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SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NIRANKARI COLONY CLASS: VI REVISION ASSIGNMENT: HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK [2020 21 ] SUBJECT: ENGLISH Instructions: This assignment has four parts - Reading, Writing, Grammar and Literature. Do this assignment in a separate English Holidays Homework notebook. Reading SectionNo need to copy the passage. Note down only the questions of this section. READING Once upon a time a fox came upon a pail of blue paint. The fox dipped his paws into the paint. They became blue. He smeared the paint on his face. His face became blue. At last he poured the paint over his back. His whole body became blue. Then he went into the forest. He shouted loudly till all the animals had gathered round him. Then he told them that he was their king. Gods had sent him there to rule over the forest. It was the duty of all the animals to bring him food and also to obey him always. Other animals believed his words. They started feeding the fox and obeying him. The fox began to live like a king. One day it rained heavily. It rained all day and all night. The blue paint was washed away. Everyone came to know the reality of the blue fox. They drove him out of the forest. Read the passage carefully and answer three questions:- 1. How the fox did become a blue fox? a. He dipped himself in the river of blue colour. b. He poured the blue paint on his body. c. 2. What did the ‘blue fox’ tell the other beasts? a. God had sent him to rule over this forest. b. He is god and everybody has to obey him. c. God had sent him to serve the animals of this forest. 3. How did the reality of the fox known to other animals? a. He took a bath in the river and the blue paint was washed away. b. It rained heavily and the blue paint washed away. c. Animals put water on him and the blue paint washed away.





    This assignment has four parts - Reading, Writing, Grammar and Literature.

    Do this assignment in a separate English Holidays Homework notebook.

    Reading Section– No need to copy the passage. Note down only the

    questions of this section.


    Once upon a time a fox came upon a pail of blue paint. The fox dipped his paws into the

    paint. They became blue. He smeared the paint on his face. His face became blue. At

    last he poured the paint over his back. His whole body became blue.

    Then he went into the forest. He shouted loudly till all the animals had gathered round

    him. Then he told them that he was their king. Gods had sent him there to rule over the

    forest. It was the duty of all the animals to bring him food and also to obey him always.

    Other animals believed his words. They started feeding the fox and obeying him. The

    fox began to live like a king.

    One day it rained heavily. It rained all day and all night. The blue paint was washed

    away. Everyone came to know the reality of the blue fox. They drove him out of the


    Read the passage carefully and answer three questions:-

    1. How the fox did become a blue fox?

    a. He dipped himself in the river of blue colour.

    b. He poured the blue paint on his body.


    2. What did the ‘blue fox’ tell the other beasts?

    a. God had sent him to rule over this forest.

    b. He is god and everybody has to obey him.

    c. God had sent him to serve the animals of this forest.

    3. How did the reality of the fox known to other animals?

    a. He took a bath in the river and the blue paint was washed away.

    b. It rained heavily and the blue paint washed away.

    c. Animals put water on him and the blue paint washed away.

  • 4. What punishment did they give him?

    a. All the animals killed him.

    b. Lion killed him.

    c. All the animals drove him out of the forest.

    5. Find the words from the passage which mean the same as:

    a. To rule

    b. Fetch

    c. Forever

    d. Trusted


    Q You have lost your watch gifted by your father during the recess. Write a notice for

    the same.

    Q Write a paragraph on ‘Cleanliness is Next to Godliness’.

    Q. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to avoid bad company and

    concentrate in his studies.


    Q. Write four examples of each type of sentence(Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative

    and Exclamatory Sentences)

    Q. Draw and colour any 3 pictures to show each type of noun.(Common Noun ,Proper

    Nouns, Collective Noun, Abstract Noun)

    Q. Make two pictures to show Adjectives of Quantity and Adjectives of Number.

    Q. Write three sentences showing Nouns-Possessions.


    Q. What do you learn from the lesson ’Who Did Patrick’s Homework’?

    Q. Why did both the birds behaved differently in the lesson ‘A Tale of two birds’?

    Q. Whom did the dog make his last master in the lesson ‘A Dog who found himself a

    New Master’?

    Q. What has the poet told about the kite in the end of the poem ‘The Kite’?

    Q. What has the poet told in the poem, ‘The Quarrel’? Describe in four lines.

  • Q. What is the difference between a home and a house according to the poet in the

    Poem ‘A House, A Home’?

    Q. What is the moral of the story “Taro’s Reward”?

    Q. What mistake did the lady do in the story “The Friendly Mongoose”?

    विषय –व िंदी

    (1) कवि ने विविया को छोटी,संतोषी,म ुँह बोली और गरबीली विविया क्ो ंकहा है? विस्तार से बताइये।

    (2) 'िह विविया जो' कविता का सार वलखिए।

    (3)लेखिका का बिपन कैसा वबता? आज लेखिका के बिपन की िाने ि पीने की िस्त ओुँ और पहनािे में

    क्ा बदलाि आया है?

    (4) लेखिका को श रू-श रू में िश्मा लगाना कैसा लगा डॉक्टर उन्हें िशे्म को लेकर क्ा कहा था?िश्मा

    लगाने पर लेखिका को वकसने छेिा? िश्मा लगाने के वलए लेखिका ि द को वजमे्मदार क्ो ंमानती है?

    (5) केशि और श्यामा आपस में ही सिाल- जिाब करके अपने वदल को तसल्ली क्ो ं दे वदया करते

    थे?केशि और श्यामा ने अंडो ंकी रक्षा की या नादानी?

    (6)पे्रमिंद ने इस कहानी का नाम नादान दोस्त रिा है। त म इसे क्ा शीषषक देना िाहोगे?नादान दोस्त

    पाठ का सार वलखिए।

    (7) कवि के अन सार िाुँद की बीमारी कैसी है? लिकी िाुँद के घटने बढ़ने को उसका असाध्य रोग क्ो ं

    कहती है?

    (8) कवि और कविता का नाम वलखिए। कविता में ' आप पहने हुए हैं क ल आकाश ' कहकर लिकी क्ा

    कहना िाहती है?

    (9) राजा जनक कौन थे?राजक मारो ंको देि कर उन्हें कैसा लगा ?महाराजा जनक की विंता का कारण

    स्पष्ट कीवजये।

    (10) राम और सीता के वििाह का स ंदर िणषन कीवजये।

    (11)प स्तक के पहले अध्याय के पहले अन चे्छद में लेिक ने सजीि ढंग से अिध की तस्वीर प्रस्त त की है।

    त म भी अपने आसपास की वकसी जगह का ऐसा बारीक़ वित्रण प्रस्त त करो । यह वित्रण मोहले्ल के

    िबूतरे,गली की िहल -पहल,सिक के नज़ारे आवद वकसी का भी हो सकता है वजससे त म अच्छी तरह

    पररवित हो।ं

    (12) वनम्नवलखित ररक्त स्थानो ंकी पूवतष कीवजये -

  • (क) िणष भाषा की सबसे छोटी _______ है।

    (ि) िणों के व्यिखस्थत समूह को ___________ कहते हैं।

    (ग) वं्यजन के उच्चारण में ____________ की सहायता लेनी पिती है।

    (घ) स्वर के तीन __________ हैं -____________, ___________ तथा _________।

    (13) िाक्ो ंमें संवध य क्त शब्द रेिांवकत कीवजये और संवध का भेद वलखिए:

    (क) हमारे विद्यालय में िावषषकोत्सि मनाया गया। _____________________

    (ि) पनघट से वनमषल जल ले आओ। _____________________

    (ग) सदैि वपत्राज्ञाका पालन करो। _____________________

    (घ) महेश ने क छ देर प्रतीक्षा की। _____________________

    (ड) मीनाक्षी सूयोदय देि रही है। _____________________

    (14) प्रवतवदन प्रयोग में आने िाले 20 विदेशी शब्दो ं की सूिी तैयार कीवजए और उनके वहंदी



    1. The greatest 5 digit number formed with digit 7, 5, 3 and 2 is

    a. 75523 b. 77523 c. 77532 d. 77253

    2. The place value of 6 in 62134 is

    a. Tens b. Thousand c. Ten Thousand d. Hundred

    The difference in the place value of 4’s between the greatest and the smallest

    number formed using the digits 4, 0, 5, 7 is

    b. 3690 b. 3960 c. 3990 d. 3996

    3. The number 9504 is rounded off to nearest 10 is

    a. 9510 b. 9000 c. 9500 d. None

    4. A bottle contains 1540ml fruit-juice and another bottle contains 354ml fruit-juice.

    The estimated sum of the fruit-juice in the two bottles to the nearest 100 is

    a. 1900ml b. 1800ml c. 1850ml d. 2000ml

    5. 67 + 33 = 33 + 67 is an example of

    a. Closure property b. Associative Property c. Commutative Property

    6. The smallest natural number and whole number are respectively

    a. 0 & 1 b. 1 & 0 c. 0 & 0 d. 1 & 1

    7. The value of 5 x 12 x 8 x 0 x 10 is

  • a. 4800 b. 0 c. 480 d. 600

    8. The value of (89 x 76+ 89 x 24) is

    a. 890 b. 8900 c. 89000 d. 10420

    9. How many whole numbers satisfy p x p = p?

    a. 1 b. 0 c. 2 d. 3

    10. The prime factorization of 48 is

    a. 2 x 2 x 2 x2 x 3 b. 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 c. 2 x 4 x 3 d. 8 x 3 x 3

    11. 234560 is not divisible by

    a. 5 b. 2 c. 4 d. 3

    12. Which of the following is a pair of twin primes?

    a. (5, 7) b. (13, 19) c. (53, 56) d. (91,


    13. HCF of two consecutive numbers is always

    a. 1 b. 2 c. 0 d. 4

    14. The HCF of 25 and 125 is

    a. 1 b. 25 c. 125 d. None

    15. The smallest positive integer is

    a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. None

    16. The integer 5 more than -4 is

    a. 1 b. 9 c. -1 d. None

    17. Absolute value of -27 is

    a. -27 b. 28 c. -26 d. 27

    18. The sum of two integers is 24. If one of them is -5, then the other is

    a. -19 b. 19 c. -29 d. 29

    19. On subtracting -12 from -6, we get

    a. -18 b. 18 c. -6 d. 6

    II Find the difference between the greatest and the least number that can be written

    using the digits 3, 4, 7, 2, 6 each ones only.

    III A merchant has Rs 78500 with him. He placed an order for purchasing 20 radio sets

    at Rs 2000 each. How much money will remain with him after the purchase?

    IV Find the value of each of the following using various properties:

    1. 647 x 13 + 647 x 7 b. 7459 x 999 + 7459 c. 16825 x

    16825 – 16825 x 6825

    V Determine each of the following products by suitable rearrangements:

    2 x 1658 x 50 b. 625 x 20 x 8 x 50 c. 4 x 927 x 25

  • VI Find the least 5-digit number which is exactly divisible by 20, 25, 30.

    VII Find the largest number which divides 630 and 940 leaving remainders 6 and 4


    VIII Find the least number which when divided by 16, 36 and 40 leaves 5 as

    remainder in each case.

    IX A car travelled 60 km to the north of Patna and then 90 km to the south from

    there. How far from Patna was the car finally?

    X A man bought some pencils for Rs 30 and some pens for Rs 90. The next day,

    he again bought some pencils for Rs 25. Then, he sold all the pencils for Rs 20

    and the pens for Rs 70. What was his gain or loss?

    XI Fill in the blanks:

    a. Data means information in the form of ________. b. Data obtained in the _______ form is called raw data. c. Arranging the numerical figures in an ascending or a descending order is called

    an ________. d. The number of times a particular observation occurs is called its _____________ e. Arranging the data in the form of a table is called ____________. f. Each numerical figure in a data is called an ________________. g. ________ is science which deals with the collection, presentation, analysis of

    numerical data. XII The number of bulbs sold by a shop during a week are given below:



    12 16 8 10 14 8

    Draw a pictograph

    XIII The following pictograph shows the number of cars sold by a company

    during four days.

  • Look at the pictograph and answer the questions given below:

    a. How many cars were sold on Monday?

    b. How many cars were sold on Wednesday?

    c. How many cars were sold in all?

    d. On which day was the sale was maximum?

    XIV Look at the bar graph given below:

    Read it carefully and answer the questions given below:

    a. What information does the bar graph give?

    b. In which subject is the student poorest?

    c. In which subject is the student the best?

    d. In which subject did he get more than 40 marks?


    Note: Do the worksheet on rough sheets (with proper name and class of the


    Q1: Fill in the blanks:

    a) Plants use ____________ for photosynthesis and ____________ for respiration.

    b) Burning of a substance can occur only in the presence of ______________.

    c) The burning of fuels produces ___________ gas.

    d) ______________ contains few gases and fine dust particles.

    e) ____________ and ___________ present inside the nose prevent dust particles to

    enter into the respiratory system.

    Q2: Solve the crossword puzzle:


    3. The movement of a snail on the ground is a _________ motion

    6. SI stands for International _____ of Unit.

    7. ____ and Mutthi were used as units of small measurement in ancient India


    1. the strings of the guitar is a example of _________ motion

    2. the whirling of stone tied with a thread is a example of _______ motion

    4. When the object does not move with time, it is said to be at _____

    5. when the object moves with time, it is said to be at _____

  • Q3: Four children A, B, C and D measure the length of a table which was about 1 m.

    Each of them used different ways to measure it.

    i) A measure it using a 2 m long measuring tape.

    ii) B measured it with a 10 cm scale from her geometry box.

    iii) C measured it using her hand span.

    iv) D measured it with a 5 metre long thread. Which one of them would get the most

    accurate length? Give reason for your answer.

    Q4: State True or False i. Scavengers help to keep the environment clean. ii. Tiger, giraffe and yak provide us milk. iii. Honey is prepared by honey bees. iv. Lizards eat insects. v. Tomato is a seed of a plant used as vegetable. vi. Sprouted grains give more energy compared to normal grains.

    Q5: Why is India facing food problem today? How can it be solved?

    Q6: Differentiate among the following: a) Herbivore and carnivores

    b) Carnivores and omnivores



    Q1. ‘Diversity is like a colourful painting. The colours are different but the value of each colour is the same’. How is this statement relevant in context to India? Q2. Make a list of the food that you have eaten from different parts of India. Q3. What do you think living in India with rich heritage of diversity adds to your life? OR What is the significance of the colour and Chakra of Indian National flag? Q4. Fill ups:

    ______________ languages are found on a ten rupee note. ______________ is a major festival of Rajasthan. Machine age has ended the traditional _____________ industries of the villages. Variation found in food, dresses, complexion, language and colour etc. is known

    as ____________.

  • Geography Q1. Why is it 5:30 p.m. in India and 12 noon in London? Q2. Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat? Q3. Which place is used as a standard time for all over the world? Q4. From which Greek word is the word ‘Planet’ derived? Q5. Name two celestial bodies visible only in the night sky. Q6. Name the factors which makes life on Earth difficult. History Q1.How do early man dress himself in the stone age? Q2.What tools were used in the Mesolithic age? Draw any two tools. Q3.What are the effects of the Neolithic Revolution? Q4. What is meant by farmers and herders? Q5. Mention some regions in India where Neolithic tools have been found.


    (1) िणषसंयोजनेन पदं वलित -

    िणष जोिकर पद वलखिए –

    यथा -ि्+अ+ष+अ+क्+अः = ________

    स्+औ+ि्+इ+क्+औ = ________

    श्+उ+न्+अ+क्+औ =_________

    ध्+आ+ि्+अ+त्+अः = ________

    ि्+ऋ+द्+ध्+आः = ________

    ग्+आ+य्+अ +न् +त् +इ = ________

    (2)वदए गए विकल्ो ंसे उवित कताषपद ि नकर िाक्पूवतष कीवजये।

    (क) एतौ स्तः। )बलीिदष ः, बलीिदौ, बलीिदाषः)

    (ि) नृत्यवत। )मयूरः, मय रौ, मयूराः)

    (ग) कषषखि। )सौविकाः,िृद्ाः,कृषकाः)

    (घ) ब क्कतः। )स्य तौ,श नकौ,सौविकौ)

  • (3) पदानां िणषविचे्छदं प्रदशषयत।

    पदो ंका िणष-विचे्छद प्रदवशषत कीवजये।

    यथा - कोवकले = क्+ओ +क्+इ+ल्+ए

    िटके = _________________


    िटिा =_________________

    छ ररका=_________________

    (4) उवितं सिषनामपदं वित्वा ररक्तस्थानावन पूरयत।

    उवित सिषनाम पद ि नकर ररक्त स्थान भररये।

    (सा,ते ,ताः )

    (क) छात्राः पठखि। ___________ पठखि|

    (ि) मवहला हसवत । ___________ हसवत|

    (ग) कोवकले कूजतः। ____________ कूजतः|

    (घ) अजाः िरखि। _____________ िरखि|

    (ड) दोले स्तः। ________________ स्तः|

    (5) वनदेशान सारं िाक्ावन रियत।

    वनदेशान सार िाक् बनायें।

    यथा -एतत् पतवत। )बहुििने ) - एतावन पतखि।

    (क) एते पणेः स्तः। )बहुििने) - _____________ |

    (ि) मयूरः नृत्यवत। )बहुििने) - ______________|

    (ग) एतावन यानावन। )विििने) -_______________|

    (घ) छाते्र वलखितः। )बहुििने) - _______________|

    (ड) नाररकेलं पतवत। )विििने) - _______________|

  • (6) वनदेशान सारं िाक्ावन रिय।

    वनदेशान सार िाक् बनायें।

    यथा -एतत् पतवत। )बहुििने ) - एतावन पतखि।

    )क) एते पणेः स्तः। )बहुििने) - ________________ |

    )ि) मयूरः नृत्यवत। )बहुििने) - _________________ |

    )ग) एतावन यानावन। )विििने) - _________________|

    )घ) छाते्र वलखितः। )बहुििने) - __________________|

    )ड) नाररकेलं पतवत। )विििने)- __________________|

    (7) अपवठत गद्यांश

    नीिे वदए गए अन चे्छद को पढ़कर वदए गए प्रश्ो ंके उत्तर वलखिए।

    वपतामही श्यनकके्ष गच्छवत। सा ईश्वरं स्मरवत। तत्पश्चात् सा शयनं करोवत। प्रातः सा पञ्चिादने उवत्तष्ठवत। सा

    स्नानं करोवत। स्नानस्य पश्चात् सा देिस्य पूजनं करोवत। सा भखक्त-गानं गायवत। सा सूयषम नमवत। सा िदवत -

    'सूयाषय नमः।' सूयषः संसाराय जीिनं ददावत ,अतः सः पूज्यः अखस्त।

    एकपदेन उत्तरत। )एक पद में उत्तर दीवजये)

    (क) वपतामही क त्र गच्छवत?

    (ि) सा कदा उवत्तष्ठवत?

    (ग)सा कं नमवत ?

    (घ) कः संसाराय जीिनं ददवत?

    पूणषिाके्न उत्तरत ?

    समू्पणष िाक् में उत्तर दीवजये ।

    (क) वपतामही कदा पूजनम् करोवत?

    (ि) सूयषः वकमथं पूज्यः अखस्त?

    भाषाकायं -वनदेशान सार उत्तरत।

  • भाषाकायष वनदेशान सार उत्तर दीवजये।

    (क) 'स्नानम्' इवत अस्य संविभखक्तपदं )कमषकारकम्) वलित यथा

    ईश्वरम )I)______ (II)______ (III)_______ (IV)_______

    (ि) 'गच्छवत' इवत सम-प रुष -ििन-वियापदं वलित। यथा

    भजवत )I)_______ (II)_______ (III)_______ (IV)_______

    (ग) 'सूयाषय नमः' इवत प्रयोगं अन सृत्य ररक्तस्थानावन पूरयत। यथा

    गणेशाय )गणेश) नमः )I)_________ (अध्यापक) )II)_________ (वपतामह) नमः।



    *After completion, save both the Files- Assignment & Project in 1 CD.
