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SAP Compete Scenarios – OLTP

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SAP Compete Scenarios – OLTP
7/18/2019 SAP Compete Scenarios – OLTP http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/sap-compete-scenarios-oltp 1/8 SAP Compete – Online  Transaction Processing OLTP
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SAPCompete –

Online TransactionProcessing


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ModRapidly develop tat reac any dcritical per"orman

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supports te entira* data to insig

data ma

Microso"t Con+dential

Sales Scenarios "or %ata Plat"orm-nterprise %ata.areouse

Sell compreensive enterprise/*ide data*areouse solutions! e$g$! consolidation o"

e#isting data marts

0ig %ata-nable customers to gain insigts "rom ALLdata – any source! any si1e! and any type!*eter unstructured or structured data


&ntelligence -mpo*er end users *it tools tey need "oranalytics *it a centrally managed 0& plat"orm

OLTP Oer a memory/optimi1ed OLTP engineintegrated into S2L Server and arcitected toma#imi1e te value o" a range o" ard*arecoices

3or complete details on -P4 sales scenarios! visit te solution catalog at55sellsolutions






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Microso"t Con+dential

Scenario9 Online Transaction Proces

Oer an proven andoptimi1ed OLTP

engine integratedinto S2L Server andarcitected toma#imi1e te valueo" a range o"ard*are coices


Server 2high perfor missdatabasfor onlintransact

 process#ith $e%technolosec'rit%&availabil l#a%sO

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4eneral Purpose OLTP p

Microso"t Con+dential

SAP:s OLTP Plat"orm


SAP BusinessSuite

Competitive Analysis

 Teir 4oal• %isplace traditional databases by claiming

<A=A as te best underlying transactionengine "or SAP applications

• -ventually displace all %0 tecnologies "ornon/SAP apps as *ell

Our Assessment• SAP <A=A is unproven in te transactional

database space• <A=A is not yet capable o" running

traditional ig volume applications

• Lac o" developers *it <A=A e#perience

• Limited ability o" <A=A to andle massive!igly available and comple#implementations needed to support0usiness Suite

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.at tis Solution Loos Lie

Microso"t Con+dential

OLTP Plat"orm – Microso"t Solution

Microso"t Positioning

• Proven transaction processin,?68 oers Tier/6 OLTP capabilito" customers rely on today

• Flexible and cost-efective: Cte uni@ue e#ibility to coose tcan ma#imi1e per"ormance *itenterprise ready engine

• Multiple data sources: S2L Seper"ormance "or multiple OLTP sSAP as *ell as a large ecosystemapplications

• Great peror!ance "or select –  TPC/<9 6 40 o" data9 <A=A scaled

scaled B$6#

–  TPC/<9 7? 40 o" data9 S2L Serverstart! ,$?# "aster *it ot data

Microsot BIApps(-#cel)

"#$P Apps


SAP BusinessSuite

S%# Server &'()

=ote9 S2L Server &n/Memory OLTP is not current0usiness Suite

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OLTP Case Study9 'tility Company &ncreases 2uer Times by B> Percent! Can Respond 3aster to Custo

0usiness Callenge

<aving te rigt tecnology in place tosupport gro*t in demand "or ourservices

<aving per"ormance issues on te entireSAP system

Dey 0ene+ts B>E "aster 0& @uery response times and

"aster -RP batc processing

-#tremely reliable data

Robust solution *it te capacity to easilyandle "ast business gro*t$

*+ith SQL2012& oneb'siness gbeen able one of its mcritical mo

,nancial cbatch procfrom . ho'min'tes)/ 

See complete case st'd% here)

Microso"t Con+dential

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4et Support

Con Tec Re Sess

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Migrations%atacenter Moderni1ation



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Microso"t Con+dential


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