrdinoryTime (A) - Green

F&s Wsrd r&s *sge$ wfl elrr*r i'{L''',*s'i''

,{ priest asked his professorf T w h o t a u g h t h i m a l m o s t20 years ago, "What is newi n t h e k i n g d o m o f C o d . "H e s m i l e d a n d a n s w e r e dh i m , ' A r e y o u c h a n g e d ? "Then a pr ies t rea l i zed tha tthe k ingdom o f Cod is thesame because "Jesus Christis the same yesterday, today,and forever" (Heb 13:B). AndJesus is the kingdom of Codin person.

"Are you changed?" "Areyou t rans formed?" We askourselves the same quest ion.There is no t rans format ionw i t h o u t a n i n t e r i o r c o n -v e r s i o n . A n d p a r t o f t h i sc o n v e r s i o n i s p u t t i n g t h ek ingdom o f heaven or thekingdom of Cod in the f i rstp l a c e a g a i n i n o n e ' s o w nl i f e a n d l e t t h i s k i n g d o mw o r k w i t h i n o u r s o c i e t y ,thus acknowledg ing Cod 'slordship over our l i fe. Whenpeople fol low Cod as Lord,there wi l l be peace, just ice,and conservation of creation.

T h e C o s p e l t e l l s u s t h a tC h r i s t b e g i n s h i s p u b l i cm i n i s t r y b y p r e a c h i n g t h ek ingdom o f heaven whosec o n d i t i o n i s r e p e n t a n c e .Repentance is turning awayfrom what makes one isolatedf r o m C o d a n d f r o m o n eanother . One cannot havepeace/ just ice, and concernfor creation unless one learnshow to be fair and respectfulto others.

A n d s o C h r i s t i n v i t e s h i sclose col laborators to workwith him in his evangelizationa n d t h e y f o l l o w e d h i mi m m e d i a t e l y . P e t e r , w h ois apparent ly the head of af i s h i n g c o o p e r a t i v e ( c f L k5 : 1 0 ) i n w h i c h h e w o r k sa longs ide h is o lder b ro therAndrew, leaves the i r ne tsand fo l lows h im. The sameis true with John and Jameswho leave their boat and theirfather to heed Jesus' cal l .

We hear the same voice ofJesus today as we celebratethe Nat lonal Bible Sundav.O u r m i n d s m u s t f o c u s o nChrist himself , the Word ofGod. The Word is a vo icewe hear and an event wemust experience. The Wordof Cod is not just a book butan event, an experience ofsalvat ion, which is real ized inChrist. who is the Word made

flesh. The word is speakingto us because the Word isJesus. And so when we read,study, and meditate the Biblea n d l i v e i t , w e e n c o u n t e rChrist . Encounter ing Jesus inSacred Scriptures is to knowthe meaning of l i fe, our cal lto serv ice to o thers in thecommunity.

N e c e s s a r i l y , w e m u s tn o u r i s h a n d i m m e r s eo u r s e l v e s o n t h e w o r d o fCod to be effective in sharingChrist . The Bible is not just abook. l t is the word of Codtha t sh ines in the dark tha tw e m a y s e e l i g h t . C o d i sour l igh t . "The peop le whowalked in darkness have seena great l ight; upon those whodwelt in the land of gloom al ight has shone'/ ( ls 9:1 ) . LikeNeptha l i and Zebu lun whoexper ienced capt iv i t y andlater saw the l ight, a disciplecan also get out of captivityof sin and darkness and cometo the l ight of f reedom andconversion.

T h e L o r d i n v i t e s u s t obe repentan t because " thekingdom of Cod is at hand."We can never see light if weare not converted and followJesus. May we always "seekf i rs t the k ingdom lo f Cod]and h is r igh teousness" (Mt6 :33) and acknowledge theprimacy of Cod in whateverwe do.

- Fr. fose S. Aripio, SSP

Yeor 27 No.42 Jonuory 26,2014

Page 2: Sambuhay, National Bible Week

Entrance AntiphonlPs 96(95):1, 6l(Reci.ted when there is no opening song)

O sing a new song to theLord; sing to the Lord, allthe earth. In his presenceare majesty and splendor'strength and honor in hisholy place.

Greeting(The sign of the eross is mad'e here)

P - The Lord be with you.All - And with your spirit.

lntroduction(May be read usingthese otr other similarwords\

P - Fittingly today, as wecelebrate the National BibleSunday, the Gospel describesthe beginnings of Jesus'publicministry. With the first disciplesJesus. goes around Gal i lee,"proclaiming the Gospel of thekingdom, and curing everydisease and illness among thepeople." let us heed Jesus' callto repentance and follow him.

Penitential Act

P - Brethren (brothers andsisters) , let us acknowledge oursins, and so prbpare ourselvestocelebrate the sacred mysteries.

P - You were sent to heal thecontrite: Lord, have mercy.All - Lord, have mercy.

P - You came to call sinners:Christ, have mercy.Alt - Christ, have mercy.

P - You are seated at the righthand of the Father to intercedefor us: l,ord, have mercy.All- Lord, have mercy.

P ,_May almighty God havemercy on us, forgive us oursins, and bring us to everlastinglife.All - Amen.


Lord God, heavenly King, OGod, almighty Father. .LordJesus Christ, Only BegottenSon, I-ord God, I-amb of God'Son of the Father, You takeawaythe sins of theworld, havemercy on us; you take awaY thesins of the wodd, receive ourprayer; you are seated at theright hand of the Father, havemercy on us. For you alone arethe Holy One, you alone are theLord, you alone are the MostHigh, Jesus Christ, with theHoly Spiri! in the glorY of Godthe Father. Amen.


P -Almighty everliving God,direct our actions according toyour good pleasure, that in thename of your beloved Son wemay abound in good works.

Through our Lord JesusChrist, your Son, who lives andreigns with you in the unitY ofthe Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.All - Amen.

Isai.ah Proclaims that with theLord's coming, the regions thathaue exPerienced ortfression andanguish will reioice in the lnrd'ssalaation.

A reading from the Book ofthe Prophet Isaiah (8:23-9:3)

FIRST the lnn.o degraded theland of Zebulun and the landof Naphtali; but in the end hehas glorified the seaward road,the land west of the Jordan, theDistrict of the Gentiles.

Anguish has taken wing,dispelled is darkness: for thereis no gloom where but nowthere was distress.

The people who walked indarkness have seen a greatlight; upon those who dwelt inthe land of gloom a light hasshone. You have brought themabundant joy and great rejoicing,as they rejoice before You as atthe harvest, as peoPle makemerrywhen dividing sPoils. Forthe yoke that burdened them,the pole on their shoulder, andthe rod of their taskmaster Youhave smashed, as on the daY ofMidian.

-The word of the lnrd.All - Thanks be to God.

Rcsponsorial Psalm (Ps 27)

R - The Lord is mY lightand my salvation.

sr. m.c.a. parco, fsP

G E m

1. The Lono is my light andmy salvation;/ whom shouldI fear? / The Lono is my life'srefuge;/ of whom should I beafraid? (R)

2. One thing I ask of the hno;/this I seek:/ to dwell in thehouse of the Inno/ all the daYsof my life,/ that I may gaze onthe loveliness of the lnno/ andcontemplate his temPle. (R)

3. I believe that I shall see thebounty of the lono/ in the landof the lMng'/ Waitfor the Lonowith courage;/ be stouthearted,and wait for the lnno. (R)

Sec:ond Reading

Paul aPPeals to the Cori'nthiansto striue afier unitY, which comesonly when we accePt the crossof Christ as the source of oursalaation.

A reading from the firstIretter of Saint Paul to theCorinthians (1:1G13, 17)

I URGE YOU, brothers andsisters, in the name of our lnrdJesus Christ, that all of Youagree in what you say, and thatthere be no divisions amongyou, but that you be united inthe same mind and in the samepurpose.

For it has been rePortedto me about you, mY brothersand sisters, by Chloe's PeoPle,that there are rivalries amongyou. I mean that each of Youis saying, "I belong to Paul,"or "I belong to Apollos," or "Ibelong to Cephas," or "I belongto Christ."

Is Christ divided? Was Paulcrucified for you? Or were youbaptized in the'name of Paul?

All - Glory to God in thehig;hest, and on earth peace topeople of good will. We praiseyou, we bless you, we adoreyou, we glorifu youi we giveyou thanks foryour great glory'

First Rcading (S#)

Page 3: Sambuhay, National Bible Week

For Christ did not sendme to baptize but to preachthe gospel, and not with thewisdom of human eloquence,so thatthe cross of Christmightnot be emptied of its meaning.

*The word of the lnrd.All - Thanks be to God.

Alleluia [Cf Mt 4:23] (fianil

All - Alleluia, alleluia. Jesusproclaimedthe Gospel of thekingd<im and cured everydisease among the people.Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mt4:12-23)

P - The Lord be with you.All-And with your spirit.P - A reading from the holyGospel according to Matthew.AII - Glory to you, O I-ord.

WHEN JESUS heard that Johnhad been arrested, he withdrewto Galilee. He left Nazarethand went to live in Capernaumby the sea, in the region ofZebulun and Naphtali, thatwhathad been said through Isaiahthe prophet might be fulfilled:

Land of Zebulun and landof Nafhtali., the way to the sea,beyond the tordan, Galilee ofthe Gentiles, the people who siti.n darkness haue seen a greatlight, on those dwelling in a landouershadowed by death light hasar'i,sen.

From that time on, Jesusbegan to preach and say,"Repent, for the kingdom ofheaven is at hand."

[As he was walking by theSea of Galilee, he saw twobrothers. Simon who is calledPeter, and his brotherAndrew,casting a net into the sea; theywere fishermen. He said tothem. "Come after me. and Iwill make you flshers of men."At once they left their netsand followed him. He walkedalong from there and saw twoother brothers, James, the sonof Zebedee, and his brotherJohn. They were in a bqat, withtheir father Zebedee, mendingtheir nets. He called them, andimmediately they left their boatand their father and followedhim.

Hewentaround all of Galilee,teaching in their synagogues,

proclaiming the gospel of thekingdom, and curing everydisease and illness among thepeople.i

- The Gospel of the l.ord.All - Praise to you, LordJesus Christ.

Homily (Sil)

Prcrfessian of F-aith (Stand)

Atl - I believe in one God,the Father almighty, maker ofheaven and earth, of all thingsvisible and invisible.

I believe in one brd JesusChrist, the Only Begofien Sonof God, born of the Fatherbefore all ages. Godfrom God'Iightfrom Iight, true Godfromtrue God, begotten, not made,consubstantial with the Father;through him all things weremade. For us men and for oursalvation he came dov"n fromhearen,(At the nrtrds that fullor'u, n! to andinclu.d.ittg zwd. hecame r:ntn. alJ how)

and by the Holy Spirit wasincarnate of the Virgin Maryand became man.

For our sake he wascrucffied under Pontius Pilate'he suffered death and wasburied, and rose again on thethird day in accordance withthe Scriptures. He ascendedinto heaven and is seated attherigfrt hand of the Father. He willcome again in $ory to judgethe livingand the dead and hiskingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,the Lor{ the giver of life, whoproceeds from the Father andthe Son, who with the Fatherand the Son is adored andglorified, who has spokenthrouglr the prophets.

Ibelieve in one, ho$' catholicand apostolic Church. I confessone Baptism for fie forgivenessof sins and I lookforwardto tteresurrection of the dead andthe life of the world to come.Amen.

Prayer of the Faithful

P - l€t us pray to the Father,that as his Son's faithful dis-ciples, we may reflect Christ'slight to the world around us.Full of trust, let us say:

R -Lord, make us your truedisciples.

C - May our Pope Francis,bishops, priests, and religious,who have been called byJesusin aspecialwayto bringthe lightof his Good News to peoples,carry out their mission withgenerosity and perseverance.We pray: (R)

C - May world leaders respondwith wisdom and humility to theongoing crisis caused by theevil of terrorism, and find waysto stop the spread of violenceand hatred in the world. Wepray: (R)

C - May those whose livesafe overshadowed by sin andaffliction experience the joy ofsalvation especially through


repentance and the sacramentof Reconciliation. We pray: (R)

C - May the members of ourChristian community continueto be inspired by the Word ofGod and enjoy one another'spresence 4nd support and knowthat as disciples of Jesus we arenever alone when we work forGod's kingdom. We pray: (R)

C - May our sick brothers andsisters experience the Lord'sstrength and healing in ourtender, loving care for them.We pray: (R)

(The urgent concerns of thecommuni.ty are Prayed here.)

P - Merciful Lord, you sentus your Son to be our light andour salvation. Make us listento him, put his teaching intopractice, and joyfully sharethe Good News that we havereceived.

This we ask through thesame Christ our [nrd.All - Amen.

$tanAP - Pray, brethren...All - May the l-ord acceptthe sacrifice at your handsfor the praise and glory ofhis name, for our good,and the good of all his holyChurch.

Prayer over the Offerings

Presentation of the Gifts

Page 4: Sambuhay, National Bible Week

For Christ did not sendme to baptize but to preachthe gospel, and not with thewisdom of human eloquence,so thatthe cross of Christmightnot be emptied of its meaning.

-The word of the l.ord.All - Thanks be to God.

Alletuia [Cf Mt 4:23] (StunD

All - Alleluia, alleluia. Jesusproclaimedthe Gospel of thekingdom and cured everydisease among the people.Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mt4:12-23)

P - The Lord be with you.Nl-And wi*r your spirit.P - A reading from the holyGospel according to Matthew.All - Glory to you, O Lord.

WHEN JESUS heard that Johnhad been arrested. he withdrewto Galilee. He left Nazarethand went to live in Capernaumby the sea, in the region ofZebulun and Naphtali, that whathad been said through Isaiahthe prophet might be fulfilled:

Land of Zebulun and landof Naphtali, the way to the sea,beyond the Jordan, Galilee ofthe Gentiles, the people who sitin darkness haue seen a greatlight, on those dwelling in a landouershadowed by death light hasarisen.

From that time on, Jesusbegan to preach and say,"Repent, for the kingdom ofheaven is at hand."

[As he was walking by theSea of Galilee, he saw twobrothers. Simon who is calledPeter, and his brotherAndrew,casting a net into the sea; theywere fishermen. He said tothem, "Come after me, and Iwill make you flshers of men."At once they left their netsand followed him. He walkedalong from there and saw two.other brothers, James, the sonof Zebedee, and his brotherJohn. They were in a boat, withtheir father Zebedee, mendingtheir nets. He called them, andimmediately they left their boatand their father and followedhim.

Hewentaround all of Galilee,teaching in their synagogues,

proclaiming the gospel of thekingdom, and curing everydisease and illness among thepeople.i

- The Gospel of the l.ord.All - Praise to you, I-ordJesus Christ.

Homily (Si/)

Profession of F'aith (StanA

All - I believe in one God,the Father atmighty, maker ofheaven and earth, of all thingsvisible and invisible.

I believe in one l-ord JesusChrist, the Only Begofien Sonof God, born of the Fatherbefore all ages. God from God'Iightfrom Ught true God fromtrue God, begofren, not made,consubstantial with the Father;through him all things weremade. For us rnen and for oursatvation he came dovm fromheaven,(At the words that ftillor,u, u! to andindu.ding and irecatne man, all how)

and by the Holy Spirit wasincarnate of the Virgin Maryand became man.

For our sake he wascrucified under Pontius Pilate,he suffered death and wasburied, and rose again on thethird day in accordance withthe Scriptures. He ascendedinto heaven and is seated attherig[rt hand of the Father. He willcome again in gfory to judgethe livingand the dead and hiskingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Hoh Spirit,the Lor{ the giver of life, whoproceeds from the Father andthe Son, who with the Fatherand the Son is adored andglorified, who has spokenthrouglr the prophets.

Ibelieve in one, holy' catholicand apostolic Church. I confessone Baptism for the forgivenessof sins and I lookforwardto tteresurrection of the dead andthe life of the world to come.Amen.

Praver of the Faithful

P - l€t us pray to the Father,that as his Son's faithful dis-ciples, we may reflect Christ'slight to the world around us.Full of trust, let us say:

R - Lord, make us your truedisciples.

C - May our Pope Francis,bishops, priests, and religious,who have been called byJesusin aspecialwayto bringthe lightof his Good News to peoples,carry out their mission withgenerosity and perseverance.We pray: (R)

C - May world leaders respondwith wisdom and humility to theongoing crisis caused by theevil of terrorism, and find waysto stop the spread of violenceand hatred in the world. Wepray: (R)

C - May those whose livesare overshadowed by sin andaffliction experience the joy ofsalvation especially through


repentance and the sacramentof Reconciliation. We pray: (R)

C - May the members of ourChristian community continueto be inspired by the Word ofGod and enjoy one another'spresence and support and knowthat as disciples of Jesus we arenever alone when we work forGod's kingdom. We pray: ($)

C - May our sickbrothers andsisters experience the Lord'sstrength and healing in ourtender, loving care for them.We pray: (R)

(The urgent concerns of thecommunity are Prayed here.)

P - Merciful Lord, you sentus your Son to be our l-ight andour salvation. Make us listento him, put his teaching intopractice, and joyfully sharethe Good News that we havereceived.

This we ask through thesame Christ our [ord.All - Amen.

6tanAP - Pray, brethren...All - May the Lord acceptthe sacrifice at your handsfor the praise and glory ofhis name, for our good,and the good of all his holyChurch.

Prayer over the Offerings

Presentation of the Gifts

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P - Accept our offerings, Ol,ord, we pray, and in sanctilyingthem grant that they may profitus for salvation.

Through Christ our [.ord.All - Amen.

Preface II of the Strudavs inOrdinary Time

P -The Lord be with you.All-And with your spirit.P - Lift up your hearts.All;We liftthem up to theLord.P - l€t us give thanks to theInrd our God.All - It is right and jusL

P - tt is truly right and just,our duty and our salvation,always and everywhere togive you thanks, Lord, holyFather, almighty and eternalGod, through Christ our Lord.

For out of compassion forthewaywardness that is ours, hehumbled himself and was bornof the Virgin; by the passionof the Cross he freed us fromunending death, and by risingfrom the dead he gave us lifeeternal.

And so, with Angels andArchangels, with Thrones andDominions, and with all thehosts and Powers of heaven.we sing the hymnof yourglory,as without end we acclaim:All - HolR holy, holy...(Knee[)

Acclamation (Staaf

AJI - We proclaim yourDeath, O I-ord, and professyour Resurrection until youcome again.

All - Our F&ther...P - Deliver us. Lord.. :AIl - For the kingdom, thepower, .and the glory areyoufs: norv and for ever.

Invitation to Peace

Invilation to Conimunicn(Knee[)

P - Behold the lamb of God.behold him who takes awavthe sins of the world. Blessedare those who are called to the

supper of the lamb.All - Lord, I am notwortlrythatyou should enter undermy roof, but only say theword and my soul shall behealed.

Comrnunion ;lntiphon0n 8:12)

I am the liglt of the world,says the Lord; whoeverfollows me will not walk indarkness, but will have theligfrt of life.

Prayer after Communion(StanA

P - l,et us pray. (Pause)Grant, we pray, almighty

God, that, receiving the graceby which you bring us to newlife, we may always glory inyour gift.

Through Christ our Lord.AII- Amen.

P -The Inrd be with you.All - And with your spirilSolemn Blessing

P - Bowyour heads and prayfor God's blessing. (Paase)

May almighty God keep you

from all harm and bless youwith every good gift.All -Amen.

P - May he set his Word inyour heart and fill you withlasting joy.All - Amen.

P - May you walk in his ways,always knowing what is rightand good, until you enter yourheavenly inheritance.All - Amen.

P - May the blessing ofalmighty God, the Father, andthe Son (t), andthe HolySpirit,come upon you and remain withyou for ever.AJI - Amen.


P - Go forth, the Mass isended.All - Thanks be to God.

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LAtry CHURCH, AND MtSStON:hYear of the Laity Catechism

Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM

Thomas More, Lay "Secular" Saint ,

l f l iving one's faith in the secular world is the distinguishingmark of the lay vocation, the Church has a marvelous examplein Sir Thom.as More. Born in London, he studied at Oxford andcompleted law in London. He was married with four children. Hewas a bril l iant lawyer; King Henry Vll l employed him, knighted him,and made him Lord Chancellor of England.

When the question of King Henry's divorce arose, Sir Thomaswas unable to support him, He resigned as chancellor and retiredfrom public l i fe. He refused to sign the new Act of Succession andwas imprisoned in the Tower of London. More was executed i.535,holding firm to his conscience.

Moret dying words manifest his loyalty: "l die the King's goodservant, but God's first." More's life is beautifully captured in thefilm A Man for All seasons, where one finds numerous insights. Forexample, :Mote asserts; "l believe, when statesmen forsake theirown private conscience for the sake of their public duties ... theylead their country by a short route to chaos." More, a "lay, secularsaiht" was calonized in 1935.

The lnrd's Prayer
