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' -1 •.."- SANDERS OUNTY Printed in the Interest of Sanders County, the Center of the Great Fruit Belt of Montana. VOLUME VI. r•it, CAMAS, MONTANA, FRU1Y, SEPTEMBER 20, 1912. MUM OF NEWS FROM WORLD OVER SHIT ITEMS CUPPED FROM DAILY PAPER DISPATCHES HENS PUT WEEK. Review of Happenings In Both Eastern and Western Hemispheres During Pad Week National, Historical, Political and Personal EVIIIT‘S Told In Short Paragraphs for Everybody. President Taft was 66 years old Sunday. Paul Clagstone of Idaho has refused to secept a nomination -from the pro- gressive party for the governorship. The bodies of suicides Cannot be crintared in ExceptiOns -are made, however, in favor- of persons who ocitamit suicide outside the city limit,. 0 Upon pleading guilty to the charge of Mews, Scott S. Bre, la tlie Mi- t t % court at Vancon , was ellid to five MOM -pent- •"Wanted, a wife. Must be good worker who can help at light work Ilk. plowing, digging potatees and loading hay," says a ranchtnan's ad- vertisement The most powtplui batGeship- ever ordered will be laiZ down in November by the British admiralty. It will be 700 feet hang, displace 30,000 tone, aud be armed with 14 -inch sans- ,04 1 .!E Brisk Fighting at 'Mexican Town on the Texas Border. _ El Paso.--Ojinaga, the Mexieembor- der town, opposite Presidio, Texas, was taken by federal troops after brisk fighting at daybreak Sunday, accord- ing to &deices received at Fort Bliss by General E. Z. Steever, commanding the department of Texas. General Steever also received a report from army officers at Presidio that Colonel Pascua! Orozco Sr., father of the rebel leader, was captured and is held by United States troops at Presidio, to- gether with Colonel P. G. fietace. Whether General Pascual Orozco Jr., the rebel compiander in chief, was fighting in Olinaga or escaped over the international line into the United States is not known. Federal forces numbering 350 under command of Colonel Manuel Lands en- tered Onnaga proper, driving the reb- els before them. The rebels took refuge in. San Fran- cisco, a suburb to the south and away from the American side of the line, and at last reports fighting continued. Reports of the number of the rebels -defending Ojinagit vary to a large de- gree. Colonel P. G. ()mace, who was reported captured, ie not related to the rebel leader. ,• Hold Orozco for Deportation. The United Staten will holdf el Pascual Orozco Sr., fotbr of r general, and Colonel P. C. Or0 , ith any other captured Mexican rebels, probably for deportation to Mexico. No charges of violations of the neu- trality laws are:penditg again.; tillern. ROSENTHAL M UR DERERSSASSED Charles Coombs, a pugilist of New York, enraged by the attacks of a large mosquito, swung on It with hie right He hit the door and broke his arm. The mosquito was unhurt Barry Irving, $616 behind in ali- mony payments, asked Judge Auden- reid how long he had to stay in jail to be rid of his wife. "For life," the judge said. "Send me along," replied Irving. Riiila Schneider, declared, dying at Sreekira pisoffillpv following an opera- arM -learr4rboosaaa,a Aurae es slate reser% armored a party with flowers that aroused the girl from her listlessness, Working himself into a pitch, of trent,' aver the absence of any at- tendance at a lecture he had proposed to give at Albany, Ore., F. M. Gatts of Lebanon. Are., after returning to his home died of heart failure. All fa go -called Cunningham Alaska coal land claims involving alleged fraudulent blanket patents, which con- tributed to the Ballinger-Pinchot con- troversy, have been disposed of finally by the interior department cancelling the whole bunch. Since Major Daniel W. Arnold has eetined, Colonel L. Clef ot Chicago, quartermaster of the amoral division of the army, la the last of the chit war veterans In active service. In one more year Colonel Clem will bate reached the age limit of 64. The hod's, of Leslie Oliver, John Shattuck and Dell Llascott. young Sea of Juneau and Douelas, who went Seating EleleeMbW_it on /Deep Creek abountain. Alaska, were found Sept Li ela the mountain. They had perished from hanger cold and exposure, judgment for ;8000 against Gen- eral Daniel E. Sickles was satisfied re trendy in New York by his long getmaged wife who, for the purpose, baaificed jewels she chi -tatted very tench. This is a very strong indica- tion el an approaching reconcillatinon. Attorney George PI Marlowe of Her- rick. Idaho, was found guilty on each Of the thug' counts of federal indien spent charging him with violating the white slave traffic law, In conspiring- with Edith Depngh, who plead guilty, la transporting Pearl Stevenson and Preda Kuhl from Washington to Mean fpr Immoral purposes. Murray, idaho.—Probably never In IdIrbigteirrCf MIMS bees feassai been more generally attended than was antlittly. and WTs. Minim RatI, tire aped coupes who died in a suicide OK Mot". Badmen is the village Mae piectically guspended during the =s of the serdee and many of the citizens &Vended. Portland Plc i.diot Perthiltd. Ore. in tweet.tbnes, a city are on strike for an advance wages and several changer in OW rules. The employers say they else Sol afford to grant the Increase In erases silted and that the changes la comply with the &martiaVet rules are so drastic that ligen. Not all the print above ars at - feeted. though prartIestry all the tarps 4 pleats are closed. e-- -- Germern Torpedo Bost Sankt 1 Cuxhaven, Germaay.—The German Wipe& boat 0-171 was rammed no elettly by tbe Seriaaa NKOMO* Sum , 1 01111k ilicnaiir ls ' .asouthwest of Malign - boat seat within . ii111111111 . 1.' were lost OROZCO% FATHER CAPTIVE. NOTORIOUS ALLEN Last of Stanch Caught In Flat in Brooklyn. New York.—"Gyp Ihe Blood" and "Lefty Louie," the Missing gunntexe dieted as two of the a tual dare Bermes Rosenthal, the getniztert found by the police Saturday night, living with their wive( in a flat in Brooklyn. They were- arrested by Deputy Police Commissioner Dough- erty and a squad of detectives and locked up., They will be arraigned on Mender. The two men had been occupying the flat since August 15 and were alone until last Tuesday 'wheh they were joined by their wives, through whom clues to their whereabouts were obtained by the police. The four were seized, at tea w tfougherty and his men burst *peg door of their apartment and with re volver drawn ordered them to hold up their hands. Neither of the men thawed resistance. "Drop your guns. You've, got is." said "Gyp the Blood" calmly. "Give Us Ville time to get dreseed, Yu?" said "Leftg Louie" with Pleat llonlpeaure. With the arrest of "Gyp" and "Lef- ty" whose real names are Harry Hor- rowits and Louis Rosensweig, the se,: en men accused of killing Rosenthal, of which Police Lieutenant Charles Becher is the alleged instigator, are now in custody. ' Tornado Kills Three. Ihrigellea N.Y.-elftree minions Wee* killed and nrty WNW by a tor- e/Se which left Bliallp Will of de etreatiott woes the tinten pert of Vsesepor maser Pansai The Prop Orke Iola Is ellikasted at $/$0,000. FUNERAL OF MRS. JACK JOHNSON --- Thousands Block Street Before House of Champren Pugilist. People crowded so at the funeral Saturday of the white wife of Jack Johnson, negro pugilist, who conimite ted suicide because she Irks lonesome and tired ef being shunned, that tuft police were unable to clear the side. walk la. frost Of the tome. Severe; thousand people were. in the street When tbe police aerteefi. Mrs. Johnson's mother and sister, Mrs. David Terry and Miss lehtine Terry of Brooklyn, N. Y., were attend- ed by the nig» pugilist Johtison sup. Ported and belt curried Mrs. Terry IA she walked from the house. The tato women entered Johnson's closeelim- ousine. Many sports premiums' in the World of gloves attended the funeral. 710 pall bearer* were negroes, John- s*, petebnel . friends Jack Johnson testified before the coroner's jury at the inquest of hie whtte wife that she bad wore hers* vut in taldlig etre op him since tile fight 'With Jeffries Jack says that has been- a no . evoup wreck ever sine. the fight SUSV TIMES FOR WILBOit. MURDERERS GAUNT THEY, WHO ESCAPED FROM HICKSVILLE, VIRGINIA, LAST MARCH 4, LAST. After Killing Many Officers of the Court They Made Their Way Out of the Country and Finally Landed In Des Moines, lows, Where They Were Working As Common Laborers. Des Moines, Iowa.—Sidna Allen, so- called leader of the Allen clan which shot up the Carroll county courthouse at Hilisville, March 14, killing Judge Massie and others, and his nephew, Wesley _Edwards, were ar- rested here Saturday, and will be re- turned to Virginia without requisition. Edwards, for the love of whom Mies Maude Iroler of Mount Air*, N. C., had innocently led detectives to Dee Moines, was captured as he was re - tenting to his boarding house" after having worked all day with paving gang. Just as he boarded a street car detectivesaed officers surrounded it. Edwards -was trying to escape by * Crawling threngh_the front end of the 'car when themffleere meg& him. The arrest of Sidoh Alen was effected ? earlier in the day. A visit byEdwards to Was' lrolei in her Virginia home about a month ago andthe accidental loss of let- ter pot the detectives on the trail. The 'fugitives had been in Des Moines 'since April 28, Allen under the -name of Tom Sayre, working as a carpenter, and Edward, under the name of Joe Jack- son, employed with a city paving gang. . - Detectives Follow'elrl. - -Allen was arrested at the, home of John Cameron, where he and his nephew had been rooming. The arrest followed a few minutes after. Miss Iroler stepped into the Cameron home to nieet Edwards, whom she was to wed, according to an arrangement made when he visited her in Virginia. Miss Iroler had arrived unaware that on the barns train were detiotities who irnid her , Although surprised she took Fhe !w- rest of Allen calmly. "Wesley was down home a month age," she said. "We 'were to be mar- ried. He gave me the money to 00Q141 to this city and thle:addreis.. had no idea that anyone was following me." Shin& Allen declined to say 'much concerning his movements immediate- ly following the cottrthoune,tragedy. lie and Edwards remlined in the mouutain country of Virginia and North Carolina for about a month, and then got over into Keitticky, going to where they 'spent several days. Their next atop was in - St. Louis, MANY' NAVY ARE DROWNEDIINT r , i t s,TATE FAIR Capsize Rescue Seat—Five Bodies Are I 111 Recovered and Other Five Still T Chieeeo.—rivo . naval apprentices A I aruKANE, Kt' - Are Missing. were drowned the result of from the UM station at N Five bodies w Hewed the five were' drowned. The five five are missing as patting of a cutter tes naval training lease. late Sunday. recovered. It is be - 7$ unaccounted for dead are: It. C. Harlan, years old, Blooming- dale, Ind, 71 I. L. South/rod*. 18 years old, Pitts- burE• .1. Wallace, years old, Turner, Ind: W. N. Antriihetli; 21 years old, Indian- apolis, lad. J. A. Patten, di years old, Stanton, Ohio. Gunner's matetal. N. Nees, who was In charge of the' utter, after aiding in the rescue, ared. He is said tee ye told friends that he held himself sponsible in a meas- ure for the and that he feared it Might affect mind. 'When last seen Nettle was ysterical. Officers of the naval s fear he may have cOmmitted Ind A. L Ray , one of the boys taken from thili water, was resuscitat- ed by a pulm after he had een worked ovoLTelal .hours. CROWDS CHEER FOR DIAZ. Hundreds Pare& Streets of City of Mexico Demonstration, Mexico City,- ex.—Barred from the chamber oft es by order of Presi- , clent Medi ause of the noisy demonstration which he and his political Rath were hissed and derided, ank name of Diaz was frantically d hundreds of resi- dents mare ugh the streets Sat- urday night outed disapproval ot the new elects e and "vivito" for theil. exiled ruler. edi Mounted plebs were ready to dis- perse the ceektend the entrances to the chamber Vitae the deputies were In executive Igestslon were q•avily , 'guarded. The situation is almost identleal with that itutieldiately preceding the fall of Diaz, b ith the exception that shifts have made in the cast of chiracters, disorders had as a Allen Mande Officers ler Killing. "I don t know why we Ante to Des Moines," said Allen. "I would have given myself up long ago if I 'had thought we could 'get 4 square But you see what they've do ue to Floyd, my brother, and Claude." knee eRmiared the courthouse trig- edy" wai the fault of the officers. who, he laid,.begart . Lb. shooting. Was Sweetheart a Traitor? Both men were started back to Vie- giont at once. A. rumor was cervent before their departure dist Miss Doter willingly led the officers byre to cap: lure Edwards. Chief of Police Jenny said Miss- koler told him she. was to receive the reward offered for the capture. GRAPE CARNIVAL. THIS WEEK. Hanford. and White Bluffs to CoMpete at Kennewick, Wash. The valley of the White Bluffs count try, including the towns of Whits Bluffs indlienford, wfil go in a body to the Columba grape carnival at Ken- newick, Wash., this week, taking with them a superb display of grapes and other fruits and vegeta/ilea to be en- tered In the compeUtion far totelninats and . purees. Grape shipments have been under .way for two weeks, and Dernagratic idste Will Speak Fil s t,b e ou tput i s t h e h eavi es t i n the his - fle10 $1 lori of ,the valley. P riceiare ,sood, 4 -1. Mondag, and tlorepalltr of fruit eacellMi w heatilowiltime Woodrow Wilson start- ed en Mot wesawn trip, She demo- tliblidrietere Id than 1 days' rest until the close the Coal Mtnent Strike in Wed VIelplailt, Cbarleititib, W. 'Iri.—Jkiliduy• odt- pods emir/hid on 'Saturday at Hol- yoke, Woof*** llteett Ileitoun ley, In the heart of the territory ender M. t W/laull's ,englinent martial ism bemeguse of the miners' Calls for a *meal More extensi e i strike. Tid $1114ett reeled and for a ealtion of the states east of the Ml -ulna Abe exchange was brisk, but a solirt than those west of and . eareffil sedick. showed no victims. will be kept busy until election peel TOGO fa' *p1. in the unioalsed re- _ . ) lionas "thefbitb beak Of OW Kali - /141 DrOW1411 in L•1111's Lake. swim l e ve e, see the men etnesh.. but 9SMWa.k.—Asx 'Bodging, 10 returned to Work, yoga, oldr averrett, wee dwrirned'in g ee o e oske, awe Doges es s u e. e .•heee, Chinese Private Loan Failed. . Sunday when a host s w h hig ei chhs. Waehingttet—The expectations df add Prank 11. in Aertirdin 's lipligine was streelling ii the boat loot his balince, upsetting the,' Tim drowned man was married. His body was rec A nvered. `J/ Itaki. s** /Or Molilollo. Slit lake City, Utah -Word his reached here of the shooting at Helper. 17t5it. of two berg by B. B. Johnsto W SKOV dapper siefiff, lobo inlet hioOdom Taylor. y ul aW ir all,s ask Aenold Dearda Johleillell MW Miss: basis the Of doubtful cusaiou—the seating ers of the chamber— as the pre when the gallery hissed Madero and shouted the praises of Diaz. They yere precipitated by the rejection of Francisco Pascual Gerais', leader' of the Ckthelle wing, whose election MY Unquestioned. - wilts ROsilnin KILLED. -- 'J. S. *egged Shoots. A. G. Boyce Jr. in Street of Texas Town. Amarillo, Texas.—Al G. Soyre Jr. was shot and killed here Saturday af- ternoon lay 3. B,;:illnead, with whose wife Boyce eloped to Canada last fall. Snead la sheeny_ to stand trial for the murder of Biro's father, Shoe at Fort Worth- 15-nbfe 13 as a result of the elopement of Chasm Snead shot The presence eg'Bnead in this city was not known stall after the shoot- ing. Boyce returned to the city only recently. The shootialr omarred Within block of the tautness district of the city on the principal street, and short- ly idler the shooting lineaa sutren- dered to the local authorities, &dna up an - autoatatic ehotaun sad two auto. static rtieolvers. •-•11yetanders halite& ihe first shot ttitliel 11 . 0 117boxently a tramp, with heavy growth of beard and trearterorttrallbrfutttielpg tirthe center of the stead, firing dit; MP' vie- tini With a'abotand. Gm state department have been justh In the complete collapse of the effort of -certain Imitate interests td cemelede $60,000.000 loan to China. in the face of the known disapproval of the great powers. Paleness Store Retialled. Palmed, Wash.---Tbe safe is Jessie colestoet's confectioner)" store wall rifled recently of about 1160 in mosey. pipe front the show case, vaigekst int. arse was taken. The•heretar bed i Worked the combination on the safe and locked the doer of the more be. I bind him when he left. ••• 'W. H. LUCAS IS DEAD. Noted Baseball Man Dropped Deed In M lesoula. Missoula. lleaL—President W.11. Lucturof the union Association of•Prp- feeeimuil desebill Clubs, dropped dead at hIsTestdenrer In City SendaY• Mr. Lucas had etamilleined for !sev- eral days of haeittigafffienity In breath- ing and this attem4roze ills wife ad- justid a plaster 'Over' his *Set. He fell into her lag 'wlitlidut a word. He - had reamfly transferred los headquar- ters to Missoula from Sett Lake City His death 11 as due to an aortic JUMP Hem, according to the pbysiciass who examiaedjite bOdy. It Is pad that he had neve/ in his fife beam seriously III New Terminate In Ohicage. . . iiiiticego.—ieolidlagi to the gaper a l'atIroad atiter0ffea. 111 x0r0 11 S. dal °I' peaditere of $14440,11$0 was liouiched recently injoryou revlOtItths J. P. ,Morw, Co. and 14 galTroads en- teethe ,L'Ildogo. The plan embraces oomplitle lutigeolgf, the ergestit handling VW's less aegis , " 4g1 that beilh•ef the bond 642 1 Za tor pastsbnger THIS YEAR'S EXPOSITION TO If BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE Will Continue for Seven Days and Nights Until Oct. 6—Special Rates on All Raltroads--Premlum• and Purses Larger—Race Program Com- plete—Night Show Feature. Everything is now in readiness for the biggest fair that Spokane and the Inland Empire has ever seen. The Spokane Interstate fair this year will be opened September 30 and will con- tinue for seven days and six nights until the evening of October 6. Last year the Spokane Interstate fair was rated sixth among the fairs of the entire United States and this year it is expected to take fourth place. It is no exaggeration to say that the fair will be larger than ever this year. Every bit of space In the exhibition buildings was filled as early as Sep- tember L Every race on the half mile track has double the entries that they have had in former years. The live stock stables are all filled and the management is now busily engaged in building temporary structures In order to take care of the overflow. Com- munity gatherings, fraternities, busi- ness organizations and people gener- ally have taken more interest in the fair than ever before. Fine Entertainment Promised. - Tn an entertainment way the fair management has kirk nearly double the appropriatiegis 'W. former years. The main attractions—the old familiar Midway without which no fair would be complete—are being provided by the Parker Carnival company"- added to this will be a Japanese aviator; one ring circus, the kind that our grandfathers knew In the '605, a sheep dog exhibition, and drills by the United States army sod cavalry. - • • Reek GrIllioe Contests. In the night show this year the. fair will present Hitt's spectacular drama, "The Conquelit of Mexico," and each performance will lie ended by a mon- ster fireworks display. Two contests of more than usual interest vrill also be held at night la the shape -of a log chopping and sawing contest and a rock drilling event. Each carry purses of 000. Educational Features. Although the entertainment features are always a large portion of any fair the Spokane Interstate fair this year Is devoting much more time to the educational features. Starting out as it did 19 years ago as a little fruit fair, it is now going back as far as possible to the Ideas of the first few Years. The management is making every effort to have the fair this year be a tree show window of all that the Inland Empire produces and all its re source's. Uncle lam Has Displays. The Uratted States government has two very Interesting displays, oss tom the good roads and the other from the forestry department The University of- Mahe; 'Washington State college and the Spokane public schools will ail have complete and Instructive losklaita. Judges Will Tell Why. Agother,feature of the . fair this yes will be an attempt on the part of the judges to explain Jest Why prizes' are awarded la the various. departments. The whiner will be told why be carried off the prize and the loser will be told of the bad features of his display Machinery Row. Saturday, Sept. 28, to Monday, Oct- 'LI REvENfiEwAs SWEET The exhibitors can obtain the reduced rate by sliming the usual oadisaidea All exhibits Gan be sent at 'sauced rates over all lines. NATIONAL G. A. R. OFFICIALS. Encampment Closed at Los Angeles With the Election. Los Angeles.—The 46th annual en- campment of the Grand Army of the Republic ended with the election of officers. The place at which the next convention will be held will be selected by the executive council. The new officers follow: Grand Army of the Republic—Com- mander in chief, Judge Alfred B. Beers, Bridgeport, Conn.; senior vice com- mander, Henry C. Osborne, Los An- geles; junior vice commander, Ameri- cus Wheaton. Louisville; Ky.; chaplain, George Edwards Leveler', Lawreae46 Mass.; medical director, Dr. W. J. Whitaker, Dallas, Texas; eilarterfilde - ter general, Colonel A. D. /nowt?", Buf- falo, N. Y., and adjutant general, Hen- ry J. Seely, Hartford, Conn. Woman's Relief Corps. Woman's Relief Corps—President, Geraldine E. Friable, San Mateo, Cal.; senior vice president, Mrs. Isabel Wor- rell Ball, Washington, D. C.; hailer vice president, Mrs. Nevada Hereford, Aberdeen, S. D.; treasurer, Mrs. Abbie Lynch, Pittsburg, Pa.; chaplain, Mrs. Sarah I.. Brown, Grand Rapids, Miele. Members of the executive board—Mrs. Clara O'Connor Daley, Butte, Mont., chairman; Mrs. Frederica Pbilpot, Dubuque, Iowa; Mrs. Amelia V. Gotta*, Hampton, Vt.; Mrs. Ellen Ackerman, Ainsworth, Neb., and Mrs. Anna Belle Roberts, Baltimore, Md. The Woman's •ReUef Corps named the retiring president, Mr*. Cora M. Davis of Union, Ore., as its delegate to the national council of wanes'. CHAUFFEUR KILLED AT SPOKANE Mystery Surrounds the Death of James D. Pollock. Spokane. Dead, a bullet bole in his right temple and a wound Mt the side of his head, where the skull had been crushed, the body of Ames D. Pol- lock, &Sod 11 years, livery ckamtileur, was found Sunday morning partly an- der his automobile, In King's canyon, two miles north of the city limita, on the Nnie Mile road. All clues as to the Identity of his slayer or slayers, at east 'of a positive 'nature, are sub- merged in a mass of -conflicting re Ports. No motive for the murder, as It undoubtedly was, can be found. That robbery was not theliorpoie is shown by the fact that the ntaa's pockets had not been rifled. Revolver Makers Strike, Hartford, Conn.—A strike inyolvins 130 skilled mechanics at the plant of the Colt Patent Firearms hianufeictur- ins company, began Saturday. It was confined to tho department In which the .45-calibeir autdmatIc revolvers for the- United' States 'government are be- ing made. _Tile men claim the piece work prices paid have been so changed Thai they are equivalent to a redaction In wages. The Colt company is run- ning night and day on government work. "Scab" Don't Go, Seattle.—The temporary Interaction Issued by United Stable District judge Cushman, restralhing 61 residents of Beaton, C'coal ruining town sear Be- attie, trent interfering with nokunion. employee in a mine of the Pulpit Somad I,Traction. Light and Power company, has beet made permanent. More than , •20 affidavits were -filed in court &Boe- ing that striking miners had &Basked Rise engaged to take their places; itad Iliad threatemed to dynamite the edam. Over ten acres will be devoted to the machinery exhibits alone and most of it wilt he shown in actual working order. A model creamery will show the latest dairy appliances and prac- tletillimettne demonstrations and tests wilt-be given every day. ••• Pot Petrone' Comfort. Wary- pessilltr arrangemest hes been made to provide fin the otodert and ceemerienc• of the patretts at the thid "year. ?be fair will •itork in conjunction well the (*amber of Corn - St Its at the northeast corner of Washington suet and River- side avenue In having as Infortnatiot llieftleu at WWI' TOMAS ite enelegli0- and t Wa l s; Ds irfiewbod Arrested.' ..Bost. lifartril4hilliana D. ay wood aVaili °r illorkete of the World, was 4 ,- g yp esisted of the afratted 'here ell'a"esplas warrant ht- awerloai the milk et an igelletnieut . *kotieg him with consptracyII con- niscuon with the strike Of MUM, work- ers Is larirrence- last winter. He Was released on $1000 bond. C. H. MAI% We devertme. , Boiss, 1itiibo.74%e half Wooed state Woke was esespleted Ify the swept. got* by t..1 1 Xerlda pars- er of Ube noranlitiee for 'oversee sail tbe enimtitutioe of A a, mama, of - Will Cars ter the Babies The Spokane parh onmaelseirne has Installed p complete plarground, free of charge, in ths.ialr grouads sad visit - ore from the country can turn their children Mei* *AV had be assured that the attendente at look after them Until (Be, 'retu'rn. , " i4o.0do In A44, *rho Prizes' to be aiNINted at this year's fair aractuat to more thee 140,- 000 and cover every known product of the Inland F.inpre. A weelfabt this exhibitiee will give the visitore.asr-de carats sad complete knowledge of -the Baked apre and 1171 vast tegibuic as tedi id as eppervanity of miefing ideeleled ftest *Valid annuminseert features obtainahle.,151 UM West. Relined* Want All the rallreeds eater1es . baye placed In kffect a . Aviator Killed at Chicago. Chicago—Aviator Howird W. Gill of Baltimore was fatally hurt on the CleettrivikUon field at I o'clock Satur- day night. George Medea* of Prance, wiles* monoplane collided with Citirs biplane When they were participating in a race, 71 feet In the air, was picked utt'oaconeclous, but later he revived and his condition wap.iliend to be not serious. Gill diet1.04 beer after the accident. Girls Drown -at Portiend. Portland, Ore- -Was Orion& Keret* aged 11, aed Miss Leoni Deuftiftnd, aged 0$, i tiolh Midgets at St. John. were drowsed fluoday while boating Is the Willamelte Bed. The young women attempted to clumps places in the boat, and both fell into the water They were . &venal before assistance could reach them. The bodies wore recovered. ..! ' Whatisse Alien of *ma, Deed. Beettle,--Watima Alter, 70 relifF oft a wealthy Seattle praperty owed sad Arlitsillrt, died" Sanctity at Ms Constry bonito at oitiirtiie: Wash, of paragleilds Mr. Alien was ItonzAtt Sesdrs. H. J. Lad mine to Seattle 40 reale Milefixellit Newark, when! he MA bees Ilegaged in the eonteacties I Spokane Meeinahesi- Seattle.--415 0 4; a liZtond -httant- tr, stationed , 034440 44.14 2 , with 17 rots stations thumped - 0W state, wed ansuel. state rgle, Mut& ;with a 4f is4a podita lit 'the Port ._ emuweay Sy?, WW1 'VGA Press. New York,- The New Wadi Fatal enowainourncotes the eso Metr r yak siasio meseggege ,m. saia lias 'IN oil to ilaak 4. 18111$47... PAW' of the 01 iP• Asgegoia for attorney geseral in Mae: for the fair week. rate Otto.. ame.pzogregetive, sad It ,wi e e selppott both tin's place cite third with the ticket pet fre:eitpte 'idiom/ did atilt, ,. tlbaPflli . ho •.. •. 1,••'.• FOR THIS COUPLE AL NEEVO SHOT TO DEATI litEAH - COLFAX, WASH., MY IBS STEPCIULDREN, Mrs. Brownell Claims Stepfather Had Wronged Her In Absence of Her Husband Last August Near Culde- sac, Idaho—Couple Followed Man to Colfax --Filled Him With Bullets, Colfax, Wash.—Trailed by his step ,1% ittejitr.ln male attire an er hus- band, who walked 100 miles to find him, Al. Neeves was shot and killed by the avengers Sunday. The stepdaughter, who alleges her parent -by-law had foully wronged her, fired a bullet into Neeves as he lay dying. Mrs. Brownell said, the authorities stated, that she wished to kill her stepfather and fired the final shot in his bead as he lay struggling op the porch. Both reloaded their guns after the 'booting. Only a few days ago the -young cou- ple—the girl is only 17—caused a sen- sation by abandoning their two infant chaldren at Culdesac, Idaho. The real cause for this abandonment they now attentpt to explain.. Deputy Cole, Prosecuting Attorney Pattlacni and Coroner Bruning started for the scene and met the two just out of tows. The limn and woman, who was dressed in the garb of a nuip, with her hair cut short, at epee banded over their guns to the sheriff tied told about the crime. Prior to the shoot- ing they had not 'eaten for 24 beefs - The? were brought back to Colfak, lodged in Jail and the sheriff's party went to the home of the dead- manh son -In-law, Charles Long, where the? found Neevee with his body full of buidt hods. . . . The sliPettrigels an outcome of trou- ble between the dead man aud the Brownell* which started near OnIdesac Idaho, last month. Acoordiag to Brownell, while they were living near Culdeaac, and during his abgeace from home, Nowat ANTOOSed his stepdaugh- ter. Mts. 'Brownell. 4 Also, the . ); allege; at Neeves' Instiga- tion, other men, including a bachelor neighbor, had alio wronged •tlik girl. and against the lett* Brownell pre- ferred charges, and- preliminary hearing was held before Judge Stewart of Culdesac. Pending the trial, ac- cording to Brownell. he received threats from several parties that un- leage lle and his wifeleft the dada chef Would be killed'. At:cordIngly, they left their two dren, aged 15 months and 3 months, re seectively, at the-home of Judge Raw- art, leaving a note ',eking that Use chil- dren he cared her. In ttiMPAMIWIMIlla ell.wert that . given the children into the custody of Hrs. Brownell's mother and, stepfather, Nerves, who itroultht thap:t9 the Long home near Colfax. ' Start After Neeves. Falling to Bad trade of the children and -the men who had therme . adiebelr lives, and leeway where Neeves bad gone, the paie.killaNdliately the head of abides / L ang Gig -fitot, arriving there ileterdey at dusk. They slept in the barn, and Sunday morn- ing Mr. I.4seg . ,aed wife drove away turd' loft '141Y twb children with Nieves. Titi botapie waited nntil about 2 o'clock In the afternoon when they approached the house, called Me two Lou children into audible romarluld the husband opened Me lek Nieves. who Marled to rue from Or braes It the back don Neeves fell, andedrown- ell having. emptied his gua. Mrs. ,BreWleell aise, fired a shot...through the man's neck, which loot, effect. The count% thee took th2j Leas call- ,dren, aged 4 and 6 yeast, and started for Colfax to give themselves up." On the way they' erette ovemtakea by Books Pie, to wh011l tat, saws lbs °halves and told their story. &skint him to report it to the sheriff -As they Were tired sad wad wail' so further. The bodr.ot *ewe was bride* , to Colfax, ,Mrs. Netted .asiClal two Brewed! cbilleffeir Viet* rettsined to Culdessc. . , West Is Defiant. Pertiand,—"Whenever we .gqi Boa cih any deplane oil biller J toy un- lawful valliNtbl4ak:1074fr,leatitore *Lae, total toteeimat.e . PLY burled by Oeveritor W to the nerds solatmaillit In' *ad who -have elestified theirladditioe to methane- to silk liquor I de . Ory .terri- tor, and of laglituting daVag,suits &salami tbe dale should Bid Immo* sehlegfal) confiscate akip ' Kills Gamin Wells Hue*;ee r on of Sheriff le. 4 . Poles, Utah—LeroyIFT aged meaty, ade 411O esisdar 'Jame losood the IMOMMI6=1100011r ssworbat Ain* qf *woke Is •misiostMlinvar,w-Teke- ilitorogish ItosOmi oftits• folkkas *Hod 41i55iseir tgimionoPPOIM ompP_ impoktiew...min tporeorawrint Vick* ; °P tswil. nortb ryols- egistestiO, buoy., •-•." IL( ej.cfeAttirri. t 4.7,6 isrf:
Page 1: SANDERS OUNTY - Montana Newspapersmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn83025301/1912-09-20/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · -defending Ojinagit vary to a large de-gree. Colonel P. G. ()mace, who was reported

' • -1 •.."-

SANDERS OUNTYPrinted in the Interest of Sanders County, the Center of the Great Fruit Belt of Montana.







Review of Happenings In Both Eastern

and Western Hemispheres During

Pad Week — National, Historical,

Political and Personal EVIIIT‘S Told

In Short Paragraphs for Everybody.

President Taft was 66 years old


Paul Clagstone of Idaho has refused

to secept a nomination-from the pro-

gressive party for the governorship.

The bodies of suicides Cannot be

crintared in ExceptiOns -are

made, however, in favor- of persons

who ocitamit suicide outside the city


Upon pleading guilty to the charge

of Mews, Scott S. Bre, la tlie Mi-tt%

court at Vancon , was

ellid to five MOM -pent-

•"Wanted, a wife. Must be good

worker who can help at light work

Ilk. plowing, digging potatees and

loading hay," says a ranchtnan's ad-


The most powtplui batGeship- ever

ordered will be laiZ down in November

by the British admiralty. It will be

700 feet hang, displace 30,000 tone, aud

be armed with 14-inch sans- •


Brisk Fighting at 'Mexican Town on

the Texas Border. _El Paso.--Ojinaga, the Mexieembor-

der town, opposite Presidio, Texas,

was taken by federal troops after brisk

fighting at daybreak Sunday, accord-

ing to &deices received at Fort Bliss

by General E. Z. Steever, commanding

the department of Texas. General

Steever also received a report from

army officers at Presidio that Colonel

Pascua! Orozco Sr., father of the rebel

leader, was captured and is held by

United States troops at Presidio, to-

gether with Colonel P. G. fietace.

Whether General Pascual Orozco Jr.,

the rebel compiander in chief, was

fighting in Olinaga or escaped over

the international line into the United

States is not known.Federal forces numbering 350 under

command of Colonel Manuel Lands en-

tered Onnaga proper, driving the reb-

els before them.The rebels took refuge in. San Fran-

cisco, a suburb to the south and away

from the American side of the line,

and at last reports fighting continued.

Reports of the number of the rebels

-defending Ojinagit vary to a large de-

gree. Colonel P. G. ()mace, who was

reported captured, ie not related to the

rebel leader. ,•

Hold Orozco for Deportation.

The United Staten will holdf el

Pascual Orozco Sr., fotbr of r

general, and Colonel P. C. Or0 , ith

any other captured Mexican rebels,

probably for deportation to Mexico.

No charges of violations of the neu-

trality laws are:penditg again.; tillern.


Charles Coombs, a pugilist of New

York, enraged by the attacks of a

large mosquito, swung on It with hie

right He hit the door and broke his

arm. The mosquito was unhurt

Barry Irving, $616 behind in ali-

mony payments, asked Judge Auden-

reid how long he had to stay in jail to

be rid of his wife. "For life," the

judge said. "Send me along," replied


Riiila Schneider, declared, dying at

Sreekira pisoffillpv following an opera-

• arM -learr4rboosaaa,a Aurae es

slate reser% armored a party with

flowers that aroused the girl from

her listlessness,

Working himself into a pitch, of

trent,' aver the absence of any at-

tendance at a lecture he had proposed

to give at Albany, Ore., F. M. Gatts of

Lebanon. Are., after returning to his

home died of heart failure.

All fa go-called Cunningham Alaska

coal land claims involving alleged

fraudulent blanket patents, which con-

tributed to the Ballinger-Pinchot con-

troversy, have been disposed of finally

by the interior department cancelling

the whole bunch.

Since Major Daniel W. Arnold has

eetined, Colonel L. Clef ot Chicago,

quartermaster of the amoral division

of the army, la the last of the chit

war veterans In active service. In one

more year Colonel Clem will bate

reached the age limit of 64.

The hod's, of Leslie Oliver, John

Shattuck and Dell Llascott. young

Sea of Juneau and Douelas, who went

Seating EleleeMbW_it on /Deep Creek

abountain. Alaska, were found Sept Li

ela the mountain. They had perished

from hanger cold and exposure,

• judgment for ;8000 against Gen-

eral Daniel E. Sickles was satisfied re

trendy in New York by his long

getmaged wife who, for the purpose,

baaificed jewels she chi-tatted very

tench. This is a very strong indica-

tion el an approaching reconcillatinon.

Attorney George PI Marlowe of Her-

rick. Idaho, was found guilty on each

Of the thug' counts of • federal indien

spent charging him with violating the

white slave traffic law, In conspiring-

with Edith Depngh, who plead guilty,

la transporting Pearl Stevenson and

Preda Kuhl from Washington to Mean

fpr Immoral purposes.

Murray, idaho.—Probably never In

IdIrbigteirrCf MIMS bees feassai

been more generally attended than was

antlittly. and WTs. Minim RatI, tireaped coupes who died in a suicide

OK Mot". Badmen is the village

Mae piectically guspended during the

=sof the serdee and many of the

citizens &Vended.

Portland Plci.diot

Perthiltd. Ore. in tweet.tbnes,

a city are on strike for an advance

wages and several changer in OW

rules. The employers say they else

Sol afford to grant the Increase In

erases silted and that the changes la

comply with the &martiaVetrules are so drastic that

ligen. Not all the print above ars at

-feeted. though prartIestry all the tarps

4 pleats are closed.e-- --

Germern Torpedo Bost Sankt

1 Cuxhaven, Germaay.—The German

Wipe& boat 0-171 was rammed no

elettly by tbe Seriaaa NKOMO* Sum,

101111kilicnaiirls ' .asouthwest of Malign-boat seat within

. ii111111111 . 1.' were lost



Last of Stanch Caught In Flat inBrooklyn.

New York.—"Gyp Ihe Blood" and

"Lefty Louie," the Missing gunntexe

dieted as two of the a tual dare

Bermes Rosenthal, the getniztert

found by the police Saturday night,

living with their wive( in a flat in

Brooklyn. They were- arrested by

Deputy Police Commissioner Dough-

erty and a squad of detectives and

locked up., They will be arraigned on

Mender.The two men had been occupying

the flat since August 15 and were

alone until last Tuesday 'wheh they

were joined by their wives, through

whom clues to their whereabouts were

obtained by the police.The four were seized, at tea w

tfougherty and his men burst *pegdoor of their apartment and with re

volver drawn ordered them to hold up

their hands. Neither of the men

thawed resistance."Drop your guns. You've, got is."

said "Gyp the Blood" calmly.

"Give Us Ville time to get dreseed,

Yu?" said "Leftg Louie" with

Pleat llonlpeaure.With the arrest of "Gyp" and "Lef-

ty" whose real names are Harry Hor-

rowits and Louis Rosensweig, the se,:

en men accused of killing Rosenthal,

of which Police Lieutenant Charles

Becher is the alleged instigator, are

now in custody. '

Tornado Kills Three.Ihrigellea N.Y.-elftree minions

Wee* killed and nrty WNW by a tor-e/Se which left • Bliallp Will of de

etreatiott woes the tinten pert of

Vsesepor maser Pansai The Prop

Orke Iola Is ellikasted at $/$0,000.


Thousands Block Street Before House

of Champren Pugilist.

People crowded so at the funeral

Saturday of the white wife of Jack

Johnson, negro pugilist, who conimite

ted suicide because she Irks lonesome

and tired ef being shunned, that tuft

police were unable to clear the side.

walk la. frost Of the tome. Severe;

thousand people were. in the street

When tbe police aerteefi.

Mrs. Johnson's mother and sister,

Mrs. David Terry and Miss lehtineTerry of Brooklyn, N. Y., were attend-

ed by the nig» pugilist Johtison sup.

Ported and belt curried Mrs. Terry IA

she walked from the house. The tato

women entered Johnson's closeelim-

ousine.Many sports premiums' in the World

of gloves attended the funeral.

710 pall bearer* were negroes, John-

s*, petebnel. friendsJack Johnson testified before the

coroner's jury at the inquest of hie

whtte wife that she bad wore hers*

vut in taldlig etre op him since tile

fight 'With Jeffries Jack says that

has been- a no.evoup wreck ever sine.

the fight




After Killing Many Officers of the

Court They Made Their Way Out of

the Country and Finally Landed In

Des Moines, lows, Where They Were

Working As Common Laborers.

Des Moines, Iowa.—Sidna Allen, so-

called leader of the Allen clan which

shot up the Carroll county courthouse

at Hilisville, March 14, killing

Judge Massie and others, and his

nephew, Wesley _Edwards, were ar-

rested here Saturday, and will be re-

turned to Virginia without requisition.

Edwards, for the love of whom Mies

Maude Iroler of Mount Air*, N. C.,

had innocently led detectives to Dee

Moines, was captured as he was re-

tenting to his boarding house" after

having worked all day with • paving

gang. Just as he boarded a street car

detectivesaed officers surrounded it.

Edwards -was trying to escape by

*Crawling threngh_the front end of the

'car when themffleere meg& him. The

arrest of Sidoh Alen was effected

?earlier in the day. •A visit byEdwards to Was' lrolei

in her Virginia home about a month

ago and• the accidental loss of • let-

ter pot the detectives on the trail. The

'fugitives had been in Des Moines 'since

April 28, Allen under the-name of Tom

Sayre, working as a carpenter, and

Edward, under the name of Joe Jack-

son, employed with a city paving gang.

. - Detectives Follow'elrl. -

-Allen was arrested at the, home of

John Cameron, where he and his

nephew had been rooming. The arrest

followed a few minutes after. Miss

Iroler stepped into the Cameron home

to nieet Edwards, whom she was to

wed, according to an arrangement

made when he visited her in Virginia.

Miss Iroler had arrived unaware that

on the barns train were detiotities who

irnid her ,

Although surprised she took Fhe !w-

rest of Allen calmly."Wesley was down home a month

age," she said. "We 'were to be mar-

ried. He gave me the money to 00Q141

to this city and thle:addreis.. had

no idea that anyone was following

me."Shin& Allen declined to say 'much

concerning his movements immediate-

ly following the cottrthoune,tragedy.

lie and Edwards remlined in the

mouutain country of Virginia and

North Carolina for about a month, and

then got over into Keitticky, going to

where they 'spent several

days. Their next atop was in-St. Louis,

MANY' NAVY ARE DROWNEDIINTr, its,TATE FAIRCapsize Rescue Seat—Five Bodies Are I 111

Recovered and Other Five Still T

Chieeeo.—rivo. naval apprentices A I aruKANE, Kt'- Are Missing.

were drownedthe result offrom the UMstation at NFive bodies wHewed the fivewere' drowned.The five

five are missing aspatting of a cuttertes naval traininglease. late Sunday.

recovered. It is be-7$ unaccounted for

dead are:It. C. Harlan, years old, Blooming-

dale, Ind, 71I. L. South/rod*. 18 years old, Pitts-

burE•.1. Wallace, years old, Turner,

Ind:W. N. Antriihetli; 21 years old, Indian-

apolis, lad.J. A. Patten, di years old, Stanton,

Ohio.Gunner's matetal. N. Nees, who was

In charge of the' utter, after aiding in

the rescue, ared.He is said tee ye told friends that

he held himself sponsible in a meas-ure for the and that he fearedit Might affect mind. 'When lastseen Nettle was ysterical. Officers of

the naval s fear he may have

cOmmitted IndA. L Ray , one of the boys

taken from thili water, was resuscitat-

ed by a pulm after he had een

worked ovoLTelal.hours.


Hundreds Pare& Streets of City of

Mexico Demonstration,Mexico City,- ex.—Barred from the

chamber oft es by order of Presi-

,clent Medi ause of the noisydemonstration which he and his

political Rath were hissed and

derided, ank name of Diaz was

frantically d hundreds of resi-

dents mare ugh the streets Sat-

urday night outed disapproval ot

the new elects e and "vivito" for theil.

exiled ruler. ediMounted plebs were ready to dis-

perse the ceektend the entrances to

the chamber Vitae the deputies were

In executive Igestslon were q•avily,

'guarded.The situation is almost identleal

with that itutieldiately preceding the

fall of Diaz, bith the exception that

shifts have made in the cast of

chiracters, disorders had as a

Allen Mande Officers ler Killing.

"I don t know why we Ante to Des

Moines," said Allen. "I would have

given myself up long ago if I 'had

thought we could 'get 4 square

But you see what they've do ue to

Floyd, my brother, and Claude."

knee eRmiared the courthouse trig-

edy" wai the fault of the officers. who,

he laid,.begart. Lb. shooting.

Was Sweetheart a Traitor?

Both men were started back to Vie-

giont at once. A. rumor was cervent

before their departure dist Miss Doter

willingly led the officers byre to cap:

lure Edwards. Chief of Police Jenny

said Miss- koler told him she. was to

receive the reward offered for the



Hanford. and White Bluffs to CoMpete

at Kennewick, Wash.

The valley of the White Bluffs count

try, including the towns of Whits

Bluffs indlienford, wfil go in a bodyto the Columba grape carnival at Ken-

newick, Wash., this week, taking with

them a superb display of grapes and

other fruits and vegeta/ilea to be en-

tered In the compeUtion far totelninats

and . purees. Grape shipments have

— — been under .way for two weeks, and

Dernagratic idste Will Speak Fils t,be output is the heaviest in the his-

fle10$1 lori of ,the valley. P riceiare ,sood,

4-1. Mondag, and tlorepalltr of fruit eacellMi

w heatilowiltime Woodrow Wilson start-

ed en Mot wesawn trip, She demo-

tliblidrietere Id than 1

days' rest until the close the

Coal Mtnent Strike in Wed VIelplailt,

Cbarleititib, W. 'Iri.—Jkiliduy• odt-

pods emir/hid on 'Saturday at Hol-

yoke, Woof*** llteett Ileitoun ley, In the heart of the territory ender

M. tW/laull's ,englinent martial ism bemeguse of the miners'

Calls for a *meal More extensi e i strike. Tid $1114ett reeled and for a

ealtion of the states east of the Ml -ulna Abe exchange was brisk, but a

solirt than those west of and . eareffil • sedick. showed no victims.

will be kept busy until election peel TOGO fa' *p1. in the unioalsed re-_ • . ) lionas "thefbitb beak Of OW Kali-

/141 DrOW1411 in L•1111's Lake. swim levee, see the men etnesh.. but

9SMWa.k.—Asx 'Bodging, 10 returned to Work,

yoga, oldr averrett, wee dwrirned'ingeeoeoske, awe Doges essue.e.•heee, Chinese Private Loan Failed. .

Sunday when a host swhhig eichhs. Waehingttet—The expectations df

add Prank 11.


• Aertirdin 's

lipligine was streelling ii the boat

loot his balince, upsetting the,'

Tim drowned man was married. His

body was recAnvered.•

`J/ Itaki. s** /Or Molilollo. •

Slit lake City, Utah -Word his

reached here of the shooting at Helper.

17t5it. of two berg by B. B. Johnsto

W SKOV dapper siefiff, lobo inlet

hioOdom Taylor.

yulaWirall,s ask Aenold Dearda

Johleillell MW Miss:

basis theOf doubtful

cusaiou—the seatingers of the chamber—

as the pre when the gallery

hissed Madero and shouted the praises

of Diaz. They yere precipitated by

the rejection of Francisco Pascual

Gerais', leader' of the Ckthelle wing,

whose election MY Unquestioned.

- wilts ROsilnin KILLED. --

'J. S. *egged Shoots. A. G. Boyce Jr. in

Street of Texas Town.Amarillo, Texas.—Al G. Soyre Jr.

was shot and killed here Saturday af-

ternoon lay 3. B,;:illnead, with whose

wife Boyce eloped to Canada last fall.

Snead la sheeny_ to stand trial for

the murder of Biro's father, Shoe at

Fort Worth-15-nbfe 13 as a result of

the elopement of Chasm Snead shot

The presence eg'Bnead in this city

was not known stall after the shoot-

ing. Boyce returned to the city only


The shootialr • omarred Within •

block of the tautness district of the

city on the principal street, and short-

ly idler the shooting lineaa sutren-

dered to the local authorities, &dnaup an- autoatatic ehotaun sad two auto.

static rtieolvers.•-•11yetanders halite& ihe first shot

ttitliel 11.0 117boxently a

tramp, with • heavy growth of beard

and trearterorttrallbrfutttielpg tirthe

center of the stead, firing dit; MP' vie-

tini With a'abotand.

Gm state department have been justh

In the complete collapse of the

effort of -certain Imitate interests td

cemelede • $60,000.000 loan to China.

in the face of the known disapproval

of the great powers.

Paleness Store Retialled.

Palmed, Wash.---Tbe safe is Jessie

colestoet's confectioner)" store wall

rifled recently of about 1160 in mosey.

pipe front the show case, vaigekst

int. arse was taken. The•heretar bed

i Worked the combination on the safe

and locked the doer of the more be.

I bind him when he left.


Noted Baseball Man Dropped Deed In

M lesoula.Missoula. lleaL—President W.11.

Lucturof the union Association of•Prp-

feeeimuil desebill Clubs, dropped dead

at hIsTestdenrer In City SendaY•

Mr. Lucas had etamilleined for !sev-

eral days of haeittigafffienity In breath-

ing and this attem4roze ills wife ad-

justid a plaster 'Over' his *Set. He

fell into her lag 'wlitlidut a word. He

-had reamfly transferred los headquar-

ters to Missoula from Sett Lake City

His death 11 as due to an aortic JUMP

Hem, according to the pbysiciass who

examiaedjite bOdy. It Is pad that he

had neve/ in his fife beam seriously III

New Terminate In Ohicage.. .iiiiticego.—ieolidlagi to the gaper a

l'atIroad atiter0ffea. 111x0r011S. dal °I'peaditere of $14440,11$0 was liouiched

recently injoryou revlOtItths J.

P. ,Morw, Co. and 14 galTroads en-

teethe ,L'Ildogo.The plan embraces • oomplitle

lutigeolgf, the ergestit handling VW's

less aegis," 4g1 that beilh•ef the bond

6421Za tor pastsbnger


Will Continue for Seven Days and

Nights Until Oct. 6—Special Rates

on All Raltroads--Premlum• and

Purses Larger—Race Program Com-

plete—Night Show • Feature.

Everything is now in readiness for

the biggest fair that Spokane and the

Inland Empire has ever seen. The

Spokane Interstate fair this year will

be opened September 30 and will con-tinue for seven days and six nightsuntil the evening of October 6.Last year the Spokane Interstate

fair was rated sixth among the fairs

of the entire United States and thisyear it is expected to take fourth place.

It is no exaggeration to say that thefair will be larger than ever this year.Every bit of space In the exhibitionbuildings was filled as early as Sep-tember L Every race on the half miletrack has double the entries that theyhave had in former years. The live

stock stables are all filled and themanagement is now busily engaged in

building temporary structures In order

to take care of the overflow. Com-

munity gatherings, fraternities, busi-

ness organizations and people gener-

ally have taken more interest in the

fair than ever before.

Fine Entertainment Promised.

-Tn• an entertainment way the fair

management has kirk nearly double

the appropriatiegis 'W. former years.

The main attractions—the old familiarMidway without which no fair would

be complete—are being provided by

the Parker Carnival company"- added

to this will be a Japanese aviator; •one ring circus, the kind that our

grandfathers knew In the '605, a sheep

dog exhibition, and drills by the United

States army sod cavalry.

- • • Reek GrIllioe Contests. •

In the night show this year the. fair

will present Hitt's spectacular drama,"The Conquelit of Mexico," and each

performance will lie ended by a mon-

ster fireworks display. Two contests

of more than usual interest vrill also

be held at night la the shape -of a

log chopping and sawing contest and

a rock drilling event. Each carry

purses of 000.

Educational Features.

Although the entertainment features

are always a large portion of any fair

the Spokane Interstate fair this year

Is devoting much more time to the

educational features. Starting out as

it did 19 years ago as a little fruit

fair, it is now going back as far as

possible to the Ideas of the first few

Years. • The management is makingevery effort to have the fair this year

be a tree show window of all that the

Inland Empire produces and all its re


Uncle lam Has Displays.

The Uratted States government has

two very Interesting displays, oss

tom the good roads and the other

from the forestry department The

University of- Mahe; 'Washington

State college and the Spokane public

schools will ail have complete and

Instructive losklaita.

Judges Will Tell Why.

Agother,feature of the. fair this yes

will be an attempt on the part of the

judges to explain Jest Why prizes' are

awarded la the various. departments.

The whiner will be told why be carried

off the prize and the loser will be told

of the bad features of his display

Machinery Row.

Saturday, Sept. 28, to Monday, Oct- 'LI REvENfiEwAs SWEETThe exhibitors can obtain the reduced

rate by sliming the usual oadisaideaAll exhibits Gan be sent at 'sauced

rates over all lines.


Encampment Closed at Los Angeles

With the Election.

Los Angeles.—The 46th annual en-

campment of the Grand Army of the

Republic ended with the election of

officers. The place at which the next

convention will be held will be selected

by the executive council. The new

officers follow:Grand Army of the Republic—Com-

mander in chief, Judge Alfred B. Beers,

Bridgeport, Conn.; senior vice com-

mander, Henry C. Osborne, Los An-

geles; junior vice commander, Ameri-

cus Wheaton. Louisville; Ky.; chaplain,

George Edwards Leveler', Lawreae46Mass.; medical director, Dr. W. J.

Whitaker, Dallas, Texas; eilarterfilde-ter general, Colonel A. D. /nowt?", Buf-

falo, N. Y., and adjutant general, Hen-

ry J. Seely, Hartford, Conn.

Woman's Relief Corps.

Woman's Relief Corps—President,

Geraldine E. Friable, San Mateo, Cal.;

senior vice president, Mrs. Isabel Wor-

rell Ball, Washington, D. C.; hailer

vice president, Mrs. Nevada Hereford,

Aberdeen, S. D.; treasurer, Mrs. Abbie

Lynch, Pittsburg, Pa.; chaplain, Mrs.

Sarah I.. Brown, Grand Rapids, Miele.

Members of the executive board—Mrs.

Clara O'Connor Daley, Butte, Mont.,

chairman; Mrs. Frederica Pbilpot,

Dubuque, Iowa; Mrs. Amelia V. Gotta*,

Hampton, Vt.; Mrs. Ellen Ackerman,

Ainsworth, Neb., and Mrs. Anna Belle

Roberts, Baltimore, Md.The Woman's •ReUef Corps named

the retiring president, Mr*. Cora M.

Davis of Union, Ore., as its delegate

to the national council of wanes'.


Mystery Surrounds the Death ofJames D. Pollock.

Spokane. Dead, a bullet bole in his

right temple and a wound Mt the side

of his head, where the skull had been

crushed, the body of Ames D. Pol-

lock, &Sod 11 years, livery ckamtileur,

was found Sunday morning partly an-der his automobile, In King's canyon,

two miles north of the city limita, on

the Nnie Mile road. All clues as to the

Identity of his slayer or slayers, at

east 'of a positive 'nature, are sub-

merged in a mass of -conflicting re

Ports. No motive for the murder, as It

undoubtedly was, can be found. That

robbery was not theliorpoie is shown

by the fact that the ntaa's pockets had

not been rifled.

Revolver Makers Strike,

Hartford, Conn.—A strike inyolvins

130 skilled mechanics at the plant of

the Colt Patent Firearms hianufeictur-

ins company, began Saturday. It was

confined to tho department In which

the .45-calibeir autdmatIc revolvers for

the- United' States 'government are be-

ing made. _Tile men claim the piece

work prices paid have been so changedThai they are equivalent to a redaction

In wages. The Colt company is run-

ning night and day on government


"Scab" Don't Go,

Seattle.—The temporary Interaction

Issued by United Stable District judge

Cushman, restralhing 61 residents of

Beaton, C'coal ruining town sear Be-

attie, trent interfering with nokunion.

employee in a mine of the Pulpit Somad

I,Traction. Light and Power company,has beet made permanent. More than

,•20 affidavits were-filed in court &Boe-

ing that striking miners had &Basked

Rise engaged to take their places; itadIliad threatemed to dynamite the edam.

Over ten acres will be devoted to

the machinery exhibits alone and most

of it wilt he shown in actual working

order. A model creamery will show

the latest dairy appliances and prac-

tletillimettne demonstrations and tests

wilt-be given every day.

••• Pot Petrone' Comfort.

Wary- pessilltr arrangemest hes

been made to provide fin the otodert

and ceemerienc• of the patretts at the

thid "year. ?be fair will •itork in

conjunction well the (*amber of Corn-

St Its at the northeast

corner of Washington suet and River-

side avenue In having as Infortnatiot

llieftleu at WWI' TOMAS ite enelegli0-

and t •

Wals; Ds irfiewbod Arrested.'

..Bost. lifartril4hilliana D. ay wood

aVaili °r

illorkete of the World, was4,- gyp esisted of the

afratted 'here ell'a"esplas warrant ht-

awerloai the milk et an igelletnieut

.*kotieg him with consptracyII con-

niscuon with the strike Of MUM, work-

ers Is larirrence-last winter. He Was

released on $1000 bond. •

C. H. MAI% We devertme.

, Boiss, 1itiibo.74%e half Wooed state

Woke was esespleted Ify the swept.

got* by t..11• Xerlda pars-

er of Ube noranlitiee for 'oversee sail

tbe enimtitutioe of A a, mama, of

- •

Will Cars ter the Babies

The Spokane parh onmaelseirne has

Installed p complete plarground, free

of charge, in ths.ialr grouads sad visit-

ore from the country can turn their

children Mei* *AV had be assured

that the attendente atlook after them Until (Be, 'retu'rn. ,

" i4o.0do In A44,

*rho Prizes' to be aiNINted • at this

year's fair aractuat to more thee 140,-

000 and cover every known product of

the Inland F.inpre. A weelfabt this

exhibitiee will give the visitore.asr-de

carats sad complete knowledge of -the

Baked apre and 1171 vast tegibuic

as tedi id as eppervanity of miefing

ideeleled ftest *Valid annuminseert

features obtainahle.,151 UM West.

Relined* Want

All the rallreeds eater1es.

baye placed In kffect a

. Aviator Killed at Chicago.

Chicago—Aviator Howird W. Gill

of Baltimore was fatally hurt on the

CleettrivikUon field at I o'clock Satur-

day night. George Medea* of Prance,

wiles* monoplane collided with Citirs

biplane When they were participating

in a race, 71 feet In the air, was picked

utt'oaconeclous, but later he revived

and his condition wap.iliend to be not

serious. Gill diet1.04 beer after the


Girls Drown-at Portiend.

Portland, Ore- -Was Orion& Keret*

aged 11, aed Miss Leoni Deuftiftnd,

aged 0$, itiolh Midgets at St. John.

were drowsed fluoday while boating

Is the Willamelte Bed. The young

women attempted to clumps places in

the boat, and both fell into the water

They were. &venal before assistance

could reach them. The bodies wore

recovered...! '

Whatisse Alien of *ma, Deed.

Beettle,--Watima Alter, 70 relifF ofta wealthy Seattle praperty owed sad

Arlitsillrt, died" Sanctity at Ms Constry

bonito at oitiirtiie: Wash, of paragleilds

Mr. Alien was ItonzAtt Sesdrs. H. J.

Lad mine to Seattle 40 reale MilefixellitNewark, when! he MA bees Ilegaged

in the eonteactiesI

Spokane Meeinahesi-


tr, stationed , • 034440 44.142,with 17 rotsstations thumped- 0W state, wed

ansuel. state rgle, Mut& ;with a

4f is4a podita lit 'the Port

._ •

emuweay Sy?, WW1 'VGA Press.New York,- The New Wadi Fatal

enowainourncotes the

esoMetrryaksiasiomeseggege,m. saialias

'IN oil to ilaak 4. 18111$47...

PAW' of the r° 01iP•

Asgegoia for attorney geseral in Mae: for the fair week. rate Otto.. ame.pzogregetive, sad It ,wie e selppott both

tin's place cite third with the ticket pet fre:eitpte 'idiom/ did atilt,

,. tlbaPflli .ho

•.. •. • 1,••'.•



Mrs. Brownell Claims Stepfather Had

Wronged Her In Absence of Her

Husband Last August Near Culde-

sac, Idaho—Couple Followed Man to

Colfax--Filled Him With Bullets,

Colfax, Wash.—Trailed by his step

,1% •ittejitr.ln male attire an er hus-

band, who walked 100 miles to find

him, Al. Neeves was shot and killed

by the avengers Sunday.

The stepdaughter, who alleges her

parent-by-law had foully wronged her,fired a bullet into Neeves as he laydying.Mrs. Brownell said, the authorities

stated, that she wished to kill herstepfather and fired the final shot inhis bead as he lay struggling op theporch. Both reloaded their guns afterthe 'booting.Only a few days ago the-young cou-

ple—the girl is only 17—caused a sen-sation by abandoning their two infantchaldren at Culdesac, Idaho. The realcause for this abandonment they nowattentpt to explain..Deputy Cole, Prosecuting Attorney

Pattlacni and Coroner Bruning startedfor the scene and met the two just outof tows. The limn and woman, whowas dressed in the garb of a nuip, withher hair cut short, at epee bandedover their guns to the sheriff tied toldabout the crime. Prior to the shoot-ing they had not 'eaten for 24 beefs-The? were brought back to Colfak,lodged in Jail and the sheriff's partywent to the home of the dead- manh

son-In-law, Charles Long, where the?found Neevee with his body full of

buidt hods. . • . .The sliPettrigels an outcome of trou-

ble between the dead man aud the

Brownell* which started near OnIdesac

Idaho, last month. Acoordiag toBrownell, while they were living near

Culdeaac, and during his abgeace from

home, Nowat ANTOOSed his stepdaugh-

ter. Mts. 'Brownell. 4 •

Also, the.); allege; at Neeves' Instiga-tion, other men, including a bachelor

neighbor, had alio wronged •tlik girl.and against the lett* Brownell pre-

ferred charges, and- • preliminary

hearing was held before Judge Stewartof Culdesac. Pending the trial, ac-cording to Brownell. he receivedthreats from several parties that un-

leagelle and his wifeleft the dadachef Would be killed'.

At:cordIngly, they left their two

dren, aged 15 months and 3 months, re

seectively, at the-home of Judge Raw-

art, leaving a note ',eking that Use chil-

dren he cared her.

In ttiMPAMIWIMIlla ell.wert that . given

the children into the custody of Hrs.Brownell's mother and, stepfather,Nerves, who itroultht thap:t9 the Longhome near Colfax. '

Start After Neeves.

Falling to Bad trade of the children

and-the men who had therme.adiebelr

lives, and leeway where Neeves badgone, the paie.killaNdliately

the head of abides /Lang Gig -fitot,

arriving there ileterdey at dusk. They

slept in the barn, and Sunday morn-

ing Mr. I.4seg.,aed wife drove away

turd' loft '141Y twb children with

Nieves. Titi botapie waited nntil about

2 o'clock In the afternoon when theyapproached the house, called Me two

Lou children into audible romarluld

the husband opened Me lek Nieves.

who Marled to rue from Or braes It

the back don Neeves fell, andedrown-

ell having. emptied his gua. Mrs.

,BreWleell aise, fired a shot...throughthe man's neck, which loot, effect.

The count% thee took th2j Leas call-

,dren, aged 4 and 6 yeast, and started

for Colfax to give themselves up." Onthe way they' erette ovemtakea by Books

Pie, to wh011l tat, saws lbs °halvesand told their story. &skint him to

report it to the sheriff-As they Were

tired sad wad wail' so further.The bodr.ot *ewe was bride*, to

Colfax, ,Mrs. Netted .asiClal two

Brewed! cbilleffeir Viet* rettsined to

Culdessc. . ,

West Is Defiant.

Pertiand,—"Whenever we.gqi • Boa

cih any deplane oil biller J toy un-

lawful valliNtbl4ak:1074fr,leatitore*Lae, total toteeimat.e. PLYburled by Oeveritor W to

the nerds solatmaillit In' *ad

who -have elestified theirladditioe to

methane- to silk liquor I de .Ory .terri-

tor, and of laglituting daVag,suits

&salami tbe dale should Bid Immo*

sehlegfal) confiscate akip '

Kills Gamin Wells

Hue*;eeron of Sheriff le.4. Poles, Utah—LeroyIFT aged

meaty, ade 411Oesisdar 'Jame

losood the IMOMMI6=1100011r• ssworbat

Ain* qf *woke Is

•misiostMlinvar,w-Teke- ilitorogish

ItosOmi oftits• folkkas *Hod 41i55iseir

tgimionoPPOIM ompP_impoktiew...min tporeorawrintVick* ; °P tswil.nortbryols- egistestiO,

buoy., •-•." IL( ej.cfeAttirri.t 4.7,6 isrf:
