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Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project

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  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    J A C K I E S A R A L E G U I


    andATP Synthase

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    The Stages of Aerobic Respiration

    1. Glycolysis 2. Formation of

    acetyl CoA 3. The Krebs

    Cycle 4. Oxidative

    Phosphorylation(this is where

    chemiosmosisand ATP synthasecome into play)

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    Most of the energy (ATP) produced during cellrespiration occurs in the mitochondria duringstage 4: oxidative phosphorylation

    in this stage, electrons are transferred from electroncarriers to oxygen, resulting in ATP synthesis

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    The Electron Transport Chain (ETC)

    As electrons are removed from molecules of glucosethey are transferred to readied hydrogen carriermolecules: NADH and FADH2

    NADH and FADH2shuttle electrons to the ETC, andthe hydrogen atoms are split into hydrogen ions andelectrons:

    H22H++ 2e-

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    ETC cont

    The high-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2are passed down the ETC, which is a series of proteincarrier molecules that are embedded in the cristae(the membrane along the inner membrane of amitochondrion)

    the electrons travel down the ETC until they reachthe final electron acceptor, oxygenwater is formed

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project



    Some of the energy released from the ETC is used topump hydrogen ions across the inner mitochondrialmembrane to the intermembrane space

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    Chemiosmosis cont

    The pumping of hydrogen ions into theintermembrane space creates a pH gradient, orproton gradient

    the potential energy established in this gradient isresponsible for the production of ATP

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    ATP Synthase

    These hydrogen ions can diffuse across the innermembrane only by passing through channels called

    ATP synthase (or ATP synthetase)

    the flow of protonsthrough these channelsproduces ATP by

    combining ADP and Pion the matrix side ofthe channel

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    Chemiosmosis and ATP Synthasein Photosynthesis

    Like in aerobic respiration, during photosynthesis

    Energy from the ETCs help create a proton gradientof H+ ions

    These H+ move through the ATP synthase pump tophosphorylate ADP into ATP (chemiosmosis)

    ATP is made crossing an inner membrane

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    Chemiosmosis and ATP Synthasein Photosynthesis cont

    BUT- in aerobic respiration, the ATP synthase isfound on the inner mitochondrial membrane in themitochondria and in photosynthesis it is found onthe thylakoid membrane in the chloroplasts

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    Chemiosmosis is the key to the production of ATP in bothphotosynthesizing and non-photosynthesizing organisms

    The process is similar to how a hydroelectric plant converts

    the enormous

    potential energy of water

    flowing through a dam to

    turn turbines and generate


    Stage 4 produces 32 ATP!

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    Another Helpful Diagram:

  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project



    Campbell, Neil A., and Jane B. Reece.Biology. SanFrancisco: Pearson, Benjamin Cummings, 2005. Print.

    Goldberg, Deborah T. "Chemiosmosis."AP Biology.Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 2010. N. pag.


    Magloire, Kim. "Chemiosmosis." Cracking the AP BiologyExam. New York: Random House, 2010. N. pag. Print.

    "Chemiosmosis." - Definition from Biology-Online.org.

    N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.


  • 8/13/2019 Saralegui AP Bio Second Quarter Project


    Image citations



    http://library.thinkquest.org/27819/ch4_7.shtml http://www.uic.edu/classes/bios/bios100/lectures/respi

    ration.htm http://www2.nau.edu/~fpm/bio205/u4fg36.html

    http://cnx.org/content/m46451/latest/ http://student.ccbcmd.edu/~gkaiser/biotutorials/photo


