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SAROS DALGiÇ SAROS DIVER HAYRi ATESER QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM P-22 PROCEDURE FOR UNDERWATER WELDING PROCEDURES 1-GENERAL The following welding procedures are typical of those which have been approved for dry chamber and wet welding repairs to ships. These procedures may be used for welder-diver training; they mayalsa be used by activities as guidelines in developing their own underwater welding procedures. 2- UNDERWATER WELDING PROCEDURE FOR WELDING ORDINARY STRENGTH AND HIGHER STRENGTH CARBON STEELS USlNG CARBON STEEL ELECTRODES 2.1Introduction. This welding procedure outlines the basic welding parameters, materials, and techniques to be used for dry chamber production welds at depths between Oand 50 feet. 2.1.1 Variations in such parameters as travel speed, amperage, and voltage are dependent on production conditions. This procedure specifies the range of such variables shown to be valid based on the qualification tests performed. 2.2 References. a. ANSI/AWS D3.6, American Welding Society, Specification for Underwater Welding. b. U.S.NAVY underwater cutting & welding manual. 2.3 Welding Parameters. 2.3.1 Base Metal and Thickness Range. a. Carbon steel, ordinary strength and higher strength, of MIL-S-22698 b. Thicknessrange, 1/8 inch to two times the qualification test specimen thickness 2.3.2 Weld Joint Design(s). Groove and fillet. 2.3.3 Welding Position and Direction. All positions. When welding vertical, progression shall be up. 2.3.4 Welding Process. Shieldedmetal are welding (SMAW). TÜM SUALTI ÇALISMALARI. ALL KINDS OF UNDERWATER WORKS Sehit Asim Cad. Yenilik Sok. No. 11 Devran Is Hani Kat 3 34353 Besiktas - iSTANBUL i TURKEY Tel. i Phone : (+90 212) 259 05 90 - 259 22 66 Fax: (+90 212) 258 34 10 Ücretsizi TolI Free Phone: (+90 800) 2118088 PK i P.o.Box139 Besiktas- iSTANBUL Tic. Sic. i ReglsteredNr. : 172153/119635 e-mail:[email protected]: www.sarosdalgic.com.tr CepTel. i MobilePhone : (+90532) 231 8798. (+90532) 232 68 71 . (+90533) 255 99 89 - (+90506) 282 30 63 . (+90506) 282 30 64 - (+90 542)2454285 ABS (i . (j) ii e Lcs..., .. c' e o o .' ..,,..., .. . ., , AmericanBareau lI'I!mI!II ClassNK Helle.le R...Ia. of Shlppliig immII BETNORSUVERIYA! Register Register rtu COYDU
Page 1: SAROS DIVER -  · PDF filesaros diver hayri ateser quality assurance system p-22 procedure for underwater welding procedures 1-general







The following welding procedures are typical of those which have been approved for dry chamber andwet welding repairs to ships. These procedures may be used for welder-diver training; they mayalsa beused by activities as guidelines in developing their own underwater welding procedures.


2.1Introduction. This welding procedure outlines the basic welding parameters, materials, andtechniques to be used for dry chamber production welds at depths between Oand 50 feet.

2.1.1 Variations in such parameters as travel speed, amperage, and voltage are dependent onproduction conditions. This procedure specifies the range of such variables shown to be valid based onthe qualification tests performed.

2.2 References.

a. ANSI/AWSD3.6, American Welding Society, Specification for Underwater Welding.

b. U.S.NAVY underwater cutting & welding manual.

2.3 Welding Parameters.

2.3.1 Base Metal and Thickness Range.

a. Carbon steel, ordinary strength and higher strength, of MIL-S-22698

b. Thicknessrange, 1/8 inch to two times the qualification test specimen thickness

2.3.2 Weld Joint Design(s). Grooveand fillet.

2.3.3 Welding Position and Direction. All positions. When welding vertical, progression shall be up.

2.3.4 Welding Process. Shieldedmetalare welding (SMAW).

TÜM SUALTI ÇALISMALARI. ALL KINDS OF UNDERWATER WORKS Sehit Asim Cad. Yenilik Sok. No. 11 Devran Is Hani Kat 3 34353 Besiktas - iSTANBUL i TURKEYTel. i Phone : (+90 212) 259 05 90 -259 22 66 Fax: (+90 212) 258 34 10 Ücretsizi TolI FreePhone: (+90 800) 2118088 PK i P.o.Box139 Besiktas- iSTANBUL Tic. Sic. i ReglsteredNr. : 172153/119635e-mail: [email protected]: www.sarosdalgic.com.trCepTel.i MobilePhone: (+90532) 231 8798. (+90532) 232 68 71 . (+90533) 255 99 89 - (+90506) 282 30 63 . (+90506) 282 30 64 - (+90 542)2454285

ABS (i . (j) ii e Lcs...,.. c'e o o

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AmericanBareau lI'I!mI!II ClassNK Helle.le R...Ia.of Shlppliig immII BETNORSUVERIYA!

Register Register rtu COYDU

Page 2: SAROS DIVER -  · PDF filesaros diver hayri ateser quality assurance system p-22 procedure for underwater welding procedures 1-general



2.3.5 Welding Consumables. $oft Touch AWSE70 XXUW - es - 1 1/8 inchelectrodes.

2.3.6 Welding Technique. Thisprocedureis qualifiedforsingle-passand multiple-passweldingusingeither (or both)the stringerbead or the weave beadtechnique.

2.3.7 Time Lapse between Passes. Norestrictionon this time.

2.3.8 Elecbical Characteristics.

a. Open circuitvoltage, 60-80 volts DC.

b. Weldingcurrent type: Directcurrent, electrode positive (DCEP).

2.3.9 Preheat and Interposes Temperature. 12soF,minimum.

2.3.10 Post-Weld Heat Treatment. None.

2.3.11 Welding Water Depth Range. Oto and includingSOfeet.

2.4 Electrode Handling Procedure. Allelectrodes are to be received in hermeticallysealed containers.Once the electrodes are removed from the containers, they shall be either stored in electrode holdingovens at 22so-300oF, or they shall be immediatelysealed in plastic bags. Onlyenough electrodes for oneday's use should be stored in the bags, and each bag shall contain 20 electrodes.

2.4.1 The sealed bags shall be transferred to the dry chamber in pressurized canisters for additionalprotection. Once the bags are removed from the canisters, they shall not be opened until welding is tobegin, and onlyone bag of electrodes shall be opened at one time. Once a bag is opened, the maximumexposure time of the electrodes to the chamber atmosphere is 90 minutes. Electrodes exposed for morethan 90 minutes shall be discarded.

2.4.2 Each electrode shall be visuallyexamined prior to use. Anyelectrode that appears contaminated bywater, or is otherwise in poor condition, shall not be used. Allelectrodes must be accounted for by thedivingsupervisor.

2.5 Inspection and Quality Assura"ce. Allprocedureand performancequalificationtesting shallbeperformedas requiredbyReferencean as invokedin Referencec.

2.5.1 Confirmationweld(s) shall be performed at the underwater work site. Welding, testing andinspection shall be as required by Reference c.

2.6 Welder Qualification. Allwelder-divers shall be qualifiedprior to production welding. Qualificationtesting shall be as required by Reference an as invoked in Reference c.

TOMSUALTIÇALISMALARI.ALLKINDS OF UNDERWATER WORKS Sehit Asim Cad. Yenilik Sok. No. 11 Dev,an Is Hani Kal 3 34353 Besiklas - ISTANBUL i TURKEYTel. i Phone : (+90 212) 259 05 90 -259 22 66 Fax: (+90 212) 2583410 Oc'elslz i TolI Free Phone: (+90 800) 2118088 P.K.I P.o.Box 139 Besiklas -ISTANBUL Tic. Sic. i Regisle,ed Nr. : 172153/119635e-mail: [email protected], web: www.sarosdalgic.com.I. Cep Tel. i MobilePhone : (+90 532) 231 8798 -(+90532) 232 68 71 -(+90533) 255 99 89 . (+90 506) 282 30 63 -(+90508) 282 30 64. (+90 542) 245 42 85

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Page 3: SAROS DIVER -  · PDF filesaros diver hayri ateser quality assurance system p-22 procedure for underwater welding procedures 1-general



2.7 General Notes.

2.7.1 Cables. Weldingcables shall be copper of size 2/0 or larger.

2.7.2 Power Supplies. Weldingpower supplies shall be 300 ampere or larger with aminimum 60percent duty cycle.

2.7.3 Cleaning. Surfacesto be welded shall be cleaned to saund metal using grinders, wire brushes, orother appropriate means. All contaminants that produce hydrogen or oxygen, such as petroleum productsor rust, must be removed. Salt deposits shall alsa be removed using fresh water. All joint areas shall bedry prior to welding. Eachweld pass shall have the slag removed prior to depositing the next weld pass.Alsa, anyvisible irregularities that may affect the quality of the weld shall be removed prior to depositing the nextweld pass.

2.7.4 Grounds. The ground connection shall be located as clese as practical to the weld joint. All groundconnections shall be secure in order to inhibit any stray currents.

2.7.5 Protedion from Shock. Rubbergloves shall always be wom under leather gloves when weldingor using electrical equipment.

2.7.6 Elecbical Switching. Electricalpower for welding shall be controlled through a knife switchlocated on the surface near the welding power saurce. The switch should remain open except whenwelding is taking place.

2.7.7 Leads.All welding leads should be in goOOcondition with no unprepared breaks in the insulation.Only copper welding leads shall be used.

2.7.8 Addendums. Specific requirements for special applications willbe addressed on an attachedaddendum sheet. Where such an addendum sheet is attached, it willbecome an integral part of thisprocedure.


3.1Introduction. This welding procedure outlines the basic welding parameters, materials andtechniques to be used for wet production welding at depths between 7 and 50 feet.

3.1.1 Variations in such parameters as travel speed, amperage and voltage are dependent on productionconditions.This procedure specifiesthe range of such variables shown to be valid based on thequalification tests perform'ed.

TOii SUALTI ÇALISMALARI. ALL KINDS OF UNDERWATER WORKS Sehit Asim Cad. Yenilik Sok. No. 11 Devran Is Hani Kat 3 34353 Besiktas - ISTANBUL i TURKEYTel. i Phone : (+90 212) 2590590 -259 22 66 Fax: (+90 212) 2583410 Ocretslzi TolI FreePhone: (+90 800) 2118088 P.K.I P.o.Box139 Besiktas-ISTANBUL Tic. Sic. i RegisteredNr. : 172153/119635e-mail: [email protected] web: www.sarosdalgic.com.tr Cep Te!. i Mobile Phone : (+90 532) 231 8798 -(+90 532) 232 68 71 -(+90 533) 255 99 89 -(+90 508) 282 30 63 -(+90506) 282 30 64 -(+90 542) 245 42 85

ABS i) tl [i . &) [i e .....Olo ,o o


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Page 4: SAROS DIVER -  · PDF filesaros diver hayri ateser quality assurance system p-22 procedure for underwater welding procedures 1-general



3.2 References.

a. ANSI/AWSD3.6, AmericanWeldingSociety, Speciticationfor Underwater Welding.

3.3 Welding Parameters.

3.3.1 Base Metal and Thickness Range.

a. Ordinarystrength carbon steel of MIL-S-22698

b. Thicknessrange, 1/8 inchto and including11/8 inch.

3.3.2 Weld Joint Design(s). Grooveand tiliet.

3.3.3 Welding Position and Direction. Allpositions.Whenweldingvertical,progressionshallbedown.

3.3.4 Welding Process. Shielded metal are welding (SMAW).

3.3.5 Welding Consumables. 1/8-inchdiameterBROCOSoft Touch CS-1.

3.3.6 Welding Technique. This procedure is qualifiedfor single-pass and multiple-pass welding usingeither (or both) the stringer bead or the weave bead technique.

3.3.7 Time Lapse between Passes. Norestrictionon this time.

3.3.8 Elecbical Characteristics.

a. Opencireuitvoltage,60-80 volts De.

b. Weldingcurrent type: Directcurrent, electrode negative (DCEN).

3.3.9 Welding Water Depth Range. 7 to and including50 feet.

3.4 Electrode Handling Procedure. Eachelectrodeshallbe visuallyexaminedpriorto use. Anyelectrodethat appearscontaminatedbywater, or isotherwisein poorcondition,shallnot be used.Allelectrodesmust be accountedfor bythe divingsupervisor.

3.5 Inspection and Quality Assurance. Allprocedureand performancequalificationtestingshallbeperformedas requiredby.Referenceb as invokedinReferencec.

3.5.1 Contirmationweld(s) shall be performed at the underwater work site. Welding,testing, andinspection shall be as required by Reference c.

3.6 Welder Qualification. Allwelder-divers shall be qualifiedprior to production welding. Qualiticationtesting shall be as required by Reference b as invoked in Reference c.

TOii SUALTI ÇALISMALARI. ALL KINDS OF UNDERWATER WORKS Sehit Asim Cad. Yenilik Sok. No. 11 Devran Is Hani Kat 3 34353 Besiktas - ISTANBUL / TURKEYTeL./ Phone : (+90212) 259 05 90 -259 22 66 Fax: (+90212) 258 34 10 Ücretsiz/ TolIFree Phone: (+90800) 2118088 PK/ P.o.Box139 Besiktas -ISTANBUL Tic. Sic. / Registered Nr.: 172153/119635e-mail: [email protected] web: www.sarosdalgic.com.tr Cep TeL./ Mobile Phone : (+90 532) 231 87 98 -(+90532) 232 68 71 -(+90 533) 255 99 89 -(+90 506) 282 30 63 -(+90 506) 282 30 64 -(+90 542) 2454285

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Page 5: SAROS DIVER -  · PDF filesaros diver hayri ateser quality assurance system p-22 procedure for underwater welding procedures 1-general



3.7 General Notes.

3.7.1 Cables. Weldingcables shall be copper of size 2/0 or larger.

3.7.2 Power Supplies. Welding power supplies shall be 300 ampere or larger with aminimum 60percent duty cycle.

3.7.3 Cleaning.Surfacesto be welded shall be cleaned to sound metal using grinders, wire brushes, orotherappropriatemeans. Eachweld pass shall have the slag removed prior to depositing the next weld pass. Also, anyvisible irregularities that may affect the quality of the weld shall be removed prior to depositing the nextweld pass.

3.7.4 Grounds.The ground connection shall be located as close as practical to the weld joint. All groundconnections shall be secure in order to inhibit any stray currents.

3.7.5 Protection from Shock. Rubber gloves shall always be wom under leather gloves when welding.

3.7.6 Elecbical Switching. Electricalpower for welding shall be contralled through a knife switchlocated on the surface near the welding power source. The switch should remain open except whenwelding is taking place.

3.7.7 Leads. All welding leads should be in goOOcondition with no unprepared breaks in the insulation.Only copper welding leads shall be used.

3.7.8 Addendums.Specific requirements for special applications will be addressed on an attachedaddendumsheet.Wheresuchan addendumsheetisattached,it will becomean integralpartof thisprocedure.

TÜM SUALTi ÇALISMALARI. ALL KINDS OF UNDERWATER WORKS Sehit Asim Cad. Yenilik Sok. No. 11 Devran Is Hani Kat 3 34353 Besiktas - ISTANBUL i TURKEYTeL.I Phone : (+90212) 259 05 90-259 22 66 Fax: (+90212) 258 3410 Ocretsl. i TolI Free Phone: (+90800) 2118088 P.K.I P.o.Box139 Besiktas.ISTANBUL Tic. Sic. I RegisteredNr.: 172153/119635e-mail: [email protected]: www.sarosdalgic.com.trCepTeL.I MobilePhone: (+90532)2318798 - (+90532)23268 71-(+90 533) 255 99 89 -(+90506) 282 30 63 -(+90506) 282 30 64 -(+90542) 245 42 85

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