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SAP Shared Service Framework Financialsv3.ppt · SAP Shared Service Framework for Financials ......

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FORUM Manage Efficiency in Finance SAP Shared Service Framework for Financials James Willis, 22 nd May 2012


Manage Efficiency in Finance SAP Shared Service Framework for FinancialsJames Willis,

22nd May 2012


Barriers Preventing a Focused and Successful

Shared Service Centre

•Poor visibility of SLA performance

•Multiple solutions

•Fractured process

•Visibility of issues

•One size fits all


SAP Shared Service Framework for Financials




Interactive Call centre


Integrated process


Automated Processes


Shared Services for Financials performance indicators

KPI Improvement Customers > 10%



Customer Service




0 % 25%

10 %

0 % 25%

10 %

0% 25%


Source: Hackett 2010


Shared Services for Financials performance indicators

KPI Improvement Description

Standardization and automation leads to significant increases in productivity

Integrated end to end processes supports continuous quality improvements based on highly standardized processes

Measuring and managing Service Level agreements and customer satisfaction ensures excellence in customer service

Source: Hackett 2010



Customer Service





Shared Services for Financials performance indicators

KPI Description Customer

DSM integrated Finance Shared Services in a heterogenous system landscape and leveraged Invoice Management plus Financial Supply Chain Management for E2E processes

Coca Cola EMEA ensures low TCO in 27 countries with SAP Shared Service Framework as business platform for Shared Services in Finance and HR

SAP runs SAP and implements

Shared Service Framework for

Finance, HR, Procurement and

Facility Management and increases

Customer Service in multiple


Source: SAP reference data base



Customer Services


SAP Shared Service Framework for Financials

•Excellent visibility of performance

•One solution

•Integrated process

•High visibility of issues

•Fit for purpose


Thank you!


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