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San Diego & La Jolla - Chanukah Ignite 2011

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San Diego & La Jolla's Chanukah Ignite 2011
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THE NCSY NEWSLETTER CHANUKAH 2011 It all started on Thursday night when the partici- pants gathered to bake challah for Shabbat. The teens also made and bottled their own grape juice for kiddush and havdala while learning Torah sources about the significance of these mitzvot. During Shabbat, advisors and teen leaders led educational, interactive sessions such as “How To Create a Dvar Torah.” The highlight was Saturday night’s “Mitzvah Fair.” Teens had the opportunity to learn about and make their own tzitzit, kippot, mezuzah cases and Shabbat, Chanukah or havdalah candles. Sofer Alberto Attia delivered a special presentation on how to make tefillin, write mezuzot and assemble a sefer Torah. He then taught the teens how to write their Hebrew names. Everyone left inspired, thirsting for insight and instruction on new mitzvot. Teens preparing the grapes for crushing on the ‘Jew It Yourself’ Shabbaton. Herbert Levine and Louise Miller As teenagers start moving towards indepen- dence, it becomes more important than ever that their peer group be made up of young men and women with good midot (values) and proper morals.  Teenagers also need young and charis- matic role models to help guide them through this exciting yet challenging stage of life. They need a safe and nurturing environment to explore their beliefs and give them the ability to appreciate the good parts of growing up while avoiding the not so good parts.  NCSY has been an amazing source Jew It Yourself Continued on next page... 2 100 + 200 3126 SAN DIEGO & LA JOLLA Dear fellow members of the NCSY family, We’re so excited to share some of the outstanding things happening in our award winning chapter. Even though it’s only been a few months since the year began, our teens have already experienced tremendous inspiration and have learned so much. Take a look inside and enjoy. Wishing you and your family a happy and inspirational Chanukah! - Rabbi Adam and Chava Simon E D I T I O N Years in a row awarded West Coast Chapter of the Year Award Local teens attend our programing Pies of pizza sponsored (so far) for Jewish public school clubs Sponsor one by visiting www.teenstothepowerofpie.com/sd/ Hours of Torah learned last year on NCSY programs in San Diego and La Jolla (L to R) Mom Louise Miller, NCSYer Jonathan Levine, NCSY alumnus Daniel Levine, Bubbie Jeanette Levine and Dad Herbert Levine
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It all started on Thursday night when the partici-pants gathered to bake challah for Shabbat. The teens also made and bottled their own grape juice for kiddush and havdala while learning Torah sources about the significance of these mitzvot.

During Shabbat, advisors and teen leaders led educational, interactive sessions such as “How To Create a Dvar Torah.”

The highlight was Saturday night’s “Mitzvah Fair.” Teens had the opportunity to learn about and make their own tzitzit, kippot, mezuzah cases and Shabbat, Chanukah or havdalah candles. Sofer Alberto Attia delivered a special presentation on how to make tefillin, write mezuzot and assemble a sefer Torah. He then taught the teens how to write their Hebrew names.

Everyone left inspired, thirsting for insight and instruction on new mitzvot.

Teens preparing the grapes for crushing on the ‘Jew It Yourself’ Shabbaton.

Herbert Levine and Louise MillerAs teenagers start moving towards indepen-dence, it becomes more important than ever that their peer group be made up of young men and women with good midot (values) and proper morals.  Teenagers also need young and charis-matic role models to help guide them through this exciting yet challenging stage of life. They need a safe and nurturing environment to explore their beliefs and give them the ability to appreciate the good parts of growing up while avoiding the not so good parts.  NCSY has been an amazing source

Jew It Yourself

Continued on next page...






Dear fellow members of the NCSY family,

We’re so excited to share some of the

outstanding things happening in our

award winning chapter. Even though it’s

only been a few months since the year

began, our teens have already experienced

tremendous inspiration and have learned

so much. Take a look inside and enjoy.

Wishing you and your family a happy and

inspirational Chanukah!

- Rabbi Adam and Chava Simon


Years in a row awarded West Coast Chapter of the Year Award

Local teens attend our programing

Pies of pizza sponsored (so far) for Jewish public school clubs

Sponsor one by visiting www.teenstothepowerofpie.com/sd/

Hours of Torah learned last year on NCSY programs in San Diego and La Jolla

(L to R) Mom Louise Miller, NCSYer Jonathan Levine, NCSY alumnus Daniel Levine, Bubbie Jeanette Levine and Dad Herbert Levine

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of role models for our kids, from Chapter Directors Rabbi and Rebbitzen Adam and Chava Simon to local advisors, like UCSD student Daniel Friedman, to Regional leadership like Rabbi FE and Derek Gormin in Los Angeles.

Both of our sons, Daniel and Jonathan, have had the opportunity to be part of their NCSY chapter board and have helped plan activities and run events.  Contrary to popular belief, NCSY is not a kiruv organization.  It’s a leadership training orga-nization and a place where teenagers can discover for themselves why they are observant Jews and why they will continue to be in the future.  By interacting with teens who are less observant or knowledgeable than themselves, our teens need to be able to explain why they are choosing to follow the path that their family and community have started them on and why it is meaningful for them.  They are also gaining important skills that will help them in future community leadership po-sitions.  Leaders aren’t necessarily born, they can be made, and ARE in NCSY.

Besides all of that, it is wonderful to watch our kids have so much fun.  San Diego NCSY and the Simons always seem to do crazy and fun things like showing up in pajamas to Latte & Learn-ing at Starbucks, driving to Los Angeles to hear Matisyahu and those amazing Shabbatons and Regional Conventions.

The perfect mix of leadership, inspiration and fun yields amazing results. Our eldest, Daniel, had an amazing four years in NCSY and is now spending

... Donor Spotlight continued

Being a teenager feels like riding a roller coaster. When it dips, you feel helpless but when it ends, you are overcome with a feeling of reassurance. Being Jewish has become my reassurance and NCSY is the track that guides me there, giving support to my roller coaster.

I have come to appreciate my challeng-es because they have helped shape who I am today. Over the past few years, my family has gone through some very dif-ficult times and the negative energy has had an impact on my soul. My family was always there for me in these tough times, especially my parents, and I can’t thank them enough. My friends were also there for me and encouraged me to attend the NCSY Freshman Shabbaton. At the close of Shabbat, when all the lights were turned off, everyone came together for Havdalah. At that moment, I felt something inside of me light up that I never wanted to end. I felt that there was something bigger, a higher power, that gave me strength to live the life I’d always wanted. From then on, I knew I had to be more involved.

Right after my roller coaster began to slow down, I hit a dip. My family fell on hard times financially and it became difficult for me to attend NCSY events.  Just as helplessness set in, the reassurance of NCSY was right there waiting. The Simons were my roller coaster tracks. They were so nice and gave me a discount whenever we need-ed. But there was more. It also became difficult for my family to send me to a Jewish school, so we made the difficult decision of transferring to the local public school. I tried to make the best of it, but I felt myself losing my connec-tion to Judaism. Before Junior year, I told my parents that I had to go back to a Jewish school and they, as they always do, worked hard to make it happen. However, at this point, my connection to Judaism was iffy.

Once again, the roller coaster tracks came to my rescue. Adam Simon planned a kumzitz on one of our Shabbatons. We sat in a circle holding candles – it was a bit cheesy and I didn’t take it seriously at first. Each person in the circle expressed his or her feel-ings about everything in life. When it was my turn, I broke down in tears. I expressed everything I was feeling about how I missed being part of an observant Jewish environment. I wasn’t the only person going through this and that’s why I was so comfortable in expressing myself. 

Fast-forward and I am now an NCSY Leader. I was awarded “NCSYer of the Year” and am proud to be Jewish! What I love most about NCSY is that when you hit a dip, everyone is there to help you, not laugh at you.

After high school, I plan on attending seminary in Israel while I continue climbing. I know even when life throws me a dip, my roller coaster tracks will be there to reassure me and keep me safe. Thank you NCSY for being my track and always guiding me to higher heights.

Sarin Mizan is a senior at Torah High School of San Diego. She is also Vice President of West Coast Regional Board and Regional Liaison for the San Diego chapter.

Sarin Mizan

The perfect mix of leadership, inspiration and fun yields amazing results.

What I love most about NCSY is that when you hit a dip, everyone is there to help you, not laugh at you.

a gap year studying in yeshiva in Israel.  The guid-ance of NCSY was crucial in making this decision. Our youngest, Jonathan, has remained a strong and passionate Jew in spite of the fact that he is not in a Jewish high school, and again, the guid-ance of NCSY has been crucial to his strength and growth.

We choose to donate our money and time to NCSY for purely selfish reasons.  We want our sons and their friends to have the experience of NCSY and its wonderful inspirational and educational activities as well as the opportunities for personal growth. These things need to be funded and sup-ported. With so much community need, people often forget about this important area.  We feel an enormous hakarat hatov (sense of gratitude) to the Simons and NCSY and the best way we know of to show that gratitude is to enable NCSY to keep doing what it’s doing.

Sarin Mizan (left) with NCSY Advisor Deborah Joseph.

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ExpEriEncE thE holidays… through Food!For Rosh Hashana and Sukkot, our local NCSYers got together to learn about the holidays and get creative using our favorite medium, food! For Rosh Hashana we had a simanim (special fruits that symbolize a good new year) cook-off, in which teams competed to create the most creative Rosh Hashana themed meal using surprise ingredients and simanim. For Sukkot, NCSYers competed to create kosher sukkas out of candy, graham crackers and marshmallow fluff. A great time (and learning experience) was had by all!

cool cats and contEmporary issuEsSan Diego’s teens are pretty cool and the coolest cats among them got together on Tuesday, November 22, to discuss contemporary issues from the Jewish perspective. Jonathan Levine lead a discussion about the laws of abortion and advisor Daniel Friedman lead a discussion about Gilad Shalit. Teens debated the topics and left with a broadened mind and better understanding.

l’dor V’dor - ExpEriEncing our hEritagENCSYers enjoyed a private showing of the CJC’s Gotthelf Art Gallery new exhibit, L’Dor V’Dor, focusing on Jewish identity and our connection to our heritage. Teens viewed

art, featuring pieces from artist’s families spanning multiple generations, listened to Jewish music and participated in an experiential discussion about the meaning of a generation and the power of art in Jewish culture.

JEw it yoursElF shabbatonWhat an amazing Shabbaton! NCSYers learned how to make their own challah and grape juice for Shabbat. They also learned how to make an oneg and how to write a dvar Torah. After Shabbas, they learned how to write a mezuzah and make their own mezuzah cases, tzitzit, kippot, and candles! Is there a better way to learn about Judaism? Don’t think so.

winE and chEEsE FundraisErSpecial thank you to Jeremy and Hilda Cohen for hosting this successful fundraiser. Guests (all over age 21) sampled artisanal wines from California’s top kosher wineries with delicious kosher cheeses and were graced with the presence of some of the vintners themselves. What a fun and delicious way to support San Diego’s Jewish teens. Thank you to our event chairs Andrew and Shauna Breskin, Hilda and Jeremy Cohen and Renee and Russel Kaplan-Nadel for making this event a success.

ncsy wintEr rEgional shabbaton in la Jolla!After winning the coveted Chapter of the Year award for two years in a row, we are honored to be hosting this year’s Winter Regional Shabbaton! The Shabbaton will take place in the La Jolla Hilton Torrey Pines over the weekend of December 22nd and promises to be a weekend full of fun, inspiration and learning. We hope that all of our NCSYers join us for this amazing event!

local ncsy tEEns run toy driVE For israEli tError VictimsLead by local Regional Board members, San Diego and La Jolla’s NCSYers are currently running a Chanukah Toy Drive for Israeli terror victims. They have already collected tens of toys and have partnered with the Terror Victim Relief Fund, the OU and local shipping companies to facilitate this Chanukah miracle for children affected by terror throughout Israel. Please contact Natania Feifel, Regional Vice President of Israelli Affairs, for more information at [email protected].

Eliana Pransky, a Senior at La Jolla High School and Shiran Arusi, a Junior at Torah High School, crushing grapes on the ‘Jew It Yourself’ Shabbaton.

Talya Herring, a senior at Mt. Carmel High School, extracting seeds from a pomegranate at the Rosh Hashana Cook-off.

December 22-25West Coast NCSY Regional ConventionTorrey Pines Hilton, La Jolla, CaThe pinnacle event of the year! 350+ teens join together for a weekend of inspiration not to be missed.

January 3 @ 7pmJewsday Night - Pajamas and ParshaStarbucks in University CityGet cozy in your favorite PJs and learn some parsha over hot chocolate.

January 20-21Shabbat In Adatadat Yeshurun Enjoy a Shabbat oneg and Shabbat afternoon learning program in Adat Yehsurun.

January 29 @ 11amClown College Chesed DayMeet at Beth Jacob, San DiegoLearn to make balloon animals, paint faces and juggle to entertain kids in Children Hospitals.

February 4 @ 8pmSaturday Night Surprise Malaveh MalkehThe Darey’s HouseStill hungry for more Shabbat? We’ve got you covered... Come fill your stomach and your soul!

February 10-12THX - The Torah Experience ShabbatonBeth Jacob, San DiegoLearning like you have never experienced before...

February 21 @ 7pmJewsday Night - 90’s and NaviStarbucks in University CityGet decked out in your rad 90s gear and learn some awesome Navi.

March 4 @ 11amPassover Soldier Care Packagesadat YeshurunHelp out Jewish soldiers who protect our freedom daily in the US Armed Forces.

March 18 @ 1pmBoats and FloatsMission BayFloat on the calm waters of Mission Bay while a delicious dollop of ice cream floats on your root-beer float.

Want more info on these events?Call 619-663-8672, e-mail [email protected] or check us out on Facebook!

Bringing to Lightthe Local News You Need to Know

Students get cozy in their favorite PJs and learn some parsha over hot chocolate at last year’s Pajamas and Parsha.

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9831 West Pico Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90035

San Diego and La Jolla NCSY

Rabbi Adam [email protected] (call or text)facebook.com/thesimons

West Coast NCSY Regional Leadership

Solly HessAssociate Regional Director310-229-9000 [email protected]

Rabbi FE GoldbergExecutive Director310-229-9000 [email protected]

Executive LeadershipRabbi Steven BurgInternational Director, NCSY

Mr. Keevy FriedAssoc. International Director, NCSY

Mr. Joseph StechlerYouth Commission Chairman, OU

Rabbi Dr. Simcha KatzPresident, OU

WEST COAST NCSY9831 West Pico Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90035www.WestCoastNCSY.comfacebook.com/westcoastncsy


nCSY is the international youth movement of the OU.













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