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Sample Lesson Note-Group3

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  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    The Princess and The Dragon

    Once upon a time, there was a king and a

    queen . They lived in a golden castle with theirbeautiful daughter. One night , an ugly ogrelocked the princess in his tower. The kingpromised to give a bag of gold to the knight,who could rescue the princess. All the knights

    in the land rode to the ogre s tower. The ogrewas so scary that they rode away as fast asthey could. The next day , a friendly dragonsaw the princess in the tower. The dragonblew the ogre into the ocean. The dragon putthe princess on his back and flew into the sky.Then the dragon took the princess back to thecastle. The king was so happy with thedragon. He gave the dragon a bag of gold.

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    Focus : Listening and Speaking

    Theme : World of stories

    Topic : The princess and the dragon

    Learning standard :

    1.1.1 Able to speak with correct stress

    1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy stories.

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of

    text by a) answering simple WH questions

    Lesson Objective :

    By the end of the lesson , pupils are able to answersimple Wh questions correctly.

    Teaching and learning activities :

    1) Pupils are given a story.2) Teacher will ask pupils to read aloud.3) Teacher will ask pupils some questions and pupils will

    answer the questions orally.4) Pupils will be divided in 4 groups and ask each other

    questions orally.

    Teaching Aid : figurines and handouts

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    Wh Questions (orally)

    1) Where did the king and queen live?

    2) Who locked the princess?3) When did the ogre locked the

    princess?4) What did the king promised to give to

    the person who could rescue the

    princess?5) Who rescue the princess?6) Where did the dragon blew the ogre?7) Why was the king happy with the

    dragon?8) How did the king keep his promise?

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    Focus : Reading

    Theme : World of Stories

    Topic : The Princess and The Dragon

    Content Standard : Able to demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear texts in

    the form of print and non-print materials

    using a range of strategies to construct

    meaning.Learning Standard : 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a

    paragraph with simple and compound

    sentences (sk).

    Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be

    able to read and sequence the storycorrectly.

    Teaching Aids : picture cards, phrase cards, powerpoint

    presentation, sentence strips.

    Activities :

    Pre-Reading :1. Pupils are given figurines of characters. (Appendix 1)

    While-Reading :

    2. Teacher pastes phrase cards on the board.(Appendix 1)3. Pupils match the figurines to the phrase. (Appendix 1)

    4. Pupils read aloud all the phrases.(Appendix 2)

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    5. Teacher asks simple Wh-Questions pertaining to the story.(Appendix 3)

    6. Pupils answer the questions orally.7. Teacher tells the story again. Pupils listen.

    Post-Reading :

    8. Invite a few pupils to tell the story.

    Appendix 1

    Figurines and phrase cards.


    2. a princess

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  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    Appendix 2

    The phrases :

    a king a queen a princess a prince an ogrea knight a dragon a castle a tower a bag of

    goldthe kings


    Appendix 3 :


    a) Where did the king and queen live?

    b) Where did the ogre bring the princess to?

    c) What did the king promise?

    d) Who rescued the princess?

    e) What did the king give to the dragon?

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    Focus: Writing

    Theme: World of Stories

    Topic: The Princess and The Dragon

    Content Standard:

    3.2 Pupils will be able to write using appropriate language formand style for a range of purposes.

    Learning Standard:

    3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:

    (a) simple sentences

    (b) compound sentences

    Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write astory using simple or compound sentences with guidance.

    Time : 60 minutes

    Teaching Aids: figurines, phrase strips, worksheets

    Teaching & Learning Activities


    1. Tell the story, The Princess and the Dragon. Pupils listenattentively.

    2. Distribute picture cards to groups. Next, distribute pieces ofpaper. Pupils name the pictures ( pictures of king, queen,princess,castle, ogre, tower, knights, bag of gold, dragon )

    3. Next, get pupils to pick the picture of king and queen.

    4. Elicit response from pupils about the king and queen.

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    Q : Are they happy or sad?

    A: They are happy.

    5. Distribute jumbled phrases. Pupils arrange them.

    The king and queen are very happy.

    6. Get pupils to pick the picture of the king, queen, princess andcastle.

    7. Elicit response about the pictures.

    8. Distribute jumbled phrases. Pupils arrange them.

    Q: Where do they live?

    A: They live in a castle.

    9. Get pupils to pick the picture of a tower, the princess and anogre.

    10. Elicit response about the pictures.

    11. Distribute jumbled phrases. Pupils arrange them.

    Q: What did an ugly ogre do?

    A: An ugly ogre locked the princess in his tower.

    12. Get pupils to pick the picture of a bag of gold, king, knightand princess.

    13. Elicit response about the pictures.

    14. Distribute jumbled phrases. Pupils arrange them.

    Q: What did the King promise?

    A: The king promised to give a bag of gold to the knight whocould save the princess.

    15. Get pupils to pick the picture of knights and a tower.

    16. Elicit response about the picture.

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    17. Distribute jumbled phrases. Pupils arrange them.

    Q: What did the knights do?

    A: All the knights in the lands rode to the ogre s tower.

    18. Get pupils to pick the picture of an ogre.

    19. Elicit response about the picture.

    20. Distribute jumbled phrases. Pupils arrange them.

    Q: What happened at the tower?

    A: The ogre was so scary that they rode away as fast as theycould.

    21. Get pupils to pick the picture of a dragon, a princess and atower.

    22. Elicit response about the picture.

    23. Distribute jumbled phrases. Pupils arrange them.

    Q: What did a dragon do?

    A: A dragon saved the princess and brought her to the castle.

    24. Get pupils to pick pictures of the king, the dragon, the princessand a bag of gold.

    25. Elicit response about the picture.

    Q: What did the king do?

    A: The king was so happy that he gave it a bag of gold.

    26. Distribute jumbled phrases. Pupils arrange them.

    27. Arrange the strips together and read the story in groups

    ( Appendix 6 ).

    28. Distribute worksheets.

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    Appendix 7

    Rewrite the story and replace the pictures with words.

    Once upon a time, there was a and a .

    They were very . An ugly locked the

    in his . The king promised to give a of

    gold to the who could save the princess. All the

    in the lands rode to the ogres . The ogre was so scary

    that they rode away as fast as they could. A saved the

    and brought her to the .The king was so happy

    that he gave it a bag of gold.

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    Appendix 1

    The Prince and The Dragon

    Once upon a time there was a king and a queen. They livedin a golden castle with their beautiful daughter.

    One night an ugly ogre locked the princess in his tower. Theking promised to give a bag of gold to the knight who could

    rescue the princess.

    All the knights in the lands rode to the ogre s tower. The ogrewas so scary that they rode away as fast as they could.

    The next day a friendly dragon saw the princess in the tower.The dragon blew the ogre into the ocean.

    The dragon put the princess on his back and flew into thesky. Then, the dragon took the princess back to the castle.

    The king was so happy with the dragon. He gave the dragon

    the bag of gold.

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    Focus : Grammar

    Theme : World of stories

    Topic : The Princess and the dragon

    Content Standard : 5.1 Pupils be able to use different words classes

    correctly and appriopriately .

    Learning Standard : 5.1.7 able to use articles appropriately

    Objectives : By the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

    read and identify articles correctly .

    a) a b) an

    Teaching Aids :Cross Curricular elements :

    Steps :

    1. Teacher gets a pupil to tell the story learnt . The pupils listenattentively .( appendix 1)

    2. Teacher drills the pupils with the usage of articles a and an.The pupils read it together with good and correct punctuation .

    3. Teacher explains more details about a rticle a and an .Teachershows the figurines of the characters and the pupils will say outthe phrase with correct articles loudly .

    eg ( appendix 2)

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    a king4. Teacher explains more details about article a and an .

    Eg: singular a = a book , a chair , a pen etc

    Vowel /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/ = an apple , an elephant ,

    an umbrella

    5. Teacher introduces a language games for enrichmentactivities.Pupile will get inti their group.( appendix 3)

    a)Teacher will place two boxes a box and an box .

    b)Each group will have at least five pictures . Each groupplaces the pictures into correct box.

    c) From that activity , the teacher will know their pupilsunderstanding.

    6. Teacher asks the pupils to go through the text again andunderline the phrase of articles and copy it in the exercise book .

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    (Appendix 1)

    The Princess and The Dragon

    Once upon a time there was a king and a queen.

    They lived in a golden castle with their beautiful

    daughter. One night an ugly ogre locked the princess

    in his tower. The king promised to give a bag of goldto the knight who could rescue the princess.

    All the knights in the lands rode to the ogr e s tower.

    The ogre was so scary that they rode away as fast as

    they could. The next day a friendly dragon saw the

    princess in the tower. The dragon blew the ogre into the

    ocean. The dragon put theThen, the dragon took the

    princess back to the castle. The king was so happy with

    the dragon. He gave the dragon the bag of gold.

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3


    (Appendix 2)

    a king

    a queen

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    a dragon

    an ogre

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    Appendix 3

  • 8/12/2019 Sample Lesson Note-Group3

