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Sample Questionnaire

Date post: 06-Jan-2016
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question that you need to know before you start business

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Sample questionnaire1. Are your target customers individuals, companies or organizations, or a mix of both? Individuals Companies or organizations Mix of both 2. About how many people are in your target market?

3. How many companies or organizations currently provide a product or service similar to yours?

4. How competitive is the market for your target customer? Extremely competitive Very competitive Moderately competitive Slightly competitive Not at all competitive 5. About what percentage of your target market does your largest competitor currently "own"?

6. About what percentage of your target market do you currently "own"?

7. Does your product or service require a one-time payment or repeated payments? One-time payment Repeated payments

8. What is the minimum number of times your target customer is likely to purchase your product or service?

9. About what percentage of your target market has purchased a product or service similar to yours?

10. How many customers do you need to make a profit?

1. How old is your target customer? (Check all that apply) 17 or younger 18-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-64 65 or older 2. What gender is your target customer? Male Female Both male and female 3. What is the highest level of school your target customer has completed or the highest degree they have received? (Check all that apply) Less than high school degree High school degree or equivalent (e.g., GED) Some college but no degree Associate degree Bachelor degree Graduate degree 4. Which of the following categories best describes your target customer's employment status? (Check all that apply) Employed, working 1-39 hours per week Employed, working 40 or more hours per week Not employed, looking for work Not employed, NOT looking for work Retired Disabled, not able to work 5. Which of the following best describes your target customer's current occupation? (Check all that apply) Management Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Legal Occupations Protective Service Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Production Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Transportation and Materials Moving Occupations Other (please specify)

6. What is your target customer's yearly household income? (Check all that apply) Less than $20,000 TK20,000 to TK34,999 TK35,000 to TK49,999 TK50,000 to TK74,999 TK75,000 to TK99,999 TK100,000 to TK149,999 TK150,000 to TK199,999 TK200,000 or more 7. Is your target customer currently married, widowed, divorced, separated, or never married? (Check all that apply) Separated Widowed Divorced Married Never married 8. Does your target customer have children, or not? Yes, they do No, they do not They may or may not

9. How old are your target customer's children? (Check all that apply) Less than 1 year old 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old 4 years old 5 years old 6 years old 7 years old 8 years old 9 years old 10 years old 11 years old 12 years old 13 years old 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years old 18 years old or older 10. Is your target customer's living quarters owned or being bought by them or someone in their household, rented for cash, or occupied without payment of cash rent? (Check all that apply) Owned or being bought by them or someone in their household Rented for cash Occupied without payment of cash rent 11. Does your target customer own a business or a farm? Yes, they do No, they do not Some may and some may not 12. In what city (or cities) does your target customer live? City 1 City 2 City 3 City 4 City 5 13. In what zone does your target customer live? zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 5 14. In what District does your target customer live? (Check all that apply) DhakaSylhetMoulavibazar SunamganjHobiganj15. In what type of community does your target customer live? (Check all that apply) City or urban community Suburban community Rural community Other (please specify)

16. In which type of housing does your target customer live? (Check all that apply) Duplex Mobile home Military housing Houseboat Apartment Condominium Townhouse Single-family house Other (please specify)

17. Who lives with your target customer? (Check all that apply) Parent Grandchild Child Grandparent Roommate Nobody Romantic partner (spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.) Other (please specify)

18. Is your target customer Local Sylhety, from other district or from some other country ? (Check all that apply) Local Sylhety from other districtSome other country (please specify)

19. Is your target customer Sylhety? Yes, they are No, they are not Some may be and some may not be

20. Is your target customer currently serving in the Bangladesh military, or not? Yes, they are No, they are not Some may and some may not 21. In which branch (or branches) of the Bangladesh military has your target customer served? (Check all that apply) Army Coast Guard Navy Marine Corps Air Force 22. Does your target customer consider themselves Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, a follower of some other religion, or not religious? (Check all that apply) Christian Jewish Buddhist Muslim Hindu A follower of some other religion Not religious 23. Does your target customer consider themselves to be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, or something else? (Check all that apply) Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Asexual Pansexual Something else (please specify)

24. In what languages can your target customer speak? (Check all that apply) Arabic Armenian Chinese English French French Creole German Greek Gujarati Hindi Urdu

25. In what language does your target customer speak most often? (Check all that apply) Arabic Armenian Chinese English French French Creole German Greek Gujarati Hindi Urdu Other (please specify)

26. If you could use only one of the following social networking services, which would you use? Google+ Bebo Myspace Facebook Tagged Twitter 27. If your company could use only one of the following social networking services, which would it use? Tagged Google+ Myspace Facebook Bebo Twitter

28. In a typical day, how likely are you to use social networking websites? Extremely likely Very likely Moderately likely Slightly likely Not at all likely 29. In a typical day, about how much time do you spend using social networking websites? Hours Minutes 30. About how many of your "friends" on social networking websites have you met in person? All of them Most of them About half of them A few of them None of them 31. Which of the following Facebook apps or games have you used? (Check all that apply) 21 Questions Angry Birds Astrology BandPage Band Profile BandRx Bejeweled Blitz Bing Bingo Blitz Birthday Calendar Bubble Island Bubble Witch Saga CastleVille Causes CityVille Daily Horoscope Diamond Dash DoubleDown Casino Draw Something DROID eBuddy Empires & Allies FarmVille Gardens of Time Greeting Cards Hidden Chronicles Indiana Jones Adventure World Microsoft Live myPad for iPad Nimbuzz Mobile Phrases Pinterest Samsung Mobile schoolFeed Scribd The Sims Social Skype Slotomania-Slot Machines Spotify Tetris Battle Texas HoldEm Poker TripAdvisor Words With Friends Yahoo! Yelp Other (please specify)

32. In a typical day, about how often do you comment on other Facebook users' activities (photos, posts, etc.)? Extremely often Very often Moderately often Slightly often Not at all often 33. In a typical day, about how often do you use Facebook's chat feature? Extremely often Very often Moderately often Slightly often Not at all often 34. In a typical day, which of the following Facebook apps or games do you use most often? 21 Questions Angry Birds Astrology BandPage Band Profile BandRx Bejeweled Blitz Bing Bingo Blitz Birthday Calendar Bubble Island Bubble Witch Saga CastleVille Causes CityVille Daily Horoscope Diamond Dash DoubleDown Casino Draw Something DROID eBuddy Empires & Allies FarmVille Gardens of Time Greeting Cards Hidden Chronicles Indiana Jones Adventure World Microsoft Live myPad for iPad Nimbuzz Mobile Phrases Pinterest Samsung Mobile schoolFeed Scribd The Sims Social Skype Slotomania-Slot Machines Spotify Tetris Battle Texas HoldEm Poker TripAdvisor Words With Friends Yahoo! Yelp Other (please specify)

35. In a typical day, about how often do you add photos to your Facebook page? Extremely often Very often Moderately often Slightly often Not at all often 36. About how many artists do you currently follow on Facebook?

37. How often do you use your Facebook account to log onto other websites? Always Most of the time About half the time Once in a while Never 38. Which of the following devices do you use to connect to the internet? (Check all that apply) Desktop computer Personal digital assistant (PDA) Computer tablet Laptop computer Enterprise digital assistant (EDA) Smart phone Other (please specify)

39. Which of the following devices do you most prefer to use to connect to the internet? Laptop computer Enterprise digital assistant (EDA) Personal digital assistant (PDA) Computer tablet Desktop computer Smart phone Other (please specify)

40. Where do you most prefer to be when you use the internet? Cafe or coffee shop Home Library Friend's home Bookstore Outside Work Other (please specify)

41. Where are you most often when you use the internet? Bookstore Home Friend's home Outside Cafe or coffee shop Library Work Other (please specify)

42. In a typical weekday, do you use the internet most often for work, for personal reasons, or about an equal amount on both? Agreatdealmoreoftenforwork Quite a bit more often for work Somewhat more often for work About an equal amount for work and personal reasons Somewhat more often for personal reasons Quite a bit more often for personal reasons Agreatdealmoreoftenforpersonalreasons 43. In a typical weekday, what do you most often use the internet for? Keep in touch with current or former coworkers Play games Get directions Check the weather forecast Take online academic classes Search or apply for jobs Send or receive photos Start new friendships Play music Play podcasts Record videos Keep up with current events Research academic articles or books Read other people's comments (on blogs, news stories, etc.) Send or receive instant messages Take or post surveys Play videos (other than video games) Make travel arrangements Find recipes Find people you know Take online professional training classes Practice using a new language Purchase products or services Start new dating relationships Pay bills Find local events Keep in touch with friends Send or receive videos Make or receive phone calls Use social networking websites Other (please specify)

44. Where are you when you use the internet? (Check all that apply) Home Library Bookstore Outside Friend's home Cafe or coffee shop Work Other (please specify)

46. In a typical month, about how much money, in BDT, do you spend on your cable service?

47. If you could use the internet for only one of the following activities, which activity would you choose? Start new friendships Keep in touch with friends Take online professional training classes Play music Send or receive instant messages Take or post surveys Keep up with current events Check the weather forecast Keep in touch with current or former coworkers Research academic articles or books Pay bills Start new dating relationships Purchase products or services Get directions Play games Search or apply for jobs Play podcasts Find recipes Read other people's comments (on blogs, news stories, etc.) Take online academic classes Record videos Send or receive photos Practice using a new language Find local events Make or receive phone calls Play videos (other than video games) Find people you know Make travel arrangements Send or receive videos Use social networking websites Other (please specify)

48. Which of the following devices do you most often use to connect to the internet? Desktop computer Enterprise digital assistant (EDA) Personal digital assistant (PDA) Laptop computer Computer tablet Smart phone Other (please specify)

49. How would you describe the company in 1-2 lines ?

50. According to you, where do you stand financially?

51. How do you imagine this company after five years from now?

52. What is the best way to utilize your resources to gain an edge over your competitors?

53. Who is primarily responsible for the financial management?

54. Who looks after the Information Technology department?

55.Whos is responsible for the marketing of the business?

56. What is the best way to advertise your business to a large market? Television Radio Newspaper Magazine Billboard Internet57. Do you think that spending a lot on advertisement will see a big return on investment?

58. What are the key business objectives in your organization?

59. do you know the outcomes that would cause severe performance challenges in this organization? Yes? No?If yes, please list them below

60. Suppose the main business objectives in this organization fail, just how long would they need to put back in place before they cause lasting damage?

61. Do you have clear understanding of the threats and risks that would potentially disrupt the daily running of this business?

62. List the threats that are more likely to occur than others in this organization.

63. Do you have knowledge of current activities about your competitors?

64. Do you have the profiles of any new business entrant seeking to play in the same market segment as you ?65. How does your use of technology measure against your main competitors? Are we ahead of them? Are we neck to neck with them? Are they slightly ahead of us? Are they far more ahead of us?66. How do you ensure that a product will be accept in a specific market before launching it ?

67. If you dont have formal employment, how do you make a living?

68. What kind of recreational activities interest you ?

69. Have you run your own business before?

70. Do you think that a business investment is a worthwhile risk ?

71. What do you hope to gain from a new business?

72. How much revenue do you hope to earn annually?

73. What time frame have you set for your targets?

74. How will you ensure the regular wages of your employees?

75. How many stakeholder you are going to make involve in your company?

76. How is the face value of shareholders?
