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SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL,NIRANKARI COLONY WORKSHEETNOVEMBER (WEEK 3) CLASS VII ENGLISH WORKSHEET -1: (WEEK- 3) GRAMMAR VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS HAND IN HAND A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1. I feel sorry ______ the old man in the street. 2. The customer argued ______ the shopkeeper as he wanted a good discount. 3. The postman knocked _____ the door. 4. Mother _____ angry _____ me because I lost my school identity card. 5. The horse carriage collided _______ the truck. 6. Simi was grateful _____ her friends because they helped her copy all the pending work. 7. Gagan is good _____ playing chess. 8. He was guilty _____ cheating Mr Dinesh and was punished for it. 9. Sunidhi ‘s singing is worthy _____ praise. 10. He longed ______ the company of his old friends. 11. She _____ quick solving puzzles. 12. The two dresses are similar _____ each other. 13. He quarrelled ______ his neighbour over a trivial matter. 14. The contestants waited for _____ judges for an hour. 15. Africa is ______ wild life. 16. She has been cured ______ severe skin allergy. 17. The teacher told the students to divide the cakes equally ________ themselves. 18. The lottery money was divided ________ the two sons of the old man as he wanted them to start new business ventures. 19. Nalin boasts _____ being a talented singer. 20. The company takes pride ____ the dedicated team of workers that work there. WORKSHEET -II HONEYCOMB POEM-MEADOW SURPRISES SUMMARY OF THE POEM The meadow offers several surprises to the one who has an eager eye to look at the meadow. Walking on the soft velvety grass, the sound of the brook, a butterfly sipping nectar from the flowers; all such sights give immense pleasure. These sights are no less than the nature’s surprise gift. Walking further on, one may find a rabbit






A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I feel sorry ______ the old man in the street.

2. The customer argued ______ the shopkeeper as he wanted a good


3. The postman knocked _____ the door.

4. Mother _____ angry _____ me because I lost my school identity card.

5. The horse carriage collided _______ the truck.

6. Simi was grateful _____ her friends because they helped her copy all the

pending work.

7. Gagan is good _____ playing chess.

8. He was guilty _____ cheating Mr Dinesh and was punished for it.

9. Sunidhi ‘s singing is worthy _____ praise.

10. He longed ______ the company of his old friends.

11. She _____ quick solving puzzles.

12. The two dresses are similar _____ each other.

13. He quarrelled ______ his neighbour over a trivial matter.

14. The contestants waited for _____ judges for an hour.

15. Africa is ______ wild life.

16. She has been cured ______ severe skin allergy.

17. The teacher told the students to divide the cakes equally ________


18. The lottery money was divided ________ the two sons of the old man as he

wanted them to start new business ventures.

19. Nalin boasts _____ being a talented singer.

20. The company takes pride ____ the dedicated team of workers that work





The meadow offers several surprises to the one who has an eager eye to look at the meadow. Walking on the soft velvety grass, the sound of the brook, a butterfly sipping nectar from the flowers; all such sights give immense pleasure. These sights are no less than the nature’s surprise gift. Walking further on, one may find a rabbit

hidden in the grass. One may not be able to see it instantly, but soon it would hop in front of you because it would be scared. A dandelion that was golden a couple of days ago would have also bloomed. One could find several houses in the meadows. There would be burrows in the ground, nests beneath the tall grasses, mounds for ants and so on. For every person there would be some or the other surprise.

Q. Answer the following questions.

Q1.Where can the velvety soft grass be found? Q2.Why is it difficult to. see a rabbit? Q3.What is the butterfly busy doing? Q4.How many ‘Meadow houses’ are discussed in the poem’? Q5.What turns into ‘airy parachutes’?. Q6.What distinct extraordinary gifts of nature are available in meadows? Q7. Write the meaning of the following phrases used in the poem. (i) velvet grass (ii) drinking straws (iii) meadow houses (iv) amazing mound (v) fuzzy head


Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful World, With the wonderful water round you curled, And the wonderful grass upon your breast World, you are beautifully drest. The wonderful air is over me, And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree, It walks on the water, and whirls the mills, And talks to itself on the tops of the hills. You friendly Earth, how far do you go, With the wheat-fields that nod and the rivers that flow, With cities and gardens, and cliffs, and isles, And people upon you for thousands of miles? Ah! you are so great, and I am so small, I tremble to think of you, World, at all; And yet, when I said my prayers to-day, A whisper inside me seemed to say, You are more than the Earth, though you are such a dot: You can love and think, and the Earth cannot!’

Q Now answer the following questions by choosing correct options:

Q1. In the above poem, ‘beautifully drest’ refers to (a) having gaudy dress (b) decorated with nature’s beauty

(c) wearing costly dresses (d) wearing cheap but beautiful dresses

Q2. The poet calls the world ‘beautifully drest’ because (a) it looks beautiful (b) it has wonderful grass curled around it (c) it is covered with fine clothes (d) it is covered with green leaves

Q3. The wind in the poem talks to (a) passers-by (b) trees (c) clouds (d) itself.

Q4. The poet calls the earth (a) unfriendly (b) friendly (c) proud (d) kind.

Q5. The phrase such a dot means (a) so small (b) so fat (c) so big (c) so kind

कार्यपत्रक – 1 (सप्ताह -3 ) कक्षा – सातव ीं ववषर् – हहींदी

1- न लकीं ठ, राधा और कुब्जा ने लेखिका को ककसका पररचर् हदर्ा?

2-कुब्जा मोरन के कलह ने ककसका अींत कर हदर्ा ?

3- न लकीं ठ और राधा को पे्रम की शतु्र कौन थ ?

4- न लकीं ठ और राधा की सबसे वप्रर् ऋत ुकौन-स थ ?

5- ववदेश महहलाओीं ने न लकीं ठ को क्र्ा कहा?

6- मरू्र कैसे पक्ष होते हैं?

7- न लकीं ठ ने िरगोश के बच्चे को ककससे बचार्ा?

8- न लकीं ठ के सघन पींिों में िरगोश के बच्चे कौन-सा िेल िेलत ेथे?

9-न लकीं ठ चचड़िर्ाघर के ननवाससर्ों का क्र्ा बन गर्ा?

10- मोर शावकों के ब़ि ेहोन ेपर लेखिका ने मोर- मोरन का क्र्ा नाम रिा?

प्रश्न- ननम्नसलखित ककस एक ववषर् पर अनुच्छेद सलखिए

1- दरूभाष (मोबाइल फोन)

2- 'अध्र्र्न के लाभ'

3-‘पररश्रम का महत्त्व’

कार्यपत्रक – 2 (सप्ताह – 3)

प्रश्न- ननदेशानुसार उत्तर दीजजए -

1- वे िेत पर िेल रहे है" इस वाक्र् का शुद्ध रूप क्र्ा होगा?

2- "आपका ग त बहुत अच्छा थ " इस वाक्र् में ककस प्रकार की अशुद्चध है?

3- ननम्न में से ककस वाक्र् में सवयनाम सींबींध अशुद्चध है?

4- "वे न चा चगरे|" इस वाक्र् में ककस प्रकार की अशुद्चध है?

5 -"मैन ेअनेकों बार पुरस्कार ज ता हैं" इस वाक्र् में ककस प्रकार की अशुद्चध है?

6- "वप्रर्ा का सौन्दर्यता प्रख्र्ात है|" इस वाक्र् में ककस प्रकार की अशुद्चध है?

7- ननम्न में से ककस वाक्र् में पनुरुजक्त दोष है?

8- "दो दजयन केला िरीदा" इस वाक्र् में ककस प्रकार की अशुद्चध है?

9- "है नहीीं तबबर्त ठीक|" इस वाक्र् में कौन स अशुद्चध देि जा सकत है।

10 "मेरी ककताब ग ता पे है।" इस वाक्र् में अशुद्ध पद पहचाने।

11-. उन्हों के घर आज पार्टी है|

12- जून में सबसे अचधकतम गमी होत है|

प्रश्न - गााँव में रह रहे दादा-दादी का कुशल-क्षेम जानने के सलए पत्र सलखिए|


अपने ववद्र्ालर् में िेल सामग्र उपलब्ध कराने के सलए प्रधानाचार्य




(1) From a deck of cards, Sneha randomly withdraws a card. What is the

probability that the card is a face card (one of king, queen, or jack)?

(2) From a deck of cards, Aditya randomly withdraws a card. What is the

probability that the card is a black King?

(3) From a deck of cards, Ajoy withdrew a card randomly. What is the

probability that the number on the card is a prime number?

(4) Weather forecast from a news channel was correct 125 times out of 365

days. Find the probability that on a given day it was not correct.

(5) Two coins are tossed hundred times we get two head 35 times and one

head 22 times. What is the probability of getting no head?

(6) Three coins are tossed simultaneously 50 times and two heads are obtained

nine times, if the three coins are simultaneously tossed up again then find the

probability of two heads coming up.

(7) A black sock is picked out of a box containing two pairs of socks of two

colours black and brown ,without looking into the box if another sock is pulled

out then what is the probability that it will be black?

(8) Each letter of the word MATHEMATICS is kept on a separate cards face

down if a card is picked at random ,What is the probability that the letter is E?

(9) A natural number lies between 6 and 32 ,what is the probability that a

number is multiple of five?

(10) A dice is thrown find the probability of getting:

a) A 2

b) An even number

c) A number greater than 2



1) Write down this statement :twice the square of a number X subtracted

from seven times the sum of number Y and 2.

2) Write down the factors of the term -5xyz.

3) Find the Coefficient of X in the expression 1+X +XZ.

4) Simplify:

a) x+(x-y)+y+(y-x).

b) -8ab-(-8ab).

c) xy- xz+ yz+ xz - yx -yz

d) -3x- [2x - (4x + y)]

5) If the sides of a triangle are 3x+4, 5x-2 and x+9 then find its perimeter.

6) Simplified by combining the like them: a) 6a - b + 7a +5b.

b) 2ab + 3bc- ab -5bc

7) The sum of two numbers is 5AB + 3B +7A. If one of them is -2AB + A -5B,

find the other.

8) What should be added to 2X2 + 6XY + Y3 to obtain 2X2 - 7XY?

9) From the sum of (3x2 + y3+ 21) & ( - y3 - 10), subtract (3x2 - y3 + 19).

10) Multiply ( x2 + xy + y2)(x -y)




1. State differences between acids and bases.

2. Ammonia is found in many household products, such as window cleaners. It turns red litmus blue. What is its nature?

3. Name the source from which litmus solution is obtained. What is the use of this solution?

4. Is the distilled water acidic/basic/neutral? How would you verify it?

5. Describe the process of neutralisation with the help of an example.



1. Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false:

(i) Nitric acid turn red litmus blue. (T/F)

(ii) Sodium hydroxide turns blue litmus red. (T/F)

(iii) Sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid neutralise each other and form salt and water. (T/F)

(iv) Indicator is a substance which shows different colours in acidic and basic solutions. (T/F)

(v) Tooth decay is caused by the presence of a base. (T/F)

2. Dorji has a few bottles of soft drink in his restaurant. But, unfortunately, these are not labelled. He has to serve the drinks on the demand of customers. One customer wants

acidic drink, another wants basic and third one wants neutral drink. How will Dorji decide which drink is to be served to whom?

3. Explain why:

(a) An antacid tablet is taken when you suffer from acidity

(b) Calamine solution is applied on the skin when an ant bites.

(c) Factory waste is neutralised before disposing it into the water bodies.

4. Three liquids are given to you. One is hydrochloric acid, another is sodium hydroxide and third is a sugar solution. How will you identify them? You have only turmeric indicator.

5. Blue litmus paper is dipped in a solution. It remains blue. What is the nature of the solution? Explain.

6. Consider the following statements:

(a) Both acids and bases change colour of all indicators.

(b) If an indicator gives a colour change with an acid, it does not give a change with a base.

(c) If an indicator changes colour with a base, it does not change colour with an acid.

(d) Change of colour in an acid and a base depends on the type of the indicator. Which of these statements are correct?

(i) All four

(ii) a and d

(iii) b, c and d

(iv) only d




Objective Questions

Write true or false for the following statements.

1. A cluster of houses where human beings live is called a Settlement.

2. In Germany, Highways are called Motorways.

3. International trade is largely dependent on oceanic transportation which is more


4. Trains run at slow speed due to electrification.

5. Rectangular pattern settlement generally develops at the railway line or near



1. These towns are known for tourist attraction.

a) Industrial Towns

b) Administrative Towns

c) Market Towns

d) Resort Towns

2. It is the mode of transport which operates upon the sea water and rivers

a) Railways

b) Air Transport

c) Roadways

d) Waterways

3. The ancestors of modern man were nomads and they lived in

a) Caves

b) Temples

c) Town halls

d) Houses

4. Messages are even sent through using computer networks

a) Birds

b) Satellites

c) Postal service

5. River Rhine flows across

a) France

b) Germany

c) Australia

d) India


L- 7 The Human Settlements- Transport and Communication

Answer the following questions in brief.

Q 1. Explain mass media with examples.

Q 2. Waterways is important for trade. How?

Q 3. Classify the urban settlements on the basis of functions.

Q 4. Differentiate between Temporary and Permanent settlements.

कार्यपत्रक – 1 (सप्ताह -3) कक्षा – सातव ीं

ववषर् – सींस्कृत

पाठाींशीं पठत अधोदत्तान ्प्रश्नान ्च उत्तरत-

ववश्वस्र् उपलब्धासु भाषासु सींस्कृतभाषा प्राच नतमा भाषाजस्त| भाषेर्ीं अनेकाषाीं भाषाणाीं जनन मता| प्राच नर्ोोः ज्ञानववज्ञानर्ोोः ननचधोः अस्र्ाीं सुरक्षक्षतोः| सींस्कृतस्र् महत्त्वववषरे् केनावप कचथतम-् ‘भारतस्र् प्रनतष्ठे दे्व सींस्कृतीं सींस्कृनतस्तथा’| इर्ीं भाषा अत व- वैज्ञाननकी| केचन कथर्जन्त र्त ्सींस्कृतमेव सङ्गणकस्र् कृते सवोत्तमा भाषा| अस्र्ाोः वाङ्मर्ीं वेदैोः, पुराणैोः, न नतशासै्त्ोः चचककत्साशास्त्ाहदसभश्च समदृ्धमजस्त| ववश्वकव नाीं काव्र्सौन्दर्यम ्अनुपम|्

कौहर्टल्र्रचचतम ्अथयशास्त्ीं जगनत प्रससद्धमजस्त|

(क) एकपदेन उत्तरत- ½×4=2

(1) ववश्वस्र् उपलब्धासु भाषासु का प्राच नतमा भाषाजस्त?

(क) आङ्लभाषा (ि) सींस्कृतभाषा

(ग) हहन्दीभाषा (घ) अन्र्ा काचचत ्

(2) कर्ोोः ननचधोः अस्र्ाीं सुरक्षक्षतोः?

(क) भाषर्ोोः (ि) कव्र्ोोः

(ग) ज्ञानववज्ञानर्ोोः (घ) सींस्कृत-सींस्कृत्र्ोोः

(3) केन रचचतम ्अथयशास्त्ीं जगनत प्रससद्धमजस्त?

(क) कौहर्टल्रे्न (ि) कववना

(ग) कासलदासेन (घ) भासेन

(4) इर्ीं सींस्कृतभाषा कीदृश वतयते?

(क) अत वदैन्र्ा (ि) अत व-वैज्ञाननकी

(ग) अत व-कहठना (घ) अत व-लोकवप्रर्ा

कार्यपत्रक – 2


Topic: Table Hyperlinks and Forms in HTML

1. Name parts of a table.

2. What is the use of caption tag?

3. Which attribute is common in <tr> and <td>?

4. <th> tag stands for ?

5. What is the default alignment of table in html ?


SUBJECT: Computer Topic: Table Hyperlinks and Forms in HTML

Expand the following tags

(i) <tr>

(ii) <td>

(iii) <A>

(iv) <th>

(v) <br>
