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Sap SD Interview Questions and Answers

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Sap SD Interview Questions and Answers What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, storage location determination Answer1: Text determination: For transferring information from material or customer to order/delivery or invoice (and anything in between) Account determination: For transferring financial and costing information to proper financial docs Partner determination: For determining who is is legally responsible for A/r, who the goods are going to and whatever else you want to drive through this functionality. Output determination: What kind of output does a sales/delivery/billing document create and who gets it, where?. For example A partner might get an EDI notification for a sales order just confirmed, whereas a financial/leasing company gets the invoice! Answer2: (a) Text Determination: Any Texts in Material Master/Material Determination/Order/Delivery , etc is meant to convey messages to the subsequent documents for compliance. e.g. "Give Top Priority" message mentioned in Order is meant for Production Dept. (b) Account Determination: is integration between Finance and SD. The A/P along with Account Keys need to be allocated accordingly with combination of Account Determination Group for Customer and Material if required. (c) Partner Determination: To identify which type of Partner it is so that if required for same Customer different Partner Functions may be required e.g Only One Sold To Party per Customer. More than One Ship to Party/ Bill to Party/ Payer possible. Accordingly different Masters will have to be created. Useful for dispatch of Material in case of Ship to Party, sending Bill in case of Bill to Party and payment follow up/Dunning in case of Payer. (d) Output Determination: What type of Output (Fax/Mail, etc) is required, where and in what Format(ABAP Customization may be required in some cases especially Invoices). (e) Storage Location Determination: depends on Plant, Shipping Point and Storage Conditions What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determination Account Determination: Sales View, Sales Organization, Distribution Chanel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account Keys.
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Sap SD Interview Questions and Answers

What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, storage location determinationAnswer1:Text determination: For transferring information from material or customer to order/delivery or invoice (and anything in between)

Account determination: For transferring financial and costing information to proper financial docs

Partner determination: For determining who is is legally responsible for A/r, who the goods are going to and whatever else you want to drive through this functionality.

Output determination: What kind of output does a sales/delivery/billing document create and who gets it, where?. For example A partner might get an EDI notification for a sales order just confirmed, whereas a financial/leasing company gets the invoice!

Answer2:(a) Text Determination: Any Texts in Material Master/Material Determination/Order/Delivery , etc is meant to convey messages to the subsequent documents for compliance. e.g. "Give Top Priority" message mentioned in Order is meant for Production Dept. (b) Account Determination: is integration between Finance and SD. The A/P along with Account Keys need to be allocated accordingly with combination of Account Determination Group for Customer and Material if required. (c) Partner Determination: To identify which type of Partner it is so that if required for same Customer different Partner Functions may be required e.g Only One Sold To Party per Customer. More than One Ship to Party/ Bill to Party/ Payer possible. Accordingly different Masters will have to be created. Useful for dispatch of Material in case of Ship to Party, sending Bill in case of Bill to Party and payment follow up/Dunning in case of Payer. (d) Output Determination: What type of Output (Fax/Mail, etc) is required, where and in what Format(ABAP Customization may be required in some cases especially Invoices). (e) Storage Location Determination: depends on Plant, Shipping Point and Storage Conditions

What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determinationAccount Determination: Sales View, Sales Organization, Distribution Chanel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account Keys.

What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap Legacy Code ?Answer1:It should be legacy data to SAP. What it means is you want to transfer all the customer and materials and all other information from Older (legacy system) to new SAP system. You can do it using many tools, most noticeably MDMs.

Answer2:Before installation of SAP, Data maintained by Company is called Legacy Data. At the time of installation, it is required to transfer Data from Legacy to SAP like Masters (Material/Customer, etc). It can be done in various ways like BDC, LSMW, etc.

What do you do really in pricing determination, and what are the main deifferences between pricing procedures?

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Answer1:Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure.

Answer2:We determine how the prices are calculated, taking into account sales area(sales org, distribution channel, division), document type and customer(generally sold-to-party).The main differences between pricing procedures would be the differences as we mentioned above, from the point of view of field entries. Coming to the output and the procedure, Suppose the condition types used will be different and hence the following whole procedure. One pricing procedure determination to the others, which data control these differences

What type of reports generally a support consultant maintain and reportDepends on Customer requirements.

What is the purpose of shipping point determination not menu pathSo that Shipping Point is determined automatically once the settings for the same are done.

What and where types of copy controls we changeCopy Control: is basically meant so that Data is copied from preceding Document to subsequent one. What subsequent Document is required is to some extent determined by Customer Requirements as well as Document Types. e.g. In general case of Standard Order, it will be Copy Control (Order to Delivery) from OR to LF .

How to and where to maintain copy controlsCheck for yourself in IMG (Sales Document types and Delivery Document Types)

What is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common divisionsCommon Distribution Channel and Common Division are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master records.

Eg: A customer is created for say sales area 1000/20/00 then the same customer can be used in sales area 1000/30/00 if we maintain 20 as common distribution channel. Hence no need for extending the customers...the same for materials also.

What is the difference between the Availability check 01 (Daily requirement) and 02 (Individual Requirement) in material master?01 and 02 are the checking group. Availability check is carried out with the help of these checking group and checking rule. Checking group 01 and 02 are maintained on the material master.

01 - Individual requirement -For this system generates transfers the requirement for each order to the MRP .So that MM can either produce or procure.

02- Collective requirement.-In this all the requirements in a day or in a week are processed at a time. System stores all request and passes on to the MRP in MRP run. In this system performance is high however you can not do the backorder processing whereas in other you can do.

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#1. What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, and storage location determination?

Text determination is used to transfer material or customer information to order/delivery or invoice. Account determination is used for transferring the information about finance and costing to a proper financial document. Partner determination is to determine the responsible user of the account to whom the goods are going to go. Output determination determines what kind of output does a sales/delivery/billing document create and who gets it.

#2. What is pricing determination and how it mainly differs from pricing procedures?

The prices are calculated taking into the account of sales areas), document type and customer

(generally sold-to-party).The main differences between pricing procedures would be from the point of view of field

entries. Arriving at the output and the procedure, the condition types and also the following whole procedure used

will be different.

#3. What are the types of copy controls?

Copy control is used to copy data from the former document to the accompanying one. The accompanying data

that is needed in this operation is somewhat determined by the Customer Requirements as well as Document

Types. For example in general case of Standard Order, Copy Control (Order to Delivery) will be from OR to LF.

#4. What is the purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common divisions?

Common Distribution Channel and Common Division are used to maintain the master data like customer or material with respect to one distribution channel. This prevents the master records from multiplying. For example a customer is created for sales area 1000/20/00 then the same customer is used in sales area 1000/30/00 if common distribution channel of 20 is maintained. Thus the need of extending the customer is not required and the same is true for materials also.

#5. What is ALE?Application Link Enabling (ALE) is a bridging mechanism between R/3 applications running in a distributed environment to exchange business specific data. To be specific ALE is consisted of 3 layers application services, distribution services and communication services. ALE provides a way by which several customers of SAP creating their own application running at different platform can interconnect to each other.

#6. What is the function of item category and item category group? Processing of Item/material that is entered in a sales order is determined by the Item Category by this way it

affects the processing of any sales doc in which it is being used.

Item Category group is a component along with the Sales Doc Type. The Item Usage and the Higher Level Item

Category determines about the Item Category in a sales document.

#7. How to enter shipping point while creating a delivery? Is it possible to create delivery without shipping points?Just when its time to release the sales order choosing Sales document -> Subsequent functions-> Create delivery, then the shipping point will be brought in from the sales order. In every other scenario the shipping point has to be keyed in. The above discussed scenario

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will only be functionally effective if all items on the sales order are to be shipped from the same shipping point.

#8. What is cut over strategy?

Cutover strategies rely deeply on the organization’s data load strategy designs. It is highly site specific in nature which means that there is no specific thumb rule. It is the procedure followed in ASAP methodology when the data is required to be transferred from the legacy system to the sap system. This means at this point all the billing process will be stopped and all the orders, contracts, pricing data will be transferred according to the cutover plan specified by the implementation partner. #9. How to restrict users for not changing some fields in T-code va02?

This can be possibly done in two alternative ways which are:-

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->By designing a transaction variant SHD0 and then allocating it in the sales document. Non-changeability tricks could be applied on specific fields while creating the variant. Next only those users should be allowed who will work with transaction variant but not with the original transaction.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->User-exit from

USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION in include MV45AFZZ could be used.

The latter is more flexible but it is not feasible if used for imposing restrictions to a large amount of fields. #10. What exactly is automatic posting can you explain?

Automatic posting is the posting of accounting documents to FICO only after invoice is created this can

also be created manually. It automatically detects the payload/freight while pricing in the ship doc and post

appropriate account to FICO. Thus automatic posting is posting of documents to FICO which is done based the

various account keys and account groups.

#11. Explain how to configure milestone billing, periodic billing and which scenario we will use?The Menu path is IMG->sales & distr. ->Billing->billing plans-> define billing plan types. The start and the

end date should be inputted according to the type of the billing being used. Milestone is a billing tool by which a

customer is billed with the total amount which is distributed between the assigned dates until the total amount is

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billed. On the contrary periodic billing is the process of billing a customer over a fixed amount of time (period) at

regular intervals until the customer agreement amount is reached.

#12. What is the difference between ATP check and availability check how these reflect in sales order (which check system considers) what are the IMG settings for the same?

ATP check is the checking done to find the quantity available which is equivalent to ATP = Total Warehouse Stock + Planned receipts(Incoming Stock) - Planned Issues (Out going stock). Availability check, an integral part of the business process which determines whether the desire deliverible Quantity can be met on reQuested delivery date or not. It then passes control to Material ReQuirement Planning. Or in other words an availability check is done to get a firm knowledge about the stock availability placed in the order.


Transaction code for a Maintainance Table

How to Create T Code for a Maintainance Table

Create T Code using SE93

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Provide short text and select Transaction with Parameters(parameters


Provide Transaction as SM30 and select Skip initial screen check box.

In Default values section,Provide Table name and other details as below.

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Execute RSTXPDFT4 Report in SE38.

Provide Spool number,which you picked from SP01 and file path,where to


Execute the report.

Spool will be now downloaded into PDF in local system.

Posted bymy SAP Technicalat9:01 AM 0 comments

T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 1 0 , 2 0 1 0

Append SAP standard table

It is a standard procedure to add new custom fields to the standard tables.

Append structure name should begin with ZZ or YY. This prevents name

conflicts with fields inserted in the table by SAP.

Open LIPS table and click on Append structure.

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T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L 1 , 2 0 1 0

Implementing Enhancement Point

Implementing Enhancement :

Take an example like Inbound IDoc : IDOC_INPUT_INVOIC_MM

Go To SE37 and give Function module name as IDOC_INPUT_INVOIC_MM

Click on Display.

Click on Enhancement Source Code Button on Application tool bar

Now the Editor will be changed as below

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Take Sales order Outbound IDoc Process as an example.

Put the Break points in outbound programs, where ever you want.

Enter T Code VA02 for changing the order.

Provide the Order number and Press enter.

In Menu Path: Extras -> Output -> Header -> Edit.

Select the Output type and Click on Repeat output button.

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Now Select the Output type again and click on further data button.

Select Send with periodically scheduled job.

Click on Back.

Now click on Save. An entry will be created in NAST table, once order is


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Posted bymy SAP Technicalat10:58 PM 0 comments

W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 1 0

SAP SD Flow with TCodes and Tables

Posted bymy SAP Technicalat4:51 AM 2 comments

T U E S D A Y , M A R C H 1 6 , 2 0 1 0

RFC Programming/Functionality in ABAP

RFC Programming in ABAP

A remote function call is a call to a function module running in a system

different from the caller's.

In the SAP System, the ability to call remote functions is provided by the

Remote Function Call interface system (RFC).

RFC allows for remote calls between two SAP Systems (R/3 or R/2), or

between an SAP System and a non-SAP System.

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RFC functions running in an SAP System must be actual function modules,

and must be registered in the SAP System as "remote".

When both caller and called program are ABAP programs, the RFC interface

provides both partners to the communication.

The caller may be any ABAP program, while the called program must be a

function module registered as remote.


distributed environment.

Existing function modules can be executed from within a remote system (R/2

or R/3) via an RFC call.

This is done by adding a DESTINATION clause to the CALL FUNCTION


RFC frees the ABAP programmer from having to program his own

communications routines.

Parameters declared as type REFERENCE cannot be used in remote function


TYPES OF Remote Function Calls :

Synchronous Remote Function Call.

Asynchronous Remote Function Call.

Transactional Remote Function Call.

Queue Remote Function Call.

Web Remote Function Call(Not Covered)

Synchronous Remote Function Calls :

Synchronous remote function calls (RFCs) are those where the user have to

wait for their completion before continuing the calling dialog.

In simple terms , “ calling program must wait for the return values to perform

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further processing”.

Asynchronous Remote Function Calls :

Asynchronous remote function calls (aRFCs) are those where the user does

not have to wait for their completion before continuing the calling dialog.

There are three characteristics of asynchronous RFCs :

When the caller starts an asynchronous RFC, the called server must be

available to accept the request.

The calling program can receive results from the asynchronous RFC.

In simple terms , “ calling program need not wait for the return values to

perform further processing”.

You must not use IMPORTING when calling aRFCs.

Transactional Remote Function Calls :

From Release 3.0 onwards, data can be transferred between two R/3 Systems

reliably and safely via transactional RFC (tRFC).

The called function module is executed exactly once in the RFC server


The remote system need not be available at the time when the RFC client

program is executing a tRFC.

If a call is sent, and the receiving system is down, the call remains in the local

queue until a later time.

The calling dialog program can proceed without waiting to see whether or not

the remote call was successful.

If the receiving system does not become active within a certain amount of

time, the call is scheduled to run in batch.

Transactional RFCs use the suffix IN BACKGROUND TASK.

Queue RFC :

qRFC With Send Queue

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To guarantee an LUW sequence dictated by the application, the tRFC is

serialized using queues.

It is therefore called queued RFC (qRFC). Due to the serialization, in R/3 a

send queue for tRFC is created. This results in the general term qRFC with

send queue.

Posted bymy SAP Technicalat2:37 AM 0 comments

W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 1 0 , 2 0 1 0

ALE IDoc Creation steps with T Codes


Segment : Create Segements Using WE31

IDoc Type : Create IDoc Type and Assign Segment to IDoc Type Using WE30

Release : Release Segements and IDoc Type using WE31 and WE30


Message Type : Create Message Type Using WE81

And Assign IDoc Type to the Message Type Using WE82

Function Modules : Create Function Module Using SE37

Process Code : Create Process Code Using WE42

Characteristics : Maintain characteristics of Inbound Function Modules Using


Relate FM,Msg Type : Assign Function Module to Message type Using WE57

Partner Profile : Create Partner Profile Using WE20

And Assing Message type under Inbound parameters


Segment : Create Segements Using WE31

IDoc Type : Create IDoc Type and Assign Segment to IDoc Type Using WE30

Release : Release Segements and IDoc Type using WE31 and WE30


Message Type : Create Message Type Using WE81

And Assign IDoc Type to the Message Type Using WE82

Function Modules : Create Function Module Using SE37

Relate FM,Msg Type : Assign Function Module to Message type Using WE57

Partner Profile : Create Partner Profile Using WE20

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And Assing Message type under Outbound parameters

Port : Create/Use Existing Port Using WE21

Posted bymy SAP Technicalat11:15 PM 0 comments

SAP R/3 Architecture

SAP R/3 - Systems Applications and Products in 3 Tier Architecture.

Typical structure of an R/3 system is as below

Presentation Layer

Application Layer

Database Layer

Presentation Layer is nothing but the system/pc we/end user accesses to

perform the activity

Application layer will receives the request from user(i.e, presentation layer)

and performs the activity based on the request.

Database Layer is nothing but Database. when an activity is running in

application layer and that particular activity needs some data than a request

will come to Database layer,Database layer sends back the data.

Posted bymy SAP Technicalat11:07 PM 0 comments

T U E S D A Y , M A R C H 9 , 2 0 1 0

Creating Custom BAPI - step by step

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Step 1: Create Structure/Structures for parameters, which we need in SE11

Use Data elements while creating structure fields

Step 2 : Create Function Module using SE37

Select Radio Button “Remote-Enabled Module”

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Save Check and Activate the function module. And go back

In Menu, Go to Function Module -> Release -> Release

Step 3 : Create Object type for Function Module

Create Object type in SWO1

Provide Object name,Name,Description,Program and Application

Open Node of Method and Select Method.

Now in Menu, Goto Utilities -> API Methods -> Add Method.

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Now Click on Save and Select Object Type.

In Menu, Goto Edit -> Change Release Status -> Object Type -> To Modeled

Click on Save

In Menu, Goto Edit -> Change Release Status -> Object Type -> To


In Menu, Goto Edit -> Change Release Status -> Object Type -> To Released

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Now Select Function Module in Method.

In Menu, Goto Edit -> Change Release Status -> Object Type Component ->

To Modeled

In Menu, Goto Edit -> Change Release Status -> Object Type Component ->

To Implemented

In Menu, Goto Edit -> Change Release Status -> Object Type Component ->

To Released

Finally Click On Generate.
