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Master of Science Thesis

Examiner: Professor Pekka Verho

Examiner and topic approved by the Fac-

ulty Council of Computing and Electrical

Engineering on 7th November 2012





Master of Science Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering

VEHMASVAARA, SAMI: Compensation strategies in cabled rural networks

Master of Science Thesis, 97 pages

February 2013

Major: Power systems and market

Examiner: Professor Pekka Verho

Keywords: compensation, reactive power, petersén coil, shunt reactor, earth fault

The medium voltage network of Finland is experiencing major changes in the near

future as the overhead lines are replaced with cables. The reason for the extensive

cabling is the new suggestions for distribution network operators' quality of supply,

which were set by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. Cabling sets

a number of practical and technical challenges to distribution network operators.

From the technical point of view, cables generate a signicant amount of reactive

power and earth fault current, which were the main research interests of this thesis.

The purpose of the thesis was to nd an optimal way to compensate both re-

active power and earth fault currents in extensively cabled networks. The thesis

studied, what is the actual need for compensation and how should it be imple-

mented optimally in a techno-economic way. The study was carried out by using

PSCAD-simulation software and making calculations based on the results.

The study revealed that there is a certain need for reactive power compensa-

tion. The main reason is Fingrid's fee for inputting reactive power in the main grid,

which can cause major costs as the amount of cabling increases. Another reason is

the power losses due to reactive power ow, which can be eectively limited with the

correct selection and placement of shunt reactors. The reactive power compensation

should be implemented by using centralized shunt reactors. Distributed shunt reac-

tors did not appear to be protable in the normal branched feeders. Instead, they

should be used with over 50 km straight feeders.

The distributed earth fault current compensation should be implemented with dis-

tributed Petersén coils. The centralized earth fault compensation should be carried

out with a combination of adjustable Petersén coils and centralized shunt reactors.

It is possible to use a shunt reactor for earth fault compensation if its neutral point

is grounded. However, substations should always rst have an adjustable Petersén

coil before grounding the shunt reactors in order to keep the correct compensation






Sähkötekniikan koulutusohjelma

VEHMASVAARA, SAMI: Maaseudun kaapeliverkon kompensointistrategiat

Diplomityö, 97 sivua

Helmikuu 2013

Pääaine: Sähköverkot ja -markkinat

Tarkastaja: Professori Pekka Verho

Avainsanat: kompensointi, loisteho, sammutuskela, shunttireaktori, maasulku

Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö on määrittänyt verkkoyhtiöille uudet suositukset toi-

mitusvarmuudesta, jotka tulevat muuttamaan Suomen keskijänniteverkon raken-

netta merkittävästi lähitulevaisuudessa. Käytännössä suositukset ohjaavat säävar-

man verkon rakentamista, jonka seurauksena suuri osa ilmajohdoista tullaan kor-

vaamaan maakaapeleilla. Kaapeloinnin haasteina ovat sen käytännön toteutus sekä

sähkötekninen toimivuus. Tämän diplomityön pääaiheina olivat kaapeleiden merkit-

tävä loistehon tuotanto sekä suuret maasulkuvirrat, mitkä kuuluvat kaapeloinnin

teknisiin haasteisiin.

Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää optimaalinen tapa kompensoida loistehoa ja maa-

sulkuvirtoja kaapeloidussa keskijänniteverkossa. Työssä tutkittiin, mikä on kompen-

soinnin todellinen tarve ja miten sen toteutus voidaan optimoida teknis-taloudellisesti.

Työ tehtiin pääosin suorittamalla PSCAD-simulointeja, ja tekemällä tuloksiin poh-

jautuvia laskelmia.

Työssä havaittiin, että loistehon kompensoinnille on todellinen tarve. Pääsyynä

ovat Fingridin asettamat maksut loistehon siirrolle kantaverkkoon päin, jotka saatta-

vat aiheuttaa merkittäviä kustannuksia kaapelimäärän lisääntyessä. Toisena syynä

ovat loistehon siirrosta aiheutuvat tehohäviöt, joita voidaan tehokkaasti rajoittaa

oikeilla reaktorivalinnoilla ja sijoituksella. Tulosten mukaan loistehon kompensointi

tulisi toteuttaa pääosin keskitetysti sähköasemilla tai kytkinasemilla. Hajautettu-

jen shunttireaktorien käyttö on taloudellista vain yli 50 km pitkillä säteittäisillä


Maasulkuvirran hajautettu kompensointi tulisi toteuttaa hajautetuilla sammu-

tuskeloilla. Keskitetty maasulkuvirran kompensointi kannattaa toteuttaa säädet-

tävien sammutuskelojen ja shunttikelojen yhdistelmänä. Tähtikytkentäisiä shunt-

tireaktoreja voidaan myös käyttää maasulkuvirran kompensointiin, jos niiden tähtip-

iste maadoitetaan. Pelkillä shunttireaktoreilla ei kuitenkaan voida hoitaa keskitettyä

maasulkuvirran kompensointia, sillä säädettävää sammutuskelaa tarvitaan verkon

oikean kompensointiasteen säilyttämiseen.




This Master of Science Thesis was written for Elenia Oy during the time between

June 2012 and January 2013. The examiner of the thesis was Professor Pekka Verho

from the Department of Electrical Engineering and the supervisor was M.Sc. Juho

Uurasjärvi from Elenia Oy.

First of all, I want to thank the company for giving me an opportunity to write

the thesis about such an interesting and current topic. The thesis process has been

extremely educational and useful for me. A great thank goes to my supervisor

Juho Uurasjärvi who have given helpful feedback and guided the work in the right

direction. I am also grateful for all other colleagues who have given me advice and

opinions during the work, especially for Hanna-Mari Pekkala. My examiner Pekka

Verho also deserves great thanks for giving supportive feedback and new ideas for

the development of the work.

I want to thank all of my friends with whom I have spent awesome time during

the studies. Special thanks to Vesa Hälvä for his useful comments for this thesis and

also for being an invaluable friend in our common study path. Last but not least, I

want to express my sincere gratitude for my family who have always believed in me

and showed their unbending support during my studies and life.


January 9th, 2013

Sami Vehmasvaara




1. Introduction 1

2. Representation of transmission lines 3

2.1 Models of transmission lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2 Power ow equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2.1 Surge impedance loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2.2 Ferranti-eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.3 Symmetrical components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3. Earth faults 15

3.1 Single phase earth fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.1.1 Isolated neutral system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.1.2 Compensated neutral system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.2 Earth fault compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.2.1 Centralized compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.2.2 Distributed compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.3 Challenges of extensive cabling in rural area networks . . . . . . . . . 25

3.3.1 Long cable feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.3.2 Inuence of fault location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4. Reactive power control 29

4.1 Main grid connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.1.1 Active power transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.1.2 Reasons for reactive power limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.1.3 Reactive power control method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.2 Inuences of reactive power growth due to extensive cabling . . . . . 34

4.2.1 Reactive power transfer to the upper voltage network . . . . . 34

4.2.2 Power losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.2.3 Voltage rise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.2.4 Reactive power from customers' aspect . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.3 Shunt reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.3.1 Core and insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.3.2 Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.3.3 Variability of the inductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5. Research methods 41

5.1 Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5.1.1 Tekla NIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


5.1.2 PSCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

5.2 Examined substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5.3 Network component modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5.3.1 Power lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5.3.2 Compensation devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

5.3.3 Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.3.4 Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.4 Economic calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

6. Results 52

6.1 Power losses in cabled networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

6.1.1 Ideal placement for distributed shunt reactors . . . . . . . . . 52

6.1.2 Straight cable feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

6.1.3 Branched cable feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6.1.4 Losses of the main transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

6.2 Cables' loading capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

6.3 Voltage rise due to Ferranti-eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6.4 Fingrid's reactive power window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

6.4.1 Estimation of cables' reactive power generation . . . . . . . . 65

6.4.2 Principle of estimating the exceeding costs . . . . . . . . . . . 68

6.4.3 Example calculation for Substation 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

6.5 Earth fault current compensation in extensive cabled network . . . . 72

6.5.1 Behavior of shunt reactors during earth faults . . . . . . . . . 72

6.5.2 Behavior of earth fault current in totally cabled network . . . 76

6.5.3 Earth fault current compensation in Substation 1 . . . . . . . 79

6.5.4 Transient phenomenon after an earth fault . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6.6 Optimal compensation strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6.7 Evaluation of results and tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

7. Conclusions 92

7.1 Further study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

References 95




A,B,C,D Transmission constants

C Capacitance

C0 Line capacitance

Cl Present value of power losses

E Fault voltage source

f Frequency

G Conductance

H Loss price

L Inductance

I Current

Icomp Compensation capacity

If Fault current

IRf Resistive part of the earth fault current

IRL Current in coil resistance

IR0 Current in coil's parallel resistance

IR Receiving-end current

IS Sending-end current

P Active power

p Interest rate

Pcu Load losses of the transformer

Pcun Nominal load losses of the transformer

P0 No load losses

Pmax Maximum active power

PR Receiving-end active power

PS Sending-end active power

QC Reactive power generated by capacitor

Qh Transformers' reactive power losses

QL Reactive power consumed by reactor

Qlosses Reactive power losses

QM One hour average of reactive power

Qmax Maximum reactive power

QR Receiving-end reactive power

QS Sending-end reactive power

Qs Reactive power window output limit



Qs1 Reactive power window output limit

R Resistance

r Loading increase rate

R0 Coil's parallel neutral point resistance

Re Parallel connection of RL and R0

Rf Fault resistance

RL Coil resistance

Rm Earthing resistance

S Apparent power

SN Apparent power of the largest generator

Sn Nominal apparent power

SR Receiving-end complex power

SS Sending-end complex power

tk Peak usage time

T Review period T

U Voltage

Ua Phase A voltage

Ub Phase B voltage

Uc Phase C voltage

Ua1 Phase A positive sequence voltage

Ub1 Phase B positive sequence voltage

Uc1 Phase C positive sequence voltage

Ua2 Phase A negative sequence voltage

Ub2 Phase B negative sequence voltage

Uc2 Phase C negative sequence voltage

Ua0 Phase A zero sequence voltage

Ub0 Phase B zero sequence voltage

Uc0 Phase C zero sequence voltage

Uk Touch voltage

Um Earthing voltage

Uph Phase voltage

UN Nominal line voltage

Us Step voltage

U0 Neutral point voltage

VR Receiving-end voltage



VS Sending-end voltage

WGen Net active power production

WOutput Output active energy

X Reactance

XC Capacitor reactance

XL Coil reactance

xk Relative short circuit reactance

XWye Reactance of a wye-connected shunt reactor

XDelta Reactance of a delta-connected shunt reactor

Y Shunt admittance

Z Series impedance

Z0 Zero sequence impedance

Z1 Positive sequence impedance

Z2 Negative sequence impedance

Zc Characteristic impedance

ZT1 Positive sequence impedance of rural networks

ZT2 Negative sequence impedance of rural networks

ZT0 Zero sequence impedance of rural networks

Zπ The corrected series impedance

α The angle of the transmission constant A

β The angle of the transmission constant B

δ Sending-end voltage angular displacement

ω Angular speed

κ Capitalization factor

CC Covered cable line

DSO Distribution system operator

OHL Overhead line

RMS Root mean square

SIL Surge impedance loading




The distribution network in Finland is experiencing major changes in a next few

years. The winter storms Tapani and Hannu caused serious damage to the distri-

bution network in 2011. The damages were severe especially in the eastern part of

Finland and they caused the outages of two weeks for the customers at worst. As

a result, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy had a report done about

suggestions for the new criteria for the quality of supply. The report suggests that

over 6 hour outages are not allowed for the customers in city areas and over 24 hour

outages are not allowed in the rural areas during major disturbances. 50 % of the

customers of DSO have to meet these conditions before the end of 2019, 75 % of the

customers before 2023 and all customers before 2027. Practically, this means that

many of the present overhead line networks have to be replaced with cable networks

in order to withstand the weather conditions and avoid long outages. The goal is

challenging since most of the Finnish medium voltage network is currently overhead

line. (Ministry of Employment and The Economy 2012)

Elenia Oy is a second largest distribution network operator in Finland and serves

408 000 customers. The network area is almost 50 000 m2 and the area extends

from Karkkila to Hailuoto in the area of 100 municipalities. Early 2013, Elenia

Verkko Oy was merged to Elenia Oy together with Elenia Asiakaspalvelu Oy and

Asikkalan Voima Oy. Consequently, Elenia Oy includes all operations from above

companies at the moment. Elenia has cabled all new medium voltage lines since 2009

and currently has a cabling degree of approximately 12 % in the medium voltage

network. The intention of Elenia is to increase the speed of cabling so that the

criteria will be met according to the quality of supply criteria.

Although the idea about the weatherproof network is tempting, there are some

challenges with the cabling. For example, the repairing of the cable faults is signi-

cantly slower than with overhead lines and the location of the fault is more dicult

to nd out since they are underground. Another issue is the price of cable instal-

lation, which may become very expensive if the soil is rocky or otherwise dicult

to dig. In addition to the practical issues, there are technical limitations and new

phenomena caused by the cabling, which are the main themes and the motivation

of this thesis.

Firstly, cables complicate the protection and safe use of the network by increasing


1. Introduction 2

the total earth fault currents in the network. Besides increasing the total earth

fault current, cables also increase the resistive part of the current, which can not be

compensated centrally at the substation. Both of these endanger the human safety in

the network, which is not acceptable. Secondly, cables generate a signicant amount

of reactive power. This is a new phenomenon in the medium voltage network since

the network has traditionally consumed reactive power instead. When more cables

are installed in the network and the reactive power balance turns from inductive to

capacitive, it can result in several problems.

It is possible to decrease the aects of the above technical issues by adding

compensations devices to the network. The earth fault current compensation has

been studied in the extensive cabled network in a previous thesis made for Elenia

(Pekkala 2010) and in Sweden (Guldbrand 2009). However, reactive power com-

pensation has studied less in the medium voltage network since it has not been a

concern before. Therefore, the main focus of this thesis is at reactive power and

earth fault compensation comes as a secondary subject.

Chapters 2, 3 and 4 discuss the theoretical background of the research theme.

The second chapter describes the basic electricity theory about the power lines and

the power transmission in the network. The third chapter discusses the earth fault

phenomenon and presents the new challenges, which have to be considered when

more cables are installed in the network. The fourth chapter concerns essential

topics about the reactive power such as information about the main grid connection,

the challenges of the growing reactive power and devices, which can be used to

compensate reactive power. The fth and sixth chapter include the applied part

of the thesis. The fth chapter introduces the initial data and describes the tools,

which are used in the thesis. The sixth chapter presents the results, which consist

of four dierent section and a conclusion section of them.





The fundamental theory of this thesis is introduced in this chapter. In order to

simulate and analyze dierent situations in the distribution network, components

and lines of the network have to be modeled mathematically. In this thesis, cables'

modeling and power ow in the network play a major role. Additionally, sym-

metrical components are needed to represent asymmetrical fault situations in the

network. The rst section is about the general modeling of the transmission lines,

in which three dierent models are introduced. The second section is the derivation

of the power ow equations and representing two phenomenon related to it, surge

impedance loading and Ferranti-eect. The last section introduces symmetrical

components, which are used later in the earth fault chapter.

2.1 Models of transmission lines

One of the most important things in the analysis of the power lines is the relation

between current and voltage. Their mutual behavior depends on numerous matters

and there has to be a model in order to handle them mathematically. There are four

parameters, which are used to describe the characteristics of power lines: resistance,

inductance, capacitance and conductance. Resistance represents the ohmic losses

of the line. Inductance describes magnetic interactions between dierent circuits

formed in the power line. Capacitance of the power line has to be considered due

to earth proximity that generates an electrical eld between them. Conductance

represents the leakage current of the isolation, which can be noticed as active power

losses. However, in spite of having a constant value, conductance depends highly on

the weather conditions, which makes its value dicult to estimate. Therefore, it is

rarely used and often neglected. Impedance Z = R + jX consists of resistance and

inductance and admittance Y = G + jC consists of conductance and capacitance.

(Kothari & Nagrath 2010)

In principle, the presented parameters are distributed evenly throughout the

power line. This means that power lines should be analyzed in innite small el-

ements. However, it would make calculations quite complicated and for that reason,

simplied models are often used. Transmission lines can be modeled in dierent

ways depending on their length and the type of the line. Of course, all models can


2. Representation of transmission lines 4

be used for all kinds of line types such as cables and overhead lines but the accuracy

of the model will suer. Consequently, the characteristics of the line type should be

considered when choosing the correct model. (Grainger & Stevenson 1994)

Impedances and admittances are usually presented in matrix form with trans-

mission constants A, B, C and D. These constants allow to represent the network

as a "black box", which is presented in gure 2.1. VS and IS represent voltage and

current in the sending-end and VR and IR in the receiving-end respectively. The con-

stants can be calculated for short- and medium length lines easily by multiplying the

parameters with the length of the lines. There is a connection between constants,

AD −BC = 1. (Kothari & Nagrath 2010)[V S



[A B


][V R



When the matrices are dismantled, the equations will be

V S = AV R +BIR (2.1)

IS = CV R +DIR. (2.2)

Figure 2.1. Power line representation with transmission constants

Short lines can be modeled with single impedance and the admittances can be

neglected. In this case, the black box is replaced with single impedance, which

consists of the resistive and inductive part. This model is only valid for shorter than

100 km overhead lines. The equivalent circuit is presented in gure 2.2.

Figure 2.2. Short line equivalent circuit


2. Representation of transmission lines 5

Therefore, the transmission constants will get the following values

A = D = 1

B = Z

C = 0.

However, the short line presentation is not always accurate enough. A more ac-

curate model is a pi- or t-section, which are presented in gure 2.3. These models

are normally used for medium length transmission lines. Both models are convert-

ible to each other but pi-section is used more because it is easier to use in calcu-

lations. Overhead lines lengths 100-250 km is usually modeled with a pi-section

(Kothari & Nagrath 2010). In case of cables, pi-section should be used up to 15 km

lengths (Manitoba HVDC Reasearch Centre 2010). Pi-section is used later on this

thesis as a primary model.

Figure 2.3. Medium line equivalent circuit, pi- and t-section

When using pi-section, the transmission constants will be

A = D = 1 +ZY


B = Z

C = Y (1 +ZY

4). (2.3)

With over 250 km overhead lines, long line equations have to be used since the wave

nature of electricity (Kothari & Nagrath 2010). Long line equations assume that

parameters are distributed uniformally throughout the power line and several pi-

sections are connected in series. This makes equations quite complicated. Therefore,

an easier way is to use correction factors, which consider correctly the wave behavior

of the power lines. The correction factors are presented in equations (2.4) and (2.5)

(Guldbrand 2009). The usage of transmission values is similar to pi-section. The

long line equations are mainly needed only in the transmission network. However,

the equations are required also in the distribution network when long cables have

to modeled accurately.

Zπ = Zsinh(G)



2. Representation of transmission lines 6

Yπ =Y





As mentioned before, all power line models are not suitable for all types of conductors

because there are some essential dierences between overhead lines and cables. For

overhead lines, the series impedance is a lot greater than the line capacitance and

therefore, the short line model can often be used. However, the characteristics

of cables are slightly dierent because of the high line capacitance and the short

line model have seldom an adequate accuracy. The dierence between cables and

overhead lines can be understood with the formula (2.6), which can be used to

calculate the capacitance of a cylinder. (Aro et al. 2011)

C =2πεrε0l

ln rurs


εr is the relative static permittivity, ε0 is the permittivity of the vacuum, ru is the

radius of the conductor, ru is the total radius and l is the length of the cylinder. In

case of overhead lines, the gap between earth and power line can be assumed to be

the distance to another electrode. A good average is 9 m for normal overhead lines

and the radius of the conductor shall be 0,02 m. The intermediate agent is air, so

the εr would be 1. Therefore, the capacitance of this overhead line is

Co = l · 2πε0 · 1ln9+0,02


= 1, 027 · l.

Next, the area of the conductor is kept at constant and the capacitance value is

calculated for a cable. Generally, cables consist of dierent layers, which all have a

dierent εr and in principle all of these layers should be taken into consideration.

For the simplicity, only one layer is calculated. If the isolation is assumed to be

totally PEX-plastic, εr would be 2,9. The radius of the conductor is still 0,02 m and

the total radius including the sheath can be assumed to be 0,05 m. Therefore the

capacitance of the cable would be

Cc = l · 2πε0εr


= 19, 88 · l.

The capacitance value of the cable is almost 20 times greater with these approxi-

mations. If the calculation was made accurately, the nearby wires and other layers

of the cable should be considered. Additionally, dimensions of the lines aect re-

markably on the outcome. Usually, the capacitance is 50-100 times greater than

in overhead lines (Elforsk 2006). However, the installation, soil and bonding af-

fect on cables' behavior and the alternation of the characteristics is clearer than


2. Representation of transmission lines 7

with overhead lines. In addition, the loading capacity of the cables is determined

by thermal limits unlike overhead lines, which can be overloaded momentarily and

the limiting factor is often the voltage regulation. On the other hand, overhead

lines have a greater load capacity when comparing conductors with a same area.

(Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

2.2 Power ow equations

Power ow equations are essential when analyzing transmission lines. The simplied

version of the ow equations, which is based on the short line model, is usually

adequate especially with overhead lines. However, it is not accurate enough for

cables because the capacitance of the cables is considerable compared with overhead

lines. Therefore, the equations should be derived in a more general form by using

the pi-section.

Figure 2.4. Example network (Bastman 2011)

A presented situation in gure 2.4 is considered. Complex power SS goes through

the transmission line and SR is the received power at the end of the line. The angle

of the receiving-end voltage is assumed to be 0 and the sending-end voltage leads

it by δ. According to the gure, complex powers for sending- and receiving-end are

SS = PS + jQS = V SIS∗

SR = PR + jQR = V RIR∗.

The transmission line is modeled with pi-section constants A,B,C,D, which were

presented in equation (2.3). As these constants are placed in matrix (2.2), the

following equations can be written for sending- and receiving-end currents

IR =1

|B|V S −

∣∣∣∣AB∣∣∣∣V R


BV S −



Next the transmission constants are marked with A = |A|6 (α), B = |B|6 (β)

and D = |D|6 (α). The angles represent the angle displacement of the constants'


2. Representation of transmission lines 8

impedances. When placing the constants in above current equations and then to

the apparent power equation SR, complex powers will be

SR =|VS||VR||B|

6 (β − δ)− |A||B||VR|2 6 (β − α)

SS =|VS||VR||B|

6 (β − α)− |A||B||VR|2 6 (β + δ).

After separating the real and imaginary parts, we will get equations for active

and reactive powers for sending- and receiving end

PR =|VS||VR||B|

cos(β − δ)− |A||B||VR|2 cos(β − α) (2.7)

QR =|VS||VR||B|

sin(β − δ)− |A||B||VR|2 sin(β − α) (2.8)

PS =|D||B||VS|2 cos(β − α)− |VS||VR|



cos(β + δ) (2.9)

QS =|D||B||VS|2 sin(β − α)− |VS||VR|



sin(β + δ). (2.10)

These are the general forms of the power ow equations. As can be seen, all

power ows can be calculated when voltages and line parameters and their angles

are known. However, equations are not always necessarily used in this general form

and simplications can be made to shorten the equations if the situation enables it.

For example in case of overhead lines, the inuence of the shunt capacitances can

usually be neglected and the equations become simpler.

2.2.1 Surge impedance loading

As seen in section 2.1, power lines have both capacitive and inductive characteristics.

They are opposite phenomenon in case of the reactive power because capacitors

generate reactive power and inductors consume it. It is important to notice that

the shunt capacitors generate reactive power proportional to the phase voltage. The

total reactive power generated by three phases can be calculated with

QC = 3U2ph


, (2.11)

in which the Uph represents the phase voltage and XC represents the impedance of

the shunt capacitors. However, the series inductors of three phases consume reactive


2. Representation of transmission lines 9

power proportional to phase current according to

QL = 3I2XL, (2.12)

in which I represents the phase current and XL represents the impedance of the

series inductor. Since the phenomenon are opposite, there has to be a balanced

loading condition when the line consumes the same amount of the reactive power it

generates. If the above equations are set to equal,

QC = QL ⇐⇒ 3I2XL = 3U2ph



I2= XL ·XC =




If both sides of the last equation are squared, the characteristic impedance will


Zc =




C. (2.13)

With this impedance, the power line operates on its natural loading and the reac-

tive power balance is zero at both ends. If the resistance of the power line is assumed

to be zero, the voltage prole of the line would be at. In other words, there is no

angular displacement in either voltage or current in any part of the power line. This

leads to the denition of surge impedance loading (SIL), which is presented in equa-

tion (2.14). SIL is not proportional to the length of the power line; it only depends

on the characteristic values of the line and the voltage. SIL is approximately 10 times

larger for cables compared with overhead lines in the distribution network because

of the higher values of capacitances (Elovaara & Haarla 2011). (Bastman 2011)

SIL = 3(Uph/




However, there are some limitations in the above equation. Firstly, the equation

2.14 is correct only with lossless lines whose resistance is zero. The assumption

of the lossless line can usually be made in the transmission network, in which the

resistance is really small compared to inductance values. In the distribution network,

resistance can not be neglected because of the smaller conductor areas and therefore

the larger resistance values. Secondly, the theoretical SIL denition assumes that

the loading is purely resistive at the end of the power line and only active power

is transferred. However, the loading consists rarely of mere resistance and usually

there is also some inductance. In this case, the surge impedance loading point is not

the same as in equation (2.14) and it depends on the power factor of the loading.

If the power factor of the loading is below one, the balance of the reactive power is

achieved with a smaller active power value in the sending point. So the more the


2. Representation of transmission lines 10

loading consumes reactive power, the less active power can be transferred in order

to maintain the voltage level in the receiving end. Still, it has to be kept in mind

that the theoretical SIL denition considers only the power line so the inuence of

the loading is usually observed separately.

The above limitations of the surge impedance loading can be understood with

the power ow theory and pi-sections. The pi-section presented in section 2.1 is

assumed to represent a power line. The phasor diagram in gure 2.5 describes

a situation when the power line works on its natural loading and the loading is

purely resistive and resistance is not neglected. The capacitive current IY/2 and the

inductive current IZX compensate each other and as a result, there is no angular

displacement between the voltage and the current in neither receiving- nor sending-

end. The series resistance causes a voltage drop between sending and receiving end

as expected.

The phasor diagram in gure 2.6 describes a situation when the power line works

on its natural loading and the loading is slightly inductive. Because of the inductance

of the loading, there is an angle between the current and the voltage in the receiving

end. In this situation, the transferred active power has to be smaller in order to

maintain the voltage level in the receiving end and in order to keep the reactive

power balance in zero in the sending end. When there is no reactive power coming

from the sending-end, the demanded reactive power has to come from the shunt

capacitances. Therefore, the IY/2 capacitive current phasors are longer than the IZX

inductive current phasor. As a result, there is no angular displacement between the

voltage and the current in the sending-end. It should be noticed that both of the

phasors diagrams are overwhelmed in order to makes the principle clear. The ratios

between the phasors would be dierent in a real situation.

Figure 2.5. Phasor diagram of natural loading situation with a purely resistiveloading


2. Representation of transmission lines 11

Figure 2.6. Phasor diagram of natural loading situation with a slightly inductiveloading

2.2.2 Ferranti-eect

Ferranti-eect is a phenomenon caused by the recharging current of the line ca-

pacitances. When the power line is considerably long or it has a remarkable line

capacitance value, the voltage rises towards to the receiving end. The phenomenon

can be explained in detail with long line equations but it is not relevant in the scope

of this work. A simpler explanation is gained if the whole capacitive current is as-

sumed to go to the capacitance in the receiving end in no-load situation. The phasor

diagram in gure 2.7 describes the situation. As the receiving end current is zero, the

current going to the line capacitance is purely capacitive and causes a negative volt-

age drop across the series inductance. As a result, the voltage in the receiving end

is greater compared to the sending end. (Kothari & Nagrath 2010, Kannus 2012)

Figure 2.7. Phasor diagram for a no-load situation in the power line

The strength of Ferranti-eect depends on the values of line capacitances. Besides

the line type, line capacitance is also proportional to the length of the power line

so the phenomenon is stronger with longer lines. As mentioned earlier, cables have

considerable higher values of capacitance over the inductance part of the series

impedance. Therefore, Ferranti-eect is considerable stronger with cables.


2. Representation of transmission lines 12

2.3 Symmetrical components

Normally the three-phased network is assumed to have a symmetrical loading, which

means that voltages and currents of all phases have the same magnitude and a 120

phase displacement to each other. The voltage phasor diagram of a symmetric

loading is presented in gure 2.8. All phasors are rotating to counter-clockwise

according to the sinusoidal wave. The symmetrical loading makes it possible to

analyze all three phases of the network with a single phase equivalent circuit. This

makes the calculations a lot simpler and saves time. Single phase calculations are

often adequate for normal condition analysis. (Bastman 2011)

Figure 2.8. Voltage phasors in a symmetrical loading situation

However, the network is not always symmetrical. The state of the network can

change to asymmetrical during an asymmetrical fault such as an earth fault and a

two-phased short-circuit. After this, the calculations can not be made with a sin-

gle phase equivalent circuit any more because the assumption about the identical

equivalent circuit in all phases is not valid. The options are either to calculate ev-

erything separately in three phases or to use symmetrical components. Symmetrical

components are a good option when there is only one fault in the network. If several

faults occur at the same time, calculations become complicated.

The idea of symmetrical components is to replace asymmetrical voltage or current

phasors with three independent symmetrical systems per phase. This is done with

three dierent sequence systems; positive, negative and zero sequence system. As a

result, it is possible to analyze the network eectively and quite easily in a single

circuit. Without a fault in the network, only the positive sequence system exists and

the circuits of the other sequence system are open. The negative sequence system is

equivalent to the positive system but the order and angles of the phases are reversed.

In the zero sequence system, all phases have the same angle and magnitude.

All sequence systems can be presented as a Thevenin's equivalent circuit and

they are presented in gure 2.9. The positive system includes an imagined voltage

source and a Thevenin's impedance. The negative system has negative sequence

Thevenin's impedance and no voltage source. The zero sequence system includes


2. Representation of transmission lines 13

zero sequence Thevenin's impedance but it might also have fault resistance if it ex-

ists. The sequences are independent on one another and the value of each sequence's

impedance is dened by the components in the network. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

Figure 2.9. Positive-, negative- and zero sequence system

An example of asymmetric voltages is given in gure 2.10 and these phasors are

combined in gure 2.11. Subindex 1 desbribes the positive sequence, 2 is the negative

sequence and 0 is the zero sequence network. Ua, Ub and Uc represent the voltages

in phases A, B and C. (Bastman 2011)

Figure 2.10. Positive-, negative- and zero sequence system during a fault(Bastman 2011)

Figure 2.11. Combined phasors from gure 2.10 (Bastman 2011)


2. Representation of transmission lines 14

When using symmetrical components in mathematical analysis, they are usually

presented in the matrix form. The equations can be simply derived from the basic

denitions of the sequence networks. As mentioned, phase voltages have a 120

phase displacement to each other and it can be described with the operator α =

ej120 = 1 6 120 . The phase order in the positive sequence system is assumed to be

abc and in the negative sequence system acb. Therefore, the phase voltages of each

sequence system can be written with the α operator when choosing phase a as a

reference. (Kothari & Nagrath 2010)

Ua1 U b1 = α2Ua1 U c1 = αUa1

Ua2 U b2 = αUa2 U c2 = α2Ua2

Ua0 U b0 = Ua0 U c0 = Ua0

Now the phase voltages of the asymmetric situation can be written as a sum of

the sequence networks.

Ua = Ua1 + Ua2 + Ua0 = Ua1 + Ua2 + Ua0

U b = U b1 + U b2 + U b0 = α2Ua1 + αUa2 + Ua0

U c = U c1 + U c2 + U c0 = αUa1 + α2Ua2 + Ua0

The above equations can be written in the matrix form:Ua

U b

U c


1 1 1

α2 α 1

α α2 1




The phase currents of each network are respectively:Ia1





1 α α2

1 α2 α

1 1 1


These matrices allow to solve the voltages and currents of each sequence system

from the original phase voltages or currents. Symmetrical components are gener-

ally used in the transmission network analysis. However, the matrix forms of the

equations are usually not needed in the distribution network because the earthing

system is dierent (Bastman 2011). This is discussed in detail in the next chapter.




An earth fault is a fault situation, in which one or two phases are connected to

the ground. During an earth fault, voltages change to asymmetrical according to

gure 3.1. UL1, UL2 and UL3 are phase voltages in phases 1, 2 and 3 and UL1′ and

UL2′ are line voltages in phases 1 and 2 during the fault. The fault is assumed to

happen in phase 3. The neutral point of the network can change along the half circle

depending on the voltage drop due to fault resistance Rf and fault current If . The

neutral point voltage is marked with U0. If the fault resistance is zero, the fault

is called solid and the voltage of the neutral point has the magnitude of the phase

voltage. Consequently, the magnitude of the voltage in the faulted phase is zero and

the voltage in other two healthy phases will rise to the level of line voltage. If the

fault resistance diers from zero, the voltage of the faulted phase is above zero and

the neutral point voltage is below the phase voltage depending on the place of the

neutral point. Fault resistance varies normally between 0 Ω and 100 kΩ but it can

be even more. There are no requirements for the sensitivity of earth fault detection

in Finland. However, the Finnish Electricity Association recommends, the detection

of 500 Ω faults. In Elenia, there is a capability to detect up to 5 kΩ earth faults

(Pekkala 2010). Good examples for causes of earth faults are a tree leaning on the

line or a bird on the cover of the transformer. (Lakervi & Partanen 2008)

Figure 3.1. Voltage phasors during earth fault (Lakervi & Partanen 2008)

Earth fault current is generated by line capacitances because the electrical circuit

formed during the earth fault closes through them. The magnitude of the earth


3. Earth faults 16

fault current is not dependent on the fault location and it is impossible to locate an

earth fault solely based on the fault current. There are no accurate mathematical

methods for location because the whole galvanic network behind the main trans-

former generates a fault current and it ows towards the fault point. Therefore, the

earth fault current has the same magnitude, which is mainly proportional to the

length and type of feeders from the substation. The capacitance of overhead lines

is mainly the same for all types of conductors (6 nF/km/phase) and they generate

earth fault current 0,067 A/km per phase. Cables generate a lot more earth fault

current due to high values of line capacitance. Typical earth fault currents gener-

ated by cables vary between 2,7 - 4 A/km. Values depend on the geometry and the

structure of the cables and it is always mentioned in the specications of cables.

(Lakervi & Partanen 2008)

3.1 Single phase earth fault

A single phase earth fault is the most common earth fault type and at the same,

it is the most common fault in the medium voltage network. The behaviour of the

network during an earth fault depends highly on the earthing system. Two dierent

systems are used in Finland and therefore the theory of a single phase earth fault is

presented in two subsections.

3.1.1 Isolated neutral system

In isolated neutral systems, there is not straight connection between ground and

the neutral point of the transformer. Besides shunt capacitances, the connection to

ground exists only via high impedance equipment such as voltage transformers or

surge arresters. Since the impedance is quite high, earth fault currents are relatively

low in isolated systems. In principle, the network could temporarily continue op-

erating during an earth fault because there would not be any technical limitations

for it. However, this is not possible with the modern distribution network due to

its large size and it would cause problems for human safety. In Finland, the iso-

lated system is the most used system in the medium voltage network because of

poor earthing conditions. Poor earthing conditions increase the touch voltages on

the fault location and therefore endanger human safety during an earth fault. Iso-

lated neutral system is also the cheapest and easiest option for an earthing system.

(Lakervi & Partanen 2008)

An earth fault in the isolated neutral system is presented in gure 3.2. One can

see that the earth fault current ows from shunt capacitances C to the transformer

and goes around the neutral point towards the fault point. If there were other

feeders fed by the transformer, they would generate earth fault current towards the


3. Earth faults 17

fault location as well. The earth fault circuit closes in ground through a possible

fault resistance Rf . As was expressed in gure 3.1, U0 rises to the magnitude, which

depends on the fault resistance. The larger the fault resistance is, the smaller the

fault current and neutral point voltage are. Voltage source E has been drawn to the

circuit only for mathematical reasons.

Figure 3.2. Earth fault in isolated neutral system

The same earth fault is presented with equivalent circuits of symmetrical com-

ponents in gure 3.3. The positive-, negative- and zero sequences are connected in

series with each other and in parallel with the fault resistance. The networks are

modelled with a pi-section, and the series impedances are neglected because the line

is assumed to be short. The neutral point displacement voltage is also marked to

the zero sequence network. The equivalent circuit simplies to a circuit in gure

3.4. (Guldbrand 2009)

Figure 3.3. Symmetrical networks for earth fault current in isolated neutral system


3. Earth faults 18

Figure 3.4. Equivalent circuit for earth fault current in isolated neutral system

Now it is easy to solve the fault current from the simplied circuit with equation

(3.1). If the current is disassembled to real and imaginary parts, the equation will

get the form (3.2). The neutral point displacement voltage U0 can be calculated

with the equation (3.3). (Guldbrand 2009)

If =j3ωC0

1 +Rfj3ωC0

· E (3.1)

If = IRf + IC =Rf (3ωC0)2

1 + (Rf3ωC0)2· E + j


1 + (Rf3ωC0)2· E (3.2)

U0 =1

1 + jωC0Rf

· E (3.3)

If the fault is solid (Rf = 0 Ω) and the equations simplify to (3.4) and (3.5). It

can be seen that in a solid earth fault, the fault current is purely capacitive and

the zero sequence voltage is the same as the phase voltage. A solid fault is more a

theoretical case because in practise some fault resistance always exists.

If = IRf + IC = j3ωC0 · E (3.4)

U0 = E (3.5)

One problem in the isolated system is fairly steep recovery voltage, which means

the voltage in the fault location after the fault has been cut o. Although the fault

currents are relatively low, the rising speed of the recovery voltage is high. Therefore,

it is not likely for an arc to extinguish itself, which increases the probability of the re-

ignition of the voltage. This is because there is no inductance, which would decrease

the rising speed of the wave. Additionally, the phase voltages of the healthy phases

will rise to the magnitude of the main voltage. In the worst case, this might cause

secondary failures because of the over voltages. (Nikander 2002)


3. Earth faults 19

3.1.2 Compensated neutral system

Compensated neutral system is a special version of the isolated neutral system. It

has a coil at the neutral point of the network, which works as a compensator for

earth fault current. The idea is to produce an inductive current, which has opposite

phase displacement compared with the capacitive current. As a result, the inductive

current cancels the capacitive current and the total earth fault current will decrease.

Another name for compensation coil is Petersén coil. In principle, Petersén coils can

be placed on any place at the network, where a neutral point is available.

In Finland, the 110 kV high voltage network is totally compensated and at the

moment a part of 20 kV network as well. However, isolated systems are constantly

changed to compensated ones by placing compensation coils to the substations. The

increasing cabling of the distribution network is an important factor, which increases

the interest towards compensated systems since cables generate a lot more earth

fault current compared to overhead lines. Using the compensation coil is yet only

economic to use it in straight networks, not in ring networks. Communication would

be needed to sending-end and receiving-end of the power line to achieve selective

relay protection in the ring networks. (Bastman 2011)

An earth fault in a compensated system is presented in gure 3.5. The situation is

otherwise the same as in the isolated system but now the fault current ows through

the Petersén coil and the parallel resistance as well.

Figure 3.5. Earth fault in compensated neutral system

The symmetrical networks and the simplied equivalent circuit are presented in

gure 3.6 and gure 3.7. The series impedances of the pi-section are neglected again

because of the short length of the line. Now the coil's resistance and inductance

have appeared to the zero sequence system. R in the zero sequence system includes

both RL, which is the natural resistance of the coil and R0, which is the parallel

resistance. The purpose of the parallel resistance is explained later.


3. Earth faults 20

Figure 3.6. Symmetrical networks for earth fault current in compensated neutralsystem

Figure 3.7. Equivalent circuit for earth fault current in compensated neutral system

Now the equations for the earth fault current and the zero sequence voltage can

be written according to the equivalent circuit. The earth fault current is given

in equation (3.6) and the equation of the zero sequence voltage in equation (3.7).

(Guldbrand 2006)

Ief = IRL + IR0 + IL + IC =Re(RfRe + 1) +RfXe

2 + jXe

(RfRe + 1)2 + (RfXe)2(3.6)

U0 =Ief√

( 1Re

)2 +(3ωC0 − 1




3. Earth faults 21

In which

Re =RL +R0

RL ·R0

Xe = 3ωC0 −1


The whole capacitive current should not, however, be compensated by match-

ing the inductance perfectly (100 %) with the network's capacitance. This would

endanger the network for resonance. Therefore, the compensation degree is kept

under compensated, at 95 % in Finland. It would also possible to use the net-

work as overcompensated as in Sweden but it would require dierent setting for

relay protection. This is because the earth fault protection is based on angular dis-

placement be tween the zero sequence voltage and the zero sequence current. If the

network would be over compensated in Finland and an earth fault would be noticed,

the whole substation would disconnect if the relays were set to under compensated

settings. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

When using Petersén coils in the network, it is more likely for arcs to extinguish

by themselves. This is because Petersén coils lower the rising speed of the recovery

voltage when an earth fault occurs besides limiting the fault current. Therefore

the probability of arc's self-extinction increases and the arc can extinguish at the

rst zero point of the sinusoidal wave. This reduces the number of reclosings and

therefore improves the power quality. However, remarkable advantage is not gained

until the compensation degree is over 75 %. (Nikander 2002)

3.2 Earth fault compensation

An earth fault is not particularly dicult situation from the distribution system

operator's (DSO) point of view. It normally does not do any serious damage to the

network components and in principle the network could be temporary used for a

short time. A larger and limiting threat is the danger of people touching a live part

such as the safety earthing during an earth fault. Sometimes it is even enough to

stand near the fault location. When an earth fault occurs, the current starts the

ow to the ground in the fault location. The owing current causes a touch voltage

in the fault location due to earthing resistance. A person will be exposed to the

touch voltage if she/he touches the earthing electrode because there is a potential

dierence between the touching spot and person's leg. Consequently, a part of the

fault current ows through a person. Touch voltage Um can be calculated with

equation (3.8). Naturally, higher earthing resistance Rm will cause higher touch


3. Earth faults 22

voltage and the danger is larger. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

Um = If ·Rm (3.8)

Figure 3.8 represents the potential distribution around the energized electrode. V

represents the potential on both sides of the electrode and Im is the current through

the electrode. Um is the earthing voltage and it depends on the conductivity of the

soil and the amount of copper in the ground. Uk is the touch voltage, which is the

experienced voltage by a person when touching the electrode. Us is the step voltage,

which is the potential dierence between person's legs. As can be seen from the

picture, both step and touch voltage depends on the horizontal distance from the

electrode. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

Figure 3.8. Potential around the earth electrode (Lakervi & Partanen 2008)

Touch voltages are dangerous for humans because touching the electrode will

cause a current owing through a person. Alternating current is especially danger-

ous for a human because already after a current of 5 mA, muscular contractions

start to happen and loosening from the energized part might become impossible.

If 30 mA ows through a person, the probability of ventricle brillation increases

remarkably. Another important factor is the time the persons touches the live part.

The longer the time the larger is the probability of getting the ventricle brilla-

tion. SFS 6001 standard denes the allowed clearing times and the corresponding

touch voltage values, which are calculated with 10 % probability of ventricle b-

rillation. Clearing times and allowed touch voltages are presented in gure 3.9.

(Elovaara & Haarla 2011)


3. Earth faults 23

Figure 3.9. Allowed touch voltage as a function of current duration time(SFS 2005)

Besides touch voltage, the current through a person is inversely proportional to

body's impedance, which does not behave linearly. Body's impedance depends on

e.g. touching area, moisture, frequency and current path and of course, there is some

natural variation between dierent people. For example, hand-to-hand impedance

with a large touching area and dry hands is 3,3 kΩ at 50 V and 0,8 kΩ at 700 V.

Standard limits are calculated with the average values. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

Lowering touch voltages is possible by lowering the earthing resistance, lowering

earth fault current or shortening the clearing times (Mörsky 1993). Shortening the

clearing times naturally gives less time for faults to disappear by themselves and

therefore causes more reclosing operations. Lowering the earthing resistance is usu-

ally the most expensive way to lower the fault current because more copper has to

be put to underground in several locations. The third option is to lower the earth

fault currents with Petersén coils. This is often the optimal solution. As mentioned

before, Petersén coils lowered the total earth fault current by compensating the ca-

pacitive current. Centralized and distributed compensation are presented in detail

in the following two subsections.

3.2.1 Centralized compensation

Centralized compensation is located in the substation and it is supposed to compen-

sate the earth fault current generated by all feeders or a part of them. The compen-

sation coil is placed to secondary winding's neutral point of the main transformer if


3. Earth faults 24

it exists. However, in Finland 110/20 kV main transformers are Ynd-coupled so the

upper voltage side is star-coupled and lower voltage side delta-coupled. This means

that the main transformers do not have a natural neutral point so it has to be cre-

ated if one wants to implement a compensation coil. The problem would be solved

if Ynyn-coupled transformers were used instead but they can not be used in parallel

with Yd-coupled ones, which are the most common type in Finland. One drawback

of the neutral point equipped main transformers is the limited loading capacity of

the neutral point. The neutral point does not necessarily withstand large earth fault

currents from extensive cabled networks. A virtual neutral point can also be created

by using an earthing transformer, which is Znyn-coupled. It creates a neutral point

and the Petersén coil can be connected between the earthing transformer and the

ground. The earthing transformer allows the easy disconnection if Petersén coil has

been damaged for a reason. (Pekkala 2010)

Earth fault current can not transfer to 100 kV or to 0,4 kV network from the

medium voltage side. This is because of distribution transformers are normally Dy-

coupled and as stated before, the main transformers are Yd-coupled. This means

that earth fault current has no route from the lower voltage side to the upper side

or vice versa. As a result, earth fault in the high or low voltage network do not have

to be considered in the medium voltage side.

Petersén coils have an extra parallel resistance as well. It is used to articially

increase the active component of the earth fault current during a fault so that

the relay can see the fault and disconnect the faulted feeder selectively. Without

the extra resistance, an earth fault would disconnect the whole substation after the

neutral point displacement voltage relay trips. The extra resistance can be connected

to network all the time or it can be connected only during faults for a certain time

depending on the desired purpose. (Mörsky 1993)

The network has to have a compensation degree of 95 % even though the topology

would change. This is usually implemented with the self adjustable coils. Adjust-

ment of the coil is carried out by measuring the zero sequence voltage at the neutral

point. The inductance of the coil can be changed by diering the air gap in core

of the coil. When the capacitance of the network increases, also the inductance

is increased with a certain time delay. The adjustment range of the inductance is

pretty wide, usually 10-100 %. (Pekkala 2010)

3.2.2 Distributed compensation

Earlier, the distributed network consisted mainly of the overhead lines, which leaded

to low earth fault currents and there was no need for other than centralized compen-

sation in some cases. However, as the cabling has increased, there has been a new

need for compensating the earth fault currents locally. One reason for this is the


3. Earth faults 25

lack of compensation capacity in the substations. A new centralized compensation

coil is a large investment already as itself and as the existing compensation is usually

placed in the station service feeder, a new coil would sometimes require a totally

new feeder. Also, the old smaller coil may remain useless after the replacement. In

addition to high earth fault currents, long cable feeders have a problem of causing

a part of the earth fault current to become resistive. This is discussed more in the

next section. These two reasons have brought fairly new distributed compensation

coils to the market.

Distributed compensation coils are basically small Petersén coils, which are lo-

cated in the secondary substations. However, Petersén coils require a neutral point

from the network, which is seldom found from the distribution transformers in Fin-

land since most of them are Dy-coupled. If distributed Petersén coils are desired to

be used, an existing transformer has to be either replaced with a ZNzn- or Zn(d)yn-

coupled one or a new earthing transformer has to be installed. The coil is placed

between ground and the earthing transformer as in centralized compensation. It is

also essential, that the earth fault current does not ow to the low voltage side. As a

result, distributed Petersén coils are always put to the 20 kV side and they have to be

separated from low voltage side with a stabilization delta coupling. (Pekkala 2010)

Distributed coils have usually a xed compensation capacity and they can only

be adjusted when the transformer is oine. A common capacity of earth fault

current compensation is 5-15 A. The lack of adjustability is normally not a problem

because distributed compensation coils are installed in compensate a certain part of

the feeder. Therefore if a part of the feeder is disconnected from the network, the

feeder will not become over compensated.

3.3 Challenges of extensive cabling in rural area networks

Traditionally, cabling has been focused on the urban areas due to practical reasons

such as space saving and relatively short distances. Rural area has not been cabled

diligently before because it has not been economically benecial. However, the

prices of cable installation have gone down and there is a pressure to build most

of new lines underground due to recommendations of the weather-proof network.

Therefore, much wider areas will be cabled, which will raise new kinds of challenges.

The large amount of overhead lines in rural areas has made it possible to analyze

earth fault situations with simplied methods. Also, there are a few assumptions,

which have been valid with a adequate accuracy. Firstly, the total length of the

network has dened the total earth fault current without concerning the lengths of

single feeders. Secondly, the series impedances of the power lines have always been

neglected in earth fault calculations and the fault current is assumed to be almost

purely capacitive and directly proportional to the line length. This means that the


3. Earth faults 26

whole earth fault current could have been compensated by using Petersén coils in

principle. Thirdly, the zero sequence voltage has depended solely on the neutral

point resistance and fault resistance. Fourthly, the location of the fault have not

aected on network's behavior. (Guldbrand 2009)

These assumptions are not necessarily valid when analyzing long cable feeders

and the extensive cabled network. They are discussed in detail in the following


3.3.1 Long cable feeders

In the urban network, there are usually several short feeders in one substation. It

is justied to assume that one feeder can be modeled with a single pi-section. The

sequence network systems in an urban network are presented in gure 3.10. ZT1 is

the positive , ZT2 is the negative and ZT0 is the zero sequence network. Because of

the short length, the series impedance can be considered as meaningless due to large

line capacitance when analyzing an earth fault situation. When the series impedance

is removed, the line capacitances are in parallel and they can be added together.

Therefore, the total earth fault current can be calculated from this capacitance. The

specications of the cables dene the capacitance value per kilometer so it is easy

to calculate the total earth fault current. Therefore, the assumption that the length

of the network denes the total earth fault current is valid.

Figure 3.10. Positive-, negative- and zero sequence systems in urban network(Guldbrand 2009)

However, feeders are usually much longer in rural networks and the series impedance

can not be neglected any more. The equivalent sequence circuits are presented in

gure 3.11. Because of the length, a single feeder has to be modeled with sev-

eral pi-section connected in series. This makes the situation more complicated be-

cause the series impedances are connected in series. When the series impedance

is taken into consideration, the earth fault current is no longer solely capacitive.

(Guldbrand 2009)


3. Earth faults 27

Figure 3.11. Positive-, negative- and zero sequence systems in rural network(Guldbrand 2009)

An example is given in gure 3.12. A 10 kV cable is considered, which is the

95 mm2 XLPE cable. Impedance and its argument are described with a function of

cable length with a short line model (pure capacitance) and with pi-sections. It is

easy to see that more accurate modeling with pi-section changes the situation sig-

nicantly with longer cable lengths. The absolute value of zero sequence impedance

does not change remarkably when the length of the cable increases. Instead, the

angle of the current changes. As a result, earth fault current has now a resistive

part in addition to the capacitive part. The total earth fault current remains the

same as before but only the capacitive part of the current can be compensated with

Petersén coils. Consequently, the uncompensated resistive part raises touch voltages

and it might cause danger to people. (Guldbrand 2009)

Figure 3.12. Magnitude and argument of the equivalent zero sequenceimpedance of cables modelled by pi-sections (dashed) and capacitance only (solid)(Guldbrand 2009)


3. Earth faults 28

3.3.2 Inuence of fault location

According to conventional earth fault analysis, the neutral point displacement volt-

age is the same everywhere in the network and independent on the fault location.

This is a consequence of the same assumption that series impedances can be ne-

glected because of the short cable distances. According to this assumptions, there is

no voltage drop in the zero sequence voltage. However, as explained in the previous

section, long cable feeders have to be modeled with several pi-sections and series

impedances can not be neglected. As a result, the voltage drop exists in the zero

sequence system and it has to be considered.

The series impedance consists of the inductive and resistive part. The resistive

part causes a voltage drop and the inductive part compensates a part of the capac-

itive fault current. Because of the resistive component of the earth fault current,

the zero sequence voltage is not the same in all parts of the network. Now the fault

location denes the magnitude of the zero sequence voltage in the substation. For

example, if the fault is located at the end of the feeder, the voltage at the trans-

former's neutral point is less than at the fault point. In some cases, this might lead

to failure to detect the fault and since the true zero sequence voltage of the fault

location is not known. (Guldbrand 2009)




Reactive power is the second component of the apparent power and a consequence

of the angular displacement between voltage and current. Unlike active power, it

cannot be used to do work or utilize by electric devices. Since the apparent power

consists of both active and reactive power, reactive uses the same bandwidth with

active power and therefore, it limits the transmission of active power. Additionally,

reactive power aects directly on the voltage level of the network. The more reactive

power the higher the voltage is. Because of these reasons, the transmission of reac-

tive power should always be minimized in order to transfer active power eciently.

Generally, the volume of reactive power can simply be controlled by either adding

capacitive or inductive components to the network. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

The increasing cabling of the distribution network increases the volume of reactive

power in the network. Usually, cables operate under their natural loading and

therefore generate more reactive power than they consume. This is due to the high

line capacitance value of the cables. It raises many new challenges since traditionally

the distribution network has considered to be a drain of reactive power. This chapter

discusses the aects of reactive power excess due to extensive cabling and a method

used to minimize the transmission of the reactive power. In the rst section, the

principles of the main grid connection are introduced including both active and

reactive power regulations and requirements. The second section is about the aects

of the cabling from the distribution system operator point of view. The third section

concerns shunt reactors, which are used for the compensation of reactive power.

4.1 Main grid connection

The Finnish main grid is operated by Fingrid, which also owns the major power

links to foreign countries. Fingrid is responsible for operation supervision, opera-

tion planning, maintenance, development of the main grid and electricity market

development. The main grid exists at three dierent voltage levels: 400 kV, 220 kV

and 110 kV and almost all of the power lines are overhead lines. The major part

of consumed electricity in Finland is transferred through the main grid. The main

grid has certain stability limits, which are possible to exceed if the active or reactive

power is transferred too much or too less into the grid. In order to use the main

grid eectively and economically, Fingrid has to supervise the usage of reactive and


4. Reactive power control 30

active power and set limits for the clients. (Fingrid 2012)

4.1.1 Active power transmission

The consumption of electricity, in other words, the demanded active power aects

directly on the frequency of the network and it is a global quantity for a single

synchronous system (Elovaara & Haarla 2011). If the generation of active power is

kept at constant and the demand is increasing, the frequency of the network starts to

decrease. Vice versa, the frequency increases when the demand decreases. Frequency

is usually corrected by increasing or decreasing the generation of active power or in

the emergency situation, cutting the consumption. In normal conditions when the

frequency deviation is less than 0,1 Hz, the automatic primary control takes care of

the frequency control. Especially water power generators are used for this purpose

due to their fast response time. If the deviation goes over 0,1 Hz, the manual

secondary control takes over and the responsible operator of Fingrid connects more

reserve generators to the main grid. Frequency is allowed to deviate in the range

of 49,5..51,5 Hz in normal conditions, which is also the requirement limit for clients

to cope with. In exceptional conditions, the frequency is possible to deviate in the

range of 47,5...53 Hz. (Fingrid 2012)

Nowadays the transmission of active power consists of two dierent fees, a use of

grid fee and a consumption fee. The connection fee is constant and paid monthly

for every connection point regardless of the transferred energy. The consumption

fee is based on the consumption of active power and it is calculated per MWh. The

use of grid fee is taken into account every time active power is either taken from or

fed to the main grid. The evolution of fees for the past years is listed at table 4.1.

Table 4.1. Fees for the main grid service 2008-2012 (Fingrid 2012)

Consumption fee 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Winter period 2,16 2,28 2,40 2,52 3,48 AC/MWhOther times 1,08 1,14 1,20 1,26 1,74 AC/MWh

Use of grid fee

Output from grid 0,66 0,68 0,70 0,72 0,80 AC/MWhInput into grid 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,50 AC/MWh

Connection point fee 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 AC/month

4.1.2 Reasons for reactive power limitations

Reactive power and voltage are both local quantities and they are directly connected

to each another. In other words, voltage level is controlled by adjusting the amount

of reactive power in the network. If a connection point is consuming a lot of reactive

power, voltage drops and if it produces reactive power, voltage raises. Since reactive


4. Reactive power control 31

power is a local quantity, it should be generated locally to minimize the unwanted

eects. The amount of reactive power can be decreased by placing reactors and

increased by placing capacitors in dierent spots of the network. Combinations of

them exist as well, which control the voltage level by automatically adjusting the

reactance of the device. These are called FACTS-devices. Another ways to adjust

the voltage level are the on-load tap changer of the main transformer and over

magnetized synchronous generators. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

Fingrid's policy of reactive power is somewhat dierent from active power. Fin-

grid encourages clients to limit their reactive power input/output by setting a re-

active power window for each connection point. The ideal input/output would be

zero. The main purpose of limitations is to ensure the stability of the main grid

and maintaining the voltage balance. Clients are driven to stick within these limits

so stability would not be threatened during the normal use. There are also other

reasons, which are achieved with voltage balance such as better reliability, power

quality and lower losses (Elovaara & Haarla 2011). The limits of allowed voltage de-

viation are presented in table 4.2. Within these limits, the stability is maintained.

(Fingrid 2012)

Table 4.2. Allowed voltage levels in the main grid (Fingrid 2012)

Voltage level Lower limit Upper limit400 kV 380 kV 420 kV220 kV 215 kV 245 kV110 kV 105 kV 123 kV

During a disturbance, voltage tends to drop and reactive power is needed to

support the voltage. Because of this, there has to be a reserve capacity of reactive

power in case of a disturbance so that the voltage of the main grid will not collapse.

All generators larger than 10 MVA connected to the 400 kV grid are required to

reserve all of their reactive power capacity for the disturbance reserve. Generators

connected to voltage levels of 110 kV and 220 kV have to reserve half of their reactive

power capacity for a disturbance. (Bastman 2011)

4.1.3 Reactive power control method

Fingrid makes a reactive power contract for every connection point, where the cus-

tomer is connected to the main grid. If there are several connection points, which are

electrically close to each other from Fingrid point of view, Fingrid forms a monitor-

ing area. The reactive power windows of single customers in the same monitoring

area are summed together and the whole area is observed with common reactive

power limits. This allows clients to decide how they will share the consumption and

production of reactive power. (Fingrid 2012)


4. Reactive power control 32

Every monitoring area has a limit for the output and input of reactive power, in

which it is free to transfer reactive power. If these limits are exceeded, the exceeded

volume will be charged. The exceedings are measured in hours per month. Under

10 hours of exceedings per month are allowed for free if the reactive power limit

has not exceeded double the limit. Still, every exceeding has to be explained and

claried for Fingrid. Additionally, reactive power fees are not charged in exceptional

situations such as starting a generator, a fault in the lower voltage side, a signicant

starting or stopping a process or a major disturbance. All of these incidents have to

be reported to Fingrid in forehand if it is possible. (Fingrid 2012)

The principle gure of reactive power window limits is presented in gure 4.1.

Qs1 is the reactive power input limit and Qs is the reactive power output limit. As

can be seen, the limit of reactive power input to the main grid is independent on

the active power consumed. On the other hand, the reactive power output depends

on the consumed active power and it can be 16 % of the active power at maximum.

An example exceeding is drawn with arrows and the price to pay is marked on the

horizontal axle. Output and input limits can be calculated with formulas (4.1), (4.2)

and (4.3). The formula, which gives a larger result, is chosen from two above Qs

formulas. (Fingrid 2012)

Figure 4.1. Fingrid's pricing model for reactive power (Fingrid 2012)


4. Reactive power control 33

Qs = WOutput ·0, 16


0, 025 ·WGen


Qs = WOutput ·0, 16

tk+ 0, 1 · SN (4.2)

Qs1 = −0, 25 ·Qs (4.3)


tk = peak usage time

7000 h for process industry

6000 h for other industry

5000 h for other consumption

WOutput = output active power (MWh)

WGen = net active power production

If the largest generator is smaller than 10 MVA ⇒ WGen=0

SN = apparent power of the largest generator

0, 1 · SN ≤ 30 MVA

If the largest generator is smaller than 10 MVA ⇒ SN=0

The chargeable price of reactive power exceeding consists of the usage fee and

energy fee. Reactive power measurements are carried out at every connection point

and the average value of the hour is used in calculations. The usage fee is calculated

from the largest exceeding of the month by using formulas (4.4), (4.5) and (4.6).

The principle is to calculate the dierence between the maximum exceeding and the

window limit and multiply the result with 3000 AC. The energy fee is calculated from

every hour exceeding so that all exceeding hours have to be paid for. The energy

fee can be calculated by multiplying the consumed reactive energy by 10 AC/MVArh.

(Fingrid 2012)

• If P ≤ Qs/0, 16 and Q > Qs, the usage fee is

(Q−Qs) · 3000 AC/MV Ar (4.4)

• If P > Qs/0, 16 and Q/P > 0, 16, the usage fee is

(Q− 0, 16 · P ) · 3000 AC/MV Ar (4.5)

• If |Q| > |Qs1|(|Q| − |Qs1|) · 3000 AC/MV Ar (4.6)


4. Reactive power control 34


Q = QM +Qh

QM = one hour average of reactive power

Qh = transformers' reactive power losses, concerned if the power measurements

are done in lower voltage side

P = one hour average of active power

4.2 Inuences of reactive power growth due to extensive ca-


Extensive cabling brings challenges to earth fault situations, which were explained

in section 3.3. In addition to these, the reactive power generation of the cables

has to be considered. As mentioned earlier, cables generate a remarkable amount

of reactive power and their surge impedance loading limit is relatively high. This

means that cables often operate under their natural loading limit and they cause a

surplus of reactive power to the network. There are several dierent phenomena,

which are consequences from the excess of reactive power.

These phenomena are fairly new in the medium voltage network and they have not

been researched much yet. Elforsk carried out a study in 2006 about the inuences

of extensive cabling in Sweden. The focus point of the report was at the challenges

related to earth faults but reactive power excess was also considered. The topic

was also examined in Pekkala's M.Sc. thesis 2010, which was focused on earth fault


4.2.1 Reactive power transfer to the upper voltage network

The rst possible problem is the reactive power balance at Fingrid connection points.

As described in subsection 4.1.3, Fingrid has set limits for reactive power output

and input. Traditionally there have not been problems with the input limits but

the situation is about to change as the cabling of the medium voltage network is

taken forward. When more capacitive load is added to the network, the reactive

power balance moves towards capacitive at the connection point. Problems may

occur especially during light loading situations with long cable feeders and a large

amount of cable in a single substation.

Fingrid was interviewed in order to nd out if the policy of reactive power control

will be changed in the near future. According to Fingrid, the present control method

and the window limits have just been renewed and they do not have plans of changing

the policy. The present control method has worked well and therefore, the window

limits are not planned to tighten in the future. Neither the zero tolerance of reactive

power window, which has been used in Central Europe, will not be taken in use in


4. Reactive power control 35

the future. Fingrid has also noticed that there is a gentle trend of an increasing

reactive power input to the network. Reactive power limits have been a problem for

some DSOs who work in the city areas and their guess is that the rest of the DSOs

will probably follow after. (Fingrid 2012)

4.2.2 Power losses

As discussed in the previous subsection, the surplus of reactive power starts to ow

towards the upper voltage network when the loading situation is light. In addition

to problems with reactive power balance in the substation, the ow causes active

power losses in power lines. Theoretically, reactive power is the second part of the

complex power in addition to active power according to

S =√P 2 +Q2.

The increase of the reactive power increases the total complex power as well re-

gardless of the sign of reactive power. In case of power lines, if the voltage level of

the network is assumed to be constant, the total current has to increase according

to Ohm's law. The increasing current warms the cable up and a part of electrical

energy turns into heat energy. As a result, the reactive power excess increase is

seen as active power losses. These losses increase the demand for active power from

the upper voltage level and of course, this increases the costs of losses. It is also

considerable that the loading capacity of cables is determined by thermal limits and

therefore reactive power reduces cables' transferring capacity.

In Elforsk report 2006, the reactive power was simulated in dierent networks.

A 260 km long 24 kV idle cable network generated approximately 8 MVAr surplus

of reactive power during a light loading condition and caused 0,16 MW losses. The

simulations showed also that a 60 km idle straight cable had losses of 35 kW while

the same value is 4 kW for a 30 km cable. This shows that the losses due to reactive

power depend highly on the length of single feeders and it is not protable to transfer

it long distances. The reason for the signicant rise of losses is the squared current

in the power equation P = 3RI2.

Another concern is the power losses in the main transformer. When power is

owing through the transformer, it generates active and reactive power losses due

to series impedance Z = R+ jX. Active power losses can be divided into two parts;

no-load and load losses. No load losses are due to the whirling currents, which are

caused by changing the magnetic eld at the iron core. No load losses are only

dependent on the voltage level. Load losses are heat losses, which are generated at

the resistance of the coils. They depend on the loading according to the equation


4. Reactive power control 36

(4.7). (Korpinen 2012)

Pcu = (S

Sn)2 · Pcun (4.7)

4.2.3 Voltage rise

Voltage rise is a consequence of Ferranti-eect, which was explained in subsection

2.2.2. During light loading conditions, voltage rises towards the end of the cable

because of the capacitive charging current. Again, the reason is the line capacitance

of the cable. The phenomenon exists also with overhead lines but the eect is not

noticeable in the medium voltage network. Instead, it is apparent in the high voltage

network, in which it can cause a breakdown at the end of long lines if reactors are not

used as loads (Elovaara & Haarla 2011). Naturally, the voltage displacement would

transfer to the low voltage side. It is also noticeable that the voltage rise cannot be

seen or xed from the substation with tap changers because they see voltage level

as normal in the bus. This might lead to too high voltage levels on the customer


Elforsk simulations showed that the voltage rise is the highest when the rst

third from the feeding station is overhead line and the rest two thirds are cabled. A

simulation was made for 12 kV line with the rst third from the substation overhead

line and the rest two thirds cabled. In this situation, the voltage rise can be 4 %

at maximum, which is acceptable. In Pekkala's master thesis 2010, the voltage rise

was also simulated with light loading. A single feeder was examined and cabled

amount was increased with 5 km steps from the end of the 60 km length feeder. The

result was the same as in Elforsk report; the voltage rise was at the highest when

one thirds from the station were overhead line. However, the voltage rise was only

minor. (Pekkala 2010, Elforsk 2006)

4.2.4 Reactive power from customers' aspect

Reactive power is often quite an invisible concept for normal household users. This

is mainly because low voltage customers are not charged for reactive power con-

sumption. However, this is not the case with customers with the medium voltage

connection. They have a fee for electricity distribution, the basic fee per month,

active power fee and reactive power fee (Elenia 2012).

The reactive power fee for medium voltage customers is often at least double the

active power fee. So from the customers' point of view, reactive power output is not

benecial. As a result, it is often less expensive for customers to compensate their

own reactive power when the continual costs of reactive power can be minimized.

Capacitor banks are a common solution to increase the power factor and reduce the


4. Reactive power control 37

intake of reactive power. Since the purchase of the compensation devices depends

entirely on the customer and DSO does not work as a middleman, DSO does not

have information about its customers' compensation devices.

A surplus of reactive power is more likely to exist in the future network due to

extensive cabling. It may lead to situations, in which reactive power is compensated

with reactors by the DSO on the network side and customers compensate their own

reactive power usage with capacitor banks. It is self evident that it is pointless to

compensate the reactive power to the opposite directions. One possibility might be

to make a special contract with the customer. The customer would be allowed to

use a certain volume of reactive power for free or customers compensation would be

accessible to use from the control center of the DSO. This would be benecial for

both parties. Contracts of this kind could come into questions with really long cable

feeders, which would have to be compensated any way.

4.3 Shunt reactors

In principle, there are two types of compensation devices for reactive power com-

pensation, which change the compensation degree in dierent directions. They can

be statically connected to the network but also adjustable combinations of them are

available. Capacitors generate reactive power and they are used to rise the voltage

level. Shunt capacitors are mainly used locally in the overhead line networks for

load compensation. Series capacitors are used to compensate the power line elec-

trically shorter to increase the transferring capacity if the lines are physically long.

(Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

Reactors are electrically the opposite to capacitors and they are used for consum-

ing reactive power. In the high voltage network, they are used especially during light

loading conditions in order to limit the voltage rise at the end of the line. However,

shunt reactors can be used for other purposes as well: the lter of harmonics, cur-

rent limiter or - compensator of reactive power. Shunt reactors are available for all

voltage levels but naturally the ones for lower voltage levels are cheaper. Therefore,

shunt reactors are often placed in the tertiary winding of the transformer in the

high voltage network to reduce the costs. There are also available reactors, which

are placed directly shunt to the bus or to the line.

4.3.1 Core and insulation

Basically, the core and insulation dene the characteristics of the reactor. Reactors

can be built either with a gapped core or with an air core. The inductance of the air

core reactors is linear because air allows the magnetic eld density to increase evenly.

This makes their behavior easy to predict and therefore simpler to dimension. The


4. Reactive power control 38

core of gapped core reactors is made of ferromagnetic material such as iron, which

makes the reactor prone to saturation after a certain current limit. At the saturation

point, the inductance of the reactor will reduce and the current will increase. This

might cause a breakdown of the device if it is not protected properly. It is possible to

build gapped core reactors as adjustable with a tap changer by varying the amount

of circuits of the coil. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

Most of the reactors placed in the high voltage network are air core dry type ones

in Finland. They are assembled from three one-phase coils, which are cylindric,

concentric and equal high. Single phase coils are placed at a symmetric triangle

when symmetric impedance is gained. The solution is also optimal for minimiz-

ing the spreading magnetic eld. The conductor layers are nowadays covered with

ber-glass and separated from each other with aluminum sticks. The coils have

to have a strong structure because of the Lorentz force. A large advantage of air

core reactors is the constant inductance due to the air core, which makes reactors'

behavior easy to predict and decreases the switching transient problems. Oil im-

mersed air core reactors have a closed structure and they are signicantly smaller

than dry type ones. The structure resembles a normal distribution transformer.

The drawbacks of oil immersed reactors are large weight and more expensive price.

(Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

4.3.2 Connections

There are several possible connection choices available for reactors, which are pre-

sented in gure 4.2. The rst one from the left is ungrounded wye-connection and

the second one is delta-connection. Both of these can be transformed to each other

with wye-delta transformation. The third one is grounded wye-connection with

grounded wye-connection. The fourth one is the grounded wye-connection with a

neutral reactor, which is, however, only used in countries, in which the single phase

reclosing is used. (Areva 2011)

Figure 4.2. Shunt reactor winding connections


4. Reactive power control 39

The grounded wye-connection reactor works as a Petersén coil and it can be

used to compensate earth fault current. The coil connects in parallel with the

capacitances of the power line and therefore decreases the amount of capacitive

power during an earth fault. However, the ability of earth fault current compensation

sets requirements on the coils. Firstly, the coils have to withstand the line voltage

because the healthy phases will experience the line voltage in the solid earth fault.

Secondly, the positive and zero sequence impedances of the coil have to match in

order to behave linearly during the fault. Thirdly, if there is a gapped core, it can

not saturate so the inductance would not drop. (Virtanen 2012)

The reactance of wye connected reactor can be calculated with the equation

(4.8) and the reactance of delta connected with the equation (4.9). The delta- and

ungrounded wye-connections operate only as a reactive power compensator. Since

there is no ground connection and their zero sequence impedance is innite, they

are invisible in the earth fault situation. However, the delta connection consumes

more reactive power because they operate on the line voltage instead of the phase

voltage. (Areva 2011)

XWye =UN



XDelta = 3 · UN2


4.3.3 Variability of the inductance

Reactors can be divided into three main categories according to their variability:

xed-type, step-type and plunger core reactors. Fixed-type reactors are the simplest

ones, which have a constant inductance and they can not be changed afterwards.

The insulation can be either oil immersed and air cooled depending on the product.

Step-type reactors have a tap changer, which allows to change their inductance

manually when they are disconnected from the network. Step-type reactors are also

available as oil immersed and dry type. (Trench 2012)

Plunger core reactors are able to adjust their inductance without disconnecting

them from the network. The adjusting is implemented by changing the air gap of

the core with electric motors. The principle of a variable shunt reactor is described

in gure 4.3. The motor drive cabinet controls the worm gear of each coil and moves

the cores to the desired position. The control of the consumed reactive power can be

done automatically based on the measured reactive power ow. It is possible to vary

the power of the reactor between 20 % and 100 % with a delay less than 300 s. The

control delay is possible to set less than the delay in on-load tap changers of the main

transformers. As a result, the tap changers will not start to work in vain in order


4. Reactive power control 40

to maintain the voltage level when reactive power ow increases. (Trench 2012)



With more than 3 decadesof successful field experience,Trench is the recognized worldleader in designing and manu-facturing of power reactors forall utility and industrial applica-tions. Our unique design ap-proach for VSRs is the appro-priate answer for continuousadjustable reactive power com-pensation within minutes /hour time scale.

The VSR obtains adjustability ofit’s power output via variationof it’s inductance – achieved byadjusting the air gaps of it’smagnetic circuit. This is reali-zed by means of moveable

plunger cores. Depending onthe position of the twin cores,an air gap of variable length in-side the winding is provided.

The magnetic circuit consistsessentially of cylindrical shapedtwin plunger cores and severalC-shaped yokes, that enclosethe plunger cores as well as thewinding. By rotating the cen-trally arranged spindle (via amotor drive unit) the cores areapproached or separated –hence the air gap between thecores may be adjusted fromnear zero to about the fulllength of the winding.

This results in a wide adjust-ment range of the compensa-tion power of the VSR. The ac-tion of varying the inductancemay take about one minute, atime period which is approxi-mately the operation time oftransformer tap changers, thetraditional means for maintai-ning a constant system voltagelevel.

Fig. 3 Schematic design of a Variable Shunt Reactor (VSR)





worm gear

Coperating shaft

angular gear

motor drive cabinet

movable plunger coresspindlewindingtank

Figure 4.3. The principle of a variable shunt reactor (Trench 2012)




The purpose of the applied part of this thesis is to answer several questions regarding

the extensive cabling in rural area networks. Firstly, what is the economic eect of

the reactive power increase when the reactive power window and power losses are

taken into account. Secondly, should the reactive power be compensated centrally

at the substations or locally along the feeders. On the other words, is it protable

to use distributed shunt reactors or should the centralized reactors be used instead.

Thirdly, how the earth fault compensation should be implemented in order to avoid

the challenges of extensive cabled networks, which were introduced in section 3.3. It

should also be decided whether to use traditional Petersén coils, shunt reactors or

a combination of them to compensate both reactive power and earth fault current


The above questions were studied by combining information from PSCAD - sim-

ulations, references and dierent calculations. In this chapter, the initial conditions,

assumptions and used tools are declared. In section 5.1, the utilized programs are

presented. Section 5.2 presents the examined case substation in detail, which were

used in the simulations. Section 5.3 describes the modeling of dierent components

in PSCAD. Section 5.4 presents the pre-assumptions of the economic calculations.

5.1 Programs

Basically two dierent programs were used in this thesis, which are presented in this

section. PSCAD includes more features in the network analyzing compared with

Tekla NIS and therefore it was used as a principal program to make simulations.

Tekla NIS was a supportive program, which was used as a source of information.

Additionally, NIS was used to validate the correctness of the PSCAD simulation

model by using power ow and earth fault calculation features.

5.1.1 Tekla NIS

Tekla NIS is a network information system, which is used for the management of

the assets. Basically, NIS consists of ve components: Tekla NIS Basic, Tekla

PSA (Power System Analysis), Tekla Network Planning and Construction, Tekla

Asset Management and Tekla Maintenance. Tekla NIS Basic includes the network


5. Research methods 42

model and the basic element such as topology information and detailed informa-

tion about the components. Tekla Power System Analysis can be used to make

steady state power ow calculations, short circuit and earth fault calculations and

reliability calculation. Tekla Network Planning and Construction is used to manage

the construction and planning process and allows the long term development of the

network. Tekla Asset Management can be used to analyze the value of the current

network based on dierent parameters and analyze the economic inuences of the

investments in the asset. Tekla Maintenance is a maintenance management system,

which can be used to plan the maintenance of the components and calculate the cost

saving in asset management. In this thesis, only the features of Tekla NIS Basic and

Power System Analysis were used. (Tekla 2012)

The load ow calculations are carried out with iterative methods in Power Sys-

tem Analysis by using Newton-Raphson or Gauss-Seidel algorithms. The idea is

to make several rounds of calculations and make the result more accurate on every

round until the satised accuracy has been reached. The earth fault calculation

uses the traditional version for calculating earth fault currents. It considers only the

susceptance of the power lines, the fault resistance and the parallel resistance of the

Petersén coil. However, the zero sequence resistance and inductance of the power

lines are not considered in the calculations and therefore NIS does not provide any

extra information such as resistive parts of the earth fault currents or zero sequence

voltage of the fault location. (Tekla 2012)

Tekla NIS models the loading of the network based on the combination of the

measurement information and index series. The active power measurement informa-

tion is imported to NIS from AMR-meters of the customers. Remote meters provide

measurement data hourly by communicating via GPRS-network or other commu-

nication channels. Meters could provide reactive power measurement data as well.

However, due to communication reasons it is not acquired to the NIS-database. As a

consequence, active power results from index series are used to calculate the reactive

power with constant cosφ for each customer group.

5.1.2 PSCAD

PSCAD is a transient simulation environment, which can be used to simulate fast

phenomenon in the electricity networks. In addition to steady state studies, it

allows to examine dierent quantities in the time domain. The calculations are

performed by EMTDC-program, which uses dierential equations of the compo-

nents to solve the network. The equations are solved with a xed adjustable

time step, which is 50 µs by default but can be changed by the user. The used

program was the X4 version of PSCAD, which does not have node limitations.

(Manitoba HVDC Reasearch Centre 2010)


5. Research methods 43

In PSCAD, the simulation model is assembled from blocks, which can repre-

sent an electrical or logical component. PSCAD master library includes a number

of ready models for the basic components used in the electricity networks such

as resistors, coils, transformers, circuit breakers, generators and so on. It is also

possible to create dierent control systems by using non-electrical components like

logical ports and signal processing tools. An important feature is the possibility

to create blocks, which can include a combination of components or the block can

include a script written with Fortran- or C-programming language. This enables

building the simulation model to multiple levels, which simplies the structure of

the model and makes it possible to maintain a reasonable size for each module.

(Kauhaniemi & Mäkinen 2011)

It is possible to measure a variety of quantities from the simulation model. This

is done by either adding a meter component to the model or using internal meters

of certain components. After this, the measured signal can be processed further for

example by adding it to a Fourier-transformation block. Signals can be visualized

with a number of dierent graphical illustration tools.

The parameters of the components can be either predened before the simulation

or changed during the simulation, which means that they are runtime congurable.

It is possible to adjust runtime congurable components for example by using slide

controls or switches during the simulation run. However, only part of the compo-

nents are possible to build as runtime congurable and most of the parameters of

the components have to be set before the simulation starts.

5.2 Examined substation

The modeled Substation 1 is based on a real substation, which is located in the rural

area. Substation 1 was chosen as a case network since it will have a new straight

26 km cable feeder installed, which is used to feed a switching station from the

main substation. The cable is the longest straight cable, which has been installed

in Elenia's network so far and the rest of the substation is also likely to be cabled in

the future. A schematic diagram of the substation is presented in gure 5.1. There

are eight feeders in Substation 1 and feeder 14 is the link cable to the switching

station. The lengths of the feeders and the line types are listed at table 5.1 and 5.2.

Table 5.1. Lengths of the feeders and line types of Substation 1

F5 F6 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 Total(km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km)

OHL 97,0 41,8 49,1 63,0 9,4 75,1 1,4 0 336,8CC 1,3 0,3 0 3,00 2,5 2,5 3,4 0 12,9Cable 5,8 0,1 2,5 0,2 1,4 0,7 4,1 25,8 40,5


5. Research methods 44

Table 5.2. Lengths of the feeders and line types of the switching station

FP5 FP6 FP7 FP8 FP9 Total(km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km)

OHL 44,2 16,2 12,4 0,8 12,9 86,6CC 0 3,5 0 0 1,1 4,6Cable 1,2 0,1 0,1 8,1 9,6 19,0

Figure 5.1. A schematic diagram of Substation 1

The earth fault compensation of the network is carried out with two Petersén

coils. An adjustable coil (13,5 - 135 A) is located at Substation 1 and a xed

100 A coil is at the switching station. Another one of the coils is xed, so that two

coils would not cross-adjust their inductance with each other. The total earth fault

current of the network is approximately 180 A, so there is some extra capacity in

the coils to be used for earth fault current compensation. Additionally, there will be

a 178 kVAr shunt reactor at the feeder 14 located 15 km from Substation 1, which

can be used for earth fault compensation as well.

The substation is connected to Elenia's 110 kV Hawk -overhead line and the

connection point to the main grid is 96 km away from the substation. Besides

Substation 1, there are also three other substations along the same 110 kV line. The

other substations were modeled only as xed loads because more accurate modeling

was not relevant in the scope of this thesis.

Substation 1 was also cabled in order to use it in the simulations as an example

case. The cabling was carried out in dierent stages. At the start, Substation 1 was

in the present state with the new long cable feeder 14. Firstly, the trunks of the

feeders of Substation 1 were cabled one by one, secondly the branches of the feeders,


5. Research methods 45

thirdly the trunks of all feeders at the switching station and lastly all the branches

of the switching station. At the end, the total network was cabled. The cabling was

carried out by using the cables introduced in subsection 5.3.1. The lengths of new

installed cables to each feeder are listed at tables 5.3 and 5.4. One should consider

that the cabling of the network is just an example and it has not been carried out

in the most ideal and ecient way. However, this was because the network planning

was not the main theme of this thesis.

Table 5.3. Amount of installed cable types in Substation 1

F5 F6 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14(km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km)

AXAL-TT50 53,0 14,2 29,4 43,2 14,2 63,9 - -AXAL-TT95 17,7 17,3 19,2 10,5 4,3 13,1 1,4 -AXAL-TT150 18,0 - - 11,0 5,9 - 3,9 -AXAL-TT240 8,5 - - - - - - -

Table 5.4. Amount of installed cabled in the switching station

FP5 FP6 FP7 FP8 FP9(km) (km) (km) (km) (km)

AXAL-TT50 25,3 6,5 11,7 0,8 3,3AXAL-TT95 10,2 - - - 8,1AXAL-TT150 11,3 8,6 - - -AXAL-TT240 - - - - -

5.3 Network component modeling

This section describes the modeling of dierent components in the PSCAD model

and their specications. PSCAD has many ready models for basic network compo-

nents, which were used as much as possible. Only shunt reactors and Petersén coils

had to be built from basic components since the master library of PSCAD did not

include them. Only those specications, which are presented in this section, have

been changed to PSCAD models. Other settings were left to program's defaults.

5.3.1 Power lines

The power lines of the network model were modeled in two dierent ways. In Substa-

tion 1, all lines were modeled with pi-sections. PSCAD has a ready pi-section model,

which allows to insert the positive and zero sequence data as well as the length of the

line. Pi-section is accurate enough for steady state simulations when the transient

behavior of the lines is not the priority (Manitoba HVDC Reasearch Centre 2010).

Parameters of each line type are listed at 5.5.


5. Research methods 46

Table 5.5. Specications of the modeled lines

Type R R0 X X0 C C0 Imax( Ωkm

) ( Ωkm

) ( Ωkm

) ( Ωkm

) (nFkm

) (nFkm

) (A)Sw25 1,35 1,50 0,40 1,93 9,2 6,1 155Sp40 0,85 1,00 0,38 1,91 9,5 6,1 210Rv63 0,54 0,69 0,37 1,90 10,0 6,1 280Pg99 0,34 0,49 0,35 1,89 10,0 6,1 360PAS50 0,72 0,87 0,31 2,03 12,0 5,0 245PAS70 0,49 0,64 0,30 2,02 12,0 5,0 310

AXAL-TT50 0,64 3,96 0,12 0,17 160,0 160,0 170AXAL-TT95 0,32 3,64 0,11 0,15 190,0 190,0 240AXAL-TT150 0,21 3,00 0,10 0,14 230,0 230,0 300AXAL-TT240 0,13 2,52 0,09 0,11 270,0 270,0 400AXAL-F-TT240 0,13 2,52 0,09 0,11 260,0 260,0 340

The positive sequence parameters have been gathered from Tekla NIS. The zero

sequence resistances and reactances of the cables have been estimated by using

equation (5.1). A more detail explanation of the estimation can be found from

(Guldbrand 2009). The descriptions of the symbols and the used values of the

equation are listed below the equation, the same estimated values have been used

as in (Pekkala 2010). The cable specic geometrical values are listed at table 5.6.

Z0 = l · (Rc+3 · jωµ0

2π· ln rs

3√rc′ · d2

)+3l ·Rs(Re1 +Re2 + l(Rg + jωµ0

2π· ln De

rs′ ))

Re1 +Re2 + l(Rs +Rg + jωµ02π· ln De

rs′ )


- The cable length l

- The equivalent penetration depth De = 659 ·√


= 659 ·√


=4659,8 m

- The permeability of a free space µ0 = 4π · 10−7

- The angular velocity ω = 2πf = 100π

- The earthing resistance of the grid at the end rst of the cable Re1 = 8 Ω

- The earthing resistance of the grid at the end second of the cable Re2 = 8 Ω

- The ground resistance Rg = ωµ08

= 2π·50Hz·4π·10−7

8= 4, 935 · 10−5 Ω

- The sheat resistance Rs

- The conductor resistance Rc

- The geometric mean radius of sheet rs′

- The geometric mean radius of a conductor rc′


5. Research methods 47

Table 5.6. Geometrical values of modeled cables (Ericsson 2012)

Cable rc′(m) rs

′(m) Rc (Ω) Rs (Ω)

AXAL-TT50 0,0039 0,024 0,000641 0,0012AXAL-TT95 0,0056 0,0275 0,00032 0,0012AXAL-TT150 0,007 0,03 0,000206 0,0008AXAL-TT240 0,009 0,035 0,000125 0,0008AXAL-F-TT240 0,009 0,0365 0,000125 0,0008

There are also more accurate ways to model a power line in PSCAD, which

use long line equations. This means that the model assumes that parameters are

distributed along the line in dierential small parts. In this thesis, Bergeron-model

was used, which models a power line accurately with a specic frequency. However,

as the line model becomes more accurate, the simulation time gets also longer and

the shorter the line is, the shorter has the be to simulation step because of the

propagation speed of the electromagnetic wave. Therefore the Bergeron model was

only used in the power loss measurements of the straight feeders. Pi-sections would

not have been accurate enough with longer lengths because they assume that the

capacitance of the line is divided into two parts. When the power losses of the

reactive power are measured, the reactive power accumulates gradually along the

line and it would be wrong to assume that half of the total reactive power ows

through the entire feeder. (Manitoba HVDC Reasearch Centre 2010)

5.3.2 Compensation devices

Shunt reactors were modeled simply with a series connection of an inductance and a

resistor between each phase and the neutral point. All reactors were wye-connected

with a vector group Yn. Since no shunt reactors have been used in Elenia's network

before, the product specications were asked from the manufacturers. The specica-

tions were asked for 1-3 MVAr air core dry type reactors, which were supposed to be

placed in the substation. Additionally, one shunt reactor of 178 kVAr was used for

the distributed reactive power compensation. From the modeling point of view, the

interesting information was the power losses and the inductance of the coils, which

were acquired from the manufacturers' data. Specications of the used reactors are

introduced in table 5.7.

Table 5.7. Specications of modeled reactors (Alstom 2012)

Q (kVAr) Pcu (kW) In (A) L (H)178 2,5 5 7,531000 12,0 28 1,272000 16,8 56 0,643000 6,5 84 0,42


5. Research methods 48

Petersén coils were built as a combination of a Zn-grounding transformer and an

inductance. Additionally, centralized Petersén coils had an extra parallel of 5 A in

parallel with the inductance. The function of the Zn-transformer was only to create

a virtual neutral point to the network. Therefore, the transformer was assumed to

be ideal and non saturable. The inductance of the Petersén coil was calculated from

a desired compensation current values Icomp according to the equation (5.2). All

distributed Petersén coils were calculated to compensate 15 A of earth fault current

and the capacity of the centralized Petersén coils varied.

L =Uph

Icomp · 2π · 50(5.2)

5.3.3 Transformers

PSCAD has a ready model for transformers, which was used in all simulations. For

Substation 1, six dierent sizes of distribution transformers were modeled and their

specications were acquired from Tekla NIS. Additionally, the 16 MVA main trans-

former data was collected from Tekla NIS. The specications of the used transformers

are presented in table 5.8. The transformation ratio of all distribution transformers

was 20,6/0,4 kV and the vector group was Dyn. For the main transformer, a ratio

of 110/20,6 kV and a vector group Dy was used.

Table 5.8. Specications of modeled transformers (Tekla NIS 2012)

S xk P0 Pcu(kVA) (%) (kW) (kW)16 4,00 0,11 0,5030 4,00 0,14 0,7850 4,00 0,12 1,10100 4,00 0,20 1,75200 4,50 0,34 2,75315 4,00 0,66 4,00500 4,50 0,90 5,70800 4,70 1,35 7,101000 5,00 1,45 9,2016000 10,60 11,00 65,00

5.3.4 Loading

Generally, there are three dierent ways to model the loading according to the

dependency on the voltage. A xed impedance load has a square dependence to the

voltage. It gives the most favorable results from the network point of view. A xed

current load is directly proportional to the voltage and it is often used to describe


5. Research methods 49

motor loads. A xed power load is independent on the voltage, which means that it

always takes the constant power and can be considered as the worst case scenario.

Therefore, it is common to use the xed power load in the power ow calculations

in order to get the "worst" results. The xed power load model was used in this

thesis as well. (Elovaara & Haarla 2011)

The loading model of Substation 1 was based on the results from Tekla NIS.

The estimation was made separately for each feeder by choosing all the distribution

transformers and drawing a loading graph from their data. The measurement data of

the transformers is based on the combination of the index series and actual measure-

ments from AMR-meters. The loadings of the feeders were assumed to be correct in

Tekla NIS and they were not veried separately from SCADA-measurements. After

getting the maximum load for each feeder, the loading was assumed to be distributed

evenly to each transformer. It means that all transformers in a single feeder were

loaded evenly according to the nominal power of the transformer. The power factor

was assumed to be 0,95 for all loads. PSCAD provides a ready xed load model,

which allows the user to choose between xed impedance, xed current and xed

power. However, the xed load is not runtime congurable, which means that the

values can not be changed afterwards. Therefore, parameters for the component

had to dened manually for each transformer size and each feeder. Since the total

amount of loading points was almost 400, it was found to be adequate to simulate

the network in the maximum loading and no load situation. No load situation repre-

sented the absolute worst case scenario. The loads were put to the low voltage side

of the distribution transformers. The maximum loading for each feeder is presented

in table 5.9

Table 5.9. Maximum loadings in Substation 1

Pmax Qmax

Feeder (kW) (kVA)F5 1219 395F6 544 156F9 315 118F10 786 212F11 1008 322F12 1189 307F13 2182 1092FP5 646 177FP6 1001 317FP7 210 69FP8 214 70FP9 253 81


5. Research methods 50

In addition to Substation 1, xed loads had to be also calculated for three dierent

cable types in order to perform power loss calculations in the test network of straight

cable feeders. This is explained in detail later in this thesis. The loading of the

feeders was calculated in two dierent ways. Firstly, the loading was calculated to

be for 5-20 % from the maximum capacity of the cables with a xed power factor of

0,95. Secondly, 10 % of the maximum capacity was calculated with power factors

0,9, 0,95 and 1. The calculated parameters of the loads are listed at table 5.10 and


Table 5.10. Calculated active and reactive power loads with a constant power factor

Cable P5% Q5% P10% Q10% P15% Q15% P20% Q20%

type (kW) (kVA) (kW) (kVA) (kW) (kVA) (kW) (kVA)AXAL-TT95 414,7 136,3 829,3 272,6 1244,0 408,9 1658,6 545,2AXAL-TT150 518,3 170,4 1036,6 340,7 1555,0 511,1 2073,3 681,5AXAL-TT240 691,1 227,2 1382,2 454,3 2073,3 681,5 2764,4 908,6

Table 5.11. Calculated active and reactive power loads with a constant loading

cosφ = 1 cosφ = 0, 95 cosφ = 0, 9Cable P10% Q10% P10% Q10% P10% Q10%

type (kW) (kVA) (kW) (kVA) (kW) (kVA)AXAL-TT95 872,9 0,0 829,3 272,6 785,7 380,5AXAL-TT150 1127,6 0,0 1036,6 340,7 982,1 475,7AXAL-TT240 1454,9 0,0 1382,2 454,3 1309,4 634,2

5.4 Economic calculations

One large part of the thesis was to evaluate the costs of using dierent compensation

devices. There are several costs, which are related to network components but only

the investment price and the cost of losses were considered relevant in this scope.

The investment prices of used compensation devices are listed at table 5.12 and

the prices include the devices, installation and other necessary equipment. The

prices of centralized shunt reactors are estimates from the manufacturer. Both of

centralized Petersén coils are list prices from Energy Market Authority. Distributed

compensation units are estimates from Elenia's sta.

Power losses have been calculated with certain assumptions, which are listed at

table 5.13. Since the calculated power losses are due to the reactive power ow,

the peak usage time has set to 8760 h. If cables are installed in the network, they

generate the same amount of reactive power every hour, which creates the losses.

Therefore, it is also more convenient to assume the loading increase rate to zero.


5. Research methods 51

Table 5.12. Investment prices of dierent compensation devices

Device Q (kVAr) Ic (A) Price (AC)Distr. Shunt reactor 178 15 30 000Centr. Shunt reactor 1000 84 51 000Centr. Shunt reactor 2000 168 61 000Centr. Shunt reactor 3000 252 94 000Distr. Petersén coil - 15 10 000Centr. Petersén coil - 140 170 000Centr. Petersén coil - 250 186 000

Table 5.13. Parameters of power loss calculations

Review period T 20 yearsInterest rate p 4 %Loss price H 50 AC/MWhLoading increase rate r 0 %Peak usage time t 8760 h

The costs of power losses can be discounted to present by using equations (5.3)

and (5.4). κ is the capitalization factor, which is calculated for a xed time period

with a certain interest rate. When κ is known, the present value of the power losses

can be calculated with equation (5.5).

Ψ =(1 + r/100)2

1 + p/100(5.3)

κ = Ψ · ΨT − 1

Ψ− 1(5.4)

Cl = κ · t ·H · Plosses (5.5)




The results chapter consists of ve dierent sections, which are dierent perspectives

to the compensation issue. The rst section discusses power losses due to increasing

reactive power ow and dierent ways to reduce them. The second section studies

whether the loading capacity of the cables will become a problem due to the reactive

power. The third section considers if Ferranti-eect is signicant in the medium

voltage network. The fourth section discusses the principle of estimating the reactive

power window exceeding costs when more cables are installed in the network. The

fth section considers dierent phenomena of earth fault situations in the extensive

cabled network. In the sixth section, all studied perspectives are taken into account

and an optimal compensation strategy is suggested. The last section reveals the

possible inaccuracy of the study and evaluates the used programs.

6.1 Power losses in cabled networks

As discussed, cables generate a signicant amount of reactive power, which causes

power losses on long power lines due to the increasing current. In this section, shunt

reactors' capability to decrease power losses consequent from reactive power ow

were studied. Simulations were done for both straight and branches feeders with

dierent reactor placements. Straight feeders were assumed to be straight without

any branches and branched feeders were acquired from Substation 1. Addition-

ally, transformers' power losses were examined. The main purpose was to dene

whether it is economically protable to compensate reactive power locally by using

distributed shunt reactors or should the shunt reactors be located at the substation

from the power losses point of view.

6.1.1 Ideal placement for distributed shunt reactors

The rst task was to nd out the best possible situation for using a distributed

shunt reactor, where it reduces power losses the most. The ideal case would show if

the distributed shunt reactors were protable at all and give advice to the eective

use of the reactors. The ideal situation was dened based on two main factors; the

topology, where the reactive power ow creates the largest power losses and the

placement of the reactor in this topology, which decreases power losses the most.

At rst, the maximum power losses were simulated with dierent topologies,


6. Results 53

which are introduced in gure 6.1. All feeders in the gure have the same total

length of 50 km and the cable type of AXAL-TT150. The feeders were simulated in

no load situation in order to dene the power losses caused by the reactive power

ow. The voltage was constant 20,6 kV at the beginning of the feeder. The power

losses of each topology are presented in table 6.1. Evidently, the losses of a straight

line are the greatest and the losses get smaller when the topology gets more branched.

However, the total generated reactive power varies very little between the topologies

and it is practically constant. The reason is that the reactive power accumulates

dierently along the line between the topologies. As the power losses are square

proportional to current, currents are smaller in branches and their sum is not the

same even though the total amount of generated reactive power is equal.

Figure 6.1. Dierent topologies for test simulations

Table 6.1. Power losses on no load of dierent topologies

Straight 2 short 1 long 2 longline branches branch branches

Ploss (kW) 19,98 13,41 12,48 17,15Q (kVAr) -1544,00 -1541,01 -1540,58 -1542,73

Next, the ideal placement of the reactor was studied with the same straight 50 km

AXAL-TT150 feeder. 178 kVAr distributed shunt reactor was placed every 10 km

to the feeder and power losses were measured from each case. The measurements

were made with no load and 10 % of the maximum loading with three dierent

power factors; 0,9, 0,95 and 1. The results are presented in table 6.2. As can be

seen, the most benecial place of the reactor would be at the end or at the latter

part of the feeder. However, the variation of the losses is actually quite small when

the coil is further placed than 30 km. This would indicate that the inuence of the

placement is rather irrelevant if the reactor is placed in the latter part. The actual

ideal placement for the reactor would be the place, at which the length of the line

on the load side generates the amount of reactive power, which corresponds to the


6. Results 54

inductive part of the loading. In order to simplify and justify the results, the place

of the reactor was chosen to be at the end of the feeder. Another reason relates to

the limitation of the Bergeron-model. For example, if the power losses of a 20 km

cable line compared with two 10 km parts, they are not equal. Therefore it would

have been dicult to optimize the reactor placement and maintain the comparability

with the results.

Table 6.2. Power losses in a straight feeder with dierent reactor placements

Length Pcosφ=1 Pcosφ=0,95 Pcosφ=0,9 PNoload(km) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)10 50,65 36,61 31,84 19,4320 49,02 35,58 31,04 17,7030 47,92 35,06 30,75 16,5040 47,33 35,07 30,99 15,8450 47,29 35,61 31,76 15,73

6.1.2 Straight cable feeders

After the most benecial situation was found out, dierent cable types were tested

with and without the reactor in the straight feeders. Straight feeders were studied

with three dierent 20 kV cables, which are widely used in Elenia's distribution

network; AXAL-TT240, AXAL-TT150 and AXAL-TT95. The specications of the

cables were introduced in subsection 5.3.1. The protability analysis was done by

rst measuring power losses from each cable feeder with and without the shunt reac-

tor at the end of the feeder. After that the dierence of the losses was converted to

discounted costs in 20 years by using the parameters introduced in section 5.4. The

measurements were rst made by varying the loading with a xed power factor and

after that varying the power factor with a xed load. All straight feeder measure-

ments were done with the same basic set up, where the voltage was set to 20,6 kV

at the beginning of the feeder and the power losses were measured as a dierence

of active power at the start point and the end point of the line. In order to justify

the results and measure the worst case scenario, the loading was placed at the end

of the feeder.

The results of xed power factor loadings are presented in gure 6.2, 6.3 and

6.4. The gures describe how much economic prot is gained from decreased power

losses due to a single shunt reactor. Each bar represents the dierence between the

situation with and without the reactor. Green bars represent economic benet and

red bars represent economic loss. If there is no bar at some points of the gure, it

means that the voltage dropped under 95 % of the nominal voltage and the feeder

could not be used.


6. Results 55

Figure 6.2. Prot of using a shunt reactor in AXAL-TT240 feeder, cosφ=0,95

Figure 6.3. Prot from using a shunt reactor in AXAL-TT150 feeder, cosφ=0,95


6. Results 56

Figure 6.4. Prot from using a shunt reactor in AXAL-TT95 feeder, cosφ=0,95

It can be noticed that the protable usage of the reactors depends highly on the

loading and the length of the feeder. As the length of the feeder increases, the usage

of the reactors becomes more benecial. Additionally, the smaller the load is, the

greater the economic benet is. This is natural because as the loading percentage

is increased with a xed power factor, the inductive part of the load increases. As a

result, more reactive power is owing to the load and the need for the compensation

decreases. The economic benet seems to be also greater with smaller cable sizes,

which is a consequence of the greater characteristic resistance value of cables. The

greater resistance value causes greater power losses and therefore the relative benet

from the reactor is larger since the losses are square proportional. Also, the losses

increase linearly as the loading increases with a xed power factor.

Next, the power factor was varied between 0,9 and 1 and the loading percentage

was kept constant. These results are presented in gures 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7. Again, the

longer feeder lengths result in greater economic benet. However, the power factor

seems to aect the protability as well. When the power factor gets lower, also the

prot gets smaller. The reason is basically the same as with the xed power factor;

when more inductive power is owing to the loading, the need for compensation

decreases. Evidently, the benet is the greatest with the pure resistive load. Based

on these simulations, the distributed shunt reactors appear to be protable when the

straight feeder is over 50 km. Additionally, the loading should be relatively small

and the power factor as high as possible.


6. Results 57

Figure 6.5. Prot from using a shunt reactor in AXAL-TT240 feeder, 10 % loading

Figure 6.6. Prot from using a shunt reactor in AXAL-TT150 feeder, 10 % loading


6. Results 58

Figure 6.7. Prot from using a shunt reactor in AXAL-TT95 feeder, 10 % loading

6.1.3 Branched cable feeders

Distributed shunt reactors' ability to decrease power losses was also studied with

branched feeders in Substation 1 when the network was totally cabled. Since the

whole simulation model was quite large, each feeder was examined separately by

connecting only one feeder to the bus at the same time. The absolute value of the

losses on power lines was not practically possible to accomplished due to the size

and the detail of the modeled network. The simulation model would have needed

a measurement point at every load in order to separate the actual line losses on

the pi-sections and the simulation would have slowed down remarkably. Therefore,

the loss calculation was done by calculating the dierence of the total active power

between dierent cases. As dierent cases are compared with, the change of the

active power describes how much the power losses have increased or decreased.

Feeders 5, 9, 10 and 12 were chosen to be observed since their reactive power

surplus was over 1 MVAr at the substation, which can be considered as remarkable.

The placement of the distributed shunt reactors was chosen to be at the latter part

of the feeder based on the result from section 6.1.2. Totally 4 reactors were placed

in each feeder. Figure 6.8 presents the economic prot gained from the decreased

power losses on the maximum load and gure 6.9 on no load. The prot is calculated

in the same way from the period of 20 years as with the straight cables.

As can be seen, the gained benet from the reactor usage is actually quite small.

Not surprisingly, the most benecial feeders are 5 and 12, which are also the longest

ones and have the largest reactive power generation. As the investment price of a

distributed shunt reactor is approximately 30 000 AC, they can not be considered as


6. Results 59

economic from the power losses point of view in branched feeders. The problem of

the distributed shunt reactors is probably their small size and losses. In order to

decrease power losses due to the cables' reactive power generation, the compensated

reactive power has to be enough the win reactor's own power losses. As the power

losses are square proportional, the amount of reactive power has to be particularly

signicant in order to create real benet.

Figure 6.8. Benet from using shunt reactors on feeders 5, 9, 10 and 12, max load

Figure 6.9. Benet from using shunt reactors on feeders 5, 9, 10 and 12, no load

Feeder 14 was simulated separately from other feeders since it is a link cable

between the substation and the switching station. The feeder is quite heavily loaded

since it feeds the whole switching station. The loading and consequently the power

losses were tried to reduce by placing centralized shunt reactors at the switching

station. When the whole network was cabled, the reactive power ow towards the

substation was varied between 2,5 MVAr and 3,5 MVAr in maximum and no loading


6. Results 60

respectively. The surplus was tried to reduce by placing four sizes of shunt reactors

at the switching station. Figure 6.10 presents the prot gained from the power

losses with dierent reactor sizes. In the rst case, the reactors were modeled as

ideal inductances without any resistance. As can be expected, the benet increases

as the reactor size increases and the decrease is larger in the minimum loading.

Figure 6.11 presents the same situation when the power losses of the shunt reac-

tors are taken into account according to the specications in subsection 5.3.2. As can

be seen, the reactors' own losses have a remarkable eect on the protability. Only

178 kVAr and 3000 kVAr reactors are protable on both minimum and maximum

loading situations. The reason is the structure of the 3000 kVAr reactor since it is

a low loss reactor, which is more expensive than normal 1000 kVAr and 2000 kVAr

reactors. The price of the low loss reactor is approximately double to normal but ac-

cording to these measurements, the low loss construction will pay itself back quickly.

Figure 6.10. Decreasing of power losses on feeder 14 with dierent reactors

Figure 6.11. Decreasing of power losses on feeder 14 with dierent reactors con-cerning reactors' losses


6. Results 61

6.1.4 Losses of the main transformer

In addition to power lines, the reactive power ow through the main transformer

creates remarkable losses. As more cables are installed in the network, more power

ows through the transformer continuously and the power losses of the main trans-

former will increase. It is possible to compensate the losses with both centralized

and distributed shunt reactors by simply decreasing the amount of reactive power

ow. The level of transformer's losses depends on the impedances and quality of

the main transformer. It has to be concerned that distribution transformers are also

inductances, which consume reactive power. However, the measurement was made

only for the 16 MVA main transformer because the distribution transformers were

considered as loads in Substation 1 model.

The power losses of the transformer were simulated with dierent capacitive loads

behind the transformer. In this case, the capacitive load represents a certain amount

of installed cables. The active power load was kept at constant 9,9 MW, which is

approximate of the maximum loading of Substation 1. In the starting situation,

the transformer had no capacitive load. Figure 6.12 presents how much the costs

of power losses increase when capacitive load is added with 1 MVAr steps. Losses

have been calculated again in a period of 20 years. From this gure, the savings

of the reactors can be calculated by decreasing the Q with compensation capacity.

For example, if the capacitive load was 10 MVAr, a 3 MVAr decreasing would save

approximately 100 000 AC.

Figure 6.12. Costs of increasing power losses in 16 MVA main transformer

However, the decreasing of the capacitive load has to be made with shunt re-

actors, which have their own losses to consider. Figure 6.12 illustrates how much

can be spent on the losses of a centralized shunt reactor in order to be protable.

Granted that all the excess reactive power is compensated with an adequate amount


6. Results 62

of 178 kVAr, 1 MVAr, 2 MVAr reactors and their losses are taken into account. With

this method, the real prot of decreased transformer losses can be calculated. Figure

6.13 presents the prot, which would be gained by using dierent reactors. Clearly,

3 MVAr shunt reactor is the only one, which is barely protable from power losses

perspective. The gure might look quite bad from reactors' perspective but it has

to remember that this considers only the power losses of the main transformer. In

some cases, it might be compulsory to compensate the reactive power ow anyway

if the transformer is close to become overloaded by the reactive power ow. In this

case, the main transformer would become overloaded after 12,6 MVAr.

Figure 6.13. Prot from compensating the power losses of the main transformerwith dierent sizes of reactors

6.2 Cables' loading capacity

The loading capacity of the cables was the second possible limiting technical factor,

which can result from the increase of the reactive power. It is possible that the

natural reactive power generation of the cable feeders limits the loading capacity

of the cables. This is because the current in the cable is increased due to reactive

power and therefore the bandwidth of the active power decreases. Since the reactive

power accumulates along the line, the loading capacity decreases the most in the

sending end of the feeder.

This was studied with the straight cable feeders by increasing the length of the

feeders, which were on no load. The idea was to measure how much the loading ca-

pacity decreases due to reactive power ow. The reactive and active power ow were

measured at the sending end of the feeder and the measured values were compared

with the maximum loading capacity of the cables. The simulations were carried out

for same three cable types, which were used in section 6.1. Figure 6.14 presents the

available loading capacity of each cable type at the sending end of the feeder.


6. Results 63

As the feeder length increases, the available loading capacity decreases at the

sending end. This is natural since more reactive power is generated. However, the

decreasing is relatively small and practically it is not possible to overload the cable

due to the reactive power ow with normal feeder lengths. Practically, the values

in the y-axis show how much active power could be fed to the feeder if the series

inductance of the feeder is neglected and the load is assumed to be purely resistive.

This would represent the worst case scenario. If the load was slightly inductive, more

loading capacity would be available in the sending end since the cable generates the

necessary reactive power for the load. Additionally, the simulation results would

be the same even though the feeder would be branched instead of straight. This is

because the reactive power generation does not depend on the shape of the feeder

as was proven in subsection 6.1.1. In conclusion, the loading capacity will not be a

problem with radial feeders.










10$ 20$ 30$ 40$ 50$ 60$ 70$ 80$ 90$ 100$








Figure 6.14. Available loading capacity at the sending end with three cable typeson no load

It should be remembered that these simulations represent the situation with radial

feeders. The cables between the substations and switching stations are a dierent

case, which was considered in subsection 6.1.3. The overloading of the link cables

can simply be avoided by compensating the reactive power at the switching station.

Practically, the installation of the shunt reactor would always be sensible from the

power losses point of view when the overloading of the cable is possible.

6.3 Voltage rise due to Ferranti-eect

Ferranti-eect was the third issue, which relates to the increase in reactive power.

It was introduced as a phenomenon in subsection 2.2.2. Ferranti-eect has mainly

been a concern with long transmission lines and cables in the high voltage network.

The problem with the Ferranti-eect is the fact that it is usually not possible to


6. Results 64

control with the on-load tap changer in the substation. If the voltage rise would be

compensated by lowering the voltage at the bus, other feeders of the substation would

suer from it. Additionally, the voltage rise can not be seen from the substation

and it might cause dangerous voltages to the customers.

Ferranti-eect was studied without loading with the same three cable types, which

were introduced in section 6.1.2. At rst, the simulations were made with pure cable

feeders and the length of feeders was increased from 10 km to 100 km. The receiving

end voltages are presented in gure 6.15. As can be seen, the voltage rise is quite

small and it would be signicant only with over 80 km cables. These kind of straight

cables are naturally really rare and therefore the phenomenon could seldom become

a practical problem.

Figure 6.15. Voltage rise with dierent feeder lengths on pure cable feeders

Next, the voltage rise was simulated in a mixed network. As stated in 2.2.2,

Ferranti-eect was at its highest when 1/3 from the beginning of the feeder was

overhead line and 2/3 was cable according to (Elforsk 2006) and (Pekkala 2010).

These kind of mixed feeders were also simulated in this thesis. Pigeon 99 overhead

line was added to the beginning of the above feeders so that 1/3 of the feeder was

overhead line. The receiving end voltages are drawn in gure 6.16. The addition of

overhead line changes the situation slightly. The voltage rise becomes remarkable

already after a 50 km lengths. In this kind of cases Ferranti-eect can become a

problem. However, it has to be remembered that replacing overhead line with cables

from the end of the feeder is not a good choice from the distribution reliability point

of view. In most cases, the cabling would be started from the beginning of the

feeder, which does not cause any problems. This is because the non-cabled overhead

line part would have a large inductance compared to its capacitance and it would

limit the voltage rise.


6. Results 65

Figure 6.16. Voltage rise with dierent feeder lengths on 2/3 cable feeders

6.4 Fingrid's reactive power window

Fingrid's reactive power limit was the fourth important factor aecting on the com-

pensation strategy of reactive power. As discussed in section 4.1, Fingrid has set

an input and output limit for each connection point. The exceeding of these limits

will result in extra costs to Fingrid's customers, like DSOs. Although the limits

have been dened for each connection point, several connection points are observed

together as one monitoring area, which has a common reactive power window. Since

the exceeding of the reactive power window will bring costs, the reactive power gen-

erated by cables will also result in additional costs to the DSO if the reactive power

is not controlled or compensated. The purpose of this section was to dene how

much the cabling increases the exceeding costs of the reactive power window. This

was done by rst dening the meaningful reactive power generation of the cables

and using the result to calculate the costs from the window exceeding. At the end,

an example calculations were made to Substation 1.

6.4.1 Estimation of cables' reactive power generation

Theoretically, the reactive power generation of the cables is close to constant as

the voltage level of the distribution network substations is kept close to 20,6 kV.

Granting that new cables are being installed in a substation network and they have

a constant reactive power generation of Qgen. The power and energy consumption

of the connection point is measured hourly and they can be described with discrete

functions P (t) and Q(t). As the reactive power generation of the cables can be

assumed to be fairly constant over time, it will shift the measured reactive power at

the substation and at the connection point with the amount of ∆Q = Qgen−Qlosses.


6. Results 66

Therefore the new function of reactive power would be Q(t) + ∆Q. The shift will

result in every hour measurement comparatively to the original amount. Qgen is easy

to calculate from the capacitance values of the cables but Qlosses have to be dened

with simulations. If Qlosses can be dened as the percentage, it would provide a tool

for estimating how much the window exceeding costs will change when a number of

cables are installed in the connection point area.

Qlosses was dened for Substation 1 with PSCAD-simulations. Original overhead

lines were replaced with cables and all compensation devices were removed from the

network. After each phase of cabling, the new reactive power was measured at the

connection point, at the substation and at the bus. At the end of the cabling, the

measured results were compared with the calculated reactive power generation values

of the installed cables. The calculation of the nominal reactive power generation was

done purely based on the capacitance value of installed cables. The simulations were

done in both maximum loading and no load situations.

The reactive power dierence between the starting situation and dierent phases

of cabling is presented in gure 6.17. The same gure is drawn with percentage

dierence in gure 6.18. FG MAX and FG MIN represents the values at the con-

nection point, 110 kV MAX and 110 kV MIN represent the values before the main

transformer and 20 kV MAX and 20 kV MIN represent the values after the main

transformer at the bus. The percentage gure has some steps and variation at the

curves. The reason is the tap changer of the transformer, which was used manually

when the bus voltage was diering over 0,2 kV from the nominal level. As the tap

changer changes the voltage at the bus, also the reactive power generation changes

according to the voltage level. Tap changes can be seen from the climbs of the


Figure 6.17. Dierence between the calculated and simulated values


6. Results 67

Figure 6.18. Percentage dierence between the calculated and simulated values

It can be seen that the curves have quite a small dierence after all. The inuence

of the 110 kV network is small and the biggest decreasing of reactive power comes

from the main transformer. At the bus, the dierence is approximately only 6 %

from the calculated value. When the main transformer and 110 kV losses are taken

into account, the percentage would increase to approximately 12 %. In this case,

Qlosses would be equal to 0, 12 ·Qgen. Therefore according to these simulations, 88 %

of cables' nominal reactive power generation could be added to Fingrid's connection

point measurement. Now it is possible to estimate how much the window exceeding

costs will rise due to cabling of a certain amount. A more practical way is to

convert the megavars to equivalent cable lengths, which have the equally reactive

power generation. Table 6.3 presents the corresponding cable lengths if MVArs are

converted to installed cable amounts with the 12 % decreasing.

Table 6.3. Corresponding cable lengths of the added reactive power

Q AXAL- AXAL- AXAL- AXAL-(MVAr) TT50 (km) TT95 (km) TT150 (km) TT240 (km)

1 41 35 29 242 83 69 57 493 124 104 86 734 165 139 115 985 206 174 143 1226 248 208 172 1477 289 243 201 1718 330 278 230 1969 371 313 258 22010 413 347 287 244


6. Results 68

6.4.2 Principle of estimating the exceeding costs

As stated in the previous subsection, cables can be regarded as an almost constant

capacitive load at the network and their reactive power generation can be added

to the measured reactive power. This addition is seen not only at the connection

point but also in the measurement of the monitoring area. Practically this means

that every hour reactive power measurement can be increased with the ∆Q. The

graphical demonstration is presented in gure 6.19. The diagrams are examples of

PQ-diagrams, which show the reactive power measurements from a certain time.

The left hand vertical line is the input limit Qs1 and the right hand line is the

output limit Qs. If these lines are crossed, it will result in exceeding costs. The

real diagrams consist of a number of dots, each of which describe a single hour

measurement. In order to show the principle, the dots are replaced with areas in

this example. The old measured points are drawn with a solid line and the new

measurements with a dashed line after the cabling.

All dots will move with the amount of ∆Q regardless of the shape of the area

when cables are installed in the connection point area. The increase speed of window

exceeding costs depends highly on the monitoring area and the shape of the PQ-

diagram. It can be seen that the costs increase with a dierent speed in each diagram

depending on the shape. If the shape is a narrow ellipse, the costs increase slower

and vice versa for a circle. It is important to notice that this is exactly correct

only when all the other consumption is assumed to be exactly the same as before.

Naturally this rarely happens but it gives a good estimate. The accuracy of the

calculation can be specied if the history data is available from a longer period.

Figure 6.19. Dierent shapes of PQ-diagrams

However, the payer of the window exceeding fees is not always obvious. One

monitoring area includes several connection points and usually they do not belong

to the same customer. The measurement data of other customers is not available

so their window exceeding fees or limits are not known by the others inside the

same monitoring area. Only the total measurement data of the monitoring area

is available for everyone in addition to every customer's own connection points'


6. Results 69

data. Nevertheless, if the limit of the monitoring area is exceeded, the payer of the

exceeding fee is always one who has exceed the limit of his own connection point.

The problem can be understood by example. Granting that Monitoring area 1

consists of Customer 1 and Customer 2. Figure 6.20 presents the PQ-diagram of

both customers and the monitoring area. Customer 2 installs a signicant amount

of cable to the network, which is seen at his connection point and at the monitoring

area measurements as an addition ∆Q to the reactive power. This will shift both

areas with an amount of ∆Q. Customer 1 has already exceed his connection point

limits but he has not paid anything before because the monitoring area has staid

within limits. Now the cabling of Customer 1 will result in fees for Customer 1.

Customer 2 does not have to pay anything for monitoring area exceeding until his

own Qs1-limit has been reached. Also, it is possible that two or more connection

points exceed their window limits at the same time and the fees are shared but it

has not included in this study for simplicity. Instead, if reactive power is added to

the appropriate connection point and it causes the monitoring area limit to exceed,

all costs are assumed to fall on the owner of the appropriate connection point.

Figure 6.20. PQ-diagrams of the example case

6.4.3 Example calculation for Substation 1

Next, the goal was to estimate the reactive power window costs of Substation 1 when

more cables are installed in the substation. The rst task was to collect reactive

power measurement history data from Fingrid's LTJ-Ekstranet, which is Fingrid's

web-based measurement information service. The measurement data was collected

regarding to the monitoring area and the connection point of Substation 1 from the

past year. The PQ-diagram of the connection point is presented in gure 6.22 and

the monitoring area in gure 6.21. The diagrams are drawn from the past year and

every blue dot represent a single measurement hour. As can be seen, the monitoring

area is inside the limits so there are no present exceeding costs even though the

connection point has several dots over Qs-limit.


6. Results 70

Figure 6.21. Reactive power measurement from the monitoring area(Fingrid 2012)

Figure 6.22. Reactive power measurement from the connection point(Fingrid 2012)

The amount of installed cable can be used to calculate the nominal reactive power

generation Qcalc by multiplying it by 0,88. ∆Q is equal to the reactive power seen

at the connection point and in the monitoring area. Figure 6.23 shows both of these

values in each phase of the cabling. These reactive powers can be added to the

connection point and monitoring area measurement. The corresponding exceeding

fees of the monitoring area are calculated in gure 6.24. The numbers on the x-

axis represent the reactive power addition to the original value and the costs are


6. Results 71

calculated for one year. In this monitoring area, the costs will rise quite slowly. If

the costs are wanted to calculate for a longer period, they could be multiplied with

the equivalent number of years.

Figure 6.23. Calculated reactive power generation and ∆Q in each phase of cabling

Figure 6.24. Calculated costs for reactive power window exceeding per year

It is evident that the excess of reactive power has to be compensated. Granted

that the whole excess of the reactive power is compensated with either 178 kVAr,

1 MVAr, 2 MVAr or 3 MVAr shunt reactors. If the investment price and the power

loss price of the necessary reactors are taken into account from 20 year period with

each type of reactors and it is compared with the costs from the reactive power

window, the total prot from the reactors can be calculated. Figure 6.25 represents

how much prot the compensation of the whole reactive power makes with dierent


6. Results 72

reactors in 20 years. The reactive power window costs are assumed to be constant

at each cabling phase. In conclusion, all of the over 1 MVAr shunt reactors seem to

be really protable when the purpose is to stay inside the reactive power window.

Also, this shows that the window exceeding costs are really signicant part of the

total costs and they are important to keep at a low level even with the cost of larger

power losses.

Figure 6.25. Prot from compensating the reactive power ow to the main gridwith dierent reactor sizes concerning the investment price and the loss price

6.5 Earth fault current compensation in extensive cabled net-


The compensation of the earth fault current was another issue related to extensive

cabling, which was studied in this thesis. In this section, shunt reactors' behavior was

simulated during an earth fault. Additionally, the behavior of earth fault current was

studied in Substation 1 in totally cabled network and two alternative compensation

solutions were created. In the last subsection, a discovered transient phenomenon

regarding earth faults is presented and simulated.

6.5.1 Behavior of shunt reactors during earth faults

The behaviour of the shunt reactors was examined in detail during an earth fault

since it is a fairly new device used for earth fault compensation in the medium

voltage network. In the testing environment, 1 MVAr wye-connected shunt reactor


6. Results 73

was connected to the bus, which had four 10 km feeders of AXAL-TT95 on no load.

The specications of the shunt reactor were introduced in subsection 5.3.2. The

fault was a solid bus bar fault at phase c and it lasted from 0,2 s to 0,4 s. The

following quantities were measured; Ia, Ib and Ic represent the phase currents of the

reactor, I0 represents the zero sequence current of the reactor, If represents the fault

current and Ua, Ub and Uc represent the phase voltages. All measured quantities are

RMS-values of 50 Hz wave.

Firstly, the neutral point of the shunt reactor was oating and therefore not

grounded. Figure 6.26 presents the currents and voltages during the fault. In the

current diagram, Ia, Ib and Ic stay at the level of 28 A during the whole simulation

and zero sequence current I0 stays at zero. This is the steady state current, which

compensates the capacitive current in a normal situation. The fault current is

approximately 104 A. Since the fault is solid, the phase voltage c drops to zero and

other two phase voltages rise to the magnitude of line voltage.

Figure 6.26. Ungrounded 1 MVAr shunt reactor during a solid earth fault

Next, the neutral point of the shunt reactor was grounded. Figure 6.27 represents

the same current and voltage curves. When the fault occurs, the current in two

healthy phases Ia and Ib rises to magnitude of 47 A and current Ic drops to zero. I0,

which is the earth fault compensation capacity, rises to a level of 84 A and the same

drop of 84 A can also be seen in the fault current. Actually, 84 A is equal to the sum


6. Results 74

of steady state currents and only the magnitudes and phase angles change between

the phases. After the fault has ended, the currents and voltages start to resonate

with the network, which is seen as a small variation in the curves. The damping

speed of the currents depends on the zero sequence resistance, which is greater with

larger resistance values.

Figure 6.27. Grounded 1 MVAr shunt reactor during a solid earth fault

The same fault was simulated with a Petersén coil, which was tuned to 84 A.

Voltage and current curves are presented in gure 6.28. Phase voltages Ua, Ub

and Uc; zero sequence current I0 and fault current If look almost identical to the

grounded shunt reactor curves. However, phase currents are identical to each other

unlike in a grounded shunt reactor. This is because there is a grounding transformer

before the Petersén coil and the voltage displacement over the Petersén coil aects

on every phase. In the grounded shunt reactor, each reactor is directly connected

between the phase and ground and therefore the voltages are dierent over each coil.


6. Results 75

Figure 6.28. 84 A Petersén coil during a solid earth fault

In conclusion, the grounding of the neutral point denes the participation of the

shunt reactor to the earth fault compensation. As there is no technical requirement

of grounding the neutral point, the grounding can be chosen freely (Fälldin 2012).

This widens the use range of the shunt reactors and gives a possibility to ground when

needed. For example, it would be possible to place a remote controlled disconnector

to the neutral point. This would be possible since there is no current through the

neutral line in the normal situation. It could provide extra compensation capacity

for example in case of substation replacements. Another opportunity is to install

the shunt reactor and leave the neutral point ungrounded if the earth fault current

compensation capacity is not needed at the moment. If more cables are installed

in the substation later, the neutral point can be grounded later to get extra earth

fault compensation capacity.

The compensation capacities can be directly calculated from the inductance or

the power of the shunt reactors. If the power of the shunt reactor is Qs, the earth

fault compensation capacity is

Icomp = 3 · Qs

3 · Uph=


Uph, (6.1)

in which Icomp is the earth fault compensation capacity and Uph is the phase



6. Results 76

6.5.2 Behavior of earth fault current in totally cabled network

The increase of the earth fault currents due to cabling was studied in Substation

1 by cabling the network in phases. The intention was to nd the maximum earth

fault current generation of the network and therefore the fault was carried out as

a solid bus fault without any compensation devices at the network. The growth of

the earth fault current in dierent cabling phases is presented in gure 6.29. The

simulated earth fault current values were compared with the calculated values, which

have also been drawn in the gure. The simulated values correspond the calculated

values really well as can be expected. Figure 6.30 divides the earth fault current

values to resistive and capacitive parts. As can be seen, the resistive part increases

remarkably as more cables are installed. However, as the total current is the vector

sum of the capacitive and the resistive part, the increase of the resistive current

does not have a remarkable eect on the total current. Nevertheless, the resistive

part becomes dominant if the fault current is tried to compensate with centralized

Petersén coils and almost all of the capacitive current has been compensated.

Figure 6.29. Simulated and calculated maximum earth fault current in Substation1


6. Results 77

Figure 6.30. Capacitive and resistive parts of the maximum earth fault current inSubstation 1

After the network was totally cabled, the behavior of the earth fault current was

studied by varying the fault location with two fault resistances; 0 Ω and 500 Ω.

In addition to the bus bar fault, faults were placed at the end of feeder 9, at the

switching station and at the end of feeder FP6. Zero sequence voltage and zero

sequence currents were measured from the beginning of each feeder in order to

measure the quantities, which are seen by the protection relays. Additionally, zero

sequence voltage and fault current were measured at the fault location. Figure 6.31

presents the resistive and capacitive parts of the fault currents from the measured

fault locations whereas gure 6.32 shows the zero sequence voltages at the bus bar

and at the fault location. It can be seen that the earth fault current is not constant

in all fault locations unlike the conventional earth fault analysis suggests. Also, the

zero sequence voltage drops to a very low value at the bus bar when the fault is

located elsewhere than at the bus bar. If the voltages of 500 Ω fault are observed,

the voltage displacement is barely seen in the bus. This could lead to a failure to

detect the fault if the zero sequence displacement voltage is below the setting value.

Both of these observations are consequences of the zero sequence resistance of the

cables, which causes a voltage drop in the zero sequence system.


6. Results 78

Figure 6.31. Fault currents in non compensated network

Figure 6.32. Zero sequence voltages in non compensated network

The generation of the earth fault current was examined in detail. The fault was

decided to place in four parts of feeder 9 and the earth fault current generation of

each feeder were measured. The results are presented in table 6.4. As can be seen,

the fault current drops really signicantly as the fault location is taken further to

the feeder. This kind of phenomenon is familiar from short circuit currents, whose

magnitude is dependent on the distance of the fault. The reason is probably the

non negligible zero sequence series impedance of the cable, which aects on the fault

current. When the fault occurs deeper in the network, the impedance seen from the

other feeder increases and as a result, the fault current decreases as in the short


6. Results 79

circuit calculations.

Table 6.4. Zero sequence currents of Substation 1 feeders with dierent fault loca-tions

Distance If I0F5 I0F6 I0F9 I0F10 I0F11 I0F12 I0F13 I0F14

(km) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)4,5 965,8 207,4 84,0 868,9 130,9 29,5 139,3 21,4 265,18,3 763,3 163,8 66,3 686,6 103,4 23,3 110,3 16,9 209,414,3 535,0 114,8 46,5 481,6 72,5 16,3 77,7 11,8 146,820,1 399,5 85,7 34,7 359,8 54,1 12,2 58,2 8,8 109,6

The behavior of the earth fault current was also measured in a more simplied

network. The network was constructed from two AXAL-TT95 cable feeders; F1 and

F2, which were 30 km 40 km long respectively. A single phase earth fault was placed

to F1 every 10 km from the bus bar and the generation of earth fault current was

measured at F2 in three dierent measurement locations every 10 km. The results

are presented in table 6.5. As can be seen, the current at the fault locations drops

by 10 A when the fault is further in the feeder. The same trend can be seen from

the I0 measurements. In order to give comparison results, the same measurement

was made with Raven 63 line by keeping the line lengths the same. The results are

presented in table 6.6. A slightly similar trend can also be seen with Raven but

the phenomenon is barely noticeable and the fault current is independent on the


Table 6.5. Earth fault measurements in the testing network with AXAL-TT95

Distance (km) If (A) I0F1 (A) I0F21 (A) I0F22 (A) I0F23 (A)0 151,63 86,51 64,91 43,30 21,6610 150,96 86,09 64,60 43,09 21,5520 147,60 84,23 63,20 42,15 21,0930 141,10 80,54 60,43 40,31 20,16

Table 6.6. Earth fault measurements in the testing network with Raven 63

Distance (km) If (A) I0F1 (A) I0F21 (A) I0F22 (A) I0F23 (A)0 2,75 2,75 1,37 0,69 4,8110 2,76 2,76 1,38 0,69 4,8220 2,77 2,76 1,38 0,69 4,8330 2,78 2,77 1,39 0,69 4,85

6.5.3 Earth fault current compensation in Substation 1

The earth fault compensation to Substation 1 was implemented in two dierent

ways; centralized compensation and a combination of centralized and distributed


6. Results 80

compensation. Both of these options were implemented into the totally cabled

network, which was simulated also in the previous section. At rst, only centralized

devices were used for earth fault compensation. As the maximum earth fault current

generation of the network was 1180 A, it had to be divided into the switching station

and into the substation. The feeders of the switching station generated around 245 A

of earth fault current and feeder 14 generated 80 A. Therefore, 300 A Petersén coil

was decided to place in the switching station and the rest of the fault current was

compensated with 520 A Petersén coil, 3 MVAr shunt reactor and 1 MVAr shunt

reactor, which were located at the substation. According to the equation (6.1),

the compensation capacity of the 3 MVAr reactor is 252 A and the capacity of the

1 MVAr reactor is 84 A.

After the compensation devices were placed in the network, the same four faults

were simulated with four locations and two resistances as was done in the previous

section. Figures 6.34 and 6.33 present the fault current and zero sequence voltages

with the centralized compensation. As can be expected, the capacitive fault currents

drop signicantly but also the resistive part of the current drops by 120 A. This

happens because the one of the coils was placed at the switching station and it limits

the growth of the resistive part in feeder 14. Nevertheless, there is still around 70 A

of resistive earth fault current left, which comes from other feeders and can not be

compensated centrally. However, the dependency on the fault location decreases and

the total current is now close to constant in all fault locations. The uncompensated

resistive part can also be seen in zero sequence voltages. There is approximately

1 kV dierence between the bus bar and the fault location. This does not appear to

be a problem with a 500 Ω fault resistance but it might be dicult to detect high

resistance faults.

Figure 6.33. Fault currents in the compensated network (centralized compensation)


6. Results 81

Figure 6.34. Zero sequence voltages in the compensated network (centralized com-pensation)

The second compensation solution was made as a combination of centralized and

distributed compensation units. The solution was made by following the guidelines

from Pekkala's M.Sc. thesis, where the appropriate limits of using centralized and

distributed earth fault compensation were studied. According to the thesis, central-

ized compensation should compensate the lines 10 km from the substation and every

next 5,7 - 6,7 km a distributed compensation unit should be placed. By following

these limits, the resistive part of the earth fault current can be limited adequately

and the feeders do not become overcompensated.

Firstly, all cables which are over 10 km from the substation were compensated

with distributed Petersén coils. Totally 39 distributed 15 A Petersén coils were

placed in the feeders, their distribution is presented in table 6.7. After the dis-

tributed Petersén coils had installed, the sizes of the centralized Petersén coils were

dened by compensating the rest of the earth fault current and leaving 5 % to the

resonance point. Eventually, a 2 MVAr shunt reactor with a 168 A earth fault com-

pensation capacity was decided to put in the switching station and a combination

of adjustable 180 A Petersén coil and 1 MVAr shunt reactor with a capacity of 84 A

were put to the substation.

Table 6.7. Installed distributed Petersén coils

Feeder F5 F6 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 FP5 FP6 FP7 FP8Coils 10 4 5 6 0 7 0 3 2 0 1 1

The same simulations were made with 0 Ω and 500 Ω fault resistances in four

dierent fault locations. Figure 6.35 and 6.36 present the new fault currents and

zero voltages after the compensation implementation. Now the currents were limited


6. Results 82

to a lower level and they are also fairly constant at all fault locations. The resistive

current is around 16 A and the capacitive part is 33 A, which is quite the same as

with only centralized coils. Zero sequence voltages are also almost similar at the

bus bar and at the fault location, which also allows to detect the fault with higher

fault resistances. Naturally, the solution is not the best possible one and it could be

ne adjusted by changing to places of distributed coils to more suitable locations.

However, this shows that the distributed compensation coils are extremely useful in

the extensive cabled network.

Figure 6.35. Fault currents in the compensated network (centralized and distributedcompensation)

Figure 6.36. Zero sequence voltages in the compensated network (centralized anddistributed compensation)


6. Results 83

6.5.4 Transient phenomenon after an earth fault

The last earth fault issue was a transient phenomenon, which was recognized last

year in Elenia. There had been unexplainable relay protection failures in one of

Elenia's substation during earth faults. The substation had totally 6 feeders, of

which one had approximately 6 km of cable and others consisted of mixed lines.

There was no centralized compensation installed in the substation but the cable

feeder had a distributed Petersén coil installed. When an earth fault occurred in

a mixed feeder, the faulted feeder was correctly disconnected from the network by

the breaker. However, also the feeder with a distributed Petersén was disconnected

from the substation after the earth fault although there was no fault in it.

Since the phenomenon had happened several times, PQ-measurements were made

on the location by Tampere University of Technology. The reason for the protection

failures appeared to be the transient current in the zero sequence network, which

was due to the capacitance change of the network. As the faulted feeder was discon-

nected from the substation, the distributed Petersén coil was connected to the line

capacitances of the other feeders. As a result, damping resonance currents started to

ow between the inductance and the capacitances. Since the phenomenon happened

in the zero sequence, it increased the zero sequence current of the feeder with the

distributed coil and the resulted current was adequate to exceed the current setting

of the earth fault relay.

The zero sequence current and zero sequence voltage measurements are presented

in gures 6.37 and 6.38. The measurements were made for four feeders. Feeder 8

is the one with the distributed Petersén coil, the earth fault happened in feeder 18

and the other two feeders are healthy. The phases of the phenomenon are marked to

the gures with red lines and boxes. When the rst FRO starts, the actual fault is

disconnected from the network and the healthy feeders should remain in the normal

state. However, I0 starts to resonate in feeder 8 with feeder 10 and feeder 14 so that

I0F8 = I0F10 +I0F14. The magnitude of the current is still approximately 10 A after

0,5 s, which is the relay setting of Feeder 8. As a result, feeder 8 is disconnected

from the bus by the false triggering. Another important thing is the change of

the frequency as the resonating starts. As the feeder is under compensated, the

frequency of the wave is below 50 Hz. If the feeder had been over compensated, the

frequency would have been over 50 Hz.


6. Results 84

Figure 6.37. Measured zero sequence currents (DEEE 2012)

Figure 6.38. Measured zero sequence voltage (DEEE 2012)

The same situation was simulated in the PSCAD-environment. Since the phe-

nomenon was not the main focus of the thesis, the PSCAD model was constructed

as simplied. Figure 6.39 and 6.40 presents the same zero sequence currents and

zero sequence voltage as in the measurements. Simulation results do not correspond

exactly the measurements but the same phenomenon can be seen from the gures.

The feeder with the distributed Petersén coils starts to resonate with other two

feeders and the resonating can also be seen in the zero sequence voltage.


6. Results 85

Figure 6.39. Simulated zero sequence currents

Figure 6.40. Simulated zero sequence voltage

One way to decrease the aects of the phenomenon is to add resistance to the

network. This was accomplished by adding a centralized Petersén coil to the network

with a compensation capacity of 70 A in addition to the distributed Petersén coil.

Firstly, a 5 A parallel resistance was connected in parallel with the centralized coil.

Figure 6.41 presents the zero sequence current of feeder 8 and the zero sequence

voltage of the bus. It can be seen that the wave damps quicker. The resonating is

much smaller and in practice it would not cause a false triggering. If a 15 A parallel

resistance would be connected, the damping is even quicker. Figure 6.42 presents

the corresponding curves. In this case, there would be not problems caused by the

transient current.


6. Results 86

Figure 6.41. Simulated zero sequence current and zero sequence voltage in feeder8 with centralized compensation and a 5 A parallel resistance

Figure 6.42. Simulated zero sequence current and zero sequence voltage in feeder8 with centralized compensation and a 15 A parallel resistance

In conclusion, it can be said that the transient phenomenon can be limited by

adding resistance. Although the measurements and simulations results did not

match perfectly, the same phenomenon could also be seen in the simulations. An

easy way to avoid the resonance in the zero sequence network is to use the centralized

Petersén coil to compensate the rst kilometers from the substation. On the other


6. Results 87

hand, the usage of parallel resistance would also damp the transient phenomenon of

distributed Petersén coils if it is necessary to use them.

6.6 Optimal compensation strategy

In the introduction of chapter 5 several questions were asked regarding extensive

cabling. The purpose of this section is to conclude all sections of the result chapter

and answer the questions based on the acquired information. Several dierent com-

pensation devices have been studied in this thesis and a good base for the answers

is a price table of them, which is presented in table 6.8.

Table 6.8. Summary of prices and compensation capacities of dierent compensa-tion devices

Device Q (kVAr) Icomp (A) AC/MVAr AC/A Price (AC)Distr. Shunt reactor 178 15 169 2005 30 000Centr. Shunt reactor 1000 84 51 607 51 000Centr. Shunt reactor 2000 168 32 363 61 000Centr. Shunt reactor 3000 252 31 373 94 000Distr. Petersén coil - 15 - 667 10 000Centr. Petersén coil - 140 - 1216 170 000Centr. Petersén coil - 250 - 743 186 000

Firstly, it was studied whether it is protable to use distributed shunt reactors for

the reactive power compensation or should it be done centrally. As the distributed

shunt reactors can also be used in earth fault compensation as well, their prices

were compared with distributed Petersén coils. As stated, the number of needed

distributed compensation units to earth fault compensation can be assumed to be

constant for decreasing the resistive component by an adequate amount. Therefore,

if the price of the needed distributed Petersén coils is assumed to be x· 10 000 AC, theprice of the equal number of distributed shunt reactors is x· 30 000 AC. Therefore,

shunt reactors should bring extra benet at least with an amount of x· 20 000 AC in

order to be protable.

As proven in subsection 6.1.3, the economic benet from the decreased power

losses is not remarkable in a branched network. According to the simulations in

the case network, the rst installed shunt reactor has the largest benet and the

benet gets smaller when more shunt reactors are installed in the single feeder. The

maximum benet of the rst reactor was 10 000 AC, which was accomplished by

placing one reactor in the latter part of feeder 12 in the totally cabled network. The

benet in other feeders was under 5000 AC.

Distributed shunt reactors were also simulated with straight feeders. In this case,

shunt reactors can be protable if they are placed correctly. An optimal placement


6. Results 88

for distributed shunt reactors would be at the latter part of over 50 km straight

cables, which are low loaded and they have a relatively high power factor. As the

length of the feeder gets longer, the economic benet gets larger. At the same time,

Ferranti-eect might become a problem especially if the length of the feeder is close

to 80 km. Also, the overloading of the cables was proven not to be a problem due

to reactive power ow. Therefore, distributed shunt reactors can be recommended

to use in especially long feeders. However, over 50 km straight cables are quite rare

and therefore distributed Petersén coils should be used in most situations for earth

fault current compensation.

This means that reactive power compensation should mostly be carried out by

using centralized shunt reactors. A lot of attention should be paid on the losses of

centralized shunt reactors and low loss reactors should be favored. Low loss coils

can be protably used to decrease the power losses of the main transformer and

high loaded link cables between a substation and a switching station, for example.

However, as was shown in subsection 6.4.3, the costs from Fingrid's window limit

exceeding are much more signicant compared with the power losses. If the input

limit of the reactive power window is crossed, it can result in over 120 000 AC costs

per year. According to the simulations, all examined 1-3 MVAr reactors saved a

lot of money as they limited the exceeding costs when the cabling degree increased.

Both investment price and the loss price were considered in the calculation. A

straight consequence from the need of shunt reactors is the decreasing need of shunt

capacitors. As the cabling increases, many of the capacitors in the substations will

become relatively useless especially in low loaded rural areas.

Since the reactive power window exceeding is the major dening factor of using

shunt reactors, also the placements of the reactors have to be chosen according to

it. When single cabling projects are accomplished, the decision about the reactive

power compensation can not only be made based on a single project. Instead, the

cabling projects inside a monitoring area should be observed as an entity in order

to know if there is a need of investing to shunt reactors. However, it is important

to notice that this study has been made with the current reactive power window

exceeding prices, which are possible to change in the future.

Shunt reactors should naturally be placed in potential cabling locations, where

it is likely to install more cables in the future. In principle the location of the

shunt reactors is indierent from the window limits perspective as long as it is

located inside the same monitoring area. The only real requirement is that the

compensation should be made on the medium voltage side. Otherwise the main

transformer would age faster and even the loading capacity of the transformer can

become a problem at some locations. Therefore, AC/MVAr price denes the cheapest

option for the preferred compensation device from the window perspective. From


6. Results 89

this point of view, centralized shunt reactors would be an easy choice.

Centralized earth fault compensation can be implemented as a combination of

centralized shunt reactors and centralized adjustable Petersén coils. As proven in

subsection 6.5.1, shunt reactors can be used for earth fault current compensation.

The grounding of the neutral point of shunt reactors dene their behavior during an

earth fault. If the neutral point is ungrounded, shunt reactors do not participate in

the fault compensation. If the neutral point is grounded, shunt reactors participate

in the earth fault current compensation. The compensation capacity of shunt reac-

tors is practically constant since it can be calculated straight from the inductance

value. Therefore, the shunt reactor works in the same way as a xed Petersén coil

during an earth fault. If desired, the neutral point of the shunt reactor can also

be left ungrounded and ground later since there are no technical barriers of leaving

the neutral point ungrounded. One option would be to place a remotely connected

disconnector between the neutral point and ground, which could provide extra earth

fault compensation capacity if needed. Another good possibility is to purchase a

large shunt reactor, which is o line adjustable. This enables increasing the reactive

power and earth fault current compensation capacity as more cables are installed in

the same substation.

However, it is really important to rst have an adjustable Petersén coil in the

substation before grounding shunt reactors. Petersén coils adjust their inductance

according to the connection situation and keep the correct compensation degree.

This is vital for the correct function of protection relays, which have been set for

an under compensated network. If the compensation degree of the network crosses

100 %, it can result in non-selective relay operations. For example, if a substation

would only have a xed centralized compensation coil and the topology of the net-

work changes so that a part of the network is moved behind another substation, the

earth fault current generation of the network decreases. In this case, a xed coil

could cause the network to become over compensated. As a result, the relays of the

feeders would not recognize to an earth fault and the neutral point voltage relay

would disconnect the whole substation when an earth fault occurs.

6.7 Evaluation of results and tools

This section presents possible sources of inaccuracies, which should be noticed when

the results are inspected. The rst issue is the cost calculation and the prices

of compensation devices. One should consider that the prices of the devices are

estimates and they can dier between dierent manufacturers. Also, the power

loss calculations include a lot of assumptions. It is possible that the price of the

electricity will change remarkably or the interest rate changes. Additionally, the

power losses due to reactive power ow were assumed to accumulate from the whole


6. Results 90

year by assuming the peak usage time to be 8760 h and loading increase rate to zero.

In fact, the situation is not that simple because the loading will increase in time.

However, it would be have been dicult to concern the surge impedance loading of

the cables. If a cable operates under its surge impedance loading, it is possible that

the increase in the loading actually decreases the losses because the cable operates

closer in its surge impedance loading.

When the exceeding costs of the reactive power window are evaluated, a few things

should be considered. Firstly, the history data from the measurements should be

collected from a long period of time in order to get valid information. In this thesis,

history data was collected from one-year period of time but the accuracy would

increase if the average value was used from several years. However, Fingrid has just

renewed its reactive power control method so not much history data is available yet.

Furthermore, it is harsh to assume that all other consumption would be constant

in the monitoring area. Again, history data would provide a more accurate guess if

it was available. Fingrid is also justied to change the exceeding fees, which would

inuence the results.

The modeling of loading is also an issue to discuss. The modeling of the loading

was based on the combination of AMR-measurements and index series since AMR-

meters provide only active power measurement information. Therefore, the reactive

power was calculated based on the index series of dierent customer groups and the

actual cosφ is not exactly known. However, it was assumed that the index series will

provide a sucient accuracy in the scope of this thesis. Additionally, the loading of

each feeder was assumed to be distributed evenly to the distribution transformers

according to their nominal power, which was regarded to provide adequate accuracy.

The earth fault behavior of the cables can also not be known exactly. The zero

sequence impedance of the cables is calculated with an estimation formula and no

real measurements have been made in the eld. Therefore, the actual amplitude of

resistive and capacitive parts is not known. However, the results from this thesis

are similar to earlier studies related to the same subject.

The main tool used in this thesis was the PSCAD-simulation program, which is

mainly intended to use for simulating fast transient phenomenon in power networks.

Additionally, Tekla NIS network information system was used as a supportive pro-

gram for creating the PSCAD-models. From the network calculation point of view,

these two programs have been programmed from a dierent perspective compared

and therefore they should be used for dierent purposes. Tekla NIS is more suitable

for the daily use in the DSO for several reasons. Firstly, it already includes infor-

mation about the network, which does not exist in PSCAD. At the moment, there

is no way to transfer and convert the network information directly from Tekla NIS

to PSCAD. This means that the user have to create the PSCAD-model manually


6. Results 91

by checking the correct parameters of all network components and power lines rst

from Tekla NIS and then create a suitable component for PSCAD. This is really

time consuming especially if the network is large. Large simulation models will also

increase the time needed for the simulation run. For example, Substation 1 model

took approximately 5 minutes to run a simulation time of 0,5 s. Secondly, the cre-

ation and the usage of the PSCAD models are not necessarily straight forward for

new users since PSCAD is a fairly new program in Elenia. The program is sensitive

to user errors and the search of the them can be complicated. However, the basic

use can be learned quickly especially if a ready network model is available but the

more advanced use requires time to learn.

However, in some cases it is not possible to use Tekla NIS due to the restrictions

of the program. For example, Tekla NIS is not capable of doing transient studies

and the accuracy of the component models is limited. PSCAD is an excellent tool

for these purposes, where the time domain analysis is required or more accuracy is

needed for the modeling. For example, the earth fault phenomena in the extensively

cabled network or the transient phenomenon after an earth fault would not have

been possible to conduct with Tekla NIS. Another usage targets could be distributed

generation or voltage dips in the short circuit faults.




The purpose of this thesis was to nd an optimal combination for reactive power

and earth fault current compensation in extensive cabled networks. This was ac-

complished by dening the actual need for compensation and developing a techno-

economic compensation solution for it. The study was mainly carried out by using

PSCAD-simulation software and making calculations based on the results.

The study showed that there is a certain need for reactive power compensation.

The most important reason is the reactive power window of Fingrid, which can cause

major costs when the cabling of the medium voltage network is taken forward. The

installed cables can be noticed as a constant capacitive addition to reactive power

measurements at the connection point in every hour and they eect on the exceeding

costs of the whole year. This means that the reactive power balance in the connection

points should carefully be observed when more cables are installed in the network.

Practically, the installation of the cables will partly remove the need for capacitors

in the substations at some point.

The second reason for compensation is the possibility to reduce the power losses.

It is possible to limit the reactive power ow through the main transformer and

therefore decrease its power losses. The second possibility is to decrease the reactive

power ow in the link cables between a substation and a switching station. As the

amount of reactive power is decreased, it also gives more bandwidth for active power

transmission. However, the cost savings depend highly on the power losses of the

shunt reactors and a lot of attention should be paid on the low loss construction of

the reactors even by the costs of the investment price.

It was studied whether to compensate reactive power with distributed or central-

ized shunt reactors. According to the simulations, distributed shunt reactors did not

appear to be protable in the normal branched feeders. Instead, distributed shunt

reactors should only be used with straight cable feeders, which are over 50 km long

and low loaded with a high power factor. This means that the power losses due to

reactive power ow are not generally protable to compensate in single feeders with

distributed shunt reactors.

Therefore, the economic way to compensate reactive power appeared to be the

usage of centralized shunt reactors, which are installed in the substations or at the

switching stations. Besides reducing the reactive power ow to the main grid and


7. Conclusions 93

reducing the power losses, wye-connected shunt reactors can also be used to compen-

sate earth fault currents. Shunt reactors' participation in earth fault compensation

depends on the grounding of their neutral point. In case the neutral point being

grounded, the shunt reactor compensates earth fault current according to its induc-

tance value. In case the neutral point being ungrounded, the shunt reactor does not

participate in the earth faults. It could be possible to place a remote disconnector

between the neutral point and the ground if the earth fault behavior of the shunt

reactor is desired to choose. Additionally, it would be possible to buy a large o line

adjustable shunt reactor, which could be adjusted according to the need.

Earth fault compensation should be implemented by using centralized and dis-

tributed Petersén coils. It is practically compulsory to have distributed earth fault

compensation units since the resistive component needs to be compensated by an

adequate amount in order to assure the safety of the network. As distributed shunt

reactor did not turn out to be protable, distributed Petersén coils should be used

for compensation instead. Centralized earth fault compensation should be imple-

mented as a combination of adjustable Petersén coils and shunt reactors. However,

shunt reactors can not be used solely for centralized compensation since they have a

xed earth fault compensation capacity. Instead, networks should always rst have

an adjustable Petersén coil at the substation to keep the correct compensation de-

gree. This is required since the topology of the network can change and network can

become overcompensated, which causes relay protection to become non-selective.

7.1 Further study

According to the results from this thesis, there will be challenges of controlling the

excess of reactive power in the future. In order to control the reactive power, it

would be useful to get real-time data about the reactive power consumption of the

customers. At the moment, reactive power measurement data is not available from

the customers under 63 A connection and their load calculation is based on the

index series. It should be studied if it was possible to start to gather reactive power

measurement information also from the AMR-meters of the customers.

In order to control the balance of reactive power in the medium voltage network,

it would be useful for network operators to have graphical real-time reactive power

measurements for each connection point and substation. Therefore, they could be

aware of the reactive power window and make switching operations in order to oper-

ate within the window limits. This could be carried out as a SCADA-extension. The

balance of reactive power could be followed in the substation level by utilizing the

relay measurements. The measurement information could be used to optimize the

compensation of the reactive power to the locations, where the excess is the largest.

Therefore the operators could make the switching operations of the compensation


7. Conclusions 94

devices more optimally. Additionally, the relay measurements could be utilized to

verify the validity of the index series of the loading models.

In addition to the presented compensation solutions in this thesis, other ways

should be studied to compensate the reactive power. One way to ease the reactive

power excess could be to change the reactive power taris for medium voltage cus-

tomers. It could be possible to allow them to consume a certain amount of reactive

power without having to pay for it. Therefore, the customers would have a similar

reactive power window, which is used by Fingrid. This possibility should be studied

closer as a business case.

The behavior of the earth fault current should also be studied more in totally

cabled networks. The simulation results showed that the zero sequence resistance

of the cable changes the behavior of the earth fault current remarkably. It would

be interesting to verify these results with eld measurements. The transient phe-

nomenon is another earth fault issue, which should be studied more specically. As

the transient phenomenon was a secondary subject of this thesis, the results were

only shallow. Additionally, it should be studied if there are other transient phenom-

ena, which are caused by an extensive use of Petersén coils or shunt reactors.




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