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Sameer ishtay

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2. Amman, JordanP.O Box 183745 Amman,11118 JordanMobile: +962-79-6763672E-mail: [email protected]: Venezuelan/JordanianTo whom it may concern,I am seeking for a position that allows me to use my knowledge and skills to add an value to your organization.I Graduated in June 2010 with a Bachelors of Architectural engineering from the University of Jordan, aftercompleting five academic years of Architectural program. I would be pleased to have this opportunity to work atyour precious organization.My qualifications closely meet the requirements for a position in your company and therefore my study includes;Architectural Design, Interior Design, Landscape Design, Urban Planning & Design, and Construction Drawings.Attached is my Resume & Portfolio.I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I may utilize my education and experience to become apart to your company, after knowing about your projects around the Middle East & around the world.Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.Thank you very much for your consideration.PreciousBest Regards,Sameer Ishtay 3. Sameer Ishtay Architect / Designer | C. V.Amman - Jordan | Mobile: +962-79-6763672 | E-mail: [email protected] | My objective is to have work in a successful architecture establishmentboth to nourish my personal knowledge and experience, also to offer myskills in the field that I am most passionate about; architecture. I am aqualified student with some experience and effective interpersonal skills.Being an energetic and confident individual. I possess highly developedorganizational skills.Personal Information | Gender: Male | Nationality: Jordanian,Venezuelan | Date of Birth: October 7th 1987 Place of Birth: Venezuela, Margarita island | Marital Status: Single.Education |The University of Jordan | Amman, Jordan September 2005 June 2010 BSc.Major | Architecture EngineeringRelevant Subjects:Landscape Architecture | Urban Planning & Design | Interior Design | WorkingDrawings. Research Project|Conducted a study with a team on the program analysis, and site analysis of a juvenilerehabilitation center a rural area. The aim is collecting and analyzing data on site,realizing the opportunities and constrains, to fulfill the requirements of thesite,community, and the project. Design Project |Phase l | Conceptual design of the project, schematic planning, form, andmorphology.Phase ll & lll | Completion of the detailed design, with final presentation. Al Omareyah school | September 1998- May 2005. Islamic scientific college | September 1993- May 1998.Work Experience | Ishtay Al-Tamimi Housing Company, current employee, June -December 2010 Main responsibilities|Design Architect | Design a Residential Buildings a certain places in Amman. Iworked with a multidisciplinary team of engineers to accommodate not only therequirements of the different ranks of people using the building, but also theprerequisites for the subsequent discipline designs. Coordinating with our siteengineers, and following the specifications and design brief.Villa ishtay (private villa) | Assistant Supervisor I gained technical and managerial experience where I was responsible for ensuring that employees completed their tasks in accordance with predefined standards and procedures and kept a record of materials when they arrived to the site and how they were used. I submitted daily reports reflecting the site Status to the supervisor. responsibilities included interior design, consisting of solutions for the newprogram of the renovated project, quantity survey, landscape layout. Training in Tubieleh Team Work (TTW) | 8 Weeks Training Summer 2009.Assisted on the Following project|Villa Hisham Al-Najjar | My responsibilities included interior design, consistingof solutions for the new program of the renovated project, quantity survey,landscape layout.Samihas appartment | interior design,I shadowed the project managerduring the finishing phase of the project. 4. Computer Skills | Auto Cad 2D & 3D.3D MaxMayaSketch Up.Adobe | Photoshop, and I illustrator.Microsoft Office.Languages | Arabic | (Mother-tongue) (spoken and written).English | (Very Good) (spoken and writing).Spanish.Courses | Spanish| Cervantes Amman.Auto Cad | University of Jordan.Adobe | Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.3D Max | private course (Amman, Jordan).Maya | private course (Amman, Jordan).Activities & interest | I can describe myself as a helpful member within my working group, optimistic personwho can work underpressure, a social person, and cope with people quickly. My hobbies : traveling,swimming, soccer, music and moviesOthers |I gave Auto CAD courses during 2007-2008.I worked with Doctor Ali Abu Ghanimeh in a competition to design a police station inJordan 2006.References |Arch.Nabil Ishtay Al Tamimi +962-79-5520608Tubieleh Team Work (TTW)+962-65666948Arch.Thaer Quba +962-79-5591014Dr.Ali Abu Ghanimeh +96277-7484010 5. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation Project Juvenile rehabilitation center | Amman, Wadi Al-Shita. Forth Year maternity hospital | Amman, Jordan universitybank-headquarters | Amman, Al-Shmesanisport hall | Madaba Third Year book cafe | Amman, Al-webdehmixed-use | Amman, Al Abdaliurban planing | Amman, Al Jezea Otherconstruction drawings | Art Galery, Ammaninteship | Villa Hisham Al-Najjar | Amman, Abdoun 6. sameer ishtay portfolio Nobody can go back and start a new begining, but anyone can start today make a new endingMaria RobinsonTraditional juvenile centers acts like preservation facility(prison), and social barrierJuveniles are treated equally without taking into consideration their Juveniles in traditional facilities are isolatedmental and psychological needs and status from outer worldpeople are born with a blank page and through how they are nurtured and socialized they attain good or bad page. juvenile attainedthe bad page according to their environment that they have been exposed to and their experiences in life. according to theories thisproject deals with delinquent juveniles that their environment drove them down towards practicing wrong behavioral patterns and takingthe wrong path, this project brings these juvenile back to the natural state without being affected by their negative environments triggers,they must go through a process that modify their behavior from negative to positive through neutralizing it and then improve it to makeof him a good citizens.Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOthersjuvenile center I concept 7. sameer ishtayportfoliothis idea is translated into categorizing the functions in to three main categories: 1-therapy (social & psychological) neutralizing the delin-quent juveniles. 2-rehabeletation (social, educational and vocational)transitional state which neutralized delinquents by modifying hisbehavioral pattern from neutral to positive state. 3-self express makes juvenile express himself and show his positive side as a memberin the society and see how this program benefited him. social learning theory juvenile delinquency is the result of imitation of aggressiveactions. placing an individual in favorable environment where he/she would be less tempted to imitate violent behavior. general straintheory the major causes of juvenile delinquency are aversive atmosphere at home an school. a society instills in its citizenry aspirationsfor upward mobility and a desire for selected goals. however, when legitimate avenues to goal attainment are blocked, anomie or strainsets in. behavioral theory: reinforcement or punishment or extinction should be treated for their special requirements in groups estab-lished according to their needs. Graduation ProjectForth Year Third YearOthers juvenile center I concept 8. sameer ishtayportfolio Site Plan +451 Floor Level Graduation Project Forth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I plans 9. sameer ishtay portfolio+447 Floor Level+443 Floor Level Graduation Project Forth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I plans 10. sameer ishtay portfolioSection A-ASection B-BSection C-CSection D-D Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I sections 11. sameer ishtay portfolioSection E-ESection F-FSection G-GSection I-I Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I sections 12. sameer ishtay portfolio Section H-H Front Elevation Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I sections 13. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation Project Forth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I perspective 14. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation Project Forth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I perspective 15. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation Project Forth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I perspective 16. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation Project Forth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I perspective 17. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation Project Forth Year Third Year Othersjuvenile center I perspective 18. sameer ishtay portfolioSite PlanNAfter considering the forces affecting the site starting with the main street. Which forced the project to be shifted to the back avoiding thenoise and provide space for circulation and parking. The main part of the building was the hospital and its placed parallel to the streetwere the other tow parts (emergency & out patients) were placed perpendicular on the edge of the hospital to be visible. The facades ofthe hospital reflect the order and functionality of the project. The elevations are simple, direct and linear.Graduation ProjectForth Year Third YearOthers maternity hospital I concept 19. sameer ishtay portfolio NBasement FloorSection B-BSection A-A Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Othersmaternity hospital I sections 20. sameer ishtayportfolioGround FloorNFirst Floor Graduation ProjectForth YearThird Year Othersmaternity hospital I plans 21. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation ProjectForth YearThird Year Othersmaternity hospital I perspective 22. sameer ishtayportfolioshowing the continuity of process (the flow of money) by constructing a continuous element that flows through the whole project,connecting and defining every part of it.Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Others bank-headquarters I concept 23. sameer ishtay portfolioGround FloorBFirst FloorNB Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Othersbank-headquarters I plans 24. sameer ishtay portfolioBSecond FloorBBThird FloorNB Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Othersbank-headquarters I plans 25. sameer ishtayportfolioSection A-ASection B-B Graduation ProjectForth YearThird Year Othersbank-headquarters I sections 26. sameer ishtay portfolio Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Othersbank-headquarters I perspective 27. sameer ishtay portfolio Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Othersbank-headquarters I perspective 28. sameer ishtayportfolio N Site PlanSection A-Aa sport is about two teams aiming one goal, since sports hall needs only artificial light and/or indirect light, the design took this orienta-tion which perpendicular to the north. overcoming this challenge the structure of the building was separated in the middle and shiftedto emphasize it, the southern part was raised higher than the northern avoiding direct sun rays. this shifting in the structure created twoentrances to serve the function. the structure was covered by light material called ETFE foil panels, this material was chosen because itsis durable, self clean and it is easily maintained.Graduation Project Forth YearThird YearOthers sport hall I concept 29. sameer ishtayportfolioFirst Floor NGround Floor Graduation ProjectForth YearThird Year Otherssport hall I plans 30. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation ProjectForth YearThird Year Otherssport hall I perspective 31. sameer ishtayportfolio Graduation ProjectForth YearThird Year Otherssport hall I perspective 32. sameer ishtayportfoliospine connecting the places byusing the hijaz trainmain spine aroundwhich ever ything occursser vicezones secondar y semi public streetsprivate publicsecondar y streets local streetsfrom public ser ve 4 functions:private semi public to privateh o t e l s /r e s i d e n t i a l /c o m m e r c i a l /s e r v i c e s Figure 1Figure 2concept of axis commercial zone viewviews to green on the high activity bridge vegetation in this zone windlifting up the axis to form a bridge buffer zonesviews from theresidential viewsbridge to the from the sitewhole city residentialto surrounding more interaction on the ground Figure 3 Figure 4Physical Concept:1.Girded plan:1)Safer 2)Easier addressing 3)Time saving 4)Zones will be easy to approach 2.Services zones were divided into fivemain zones. Each is locate in the center of a residential zone making it approachable for everyone. 3.Commercial zones (high, mediumand low density) are mainly grouped around the main spine profiling the identity of the city. Residential zones, on the other hand, arepushed away from the commercial zones with the use of the urban parks and green areas. 4.Green areas are added to service zones.5.Hotels are located in the beginning of the city since they are basically for tourists. see figure (1,2).Rotation of the spine:Site orientation to those passing beside from/to the airport.Decrease the speed on the high way making passengers enjoy oursite.Create visual connection between the upper and lower (boulevard) level of the bridge. see figure (3).Transformation of spine into the bridge:1.Emphasize on the importance of the train track which is intended to be reconstructed. 2.Decrease noise and pollution through thesite.see figure (4).Graduation Project Forth YearThird YearOthersurban planing I concept 33. sameer ishtayportfolio commercial area near w o r k p l a c e s /o f f i c e s the main axis (bridge) pushed into the corners:l e s s a t r a c t i o n to c e n t e rl e s s t r a f f i c it presents the bridgl e s p o lu t i o n of the city encouragel e s s t r an s p o r t a t i o n t im eresidential touriests of in-out use o p e n s p a c e s /g r e e n a r e aw o r k /o f f i c e s p u b l i c a r e a s /c o m m e r c i a l bridge and commercial lane residential Figure 5 residential ser vicesopen spaces public buildings maximaisation of landscaped open creating landmarks at the spaces to ser ve the space users as well c i v i c /c o m m e r c i a l c e n t r e s . as the viewers of the green enviroment Figure6 easy pedestrian accessibility to openroadside palnting, to improve the spaces and minimum inter face with qualit y of the street enviroment. roads.Environmental Concept:1.Solar plates are placed in the site to provide all the electrical needs of the city. 2.Recycle zone reprocesses water to be exploited ingreen lands. 3.Wind turbines are placed on the highest level of the site for energy production 4.Main tank to harvest rainwater andserve the city. see figure (5).Environmental strategies:Bearing in mind that this is a metropolitan city green roofs, white buildings, and widely distributed green areas were integrated withincity strategies to reduce amount of heat stored. Infra-structure layout was taken in consideration and given priority in location. Districtsthat supply the site (solar plates, water tanks, and wind-mills) was located at the highest point of the site. Recycling and waste areaswhere located on the lower point; where sewage is recycled and reused for green houses that surrounds that separates waste area fromresidential area. seef igure (6).Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Others urban planing I section 34. sameer ishtay portfolioThe Sitethe site is located 4 kms away from Queen Alia Airport. Within few years laters it will become a transite station which would give thesurrounding a strong privilege to make a city in airports context, that gives tourists new experience and future amman vision in ichwould give the surrounding a strong privilege to make a city in airports context, that gives tourists new experience and future ammanvision.Graduation ProjectForth Year Third YearOthers urban planing I master plan 35. sameer ishtay portfoliosolidvoid type A building type B building ver y high density high density medium density low density Graduation Project Forth YearThird Year Others urban planing I plans 36. sameer ishtayportfolio Site PlanNSection A-A Section B-Bthe form was generated from sites triangular shape, which was divided it into three main zones; library, lobby, and cafe. variety of levelswas applied to emphasize the fragmentation. the lobby is the lowest zone in which one feels closest to nature creating an inside outexperience, however, the library and the cafe, which are the main functions of the project, are on higher levels to give them more impor-tance.Graduation ProjectForth YearThird YearOthersbook cafe I concept+sections 37. sameer ishtay portfolioBasement FloorGround FloorN Graduation Project Forth YearThird Year Others book cafe I plans 38. sameer ishtay portfolio Graduation Project Forth YearThird Year Others book cafe I perspective 39. sameer ishtay portfolio Graduation Project Forth YearThird Year Others book cafe I perspective 40. sameer ishtay portfolioNSite Planthrough site analysis one of the main pedestrian circulation in the context was taken into consideration in high level, since it is adjacentto the site. other circulation axes found next to the context, which it is reflected by a crack that penetrates and intersects creating thethreshold of the building. in order to break the rigidity of this crack, the elevation adapted lighter material that interacts with this crackwhich formed harmony between solid and void.Graduation ProjectForth Year Third YearOthers mixed-use I concept 41. sameer ishtay portfolioBasement Floor NGround Floor Graduation Project Forth YearThird Year Others mixed-use I plans 42. sameer ishtay portfolioTypical Floor NPenthouse Graduation Project Forth YearThird Year Others mixed-use I plans 43. sameer ishtayportfolioSection B-BSection A-A Graduation Project Forth YearThird YearOthers mixed-use I sections 44. sameer ishtay portfolio Graduation Project Forth YearThird Year Others mixed-use I perspective 45. sameer ishtay portfolio Graduation Project Forth YearThird Year Others mixed-use I perspective 46. sameer ishtayportfolioSite Plan NGround Floor Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOtherscons. drawings I plan 47. sameer ishtayportfolioNFirst Floor Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOtherscons. drawings I plan 48. sameer ishtay portfolioSection B-BSection A-A Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOtherscons. drawings I sections 49. sameer ishtay portfolioLeft ElevationBack Elevation Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOtherscons. drawings I elevations 50. sameer ishtay portfolioReturning Wall Elevator Detail Graduation ProjectForth Year Third Year Otherscons. drawings I details 51. sameer ishtay portfolio Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOtherscons. drawings I details 52. sameer ishtayportfolio B N BBasement Floorworking within a group to design the house for hisham al najjar. In the intership I worked on the house. My resposiblities were theinterior and developing 3D and designing for the living and the dinning room (I worked on two phases the conceptual and the construc-tion drawings). Furthermore, I worked on several projects some required working on construction drawings and I had a small experi-ence working on AQS and site supervisionsGraduation ProjectForth YearThird YearOthers internship I plan 53. sameer ishtay portfolioBB NGround Floor Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOthersinternship I plan 54. sameer ishtayportfolioSection B-BRight Elevation Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOthersinternship I elevation & section 55. sameer ishtayportfolioLeft ElevationBack Elevation Graduation Project Forth Year Third YearOthersinternship I perspective
