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Sandwich Zine Issue # 6 :: January/February 2010

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SZ Issue 6 :: January/February 2010. Sandwich Zine is a bi-monthly grassroots/independent online publication. We are people with ideas and emotions to express. We are individuals with different needs and wants that cannot be satisfied by standardized objects of mass culture. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the overall zine or the views of all the zine contributors. We are different from each other, enough so that we may even disagree; however, we are similar enough that we can try to understand each other’s beliefs. We are collaborative in our drive towards dissemination of independent, alternative ideas. It's the best thing since sliced bread!
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www.sandwichzine.com 6 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 7 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

Tip of the Mornin!Sometimes we burn the toast. We might flip the pancakes too late. There’s too much pepper in your eggs or the bananas aren’t ripe yet, but breakfast must go on! It’s the most important meal

of the day, damnit! So, grab a pop tart and fill the tummy.

Now that the New Year has begun it’s a great time to feel mentally refreshed and shed the skin of 2009. Resolutions will (for some reason) never die. We all want a better year than the last and pray for change in some way, shape or size. Some cross their fingers for an increasing income, some type of inner personality alteration or thighs that don’t touch. Some-thing more abstract for a resolution is to consider how others see you. And I don’t mean in the morning, at lunch time, clothed or naked. I mean how you are viewed or received based off what you exert to the world by being true to form; oror perhaps genetics. What you wear, if you’re smiling, how you speak, your tone, your confidence, your body language, your eye contact; it’s all taken in (given that the receiver’s senses are enabled). Not necessarily in a materialistic sense, but most people feel it’s very important to reflect who we are in our presentation and demeanor, and thus it is important to be aware of how we conduct ourselves. We all have a brain (unless you’re Ray Bolger in 1939) and the free choice to act in one way or another. People can be blinded by their own intentions and their powerful actions may not illicit a favor-able response. And don’t we all just want to be understood? Passionate opinions are an intense thing to feel and their ex-pressions can come off as abrasive or rash. No one likes a rash ...they’re unsightly! So even when a goal’s focus is at the forefront of your cranium remember that understated grace is never overrated. It can never hurt to mind your P’s and Q’s. (Whatever that means). Take a step back, collect yourself, organize your presentation and for all our sakes, zip up the fly!

1.Now that the New Year has begun it’s a great time to feel mentally refreshed and shed the skin of 2009. Resolutions will (for some reason) never die. We all want a better year than the last and pray for change in some way, shape or size. Some cross their fingers for an increasing income, some type of inner personality alteration or thighs that don’t touch. Some-thing more abstract for a resolution is to consider how others see you. And I don’t mean in the morning, at lunch time, clothed or naked. I mean how you are viewed or received based off what you exert to the world by being true to form; oror perhaps genetics. What you wear, if you’re smiling, how you speak, your tone, your confidence, your body language, your eye contact; it’s all taken in (given that the receiver’s senses are enabled). Not necessarily in a materialistic sense, but most people feel it’s very important to reflect who we are in our presentation and demeanor, and thus it is important to be aware of how we conduct ourselves. We all have a brain (unless you’re Ray Bolger in 1939) and the free choice to act in one way or another. People can be blinded by their own intentions and their powerful actions may not illicit a favor-

2.Since losing weight is such a popular resolution I’ve decided to address that subject by ref-erencing a recent article I’ve read from a women’s magazine. Even though Meryl Streep does great work I’ve never really been a fan of hers until this interview. She addresses “image” – the American obsession of… forever. I feel that it’s so important to feel comfortable with yourself and yet so few people actually do. Makes me wonder if the dudes on “Jersey Shore” parading around in orange skin and monkey sweat in their hair have it right? They seemed to have figured out a way to love themselves so very much …or is it just the protein talking? AndAnd then there are actual celebrities; like Meryl, who seem to have no reason not to love them-selves. In the article she says, “I can’t remember the last time I really worried about being appealing. I don’t think it’s something anyone can tell you... I think you just have to get sick of hearing the accommodation in your approach to things. The way people have to get sick of drinking or drugs before they stop.” I haven’t heard something so well-put about image or physical appearance in so long. How you look is for you. Learn to love the natural parts of your body, hair, skin… and then have fun with all the add-ons. The better you feel, the better you’ll look, and the healthier you’ll be. We have to think about ourselves. Yes, I’m encour-aging selfish behavior. Also in the article the photographer, who has also worked with Meryl in the past, is quoted saying, “She has no vanity. You know how some beautiful women just act beautiful? There is never any of that with Meryl – never. With others, they are hypnotized by their own image, especially fashion people; they get completely enraptured. How many shots can you see of the same actress looking beautiful in every magazine? It’s like falling into a false sense of beauty and being worshipped for all the wrong reasons.” He brings up a great point about loving yourself au naturel (if you wanna be French about it). Beauty is different to everyone. It doesn’t have to be American-Victoria’s Secret model-long leg-cocktail dress-eye liner and bleach blonde-pretty. After all, we adore smelly, chubby infants and the awkward haircut of Rihanna.

www.sandwichzine.com 8 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

3.I guarantee that someone in your life is rubbing a rabbit’s foot in hopes that your 2010 resolution is: complain and whine less this year. If you can’t think of someone, you’re lying. We all do it and yet we all hate it when other people do it. Funny how that works, huh? It’s easy to complain about someone else being dirty or late or lazy but how oen do we check ourselves for that same flaw? How can we criti-cizecize others if we do it ourselves? Hypocrisy, anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Take your annoyances of others and work to eliminate them from your own actions. I bet the ratio of “time complaining about others and being annoyed in general” to “time attempting to remedy our issue” is crazy-unbalanced. e latter probably being equivalent to the “donate to charity” slice on a pie chart of what you’d do wwith a million dollars. So perhaps another good resolution is to be pro-active about our complaints. We can make things happen as long as we are tactful and have the balls to do it. (I know that’s a little crude, but there’s just no better way to say it). So go forth young reader and improve the quality of whatever it is that needs improving! Sofa cush-ion? Target. New job? Craigslist. Single on Valentine’s Day? Alcohol …and 50% off chocolate hearts on February


My intention is to make your day much better than it could have been all through the power of your own good will. We

could all use some luck and why not create your own?

www.sandwichzine.com 9 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 10 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 11 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 12 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 13 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 14 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 15 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 16 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 17 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 18 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

is fARTs piece was written while listening to RJD2’s Deadringer album

fARTsThe section covering Fashion + ArtsWriting and layout design by Julianne MurrellJan/Feb 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 19 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 20 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 21 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 22 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 23 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 24 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

Snow Woman In the wee hours of austral summer when endless sunlight is dimmed by a clouded storm of white I sit and watch the harshness of the world tuck under a crisp cold cover. The blemishes of consumption disappear beneath this sheet as the frost bites at my breath. There is no promise of warmth on the horizon. And yet. Out of weather-wrought chaos — beauty maintains order with elegant ice crystals and perfect snowflakes. Do not be fooled by this perfection, as this beauty comes not from control but from the essence of wild winds and untamed freedom. Despite my knowing, I fear the boundlessness of my own power — its disregard of limits and restraint. Somewhere in the snow lies a hidden mirror of ice whose reflection holds the secrets of my being.

© 2009 C. Wittenbaugh www.sandwichzine.com 25 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 26 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 27 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 28 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 29 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 30 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 31 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 32 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 33 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 34 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 35 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 36 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 37 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 38 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 39 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010

www.sandwichzine.com 40 Issue #6 :: January/February 2010
