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Regenerative Braking System (RBS): Energy Measurement LOI WEI CHEONG This report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) Mechanical Engineering Faculty University Technical Malaysia Melaka JUNE 2012
  • Regenerative Braking System (RBS): Energy Measurement


    This report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award

    of a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive)

    Mechanical Engineering Faculty

    University Technical Malaysia Melaka

    JUNE 2012


    I hereby declare that I have read this report and in my opinion this report is sufficient

    in term of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical

    Engineering (Automotive)

    Signature :


    Date :

  • ii


    I hereby declare that the work in this report is my own except for summaries and

    quotations which have been duly acknowledged.

    Signature :

    Author : LOI WEI CHEONG

    Date :

  • iii


    To my parents, who have never failed to give me financial and moral support, for

    fulfilling my need during the time of developing myself and for teaching me that

    even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step at a time.

    To my brother, sisters and friends whose indirectly contribute to this thesis.

  • iv


    First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor of this project,

    Dr.Musthafah Bin Mohd Tahir for his valuable guidance and advice. He inspired me

    greatly to work on this project. His willingness to motivate and spend his valuable

    time for me is the biggest contributions to my project. I would also like to thank him

    for providing me some basic information related to my topic at the very beginning of

    this project.

    Besides, I would like to thank University Technical Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)

    for providing me a good environment and great facilities to conduct my PSM 1.

    Addition, I would like to thank to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM) for

    their guidance, starting from PSM 1 subject registration until the final presentation of

    my PSM. A special thank to my presentation panels, Dr. Noreffendy and En. Faizul

    for their attending and judging, and provide me some important information

    regarding to this project.

    Finally, an honourable mention goes to our families and friends for their

    understandings and supports on me in completing this project.

  • v


    Regenerative Braking System (RBS) is an efficient system to reduce vehicle

    emission and fuel consumption. RBS is a system which converts mechanical energy

    to electrical energy during braking action. It will become an important system for

    future vehicle such as hybrid and electric car. This study will start with literature

    review about the Regenerative Braking System (RBS). The basic design and

    components used in the regenerative braking for current vehicles will also be

    reviewed. Through the study, a RBS model can be design or develop for future study.

    The working mechanism was studied to understand how the RBS could convert

    mechanical energy to electrical energy. The important components used in RBS will

    be determined such as electric motor, motor controller and battery. To produce a

    RBS model, an e-bike conversion kit has been bought from Hong Kong and an

    alternator was selected to be installed in the bicycle. The results and calculations

    show that both devices can function properly, that means both devices can form

    recovery energy to charge battery during braking. During the recovery energy

    working, brake effects are formed to decelerate the bike. The recovery energy during

    braking for both devices are taken and compared to found out which one can produce

    high recovery energy during braking. In addition this RBS model can be used for

    future study.

  • vi


    Regenerative Braking System (RBS) adalah satu sistem yang berkesan untuk

    mengurangkan pencemaran kenderaan dan penggunaan bahan api. RBS sistem

    menukar tenaga mekanikal kepada tenaga elektrik semasa tindakan brek. Ia akan

    menjadi satu sistem yang penting bagi kenderaan masa depan seperti kereta hibrid

    dan elektrik. Kajian ini akan bermula dengan kajian literatur mengenai Regenerative

    Braking System (RBS). Reka bentuk asas dan komponen-komponen yang digunakan

    dalam regenerative brek bagi kenderaan semasa juga akan dikaji semula. Melalui

    kajian ini, model RBS boleh direka bentuk atau dibangunkan untuk kajian masa

    depan. Mekanisme kerja telah dikaji untuk memahami bagaimana RBS boleh

    menukar tenaga mekanikal kepada tenaga elektrik. Komponen penting yang

    digunakan dalam RBS ditentukan seperti motor elektrik, motor controller dan bateri.

    Untuk menghasilkan model RBS, kit penukaran e-basikal telah dibeli dari Hong

    Kong dan satu alternator dipilih untuk memasang ke atas basikal. Keputusan dan

    pengiraan menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua peranti boleh berfungsi dengan baik, ini

    bermakna kedua-dua peranti boleh membentuk pemulihan tenaga untuk mengecas

    bateri semasa brek. Semasa kerja pemulihan tenaga, kesan brek dihasilkan dan

    menyahpecutkan basikal. Tenaga pemulihan semasa brek untuk kedua-dua peranti

    diambil dan membandingkan untuk mendapat tahu yang mana satu boleh

    menghasilkan tenaga pemulihan yang tinggi semasa brek. Model RBS ini boleh

    digunakan untuk kajian pada masa akan datang.

  • vii







    ABSTRAK vi

    CONTENTS vii







    1.1 Project Introduction 1

    1.2 Background 2

    1.3 Objective 3

    1.4 Scope 3

    1.5 Problem Statement 3


    2.1 Introduction of Regenerative Braking

    System (RBS) 5

    2.2 RBS as Future Solution 7

    2.3 Energy Efficiency for RBS 8

    2.4 Type of RBS 9

  • viii


    2.5 Energy Storage System 11

    2.6 How RBS Works 12

    2.7 Fuel Economy 13

    2.8 Maximize Energy Recovery in RBS 13

    2.9 Effect Of RBS On The Stability Of The

    Vehicle 14

    2.10 Main components in RBS 14

    2.11 Alternator 21

    2.12 Voltage Rectifier 23

    2.13 Voltage Regulator 25


    3.1 Project Overview 27

    3.2 Project General Flow 27

    3.3 Gantt Chart for PSM 1 & 2 29

    3.4 Stage 1: Research Method 30

    3.5 Stage 2: Prototype Design Stage

    (Identifying Components) 31

    3.6 Stage 3 Components Selection 33

    3.7 Stage 4: Components Purchasing 37

    3.8 Stage 5: Components Installation 38

    3.9 Stage 6: Engineering Drawing 44

    3.10 Stage 7: Model Testing and Analyzing 49


    4.1 CAD Drawing 54

    4.2 Items Purchasing 55

    4.3 Model build-up 58

    4.4 Functional Testing and Analysis 60


  • ix




  • x



    2.1 Comparison between conventional, series hybrid, parallel hybrid and fuel cell

    vehicle. ............................................................................................................. 7

    2.2 Input and output vehicle parameters obtained from NRELs ADVISOR

    simulations. ...................................................................................................... 9

    2.3 Working principle of Electric Motor (EM) ..................................................... 16

    2.4 Comparison between large electrolytic capacitor, Ultracapacitor paralleled

    with electrolytic capacitor and DC/DC controlled ultracapacitor module. .... 20

    3.1 Gantt chart for PSM 1 ..................................................................................... 29

    3.2 Gantt chart for PSM 2 ..................................................................................... 29

    3.3 Type of classification of alternator ................................................................. 34

    3.4 Comparison of batteries .................................................................................. 35

    3.5 Purchased Items .............................................................................................. 39

    3.6 Example of functions used to develop 3D product in CATIA ........................ 48

    3.7 Testing apparatus ............................................................................................ 50

    4.1 Parts drawing ................................................................................................... 54

    4.2 Total spending for the project ......................................................................... 57

    4.3 Model before and after installation ................................................................. 58

    4.4 Unit converts ................................................................................................... 62

    4.5 Single lead-acid battery specification ............................................................. 63

    4.6 Results for the 24V generator and 12V alternator 65

  • xi



    1.1 24V generator (previous work) 2

    1.2 12V alternator (current work) 2

    2.1 Regenerative Braking System (RBS) ............................................................... 5

    2.2 Energy conversion in RBS ............................................................................... 6

    2.3 Toyota Prius ..................................................................................................... 6

    2.4 Honda Insight ................................................................................................... 7

    2.5 Energy flow for various vehicle configurations. .............................................. 8

    2.6 Series regenerative braking ............................................................................ 10

    2.7 Parallel regenerative braking.......................................................................... 10

    2.8 Toyota Prius battery ....................................................................................... 11

    2.9 Honda Insight battery ..................................................................................... 11

    2.10 Flywheel storage system (KERS) .................................................................. 12

    2.11 Regenerative Braking System (RBS) ............................................................. 12

    2.12 Configuration of series hybrid electric vehicle .............................................. 15

    2.13 Configuration of parallel hybrid vehicle ........................................................ 15

    2.14 Toyota Prius inverter ...................................................................................... 17

    2.15 Honda Insight inverter.................................................................................... 18

    2.16 ZEBRA battery............................................................................................... 19

    2.17 Stator .............................................................................................................. 22

    2.18 Rotor ............................................................................................................... 22

    2.19 Diode .............................................................................................................. 22

    2.20 Voltage rectifier ............................................................................................. 24

    2.21 Voltage regulator ............................................................................................ 26

    3.1 Flow chart ...................................................................................................... 28

    3.2 Parallel hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) layout .............................................. 31

  • xii

    3.3 Alternator ....................................................................................................... 32

    3.4 Switch ............................................................................................................. 32

    3.5 Battery ............................................................................................................ 32

    3.6 Regenerative braking layout structures .......................................................... 33

    3.7 Components layout ........................................................................................ 38

    3.8 Second hand 12V battery ............................................................................... 38

    3.9 Tools needed .................................................................................................. 41

    3.10 Install primary support ................................................................................... 41

    3.11 Install secondary support................................................................................ 42

    3.12 Install alternator ............................................................................................. 42

    3.13 Install push-off switch .................................................................................... 43

    3.14 Wiring the system .......................................................................................... 43

    3.15 24V generator ................................................................................................. 45

    3.16 Front light ....................................................................................................... 46

    3.17 Controller ....................................................................................................... 46

    3.18 Regenerative brake handle ............................................................................. 46

    3.19 12V alternator................................................................................................. 47

    3.20 Constraint ....................................................................................................... 47

    3.21 Voltage output measurement using multi-meter ............................................ 51

    3.22 Testing method for 24V generator ................................................................. 52

    3.23 Testing method for 12V alternator ................................................................. 53

    4.1 Purchase items location .................................................................................... 57

    4.2 Result for 12V alternator ................................................................................ 60

    4.3 Result for 24V generator ................................................................................ 61

  • xiii


    Freg = Regenerative braking Force

    TEM_reg = EM available regenerative braking torque TEM_max = EM maximum generation TUC_max = Capacitor charging capacities

    t = Transmission efficiency

    r = Wheel radius

    b = Weight factor

    1 = Weight factor of ultracapacitor 2 = Weight factor of vehicle velocity 3 = Weight factor of Electric motor state

    PGe_max = EM maximum generation power PCh_max = Ultracapacitor maximum charging power

    n2 = Motor rotational speed

    i = Gear ratio

    i0 = Final reduction gear ratio P = Power

    I = Current

  • xiv


    AC = Alternating current

    BCU = Brake control unit

    CAD = Computer aided design

    DC = Direct current

    DOF = Degree of freedom

    EECB = Emulated Engine Compression Braking

    EHB = Electro hydraulic braking

    EM = Electric motor

    EPA = Environmental Protection Agencies

    EV = Electric vehicle

    FLC = Fuzzy logic control

    HEV = Hybrid electric vehicle

    ICE = Internal combustion engine

    IM = Inductive motor

    KERS = Kinetic Energy Recovery System

    PHEV = Parallel hybrid electric vehicle

    PM = Permanent magnet motor

    RBS = Regenerative Braking System

    RESS = Rechargeable Energy Storage System

    RTD = Regenerative Torque Distribution

    RTO = Regenerative Torque Optimization

    SHEV = Series hybrid electric vehicle

    SOC = State of charge

    SRM = Switched reluctant motor

  • xv



    A Gantt chart for PSM 1 ................................................................................... 78

    B Gantt chart for PSM 2 ................................................................................... 78

    C Series hybrid .................................................................................................. 79

    D Parallel hybrid ............................................................................................... 79

    E Series-parallel hybrid ..................................................................................... 79

    F Right view for model ..................................................................................... 80

    G Left view of model ........................................................................................ 80

  • 1



    1.1 Project Introduction

    The subject of Final Year Project (PSM), BMCU 4973 and BMCU 4983 are a

    research and related scientific fields of study at the Faculty of Mechanical

    Engineering (FKM) that must be provided by final year students to fulfill the

    requirement of award of degree. Under this subject, every student will be supervised

    by a lecturer and doing research regarded to the topic he or she has chosen. At the

    end of the semester/year, students have to carry out a presentation regarded to this

    project, and showing out all the result and findings of his research.

    The purposes of this PSM are to train and improve a student's ability to use

    knowledge and experience in related field of engineering. Students must able to carry

    out research through scientific methods such as scientific research, collect and

    analyze data and produce a design or product. Students must able to handle work

    with minimal supervision and independently in this final year project. Students must

    able to present their project work through seminars and written reports properly.

  • 2

    1.2 Background

    Regenerative Braking System (RBS) in vehicle is my PSM title. My

    supervisor is Dr. Musthafah bin Mohd Tahir. As we know, RBS is not new

    technologies that exist at present. RBS was first used in the locomotive industry. Due

    to the lack of sophisticated technological knowledge on suitable battery power

    storage, therefore RBS attracted less interest and further study of this system is also

    suspended. Nowadays, pollution problems and the limited fuel resources for vehicles

    have made the RBS back to become an important system for future vehicles. RBS

    can reduce air pollution and fuel consumption. After understanding the importance of

    this RBS, which is the purpose of my PSM project will produce an RBS model for

    future studies. In general, RBS is a system that can recuperate mechanical energy to

    electrical energy during braking action. This system allows the vehicle kinetic energy

    to be converted into electrical energy and be storage in the power storage system.

    This saved energy will be used again to move the vehicle.

    My final objective is to compare between DC motor and alternator which can

    recuperate highest energy during braking action. So, a DC motor and alternator will

    be assembled in the front tire of bicycle. The DC motor type is already been done by

    the previous student. Hence, this project will start by collecting information from

    literature review and then the installation of the alternator in the front tire of the

    bicycle. Figure 1.1 and 1.2 show the previous work and current work.

    Figure 1.1: 24V generator (previous work)

    Figure 1.2: 12V alternator (current work)

  • 3

    1.3 Objective

    The objectives of this PSM are:

    1. To study the basic design of some regenerative braking system used in the vehicles.

    2. To measure the regenerative braking energy for 24V DC motor.

    3. To measure the regenerative braking energy for 12V alternator.

    4. To compare the results of regenerative braking energy for 24V DC motor and 12V


    5. To evaluate an efficient system for future study.

    1.4 Scope

    The scopes of this PSM are covering:

    1. Literature review and existing design information gathering.

    2. Model making using 12V vehicle alternator.

    3. Build a regenerative braking circuit for 12V alternator.

    4. Draw the regenerative braking components using CATIA.

    5. Do off road test to the 24V generator and 12V alternator.

    1.5 Problem Statement

    At the 21th century, the automotive industry has post a great challenge in

    order to reduce the vehicle fuel consumption and emission, these is due to the

    shortage of fuel resources and worsen air pollution problem. According to figures

    released by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), conventional ICE

    vehicles currently contribute 40-50% of ozone, 80-90% of carbon monoxide, and 50-

    60% of air toxins found in urban areas.

    A study shows that, one third (21 to 24%) energy is consumed during brake.

    The invention of Regenerative Braking System is viewed as a solution to these

  • 4

    problems, as it recovered wasted energy and restored to become another form of

    useful energy. Although we realize the beneficial and positive effect bring by

    Regenerative Braking System, but it still has its issue or problem to be solved; one of

    the major problems is regarded as the suitable battery to be used in this type of

    vehicle. Today, most Hybrid car batteries are one of these two types:

    1. Nickel metal hydride

    2. Lithium ion

    Both are regarded as more environmentally friendly than lead-based batteries,

    but both battery are very expensive and still can cause environmental damage due to

    the toxic content.

  • 5



    2.1 Introduction of Regenerative Braking System (RBS)

    Figure 2.1: Regenerative Braking System (RBS)

    (Source: www.brighthub.com)

    The Figure 2.1 above show the basic design for RBS. RBS is an important

    and useful system to reduce the environment pollution and shortage of the fuel

    resources problem. According to the conservation of energy, energy cannot be

    created or destroyed but it can change the type of energy. RBS is a system which can

    convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. This system is used in a vehicle to

    recuperate the waste energy during braking and converting it to a useful energy for

    conventional hydraulic brake vehicle. The waste energy was produced when


  • 6

    conventional brake is applied. The recuperate energy is then been saved in a power

    storage for future usage.

    In RBS, the DC motor is used as a generator to recover kinetic energy from

    the wheel of the vehicle into electrical energy. The conventional hydraulic brake will

    continue to be used as an emergency brake. Because the RBS is only able to stop the

    vehicle in a relatively long distance and time. This situation would cause accident to

    occur. The RBS efficiently reduces the waste energy and regenerate energy during

    braking as shown in Figure 2.2.

    Figure 2.2: Energy conversion in RBS

    Nowadays, many modern hybrid and electric vehicles use this Regenerative

    Braking System (RBS). Examples include the hybrids such as Toyota Prius (Figure

    2.3) Honda Insight (Figure 2.4), and the Vectrix electric maxi-scooter.

    Figure 2.3: Toyota Prius

    (Source: www.fastmotoring.com)

    Kinetic energy /waste

    energy from wheel

    Generated energy stored

    in power storage


  • 7

    Figure 2.4: Honda Insight

    (Source: www.en.automobile.de)

    2.2 RBS as Future Solution

    The need to increase environmental protection and energy conservation has

    brought a big challenge for the automotive industry to reduce vehicle emissions and.

    fuel consumption. For this purpose, extensive solutions for alternative power train

    has been proposed, including hybrid technology is regarded as the best. Government

    regulations around the world have become more stringent, requiring lower

    production for the car (Especially U.S. EPA Tier 2 Bin 5, followed by a Euro 5).

    In 2003, a research has been done by V. Dawood and A. Emadi in order to

    compare between fuel cell, parallel & series hybrid electric and conventional transit

    bus. ADVISOR software was used to simulate the various heavy-duty buses. Results

    show a magnificent (as indicated in Table 2.1) improvement in the fuel economy

    especially in the parallel configuration. [9]

    Table 2.1: Comparison between conventional, series hybrid, parallel hybrid and fuel

    cell vehicle.

    (Source: V. Dawood. 2003)

    Conventional Series Fuel cell Parallel

    Fuel Converter(kW)

    350 100 200 150

    Energy storage(kW)

    - 300 300 250


  • 8

    Motor(kW) - 300 250 200

    Total propulsion power( kW)

    350 300 250 350

    Fuel Economy(mpg)/


    5.1 / 0.0082 7.4 / 0.0119 7.5 / 0.0121 9.3 / 0.0149

    0-60 mph (s) or 0-

    96.6 km/h

    25.7 18.2 19.1 18.0

    Grade Ability


    6.0 2.5 2.3 2.5

    Max. speed


    138.4 138.9 138.7 138.1

    2.3 Energy Efficiency for RBS

    Demirdven, N. and Deutch, J. (2003) compare the energy efficiency of

    conventional internal combustion engines, fuel cell and hybrid vehicles. In their

    analysis (as indicated in Figure 2.5 and Table 2.2) indicates that fuel cell vehicles

    using hydrogen from fossil fuels offer no significant energy efficiency advantage

    over hybrid vehicles operating in an urban drive cycle. They conclude that priority

    should be placed on hybrid vehicles by industry and government.[32]

    Figure 2.5: Energy flow for various vehicle configurations.

    reportDECLARATIONDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTABSTRACTABSTRAKCONTENTSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF SYMBOLSLIST OF ABBREVIATIONLIST OF APPENDIXCHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONCHAPTER IILITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Introduction of Regenerative Braking System (RBS)2.2 RBS as Future Solution2.3 Energy Efficiency for RBS2.4 Type of RBS2.5 Energy Storage System2.6 How RBS Works2.7 Fuel Economy2.8 Maximization Energy Recovery in RBS2.9 Effect Of RBS On The Stability Of The Vehicle2.10 Main Components In RBS2.11 Alternator2.12 Voltage Rectifier2.13 Voltage Regulator

    CHAPTER IIIMETHODOLOGY3.1 Project Overview3.2 Project General Flow3.3 Gantt Chart for PSM 1 & 23.4 Stage 1: Research Method3.5 Stage 2: Prototype Design Stage (Identifying Components)3.6 Stage 3 Components Selection3.7 Stage 4: Components Purchasing3.8 Stage 5: Components Installation3.9 Stage 6: Engineering Drawing3.10 Stage 7: Model Testing and Analyzing

    CHAPTER IVRESULTS4.1 CAD Drawing4.2 Items Been Purchased4.3 Model build-up4.4 Functional Testing and Analysis


