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SAP Screen Personas 3 Project Outline

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SAP Screen Personas 3 Project Outline
SAP Screen Personas 3.0 Design Handbook Purpose and Scope Increasing ly, companies are focusing on the user eperience of their enterprise soft!ar e. SAP Screen Persona s pro"ides you a complete control o"er ho! their business users interact !ith S AP on their desktop. The purpose of this handbook is to provide a “cookbook” to deliver a successful SAP Screen Personas project.  # arget Audience Design Profess ionals Pro$ect %anagement De"elopers &ustomers Partners &onsultants Introduction SAP Screen Personas allo!s companies to impro"e user producti"ity through personali'ation of their SAP ()P screens. *y pro"iding the right information to the right users in the right contet, they can get more done i n less time !ith greater accuracy . +ith more intuiti"e SAP screens, organi'ations can enhance user satisfaction, minimi'e training time, and spend less money on screen modications.  Deli"ering a good user eperience does not only rely on technology. -ou need to /nderstand the needs of P(P1( 2no! the */SI(SS "alue /se 4eible S1/#IS 5 #(&H16- 7ollo! user8&entric P)&(SS(S  +hile SAP i s kno!n for its etensi"e functionality and fast performance, many organi'ations are placing intuiti"e user eperience at the same le"el of importance for e"aluating ne! soft!are purcha ses. Personas allo!s SAP to empo!er i ts customers !ith an etensi"e do8it8yourself tool kit to Impro"e end user9s producti"ity and satisfaction Sa"e costs on training and technical support by simplifying /Is and business processes Pro"ide systems that can be used by all employees and not $ust business eperts

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SAP Screen Personas 3.0 Design Handbook

Purpose and Scope

Increasingly, companies are focusing on the user eperience of their enterprise soft!are. SAP Screen

Personas pro"ides you a complete control o"er ho! their business users interact !ith SAP on their

desktop. The purpose of this handbook is to provide a “cookbook” to deliver a successful SAP

Screen Personas project.

 #arget Audience

• Design Professionals

• Pro$ect %anagement

• De"elopers

• &ustomers

• Partners

• &onsultants


SAP Screen Personas allo!s companies to impro"e user producti"ity through personali'ation of their SAP ()P

screens. *y pro"iding the right information to the right users in the right contet, they can get more done in

less time !ith greater accuracy. +ith more intuiti"e SAP screens, organi'ations can enhance user satisfaction,

minimi'e training time, and spend less money on screen modications.


Deli"ering a good user eperience does not only rely on technology. -ou need to

• /nderstand the needs of P(P1(

• 2no! the */SI(SS "alue

• /se 4eible S1/#IS 5 #(&H16-

• 7ollo! user8&entric P)&(SS(S


+hile SAP is kno!n for its etensi"e functionality and fast performance, many organi'ations are placing

intuiti"e user eperience at the same le"el of importance for e"aluating ne! soft!are purchases. Personas

allo!s SAP to empo!er its customers !ith an etensi"e do8it8yourself tool kit to

• Impro"e end user9s producti"ity and satisfaction

• Sa"e costs on training and technical support by simplifying /Is and business processes

• Pro"ide systems that can be used by all employees and not $ust business eperts

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Design thinking methodology allo!s you to successfully eecute a Personas pro$ect. #he dates that are gi"en

are estimates on ho! you should plan a pro$ect. Depending on the compleity of the transaction and !hat

you are planning to do !ith it, the !hole process can be shorter or longer. %ake sure you obtain feedback

early and often to ensure alignment !ith the business ob$ecti"es, increasing the probability of success of the


(ample 4o! chart

How to use this document

:. Start !ith the *usiness /sers and ;ualication ;uestionnaire

<. 7ollo! the steps in the Process "er"ie!

3. %aintain close communication !ith the customer throughout the pro$ect to ensure alignment on the


;ualication ;uestionnaire

*efore starting the pro$ect, you must =ualify the business o!ner and ensure that they ha"e the right people,

process, and technology in place to support a Personas pro$ect.

Discuss the follo!ing issues !ith your *usiness o!ner *(7)( starting the pro$ect.

People• Ha"e you identied the follo!ing roles, all of !hich are important for a successful pro$ect

• (ecuti"e sponsor• *usiness process epert

• People familiar !ith SAP transactions that !ill be modied

• Person !ith design skills, preferably !ith soft!are user eperience skills

• Person !ith skills in using SAP Screen Personas >training can be part of the pro$ect?

• *asis person to install and congure Personas add8on, update kernel as needed, address

security issues

• (nd8users >people that actually use the transactions in their daily !ork? to participate in

inter"ie!s and design re"ie!s.

• &an you ensure that the personnel responsible for these areas !ill be readily a"ailable to assist

during the pro$ect@ (nd user in"ol"ement is critical to the success of the pro$ect because of the kno!ledge

they possess on the business process.

Process• +hat metrics !ill you track before and after to measure the success of the pro$ect@

• 7or eample umber of steps it takes to complete a process

•  #ime for the !hole process

• 1ist the intended application areas and the potential use cases you !ould like to target during the

Personas pro$ect.

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• +hich SAP transaction codes are associated !ith these use cases@

• +hich specic use cases >transactions? do you ha"e in mind for Personas and !hat is the planned

time frame@

• +hat is the approimate number of users targeted for your transaction@

Technolog !"T #nvironment$• Do you meet the Soft!are )e=uirements listed for the ser"ice@

• 2ernel .<:, patch le"el <<B C .0 patch EF C .: patch 3: or higher >%ADA#)-?

• 1atest ote C patch of the Personas client >%ADA#)-?

• Ser"er !ith suGcient capacity identied !here you !ill install the Personas add8on

• Sil"erlight F. plug8in installed in bro!ser clients

• Do you ha"e the necessary kno!8ho! in8house to properly install, congure and administer the add8


• Do you need help from SAP !ith Personas or systems administration C tuning C installation@

• &an you pro"ide remote connection to SAP to "erify backend prere=uisites >"ia SS?@

• Do you ha"e a !ell8dened security structure in your current en"ironment, !here eisting SAP user

roles correctly dene the distinct user groups for !hich Personas customi'ation !ill be used@

• Are you currently using the +eb6/I to access (&& transactions@ If yes, are there any performance


%esign• Do you already ha"e an established theme concept, a"ailable branding elements, colors and other

resources a"ailable to be used in Personas custom "ie!s@ >e.g. &orporate branding and style guidelines?

• Ha"e you already performed user eperience research !ith your business users@

Timeline• +ill the soft!are be installed so it is ready for the start of the pro$ect@

• +ill you be able to make end8users a"ailable for user research, design iterations, "alidation and


• If producti"e deployment is planned, !hat is the pro$ect start and go8li"e date@

SAP Screen Personas (n"ironment

%ake sure you ha"e all the appropriate SAP Screen Personas documentation.

• Installation and conguration guide

• System administration guide

• /ser guide

• Performance ptimi'ation 6uide

Process "er"ie!

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 #he follo!ing diagram sho!s a rough outline of !hat steps are performed at each phase of the pro$ect.


Preliminar Steps Project #&ecution 'rap()p

Project Setup

Scoping the Project

Technical #nablement

*andscape +heck 






 /ser 7eedback


  7inal Deli"eryCHando"er


Preliminar Steps

Scoping the project

• )e"ie! agenda, set epectations, discuss logistics

Scoping the project

• Discuss use cases !ith business o!ners

• +hat is the business problem they !ant to sol"e !ith Personas@

• Ho! many scenarios do they !ant to !ork on@ +hich ones@

• Do they !ant training@

• 7easibility check >today this is a manual check !ith PS or Imagineering, it should also include

functional eperts to "alidate the business scenario?• (ort estimation by functional epert and Personas epert C de"eloper.

Technical #nablement

• Do all reali'ation team members ha"e the proper training in SAP Screen Personas@

• Set proper epectations on !hat can be done !ith Personas and ho! easy it is to use

*andscape +heck 

• erify that the customer9s I# en"ironment can accommodate Personas. erify SAP "ersion, kernel

le"el, patch le"el, and hard!are si'ing.

Project #&ecution

"nstallation and +on,guration

• Install and congure Personas

• alidate installation and conguration to ensure ongoing optimal performance. >%ADA#)-?

• %ake sure that if issues arise, you can pro"ide remote and direct system access to the SAP support



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• Analy'e the business process, the process steps, and the single tasks, !hich an end user needs to

conduct in order to complete a process. #his step focuses hea"ily on interacting !ith end users of the



• In the Design Phase create preliminary prototypes of data 4o! and "alidate them !ith business and

technical eperts. #his is a highly iterati"e process bet!een business process o!ners and the SAP Screen

Personas designer.


• In the Deli"er Phase the actual Personas screen is de"eloped.


)ser -eedback 

• In this step, !e meet !ith the business users to "alidate that the Personas transaction that addresses

their needs.


• Prior to the pro$ect completion and hando, !e etensi"ely test all the functionality in the prototype

to ensure that it !orks as planned.

-inal %eliver/Handover

•  #his is the nal meeting in !hich !e re"ie! the pro$ect goals, demonstrate the Personas proof8of8

concept, and discuss the business "alue.


Process Steps #his section pro"ides more detail on the indi"idual steps that should be part of the P&, along !ith an

approimate time line.

 #hese are all suggestions on ho! to run a Personas Pro$ect


Task Activities %eliverables  




Project Setup Agenda, "er"ie!, (pectations

and 1ogistics


0ick o1 'orkshop Introduce of pro$ect teamJ

discuss pro$ect approach and




*andscape check  &heck technical re=uirements for

backend and frontendJ

determine necessary actions

&hecklist !ith nding and




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Support add on installationJ

congure of SAP Screen


Introduce features of SAP Screen








3%iscover3 Analy'e use case to optimi'e

using end user inter"ie!sJ

analy'e and "isuali'e ndingsJ

re"ie! !ith end users

Process 4o!

Issue categori'ation



3%esign3 &reate preliminary prototypes

and "alidate them !ith

customer9s SAP business and

technical eperts

alidated +ireframes

isual Designs



3%eliver3 Implement the ne! designed

screens in the SAP Screen

Personas #ool

SAP Screen Personas





  )ser -eedback  6ather feedback



A/Testing (nsure that e"erything !orks as


SAP Screen Personas






 Present the pro$ect results Pro$ect )esult




LL All the abo"e are suggestions. 7or simple transactions the !hole process could be less, and some more

complicated can take longer.


Pro$ect Scoping

%e,ne roles and responsibilities

Team 4oles

 #he team may include business users, business analysts, I# professionals. #he actual team members may

assume multiple roles listed belo! >e.g. a design resource may perform user research, interaction design

and "isual design?

M Project 5wner/6anager N "ersees the progress of the research and design phases.

Assists !ith research acti"ities. Helps the team communicate risks !ith certain design approaches and

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escalate limitations that eect the /ser (perience signicantly

M )ser 4esearcher / %esign Thinking 8 1eads any user research and Design #hinking

!orkshop acti"ities collecting data for the team and "alidates concepts !ith users.

M "nteraction %esigner N Participates in all user research and design thinking !orkshops

establishing re=uirements. &ommunicates interacti"e "ersions of the designs so that they can be

assessed. ("aluates !hat is being built throughout the process.

M 7isual %esigner N &reates the actual look and feel and a "isual hierarchy that directs

users9 attention to !hat is important. Helps to guide the user through their eperience

M )8 developers C SAP Screen Personas eperts

M 9usiness process e&perts

o )esponsible for design "alidation

M #nd users

o Pro"ide input to the SAP design eperts

M )8 developers

'hat ou need to check 

M btain SAP Screen Personas soft!are

M Pro"ide the I# infrastructure >ser"er?

M Pro"ide ed contact people in the business and I# departments

M &omplete action list from landscape check

M Install the SAP Screen Personas application on the system

M Attend enablement !orkshop

M Delegate end users for inter"ie!

M )e"ie! inter"ie! ndings

M alidate prototype design

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Technical #nablement

 4esponsible: "T

 *andscape check 

Analy'e the prere=uisites of the landscape

• &heck that remote access is a"ailable

• &heck backend and frontend prere=uisites

• &heck designated backend transaction and test data

• (nsure the system landscape >including conguration and data? of !hich the SAP Screen Personas

screens !ill be built upon !ill be the comparable to the producti"e en"ironment.

utput &hecklist !ith nding and instructions

7ollo! the steps in the SAP Screen Personas Installation and &onguration 6uide.

"nstallation Support ; +on,guration

"nstall and customi<e the Add(5n• Support from basis team during installation

• &heck installation

• Pro"ide necessary customi'ing for SAP Screen Personas Add8n

utput &onguration guide !ith screenshots from basic settings in customer system

7ollo! the steps in the SAP Screen Personas Installation and &onguration 6uide.

=ate %o"e for!ard only if installation and conguration are "alidated and customer infrastructure is si'ed

suGciently to deli"er proper performance.

 %iscoverLL#he follo!ing are suggestions on ho! you might approach a SAP Screen Personas Pro$ectLL

 4esponsible: %esigners/9usiness 5wners

After the SAP Personas system is installed and congured, the ODisco"er, ODesign, ODeli"er phases start.

 #hese three phases follo! the Design #hinking methodology, aiming to deli"er designs that optimi'e the user


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%iscover Phase

 #he goal of the Disco"er Phase is to analy'e the business process, the process steps and the tasks for an end8

user to complete a process. #hrough end8user inter"ie!s and obser"ations, the design team gets a complete

picture of issues and potential pain points in this process.


Ideal StaGng and (nd8/ser )esearch &onditions

•  #!o user researchers >one inter"ie!er and one noteCartifact taker?

• &onducting inter"ie!s on8site !ith end8users in their typical !ork en"ironment.

• )ecord user sessions through remote conferencing soft!are >e.g. SAP &onnect N internet access

re=uired on8site?

Alternati"e &onditions

• &an conduct some initial user inter"ie!s !ith sub$ect matter eperts and select end8users remotely

!ith balance of end8user inter"ie!s on8site.

2ey #asks

• Scheduling of inter"ie!s, F end8user inter"ie!s are recommended per use case >good sample si'e?

• &onduct user research through indi"idual end user obser"ations or end user inter"ie!s

• /nderstand !hat elds and buttons are needed and not needed. +hat areprimaryCsecondary focus items for the user@

• +hat is the !ork4o! users are follo!ing !hile performing their tasks@ Identify repetiti"e

acti"ities, elds !here ed or easily pre8determined "alues are entered, na"igation steps that can be

automated etc.

• Analy'e and "isuali'e inter"ie! ndings and re"ie! them !ith the end users

5utput: /ser Qourney %ap >outline end8user9s task 4o! and highlighting end8user9s current pain points?

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Information 7lo! >"isuali'e the screen elements used by the end8user currently?


4esponsible: %esigners/9usiness 5wners

%esign Phase

In the Design Phase the design team creates preliminary designs and check technical feasibility !ith

technical eperts.

• Designers !ork !ith business users to determine a preferred design approach from the follo!ing

:. #arget Design Approach N design team !ill deli"er the ideal design for best user eperience

<. 7easible Design Approach N design team !ill deli"er a design based on standard SAP Personas


(ach design approach has its ad"antage and should be determined based on the customer9s re=uirements.

• Designers create preliminary designs and check technical feasibility !ith technical eperts

•  #eam and business users iterate on designed solution

• If there is custom8code, special attention needs to be paid to it

Sign8o on designs Ideally, the end8users that participated in the inter"ie!s also participate in the design

re"ie!s to pro"ide feedback on the designs. 2ey stakeholders are responsible for the nal sign8o.



utput should be clickable mockups, data 4o! and other materials that !ill con"ey the Screen Personas


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+ireframes, Documentation and isual Design N A !ireframe is a "isual guide that represents a skeletal

frame!ork of the screens. isual DesignJ %ake sure to include piel details in the "isual design and

placement details of all the /I elements


4esponsible: Project Team

In the Deli"er Phase, the actual Personas screens are de"eloped.• pro$ect team implements the agreed design proposal in SAP Screen Personas

• business users "alidates implementation

Instructions on ho! to build screen in Personas is co"ered in the SAP Screen Personas /ser 6uide.

 #o ensure satisfactory performance on the screens you build during the pro$ect, follo! the guidelines outlined

in the SAP Screen Personas Performance ptimi'ation 6uide.

 #he end8user $ourney map is re"ie!ed !ith the stakeholders >and ideally the same end8users !ho

participated in the inter"ie!s?. A demo of the prototype is gi"en to the re"ie! participants and a before and

after analysis is presented.

5utput: SAP Screen Personas pro$ect results, technical documentation, design artifacts >$ourney map, "isual

designs, before and after comparison?.

=ate: %o"e for!ard only if there is agreement from *usiness users and the Personas design !ill make their

life signicantly easier by deli"ering producti"ity impro"ements on the dened use cases. >Design "alidation?

)ser -eedback 

 4esponsible: SAP Screen Personas Project Team

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In the /ser 7eedback phase, the design and pro$ect team !ill conduct usability test !ith the business end8

users, obser"ing ho! users are using the ne!ly de"eloped solutions, and collect key metrics of user


A and Testing

 4esponsible: SAP Screen Personas Project Team

• (nsure all test cases are captured during the designCde"elopment phase. Ask the functional sub$ect

matter eperts to dene C prepare these test scenarios and to pro"ide suitable data to run them.

• (nsure all possible test cases are tested by the customer and appro"ed. #hese should rst be tested

by sub$ect matter eperts and as a follo!8up, by end users to make sure they co"er typical use scenarios and

possible error situations.

• If there !ere defects encountered, ensure the defect resolution is captured and the test cases are

retested. 7ollo! up that test iteration results are suGciently documented >for instance in a spreadsheet or

similar?. #his should contain for instance the test case description, epected and actual results, test

dateCtime, indication of pass or fail, any eperienced issues and the recommended resolution.• Designate indi"idual test users representing any distinct user groups to make sure that customi'ed

transactions !ill !ork correctly !ith the planned security concept and authori'ation settings.

 =ate mo"e for!ard only if e"erything on the screen consistently !orks as epected. Performance should

meet customer epectations. >Implementation "alidation?

 -inal %eliver and Handover

 4esponsible: SAP Screen Personas Project Team


• (nsure all agreed upon deli"erables are complete and handed o"er to the customer, along !ith any

necessary documentation• &onduct kno!ledge transfer to the appropriate customer resources regarding the completed test

cases and the solution

• (nsure the customer has re"ie!ed and appro"ed the deli"erables

• 6et sign8o from responsible sub$ect matter eperts indicating that each test case is complete and

eecuted !ithout errors

• .Qourney map

• isual designs

• *efore and after scenario comparison

•  #estimonialCreference from select end8users andCor key stakeholders

• 7inal sign8o by key stakeholders
