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November-December 2019 -1- SANTH ME Messenger Vol. 10 Nov-Dec 2019 Issue 6 FARIDABAD DIOCESAN BULLETIN “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life." John 3:16
Page 1: SANTH ME SANTHME MESSENER Messengerfaridabaddiocese.in/admin/uploads/Santhome_Messenger_Nov...Congratulations Festal Greetings Most. Rev. Vincent Nellaiparambil Bishop of Bijnore Festal

November-December 2019 -1-



“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life." John 3:16

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Festal Greetings

Most. Rev. Vincent NellaiparambilBishop of Bijnore

Festal Greetings also to all our Rev. Sisters and Laity, having Patron’s Day in September, December & January

Rev. Fr. Benny Palatty 26-Dec

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Areeparambil


Rev. Fr. Jomy Vazhakalayil


Rev. Fr. Sebastian Moolechalil


Rev. Fr. Ginto K .Tom 03-Jan

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Mullamangalathu


Rev. Fr. Davis Kalliyathuparambil


Rev. Fr. Sibin Poovely 20-Jan

Rev. Fr. Rony Thoppilan


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November-December 2019 -3-



Published by: Diocese of Faridabad-DelhiBishop's House, 1B/32 N.E.A, Old Rajinder NagarNew Delhi - 110060E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.faridabaddiocese.in(Private Circulation Only)

Pastoral Letter 03

Curia News 06

Circular 07

Christmas Message 10

DSYM News 12

Santhome Bible Convention 13


Indian Christians and 16 Nation-Building (4) Dr. Pius Malekandathil

Punjab Mission News 18

Jesus Youth News 19

St. Joseph School Barnala 21

Family Apostolate News 22

World News 23

Parish News 25


Patron Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara

Chief EditorRev. Fr. thomas [email protected]

Associate EditorJohnson [email protected]


Designed & Printed byRoyalthotz, New [email protected]

web editionsony joseph

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A Group Ahead of Its Time……..

St. Thomas Moore Study Circle (TSC), with the motto ‘fostering the minds by the grace of God’, is a group created by like-minded youngsters and aspirants of the Diocese which is aimed at steering budding minds on a route owards a fitting career through constructive discussions, exchange of doubts and inhibitions related to any career prospect, building each other up together along the way to the fulfilment of each one’s dream. Through ‘Q’URIOUS 2020, a quiz competition coupled with an orientation workshop ‘HOW CAN I CRACK CIVIL SERVICES? YES, I CAN!’, in collaboration with the pioneer of civil services ‘ALS’ (Alternative Learning Systems), scheduled on 18th Jan, 2020 at Bishop House, Hall of Mercy, Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi, aimed at orienting aspirants towards a career in civil services, we’re taking baby steps towards cutting the ribbon on this group and bringing it out in the open in the aforementioned event, getting the ball rolling with orienting youngsters to become civil servants. We’re privileged to have Shri K P Fabian IFS (Rtd.), Shri Anto Alphonse IPS and Shri Jojo Mathews gracing the event and through their invaluable words, stirring the minds of the youth to action.

For more details: Fr. Benny Palatty: 9013340778, Jatin T Joseph: 8800261893

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November-December 2019 -5-


aninlmbn {]ob ktlmZcoklmZc·mtc, hÕea¡tf,

ssZh]p{X³ a\pjy\mbn AhXcn¨v a\pjyhÀ¤¯nsâ IqsS hkn¨Xnsâ Xncp\m

fmWv {Inkvakv. ImemIme§fmbn Im¯ncp¶ c£Isâ BKa\s¯¸änbpÅ {]hN\w

C§s\bmbncp¶tÃm. “I\yI KÀ`w [cn v̈ Hcp ]p{Xs\ {]khn¡pw. 'ssZhw \t½mSqIqsS’ F¶À°apÅ 'C½m\pthÂ’ F¶v Ah³ hnfn¡s¸Spw'' (a¯mbn 1:23) a\pjyIpe¯nsâ

c£bv¡pth n Ahcnsemcph\mbn AhtcmsSm¸w hkn¡m³, AhtcmSp IqsSbmbncn¡phm³

h¶ tbiphnsâ P·Zn\amWv {Inkvakv. ssZhw a\pjy\mbXnsâ, ssZh¯nsâ a\p

jymhXmc¯nsâ al\obamb HmÀ½¯ncp¶mÄ. IqsSbmbncn¡pI, IqsS hkn¡pI, Iq«mbva

BtLmjn¡pI F¶XmWv Cu {Inkvakv \evIp¶ ktµiw. \½nsemcph\mbn a\pjy\mbn

AhXcn¨ tbiphnt\mSpIqsS klhkn¡phm\pw ssZhw hkn¡p¶ aäp a\pjytcmSpIqsS

Bbncn¡phm\pw Cu {InkvXpaÊv \s½ Blzm\w sN¿p¶p. Hmtcm ss{IkvXh\pw aäpÅhsc,

{]tXyIn¨pw X\n¡v ̀ ctaev]n¡s¸«ncn¡p¶hsc A\pKant¡ Xntâbpw A\p[mh\w sNt¿

Xntâbpw (art of accompaniment) BhiyIsXb¸än ]cnip² ]nXmhv {^m³knkv amÀ]m¸

DZvt_m[n¸n¡p¶p v.

a\pjymhXmc¯nsâ Iq«mbva BZyambn A\p`hnt¡ Xv IpSpw_¯nemWv. Christmas

ssZhIr]bmepw ssÈloI knwlmk\¯nsâ at\mKpW¯mepw ^coZm_mZvþUÂln cq]XbpsS sa{Xm³ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c Xsâ A[nImc¯nÂs¸« CShIIfnse _lp am\s¸« hnImcnamÀ¡pw AkvtX´namÀ¡pw aäp sshZnIÀ¡pw k\ymkn\ok\ymknamÀ¡pw hnizmknIÄ¡pambn FgpXp¶Xv.


Pastoral Letter

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November-December 2019-6-


is a family feast. Xncp¸ndhn¡ptijw D®ntbip hfÀ¶v h¶Xv butk¸nXmhnt\mSpw amXmhn

t\mSpw H¸w \{k¯nse Xncp¡pSw_¯nembncp¶tÃm "". . . ]ns¶ Ah³ AhtcmsSm¸w

]pds¸«v \kd¯n h¶v, AhÀ¡v hnt[b\mbn Pohn¨p. Ahsâ A½ C¡mcy§sfÃmw

lrZb¯n kw{Kln¨p. tbip Úm\¯nepw {]mb¯nepw ssZh¯nsâbpw a\pjycpsSbpw

{]oXnbnepw hfÀ¶ph¶p.'' (eq¡m 2:51-þ52). ss{IkvXh amXm]nXm¡fpw AhcpsS a¡fpw

a\pjy\mbn AhXcn¨ tbiphnsâ kvt\lw BZyambn A\p`hnt¡ Xv IpSpw_¯nemWv.

B kvt\lIq«mbvabpw km£yhpamWv kmaqlnI Xe¯ne IpSpw_Iq«mbvabnte¡pw

CShI Iq«mbvabnte¡pw cq]Xm Iq«mbvabnte¡pw {]mtZinI k`m Xe¯nte¡pw hfcpI.

IpSpw_s¯ "KmÀlnI k`' F¶v c mw h¯n¡m³ Iu¬kn hntijn¸n¡p¶Xv Cu

AÀ°¯nemWv. hnizmkn kaql¯n {]mYanI kphntijhXv¡cWw þ tbiphns\ AdnbÂ,

A\p`hn¡Â þ \St¡ Xpw IpSpw_¯nemWv. AhnsS `mcybpw `À¯mhpw a¡fpw t{]

jnXcmbn amtd Xp v. {]mYanI aXt_m[\ Ifcnbpw IpSpw_w Xs¶bmWv. amXm]nXm¡fmWv

Ip«nIfpsS BZys¯ aXm²ym]IÀ. a\pjy\mbn AhXcn¨ tbiphns\ alXzoIcn¡s¸«

a\pjyXzw F§ns\bmWv Pohnt¡ sX¶v amXrIbneqsSbpw hm¡neqsSbpw {]hÀ n̄bneqsSbpw

a¡sf ]Tn¸nt¡ Xv amXm]nXm¡fpsS henb D¯chmZnXzamWv. "a¡Ä {]mb¯n hfcp¶

t]mse' Xs¶ "{InkvXobamb Úm\¯nepw' hfcphm³ amXm]nXm¡Ä {i²nt¡ XmWv.

a\pjymhXmc¯nsâ al\ob e£yw Xncp¸ndhnbpsS Ahkc¯n amemJamÀ {]

tLmjn¡p¶p v, ""AXyp¶X§fn ssZh¯n\v alXzw! `qanbn ssZhIr] e`n¨hÀ¡v

kam[\w!'' (eq¡m 2:14). {]hN\§fpsS ]qÀ¯oIcWamb c£Isâ P\\w ssZh¯n\v

kvXpXnbpw alXzhpw \evInbXpt]mse Xs¶ ""a\pjyÀ¡v im´nbpw kam[m\hpw'' hmKvZm\w

sN¿p¶p. Cu kam[m\¯nsâbpw kt´mj¯nsâbpw hnf\neambn amdWw \½psS

IpSpw_§Ä; AhnsS ssZhalXz¯n\pw ssZhkvXpXn¡papÅ CS§fmbn XocWw. IpSpw_

kam[\¯n\pw a\Êam[m\¯n\pw \½psS ]qÀÆnIÀ {]mÀ°n¨ncp¶Xv CubÀ°¯nemWv.

IpSpw_¯n kt´mjhpw kam[m\hpw \ne\nÀ¯phm\pw ssZhalXz¯n\v \nZm\ambn

Xocphm\pw IpSpw_{]mÀ°\ AXy´mt]£nXamWv. amdnb kmlNcy¯nepw Hcp {]hmkn

]Ým¯e¯nepw Pohn¡p¶ \s½ kw_nÔn¨nSt¯mfw Hmtcm IpSpw_¯n\pw

A\ptbmPyamb IpSpw_{]mÀ°\ coXnIÄ Is t¯ Xp v. Ip«nIfpsS Syqj³, tIm¨n§v,

kvs]jy ¢mÊpIÄ, amXm]nXm¡fpsS tPmenbpsS jn v̂äpIÄ FÃmw a\Ênem¡ns¡m p

Xs¶ {]hmknIfpsS IpSpw_PohnX¯n IpSpw_{]mÀ°\bv¡pw ss__nÄ ]mcmbW¯n\pw

kabw Is t¯ Xp v. Cu BKa\Ime¯pw {InkvXpaÊv Zn\§fnepw AXpambn _Ôs¸«

ss__nÄ ̀ mK§Ä IpSpw_§fn IpSpw_mwK§Ä Hcpan¨ncp¶v hmbn¡p¶Xv \¶mbncn¡pw.

\½psS 'devices'þ {InkvXpaÊv Km\§Ä tIÄ¡p¶Xpw ss__nÄ hN\§Ä {ihn¡p¶Xpw

t{]Õmln¸nt¡ XmWv.

B[p\nI a\pjysâ henb shÃphnfnIfnsem¶mWv kabhpw Zqchpw (time & space)

Iogvs¸Sp¯pIsb¶Xv F¶v ]dbmdp v. kab{IaoIcW¯n\pw bm{XmkuIcy§Ä¡pw

kmt¦XnI kwhn[m\§Ä¡pw hfsc ]ptcmKXnbp mbn«ps ¦nepw C¶v BÀ¡pw kabanÃ.

UÂlnbn Imfh nbn bm{X sNbvXncp¶Xnt\¡mÄ Ipd¨p kabw aXnbmbncp¶p

ssk¡nfn t]mIm³; AXnepw Ipd¨p kabw aXnbmbncp¶p ssk¡fn t]mI³; AXnepw

Ipd¨p kabw aXnbmbncp¶p tamt«mÀ ss_¡nÂ; \mepN{I hml\§Ä AXnepw thKXIq«n

kabw Ipd¨p. sat{Sm bm{XIÄ Gähpw thK¯nem¡n F¦nepw, C¶v BÀ¡pw kabanÃ.

FÃmhÀ¡pw kab¡pdhmWv. Zqc¯nsâ Imcyhpw hn`n¶aà C¶v \qX\kmt¦XnI hnZysIm

Pastoral Letter

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November-December 2019 -7-

SANTHOME MESSENGERv temIw Hcp t¥m_ hntÃPv Bbn amdnbncn¡p¶p F¶v ]dbmdpap v. hnc Xp¼nse

hnkvabamb kvamÀ«v t^mWn temI¯nsâ Hcäw apX atä Aäw hscbpÅ Imcy§Ä

\nanj¯n \ap¡dnbmw. ]t£, sXm«Sp¯ncn¡p¶ hyànbpsS, sXm«Sp v̄ Xmakn¡p¶

Ab¡mcsâ Imcy§fdnbm³ \ap¡mIp¶nÃ. Htc ta¡qcbv¡v Iosg Xmakn¡p¶hÀ¡v

X½nÂt]mepw AKm[amb AIew A\p`ht`ZyamWv.

Cu ]Ým¯e¯nemWv ]cnip² ]nXmhv {^m³knkv amÀ]m¸ ""ASp¯mbncnt¡ Xnsâ''

BhiyIXsb¸än {]t_m[n¸n¡pI. CubnsS tdman Ad Limina kµÀi\¯n\v sN¶t¸mÄ

\½psS k`bnse sa{Xm·mtcmSv amÀ]m¸ Du¶n¸dªXv sa{Xm·mcpw sshZnIcpw hnizmknIfpw

aäpÅhÀ¡v ""ASp¯mbncnt¡ Xns\'' (Closeness) ]änbpw ""kwe`ycmbncnt¡ Xns\''

(Availability) ]änbpamWv. amÀ]m¸ ]dªXv sa{Xm·mÀ ssZht¯mSv ASp¯mbncn¡Ww;

AXpt¸mseXs¶ sshZnIÀ¡pw ssZhP\§Ä¡pw ASp¯mbncn¡Ww. sshZnIÀ

ssZht¯mSpw ASp¯mbncn¡Ww. AXpt]mse sa{Xm·mtcmSpw aäpsshZnItcmSpw ssZhP\

t¯mSpw ASp¯mbncn¡Ww. ssZhP\w ssZht¯mSv ASp¯mbncn¡Ww; AXpt]mse

k`m[nImcnItfmSpw aäp hnizmknItfmSpw.

aninlmbn {]nbtc,

{InkvXpaÊv ssZhw a\pjytcmSv ASp¯mbncn¡phm³, IqsS hkn¡phm³ AhXcn¨Xnsâ

BtLmjamWv. Cu {InkvXpaÊv Ime v̄ ssZht¯mSv IqsS Bbncp¶psIm v \ap¡v Ipd¨p

IqSn \à a\pjycmImw. a\pjymhXmc¯neqsS alXzoIcn¡s¸« a\pjyXzapÅhcmImw.

kab¡pdhntâbpw AIe§fptSbpw t]cn Bßan{X§sfbpw AbÂhmknItfbpw

A\ycmbn¡ v AIew ]men¡p¶ps ¦n \½psS ASp¯mbncn¡m³ AhXcn¨ tbiphnsâ

amXrIbn ssZht¯mSpw aäpÅhtcmSpw ASp¯mbncn¡m³ AhÀ¡v kwe`ycmIm³

\ap¡v {ian¡mw. Cu {InkvXpaÊv Ime v̄ PohnX ]¦mfn¡pth n a¡Ä¡pth n, amXm

]nXm¡Ä¡pth n Aev]w IqSpXÂ kabw Nnehgn¡m³ \ap¡v km[n¡s«. ""C½m\p

th A\p`hw'' IpSpw_¯nepw CShIbnepw km£ys¸Sp¯m³ Cu {InkvXpaÊv

Ime v̄ \ap¡mhs«. a\pjytcmsSm¯p hkn¡p¶ ssZh]p{Xs\ aäpÅhcnÂ, Xncn¨dnbp

hm\pw ASp¯mbncnt¡ hÀ¡v Bßan{XamIphm\pw Iq«mbncnt¡ hÀ¡v IqsS Bbncn¡p

hm\pw AI¶ncn¡p¶htcmSv Bß_Ôw ]pXp¡phm\pw \ap¡v {ian¡mw. Hcp t^m¬

tImÄ, Hcp {InkvXpaÊv ImÀUv, Hcp {InkvXpaÊv k½m\w \½psS _Ô§sf Dujvafam¡s«.

amemJamÀ DZvtLmjn¨ ""`qanbn a\pjyÀ¡v im´nbpw kam[m\hpw A\p`hn¡phm³'' \½psS

IpSpw_§Ä¡v BIs« F¶v {]mÀ°n¨psIm v GhÀ¡pw A\p{Kl{]Zamb {InkvXpaÊpw,

sFizcy]qÀ®amb ]pXphÀjhpw Biwkn¡p¶p.,


\n§fpsS ]nXmhv

BÀ v̈_nj v̧ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c

^coZm_mZvþUÂln cq]XbpsS sa{Xm³

(ItcmÄ _mKnepÅ cq]Xm Imcymeb¯n \n¶v 2019þmw B v Pqsse amkw 9þmw XobXn sNmÆmgv̈ \ÂIs¸«Xv.

Cu CSbteJ\w 2019 Unkw_À 15þmw XobXn IpÀ_m\ at²y FÃm ]ÅnIfnepw RmbdmgvN IpÀ_m\bpÅ FÃm

Øm]\§fnepw s]mXpP\§Ä¡mbn hmbnt¡ XmWv.)

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November-December 2019-8-


IInd Priests’ Refresher Course of 2019 was conducted at Sanjoepuram HRDC on 13th and 14th of November with the participation of 34 priests working in the diocese of Faridabad. The programme started at 10 am on 13th Wednesday and came to conclusion on 14th Thursday at 03.00 pm. The priests’ Koinonia accorded a cordial welcome to the new Auxiliary Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveettil. The two days’ sessions were animated by him, in which he elaborated the ways one should follow to be a saint. His classes were based on the Apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis’, ‘Gaudete et Exsultate’. Holiness can be obtained even from our simple life other than the former days’ thinking where it was believed that it is a virtue which can be realized only by religious and ascetics. For this, he presented ten ways by which we can achieve this holiness. Those are as follows:

z Each one has his unique way of realizing his holiness.

z Try to be imitators of Christ.

z Our focus should be on the kingdom of God.

z Our way of life should be based on love.

z We can achieve holiness through our simple words and deeds.

z Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.

z Prayer and action should go hand in hand.

z Holiness is a possibility for every human being.

z Realize the obstacles to holiness.

z Holiness does not degrade humanness.

Report of Priests Refresher Course November 2019

In this new age culture, we see a lot of violence and evils emerging in the society. People are in a rat race vying with each other and spirituality is slowly taking a back seat. The sense of sin is being forgotten and people are being more secular. Holiness is considered to be a thing of the past. In this scenario, the Auxiliary Bishop has taken the apt topic and instilled confidence in us that holiness is still achievable by his thought provoking and motivating sessions for which we are very grateful to him.

Mr. P. J Thomas, a pioneer of Delhi Mission and the present Pastoral Council Secretary, explained in a session about the development and growth of the Delhi Syro Malabar mission to a diocese, which was an enriching experience for all of us backed up with her glorious history. The class of Msgr. Jose Vettickal about the pastoral care: priorities and expectations which was a fabulous experience especially for the new priests. The Silver Jubilee of Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal CST was also celebrated on Thursday, 14th and a gift was given to him. Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara, Bishop Jose Puthenveettil and Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal celebrated Holy Mass, in which all priests were concelebrants. Eucharistic Adoration and Prayers created a spiritual atmosphere.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara, in his conference, pointed out the “closeness” of Bishops to priests, priests to Bishops, priests to priests, priests to people of God. This closeness is inevitable for the smooth running of the Diocese. Let us join hands in realizing the kingdom of God here on earth.

Curia news

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November-December 2019 -9-


anin-lm-bn {]nb ktlm-Z-co- k-tlm-Z-c·mtc,

2019 HIvtSm_À 03 apX 14 hsc XobXnIfn kotdm ae_mÀ k`bnse ]nXm¡·mcpsS BZv enan\ A

t¸mkvXtemcpw kµÀi\w tdman \S¶p. ""BZv enan\ At¸mkvXtemcpw'' F¶ e¯o³ {]tbmKw

Xs¶ AÀ°am¡p¶Xv A¸kvtXme·mcpsS ]n³KmanIfmb sa{Xm·mÀ tdman càkm£nXzw

hcn¨ ]t{Xmkv þ ]utemkv Çol·mcpsS ASpt¯¡p sNÃp¶p F¶mWv. HIvtSm_À 3þmw

XobXn cmhnse 8 aWn¡v hn. ]t{Xmknsâ I_dnS¯n¦Â FÃm ]nXm¡·mcpw IqSn AÀ¸n¨

hnip² IpÀ_m\tbmSpIqSnbmWv kµÀi\w Bcw`n¨Xv. BZv enan\ kµÀi\ ]cn]mSnIfnÂ

Gähpw {][m\s¸«Xv ]cn. ]nXmhv {^m³knkv ]m¸mbpambpÅ IqSn¡mgvNbmbncp¶p. HIvtSm_À 3þmw

XobXn cmhnse 10.30 apXÂ 12.30 hsc \S¶ ]m¸mbpsam¯pÅ kw`mjWw hfsc lrZyhpw k^ehp

ambncp¶p. h n̄¡m³ sIm«mc n̄se I¬knÌdn lmfnemWv ]m¸m R§sf kzoIcn ̈ Xv. lmfn c phi

¯mbn Hmtcm hcnbn R§Ä Ccp¶p. ]m¸m h¶t¸mÄ At±l n̄sâ Itkc R§fn \n¶v Aev]w

AIsebmsW¶p I v XÀÖasN¿m³ h¶ncp¶ A¨t\mSp Itkc Ipd¨pIqSn ASp¸n¨nSm³

]dªp. amÀ]m¸bpw Itkc ASp¸n¨nSm³ klmbn¨p. ]cnip² ]nXmhpw XÀÖa¡mc\pw R§Ä 48

]nXm¡·mcpw AÃmsX aämcpw B lmfn D mbncp¶nÃ.

BZyta Xs¶, ]cn. ]nXmhv k`bv¡v s]mXpshbpw \½psS k`bv¡v {]tXyIambpw sN¿p¶

\·IÄ¡p \µn ]dªpsIm v Rm³ kwkmcn¨p. ]n¶oSv KÄ v̂ \mSpIfnse \½psS P\§Ä¡v

k`bpsS ]mc¼cya\pkcn¨pÅ AP]me\w \mw \ntbmKn¡p¶ sshZnIÀ hgn e`n¡p¶Xn\pÅ

kuIcyw GÀs¸Sp¯n¯cWsa¶v ]cn. ]nXmhnt\mSv A`yÀ°n¨p. XpSÀ¶v amÀ]m¸mbpsSBhiy

{]Imcw A`nhµyaqe¡m«p ]nXmhns\ tamUtdädmbn \nÝbn¨p. kwkmcn¡m³ B{Klw {]ISn¸n¨

]nXm¡·msc aqe¡m«v ]nXmhv BibmhXcW¯n\p £Wn¨p. Hmtcmcp¯sc tI«tijw ]m¸m

adp]Sn ]dªsIm ncp¶p.

]cn. ]nXmhpambpÅ kw`mjW¯n \n¶pw cq]s¸« {][m\ Bib§fpw IÀ½²]²XnIfpw

Xmsg ]dbp¶hbmWv:

1. sshZnIÀ¡p X§fpsS hnfnsbbpw ZuXys¯bpwIpdn v̈ Bgamb t_m[y§fp mIm³ th

Xp sN¿pI. sshZnIÀ¡pÅ ]m¸mbpsS ktµis¯¡pdn¨p tNmZn¨t¸mÄ 2019 BKÌv 4þ\p Xm³

sshZnIÀ¡v FgpXnb I v̄ ]cn. ]nXmhv R§fpsS {i²bnÂs¸Sp¯n. \mep {][m\ Nn´IÄ ]m¸m

]¦ph¨p: sshZnIÀ ssZht¯mSp \nc´c_Ô¯nembncn¡Ww, sshZnIÀ X§fpsS sa{Xm·mtcmSpw

\Ã _Ô¯nembncn¡Ww, AXn\mbn sa{Xm·mÀ sshZnIsc XnIª IcpXtemsS ImWpIbpw

kvt\ln¡pIbpw thWw, sshZnIÀ X½nepw Dujvafamb kvt\l_豈 D mbncn¡Ww,

sshZnIÀ¡v AevambtcmSpw \à _豈 Øm]n¡m³ IgnbWw. BgamÀ¶ kaÀ¸W at\m`mh

t¯msS AhÀ ip{iqj sN¿Ww.

2. KÄ v̂ \mSpIfnse kotdm ae_mÀ hnizmknIÄ¡p k`m ]mc¼cy§Ä¡\pkrXambn

AP]me\ip{iqjIÄ e`n¡p¶Xn\p th GÀ¸mSpIÄ sN¿p¶Xn\p Xm³ Ifsamcp¡ns¡m n

cn¡pIbmWv F¶v amÀ]m¸ ]dªp.

3. ]uckvXy It¯men¡m k`IÄ¡pth n Hcp {]tXyI kn\Uv \S¯Wsa¶pÅ R§fpsS Bhiy

Circular Prot. No. 1644/²019

2019 HIvtSm_À 03 apX 14 hsc tdman \S¶ kotdm ae-_mÀ

k`bnse sa{Xm·mcpsS BZv enan\ kμÀi\¯n\ptijw taPÀ

BÀ¨v_nj¸v IÀZn\mÄ tPmÀPv Be-t©cn ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶


Page 10: SANTH ME SANTHME MESSENER Messengerfaridabaddiocese.in/admin/uploads/Santhome_Messenger_Nov...Congratulations Festal Greetings Most. Rev. Vincent Nellaiparambil Bishop of Bijnore Festal

November-December 2019-10-

FARIDABAD DIOCESAN BULLETIN Circular Prot. No. 1644/²019¯n\v ]m¸m A\pIqeamb adp]Sn \evIn.

4. tdman ]¯pØe§fn kotdmae_mÀ kaql§Ä¡p hn. IpÀ_m\bpw aäp Xncp¡À½§fpw

\S¡p¶p v. AhsbÃmw t{ImUoIcn¡p¶Xn\v Hcp ssZhmebhpw sshZnIaµnchpw tdma³

hnImcntbän \n¶v A\phZn¨p In«nbm \¶mbncp¶p F¶ Bhiy ¯n\,v Cu hnjbw ]n¶oSv

Xsâ {i²bnÂs¸Sp¯Wsa¶v ]m¸m A¸tÌmenIv hnkntäädmb Ìo^³ Nnd¸W v̄ ]nXmhn

t\mSv ]dªp.

5. kotdm ae_mÀ k`bv¡v C´yapgph\nepw e`n¨ncn¡p¶ AP]me\ kzmX{´ys¯

]cmaÀin v̈ icnbmb t{]jnX{]hÀ¯\w XzcnXs¸Sp¯Wsa¶ v ]m¸m ]dªp. t{]jnX{]hÀ¯\w

F´msW¶v amÀ]m¸ hyàam¡n: "F§s\sb¦nepw ss{IkvXhcpsS F®w hÀ²n¸n¡pIbÃ; \Ã

ss{IkvXhPohnX amXrIhgn P\§sf {InkvXphnte¡v BIÀjn¡pIbmWp th Xv'. kl\hpw

càkm£nXzhpw anj³ {]hÀ¯\¯nsâ Ahn`mPy `mK§fmsW¶v ]cn. ]nXmhv Iq«nt¨À¯p.

6. Ahkm\ambn, R§fpsS BZv enan\bpsS \mfpIfn Xs¶ tdman \S¡p¶

Batkm¬ knUns\¡pdn v̈ ]m¸mtbmSp R§Ä tNmZn¨p. kn\Unsâ e£y§Ä kw_Ôn v̈

am[ya§fn sXämb hmÀ¯IÄ hcp¶ps ¶v amÀ]m¸m ]dªp. kn\Unsâ hnPb¯n\p

th n {]mÀ°n¡Wsa¶v amÀ]m¸ R§tfmSv Bhiys¸«p. hfsc lrZyamb A\p`hamWv

amÀ]m¸bpambpÅ IqSn¡mgvNbn R§Äs¡ÃmhÀ¡pap mbXv.

Legion of Christ k\ymkkaql¯nsâ t\XrXz¯nepÅ tdmanse am¯À Ft¢knsb CâÀ

\mjW skan\mcnbnembncp¶p FÃm sa{Xm·mcpw Xmakn¨Xv. Gjybn \n¶pw emän³

Atacn¡³ cmPy§fn \n¶pw sshZnI]cnioe\w t\Sp¶ hnZymÀYnIfmWv Cu skan\mcnbnÂ

DÅXv. tIcf¯n \n¶p Xs¶ 25 sshZnIhnZymÀYnIÄ ChnsS Xmakn¨p ]Tn¡p¶p v.

BZ v enan\ kµÀi\w R§Ä sa{Xm·mÀ¡v FÃmhÀ¡pw henb ssZhm\p{Kl¯nsâ

A\p`hambncp¶p. BKÌv kn\Un D mb hÀ²n¨ Iq«mbvabpw sFIyhpw hfÀ¯m³ BZv

enan\bnse ]cn]mSnIÄ hfsc klmbIambn. ]cn. ]nXmhpambpÅ IqSn¡mgvNbv¡ptijw \S¶

]uckvXyk`IÄ¡pth nbpÅ Imcymeb¯nse kµÀi\w Fsd ^eZmbIambncp¶p. ASp

¯Ime v̄ \½psS k`bv¡p th n Cu Imcymeb¯nsâ {]os^IvSv IÀ±n\mÄ seb\mÀtZm km{µn

FSp¯ Xocpam\§Ä¡v R§Ä \µn tcJs¸Sp¯n. BKÌv kn\Unsâ hnPb¯n At±lw

kwXr]vXn {]ISn¸n¨p. hÀ²nXamb sFIy¯nepw kam[m\ ¯nepw k` apt¶dWsa¶v At±lw

HmÀ½s¸Sp¯pIbpw sNbvXp. tdmanse aäp Imcymeb§fpw ]nXm¡·mÀ kµÀin v̈ Bibhn

\nabw \S¯pIbp mbn. HIvtSm_À 11þmw XobXntbmSpIqSn Imcymeb kµÀi\§Ä kam]n¨p.

tdmanse hnhn[ tIm¬{KntKj\pIfpsSbpw s]m´n^n¡Â Iu¬knepIfpsSbpw Hm^okpIÄ

kµÀin¡m³ t]mb thfbn R§Ä¡v bm{XmkuIcyw Hcp¡nX¶Xv The Work of the Church F¶ Hcp kaql¯nse sshZnIcmWv. tdmanse¯p¶ sa{Xm·mÀ¡v, AhÀ GXpcmPy¡mcmbmepw,

k·\tÊmsS ChÀ sNbvXphcp¶ ip{iqjIsf F{X {]iwkn¨mepw aXnbmhpIbnÃ.

tdman \mep taPÀ _knen¡IÄ D v: hn. ]t{XmkntâXv, skâ v tPm¬ emäd³, tacn taPÀ,

hn. ]utemkntâXv. Chbn aq¶n R§Ä sa{Xm·mÀ FÃmhcpw tNÀ¶v k`bpsS

\ntbmK§Ä¡mbn hn. IpÀ_m\ AÀ¸n¨p. tacn taPÀ _knen¡bn adnbw t{Xkym½bpsS

\maIcW¯n\p Xte Znhkw BtLmjamb PmKcW {]mÀ°\ \S¯n. hnip²cpsS \maIcW

\S]SnIÄ \S¯p¶ Imcymeb¯nsâ {]os^IvSv ImÀUn\Â sPymhm¶n s_Nyp Bbncp¶p


BZv enan\ kµÀi\¯n\p tijw sa{Xm·mÀ FÃmhcpw HIvtSm_À 13þmw XobXn

hn. ]t{Xmknsâ NXzc¯n \S¶ \maIcW \S]Snbn kw_Ôn¨p. A¶v {^m³knkv ]m¸m aäp

\mep t]tcmsSm¸w \½psS adnbw t{Xkym½sbbpw hnip² ]Zhnbntebv¡pbÀ¯n. hn. IpÀ_m\

tbmSpIqSn \S¶ {]kvXpX NS§n tI{µkÀ¡mdnsâ {]Xn\n[nIfmbn a{´n {io hn. apcfo[c\pw

Page 11: SANTH ME SANTHME MESSENER Messengerfaridabaddiocese.in/admin/uploads/Santhome_Messenger_Nov...Congratulations Festal Greetings Most. Rev. Vincent Nellaiparambil Bishop of Bijnore Festal

November-December 2019 -11-

SANTHOME MESSENGERaWn¸qÀ a{´n k`bnse {io iymw Ipamdpw C´ybpsS h¯n¡m³ Øm\]Xn {io kn_n tPmÀPpw

kw_Ôn¨ncp¶p. adnbw t{Xkym½tbmsSm¸w ImÀUn\Â tPm¬ sl³dn \yqam\pw hnip²\mbn

\maIcWw sN¿s¸«p F¶Xv {]tXyIw {]kvXmhyamWv. \maIcW¯n\p ]ntä¶v tdmanse hn. A\

kvXmknbmbpsS _knen¡mbn R§Ä sa{Xm·mÀ FÃmhcpw tNÀ¶v IrXÚXm_enbÀ¸n¨p.

kotdm ae_mÀ hnizmknkapl¯n\p th n tdman Øm]nXamb CShIbpsS cPX

Pq_nenbmtLmj§fpsS kam]\ kt½f\w HIvtSm_À 6þmw XobXn RmbdmgvN Znhot\m Atamsd

F¶ amXmhnsâ XoÀYmS\ tI{µ¯n h¨p \S¶p. At¶ Znhkw \S¯s¸« hn. IpÀ_m\bnepw

s]mXpkt½f\¯nepw FÃm sa{Xm·mcpw kw_Ôn¨p.

BZv enan\kµÀi\ Znhk§fn \S¶ asämcp {][m\s¸« kw`hamWv \½psS

s{]mIyqcbpsS BioÀhmZw. Domus Mar Thoma (amÀ tXmam ̀ h³) F¶mWv s{]mIyqcbpsS t]cv.

ChnsSbpw sa{Xm·mÀ FÃmhcpw tNÀ¶pÅ hn. IpÀ_m\ D mbncp¶p. IpÀ_m\bv¡ptijw IÀ±n

\mÄ km{µn tZmaqkv amÀtXm½ DZvLmS\w sNbvXp. At±lhpw Rm\pw tNÀ¶v BioÀhmZIÀ½w

\nÀhln¨p. D¨`£Wt¯msS kam]n¨ NS§n h¯n¡m\nsebpw tdmansebpw ]e hninjvS

hyànIfpw sshZnIcpw kaÀ¸nX t{ijvTcpw Aevamb{]Xn\n[nIfpw kw_Ôn¨p. \½psS

k`bpsS tdmanse HutZymKnI {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v Cu `h\w ]ehn[¯nepw D]Icn¡pw. CXnsâ

\nÀ½mWhpw kwhn[m\hpw At\IcpsS \nc´chpw ITn\hpamb ]cn{ia¯nsâ ^eamWv. bqtdm

¸nse A¸kvtXmenIv hnkntäädpw \½psS k`bpsS tdmanse s{]mIyptdädpamb A`nhµy Ìo^³

Nnd¸W¯p ]nXmhnsâ t\XrXzw {]tXyIw {]iwk AÀln¡p¶p. C{]Imcw Hcp s]mXp`h\w

tdman e`n¨Xn \ap¡p \µn]dbmw. k`m a¡Ä Ghcpw \evInb kw`mh\IfmWv Cu kz]v\w

km£mXv¡cn¡m³ \ap¡p klmbIambXv. FÃmhÀ¡pw \µn ]dbp¶p!

BZv enan\ kµÀ\w ]nXm¡·mÀ¡v am\knIhpw Bßobhpamb Hcp hncp¶\p`hambncp¶p.

kmÀh{XnIk`bpsS {]hÀ¯\§Ä a\\w sNbvXv ho£W§Ä hnimeam¡m³ ]nXm¡·mÀ¡p

km[n ̈ p. AÊoknbnte¡pÅ Hcp Znhks¯ XoÀ°mS\w \hamb Bßotbm¡Àj¯n\v Gsd

D]Icn¨p. hn. {^m³knknsâ ̀ uXnImhinjvS§Ä kq£n¨ncn¡p¶ ssZhmeb¯n R§Ä Hcpan

¨p hn. IpÀ_m\ AÀ¸n ¨p. {^m³knkvI³ sIm¬shân B{ia¯nse sshZnIktlmZc³amÀ

R§Ä¡v sNbvXpX¶ klmb§Ä \µntbmsS kvacn¡p¶p. BZv enan\ kµÀi\hpw A\p_Ô

]cn]mSnIfpw HIvtSm_À 14þ\p kam]n¨p.

tdmanse {][m\ ]cn]mSnIfpsS hmÀ¯IÄ Zriy{imhy am[ya§fneqsSbpw

]{X§fneqsSbpw \n§Ä Adnªncp¶phtÃm. IqSpX hnizmkXo£ vWXtbmSpw

k`tbmSpÅ {]Xn_²XtbmSpwIqSn \½psS ip{iqjIÄ XpScm³ ImcpWyhm\mb IÀ¯mhv

\ms½Ãmhscbpw A\p{Kln¡s«. ]cn. A½bpsSbpw ]pXpXmbn \maIcWw sN¿s¸« hnip² adnbw

t{Xkym½bpsSbpw am²yØyklmbw \n§Ä¡pw \n§fpsS IpSpw_§Ä¡pw e`n¡pamdmIs«!

Cutimbn k vt\l]qÀhw,

IÀ±n\mÄ tPmÀPv Bet©cn

kotdm ae_mÀ k`bpsS taPÀ BÀ v̈_nj v̧

Im¡-\mSv au v skâ v tXma-Ên-epÅ taPÀ BÀ v̈_nj¸nsâ Imcym e-b- ¯n \n¶v 2019þmw B v \hw_À amkw 1þmw

XnbXn \ÂI-s¸«Xv.

N.B: Cu kÀ¡peÀ DNnXamb amÀK§fneqsS AXXp cq]X/AXncq]XIfnse sshZnIcpsSbpw k¶ykvXcpsSbpw

AevambktlmZc§fpsSbpw {i²bn sIm phtc XmWv . kÀ¡peÀ apgph\mbpw ssZhmeb¯nÂ


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November-December 2019-12-


awK-e-hmÀ¯¡mew ho pw {InkvXp-a-knsâ hc-hns\ hnfn-t¨m-Xp-I-bm-Wv. {]mb-t`-Z-sat\y

FÃm-hÀ¡pw kt´m-j-ta-Ip-¶, B\-µ-\nÀ`-c-amb Hcp Ime-L-«w. FÃm Xe-§-fnepw FÃm-h-cpw

Hcp-an¨p Iq«n B\µw ]¦p-h-bv¡p¶ BK-a-\-Im-ew. GhÀ¡pw {InkvXp-a-kn-sâbpw ]pXp-h-Õ-c-̄ n-

sâbpw {]mÀ°-\m-iw-k-IÄ kvt\l-t¯msS t\cp-¶p. Iq«m-bva-bpsS BtLm-j-amWp {InkvXp-a-kv.

ssZhhpw a\p-jy\pw H¶n-¨p-Iq-Sn-b-Xnsâ atlm-Õ-h-amWp {InkvXp-a-kv. ]dp-Zo-km-bn XpS-¡-

an« ssZh-þ-a-\p-jy-Iq-«p-sI-«p BZy-]m-]-¯m XIÀ¶-Sn-ªp. \jvS-s¸« B henb Iq«p-sI-«nsâ

]p\ÀP-·-amWp ]p¡p-«nense D®n-tb-ip-hn Zriy-am-Ip-¶-Xv. a\p-jy-a-¡-fpsS IqsS \S-¡p-¶,

Iq«n-\n-cn-¡p-¶, Iq«m-bva-bn-em-bn-cn-¡p¶ ssZh-̄ nsâ henb kvt\lkm-¶n-[y-amWp {InkvXp-a-kv.

Iq«m-bva-bpsS BtLm-j-¯n-te¡p am{X-a-Ã, Iq«m-bva-bpsS Bhn-jv¡m-c-¯n-te-¡mWp {InkvXp-

akv \s½ £Wn-¡p-¶-Xv.

t^kv_p-¡v, SznäÀ F¶n-h-bn-eqsSsbms¡ _Ô-§-fpsS henb {irwK-e-bn-cn-¡p¶p F¶p A`n-

am-\n-¡p-¶hcpw hmZn-¡p-¶-hcpw, ]et¸mgpw Hä-s -̧Sp-̄ p-¶Xnsâbpw Hä-bv¡m-bn-cn-¡p¶Xnsâbpw

henb _Ô-\-§-fn-em-bn-cn-¡p¶p F¶-XmWp bmYmÀ°yw. BtKm-f-X-e-̄ n \à _Ô-§-fp-s

¶p A`n-am\w sIm-Åp-t¼m-gpw, C¶p Gähpw IqSp-XÂ AI-e-ap-ÅXp sXm-«-Sp-¯n-cn-¡p-¶-h-cpsS

lrZ-b-§Ä X½n-em-Wv. IqSp-t¼mÄ C¼-ap- m-tI IpSpw-_-§Ä C¶p aqIX hnfn-t¨m-Xp¶

ivaim-\-§Ä t]mse-bm-Ip-¶p. IqsS \S-t¡- -h-cpw, Iq«n-\n-cn-t¡- -h-cpw, Iq«m-bva-bn-em-bn-cn-t¡-

-hcpw Hä-bm-\-I-fmbn kzmÀ°-Iq-Sm-c-§-fn X¼-Sn-¡p-t¼mÄ {InkvXp-akv \s½ hnfn-¡p-¶Xp

Iq«m-bva-bpsS henb BtLm-j-¯n-te-bv¡m-Wv. AI¶ I®n-IÄ Iq«n tbmPn-¸n-¡m-\p-Å, AI-

e-§-fn-em-bn-cn-¡p-¶-hÀ ASp-¯p-h-cm-\p-Å, A\y-cm-bn-cn-¡p-¶-hÀ At\ym-\y-X-bn-te¡p hf-cp-hm-

\pÅ {]tNm-Z-\-amWp {InkvXp-akv {]Zm\w sN¿p-¶-Xv.

Hmtcm \nanjhpw IqsS \S-¡p¶ X¼p-cmsâ kvt\lm-k-¶n[yw A\p-`-hn¨p Hä-bv¡m-bn-cn-

¡p-¶-h-cpsS IqsS \S-¡m³ {InkvXp-akv \s½ £Wn-¡p-¶p. Hcp ssa Zqcw t]mIm³ \ns¶

\nÀ_-Ôn-¡p-¶-h-t\m-Sp-IqsS c p ssa Zqcw t]mIp-¶-XmWp {InkvXp-a-kv. Häbv¡p \S-¡m³

Aan-X-ambn B{K-ln-¨p, amXm-]n-Xm-¡mÄ a¡-fpsS IqsS \S-¡m³ aSn ImWn-¡p-t¼mÄ {InkvXp-

a-knsâ Iq«mbva A\m-h-cWw sN¿-s¸-Sp-I-bn-Ã. Ipd-hp-I-fp-Å-h-cpsS IqsS \S-¡m³ aSn ImWn-

¡p-t¼mÄ, Ahsc Ft¶-bv¡p-ambn \ap¡p \jvS-s -̧Sp-t¼mÄ Iq«m-bva-bpsS sI«p-d v̧ _e-lo-\-am-

Christmas Message

Iq«m-bva-bpsS DÕhw{InkvXp-akv

Page 13: SANTH ME SANTHME MESSENER Messengerfaridabaddiocese.in/admin/uploads/Santhome_Messenger_Nov...Congratulations Festal Greetings Most. Rev. Vincent Nellaiparambil Bishop of Bijnore Festal

November-December 2019 -13-

SANTHOME MESSENGERhp-I-bmWv. Ipd-hp-I-fp-Å-h-cpsS IqsS \S-¡m³ ss[cyw ImWn-¨-h-\mWp ]p¡q-«n PmX-\mb

ssZh-]p-{X-\mb tbip. Pohn-X-¯n Bsc-sb-¦nepw Rm³ Hä-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶p-s -¦n {InkvXp-akv

F\n¡p shdp-samcp BtLmjw am{X-am-bn-cn-¡pw. Hä-s¸-«-h-cpsS IqsS IqSp-XÂ kabw Nne-h-gn-

¨p, {InkvXp-akv \ap-s¡mcp hen-sbmcp BtLm-j-am-¡mw.

Ft¸mgpw Iq«n-\pÅ X¼p-cm³ A\p-{K-loX km¶n[yw A\p-kva-cn-¨p A]-csâ, A]-cn-Nn-

Xsâ IqsS-bm-bn-cn-¡p-hm-\pÅ Ahn-kva-c-Wob Ime-L-«-amWp {InkvXp-a-kv. Keo-en-¡-S-ense

Imäpw tImfn-\p-an-S-bn shÅ-¯n\p aosX \S¶p HmSn-sb¯n IqsS-bm-bn-cn-¡p¶ X¼p-cm³

]p¡p-«n P\n¨p hfÀ¶ tbip Xs¶-bm-Wv. thÀ]m-Snsâ thZ-\-bn ]gb ]Wn-bn-te¡p Xncn-̈ p-

t]m-b-t¸mÄ, IS¯o-c-¯p-h¶p {]`m-X-`-£Wsam-cp¡n IqsS-bm-bn-cn-¡p-hm³ DbnÀs¯-gp-t¶-

äXpw ]p¡q-«n PmX-\mb D®n-tbip Xs¶-bm-Wv. thZ-\-bpsS Ah-k-c-¯nepw thÀ]m-Snsâ

Ah-k-c-̄ nepw A]-csâ IqsSbncn-¡m-\pÅ HmÀa-s -̧Sp-̄ -emWp {InkvXp-a-kv. IpSpw-_-§-fnepÅ,

Bip-]-{Xn-Ifn Ign-bp-¶, A\m-Ym-e-b-§-fn hkn-¡p¶ {]mb-am-b-hcpw, tcmKn-I-fm-b-hcpsS

IqsS-bm-bn-cn-¡p-t¼mÄ Cu {InkvXp-a-kv hen-sbmcp IpSp-t_m-Õ-h-ambn amdpw.

kzÀKobIq«m-bva-bpsS ap¶m-kzm-Z-\-amWp {InkvXp-akpw {InkvXo-b-Po-hn-X-hpw. ct m, aqt¶m

t]À Hcp-an-¨p-Iq-Sp-¶n-S¯p HmSn-sb¯n Iq«m-bva-bn-em-bn-cn-¡p-hm³ sh¼ÂsIm-Åp-¶-h-\mWp

]p¡p-«n `qPm-X-\mb ssZhw. B Iq«m-bva-bn-em-bn-cn-¡p-hm-\pw, ssZh-cm-Py-¯nsâ B henb

Iq«m-bva-bn-te¡p aäp-Å-hsc B\-bn-¡p-hm\pw th n-bmWp ]p¡p-«n P\n¨p hfÀ¶ tbip

injy-·msc Xnc-sª-Sp-̄ -Xv. temIm-h-km\w hsc IqsS-bm-bn-cn-¡m³, lrZ-b-̄ n hkn-̈ p Iq«m-

bva-bn-em-bn-cn-¡m³ hnip² IpÀ_m\ Øm]n¡p-hm-\mWp tbip ]p¡q-«n P\n-¨-Xv. Iq«-¯n-

em-bn-cn-¡p-hm-\-Ã, Iq«m-bva-bn-te¡p hf-cp-hm-\mWp {InkvXp injysc hnfn-̈ -Xv. CS-h-I-]-Ån-bnepw,

IpSpw-_-§-fnepw \½-sfms¡ Iq«-̄ n-ep- v. F¶m a\-Ên-sâbpw lrZ-b-̄ n-sâbpw Bg-amb Iq«m-

bva-bn-te¡p \½Ä hf-cp-hm³ {InkvXp-akv ho pw \s½ HmÀan-¸n-¡p-¶p. kt´m-j-¯nsâ Iq«m-

bva-bn-em-bn-cn-¡m³ Ghcpw CjvS-s¸-Sp-¶p. F¶m thZ-\-bpsS hn§-enepw IqsS-bm-bn-cn-¡m³,

Iq«m-bva-bn-em-bn-cn-¡m³ k·-k-Êp-Å-hÀ¡mWp {InkvXp-akv kam-[m-\hpw kt´m-jhptaIp-¶-Xv.

IqsS \S-¡m\pw, IqsS-bm-bn-cn-¡m-\pw, Iq«m-bva-bn-em-bn-cn-¡p-hm\pw \ap¡p Ign-b-W-sa-¦nÂ

FÃm-h-sc-¡mfpw FÃm-än-t\-¡mfpw sNdp-Xm-I-Ww. ]p¡q-«n Gähpw sNdpXpw Gsd XmWncn-

¡p-¶Xpw a¶n `qPm-X-\mb ssZh-am-Wv. C{X sNdp-Xm-Im³ F{X hftcWw F¶p tIÄ¡p-

t¼mÄ a\-Ên-em-¡-Ww, henb lrZ-b-ap-Å-hÀ¡mWp sNdp-Xm-Im-³ Ign-bp-¶-Xv. FÃm-h-scbpw

kvt\ln-¡p¶ henb lrZ-b-apÅ ssZh-¯n\p am{Xsa C{X sNdp-Xm-Im³ Ign-bp. Xncp-h-N\w ]

d-bp¶p: "Ah-\n hniz-kn-¡p¶ Gh\pw \in-¨p-t]m-ImsX \nXy-Po-h³ {]m]n-¡p-¶-Xn-\p-th n

Xsâ GI-Pm-Xs\ \ÂIm³ X¡-hn[w ssZhw temIs¯ A{X-am{Xw kvt\ln¨' (tbml. 3:16).

kzbw sNdp-Xm-bn, Ffn-a-bpsS amXrI \ÂIn tbip injy-cpsS ap¼n ap«p-Ip-¯n, ]mZ-§Ä

IgpIn Npw_n-¨Xp, FÃm a¡-sfbpw kzÀKob Iq«m-bva-bn-te¡p Iq«n-s¡m p t]mIp-hm³ th

n-bm-Wv. sNdp-Xm-Im³ a\-Êp-Å-hÀ¡p am{Xsa {InkvXp-a-Ênsâ A´x-k¯ a\-Ên-em-¡p-hm

\pw, Pohn-¡p-hm-\pw, BtLm-jn-¡p-hm\pw km[n-¡p-I-bp-Åp. hen-b-h-cm-Ip-hm-\pw, ià-cm-Ip-hm-

\pw, [\n-I-cm-Ip-hm\pw sh¼ÂsIm-Åp¶ Cu Ime-L-«-¯nÂ, Ffn-a-bpsSbpw, Iq«m-bva-bp-sS-bpw,

emfn-Xy-¯n-sâbpw ssNX\y-ta-dp¶ ]p¡qSv \sÃmcp {InkvXp-akv BtLm-j-¯n-te¡p \s½

\bn-¡-s«-sb¶p {]mÀ°n-¡p-¶p, Biw-kn-¡p-¶p. GhÀ¡pw Hcn-¡Â¡qSn {InkvXp-a-kv-þ-]p-Xp-h-

Õcmiw-k-IÄ kvt\l-t¯msS t\cp-¶p, {]mÀ°n-¡p-¶p.

+ tPmkv ]p¯³ho-«n ]nXmhv

klmbsa{Xm³, ^coZm_mZvþUÂln cq]X

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RETRO “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Peter 2: 2-3).

The youth fest Bezalel, was followed by continuous rosary, which was conducted on October 12th, in all parishes and led by DSYM. About two weeks later, the long planned ‘RETRO’, a three days retreat was conducted during the prayerful month of rosary, from 24th, to 27th of October, for the enlightenment of one’s spiritual life during this youthful phase. The retreat, organized at Divine Retreat Ashram, Faridabad, witnessed a strong and devotional participation of more than 100 youth members of the Diocese of Syro Malabar Delhi.

Sessions were taken by Rev. Fr. Francis Karthanam and Rev. Fr. Dibin Aluvassery on common topics related to youth, such as self love, gratitude, forgiveness, parental guidance, temptations we face and the means to resist them. The topics were beautifully elaborated through parables from personal experience and also biblical references, with a mix of rawness, humour, inspiration and devotion. Action songs and hymns were taught,

which the youth eagerly looked forward to learn, every now and then. On the concluding day, Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara had graced the event through his presence and interaction with the youth. He had also handed a rosary, a prayer card and a picture of Jesus, to each one present, as a mark of appreciation.

The importance of spiritual growth in the life of a youth can never be undermined in the contemporary world. With this in mind, DEXCO conducted Retro’19. The retreat had been named so, very thoughtfully, as the name conveys the message of ‘looking back into our lives through this spiritual journey’. The retreat was successfully conducted with grace of the Almighty whose touch and presence was experienced by many who had attended, through healings and the answers they received from Him.

DEXCO now gears up for its signature event, Gloria’19, whose poster was officially released during Santhome Bible Convention on Saturday, 9th of November by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara. It will be held on Sunday, 5th of January, 2020.

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IpSpw_PohnXs¯ hnip²oIcn¡m³ IpSpw_{]mÀ°\bpw hyàn]camb {]mÀ°\bpw

A\nhmcyamsW¶v ̂ coZm_mZv cq]Xm²y£³ BÀ v̈_nj v̧ Ipcymt¡mkv ̀ cWnIpf§c. \hw_À

8,9,10 XobXnIfn UÂlnbn sF.F³.FþbnepÅ XymKcmP tÌUnb¯n Bbnc¡W¡n\v

hnizmknIÄ ]s¦Sp¯ cq]XbpsS ]¯maXv kmt´mw ss__nÄ I¬sh³j³ DZvLmS\w sNbvXv

kwkmcn¡pIbmbncp¶p BÀ v̈_nj v̧. It¯men¡m hnizmknIfpsS {]tXyIn v̈ kotdm ae_mÀ

k`ma¡fpsS ASnØm\w IpSpw_{]mÀ°\bmsW¶pw, \½psS ]qÀÆnIcneqsS e`n¨ B ss]

XrIamWv IpSpw_§fpsS hnip²oIcW¯n\pÅ amÀ¤§fn {][m\sa¶pw ]nXmhv ]dªp. _lp.

tPmbv sN¼ItÈcn (s_s\UnIvssS³) A¨\mWv Cu hÀjs¯ {XnZn\ I¬sh³j³ \bn¨Xv.

[ym\¯nsâ H¶mw Zn\¯n AÀ¸n¨ hn. IpÀ_m\bv¡v hnImcn P\dmÄ tam¬. tPmkv sh«n¡epw,

Iyqcnb AwK§fpw ImÀ½nIXzw hln¨p. I¬sh³j³ Zn\§fn Ip¼kmchpw hnSpXÂ

ip{iqjbpw Bcm[\bpw D mbncp¶p. I¬sh³j³ c mw Zn\¯n cq]Xm²y£³ BÀ v̈_n

j v̧ Ipcymt¡mkv ̀ cWnIpf§c ]nXmhnsâ apJyImÀ½nIXz¯n AÀ¸n¨ hnip² IpÀ_m\bnÂ

cq]Xbnse \hsshZoIÀ klImÀ½nIcmbn. IpÀ_m\bv¡ptijw ̂ coZm_mZvþUÂln cq]Xbnse

kmaqlnI kmwkvImcnI hnZy`ymk aWvUe§fn anIhv sXfnbn¨hsc cq]X BZcn¨p.

kam]\ Zn\amb \hw_À 10 RmbdmgvN 12 aWntbmsS Bcw`n¨ ZnhyImcpWy {]Z£nWt¯msS

[ym\ip{iqj kam]n¨p. XpSÀ¶v 2018þ2019 hÀj§fn {]YaZnhyImcpWyw kzoIcn¨ Ip«nIfpsS

""Fbv©Âkv aoäv'' {]mÀ°\mip{iqjbv¡v ]me¡mSv cq]Xm²y£³ _nj v̧ tP¡_v a\t¯mS v̄,

_nj v̧ tPmkv ]p¯³ho«n F¶o ]nXm¡·mÀ t\XrXzw \ÂIn. I¬sh³j³ P\d I¬ho\À

dh.^m.amÀ«n³ ]meaäw kzmKXhpw tPmbnâ v I¬ho\À {io.]n.sP. tXmakv \µnbpw ]dªp.

\hw_À 10þ\vD¨bv¡ptijw cq]XbpsS klmbsa{Xm\mbn \nbanX\mb amÀ tPmkv ]p¯³

IpSpw_{]mÀ°\bv¡pw hyàn

]camb {]mÀ°\bv¡pw

Du¶Â \evIWw . . BÀ¨v_nj¸v `cWnIpf§c

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ho«n ]nXmhv apJyImÀ½nI\mbpw cq]XbpsS s^mtdm\ hnImcnamcpw cq]Xbnse hnhn[

tIm¬{KntKj³ s{]mhn³jymÄamcpw klImÀ½nIcmbpw AÀ¸n¨ hn.IpÀ_m\bn cq]Xbnse

FÃm sshZnIcpw k\ymkn\ok\ymknamcpw Bbnc¡W¡n\v hnizmknIfpw ]s¦Sp¯p. IpÀ_m\

bv¡ptijw kotdm ae_mÀ taPÀ BÀ v̈_nj v̧ IÀ±n\mÄ tPmÀÖv Bet©cnbpsS km¶n²y¯nÂ

cq]X Nm³kneÀ dh.^m.tXmakv Ipfw]Ånbn klmbsa{Xm\mb amÀ tPmkv ]p¯³ho«nÂ

]nXmhnsâ \nba\ D¯chv (Un{In) hmbn¨p. XpSÀ¶v ]p¯³ ho«n ]nXmhv \nba\ D¯chnÂ

H¸ph v̈ Øm\ta¡pIbpw sNbvXp.

IpÀ_m\bv¡ptijw cq]XbpsS ]pXnb klmbsa{Xms\bpw hninjvSmXnYnIsfbpw

hmZytaf§fpsS AI¼SntbmsS A\ptamZ\ kzoIcWkt½f\thZnbnte¡v B\bn¨p. cq]

Xm²y£³ BÀ v̈_nj v̧ Ipcymt¡mkv ̀ cWnIpf§c GhÀ¡pw kzmKXw t\cpIbpw ]qs¨ v \ÂIn

]p¯³ ho«n ]nXmhns\ cq]Xbnte¡v kzoIcn¡pIbpw sNbvXp. kotdm ae_mÀ k`bpsS taPÀ

BÀ v̈_nj v̧ IÀ±n\mÄ tPmÀÖv Bet©cn kt½f\w DZvLmS\w sNbvXp. kzoIcW kt½f\ n̄Â

sa{Xmt¸meo¯amÀ, sa{Xm·mÀ, kmaqlnI cmjv{Sob kmwkvImcnI cwK§fnse {]apJÀ, sshZnI

k\ykvX Aevamb {]Xn\n[nIÄ, Bbnc¡W¡n\p hnizmknIÄ ]s¦Sp¯p.

UÂln D]apJya{´n _lp. a\ojv kntkmZnb, UÂln \nbak`m kv]o¡À _lp. dmw \n

hmkv tKmbÂ, h¯n¡m³ Øm\]XnbpsS {]Xn\n[n tam¬. tdm_À«v F.apÀ^n, sa{Xm·mcmb

tP¡_v amÀ _ÀW_mkv, amÀ tP¡_v a\t¯mS v̄, amÀ hn³skâ v s\Ãmbn¸d¼nÂ, amÀ tPm¬

hSt¡Â, dh.^m. tPmkv CStÈcn, dh.^m.tPmkv ]pXntbSXv, tam¬. kndnbIv sIm¨mep¦Â,

{io.sPdmÄUv, {ioaXn skeo\ hn³skâ v F¶nhÀ BiwkIfÀ¸ v̈ kwkmcn¡pIbpw Øm\

taä klmbsa{Xms\ s]m¶mSbWnbn¨v BZcn¡pIbpw sNbvXp. A\ptamZ\ kzoIcW¯n

t\mS\p_Ôn v̈ cq]X Cd¡nb kph\odnsâ BZytIm¸n tam¬.tdm_À«v, cq]X ]mÌd Iu¬knÂ

sk{I«dn {io.]n.sP tXmakn\v \ÂIns¡m v {]Imi\w sNbvXp. cq]Xm²y£³ `cWnIpf§c ]n

Xmhnsâ jjvSn]qÀ¯n kam]\¯nt\mS\p_Ôn v̈ Cd¡nb Festschrift (A Honour of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara) _p¡nsâ BZytIm¸n IÀ±n\mÄ tPmÀÖv Bet©cn amÀ tP¡_v

a\t¯mS v̄ ]nXmhn\v \ÂIn {]mImi\w sNbvXp. XpSÀ¶v klmbsa{Xm³ A`nhµy amÀ tPmkv

]p¯³ho«n ]nXmhv adp]Sn {]kwKw \S¯n. tam¬. tPmkv sh«n¡Â AÀ¸n¨ IrXÚXm{]

Imi\t¯msS s]mXpkt½\¯n\v kam]\ambn.

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The Department of Family Apostolate conducted Jubilarians' Get-together at Our Lady of Fatima Forane Church, Jasola on 1st December 2019. Ninety Silver Jubilee couples and one golden Jubilee couple participated in the day- long event. The programme started with a prayer followed by sessions by Hon. Justice Kurian Joseph and Auxiliary Bishop Jose Puthenveetil who also celebrated thanks-giving Holy Mass for the Jubilarians. After lunch the second session began with some fun activities conducted by the DSYM team from Jasola. Subsequently

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara chaired the felicitation ceremony. He led the sharing session in which some jubilarians shared the memorable moments from their life and some others sang songs. He, then, gave his presidential address in which he stressed on the need for more vocations and also on the necessity of mutual understanding and support among the family members, and felicitated the Jubilarians with mementos along with Bishop Jose Puthenveetil. The golden jubilee couple, Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Rosamma Joseph, from Janakpuri parish was honored by Archbishop with a shawl. The meet came to close with the concluding message and apostolic blessing by Archbishop.

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An important Christian leader , and that too a priest, who played a very decisive role in formulating a secular shape to Indian nation through its Constitution was Fr. Jerome D’Souza S.J. He was born in 1897 into a Catholic family of Moolki in Mangalore. After having completed his studies at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, St. Joseph‘s College ,Tiruchirapalli, and the University of Madras , he taught a year at St Joseph‘s College, Trichirappalli. It was during this time (1921) that he decided to join the Society of Jesus. He did his theological studies with the French Jesuits in Belgium and became a priest in 1931. Soon he was appointed a Professor at St. Joseph’s College, Trichy, in 1933. He was transferred to the Loyola College of Chennai in 1942 initially as its rector and later its Principal.

During this period Fr.Jerome attracted the attention of C. Rajagopalachari, who then was the President of the Indian National Congress. Rajagopalachari proposed the name of Fr.Jerome to the Madras Legislative Assembly. He was elected as the representative for Madras at the Constituent Assembly of Delhi(1946-1950). He was the only Christian priest in the Assembly of 389 members. In the Constituent Assembly which drafted the Constitution of India, he was the voice of both the minorities and secularists. When debates about the formation of separate electorates and reservation for Christians came up , he opposed the idea saying that he had full trust in the majority Hindu community, which always used to accommodate the Christians.

The aspects of ‘Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion’ etc

entered as Article 25 of our Constitution thanks to his timely intervention. Similarly Articles 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 of our Constitution that ensure the rights and protection of minorities are included in it because of the efforts of Fr.Jerome and the Protestant Christian leader, H. C. Mukherjee . After independence, Jawaharlal Nehru nominated Fr.Jerome four times to the UN delegation. As a diplomat he negotiated with Vatican for the ending of the Portuguese Padroado system and his involvement was very much there in the smooth transfer of the French settlements of Chandranagore and Pondicherry. He was keenly interested in causes of social action and in 1951 F.Jerome founded the Indian Social Institute (initially located at Pune) now in New-Delhi. As its first director he started publishing a journal called Social Action. The Government of India issued a postal stamp of two-rupee denomination in 1997 to honour him.

Even in Kerala many Catholic priests started participating in the national movements and democratic processes. One of the most evident cases is that of Fr.Kuriakose Vettickappallil , who was also a member of the diocesan consultors’ body of Ernakulam diocese in the early part of 1920s, and who won as MLC in election to Sree Moolam Popular Assembly (known as Sree Mooalm Praja Sabha) of Travancore in 1922. In Koratty, we find its parish priest Fr. Ouseph Panikulam getting elected to the first Cochin Legislative Council in 1925. During this period Fr. Paulose Elamkunnapuzha, the parish priest of Parur, also started joining local politics and getting elected to the Municipality

Dr. Pius MalekandathilProfessor in History, JNU, New Delhi

Article Indian Christians...

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of Parur and becoming the Chairman of Parur Municipality (1939-41)with proper permission from church authorities

Meanwhile, he increasing presence of Christian leaders and participants in Nivarthana Movement , an important strand in Kerala’s freedom movement and with which the franchise was widened and communal representation was introduced in the legislature of Travancore, made C.P.Ramaswamy Iyyer, the Dewan of Travancore, call the Congress Party of Travancore as Catholic Congress. Christians had already occupied the front position of Kerala’s freedom struggles. The relatively dominant Christian presence in the leadership of the evolving State Congress made C.P.Ramaswamy Iyer, the Dewan of Travancore to accuse freedom struggle in Travancore as an effort of the communal party of Travancore Christians. Even the Deputy President of Travancore Legislative Assembly was a Christian, T.M.Varghese. C.P.Ramaswamy Iyer believed that it was the wealth and education of the Christians that empowered them and made them turn against Travancore government. Consequently he turned against the money institutions of Christians , particularly the Manorama’s Quilon National Bank, which he liquidated. Moreover the printing and publishing of Malayala Manorama was also banned in Travancore by him .

Since he realized that it was their educational institutions that used to strengthen the Christians and gave them an edge over others. So the Dewan started an effort to nationalize the Christian schools in 1945. Though there were 2169 private schools in Travancore, 80% of them were run by Christian management. The attempts of C.P.Ramaswamy to appropriate and nationalize Christian schools were severely opposed by Mar James Kalasserril, the bishop of Changanacherry. In 1945 the bishop sent a pastoral letter to all the parishes of the diocese saying that Christians should join hands to protect their right to run their own schools and to resist any

move to encroach upon this right. The Dewan gave a notice to the bishop Kalasserril to withdraw the pastoral letter. Nine bishops of the Catholic church of Kerala extended support to bishop Kalasserril. A.K.C.C submitted a huge memorandum with signatures of 2, 56, 313 Christians to the king of Travancore for his intervention. Meanwhile the Mayor of Trivandrum exhorted that all non-Catholics should quit the Catholic schools and join government schools in September 1945 for their education. However, his efforts to divide the people on communal grounds between the Christians and other communities intensified the heat of the last phase of freedom struggle in Travancore. The Christian leaders of State Congress like Mrs. Annie Mascarene, Akkamma Cherian, Rosamma Cherian, A.J.John, R.V.Thomas, P.J.Sebastian E.John Philipose, Elenjickal Thariathu Kunjithommen, P.T.Chacko, Elizabeth Kuruvilla , K.J. Varkey, K.M.Chandy etc.,were arrested and their entire property was confiscated by C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer for the purpose of nipping the bud of expanding nationalist movement in the state. Parallel to the mobilization done by State Congress, mammoth gatherings were organized all over Travancore by All Kerala Catholic Congress to put pressure on the autocratic state and to facilitate the introduction of democratic processes in Travancore and in one of such meetings in the ground of St.Thomas church of Pala, about 3 lakh people participated. The days preceding independence witnessed an intense phase of conflicts between Church authorities and C.P.Ramaswamy Iyer , and it got all the more nuanced as the Dewan wanted to stifle the nationalist spirit in the state and wanted to implement American model of government in Travancore and make it to evolve as a separate political entity. But neither Travancore nor C.P.Ramaswamy could resist the overwhelming current of nationalism with which the country was marching towards its freedom.

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Consecration of Mary Matha and Infant Jesus Church.

The Consecration of the newly built Mary Matha and Infant Jesus Church at Mallanwala took place on 24th Nvemeber,2019. Mar Kuriakose Bharanikulngara consecrated the Church and Mar Jose Puthenveettil was present along with Msgr.Cyriac Kochalumkal CST and Rev.Fr.Saji Valavil, the Priest-In-Charge and many Rev.Fathers and Rev.Sisters. The new plot was bought in the month of October and an existing hall was converted to Church. Rev.Fr.Saji Valavil worked behind in getting the plot and making the church very fast. Thanks and congratulations to Fr.Saji.First Communion

On the occasion of the Consecration of the Church in Mallanwala, 130 people were given First Communion. They were from our new mission centers Hastiwala,Jaito,Mallanwala,Mudkui and Kot Ise Khan. We thank all the Fathers, Sisters and Catechists who prepared our people for the First Communion.Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee of Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal CSTThe Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee of Rev.Msgr.Cyriac Kochalumkal CST was celebrated along with Rev.Fr.George Alukka CST and Rev.Sr.Shalet MSMI in Gangsar Jaito on 25th ovember, 2019. Mar Jose

punjab newsPuthenveettil was present on the occasion along with more than 45 Fathers and 50 Sisters. On the occasion, a book written by Msgr.Cyriac Kochalumkal CST in Malayalam was also released.Gloria Carol Singing Competition.Gloria Carol Singing Competition is being held on 12th December, 2019 in St.Joseph’s Church at Mudki. It is our first attempt and Rev.Fr.Rony Thoppilan is the Convener and the Logo was released on 25th November, 2019 by Mar Jose Puthenveettil.Annual Function

The Second Annual Function of St.Mary’s Convent School,Panniwala was held on 28th November,2019. The beautiful and colourful function was excellent in its presentation and hearty congratulations to Rev.Fr.Rony Thoppilan and Rev.Sr.Jossy MSMI, the Principal.Visit of Mar Jose Puthenveettil to Punjab

Mar Jose Puthenveettil made his maiden visit to Punjab from 23-29 November and he visited 27 mission centers and he had the feeling of different missions and he enjoyed every bit of his interaction with people and their hospitality. Thanks a lot for your visit.

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JESUS YOUTH DELHI SILVER JUBILEE Jesus Youth movement in Delhi has been celebrating its silver jubilee this year. Jubilee brought back to us the memories and stories of great missionary zeal and commitment of our elders who had sprouted the seeds of the movement in the early ‘90s in Delhi. What had started with four people and just an intercession ministry, have grown and branched out through more than 10 ministries now. Various initiatives like Night Vigil, Perpetual Eucharist Adoration, Cross Connection, Campus Rendevouz have been happening for many years. Also, Delhi is like a transit place for many missionary JYs, who have been formed through various people and initiatives in Delhi for the last 25 years. Today these youngsters are active in various leadership roles in various countries.

Jubilee was a time to remember the contribution of various JY leaders, initiatives, crazy ideas for evangelization, sacrifices of many volunteers, and how the Lord has worked through various people despite limitations. It was also

Jesus youth News

a time to remember and thank all the Bishops, Priests, Religious and other movements for their support, guidance and encouragement.

Various initiatives happened throughout this Jubilee year. We had a ‘Youth Symposium’ in Feb 2019, in which we brought together all the youth movements across Delhi Archdiocese, Faridabad Eparchy and Gurgaon Diocese. We also had a programme called „Communion“ for Priests and Religious and another programme called ‘Fides Scholarum’ for Catholic educators and institutions. We had monthly gatherings with international resource people, and a growth level retreat for all JY leaders in Delhi. We even had a Jubilee Cross Prayan visiting many families, and other intercessory prayer initiatives.

The culmination of Jesus Youth Delhi Jubilee was the Jubilee Conference from 5th - 8th October 2019 at St. Michael’s School with the theme “Celebrate Jesus“. It was attended by Jesus Youth members from Delhi and other parts of North India. JYs who are now settled in various parts of India and abroad also came for the conference.

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Various dignitaries graced the stage for the inaugural function. A cine-drama captured the journey of JY Delhi over the last 25 years to bring back the memories of years gone by. The second day of the conference was focused on a retrospection of one’s spiritual journey and the response to the unending love from God. The themes for the third and fourth day were on Mission and Vision building. Apart from various testimony sharings and discussions, there were separate sessions for married couples and a consultation meeting with priests and religious.

Key resource persons for the Conference include Rev. Fr. Stanley, Sr. Maria Jees, Dr. Edward Edezhath, Mr. Manoj Sunny, Mr. Shoy Thomas, Mr. Raiju Varghese, Mr. George Devassy, Mr. Charles Bastian, Mr. Santosh Chittilappilly, Mrs. Sali Santhosh (Santvana Community) and Mr. Mathew Antony (Secretary-Commission for Evangelization, Archdiocese of Delhi).

His Grace Most Rev. Anil Couto, Archbishop

of Delhi and His Grace Most Rev. Vincent M Concessao, Archbishop Emeritus of Delhi also celebrated Holy Mass for the gathering on the last day. We were fortunate to give a jubilee memento to His Holiness Pope Francis and got crucifixes blessed by the Holy Father for the participants.

The 4 day Conference concluded with the “Jubilee Festival” which was attended by over 1500 people including priests, religious and youth from across the city. This included performances by three catholic choirs representing the three rites present in the Catholic Church in India, the band “David’s Harp” from YU4C and a sharing by Mr. George Devassy. The festival concluded with Mr. Alphons Joseph from the ‘Rex band’ accompanying the “Acts of the Apostles”, outreach wing of the JY Delhi Music Ministry. The high point of the concert was the moment when the blessed sacrament was brought to the stage escorted with candles held by leaders in the JY Delhi movement for the past 25 years.

punjab news


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November-December 2019 -23-


ARMONIA- 2019The Annual Day of St. Joseph’s Senior Secondary School, Barnala, Punjab, was celebrated on 23rd November 2019. The Chairman, His Grace Kuriakose Bharanikulangara, Archbishop of the Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi, was the chief Guest. Rt. Rev. Dr. Jose Puthenveettil, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Faridabad- Delhi, Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal, the Mission Coordinator and Shri Sardar Gurmeet Singh Haiyer, the M.L.A. of Barnala were the Guests of honour for the event. Many fathers, sisters, brothers, principals of neighbouring schools, political personals, well-wishers and parents were present to add more colour in the cultural evening named “ARMONIA 2019” which means Harmony with each other.

Principal Rev. Fr. Davis Kalliyathuparambil, Rev. Fr. Martin Nalpathilchira, Bro. Robin Paul, SMS sisters, teachers, non-teaching staff and students worked hard to make this program a grant success. Archbishop Kuriakose in his presidential address, informed parents that the new management will make much development in the near future and it is already began to sprout the seeds of progress in the School. He appreciated the former

management and all those who are associated with the school for their dedicated service. He too congratulated and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Principal, Staff and Students for making the day a memorable one. The Auxiliary Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveettil added in his words of wisdom that the catholic Schools are imparting value based education much more than any other private and government school. He expressed his satisfaction for being the part of St. Joseph’s School and thanked the Archbishop and the school management for the warm welcome he received during his first function in Punjab.


Our Student Ms. Jaspreet Kaur of Class XII bagged the 3rd prize in the Science Project and Competition held in Sangrur (Punjab) on 6th Dec. 2019. Forty three students participated from our school for the Science Seminar, organised by the University of Chandigarh for the schools of Barnala and Sangrur districts. Ms. Jaspreet Kaur presented a project on “film Projector” along with more than hundred students and their projects from various schools and she received the cash award and certificate. Rev. Fr. Davis Kalliyathuparambil, the Principal thanked our teachers Mr. Deepak Singla, Mrs. Kamaljeet Kaur, Ms. Meenu Sharma and students for their tireless efforts in arranging and participating in the event.

st. joseph school barnala

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Marriage Preparation courses for the month of October and November 2019 were conducted at Sanjoepuram Childrens’ Village, Faridabad. Nineteen aspirants participated in the three day intensive training programme in October and Twenty Eight aspirants participated in November. In addition to classes on various relevant topics, group discussions, activities, confession and counselling made the course effective. Marriage Preparation Courses (MPC) (Residential) dates:December, 2019 - 6 to 8 January, 2020 - No courseFebruary, 2020 - 7 to 9 March, 2020 - 6 to 8April, 2020 - 3 to 5 May, 2020 - No CourseJune, 2020 - No Course July, 2020 - 3 to 5August, 2020 - No Course September,2020 - 4 to 6October,2020 - 2 to 4 November,2020 - 6 to 8December,2020 - 4 to 6Course begins at 9 30 am on Day 1 (Friday) and ends at 4 pm on Day 3 (Sunday).Classes are held on First Friday, Saturday & Sunday of notified monthsThe courses would be conducted at Sanjoepuram Childrens’ Village, FaridabadBOOKING FOR MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSEAs number of seats for each course is limited, advance booking is compulsory. Booking closes when the seats are full. So book your seats well in advance (2 months to 1 week).How to book: 1) Online at our website www.familyapostolatefaridabad.com2) By SMS to 7838567767 or 3) By Email to [email protected] Information required for booking:1) Course date you are planning to attend 2) Your name 3) Male or female4) Mobile No. 5) Email ID & 6) Parish (place).

Instructions: Please bring along 1) The registration form (can be downloaded from the website”www.familyapostolatefaridabad.com”) duly signed by the parish priest or a letter for the purpose 2) Two passport size photos 3) Personal care things for 3 days’ stay including 2 bed sheets and 4) The course fee Rs.1600/- Per head.

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Today the Church praises “littleness”The Spirit of God can only germinate in a humble heart, Pope Francis says in his homily at the Massin Casa Santa Marta, on 03 December 2019.

Pope Francis said the day’s liturgy “speaks about little things; we could say that today is the day of littleness”. “On that day, a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him…”

“The Word of God sings the praises of what is small”, the Pope said, “and makes a promise: the promise of a shoot that will sprout. And what is smaller than a sprout?” And yet “the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him”. Pope Francis explained:

Redemption, revelation, the presence of God in the world begins like this, and is always like this. The revelation of God is made in smallness. Smallness, both humility and so many other things, but in smallness. The great seem powerful — let us think of Jesus in the desert, [and] how Satan appears powerful, the master of the whole world: “I will give you everything, if you…” The things of God, on the other hand, begin by sprouting, from a seed, little things. And Jesus speaks about this smallness in the Gospel.

Make yourself small so that the Kingdom of God might sproutJesus rejoices and thanks the Father because He has made known His revelation to the little ones, rather than to the mighty. Pope Francis noted that at Christmas, “We will all go to the Nativity scene, where the littleness of God” is present. And he said forcefully:

world newsIn a Christian community where the faithful,

the priests, the bishops do not take this path of littleness, there is no future, it will collapse. We have seen it in the great projects of history: Christians who seek to impose themselves, with force, with greatness, the conquests… But the Kingdom of God sprouts in the small thing, always in what is small, the small seed, the seed of life. But the seed by itself can do [nothing]. And there is another reality that helps and that gives strength: “On that day, a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him.”

The Spirit cannot enter into a proud heart“The Spirit chooses the small, always,” the Pope said, “because He cannot enter into the great, the proud, the self-sufficient”. The Lord reveals Himself to hearts that are small.

Similarly, the Pope said that a pastor, “whether he be a priest, bishop, pope, cardinal, whoever he might be, if he does not make himself small, is not a [true] pastor”, but rather an office manager.

This is true of everyone, he said, “from those who have a function that seems more important within the Church, to the poor old lady who performs works of charity in secret”.

Christian smallness does not mean being faintheartedPope Francis then anticipates an objection that might be made: that “littleness” might lead to faintheartedness – that is, being closed in oneself – or to fear. On the contrary, he said, “littleness is great”, precisely because it is not afraid to take risks, since it “has nothing to

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lose”. He explained that “littleness” leads to magnanimity, because it allows us to go beyond ourselves, knowing that God is the reason for greatness.

The Pope then turned to St Thomas Aquinas, who, in the Summa, explains how Christians, though they recognize their own littleness, must behave in the face of the challenges of the world, so as not to live as cowards.

“Don’t be afraid, go forward; but at the same time, take into account the smallest things, this is divine”. A Christian always starts from smallness. If in my prayer I feel that I am small, with my limits, my sins, like that publican who prayed at the back of the Church, ashamed, [saying] “Have mercy on me, a sinner”, you will go forward. But if you believe that you are a good Christian, you will pray like that Pharisee

who did not go forth justified: “I give you thanks, O God, because I am great”. No, we thank God because we are small.The concreteness of children’s confessionsPope Francis concluded his homily by saying how much he likes to hear the confessions, especially those of children. Their confessions, he said, are very beautiful, because they talk about concrete facts. So, for example, a child might confess, “I said this word” — and then repeat it for you. The Pope described this as “the concreteness of that which is small”. This can be an example of how we should approach God: “Lord I am a sinner because I have done this, this, this, this… This is my misery, my littleness. But send your Spirit so that I might not be afraid of great things, not be afraid of you doing great things in my life”.

world News

MATHUNNYBorn:………………….. Died:………………

Melepeedikayil House, Thodupuzha131 – C, Pocket – A, Dilshad Garden

Delhi – 110 095St. Francis of Assisi Forane Church,

Dilshad Garden, Delhi – 95


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Our Lady of Fatima Forane Church, Jasola

Sacred Heart Forane Church, Gurgaon

Learning & Leadership Programme at Our Lady of Fatima Forane Church, JasolaOLF Jasola parish council has designed a learning & Leadership programme for students of 8-12 classes. The programme was inaugurated by Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Julius Karukanthara on 17thNov 2019.Students can and do increase their leadership skills during the formative years and that in turn enhances their self-efficacy, civic engagement, character development and academic achievements. The proposed leadership program is divided into four categories based on the duration of contact for the intervention. These categories include: Foundation, Basic, Advanced & Specialization courses.

There are four broad categories of leadership outcomes program is seeking to promote:• Core Leadership Competencies• Personal Transformation and Mastery• Organizational Leadership Capacity• Community Leadership Capacity

BAZALEL-2019: SH ForaneChurch’s youth has participated in BAZALEL-2019 competition and bagged Prizes for different categories. First prize for Solo singing- Alen Jomon, Second Prize for Story Writing in Malayalam- Tom Thomas and Third Prize for English Speech-Christeena Chacko. First Holy Communion: The Holiest event First Holy Communion of Aine Rose Biju, Anjela Jofin, Alona Varghese and Bismi Joseph commemorated on 20th September. Everyone witnessed the love of God and we were blessed to have our Vicar General, Msgr. Jose Vettickal as the main celebrant of Holy Mass on this special occasion.Rosary Month: Rosary month wasobserved from 1st to 31stof October and Rev. Fr. George appreciated everyone who attended Holy Mass every day and also special gifts were given to them.Youth has also participated in the Cricket Match Tournament held on 2nd and 3rd November and they won two matches wherein Christer Chacko and Alvin Roy were the Man of the Matches and

The core purpose of the program is to build capacities in order to propel the leaders of tomorrow into leading with self-awareness, learning agility wherein the leaders use advance Interpersonal Communication skills to convey a powerful leadership presence.

also bagged ‘Fair Play’ Award in recognition of their exemplary behaviour and honest play.Eucharistic Adoration: SH Forane Church organised a one day adoration on 30th November under the leadership of Mathruvedhi. All Family Members were actively signed up as per their convenient hours. Our faith teaches us that Jesus is fully present in the Eucharist and so spending time before the blessed Sacrament in prayer is the same as spending time before the living God.

Reported by: Jessy Roy

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Nirmal Hriday Church, Tagore Garden

PARISH FEAST 2019Nirmal Hriday Church, Tagore Garden solemnly celebrated 9 days of Novena starting from 6th September 2019to 14th September 2019in preparation of Parish Feast under the spiritual guidance of Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Mathew Akkoottu CST. It was well appreciated the active participation of the parish members in the liturgical services.Feast Day Holy Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Jomy Vazhakalayil, Director of Sanjoepuram Villages, at St. Mark’s Church, Punjabi Bagh at 4.30 pm on 15th September 2019. DSYM Youth of the Parish performed an excellent Dance Show after the Holy Mass and a delicious dinner was served at the end of the Feast day celebrations.

MATHRUVEDI ELECTIONSMathruvedi elections of Nirmal Hriday Church was conducted and Mrs. Alice John was elected as President, Mrs. Reeta Saji as Vice President, Mrs. Reena Raju as Secretary, Mrs. Gracemma Jose as Joint Secretary, Mrs. Sheela Antony as Treasurer, Mrs. Brajitha Sebastian and Mrs. Priya James as Executive Members. Mrs. Reeta Saji was also elected as Treasurer of Karol Bagh Forane too.

CATECHISM PICNICCatechism Picnic was arranged for the catechism students from 5th standard onwards to Atlanta Water Park, KalindiKunj. Catechism teachers, Sisters and Parish Priest were accompanied the picnic. Children had a great time in the park. Catechism students below 5th Standard will be taken for picnic on 20th Oct 2019.

St. MARIYAM THRESSIA: The Relics of St. Mariam Thresia was brought to Nirmal Hriday Church by Rohini Church Parish Priest, Kaikarans and church members. We received the relics with prayers and devotion and it was taken to Hari Nagar Church on the next day.It was a great experience for the whole parish community. Reported by: Tomy Thomas

St. Peter’s Church, R.K Puram

Rosary MonthThe month of October was observed as rosary month where in rosaries were recited at unit levels in the first half of the month and unit wise rosary devotion was observed from 21stOctober to 31st October at St. Peter’s Bhawan, Ber Sarai. All the parishioners actively participated in the rosary devotion both at the unit level and at the parish level. The rosary was followed by Holy Mass, Adoration and nerchadistribution.

Mathruvedhi Charity visit-cum-PicnicThe Mathruvedhi of our parish went for charity visit and a fun picnic on 12th October 2019. Mothers from our parish went to pay visit to Shanti Avedna Cancer center near Safdarjung Hospital. They were

moved on seeing the conditions of the patients and prayed for their well being and speedy recovery. After the charity visit all the mothers went to Kalindi Kunj for a fun picnic. The two Kaikarans along with some children from Sunday school and DSYM youth volunteered to entertain the mothers at Kalindi Kunj as well as for arranging food for the mothers.

St. Jude’s Feast On 27thOctober 2019 Saint Peter’s Church, RK Puram celebrated the feast of Saint Jude with due devotion. Rev. Dr. Pius Malekandathil was the main celebrant for the Holy Mass. The rituals started with the Holy Mass followed by Prasudenthivazhcha and ladeenju. Reported by: Rosamma Mathew

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Infant Jesus Forane Church, Palam

CATECHISM TEACHERS DAYInfant Jesus Forane Church Catechism Department, Palam celebrated Catechism Teachers’ day on 3rdNovember 2019(Sunday). Catechism Students’ Leader Alan K Sijo gave an introduction about St. Charles Borromeo, the Patron Saint of catechists. Parish Priest Very Rev. Fr. Abraham Chempottickal, MST celebrated Holy Qurbana. In the homily, he explained the role and importance of Catechism Teachers in a parish. Children organized a special program under the leadership of Monica Ann George to celebrate teachers’ day. Fr. Abraham and Head Master Mr. Regi Thomas delivered messages on the occasion. Children greeted the teachers by offering flowers and cards. Programme completed with Agape.Poh hr£w

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Assumption Forane Church, Mayur Vihar Phase III

First Holy Communion On 3rd of November, 2019, 24 children of Assumption Forane Church received First Holy Communion from His Grace George Njaralakatt, Archbishop of Thalassery Archdiocese. The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Sebastian Mullamangalam, trustees, along with all parish community welcomed Archbishop at 8.45 AM at St. Mary’s School gate. The Archbishop was the main celebrant for the Holy Eucharist. The children were well trained for the spiritual nourishment by Rev. Sr. Nithya CMC along with other catechism teachers. Many family members and well-wishers of the Holy Communicants were gathered and witnessed the holy event .

Reported by: Regi Thomas

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St. Pius X Church, Dwarka

Bl. Kunjachan Church, Laxmi Nagar

OUTREACH PROGRAMMECatechism Department of St. Pius X Church Dwarka organized an outreach programme to Shanti Niketan, the orphanage of old age men, women and widows on 8.10.2019 to help the needy, hopeless and hungry under the leadership of our vicar Rev. Fr. Biju Kannampuzha. An overwhelming support from all the parishioners helped the organizers to donate a good amount in cash and various items like room heaters, food items, cloths etc. thereby providing them with a sense of security and affection. All of our students were deeply touched when they received a warm welcome from inmates of the orphanage. We spent nearly four hours with the inmates celebrating Holy Mass, having lunch together along with various cultural programs and sharing of experience etc. The eyes and the smiles of inmates will linger in our heart for all times to come. All of us are so lost in this fanciful world of lavishness that we hardly seem to notice the other half of deprivation.. It was indeed very satisfying experience for the Catechism Children as they

On 1st of September, the Department of Catechism of Bl. Kunjachan parish, under the guidance of parish priest Rev. Fr. Lijo Thaliyath, organised an exploration programme to Deepthi Ashram in Najaffgarh. The visit was accompanied not only by the catechism teachers and students but also by a good number

could bring smiles on faces of the aged people however for a brief period.

CEMETERY CLEANING Like every year, the last Sunday of October, all our parishioners including catechism children assembled at Dwarka cemetery immediately after the Holy mass and spent the day for its cleaning. The days Catechism classes were conducted at Cemetery only. Parishioners brought available cleaning tools and cleaned the cemetery very well. Lunch also was served at the cemetery.

of parishioners and youth. The programme included various performance by both the catechism students and the children of Deepthi Ashram as a sign of warm welcome to each other and also a thanksgiving to Rev. Fr. Joseph Kulathumkal for his exemplary service in the Ashram.

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St. Joseph’s Church, Kalkaji

Veneration of Relic: “From Childhood my soul agonized with an intense desire to love God”. 9thOctober, 2019 was a gorgeous day for St. Joseph Church, Kalkaji, to have the blessed Relic of St. Mariam Thresia, when the canonization process dedicated to her commenced in Saint Peter’s Square, Rome. The relic was received by Msgr. Jose Vettickal, Vicar General, Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi, Rev. Fr. Thomas Kulangara, St. Paul Society and the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Benny Palatty. Feast of Patron Saint :The Feast of St. Joseph, the patron of the Church was celebrated from 4th to 13thOctober, 2019 under the guidance and leadership of Rev. Fr. Benny Palatty, the Vicar, Thirunal Committee and the Presudhentis with full devotion and faith. The flag hoisting ceremony was conducted on Friday, 11th October by Rev. Fr. Julius Karukumthara, Forane Vicar, Our Lady of Fatima Forane Church, Jasola who was the celebrant of the Holy Mass. The Feast of the Patron Saint culminated on Sunday, the 13th October,2019 with Holy Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Romal Kaniyamparambil RCJ, Asst. Director of Rogate Sneha Bhavan, Hyderabad. The homily of the day was delivered by Rev. Fr. Paul Moonjely, Executive Director, Caritas India. The parishioners took out for a procession with Chendamelam and Bandmelam from Sanjoepuram, followed by ladeenju and Prasudenthivazhcha and agape.Catechism Orphanage Visit Titled “TheCampfire”Sunday, 24thNovember, 2019 was a blissful day for the Catechism Students of St. Joseph Church,

Kalkaji when they visited the physically and mentally challenged children in Sanjoepuram. All the Catechism Students of classes Nursery to XII accompanied by the catechism teachers and members of the parish were part of the visit. The visit evoked compassion and a resolve to make ones own life worthwhile to be able to help the less-abled. There was also a feeling of gratitude to the Almighty for creating us well in mind and body.Thereafter the students were taken to the community hall where the inmates were very pleasantly excited to be greeted with great enthusiasm. There was a huge smile on the faces of the visiting and host children and they happily engaged with each other. Rev. Fr. Jomy John, Director, Sanjoepuram Children’s Village, gave a short introduction about the functioning of the children’s village. Beautiful welcome song performances by both the catechism students and the children were appreciated by all. The programme like action songs, dance performances etc, witnessed a number of power packed performances.

PARISH FEAST 2019This year we celebrated the feast of our parish patron Bl. Kunjachan at our parish on 20th Oct 2019. The preparations for the feast commenced nine days before with Holy Mass and Novena led by Rev. Fr. Santhosh MST on 11/10; Rev. Fr. Aneesh SDV on 12/10 ; Rev. Fr. Lijo Thaliyath on 13/10 ; Rev. Fr. Benny Akkoottu CST on 14/10; Rev. Fr. Julius Karukanthara on 15/10; Rev. Fr. Paul Kodiyan on 16/10; Rev. Fr. Martin Palamattam on 17/10. On

18/10 VG Diocese of Faridabad Msgr. Jose Vettickal hoisted the flag followed by Holy Mass and Novena. On 19/10 the Holy mass was celebrated according to Malankara rite by a team from Minor Seminary, Saket celebrated by Rev. Fr. Aji, Rector of Minor Seminary. The Holy Mass and ladeenju celebrated by Rev. Fr. Santo Puthumanakunnath MCBS (Director of Catechism Department). The feast celebration ended with the Snehavirunu.

Reported by: Merina Joshy

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St. Alphonsa Church, Noida

First Holy Communion and Confirmation On 27th October, four children from St. Alphonsa Parish, Noida received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion and Confirmation from our parish priest Rev. Fr. Jose Vattakuzhy. Rev. Fr. Johnson and Rev. Fr. Rosho Stephen Pattathanam were the co-celebrants of the Holy Mass.

Farewell and welcome to the parish Vicars The parish community thanked Rev. Fr Jose Vattakuzhy for his selfless service to the parish for the past eight months and bade farewell to him and welcomed Rev. Fr Ginto K Tom on 27thOctober 2019. Rev. Fr Jose Vattakuzhy handed over charge to him in the presence of Rev. Fr. Sebastian Mullamangalam, the Forane Vicar, kaikkarans and the faithful and he gave a short message introducing the parish to Fr.Ginto K Tom and the faithful who had come from St Thomas Church, Motiakhan, New Delhi.

Catechism Sports Day: The Department of Catechism organized a one day intra-parish sports event for all the catechism children and also for the parents on December 1st to instill sportsman spirit and to encourage team building. Rev. Fr. Anoop Paulose OFM. Cap addressed the gathering

and declared the sports day open. Thereafter, events were started and all the children actively participated in various individual events and group events like football, relay race and dodgeball. DSYM and CML of the parish had arranged stalls for the refreshment of the participants. Mr. P K Jose and Mrs. Lucy Jose sponsored lunch as a token of their gratitude to God on the completion of the silver jubilee of their marriage was very much appreciated by all.

Waste Collection Drive: This year DSYM Noida came up with a new initiative to collect newspaper, e-waste and plastic waste from all the households of our parish. This helped not only to raise funds but also played a key role in protecting our environment by recycling single use plastic. All the parishioners wholeheartedly welcomed this initiative.

St. Jude Thaddeus Church, Ashok Vihar

PARISH FEASTThe Feast of St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron of our parish and Mother Mary was celebrated at Ashok Vihar, St. Jude Thaddeus Church on 1, 2, and 3 November 2019 with full devotion and faith. For the preparation of the feast, Rosary and Novena of St. Jude together with Holy Mass was celebrated for 10 days from 24th October to 2nd November with the leadership of each prayer unit. On each day, different fathers had offered Holy Mass. On 01.11.19 the flag was hoisted before the Holy Mass by Rev.Fr. Abraham Chepottickal MST. During the Holy Mass, he has also given a thoughtful and inspirational Homily based on the life of Mother Mary and St. Jude. On the day of main feast, 3rd November, the Holy

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St. Jude Church, Sahibabad

In the month of September, we were blessed to have a pilgrimage to the Holy Land organized by our Parish accompanied by the tour operator Jaas Travels. A 10 month long awaited dream turned in a reality. On the 22ndof September, midnight, we departed from our parish after the Holy Mass. Rev. Fr. Benny Palatty, our previous parish priest, and Rev. Fr. Babu Kattakayam, the Spiritual Director of St. Chavara Kuriakose Minor Seminary, Thommankuth, Kerala, accompanied us. We covered Jordan, Israel, Palestine and Egypt. We had a chance to see one of the 7 wonders of the world, the pyramid.On 23rd of October, the Relics of St. Mariyam Thresia was brought to our parish, it was a very special occasion for us to be enriched by the intercession of the Saint. We had the sisters of the Holy family who served in our parish and also had the lay association formed in our church. We had a solemn Holy Mass in the evening with agape served for all. The feast of St. Jude, the patron saint of our parish, was celebrated on 3rdof November. In preparation for this blessed day we had 9 days of rosary, Holy Mass and Novena of the Saint. On 2nd of November we had an Eucharistic procession. On the Feastday Rev Fr. Binoy Joseph OFM Cap, provincial of Christ Jyoti Province, was the main celebrant for the Holy Mass and Rev. Fr. Jose OFM Capuchin, provincial secretary was the co-celebrant. The Homely was

delivered by Rev Fr. Francis Karthanam VC, Director of Divine Retreat Ashram, Faridabad. To add colours to the grand celebration, 34 active members of our youth, along with the elders, did their first performance in chendamelam and shinkarimelam(arangetam). After that a devoted procession was carried with all the statues amidst chendamelam and rosary. Rev. Fr. Albi Tharappath thanked everyone for their cooperation and collaboration to make the feast a grand success.The newly bought residence for our Parish Priest (PalliMeda) was blessed before the Holy Mass on 18th November by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara and Bishop Jose Puthenveettil, the Auxiliary Bishop of our diocese. Rev. Fr.Sebastian Vadakkumpadan and our Forane Vicar Rev. Fr. Martin Palamattam also graced the occasion.

Reported by: Sobha Thomas

Mass was celebrated by RevMsgr. Jose Vettickal, the Vicar General. An inspirational and thoughtful homily was given by him during the Holy Mass. A beautiful and well organized procession was carried out soon after the Holy Mass, in which the parish members were participated with great devotion and enthusiasm, carrying the statues of St. Jude Thaddeus and Mother Mary along with all other saints and the lightened candles on the hands of everyone. The procession became more colorful with the presence of ‘Chendamelam’. A grant cultural event was conducted by the catechism department, DSYM and Mathruvedhi, which was enjoyed by everyone. The celebrations were over with delicious dinner.

VISIT OF SHEPHERD21st November was a day of blessing and happiness for the Ashok Vihar Parishioners as we were blessed with the presence of our beloved Auxiliary Bishop, Mar Jose Puthanveettil in our church. His Grace celebrated Holy Mass along with our parish priest and delivered a meaningful and inspirational Homily based on the Holy Gospel of St. Mathew Ch.22:1-14. His Grace had an interaction with the parishioners and distributed the prizes for Logos Quiz winners, catechism children and teachers during the visit.

Reported by: Chacko V C

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St. Jude Thaddeus Church, Ashok Vihar

Family Bible Quiz – On 1stSeptember, 2019 the Catechism Department had organized a Family Bible Quiz based on the syllabus of Logos Bible Quiz 2019 with the participation of 8 teams from the parish.Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady - The feast of Nativity of Our Lady was celebrated in a special way with the Novena from 1stSeptember. The family prayer unit groups andMathruvedhiled the services of the feast. After the Holy Mass and the Novena the members presented in the parish hall. A programme, including a skit on Mother Mary,began with the lighting of the lamp by Vicar Rev. Fr. Babu Anithanam, MST. All the teachers were felicitated andthe winners of the Family Bible Quiz were awarded during the meeting.Onam Celebrations – Onam was celebrated on 15thSeptember, 2019 with cultural and Sports Competitionswith the participation of all the parishioners which culminated with Tug of War by teams of parish units followed by the Ona Sadhya. Canonization of Bl. Mariam Thresia - Pope Francis declared Mariam Thresia, who founded the Congregation of Sisters of the Holy Family, a saint on 13thOctober 2019 at a ceremony in St Peter’s Square, Vatican. As our church is named after Mother Mariam Thresia, we celebrated the canonization of Mother Mariam Thresia on Sunday, 13thOctober, 2019. The day began with a solemn procession from the CHF Provincial house to the parish Church. The Solemn Holy Mass was celebrated by Rev. Msgr. Jose Vettickal, in which

Rev. Fr. Babu Anithanam MST, the Vicar, Rev. Fr. Francis Chenginiyadan CST, the former Vicar, Rev. Fr. Michael (Jeevan Jyoti Ashram, Burari) and Rev. Fr. Prem Devassia were the concelebrants.Santhome Bible Convention- The members of the parish who secured 1-10 ranks in the Logos Bible Quiz were felicitated on the occasion. They included Mrs. Philomina Kurian, Laly Antony, Lovely Antony, Jessy Augustine and Amal Mathews Tom from the parish. On the account of the canonization of Bl. Mariam Thresia, we staged a beautiful dance by the kids and a skit based on the life of Bl. Mariam Thresia on the concluding day of the convention.Children’s day and Catechism Teacher’s dayCelebration- On 17thNovember, we celebrated Children’s and Teachers’ Day in a very special way. Under the initiative of Mathruvedi, all the children were welcomed with a smiley badge andgifts. Each child stood along with their parents and celebrated the holy mass together. Special intercessory prayers were invoked by the parish priest for the children and he gave blessings to them. Students and teachers participated the offertory service. Parents also prayed and blessed their children by laying their hands on them. Celebration of feast of St. John Berchmans - The feast of St. John Berchmans, the Patron Saint of Altar Servers, was celebrated on 24thNovember, 2019 solemnly. All the altar servers numbering 20 participated in the celebrations. The parish community prayed for all altar servers on the day.

Reported by: Alex Antony

St. Mariam Thresia Church, Burari

Page 35: SANTH ME SANTHME MESSENER Messengerfaridabaddiocese.in/admin/uploads/Santhome_Messenger_Nov...Congratulations Festal Greetings Most. Rev. Vincent Nellaiparambil Bishop of Bijnore Festal

November-December 2019 -35-


Page 36: SANTH ME SANTHME MESSENER Messengerfaridabaddiocese.in/admin/uploads/Santhome_Messenger_Nov...Congratulations Festal Greetings Most. Rev. Vincent Nellaiparambil Bishop of Bijnore Festal

Printed, published and owned by Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi, Bishop's House, 1B/32 N.E.A, Old Rajinder Nagar,New Delhi - 110060, E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.faridabaddiocese.in (Private Circulation only)

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Total Chit Amount 1,00,000 2,00,000 2,50,000 5,00,000

First Installment 5,000 8,000 10,000 20,000

No. of Installment 20 25 25 25

Regd. Office : Maria Bhawan, Chandpur, Faridabad, Haryana – 122001Branch Office : 1-B / 32, N.E.A. Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi – 110060E-mail : [email protected] : 9999880136, 999880157, 9999880158
