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Saptarishi Nadi-Ge Asc-Chart 05

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8/9/2019 Saptarishi Nadi-Ge Asc-Chart 05 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/saptarishi-nadi-ge-asc-chart-05 1/20  enbeeyes hails from a Tamil family  wherein he learnt astrology from his grandfather who knew the entire BPHS by heart. He was first asked to know by heart the Sanskrit verses of BPHS & then was slowly taught astrology by his grandfather  who was his Guru. After 3 years of teaching only BPHS he was then taught Jaimini Sutras by the age of 23. Yenbeeyes is our author’s pen name and he, having retired in 2007, has taken up to the cause of astrology full time and is currently translating Jaimini Sutras into Tamil. Saptarishis Astrology has observed that Shri Yenbeeyes pursues this science with an unmatched discipline and dedication  which is praiseworthy. Saptarishi Nadi – Chart 5 Gemini Ascendant By Yenbeeyes, India Copy Editor: Bhaskaran Natesan Manuscript Supplied By: Upendra Bhadoriya English Language Editor: Andree Leclerc, Canada aptarishi Nadi is one of the greatest works by which one can learn what & maybe how the Rishis predict on a chart. For more than a century astrologers throughout the world have wanted this nadi especially. The charts in these nadis need to become a classroom discussion in various institutions, forums & teachers should take a shot at trying to derive how and why a prediction was given by the Rishi. Until this is done by institutions & you individually this rare opportunity of learning will be lost. What is also to be learnt is at times there are multiple opinions among the Rishis yet they respect each other. Of course, the most important thing that can be learnt from the nadi is the effect of Karma which is the reason of astrology. 1. சதர சய மக சனமன மரவ நத த மட தக கண க மத ச ச மனத ர க இதவ கக ந இலகன மனமக; S
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Y     enbeeyes hails from a Tamil family

  wherein he learnt astrology from hisgrandfather who knew the entire BPHS byheart. He was first asked to know by heartthe Sanskrit verses of BPHS & then wasslowly taught astrology by his grandfather who was his Guru. After 3 years of teachingonly BPHS he was then taught JaiminiSutras by the age of 23. Yenbeeyes is our

author’s pen name and he, having retired in2007, has taken up to the cause ofastrology full time and is currentlytranslating Jaimini Sutras into Tamil.Saptarishis Astrology has observed thatShri Yenbeeyes pursues this science withan unmatched discipline and dedication which is praiseworthy.

Saptarishi Nadi –

Chart 5 

Gemini AscendantBy

Yenbeeyes, IndiaCopy Editor: Bhaskaran Natesan

Manuscript Supplied By: Upendra BhadoriyaEnglish Language Editor: Andree Leclerc, Canada

aptarishi Nadi is one of the greatestworks by which one can learn what &maybe how the Rishis predict on a

chart. For more than a century astrologersthroughout the world have wanted this nadiespecially. The charts in these nadis need tobecome a classroom discussion in variousinstitutions, forums & teachers should takea shot at trying to derive how and why aprediction was given by the Rishi. Until thisis done by institutions & you individuallythis rare opportunity of learning will be lost.What is also to be learnt is at times thereare multiple opinions among the Rishis yetthey respect each other. Of course, the mostimportant thing that can be learnt from thenadi is the effect of Karma which is thereason of astrology.

1. சதர சய மக சனமன மரவ


த மட தக கண க

மத ச ச மனத ர க

இதவ கக ந இலகன



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1.  For a Gemini Ascendant, Moon in Leo, Saturn in Pisces, Sun andMercury in Taurus, Venus in Gemini, Ketu in Cancer, Jupiter & Marsin Aquarius and Rahu in Capricorn-when the nine planets are placed likethis...(Continued in next verse)

2. ச எற தவ ஜயந கற

வய ஆப ஜம வரகற இல தன

கம வட பவ மக ச

நலத சல ழ நமதக ம உட.

2.  Parvati started asking, tell me the results. Jayamuni answered: Oh!Mother! The horoscope is of a male. We tell about his house. He has a

thatched house on a street running east to west. On the western side,there is a lane. A well-maintained grove and a tank are also there. In thesouthern side, there is a Mari Amman temple.





Mars Ketu

Rahu Moon


3. உதர மச கள உவல மல கட

பதன ம தக பரள த நப

சதம கழக ச.....மத க தங

சதய சம தன சவ தர வச.

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 3.  In the north, a Shiva temple and a Mari Amman temple are there. A

dilapidated Vishnu temple and another Mari Amman temple are there in thesoutheast. In the east, there is a lane… (Some words are missing here)… isthere in the east. Sakthi (Rishi calls Parvati by this name); in such a balanced

place we say that he will be born in a house where the main door will befacing the north.

4. இவத அடய ள இலகய இத பல

பயம தய வச பகவ னவன யக

நவய தத தய நண களதர தர

ஒவய ப ஜம உரகற க தய.

4.  Born with such marks, the native gave birth in Vanniar community.(Note: The rishi has used the word “Theeyin” which means fire. Probably it isderived from the word vanni, a Sanskrit word, which means fire). We will tellabout his fortunes, fortunes of his excellent father and mother, good wife andchildren and also his previous birth, next birth, Oh! Mother listen.

Natives Father

5. ததய ணத யஙக சவ கந றத

பதம ஒச தக பதன நய ந

சதத சல மல தய மனவ த

ததன டய னவ தயவ அப உ.

5.  We will tell about the characteristics of the  native’s  father. Is of blackcolor; has a lean body; dear to his wife; has bad manners always; a brave man;an obstinate person; has wealth earned from his own efforts; eats little.

Saptarishis Astrology Commentary: 9H is house of father which is generally taken in nadi literature, taking that as the Asc one can see that the Lagna Lord of father isSaturn probably that is the reason the Rishi has attributed that the native would beblack in color with lean body (characteristics of Saturn) and would eat little as Saturnsits in the 2 nd house of food (10H) from 9H of father. The same 2H having Saturn will  give a non affectionate speech (next verse) to the father as Saturn is a cold planetapart from being old. As to his being brave there is Mangal in the 9H of father so

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characteristics of Mars is attributing to it and earning money through own efforts canbe attributed to the Guru Mangal Yoga.

6. யசன பல சவ உதய மனத னவ

கம ஆச உள கவம கஷ சவபசம பச மட பக அதக சப

தசத சக ள சதக மனத னம.

6.  Capable of thinking in many ways; firm minded person; interested inmoney; educated person; does agriculture; will not talk affectionately; willincrease cultivable lands; has male and female servants; doubtful (orsuspicious) minded person.

7. கக வத உள கவல டப மல

சலவ சபய சல தகத ம சப

கலத அற வவ கனமன ச சவ

ஞலம அடக ள நயக கடய.

7.  Has increased cattle wealth; He is without pompousness; goes

extensively to the assembly; will add suitable lands; knowing the time willlive accordingly (Meaning that he will accommodate himself to the times andcircumstances); firm minded person; does trade; a modest person on earth; Oh!Mother listen.

Saptarishis Astrology Commentary:  Identifying profession of relatives from just thebirth chart is a specialty of nadi astrology; here the Rishi says Father will do trade,The general karaka of trade is Mercury and it is with Sun the karaka of father in general terms, so it is presumed that the Rishi would have predicted with that logic. Another point of view which is nadi standard is to take the Sun as karaka of fatherand read the chart from there. Hence taking the 10H from the Sun’s position for the  father’s career, we see that both Mars and Jupiter are conjunct there and that theirdispositor occupies the 11H of gains/profits – there is, in fact, an exchange of sign(parivarthana) between the 10L and 11L from this vantage point which is pretty good for business.

8. அடக மக ள அன தவ சவ

கன வத ற றவக நசங கள

மடக வத கப வவ கன ள

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தடம கவ கச தயளமங ணத ன

டக வத உள ணம இர ம

எச கத கவ இவபத ட தக.

11. Helps those who approached him for assistance; interested in trivialthings; erudite in the harmonious and pleasant Tamil language; a littlebenevolent in nature; will have growth of cows and oxen; has dual character;will become famous in all eight directions; has a bilious body.

12. வயம தக ம மதக ஆப ர

நயட பப ந நன தக மக

வயம மற வல வளம ணத

பயமல இத பல பன உதப னம.

12. Will have long life; With authority we say he will have two male andfour female issues who will have long life. Others will not stay; this boy (native)will be born to the person about whom we described earlier. (Note: This line refers tothe description given earlier to the native’s father as the verses 9 to part of 12 describesthe brother of the native’s father)

Predictions On Native

13. ஜதக நறங ணத சவங கந றத

மதன ஒச தக வத டய ன

தல நச யவ கள கஷ சவ

தக ஒவ கண சறன கப யவ. 

13. We will tell about the native’s color and character. Is black colored; haslean body; educated person; a person without deceits; an emaciated person; hascomforts; does agriculture; will not think of evil to any one; a little short-tempered.

14. கத டய னவ கனதந பலக ளல

உவக ம எற ஓஙக சவ மல

பசல பதவ மல கபட கத ஏப

அல மல ன அதகம தன மல.

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14. Has wealth earned from his own efforts; Because of the numerous gooddeeds (done in the previous birth) he will be (we said) having his livingthrough lands (meaning will be doing agriculture as stated in previousstanza); his wealth will increase. Will not tell lie; will be more famous than his father; has no troubles.

15. நலவ ணவ னவ நயட ரக வல

சல கப றத ஜத உ

நலவ கலஙக சப நபண ந

இல தத சவ இவப மச வவ.

15. A good person; has good character; capable of talking pleasingly; but will

use deceitful words; will have lot of relations; has good silver vessels, goldornaments and good clothes. Will construct new house; will live praised byhis relations.

16. ததய ஜத மல தனவ வவ ன

தண தனக பன தத மல வவ

சதய மமங கச சலசல ச சவ

மதர வய சவ மஙகய மங கள.

16. Will live higher than this father’s caste people; will protect his brother;will live better than his father (meaning that the living conditions will bebetter than during his father’s time); will have some secrets in his mind; willdo some (a few) business; will be doing incantation (a form of exorcising) and willbe practicing medicine. Oh! Woman! Listen further.

17. இதவ ணவ தம இயவ ஆப ர

வதங கன ந வரகற தக மக

நத ம த வவ மணத கல

எதய வ ழ இவ ப வ

17. We will tell about his co-borns. We say confidently that there will betwo brothers and four sisters. Six will be born and will die. (Here the rishi hasspecifically stated that he says with grief from which we infer that the six issues born

will all die. There is no direct mention that those born will die). We will tell abouthis marriage time. In his twenty first year, he will get his wife.

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Yenbeeyes Notes: As per verse 41, the balance of dasa at birth was that of Venus 10 years and 6 months. So at the age of 21 native would be running Moon dasa-Saturnbhukthi. Note the 7th lord Jupiter forming Gajakeshari Yoga with Moon being placedmutually in the 7th. Jupiter placed in the house of Saturn will be acting like Saturn andSaturn placed in Jupiter house will act like Jupiter. Hence the Antar dasa of Saturn is

in fact going to reflect the results of 7th house lord Jupiter. Also note that karaka forwife Venus is being squared by the Antara Lord and also aspected by Jupiter the 7 th lord from Ascendant. The 7th house is in turn aspected by Venus, the karaka as well asSaturn, lord of 7th house from Moon.

Saptarishis Astrology Commentary:Ideally when a senior writer/translator has given his commentary or notes one should not write below him adding to the commentary or contradicting it, yet knowing that

the translator is devoted to knowledge and also since he has beautifully extolled logicvia dasa system above, we take the liberty of giving logic to the Rishis’ predictionbased out of Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi. Our half baked study on timing marriage withBCP has shown that when the BCP Focus House is in trine to Venus (karaka for wifein male charts) or 7H/ lord, the strongest out of these will give marriage, one can usethis in Navamsa also as per our studies in BCP but the more parameters are added themore it becomes difficult to predict though much easier to justify. At times it has been noticed that engagement happens during the period of the above technique but marriage

after few months. Now lets take the above chart, Jupiter is the 7L of wife sitting in the9H of marriage and is trine to Venus; this Jupiter is conjunct Mars who is the 11th lordof wife, so this 9H becomes the biggest contender to give the marriage age and, as perBCP, the 9H is 21 years of age which is when the native got married as per the aboveshloka.

18. பய சத தன பகவ மந றத

சல ணத ள தமக ளப த

மறய பச ளற மமம மனத ளறங

கய சமத ளறங கணவ கனய ள.

18. We will tell about his wife. Will have double color; not of goodcharacter; looks like Goddess Lakshmi; will not change (or go back on) herwords; is secret minded; skillful at work; pleasing to her husband.

19. தர வத தன கலவ ஆப ர

சதம பப தகம ம சன

தம நட சலவ மவ கத

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அதய பற மத அறகற மங கள.

19. When we talk about progeny, we confidently say that there will be twomale and three female children will be there. Definitely she will loose threechildren. Oh! Mother of elephant headed God! We will further state, listen.

Native’s Mother

20. ம ணத யஙக வரகற சவத மன

மதன சமத கத வதக ஈக கச

பதவ கபங கச ணய மனஙக ளல

சதன மனத ள சதக மனத ளற.

20. We will tell about the native’s mother’s character. Will have reddishbody; will have equal proportioned body. Knowledgeable woman; a littlecharitable; in addition a little anger; not having pure or virtuous mind; capableof effecting things as per her thoughts; suspicious minded person.

Natives’ Mothers’ Co-borns

21. சலவ வத தக சதய கப கசங

கலம ணவ தம வ ஆப ர

ஞலம கன ந நவ மவ கத

ஆலத உட தவ அறகற ஆப சத.

21.  (Native’s mother) Is of good manners; has hairy? (vata or hair?) body;has little deceit in her mind; we will tell about her co-borns. We say that shewill have two male and four female siblings. Oh! Wife of eater of ‘Hala’

poison! We continue with the news of her male siblings.22. தவ மதல இல மழதன பத தக

நதச கத கவ நலவ னக வவ

வத ணத ன ணப வத மவ

கதர மல னங கத மங கள.

22. We say that the elder brother (of native’s mother) will have no issues; of 

bilious body; will become famous in the four directions. Will be living a goodman. Will have other characters also. Will be subjected to unwanted scandal;not a robust man. Oh! Female friend! Further, listen.

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23. அவட இளய சத அறகறங கஷ ஏப

நவனய ப தன நயக கப னற

பவள தர ட பக வத சவ

இவ ணவ யல இகக ளதக .

23. We will tell about his younger brother (younger to the one describedabove); will be doing agriculture; will support his family well; will get goodchildren; will increase his land holdings; he will have difficulties from hiswife.

Native’s Mother & Father’s Previous Births

24. ணவய அவம னஙக சவ மவ கத

கனட வவ னங கழவ ம வ

இணயல தல தப இயலழ தன லத

அணயவ வய வச அவம உதத ளற.

24. Because of his wife, he will be blamed; will be living with dignity; (thisis a continuation of previous stanza). We will tell about the previous birth ofthe native’s mother. We said that she was born in Vaisya community inThiruvazhi, a place south of the incomparable Thillai.

25. மதலக ளல ளக வரட தலஙக ச

கதக ச ச கனதத தத த

வதவத தன ம இரமங கத பற

பதயன ச மத பலவத வரதங க;

25. Since she was without any issue, went with her husband to sacred places,went to Sethu (Rameswaram) where sins are removed and took bath in thesacred waters there, gave a lot in charity, worshipped the deity there,Ramalinga Swamy, returned to her house and took to lot of voluntaryreligious penance… (continued in the next verse).

Yenbeeyes Notes: Rameswaram is the abode of one of the 12 Jyothirlingas of India. It is alsoconsidered one among four most sacred pilgrim centres of India. It is an acclaimed Parihara Sthala,where it is believed all sins get absolved. Devotees take holy dips at Sethu Theertha, AgniTheertha and other sacred waters, offer pujas to get progeny, perform Shraadha for their ancestorsand do Naga Prathishta (installing serpent deity).

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26. மனம தவ பத வப மதல உட

கனட வ ப கலத பத ச

சனமல பரம லக சப வத ளற

அனயவ இவப ஜம அறகறங க தய.

26. With the mind fully devoted to God she then got children and livedcomfortably and thereafter reached the abode of Yama (died) and wasrecreated by the angerless Brahma and took birth is what we say. We will tellabout her rebirth. Listen, Mother!

27. பஜமங கச கப ப கஙக வச

இனவ தப ள இணயல சவ ப

அனவ வவ ள அறகற தத வ

உனத வரன பற உதம கடய.

27. In the next birth, she will be born in Ganga (agricultural) community ina large town east of Kancheepuram. She will live with incomparable wealth.We will tell about native’s father’s previous birth. Oh! Virtuous woman,having got a superior person as husband! (praising Goddess Parvati) Listen.

28. இவபத ஜ மத இயவ மண ந

அவனய மறய வச அவம உதத னற

நவனய வணப ச நமன தக ட

சவன தனஙக ம சவஙக ளதக ப;

28. We tell about the previous birth of the father of the  native. We say that hewas born in Brahmin community in Thrivannamalai. Did business in theworld, got good wife and children, and  got land and wealth due to the grace of Lord Shiva


29. பவ மல வ பன கத ப

அதக பக ச அஙச னக தஙக

பதம பரம லக பன வரய ப

வதவ னவன எற மஙகங கக ற.

1 Kindly note this statement is an important key in determining which deity has given the blessing inany chart - Saptarishis Astrology

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29. Was better off than his relations; got name and fame in the world andreached the abode of Yama. He stayed there for some days. We say that he isthe person who, according to the calculation of Brahma, was written to beborn in this world. Parvati started asking: (continued in next verse)

30. ஜம மறயனக வதவ னச மத

அள தய வச அகன கரண ச

ஜம வத தன யலம வத தல

பஜம ச வச பறதன னவன எற.

30. What is the reason for the person to take birth in Brahmin community who tookbirth in Vanniar community in his earlier birth? We say that in his previous birth,

he did not take efforts to learn the Vedas and hence in the next birth he wasborn in Sambu community.

31. பஜம கச தன பறபன சவ னக

பபண அதக ட மய கத யக

அனவ வவ ன அபக யள கள

இனவ ஜ மத இயவங க தய.

31. In the next birth, he will take birth in Kancheepuram in Saivacommunity and will be living by getting lot of wealth like gold ornaments and

will be famous on earth. Oh! Mother! Listen. We will tell about the previousbirth of the native.

Previous Birth Of Native

32. ஜதக ஜமத சவ வ மப

பதவ ச தன பறதன லல வச

பதக தழ லம படஙக வல ச

மதன அய ப வபஙக மகவ க;

32. We will tell the previous birth of the native. To the west of Tiruvallur,in a small place, the native was born in the potter community. Was doing theharmless work of preparing vessels out of mud (pot vessels). Gettinginterested in the followers of Shiva... (continued in next verse)

33. வவ அன ம மஹதவ தயன ச

மரய பத ச மறயவ வரய ப

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பமய இச மத பறதவ னவன எற

தமக வலச சவ வவனம.

33.  Offered food to those who came with hunger; worshipped Shiva, thehigher among devas, reached the abode of Yama, written by Brahma to takebirth and the native was born in this birth – we said like that. Because of thegracious sight of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, he was living a wealthy life.

34. ததய மரண கல சவ ப னழ

சதத ஆன மத சவங கட த

பதய அன கத பசன அதம

எதய ன மத இயபனங கட தன.

34. We will tell the time of death of his father. At the age of thirty seven (of the native), in the month of Ani (Mithuna as per Souramana i.e. between 15th  June and 15th July) native’s father will be in danger (will die); Thereafterdanger (will die) will be there for mother  after  three  years in the month of Meena (from 15th March to 15th April). [Note: The word used here is “koony” 

ன. This can be interpreted as the month of Mithuna also (as per Souramana whichis between 15th June to 15th July as per one Tamil proverb. This can also refer to

Meena month, in Tamil called as “Pankuni” which is between 15th March to 15th April.)]

Yenbeeyes Notes: The dasa of the lord of the 8th house generally causes death of the relation from whom it is 8th. So for father, fourth house becomes the eighth house fromthe ninth which denotes father. In almost all the cases, the Nadi gives the month of death also which I intend taking as Souramana. This is amply proved by the fact that

when Sun transits the rasi mentioned during that period, the lord of that rasi is thedeterminant of death. In this case native’s father died in the month of Mithuna ruledby Mercury. As per the rule the fourth lord indicates the death of father and here thelord of fourth house is Mercury. So when Sun transits Gemini in the period asaforesaid the native’s father had died. Also note that Rahu dasa was running andRahu fully aspects Virgo as well as Lord of 8th (Mercury) from 9th. The first house isalso responsible for life and death. For the 9th house, placement of Jupiter who behaveslike Saturn, lord of 9th is also responsible for bringing about the end of the native of the

house 9th

, viz. father.For the mother, there is no clarity as to which month the rishi refers to as “Koony”.Let us try the astrological reasons extending the same arguments as above:

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From Ascendant, the 8th house that will indicate the mother’s death is the 11th house.Its Lord is Mars. Sun’s transit over Aries will be between 15th April to 15th May andover Scorpio will be from 15th November to 15th December which will be indicating theSouramana months Mesha (Aries) and Vrischika (Scorpio). But here, Mars theindicator is placed in a Saturn’s house and hence will take the qualities of Saturn.

Saturn is placed in Pisces and hence the rishi might have taken this reason and statedthe month as Meena (Pisces) which in Souramana is from 15th March to 15th April. Butthis is a far fetched argument which needs further proof. Now if we take the position from Moon, the lord of 11th house is Mercury and hence when Sun transits Gemini orVirgo, in that month the death can happen. Now Sun transits Gemini in theSouramana month of Mithuna which falls between 15th June and 15th July whichcorresponds to the Tamil proverb also which states “Ani is like Kooni”. So this seemsto be an acceptable argument.

I also would like to recall here the opinion of Late Shri R.Santhanam. In his translationof Deva Keralam, he has stated that “As stressed by me often in my writings the 4th Lord denotes father’s death while the 5th Lord denotes mother’s death. This technique iswidely used in Nadi Granthas. In my own studies, I did find these clues working quiteeffectively.”

Saptarishis Astrology Commentary:The Rishi writes that the native’s father will die at the age of 37, which is the 1st house

as per Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi. Note the following points:1.  In the 1H which is the BCP Focus Year, the 12th lord of death Venus sits which

means some death will visit the life of the native & this Venus is dispositor of Sunthe karaka of Father thus signifying that something will happen to his father.Saturn whose age of giving is 36 aspects, by its 3 rd aspect, the BCP Focus year lordMercury – and this Saturn, apart from being 8L, sits in the 10H of father ormaraca of Father, this cannot be ignored.

 2.  The lord of the 37th year (1H) is Mer who is with Sun, the karaka of father in the

12H of exit – thus something will happen to his father. 3.  Determining 37th year: Aroodha of the 9H is A9 which goes to the 11H. Treating

that as the lagna, the 37th year (using BCP) will come to that house which will bethe 11H and its lord Mars goes in the 9H of Father, which means double indicationand hence in the 37th year something should happen to the native. Usually withSaturn in the 9H or the 10H, around the age of 36-38 some event should happen,with Aq as the sign placed in the 9H an event should happen at the age of 36 ½ inthe life of father (or in the native’s life? Regarding the father), these are general

 rules 4.  Take 9H as the Asc for father, the 37th year using BCP would come back to the 9H,

 note that this 9H has Papakartari (scissors yoga) from Saturn and Rahu, which

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means that the 37th year is a double trouble year. Now it contains Mars 3L of death(taking Asc 9H of father) placed in it plus it has Jupiter who, having kendradhipatidosha, is placed in the 9H of father. One must note that the major role of kendradhipati dosha is in regards to death and here it sits in the 9H of father. Sothis kendradhipati dosha containing Jupiter (Jeeva) sits in the 9H of father which

is the 37th year taking 9H as Asc as per BCP. Readers are requested to take upcharts of aged people, take Kendradhipati Dosha and use BCP and see if in trinesthose years come or other sambandha is formed. BCP and Yogas testing is a much needed research and due to shortage of time, we are unable to produce a statisticalpaper although we have written about its usage in our columns before.

The Rishi further writes that ‘Thereafter danger (will die) will be there formother after three  years’ 

5.  So 37th year plus 3 is 40 or the translation could also mean (word thereafter) within 3 years which means 39th year, Yenbeeyes and other scholars should correct us here.If we take 39th year, it would mean (39-36=3) 3 rd House in BCP method whereMoon sits in the 3H of death, so some event concerning mother is possible and thislogic can be fit into what the Rishi is predicting. The lord of the BCP year lord(39th year) has gone in the 12H of exit conjoined the 4th lord of Mother which isMercury, thus doubly confirming that in the 39th year health of mother must atleastsuffer.

6.  If we take 40th year as the year meant with the words ‘thereafter danger will bethere for mother after 3 years (from 37th year) then the total is 40th year which asper BCP Focus House would come to 4H of mother (40-36 =4), thus some event inlife of mother. In the chart this 4L Mer goes in the 12L of Exit along with Sun whois the 12th lord from 4H of mother, thus doubly confirming great problems to mother.Take the 3H (39th year) or 4H (40th year) as the Asc and you would see the karakaof death Saturn sits in the 8th (death) or 7th (maraca) being the 8L of the chart, thisagain confirms. Taking the House year as Asc and working out BCP gives

additional information on the events of the life is earlier shown in its working.

35. இனவ மரண கல இயவ நப ன

அனவ தன கட மக நவத ய

பன மப னழ பஙன மத உதர

சனன கட த சவ மவப ஜம.

35. We will tell about the native’s time of death. There will be danger to the native at the age of forty-eight. However, that will be removed. Thereafter at theage of fifty-seven, in the month of Panguni (Meena in Souramana i.e. between

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15th March and 15th April and in Chandramana-Phalguna between 15thFebruary and 15th March. Since the month name as given in Tamil, exactlymatches with Souramana month, I am giving the exact equivalent of Englishmonths also). In Uthrashada Nakshatra there will be danger to the native(will die). We will tell about his  next birth.

Yenbeeyes Notes: At the age of 48, the native was running Rahu dasa-Sun Bhukthi.Rahu being placed in the 8th house and Sun the Antara Lord being aspected by him hasbrought the danger. Since only the dasa lord of the 8th house is capable of causing death,he was out of the danger as Rahu is only the planet placed therein. At the age of 57 hedied. He was running Jupiter dasa. 8th Lord Saturn is placed in Pisces and the dasalord Jupiter is placed in the sign of Saturn. So the effects of Saturn may be experiencedin Jupiter period and vice versa. From Moon also the 8th lord happens to be Jupiter. No

wonder Jupiter dasa brought about the end of the native. The month of death is givenas Meena as per Souramana which is between 15th February and 15th March. Duringthis period Sun will be transiting the Pisces sign wherein the 8 th lord Saturn is placed.See how clearly it unfolds.

Saptarishis Astrology Commentary:The above explanation by Yenbeeyes is lucid & clear. Let us use BCP (Bhrighu EasyMethodology) to see the chart with another nadi style as there are different nadi

approaches one can use. Revisiting the verse, the Rishi says for death of native, therewould be danger at the age of 48 and final end at the age of 57. The 48th year would bethe 12th house as per BCP. Over there, the lagna lord (body) Mercury is conjoinedwith 3L of death Sun in the 12H of exit. So some event concerning the life of native isexpected which is what the Rishi said above, what saved him is a matter one can try toattribute to dasha, yoga & saving Vedhas as per our limited knowledge. But the Rishisays the 57th year the native will die. As per BCP the 57th year will be the 9H(48+9=57th year), here again the 6L of diseases, accidents is sitting with

Kendradhipati Dosham Jupiter. We earlier mentioned that normally KendradhipatiDosha is associated with death and this 9H of 57th year is having papa kartari; for himto pass 57th year will be tougher especially since Saturn sits next to it while in transit itwould have come near the 9H (Saturn takes 60 years to come back roughly to the sameposition), thus adding a triple whammy. Some of the critics of this ancient system of Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi are the young astrologers who do not use years specified for yogas, do not use the different ages given to planets & transits to successfully use BCP.If Saturn for e.g. sits in the 3H with Moon, then in the 39th year death of mother or

major event towards mother is to be noted especially if Saturn is the 8th lord and thismight not happen in the 15th year since the maturation age of Saturn is 36. So you takethe BCP Focus house nearby that age, which is the commonsense approach. For a

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Gemini Lagna, the years around 36, 60 are important years of health, transformationin life or death since Saturn is the 8th lord and also the 9th lord, so BCPs around that  year are very important for eventful years especially if Saturn is nearby the BCPFocus year.

36. அ கஙக சய அவம உதப ன

பவம க டக பலக வவ ன

நவய யக சக நவ ஜனன த

தவய மரண ம தஙகல வவன.

36.  He will be born in the same place in Ganga (agricultural) community.He will be living by getting all sorts of comforts. We will tell about his

fortunes. From the time of birth till his death he will live without any troubles.

37. கக வத உ லவ தனஙக த

நச மப ட நம சப னறங

கக சவ கனதத ட

வல யத ப கசய வவ ன.


There will be increase in cows; wealth held will increase; his words willbe honoured; will increase the fertile lands; will have palanquin bearers; willconstruct a big house; will be living praised by the people in his circle.

38. எதக லத லத இவசதர சவ

அதத சத தன அறவ னய எற

இதவ ஜத க ஈர ஆ மல

தய கக வல யதன சவ னற 38.  Parvati asked: when will the native construct the beautiful house? Tell me thatnews. It will be like this, Rishi continued, we say that the native, after the ageof fourteen will start his efforts for the construction of the house.

39. இப ற ம இசதங கக த

வரபர சல மங மநல வத உ

றற ப தங வ சல சஙக

பமய நப ம பழவங ப வ.

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39.  After the age of twenty-three, the construction of the house will becompleted; gradually the expenses will increase; increase in big lands (landholdings) will be there; to such a family without any shortfalls, after the age offorty, due to certain difficulties to the native, the family will be separated.

Yenbeeyes Notes: Let us examine these two verses and reason out the astrological factors. The native at the age of fourteen must be running Sun dasa-Saturn Bhukthias his balance of dasa at birth is stated to be Venus – 10 years and 6 months in verse 41.From the Ascendant, the fourth house Lord Mercury is placed along with Sun. Boththe planets are aspecting the fourth house from Moon. Mars the significator of properties is aspecting the fourth house from Ascendant. Mars is placed in the house of Saturn. Hence Sun and Saturn worked jointly and started the venture. The workcould not get completed due to the placement of Sun in the 12 th house and also the

ownership of Mars being the 6th

house. But Moon is placed in the house of Sun and soSun is continuing his interest in the Moon dasa due to his association with fourth lord.So when Mercury Antara is coming in Moon dasa, the construction work getscompleted.

Saptarishis Astrology Commentary:Using BCP, after the age of 14 means 15th year which is the 3H whose lord is Sunconjoined with 4th lord of House/home Mercury, sitting in the 9th from the 4H

aspected by Mars (land). The 9th

house in a chart shows the start of prosperity of thelagna and is called Bhagya (Fortune) Udaya (Rise) thus Start of Rise. So 9th from 4Halso shows prosperity i.e. start of work of the 4H of House (home). The Rishi says hestarts house construction after age of 14 and completes it after the age of 23 i.e.probably 24. This huge delay of nearly 9 years (note 9) is probably due to the aspect of delay significator Saturn who aspects the 4H and 4L Mercury and also aspects hisenemy the Sun by its 3 rd aspect. The Rishi says he completes the house constructionafter the 23 rd year which means probably in the 24th year he completes. This 24th year

as per BCP will be the 12H where 4L of House is sitting aspected by Saturn(bricks/construction) aspected by Mars (land).

The Rishi further states that after the age of 40 the native’s family will beseparated. Here the Rishi has used the word after which means 40/41 the difficultiescan start, this is the 4H/5H as per BCP and the 4L Mer is conjoined the 3L of separation? or rather: with the Sun known to have a seperative influence being a biglone shining star placed in the 6H of conflicts from the 7H of spouse along with 4LMercury. Moreover, these are in the 12H of troubles and losses, so the family gets

separated. If you take the 41st

year as separation happen, the 41st

year as per BCP isthe 5H whose lord is Venus sitting in the Asc and is also the 12L of separation (laghuparasari) and is dispositor of 4L of home life Mer and 3L of separation Sun.

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40. எப சய மல இவப மல வவ

சப பய தமக வச ம

தபத மல வவ சகலப கயஙக ள

அபண சடய தவ அளய மழறவ.

40. He will never be in any kind of debts; he will live higher than hisrelations (meaning that his living conditions will be better than that of hisrelatives); has prosperity of milk (means has lots of cows and oxen); GoddessLakshmi reside with him; lives without any faults; has all sorts of happiness;Oh! Consort of the wearer of Ganga in his matted hair (Shiva); our wordswill not fail.

Saptarishis Astrology Commentary:Twice the Rishi has indicated that Goddess Lakshmi’s benevolence is on the native.One should note an underlying principle here; Venus which signifies Goddess Lakshmiis the 5L of worship of previous life and Poorva Punya and sits in the Lagna on the self.It is found in internet forums that folks run after remedies. On a broad yet effectivebasis the planet in the lagna or the lagna lord are the greatest remedy – once you dothat the blessings start pouring in even if there are blockages in the chart.

41. தர ஜனங கல கர தச இ

சதத மர ச சதட தஙக ள

வத ணவ த வமய ம ஓங

ததய ப வ தனம ரக ட.

41. At the time of birth, balance of Venus dasa is ten years and six months.

During that time, siblings will be born; yield from lands will be plentiful;father’s family will be elevated. The native will get some disease.

42. இவல தத தக இலக பண த

நதய சல நக ற ம

சதய மனத த சசல மனஙக

அதப த வக த வரகற வபர ர.

42. In addition to that, father and mother will also get disease. There will befinancial expenses; loss to cattle will be there; people around him will become

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treacherous; mind will be disturbed. People of his own class will be, cunning.We will write further in the second part.
