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ELE 3101 (ENGLISH LANGUAGE FOR UNDERGRADUATES) TYPES OF WRITING Helping a Blind Man I had the most unforgettable experience in my life when I was 18, as senior high student. It is an experience about helping a blind man to cross the street. I still remember that day vividly. That night I had studied at school library; it was around 10 o’clock, and I prepared to go back home. As I passed through the school gate, I said goodbye to my friends. Suddenly I saw a strange thing in front of me. There was a male standing beside the cross-walk; the traffic light was green, he could walk forward, but he didn’t. He was just standing there and made no actions. I was confused at this sight. Out of curiosity, I decided to walk over to him and to see what was happening. I felt perplexed until I walked next to him. Standing beside him, I could see he was wearing sunglasses and holding a white stick; then I knew this man was blind. In this cold winter day, pedestrians all wore heavy coats, including him and me. His was gray and mine was black. I also noticed that there was a sign around his neck. The sign said “I am virtually deaf and blind; please help me cross the street. Tap me on the shoulder.” I knew I must help him. So I tapped him on the shoulder, and then he put his left hand on my right shoulder and I led him across the street. All the process was quiet; the only thing I could hear was the sounds of our steps. It was a chilly night too, but I knew he would feel warm at this moment. When we got across the street, he bowed in thanks, and started walking up the block, to the next corner, then the next. While he walked past me, I couldn’t help but start to weep. I wanted to walk him home. It was not a very busy street, almost deserted. He could have been there, on that corner, for 10 minutes. Maybe he is still at another corner, now, waiting. How does he get home? How does he know where his home is? Thinking of this, I cried more loudly. RECOUNT
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Helping a Blind Man

I had the most unforgettable experience in my life when I was 18, as senior high student. It is an experience about helping a blind man to cross the street.

I still remember that day vividly. That night I had studied at school library; it was around 10 o’clock, and I prepared to go back home. As I passed through the school gate, I said goodbye to my friends. Suddenly I saw a strange thing in front of me.

There was a male standing beside the cross-walk; the traffic light was green, he could walk forward, but he didn’t. He was just standing there and made no actions. I was confused at this sight. Out of curiosity, I decided to walk over to him and to see what was happening. I felt perplexed until I walked next to him. Standing beside him, I could see he was wearing sunglasses and holding a white stick; then I knew this man was blind.

In this cold winter day, pedestrians all wore heavy coats, including him and me. His was gray and mine was black. I also noticed that there was a sign around his neck. The sign said “I am virtually deaf and blind; please help me cross the street. Tap me on the shoulder.” I knew I must help him. So I tapped him on the shoulder, and then he put his left hand on my right shoulder and I led him across the street. All the process was quiet; the only thing I could hear was the sounds of our steps. It was a chilly night too, but I knew he would feel warm at this moment. When we got across the street, he bowed in thanks, and started walking up the block, to the next corner, then the next. While he walked past me, I couldn’t help but start to weep. I wanted to walk him home. It was not a very busy street, almost deserted. He could have been there, on that corner, for 10 minutes. Maybe he is still at another corner, now, waiting. How does he get home? How does he know where his home is? Thinking of this, I cried more loudly.

I can’t image being deaf and blind. You would be so helpless and dependent on other people. Can you imagine going home like that every day: walking a block, then waiting for someone to help you get across the street, then walking another block, and waiting, relying on the kindness of strangers? After this incident, I realized how blessed I am. I should cherish every day and do my best to help the people who need help in my life.

Source: http://sirogoal.blogspot.com/2011/10/helping-blind-man.html


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Bath Time 

Bathing a large dog in a bathtub is a test of human endurance equal to the most trying of Olympic events. It is, however, well worth the effort. You will be rewarded in knowing you are helping to keep your pet healthy. Additionally, you will know your home won't smell like the primate building at the zoo. 

To begin, prepare the bathing area. Gather several large bath towels; usually six are adequate. Put two of these on the floor near the tub. Place the additional towels on the closed commode. 

Use a shampoo that is especially made for the event. The Hartz Company makes an herbal scented brand that is pleasant to use. Have the shampoo within easy reach. You may want to place it on top of the closed commode. 

Have something at hand by which you can pour water on your dog; I suggest you use a rubber hose with a soft plastic nozzle resembling a miniature shower head. These hoses are inexpensive and attach to most bathtub water spouts. 

It is very important to have all of the necessary bathing supplies in the bathroom before you bring the dog in. The pooch will not remain inside the bathroom while you go to get anything, especially when most dogs feel the inside of any bathroom is akin to a crematorium. 

You are now well prepared, so proceed. Get your dog's leash and place it on the choker collar. Your dog is cooperative because his destination is uncertain. If he becomes leery, as he becomes aware of his proximity to the bathroom, reassure him with some comforting words. Use an expression or promise you know works to motivate your special pet. I usually promise mine that I'll drive him to the take-out window at Burger King for a Double Whopper with cheese if he displays some cooperation. 

Once your dog is inside the bathroom, immediately close the door. Bring him to the edge of the tub and tell him firmly, "Get in." This sometimes works. Do not become discouraged if it does not. Simply understand his reluctance and intervene by picking up one of his front paws. Gently direct it up, over, and into the tub, thereby reminding him how to walk. (Be assured this loss of coordination is temporary and full use of his limb returns as he flees the scene unassisted once the bath is completed.) While you are engaging in this bold maneuver, anticipate a variety of responses from your pet. You can expect whimpering, howling, growling, and slightly bared fangs. One, all, or a combination of the above symptoms may appear. Ignore them all. 

Once the dog is in the tub, remove the leash and choker collar and wet him thoroughly. You will now apply the shampoo. There are two important things to remember about applying the shampoo. First, always use a minimal amount, as most of these products are


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concentrated. Second, always work from the head to the tail in order to rid your pet of fleas properly. Don't forget to shampoo the legs and soft pads of the paws. Give special attention to the belly area.

If your dog is frequently outside, this may well be the dirtiest. Create a lather and work the suds in with a gently kneading motion. Follow the shampoo with a rinse from head to tail. Now pat your dog dry with a towel. Dry the paws individually. Your dog will help you with the drying process as he shakes excess water into your unsuspecting face. After a few of these seizure-like episodes, assuredly, he will exit the tub without assistance. 

After you remove the soggy towels and trapped fur accumulations and scour the tub, treat yourself to a cold brew and congratulate yourself on a job well done.

Source : http://dfdinsauce.tripod.com/ProcessEssay/id1.html

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The Biggest Nightmare

It was a hot summer’s day. Everything around me was slowly starting to melt: the trees, the houses, the sky and the pathway to my garage. It seemed that I was about to melt down myself, so there would only be a small puddle of glue-like substance left on the ground. I was walking very slowly. My head felt huge and heavy, and every muscle in my body was sore. My arms and legs were barely responding to the signals that my brain was sending to them. It felt like a slow-motion horror movie, only it was happening live. I finally reached the front door and touched the handle. The path that took only a second for my eyes to see, took about twenty minutes for my body to accomplish. But, I was finally at my goal.

I slowly turned the handle of the door, only to realize it had barely moved. I took all the strength that I had left in my body and pressed the handle again. No success. I turned around, leaned against the door, and slowly slid down to the ground. I felt faint. My head was spinning. I was so thirsty that I could barely think about anything else. I had to get inside; had to pull myself together and open the door. Otherwise, I would faint here, near the front entrance to my own house, which was not the scenario I’d prefer. I pulled myself from the ground and faced the door again. I closed my eyes for a second, took a deep breath, opened them, and pushed the door knob as hard as I could, at the time. It gave way grudgingly. If it wasn’t for the helpless shadow of a man that I was at that moment, I would definitely have screamed in happiness for finally winning, over this stubborn door knob. But, all I could settle for right then was a weak smile, and a deep sigh of relief.

I went inside, and had to wait for a minute before I could make out anything. It was too dark, still very hot and, somehow, very lonely inside. By the time my eyes adapted to the darkness inside, I could tell no one was around. What time was it? And where was everyone? The house was completely and scarily quiet. The silence was unnatural. There was no sound coming from the working fridge, or ticking clock; nothing. I went to the kitchen to get some water, opened the tap and put an empty glass under it. But there was no water, not even a drop! The glass remained empty. This seemed like a complete nightmare. I must be dreaming! I felt like the world had died out, everything had stopped and, somehow, I was forgotten here all alone, left to die from thirst and heat.

I was having a panic attack. With the anger and strength that came out of nowhere, I ran from one room to another, looking for anyone. Mom, Josh, dad, Charlie – no one was to be seen. The dogs were gone too. What is wrong with the place? Again, for the third or fourth time, I caught myself thinking this was just a bad dream. But, my body still felt very much sore, and I could vividly feel the pain. Having no clue of what else, except the pain, could help me distinguish between dreaming and reality, I had to accept the fact that I was living this nightmare for real. Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from downstairs. It was a very slight, faint sound that repeated in a second, only louder. I ran downstairs, feeling a little scared, and,


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at the same time, hoping that it was someone, or something, that could explain to me what was going on.

The living room was empty. The sound was coming from outside the back porch, and it was increasing in loudness with every new cycle. It reminded me of when dad and I went rowing, and every time dad turned over the oars, they made the same whistling sound, cleaving the air. I ran outside the back door, and was almost brought down to the ground by the strength of the wind. It was a helicopter, right above me, coming onto me. I lay on the ground, screaming, but I couldn’t hear my own voice through the noise of the implacable vanes getting closer, and freezing me to the ground…

… “Jason, honey, wake up! It’s just a dream, babe. You look so pale. Are you okay?” My mom was standing next to my bed, trying to calm me down, as I was still screaming and flapping my arms. The air was on, and the fan above my bed was making that particular whistling sound with each turn.

Source : http://academichelp.net/samples/essays/narrative/biggest-nightmare.html

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Memories from the Cabana

I was born and raised in South America, a continent with a lot of mountain ranges–ideal for mountain climbing and hiking-long winding rivers, lush forests, wonderful beaches, as well as valleys with breathtaking views. Based on experience, I can say that it is a tropical country; which was confirmed during my history class in sixth grade. In a country where it’s hot and humid, my fashion statement is sporting a large white (sometimes blue) t-shirt and a Hawaiian type shorts. A dark pair of shades is also an important part of my get-up as it protects my eyes from the sun’s harsh rays. Being born in South America you might think that I have dark hair with brown eyes and a charming smile; a typical Cabana boy. Well, I am charming yes, but my hair is blonde and the color of my eyes are green; and this is because South America is a melting pot of cultures from Africans to Germans to Japanese, Koreans and many others.

Music in South America is intense and up-beat. It makes you want to dance. Having been born in a family where every member enjoys music, I too share the same interest. My favorite music is the music of the ‘80s because it is a classic – never goes out of style. It’s rhythm and lyrics make you feel and experience music itself through your senses. Even at 30, when I hear the ‘80s music, it brings back memories from my childhood. I can still remember, fifteen years ago, when my family and I lived in a backward peaceful town filled with palm and coconut trees, our house was built on wood similar to that of the huts and cottages you see at the beach resorts today. One afternoon, my friends and I, along with my two younger brothers, sat at the yard to listen to Caribbean music. The music traveled throughout the neighborhood on one cool afternoon. When the sun finally went down upon the fiery sky, the natives joined us. We were all out in the yard, dancing and singing while some played the Tambores, a percussion instrument similar to that of a drum but you use your hands to make a sound and not sticks. We all formed this circle and some were dancing in the middle of it. It was really awesome! I oftentimes dream of going back in time to enjoy the fun all over again. The allure of a simple, care-free life with Caribbean music you can’t find anywhere else, never fails to mesmerize me. That night, my brothers, friends and I, along with the friendly brown-skinned natives, shared dance steps, jokes and laughter for many hours; a luxury most of us can’t afford today.

Many of the world’s beautiful beach resorts are found in this continent. Clean cool breeze, white sand, and the charm of the Caribbean itself is the perfect get-away to relax, unwind and enjoy time either alone or with family and friends. No wonder, it is one of the world’s most romantic hide-aways.


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Summer is the most awaited time of the year because the entire family, along with our relatives and friends, goes to El Playon; a picturesque view of crystal blue waters, cool breeze and a fine-grained white sand beach situated in the center of the rapids of Caura River. We always spend our entire summer there. The house where we stay is just a few meters from the shoreline. You can say that it is a coastal house. Since we are all boys in the family (except for my beautiful mom), I always race my brothers to the shore in search for crabs; and whoever catches the most number of crabs gets to own the hammock tied between two coconut trees for an entire day. I was 12 years old then; and because I’m the eldest, I still get to enjoy lying on the hammock by sending them both out into the shore again to look for seashells. Most often than not, they would gladly oblige.

Aside from catching crabs and collecting sea shells, my brothers and I play a game with our friends and cousins. It is the “sand castle game”. We group ourselves into three by counting off or drawing lots and then we will build the biggest and strongest sand castle. Which ever group wins enjoys the cheers and applause. All of these experiences taught me one thing: Relationships are the most priceless thing that you could ever own which is why we have to keep it in our heart…take good care of it…nurture it; because once you let it go, your life will never be the same again.

Source : http://descriptive-essay.org/

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The Influences of Culture and Environment

It is a commonly observed fact that the environment, as well as culture, has a significant influence on the lives of individuals all over the world. People are born, grow up and die in specific surroundings, which shape out their outlook, resulting in a certain life style, behaviour and standards.

People’s attitude towards life and the pathway their life takes, is affected by various factors. Among them, a family, culture, religion, the place where they grow up, their friends, can be mentioned. Thus, the family influences the place where children grow up and what kind of people they communicate with, while maturing. Besides, this affects what food they eat and the external effects to which they are exposed. To a large extent it determines the pathway they take through life, both while living with their family, and as they grow up and leave the family home.

Many specialists talk about the enduring effects of socio-economic circumstances. According to recent research, children born in poor families are more likely to experience financial issues, as adults, than those who were born in wealthier families (Harper et al., 2003). Poor children are also more likely to be less healthy and suffer from various diseases, than their richer counterparts. Research also shows, that even the premature death of adults, can be connected to the socio-economic circumstances of one’s childhood, as well. Children, born in poor households, tended to suffer from premature death more often, than those who were raised in wealthier conditions (Davey-Smith, 2004). Therefore, the environment, in which children grow up, has a great influence on their outlook and the pathway their life may take, through childhood, and into adulthood.

It is also important to consider the cultural context when talking about impacts, and effects, on lives. A variety of cultural norms and demands, existing in countries all over the world, affects individuals in various ways. Stated succinctly, cultural influences on individuals are very specific to the country in which the individual grows up. For example, an Arabic child will be influenced culturally in a totally different manner than an American child, and will possess a different psychological makeup, values, behavioural norms, and so on. Moreover, these influences will most likely determine what children do, how they interact with others, and how they feel about other cultures. Cultural context shapes their world view and the way they perceive themselves, and their environment – their family, community and society.


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Therefore, it can be stated that grown-ups live and act in a way that is, in many respects, determined by the environment in which they were raised, as well as by cultural peculiarities. Many socio-economic circumstances tend to endure, so that an adult may experience the same financial, or social, issues as in childhood. Besides, culture also has a significant impact on how persons perceive themselves and the world around them. Finally, both environment and culture interact to influence the lives of individuals, determining their pathways in the early years of their lives.


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Diet and Exercise to Stay Healthy

Good exercise and diet habits are key aspects not only in appearance but in living long, healthy lives. One may look fabulous, both fit and healthy, while being just as unhealthy as an obese person. The exact opposite is true, also. A person may be a little overweight but have a healthy heart and diet. The only way to find out if one is eating healthy and getting the proper amounts and types of exercise is by looking at their diet and activity level.

It is important to first start with a good eating plan. Age, health issues, and level of physical activity are just a few factors that should be taken into consideration when writing a meal plan for a person. For example, a young, healthy, and active person can eat more freely than an older person with high cholesterol who does not get much physical activity. On average, a person should try to eat 6-11 servings of grains, 3-5 servings of fruits, 3-5 servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of dairy, 2-3 servings of meat, and consume fats and sugars sparingly each day. One should shoot for this range until he/she can have an eating plan written for them.

Diet is not the only thing that should be factored into a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is just as important as a nutritious diet. There are many benefits of physical activity besides the obvious advantage of having a better physical appearance. Exercise can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve one's mood and feelings of well-being. Besides helping you look great it helps you feel great, too. There are different types of exercises which give different results. Strength training, such as lifting weights, produces dramatic differences in physical appearance and raises one's metabolic rate. It also improves athletic performance and builds stronger bones. Cardiovascular training builds a powerful heart and strong lungs. It helps prevent hypertension, obesity, heart disease, and Type Two diabetes.

When one's cardiovascular system works efficiently he/she is able to do aerobic activities, such as running and swimming longer, which helps to burn maximum fat and calories. Flexibility and balance training is also important when striving for an over-all body workout. Flexibility and balance training increase agility, perfects one's posture, and boosts over-all strength. Specific exercises can reduce back pain, exercise-related soreness, and increase the range of motion in joints and muscles. It is important to incorporate exercises from each group into your exercise plan to reach optimal physical and mental health.

Exercise and diet are key factors in staying physically and mentally healthy. It is a known fact that if you look great and feel great you will live a longer and happier life. It is important to take one's age, health, and current physical activity level into consideration when writing an exercise and diet plan. There are many people out there, such as nutritionists, personal trainers, and even personal doctors, who can help develop a diet and exercise plan


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that is right for him/her. There are so many facilities out there to help keep you alive and healthy.

Exercise is not all about physical looks, it also has to do a lot with your actual health and well-being. For example, many overweight people tend to be more susceptible to higher cholesterol and blood pressure. Well, by working out and adding an exercise routine into your normal everyday life, you can help to decrease risk factors drastically. It is said that over 60% of American grown-ups are on the heavier side, or over weight. Only about 15% actually engage in the slightest amount of exercise.

“Obesity alone makes a person very vulnerable for heart disease, but also susceptible to an additional 65% chance of having at least one added risk for heart disease, diabetes and or stroke and a 50% possibility of having two or more of these as possible risk factors. Some other possible risks are high blood pressure, high blood sugar, cholesterol and blood fats that are not all curable with insulin and are considered the Metabolic Syndrome” (Lissner, 886-92). This becomes an even bigger risk when areas of fat accumulate around a person’s middle area and the organs in which the fat surrounds. Basically people become obese by consuming more calories then should be consumed for a whole day and not using up that energy that has been consumed in calories by exerting it in physical manner such as exercise. Some people have a fast metabolism which would be the people you see eating whatever they want and still looking fit, or have the average metabolism where you are what you eat, which makes it a lot harder to stay fit and lean.

Exercise has also had a tremendous effect on the aging process of the body. Apparently the increase in exercise has an enormous effect on nerve cell health and with how long those cells are alive. By maintaining these healthy cells it helps to promote the production of antioxidants which help to protect cells from damage, this is the leading cause in aging. No matter what your age is you can still benefit from exercise not only mentally but also help to prolong your ability to function later on in life. But most importantly “you will be reducing the chance of having a stroke and clotting which can result in deep vein thrombosis and death, which is more critical as we age” (Tremblay, 814-18).

Keeping up a regular cardio routine is a great way to get in shape and also help benefit you in various prolonging ways. It is still a good idea to have weight lifting as a part of your routine too. There are six difference muscle groups that you can work on with weights. You have arms, back, chest, shoulders, legs, and then abs. You want to try and keep them all worked out pretty evenly. Keeping it switched up and by not concentrating on let’s just say bench press, you keep your body guessing and keep it from getting immune to the exercise. Instead of just doing bench press all the time you can switch it up to one week doing dumbbells, maybe cables the next, or maybe even just doing flat out push-ups. Then you have the machine style work out which you can substitute in one week. Also you can switch the focus point up, maybe you want to concentrate on your upper chest this week and lower or mid chest the following week. With this type of confusion your muscles will grow much stronger and you will notice much more of an improvement.

Diet is just as big of a part of your health as exercising, that’s why it is so crucial to eat well balanced healthy meals. This requires knowing what you are eating; you can obtain this

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by the dietary label present on the back of the food when you buy it in the grocery store. “Water is an essential to being healthy; you should drink eight 8 ounce glasses per day. Most people do not eat a well-balanced diet like they should, but instead have a diet high in fat and are not consuming enough fiber” (Gebhardt, 72). The best way to start towards a healthy diet is to start consuming more natural whole foods, such as fruit, vegetables, bread, cereals, potatoes, and pastas. You have six different food groups one of which would be a good idea to eliminate completely from your diet, the sweets. The other five groups which you need to focus on are the dairy group, meat group, vegetable group, fruit group, and the bread group. It is a good idea to try and eat a little from each of these groups with each meal. Also keep in mind that you need to be paying attention to the amount of protein, fiber, salt, vitamins, and minerals in which you consume too. These are a little bit harder to keep track of and have always caused more confusion.

Source : http://www.privatewriting.com/example-argumentative-essay-on-dieting-and-exercise.html

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How to Protect the Environment?

Good morning teachers and friends, I, Ahmad Khairi Hafiz as the President of the Environment Club would like to talk about ”How to Protect the Environment”

First of all, each one of us can start by not littering. We should throw our rubbish into the rubbish bin instead of anywhere we like. Once I went strolling at a park nearby my house but was dissapointed at the sight of rubbish.I saw many empty cans and plastic wrappers lying around.They do not only spoil the beautiful park but they are the best breeding place for aedes mosquitoes.

Another way of protecting our environment is by keeping our rivers clean. We can play our role by not throwing rubbish into the rivers. Meanwhile the factories can stop dumping their toxic waste into them. Plastic wrappers which made up 80 percent of the rubbish can endanger the fish and other aquatic lives while toxic waste can kill them. We, human will consequently suffer as we rely on the rivers for food and water.

Moreover, farmers should avoid open burning in their farming practice because it polutes the air.Open burning can lead to haze which contains poisonous gases such as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These gases can cause many serious diseases. Children who breathe the polluted air may suffer from asthma and some people may even suffer from rashes and eye-diseases.

Finally, we can practice the 3R; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Every household should aim at reducing the amount of rubbish thrown.To achieve this aim ,each member of the household can refuse plastic carriers when he goes shopping.He can bring a recyclable carrier or a special shopping bag.The household members can even reuse some items like glass jar as a vase and cans as coin box or as a pen holder.Old newspapers can also be recycled into new papers or reused in paper crafting. If "Reuse,Reduce and Recycle" are put into practice ,the amount of rubbish thrown and the amount of energy used to produce some of the recyclabe items can indeed be reduced.

Clearly, each one of us can contribute towards the conservation of our environment and our efforts should be continuous.Protecting our environment means ensuring the existence of our future generation. With that, I thank you.

Source: http://ipsi86um96.blogspot.com/2010/08/sample-of-speech-pmr.html


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Appealing a Death Sentence Based on Future Danger


HOUSTON, June 9 - Texas juries in capital cases must make a prediction. They may impose a death sentence only if they find that the defendant will probably commit more violent acts.

Other states look backward, asking juries to consider the moral blameworthiness of the crime. Texas, which leads the nation in executions, wants to know the future: Will the killer kill again?

"The fact is," said David R. Dow, a law professor at the University of Houston, "you're being punished for something that you haven't done."

In making their predictions, juries rely on expert testimony. In 1986, for instance, Dr. Edward Gripon, a psychiatrist, testified that David Harris, then 25 and freshly convicted of murder, posed a substantial risk of further violent acts. Dr. Gripon, who had never examined or even met Mr. Harris, based his conclusion on a prosecutor's description of the defendant's past conduct.

Mr. Harris, now 43, is to be executed on June 30. On Wednesday, his lawyers submitted a petition to a state appeals court. It says Dr. Gripon's prediction 18 years ago has turned out to be wrong: Mr. Harris's years in prison have been marred by only minor infractions, like having too many postage stamps or hanging a clothesline in his cell. His most serious offense, according to the authorities, was kicking a guard's boot while wearing shower slippers; Mr. Harris says he slipped.

Mr. Harris's case is not unique. A recent study by the Texas Defender Service, a group that represents defendants in capital cases, examined 155 such cases in which prosecution experts had predicted, often with a claim of scientific certainty, that the defendants would commit more violent crimes. "These experts," the report concluded, "were wrong 95 percent of the time." Though the 155 inmates in question generally served at least a decade on death row, none of them killed again. Eight committed serious assaults, all against prison employees or other inmates; two were prosecuted. Maintaining that he was sentenced to death on the basis of junk science, Mr. Harris says he deserves a stay of execution and a resentencing hearing at which evidence of how the future turned out can be presented.


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A spokesman for the state attorney general's office declined to comment, citing the pending litigation.But Shannon Edmonds, a lawyer with the Texas District and County Attorneys Association, said objections to the future-dangerousness standard were a smokescreen.

(In the 29 other states with the death penalty, future dangerousness plays no role at all.)

State Representative Jim Dunnam, a Democrat from Waco, has introduced legislation to conform capital sentencing procedures in Texas to those in some other states.

"I was trying to address the problem of unreliable testimony by experts in capital cases," Mr. Dunnam said. "My proposal was that we have more of a list of factors, both aggravating and mitigating, for the jury to balance in making their decisions."

Mr. Harris, the inmate now appealing his sentence by contesting the future-dangerousness standard, was convicted in 1986 of killing Mark Mays in a Beaumont gunfight as Mr. Harris was trying to kidnap Roxanne Lockard, Mr. Mays's girlfriend. Mr. Harris later gained fame in the 1988 documentary "The Thin Blue Line," in which he acknowledged knowingly giving false testimony about the 1976 murder of a Dallas police officer, evidence that almost resulted in the execution of an innocent man.

In 1983, the United States Supreme Court declined to bar expert testimony concerning future dangerousness under the Texas law. The American Psychiatric Association had filed a supporting brief in that case, saying expert opinions on the subject were useless. "The unreliability of psychiatric predictions of long-term future dangerousness is by now established fact within the profession," the association told the court. But Justice Byron R. White, writing for the majority, said, "We are not persuaded that such testimony is almost entirely unreliable." In the petition filed Wednesday, Mr. Harris contends that recent studies demonstrate that expert predictions in this area are just that - almost entirely unreliable.

A decade after that Supreme Court decision, the justices held in a civil case that trial judges must carefully scrutinize scientific expert testimony before presenting it to a jury. It is unclear whether that principle applies at capital sentencing hearings. But one federal appeals court judge, Emilio M. Garza, has written that the later case, known as Daubert, suggests that expert testimony about future dangerousness should be rejected.

"The scientific community virtually unanimously agrees that psychiatric testimony on future dangerousness is, to put it bluntly, unreliable and unscientific," Judge Garza wrote in a 2000 concurrence to a decision upholding a death sentence.

Some prosecution experts have been criticized for the uniformity and severity of their opinions, others for unorthodox methodology.

One, Dr. Walter Quijano, testified in at least seven cases in Texas that being black or Hispanic correlated positively to future dangerousness. State officials have told courts that it was a mistake to present the testimony, but local prosecutors, in a rare bit of infighting among law enforcement officials, insist the death sentences should stand.

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The courts have so far agreed that new sentencing hearings are required in those cases, and the Texas Legislature recently enacted a law barring testimony about future dangerousness based on the defendant's race.But the future-dangerousness requirement itself stands, frustrating critics.

"I see the Texas statute as dishonest to the true purpose of capital punishment," said Andrea Keilen, the deputy director of the Texas Defender Service. "It doesn't reliably sort who deserves to live from who deserves to die."

Source: http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/penology/news/Appealing%20a%20Death%20Sentence%20Based%20on%20Future%20Danger.htm


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Integrated Leadership Camp

The weekend of 27-29th July this year will forever be etched in the minds of the 50 participants who attended the Integrated Leadership Camp organised by the Co-curricular Unit of SMK Setia. The two-day two night camp, held at Perimbun Resort, Cheras, some 20 miles away from the city centre, was a compulsory activity for all presidents and secretaries of the various clubs in school.

The objectives of the camp were to instil leadership qualities and improve teamwork among participants. Although the students were accompanied by several teachers, all activities were conducted by youth leaders from a local university. Most of the students, who are in Form Four this year, were very excited throughout the 45-minute journey to the campsite. Upon arrival, they were immediately whisked off to the seminar room where they were given a briefing on the rules and regulations at the campsite by the facilitators. Then, they were put into groups of five and asked to erect their own tents. Luckily for my group, we had the President of the Scouts Club with us. In no time, he had instructed us on how to put up the tent.

Unfortunately, some of the other groups were struggling with their tents and seeing their dismal efforts some of us decided to help them. Apparently, this was the first test of our teamwork skills and fortunately, many of us passed with flying colours. After dinner, we had a group dynamics activity, where we had to come up with names, logos and jingles for our groups. Well, with names like the Flying Potters and Forever Dumbledores, and jingles ranging from pop rock to jazz, the students of SMK Setia proved that they are indeed a creative lot. The second day of the camp started off with an early morning exercise session at 5.30am. The two energetic facilitators, Tim and Ashraf, took us through a rigorous exercise routine. Many of us who barely exercise knew what to expect over the next few days ? muscle cramps. After the one-hour aerobic session, we jogged through Perimbun town, which was a pale shadow of its daytime hustle and bustle.

The early morning exercise was invigorating and refreshing. We had enough time for a quick shower and breakfast, before we took part in more group activities. These activities were physically and mentally challenging. One of the activities was basic survival skills. We had to start our own fires with only two matchsticks and cook lunch for the group members. Using water from the slightly muddy stream nearby, we had to cook not only rice but also fish and vegetables. As no soap was made available to us, we learnt to wash the cooking utensils using ash. Later in the afternoon, we had activities like flying fox and abseiling. Through these activities, we learnt to trust each other and to give moral support when it is most needed. The highlight of the camp was a night hike in the surrounding jungle. The facilitators led us deep into the jungle and made us sit all by ourselves.

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The half hour spent alone was aimed at making us brave and resilient. Though many of us were initially hesitant and sceptical about this activity, it was indeed an insightful experience. On the final morning, we had a hearty breakfast, which was followed by a feedback session. During this session, we were given the opportunity to voice our feelings and opinions regarding the camp. Many of the participants gave constructive feedback on what the camp had taught them. We learnt about the importance of teamwork, consideration, tolerance and understanding. Most importantly, we learnt that good leadership is responsible leadership.

Reported by,

Helena Chan

(Helena Chan)


Source: http://nurhayatighazalispmwriting.weebly.com/report.html

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The President, The Neighbourhood Committee, 81300 Skudai, Johor.

TheChairman, The District Council 81300 Skudai, Johor. 25 JANUARY 2010

Dear Sir, 

Abandoned Houses Visited by Suspicious Youths

I, Jamie Lee, would like to draw your attention to the abandoned houses visited regularly by suspicious youths on motorbikes. 

2. My neighbourhood has been a peaceful district until the appearance of a few youths. Every night, they will come in gangs of five to ten and loiter around the abandoned houses. To add flesh to the bone, they have been seen abusing drugs in these abandoned houses. When the drugs start to take effect, the youths will make a lot of noise, sing and even yell out vulgarities. 

3. Sad to say, ever since the gang of youths appeared, many houses have been broken into randomly. Many residents complain about missing motorcycles, car rims and even flower pots. These items have also been reportedly found in the proximity of the abandoned houses. 

4. Other than that, the residents have also seen these youths vandalise public property. They draw graffiti on the walls of shop houses and break the windows of cars with large stones. Thereafter, items like the music player in the car will go missing. Many shopkeepers have also reported that their beer and cigarettes have been burglared. These shopkeepers have lost a great deal of money and feel like they are living in hell. 


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5. These youths make trouble for the residents by playing loud metal music in the abandoned houses and thus, disrupt their sleep. Undeniably, life has been like hell since the youths intruded into their lives. Apart from these, they have also carried out illegal racing on the main road of the neighbourhood, endangering the lives of the residents and their children. 

6. It is an undeniable truth that these youths have upset the peaceful committee that we are staying in and we hope that The District council would be able to help us to weather out the storm. 

Thank you. 

_________________________(Jamie Lee)

Source: http://www.shvoong.com/writing-and-speaking/2027848-directed-writing-spm-formal-letter/#ixzz2LSskZUOA

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10, Jalan Mega Minang, Taman Minang Sari,68000 Ampang, Selangor.

7th September 2009

Dear Lina,

It was lovely to hear from you. All of us miss you very much. Mum and Dad are glad that you are slowly adjusting to life in a boarding school.

In your letter you complained about the compulsory co-curricular activities. Well, let me tell you that you can reap many benefits through active participation in these activities. Firstly, the various co-curricular activities help you become a better person . Participation in uniformed units, clubs and societies, sports and games will help you discover your talents and develop your character. You will become a more confident and well-rounded person. The strict rules and good behaviour expected of you as a member of a uniformed unit will instil discipline in you. This is important if you are to become a law-abiding citizen.

Besides, you will learn good values through the various co-curricular activities. You will learn about the importance of cooperation and respect for others. These values are very important in a multi-racial society like ours.

You have always said that you admire great leaders like Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln. Well, co-curricular activities will certainly help you to develop leadership skills. There will be ample opportunities to enable you to become a good leader. Besides learning how to plan events, you will learn to organise activities. Sometimes, you might even have to handle a challenging situation and this will teach you how to make on-the-spot decisions.

More importantly, co-curricular activities provide you with many opportunities to help you develop social skills . As you know, a person with good social skills has an edge these days. Extra-curricular activities will also provide you with opportunities to take part in competitions at various levels. Schools usually select their representatives for competitions at zone, state or national level by looking at their students’ performance in school-level competitions.

These activities also keep you healthy. Who knows, you might finally shed your baby fat! Most importantly, you will get a good testimonial if you are active in co-curricular activities. This will definitely boost your chances when applying for a scholarship or a job.


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There is no need for you to worry that participation in these activities will affect your grades. On the contrary, it has been proven that students who are actively involved usually do well academically.

I hope you will take the opportunities co-curricular activities provide to experience new things and discover your strengths.

I have to stop here. I have to study for my trial examination, which is in two weeks’ time. Till I hear from you, take care.

Your loving sister,


Source: http://nurhayatighazalispmwriting.weebly.com/informal-letter.html

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Two KindsBy, Amy Tan

Based on the short story that I have read entitled Two Kinds written by Amy Tan, I personally think that the story has striking quality in delivering messages to the readers. For me as a daughter, I think the message of the story is very useful. It helps me to reflect on my ownself on which type of girl I want to be either the one who is obedient to their parents or the one who follows their own heart.

The story tells us that mother wants the best for their children. This is proven by Jing Mei’s mother’s action. She struggled to make her daughter a prodigy by forcing her to practice piano for her own sake and entered a Talent Competition Show although Jing Mei protest with her.

There are a few things that I disagree about the story. The story gives bad influence to the readers, especially children because most of time, Jing Mei shows negative characteristics. The saddest part was when she rebel to her mother by saying something that hurt her feeling. Furthermore, the story also give bad reputation to mother’s in Asian because Jing Mei’s mother has shown self-righteous when she always forced Jing Mei to become a prodigy without giving her a choice to decide the way she wanted to be.

After reading the story, I learned a few moral values such as obedience. Children have to be obedient and listen to their parent’s advices and at the same time they can choose to follow their own thinking so that there will be no conflict between both parents and children.

In conclusion, I like the idea of the story. The story gives good message and influences me a lot. As a daughter, I understand that our mother wants her desire to be fulfilled. Every mother wants to see success in their children while they are still alive. It is not good to imitate Jing Mei’s personality. This is because she only realized that her mother was right about her natural talent after her mother’s death.

