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Sat Kriya (5)

Date post: 18-Aug-2015
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meditazioni del nuovo millennio yogi bhajan
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Sat Kriya Comments: Sat Kriya is fundamental to Kundalini Yoga and should be practiced every dayfor at least 3 minutes. lf you have trme for nothing else, make this kriya part of yourdaily commitment to yourself to keep the body a clean and vital temple of Cod. Notice that you emphasize pulling the Navel Point in. Don't try to apply mulbandh; it happens automatically if the navel is pulled. Consequently, the hips andlumbar spine do not rotate or flex. Your spine stays straight and theonly motion your arms make is a slight up-and-down stretch with each Sat Nam as your chest lifts. Sat Kriya's effects arenumerous. lt strengthens the entire sexual system and stimulates its natural flow of en- ergy, relaxing phobias about sexuality. lt allows youto con- trol the insistent sexual impulse by redirecting the flowof sexual energy to creative activities and healing in thebody. People who are severely maladjusted or who have mental problems benefit from this kriya because these disturbances are always connected with an imbalance in theenergies of thelower three chakras. Ceneral physical health is improved Sit on theheels and stretch the arms overhead sothat the elbows hug the ears. With thepalms together, in- terlock allthefingers except theindex fingers flupiter) which point straight up. Begin to chant SatNam em- phatically in a constant rhythm about 8 times perl0 seconds. Chant the sound Sat from the Navel Point and solar plexus, pulling theumbilicus allthewayin toward thespine. On Nam relax thebelly. Continue at least 3 minutes, then inhale and squeeze the muscles tightly from the buttocks allthewayup the back, past the shoulders. Mentally allow the energy to flowthrough thetop of theskull. ldeally, youshould relax for twice the length of time that the kriya \À/as practiced. because all of the internal organs receive a gentle, rhythmic massage from this exercise. The heartgets stronger from the rhythmic up-and-down of bloodpressure you generate fromthe pumping motionof the navel. Thisexercise works directly on stimulating and channeling the kundalini energy, so it must always be practiced with the mantra SatNam. You may build the time of the kriya to 3 | minutes, but re- member to have a long, deep relaxation immediately after- wards. A goodway to buildthe time up is to do the kriya for 3 minutes, then rest 2 minutes. Repeat this cycle until you have completed l5 minutes of Sat Kriya and l0 min- utes of rest. Thenfollow this sequence with an additional | 5-20 minutes of deep relaxation. Do not try to jump to 3 I minutes because you feelyou arestrong, virile or happen to be a yoga teacher. Respect the inherent powerof the technique. Let the kriyaprepare the ground of your body properly to plant the seed of higher experience. lt is not just an exercise, it is a kriya that works on all levels of your be- ing-known and unknown. You might block the more sub- tle experiences of higher energies by pushing the physical body too hard. You could have a huge rush of energy or you may have an experience of higher consciousness, but then not be able to integrate the experience into your psyche. So prepare yourself with constancy, patience and moderation. Theend result is assured. lf you have not taken drugs or have cleared your sys- tem of alltheir effects, you maychoose to practice this kriya with the palms open, pressing flat against each other. This releases more energy than the other method. lt is gener- allynot taught thisway in a public class because someone attending may havetotally weakened his nerves through drugabuse. I I I I I I I I I I I T I t 98

SatKriyaComments:Sat Kr i yai sf undament al t o Kundal i ni Yogaandshoul dbe pract i cedeverydayf or atl east 3 mi nut es. l fyou havet r mef ornot hi ngel se, maket hi s kr i yapar t ofyour dai l ycommi t ment t o yoursel f t o keept hebodya cl eanandvi t alt empl eofCod.Not i cet hatyou emphasi zepul l i ngt he Navel Poi nti n.Don' t t ry t o appl ymul bandh; i thappensaut omat i cal l yi ft he navel i s pul l ed. Consequent l y, t hehi psandl umbarspi nedo notrot at eor f l ex. Yourspi nest aysst rai ght andt heonl ymot i onyour ar msmakei s a sl i ght up- and- downst ret chwi t heachSatNam asyourchest l i f t s.Sat Kri ya' sef f ect sarenumerous. l tst rengt henst heent i r esexual syst emandst i mul at esi t snat ur al f l owofen-ergy, rel axi ngphobi asabout sexual i t y. l tal l owsyout o con-t rol t hei nsi st ent sexual i mpul seby redi rect i ngt hef l owofsexual energyt o creat i veact i vi t i esandheal i ngi n t hebody.Peopl ewho areseverel ymal adj ust edor who havement alprobl emsbenef i t f romt hi skri yabecauset hesedi st urbancesareal waysconnect edwi t h an i mbal ancei n t heenergi esoft hel owert hreechakras. Ceneral physi cal heal t hi si mprovedSi t ont heheel sandst ret cht hearmsoverheadsot hatt heel bowshugt heears. Wi t ht hepal mst oget her, i n-terl ockal l thefi ngersexceptthei ndexfi ngers fl upi ter)whi chpoi nt st rai ght up. Begi nt o chant Sat Namem-phat i cal l yi n a const ant r hyt hmabout 8 t i mesper l 0seconds. Chant t hesoundSat f romt he Navel Poi ntandsol ar pl exus, pul l i ngt heumbi l i cusal l t hewayi nt owardt hespi ne. On Nam rel axt hebel l y.Cont i nueat l east 3 mi nut es, t heni nhal eandsqueezet hemuscl est i ght l yf romt hebut t ocksal l t hewayuptheback,pasttheshoul ders.Mental l yal l owtheenergytof l owt hrought het opoft heskul l . l deal l y, youshoul drelaxfor twice the length of time that the kriya\/aspracticed.becauseal l oft he i nt er nal or gansr ecei vea gent l e, r hyt hmi cmassagef r om t hi s exer ci se. The hear t get s st r onger f r omt he r hyt hmi cup- and- downofbl oodpr essur eyou gener at ef r omt he pumpi ngmot i onoft he navel . Thi sexer ci sewor ksdi r ect l yon st i mul at i ngandchannel i ngt hekundal i ni ener gy,so i tmustal waysbe pr act i cedwi t h t he mant r aSat Nam.Youmaybui l dt he t i meoft he kr i yat o 3 | mi nut es, butr e-member t o havea l ong, deepr el axat i oni mmedi at el yaf t er -war ds. A goodway t o bui l dt he t i me up i s t o do t he kr i yaf or3 mi nut es, t henr est 2 mi nut es. Repeat t hi scycl eunt i lyou havecompl et edl 5 mi nut esofSat Kr i yaand l 0 mi n-ut esofr est . Thenf ol l owt hi s sequencewi t h an addi t i onal|5- 20 mi nut esofdeepr el axat i on. Do nott r y t o j ump t o 3 Imi nut esbecauseyou f eel you ar est r ong, vi r i l eorhappent obe a yogat eacher . Respect t he i nher ent power oft het echni que. Let t he kr i yapr epar et he gr oundofyourbodypr oper l yt o pl ant t he seedofhi gher exper i ence. l ti s notj ustan exer ci se, i ti s a kr i yat hatwor kson al ll evel sofyourbe-i ng- known andunknown. Youmi ght bl ockt he mor esub-t l e exper i encesofhi gher ener gi esby pushi ngt he physi calbodyt oo har d. Youcoul dhavea huger ushofener gyoryoumayhavean exper i enceofhi gher consci ousness, butt hennotbeabl et o i nt egr at et he exper i encei nt oyour psyche. Sopr epar eyour sel f wi t h const ancy, pat i enceand moder at i on.Theendr esul t i s assur ed.l fyou havenott akendr ugsorhavecl ear edyoursys-t emofal l t hei r ef f ect s, you maychooset o pr act i cet hi skr i yawi t h t he pal msopen, pr essi ngf l at agai nst eachot her . Thi sr el easesmor eener gyt han t he ot hermet hod. l t i s gener -al l ynott aught t hi sway i n a publ i ccl assbecausesomeoneat t endi ngmay havet ot al l yweakenedhi s ner vest hr oughdr ugabuse.IIIIIIIIIIITIt98SatKriyaVariationSi tstrai ghti n a cross-l eggedposi ti on.Rai setheri ghtarmst rai ght up,l i f t i ngt he shoul der, wi t h t he pal mfaci ngtowardyou,fi ngersspreadwi de.Thel efthandrestson the leftknee.Eyesareclosed.ChantSatNami n a const ant rhyt hm, about 8 t i mesperl 0 seconds.Chant Sat f romt henavel , pul l i ngt heNavel Poi nt al lthewayi n towardthespi ne.On Nam,rel axthebel l y.Cont i nuef or II,22 or 3 I mi nut es. Toend: I nhal e,hol dandsqueezetheenti rebody,bri ngi ngtheenergyup.Exhal eandrel ax.Comments:"Ci ve yoursel f val ues. Charact erwi l lonl ycomewhenyour body,mi ndand soul arecommi ttedtoyou.Thi sbodywi l lbecomedi seasedandi t wi l lgo.In betweenyou haveto emi tl i ghtso you canl eavebehi nda l egacy.l f youunderstandthi syouwi l l notdocountl essnonsense.YouaremadeofGod.Youarepartof Cod.Changeyourangl e,frombei ngphysi cal andmental ,to beangel i c."A dai l ypracti ceof SatKri yai stheessenceof l i fe.|l ee
