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  • TABLE OF CONTENTS5 WOLF CLAN OCCUPATION ZONE 566 (Planets arranged alphabetically)8 The Periphery 569 Blackstone 569 Butte Hotd 56

    10 Crellacor 5612 Drask's Den 5612 Ferris 5613 Gustrell 5618 Oberon VI 5618 Paulus Prime 5622 Placidia 5622 The Rock 5623 Sigurd 5724 First Wave 5726 Alleghe 5726 Baista 5827 Chateau 5729 !car 5731 New Caledonia 5831 Outpost 5833 Saint John 5837 Skallevoll 5841 Svelvik 5842 The Edge 5746 Second Wave 5946 Csesztreg 5947 Leoben 5947 Lovinac 5947 New Bergen 5948 Rodigo 5948 Verthandi 5948 Third Wave 6050 Bruben 6050 Feltre 6050 Harvest 6052 Hermagor 6052 Kirchbach 6054 Liezen 6054 Mozirje 60

    Planting 60Rasalhague 61Ridderkerk 61Vantaa 61


    ExodusHidden HopeA New BeginningTime of DarknessBirth of the Clan

    OriginsClan SocietyClan GovernmentClan Trials

    Golden CenturyDeath and AbsorptionRebirth and ExpansionCrusaders' Call

    Operation RevivalFinal PlansPeriphery WarmupFinal PreparationsFirst Wave : Wolf at the DoorSecond Wave : Wolf Strikes AgainThird Wave : Challenge from the WolfFourth Wave : The Wolf Races AheadYear of Peace and DreadThe Clans Return

    TUKAYYIDBargained Well and DoneFinal BiddingDays of Armageddon

    Smoke JaguarSteel ViperNova CatGhost BearJade FalconDiamond SharksWolf

    Lessons of WarLessons for the FutureClan RistarsFuture of ComStar







  • Fourth Wave 61 Full Unit Rosters

    73Basiliano 62 Trinary Clan Command

    73Dawn 61 Wolf Clan Naval Reserve

    74Dell 62 PersonalitiesEngadin 62 IlKhan Ulric Kerensky

    74Ferleiten 62 Alpha Galaxy

    74Hohenems 62 PersonalitiesKandis 63 Star Colonel Khan Natasha Kerensky 75Kufstein 62 Star Colonel Athen Kederk

    78Moritz 63 Star Captain Hannibal Sradac

    78New Oslo 61 Star Colonel Jera Carns

    80Radstadt 63 Star Commander Marita Chin

    80Skokie 63 Star Captain Katya Kerensky

    82Stanzach 63 Beta Galaxy

    83Svarstaad 63 PersonalitiesUnzmarkt 61 Khan Garth Radick

    84Vulcan 63 Star Colonel Ramon Sender

    85Fifth Wave 64 Star Captain Kristina Carns

    85Altenmarkt 68 Star Colonel Erik Kerensky

    87Bessarabia 66 Star Captain Marijoan Shaw

    87Biota 68 Star Colonel Darren Fetladral

    89Carse 69 Star Captain Sumner Johns

    89Cusset 64 Gamma Galaxy

    90Diosd 69 PersonalitiesDomain 68 Galaxy Commander Mikei Furey

    91Galuzzo 69 Star Captain Lena Fetladral

    91Gunzburg 66 Star Colonel Carmin Winson

    93Hainfeld 66 Star Captain Edwina Carns

    93Hyperion 67 Star Colonel Dwillt Radick

    95Karston 67 Star Captain Craig Ward

    95Kobe 67 Star Colonel Abioseh Winson

    97Laurent 64 Star Captain Hutta Fetladral

    97Lothan 69 Delta Galaxy

    97Maestu 64 PersonalitiesMemmingen 64 Galaxy Commander Conal Ward

    98Nox 69 Star Captain Lorenzo Ghiberti

    98Ramsau 69 Star Colonel John Ward

    100Rastaban 68 Star Captain Sarah Carns

    100Satalice 65 Star Colonel Marcos Radick

    102Sevren 64 Star Captain Harrell Vickers

    102Shaula 67 Star Colonel Charles Dinour

    104Skandia 69 Star Captain Nick Ward

    104Suk II 68 Epsilon Galaxy

    105Tamar 64 PersonalitiesThannhausen 65 Galaxy Commander Anton Fetladral 105Thun 67 Star Colonel Evon

    107Voiders 65 Star Captain Rebekka

    107Vorarlberg 65 Star Colonel Jewel

    109Weingarten 65 MechWarrior Carra

    109Wheel 67 Star Colonel Jersano

    111CLAN WOLF MILITARY 70 Elemental Star Commander Jodi

    111Table of Organization and Equipment 70 Star Colonel Sanal

    113Unit Summaries 70 Elemental Star Captain Ghull

    113Trinary Clan Command 70 NEW 'MECHS

    114Wolf Clan Naval Reserve 70 Linebacker

    116Alpha Galaxy 70 Naga

    118Beta Galaxy 71 Phantom

    120Gamma Galaxy 71 Pouncer

    122Delta Galaxy 72 GLOSSARY

    124Epsilon Galaxy 72






  • R





    WritingBoy F . Peterson Jr.Blaine PardoeSam Lewis

    DevelopmentDavid LadymanBlaine Pardoe

    Additional DevelopmentMike Nystal

    Editorial StaffSenior Editor

    Donna IppolitoAssistant Editor

    Sharon Turner MulvihillProject Editor

    David Ladyman

    Production StaffArt Director

    Dana KnutsonCover Design

    Jim NelsonBack Cover Art

    Jeff LaubensteinColor Plates

    Jeff LaubensteinIllustration

    Jay HarrisMark FullertonJoel BiskeDana KnutsonEarl GeierJeff Laubenstein

    LayoutTara Gallagher

    Published byFASA CorporationP.Q. Box 6930Chicago. IL 60680


    are Trademarks of FASA Corporation . registered in the U. S.Patent and Trademark Office . Wolf Clan Sourcebook is a trade-mark of FASA Corporation . Copyright s' 1991 FASA Corporation.All Rights Reserved . Printed in the United States of America.








    FROM: Anastasius Focht, Precentor Martial of the Corn Guards, Hilton Head Island, TerraTO: Cadets of the Sandhurst Royal Military Academy . TerraDATE : 1 December 3C52

    This summary of he Clans' history and Clan Wolf's military status relies heavily on personal observations andinterviews, not on whal military commanders would consider hard facts . Indeed . the historical account is based almostentirely on a remarkable epic poem . The Remembrance . Like other great epics . it tends to glorify the figures and eventsof the past, rather than present a historically accurate record

    The Remembrance is unique and well worth study in order lo gain the fullest possible understanding of the Clans.I was fascinated by this saga from the first time I heard it quoted . It opens with the Periphery uprisings and relates infascinating detail the events of the Amaris coup . the retaking of Terra . the final dissolution of the Star League, the Exodus.the creation of the Clars, and those final, fateful days of blood and tears on Tukayyid . The Remembrance is an ongoingaccount that is continually expanded to include contemporary events . and each Clan has a slightly different versionreflecting its own opinions and experiences . All Clan warriors can quote whole verses of this marvelous epic from memory,proof of its importance to this strange and alien people . I quote from The Remembrance repeatedly throughout this documentso that their society may be better understood . All quotes are from the Clan Wolf version of the poem unless otherwisenoted.

    I met with the Oathmasters and Loremasters of several Clans . who were willing to explain The Remembrance andsupply additional information about Clan society and mores . I also met and spent many hours with key leaders of ClanWolf and other Clans, both interviewing and observing them, gaining valuable insight into their characters and society.My aides and I have also reviewed hundreds of reports filed from the Wolf Occupation Zone . The fairest and most accurateoverview possible of Clan Wolf, the preeminent Clan and standard-bearer of Kerensky's legacy . is the result of thisresearch.

    ComStar cadets must study well what is written here . Clan Wolf, because of its influence among the other Clans,continues to be the greatest threat and greatest opportunity our Blessed Order has ever faced . Three years ago theydescended upon the Inner Sphere like Fate's hammer and threatened to shatter the world as we knew it . including ourBlessed Order . Instead of destroying us . they struck away centuries of misguided beliefs and assumptions to expose thebright and shining center of Blake's true message . They returned us to a clear vision of our purpose in life . but the costof our awakening still stains the surface of Tukayyid . The countless blackened hulks of destroyed BattleMechs lie as mutereminders of the days when the ilKhan and I played with human lives as if they were chess pieces on a game board . Anothersuch holocaust must be avoided at all cost.

    So learn well, future marshals of Blake . In fifteen years the shackles we put on the Clans at Tukayyid will be broken.







    Table of ContentsIntroductionHistory of the ClansExodusHidden HopeA New BeginningTime of Darkness

    Birth of the ClanOriginsClan SocietyClan GovernmentClan Trials

    Golden CenturyDeath and AbsorptionRebirth and ExpansionCrusaders' Call

    Operation RevivalFinal PlansPeriphery WarmupFinal PreparationsFirst Wave: Wolf at the DoorSecond Wave: Wolf Strikes AgainThird Wave: Challenge from the WolfFourth Wave: The Wolf Races AheadYear of Peace and DreadThe Clans Return

    TukayyidBargained Well and DoneFinal BiddingDays of ArmageddonSmoke JaguarSteel ViperNova CatGhost BearJade FalconDiamond SharkWolf

    Lessons of WarLessons for the FutureClan RistarsFuture of ComStar

    Wolf Clan Occupation ZoneThe PeripheryBlackstoneButte HoldCrellacorDrask's DenFerrisGustrellOberon VIPaulus PrimePlacidiaThe RockSigurd

    First WaveAllegheBalstaChateauIcarNew CaledoniaOutpostSaint JohnSkallevollSvelvikThe Edge

    Second WaveCsesztregLeobenLovinacNew BergenRodigoVerthandi

    Third WaveBrubenFeltreHarvestHermagorKirchbachLiezenMozirjePlantingRasalhagueRidderkerkVantaa

    Fourth WaveBasilianoDawnDellEngadinFerleitenHohenemsKandisKufsteinMoritzNew OsloUnzmarktRadstadtSkokieStanzachSvarstaadVulcan

    Fifth WaveAltenmarktBessarabiaBiotaCarseCussetDiosdDomainGaluzzoGunzburgHainfeldHyperionKarstonKobeLaurentLothanMaestuMemmingenNoxRamsauRastabanSataliceSevrenShaulaSkandiaSuk IITamarThannhausenThunVoldersVorarlbergWeingartenWheel

    Clan Wolf MilitaryTable of Organization and EquipmentUnit SummariesTrinary Clan CommandWolf Clan Naval ReserveAlpha GalaxyBeta GalaxyGamma GalaxyDelta GalaxyEpsilon Galaxy

    Full Unit RostersTrinary Clan CommandWolf Clan Naval ReserveilKhan Ulric Kerensky

    Alpha GalaxyStar Colonel Khan Natasha KerenskyStar Colonel Athen KederkStar Captain Hannibal SradacStar Colonel Jera CarnsStar Commander Marita Ch'inStar Captain Katya Kerensky

    Beta GalaxyKhan Garth RadickStar Colonel Ramon SenderStar Captain Kristina CarnsStar Colonel Erik KerenskyStar Captain Marijoan ShawStar Colonel Darren FetladralStar Captain Sumner Johns

    Gamma GalaxyGalaxy Commander Mikel FureyStar Captain Lena FetladralStar Colonel Carmin WinsonStar Captain Edwina CarnsStar Colonel Dwillt RadickStar Captain Craig WardStar Colonel Abioseh WinsonStar Captain Hutta Fetladral

    Delta GalaxyGalaxy Commander Conal WardStar Captain Lorenzo GhibertiStar Colonel John WardStar Captain Sarah CarnsStar Colonel Marcos RadickStar Captain Harrell VickersStar Colonel Charles DinourStar Captain Nick Ward

    Epsilon GalaxyGalaxy Commander Anton FetladralStar Colonel EvonStar Captain RebekkaStar Colonel JewelMechWarrior CarraStar Colonel JersanoElemental Star Commander JodiStar Colonel SanalElemental Star Captain Ghull

    New 'MechsLinebackerNagaPhantomPouncer

    GlossaryColor PlatesGalaxy InsigniaTechnician/BondsmanBattle Armor OutfittingVacuum Familiarization TrainingThree Types of WarriorElemental and ArmorFreebirthsAdoption Ceremony
