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Saturday, December 15, 2012

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police sources identifying the shooter as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. However, after initial confusion, police now believed the killer was Lanza's brother Adam, 20, other reports said. The surviving brother was in custody and being ques- tioned, according to US televi- sion reports. In addition to the bloodbath at the school another body was found at a residence in New- town, bringing the total body- count so far to 28. Continued on page 6 tioning herself as a true gate- way to Europe and Latin America, and that the concept is deserving of exploration and embarking upon. In mar- keting terms it has been said that Aruba is very bullish about this fantastic and very viable concept. the hub for international com- mercial interchange between Europe and Latin America has been received like music to the ears of the business world. Several prominent figures, apart from our own Prime Minister, President of the Car- bon War Room, Jose Maria Figueres, former Costa Rican President, Marion Kappeyne van de Coppello, the diplomat appointed “gateway-gezant” former Dutch ambassador to Colombia for many years, TNO director Mart van Bracht, researcher Caroline Rodenburg of Ernst & Young and former Minister of Eco- nomic Affairs and expert on European Union matters Lau- rens Jan Brink horst, to name just a few, all support the con- cept wholeheartedly. The general perception by all is that Aruba has the most favorable conditions for posi- To a packed audience of in- vestors and business entrepre- neurs from both Holland and European countries, the Aruba Prime Minister led the “kick off meeting” in The Hague for the “Europe Meets the Amer- icas” event planned to be held in Aruba next May 2013. The gathering was an ideal moment to test how the con- cept of ‘Gateway Aruba’ is perceived by investors and business people in Holland and from other parts of Eu- rope. To the satisfaction of Aruba, the reaction at the end of the pre sentation was one of unequi vocal enthusiasm. The idea of positioning Aruba as The ‘Gateway from Aruba’ concept lauded in Holland and Europe! There were very few non- fatal injuries reported, indica- ting that once targeted, there was rarely any chance of es- cape, and that the gunman was unusually accurate in his fire. Vance said the majority of killings, "took place in one section of the school, in two rooms." He was reported to be carrying at least two handguns. Local media reported that the shooter began in the kindergarten section where he killed his teacher mother and her class, then moved on. The child victims were reported to be aged between five and ten. Initial media reports quoted NEWTOWN (AFP) - Twenty small children and six teachers were massacred yesterday when a young gunman walked into a quiet surburban Connnecticut school armed with sophisticated handguns. Connecticut State Police spokesman Lieutenant Paul Vance said 18 children were killed inside Sandy Hook Ele- mentary School and that two more died of their wounds in hospital. Six adults at the school were killed, including its prin- cipal, before the killer was shot -- either by his own hand or police. Saturday, December 15, 2012 20 kids, 6 adults massacred in US school

police sources identifying theshooter as 24-year-old RyanLanza. However, after initialconfusion, police now believedthe killer was Lanza's brotherAdam, 20, other reports said.

The surviving brother wasin custody and being ques-tioned, according to US televi-sion reports.

In addition to the bloodbathat the school another body wasfound at a residence in New-town, bringing the total body-count so far to 28.

Continued on page 6

tioning herself as a true gate-way to Europe and LatinAmerica, and that the conceptis deserving of explorationand embarking upon. In mar-keting terms it has been saidthat Aruba is very bullishabout this fantastic and veryviable concept.

the hub for international com-mercial interchange betweenEurope and Latin America hasbeen received like music tothe ears of the business world.

Several prominent figures,apart from our own PrimeMinister, President of the Car-bon War Room, Jose MariaFigueres, former Costa RicanPresident, Marion Kappeynevan de Coppello, the diplomatappointed “gateway-gezant”former Dutch ambassador toColombia for many years,TNO director Mart vanBracht, researcher CarolineRodenburg of Ernst & Youngand former Minister of Eco-nomic Affairs and expert onEuropean Union matters Lau-rens Jan Brink horst, to namejust a few, all support the con-cept wholeheartedly.

The general perception byall is that Aruba has the mostfavorable conditions for posi-

To a packed audience of in-vestors and business entrepre-neurs from both Holland andEuropean countries, the ArubaPrime Minister led the “kickoff meeting” in The Hague forthe “Europe Meets the Amer-icas” event planned to be heldin Aruba next May 2013.

The gathering was an idealmoment to test how the con-cept of ‘Gateway Aruba’ isperceived by investors andbusiness people in Hollandand from other parts of Eu-rope. To the satisfaction ofAruba, the reaction at the endof the pre sentation was one ofunequi vocal enthusiasm. Theidea of positioning Aruba as

The ‘Gateway from Aruba’ concept

lauded in Holland and Europe!

There were very few non-fatal injuries reported, indica -ting that once targeted, therewas rarely any chance of es-cape, and that the gunman wasunusually accurate in his fire.

Vance said the majority ofkillings, "took place in onesection of the school, in tworooms." He was reported to becarrying at least two handguns.

Local media reported thatthe shooter began in thekindergarten section where hekilled his teacher mother andher class, then moved on. Thechild victims were reported tobe aged between five and ten.

Initial media reports quoted

NEWTOWN (AFP) - Twentysmall children and six teacherswere massacred yesterdaywhen a young gunman walkedinto a quiet surburbanConnnecticut school armedwith sophisticated handguns.

Connecticut State Policespokesman Lieutenant PaulVance said 18 children werekilled inside Sandy Hook Ele-mentary School and that twomore died of their wounds inhospital.

Six adults at the schoolwere killed, including its prin-cipal, before the killer was shot-- either by his own hand orpolice.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

20 kids, 6 adults massacredin US school

they will close for the re-mainder of the year.

For urgent cases betweenDecember 22, 2012 and Jan-uary 2, 2013, please contacttel. 522-1590 or fax 522-1501

ORANJESTAD – The De-partment of Foreign Integra-tion, Management and Admi -nistration - DIMAS, informsthe public that the departmentwill render service until Fri-day, December 21, 2012, then

The organizing committee of the Dande Festival informsall participants that there will be a meeting today, Sat-urday, December 15, at Urataka Center at 2:00 p.m. Thecommittee expects all participants to be present at thismeeting, as they will receive important information re-garding the festival, scheduled for Friday, December 29,at Club Caiquetio.At today’s meeting the committee will explain somechanges. For more information, please call tel. 593-6060

This plan, if implemented,would put Aruba on the mapas one of the first countries toemphasize the health of theirpeople and the salvation ofthe lives of tourists who visitour island.

tion, the government receivedan AED-plus from the ZollMedical company, which isthe leading internationalcompany in the world of Au-tomated External Defibrilla-tors.

ORANJESTAD -- Mr. Meli-este and Mr. Theuns pre-sented their plans to thegovernment of Aruba to con-vert the island into a “HeartSafe Island” through the useof a network using an “Auto-mated External Defibrillatorinstalled at various points onthe island and to train peoplehow to apply CPR.

Using an AED and provi -ding the correct form of CPRto a person will ensure thatmany more people will sur-vive a sudden cardiac arrest.Ma king more use of an AEDincreases the possibility forsurvival.

The plan is not only forlocal people, but also for ourvisitors on the island. As re-sult of the presentation byMelieste and Theuns, thegovernment is now going todo a research of the feasibil-ity and to ascertain what im-pact this plan could have forthe island.

Their reseasrch will alsocover the possibilities thiswould have economically forour public health, tourismand labor.

At the end of the presenta-

2 Saturday, December 15, 2012

Government to make Aruba a

“Heart Safe Island”Important info for DandeFestival participants

Safe time and just order your needs onlineand get them delivered the same day at

your door. No matter if You are Tourist or Local

Visit us at:www.eshoppingaruba.com

DIMAS hours for the

month of December 2012

for DMA. This will enableDMA to offer even better ser -vice to primarily her aviationclients. In addition, with theimplementation of QMS,DMA will be one of the fewmeteorological services in theregion to have a completely in-stalled and implemented sys-tem.

The ICAO expert is ex-pected to return to Aruba earlynext year to offer more coursesto our Aruba employees and tocomplete the implementationof the QMS. The governmentintends on upgrading our localstaff to the level of “aeronauti-cal forecasters” which is a longtime desire of the Aruba Meteosince 1986.

The DMA expressed theirsatisfaction for the attentionthat the government has giventhis department, and for thequantum investments in equip-ment and now in personnel.The government’s overall vi-sion is to eventually operate to-tally independently of Curacaoand to offer the highest level ofquality to clients of aviation,maritime users and to the gen-eral public.

During the intensive course,the employees learned how toanalyze and interpret differentsatellite meteorological pho-tos, radar and how to applytheir knowledge to short termforecasts especially for avia-tion. Employees who passedthe course were: Anthony Lo,Karel Kock, Kenneth Wolff,Lisandro Arends, LotharIrausquin, Maikin Pourrier andRodney Tromp.

The ICAO expert is alsohelping our DMA in imple-menting a complete QualityManagement System (QMS)

During the celebration of an-niversary and pensioned em-ployees employed in the publicsector departments under thewatch of Minister Oduber, heexpressed words of congratu-lations to the employees of theMeteorological Department ofAruba who recently success-fully completed the Opera-tional Satellite & RadarInterpretation course.

The course was conductedby Meteorological Aeronauti-cal specialist from ICAO andMarck Oduber, director of thedepartment.

Saturday, December 15, 2012 3

Operational Satellite & Radar Interpretationcourse completed successfully!

technical problems."The whale is also stranded

in a dangerous area called the"Razende Bol" (Raging Ball),with strong tides and highwinds," De Waal said, whichhampered the now cancelledrescue attempt.

"The mayor of Texel has or-dered that the area be cordonedoff and the animal allowed todie in peace," she said, addingit was impossible to tell howlong that would take.

the island of Texel.Initially the whale freed it-

self at high tide, but seemeddisorientated and strandedonce again shortly afterwards,Ecomare said.

Rescue workers tried se -veral times to pull the animalto deeper water without suc-cess -- with the last attempt onThursday evening ending infailure after a net around theaquatic mammal broke and arescue helicopter experienced

Dutch animal rescuers havegiven up hope of saving astranded 12-metre (32-foot)humpback whale on a northernFrisian island after a final at-tempt to pull it to sea failed, arescue spokeswoman said Fri-day.

The drama, which hasgripped animal-loving Nether-lands started after the hump-back, now dubbed "Johannes"was found washed up on asand bank on Wednesday near

thank Minister of Tourism andstaff for the opportunity to havebe part of the prestigious ShocoAwards. Congratulations to allnominees and winners!

Arubianas flip flops willsoon be appearing in resortshops, hotel area retail sales,shopping malls, on the beachvending, and a kiosk at theRoyal Plaza Mall. They areeminently affordable, and willmake wonderful gifts and sou-venirs of Aruba.

models showcasing a new lineof sandals and resort wearcalled “Arubianas,” an authen-tic local brand for adorable flipflops and resort accessories

The resort collection wearshown during this event, fea-tured the “Shoco” and Arubanflag design. Each winner alsoreceived their “One HappyFlip Flop,” fun and funkyfootwear inspired by thebeauty of Aruba.

“Arubianas” wishes to

Since 2005, the Aruba Hoteland Tourism Association,(AHATA), has been conduct-ing an annual awards presenta-tion for outstanding excellencein the tourism industry at alllevels. This recognition ofthose who are “in the frontlines” of this important pillarof the island economy are theShoco Awards, named forAruba’s national bird.

Guiding winners to thestage were a bevy of beautiful

“Arubianas” were also present at the

prestigious Shoco Awards 2012

with fine furniture and ultramodern equipment to the highstandards of Subway. This par-ticular San Nicolas Subway hasbeen known for its amicable at-mosphere. The people ex-pressed how much they missedthe restaurant during therestoration phase. Everyone isdelighted it is open again andnow more splendid than ever.

Management and staff ofSubway Cura Cabay are grate-ful to the Aruban communityand particularly to the SanNicolas community and pa-trons for their loyalty. It is withmuch pride that they inviteeveryone to stop by and drop into again enjoy the completelyrenovated restaurant.

Congratulations, Subway,The Morning News looks for-ward to dropping in soon!

The prestigious and most po -pular Subway Restaurants aredotting every major town onthe island. They have becomeknown as the first option forfresh and healthy food, offeringeven a soup of the day andfresh sandwiches preparedright in front of the customer.They have just added the “rasp-berry cheesecake cookie,”which has already become areal favorite.

After an extensive renova-tion of the Cura Cabay facility,this week they celebrated theGrand Reopening of this CuraCabay facility just before theend of the year. The buildinghas been nicely renovated andbeautified to accommodate theAruban favorite eatery.

Subway Cura Cabay nowhas a lavish new design replete

4 Saturday, December 15, 2012

Subway Cura Cabaycelebrates opening of new store in San Nicolas

Dutch give up hope of saving stranded whale

facility improvements anddock and tankage upgrades.

On Sept. 3, Valero notifiedemployees of Aruba refinerythat Valero had decided tofurther reduce operations andreorganize the site as a re-fined products terminal.

Terminalling activitieswill require a considerablysmaller workforce. The reor-ganization and reduction inworkforce at Aruba is ex-pected to be completed be-fore the end of 2012.

It has two large deepwaterreef berths that can accom-modate VLCCs for petro-leum offloading, and fourproduct loading docks as wellas a dry cargo dock.

In September, Valero saidthat it will continue to supplyjet fuel, gasoline, diesel andfuel oil to the island, as wellas engage in third-party ter-minal services.

In this terminal operationsmode, Valero will continue tobe a significant employer inAruba, and Valero will con-tinue to invest in Aruba with

to Europe or South America,and VGO could be deliveredto the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Industry sources said thatthe Aruba terminal would ap-peal to arbitrage players andtrading companies who needclean and dirty storage capac-ities for break-bulk and build-bulk purposes, similar toother major terminals in theCaribbean.

The Aruba terminal hasaround 6 million bbl of crudeoil storage capacity and morethan 7 million bbl of refinedproducts storage capacity.

terest in the site, and our peo-ple are responding," headded. Earlier this year,Valero decided to shut its235,000-b/d Aruba refinerydue to poor refining econo -mics and heavy losses. Fol-lowing the refinery shut -down, Valero planned to con-vert the refinery site to aworld-scale crude and refinedproducts terminal.

That Aruba refinery couldproduce only vacuum gasoil,high-sulfur diesel and jetfuel, but no gasoline. Dieseland jet fuel could be exported

SAN ANTONIO, Texas -Valero is now in the processof negotiating with potentialthird-party customers forleasing out storage capacityat its 13-million-bbl capacityAruba oil products and crudeterminal, Bill Day, a com-pany spokesman told OPISon Thursday.

"No third-party agree-ments have been signed yet,but several are in the negoti-ation process, and we expectto have them completedsoon," he said.

"There has been good in-

KIEV, The Ukraine (AFP) - Anindependent report by USlawyers into the trial ofUkraine's former prime minis-ter Yulia Tymoshenko pub-lished by the justice ministryyesterday found that the pro -cess while somewhat flawedwas not politically motivated.

"This report, publishedtoday on the Ministry's websitewithout amendment, concludesas groundless Yulia Tymo -shenko's claims that her prose-cution was politically moti -vated," the justice ministry said.

The international firm ofSkadden Arps Slate Meagher& Flom LLP said "based onour review of the record, we donot believe that Tymoshenkohas provided specific evidenceof political motivation thatwould be sufficient to overturnher conviction under Americanstandards."

The report added: "The trialcourt based its finding of Ty-moshenko's guilt on factual de-terminations that had eviden -tiary support in the trial record."

A leader of Ukraine's 2004Orange revolution, the 52-year-old politician is serving aseven-year sentence for abuseof power while in office in agas deal with Russia. She hassuffered from numerous healthissues while incarcerated.

Her conviction in Octobercaused a deterioration ofUkraine's ties with the Westwhich has criticised the prose-cution. Her rival President Vik-tor Yanukovych has beenaccused of persecuting politicalopponents.

On the other hand theAmerican lawyers noted se -veral deficiencies in the trialsuch as the court's decisions notto permit her "to call certainwitnesses and to allow impor-tant witnesses to testify."

Saturday, December 15, 2012 5

US lawyerssay no proofof politics inTymoshenko


Valero's Aruba Oil Storage Terminal opens for third-party business

6 Saturday, December 15, 2012

ROME (AFP) - A Sicilianpriest stunned his congregationby announcing during a massthat he would soon be a fatherand was quitting to marry hispartner, Italian media reportedFriday.

"It's my last mass. I am inlove with a woman and in afew months I will be a father,"Vito Lombardo, 33, told hisflock in the city of Trapani innorthwestern Sicily, local

newspapers said.The relationship had been

going on for a while, but thepriest waited until his partnerwas five months pregnant be-fore announcing his departure,the reports said.

According to the Giornaledi Sicilia daily, Lombardotipped off the Vatican about hisdecision to marry before an-nouncing it to his parishioners.

Italy priest tells flock he's about tobe a father

A tearful President BarackObama went on national te -levision to express his "over-whelming grief." He orderedflags to be lowered at half mast.

"The majority of those whodied today were children, beau-tiful little kids between the agesof five and ten years old,"Obama said. "They had theirentire lives ahead of them,birthdays, graduations, wed-dings, kids of their own."

"Among the fallen, werealso teachers, men and womenwho devoted their lives to help-ing our children fulfill theirdreams," Obama said.

"Our hearts are brokentoday, for the parents andgrandparents, sisters and broth-ers of these little children andfor the families of those whoare lost. As a country we havebeen through this too manytimes," Obama said, mention-ing earlier shooting massacres,in Colorado, Oregon and Wis-consin.

Witnesses described a terri-fying bloodbath in the smalltown school, shortly afterclasses had got underway.Other witnesses described anintense fusillade, with perhaps100 rounds fired, and seeing acorridor splattered with blood.

A survivor of a 2007 shoot-ing voiced horror yesterday

after an elementary school mas-sacre in Connecticut, urgingpolicymakers to take action tostop such violence from being"normal" in the United States.

Colin Goddard, who be-came an advocate for gun con-trol after the 2007 shooting atthe Virginia Tech campus, said"I sunk in my chair" after see-ing news of the bloodshed inNewtown, Connecticut.

"You really can't do justiceto what these kids and whatthese teachers have just experi-enced -- the violence, the inten-sity, the sadness," Goddard toldMSNBC television.

"This is not something thatshould be normal in our coun-try. This is not something thatother countries experience likewe do," he said.

Goddard is part of the BradyCampaign to Prevent Gun Vio-lence, which has tried with littlesuccess to encourage gun con-trol in a nation where firearmsare readily available and pas-sionately supported by manyconservatives.

However, despite thetragedies, support for toughergun ownership laws is mixed,with many Americans opposingrestrictions on what they con-sider to be a constitutional rightto keep powerful firearms athome.

Twenty kids, six adultsmassacred . . .Continued from page 1

MIAMI (AFP) - Anti-virussoftware pioneer JohnMcAfee said in a TV inter-view Friday that he was will-ing to answer questions aboutthe murder of his neighbor inBelize in a neutral country.

McAfee, who insists he isinnocent, also admitted thathe was worth "less than" $5million -- a day after sayinghe was broke -- though it wasunclear how he would accessthat money.

"I've said in any neutralcountry I will meet and an-swer any questions youwant," McAfee told theCNBC business TV network.

"I'm certainly not going toturn myself into the authori-ties who have been trying tolay their hands on me formonths now. I will not goback to Belize," he said.

Authorities in Belize wantto question McAfee about thedeath of Gregory Faull, a 52-year-old Florida expatriatewho was found by his house-keeper with a 9-mm bullet inhis head, lying in a pool of hisown blood.

McAfee fled Belize toGuatemala with his 20 year-old girlfriend, but was thendeported to the United States.He says he went on the runbecause he feared for his life,claiming corruption amongBelizean police and politi-cians.

Belize has an extraditiontreaty with the United States,so if murder charges are filedhe could be sent back to theCentral American nation.

McAfee, who is staying ina popular Miami Beach hotel,has become a local attraction.A cloud of reporters and TVnews crews follow his everystep.

I'll answercrime

questions inneutral

country -McAfee

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russiasaid on Friday that it had notchanged and would notchange its controversialstance on Syria, after a topRussian diplomat said the de-feat of the Syrian regime waspossible.

In a bid to play downclaims of a sudden about-turnin Russian policy, the foreignministry irritably insisted thediplomat had made no specialcommentary for the media.

"We have never changedour position (on Syria) andwe never will," foreign min-istry spokesman AlexanderLukashevich said.

Deputy Foreign MinisterBogdanov said at a meetingof the Public Chamber over-sight body on Thursday thatthe Syrian regime "is losingmore and more control" andit was not excluded that Pres-ident Bashar al-Assad couldlose the conflict with the

rebels.The United States swiftly

welcomed Bogdanov's com-ments, saying it appearedMoscow was "finally wakingup to the reality".

"I think the question nowis, will the Russian govern-ment join those of us in theinternational community whoare working with the opposi-tion to try to have a smoothdemocratic transition?" StateDepartment spokeswomanVictoria Nuland said.

Lukashevich retorted Fri-day that "we were neversleeping to begin with".

"Our position remains ineffect," he told reporters. "Itis unchanged."

Russia has so far refusedto turn against Assad's regimedespite the conflict, whichaccording to rights groupshas killed 42,000 peoplesince March last year.

Russia says 'has not, willnot' change Syria stance

Parents pick-up children outside Sandy Hook ElementarySchool after a shooting.

music and conceptual art, YokoOno has always drawn atten-tion for her political statementsand her fight for peace andhuman rights," the jury said.

Previous winners includejailed Kremlin critic MikhailKhodorkovsky and assassi-nated Israeli prime ministerYitzhak Rabin.

The Tokyo-born artist --raised in both Japan and theUnited States in a well-offfamily of bankers -- became aglobal icon when she marriedthe rocker from Liverpool.

Since her Montreal honey-moon with Lennon, duringwhich the couple called forpeace from their marital bed,Ono has used her celebrity toraise awareness for causes.

In 2002, she launched the"LennonOno" grant for peacein Iceland, given every twoyears.

In honour of Ono's 80thbirthday, the Schirn Kunsthallein the western German city ofFrankfurt will present a retro-spective of her work from Feb-ruary.

Hildebrandt, who died in2004, founded the museum todocument daring attempts byEast Germans living undercommunism to escape over theBerlin Wall and in protestagainst the regime's shoot-to-kill policies.

His widow Alexandrahanded Ono the prize, whichwas selected by a jury she saidincluded German PresidentJoachim Gauck, former USsecretary of state HenryKissinger and former Germanforeign minister Hans-DietrichGenscher.

"Since the early days of hercareer, and in addition to her

BERLIN (AFP) - Yoko Ono onFriday accepted a Germanhuman rights prize for peaceactivism with her late husband,Beatle John Lennon, as well asher more recent work champi-oning equality for women andgays.

Ono, who will turn 80 inFebruary, picked up the RainerHildebrandt Medal at Berlin'sCheckpoint Charlie Museumnext to the former Cold Warborder crossing.

Wearing a black top hat andtrouser suit, she gave a two-fingered peace sign as shethanked the jury.

Saturday, December 15, 2012 7

Patriot weapons, which are de-signed to knock out cruise andballistic missiles as well as air-craft.

The move coincides with ris-ing fears the Syrian regime mayresort to using chemicalweapons against rebel forces andafter Assad's army unleashedScud missiles in recent days.

Panetta renewed a US warn-ing that the Assad regime mustnot use its chemical weaponsagainst opposition forces, sayingthe United States was prepared totake military action if necessary.

But he acknowledged that anyattempt to secure or destroySyria's chemical weapons wouldbe fraught with danger.

The Pentagon chief said hisbiggest concern was that theAssad regime might resort tochemical weapons in desperation.

Turkey has vowed to defendits territory after cross-border ar-tillery fire wounded civilians andfollowing the downing of one ofits fighter jets.

Yoko Ono picks up human rightsprize in Berlin

International News

INCIRLIK (AFP) - The UnitedStates said Friday it will deploytwo Patriot missile batteries toTurkey along with 400 troops tohelp defend its ally against po-tential threats from neighbouringSyria.

The move was part of a widerNATO effort to bolster Turkey'sair defences amid growing ten-sion on the Turkish-Syrian bor-der, with Ankara siding withopposition forces battling Presi-dent Bashar al-Assad's regime.

US Defense Secretary LeonPanetta issued the order beforelanding at the Incirlik airbase inTurkey, his spokesman said.

At the Incirlik base, onlyabout 100 kilometres (60 miles)from the Syrian border, Panettacalled Turkey a key ally and saidthe deployment of Patriot batter-ies would ensure Ankara will"have the missile defence themay need."

Germany and The Nether-lands also have agreed to pro-vide advanced "hit-to-kill"

Panetta orders deployment of Patriots, troops toTurkey

PRETORIA (AFP) - NelsonMandela spent a seventhday in hospital Friday,where he was said to becomfortable while receiv-ing more treatment for alung infection.

Officials said the ageingstatesman's doctors con-tinued to see progress inhis condition.

Presidential spokesmanandformer Mandela prisonmate Mac Maharaj dis-missed rumours that the94-year-old could bepromptly discharged.

The comments cameamid confusion overwhere the anti-apartheidicon was being treated.

The apparent change oftreatment venueprompted allegations thatthe government misledthe public about Man-dela's health and where-abouts.

The former presidentwho led South Africa todemocracy in 1994 has along history of lung prob-lems dating back decadeswhen he contracted tuber-culosis while in prison.

He was previously hos-pitalised for an acute res-piratory infection inJanuary 2011, when hewas kept for two nights.

eases have topped the list ofleading causes of years spentby patients being sick or in-jured.

The life expectation of peo-ple has increased around theworld, with men living 10.7years longer and women living12.6 more years longer whencompared to 1990. However,the quality of life lived is notgood, with people, on an aver-age, spending the last 14 yearsof their lives in pain or illness.This is obviously the result ofadvancement of medical sci-ence.

In Western countries, whiledeaths from heart diseaseshave gone down by 70 percent,the diagnosis of the same is in-creasing at an alarming rate.

Non-communicable dis-eases are a global challenge of"epidemic proportions," Dr.Margaret Chan, director-gen-eral of the World Health Or-ganization said, according tothe report.

The report further said thatpreventing the diseases ratherthan treating them could provebeneficial to the economy aswell.

The report was publishedThursday in British medicaljournal The Lancet.

-- The number of obese peopleis rapidly increasing and moreand more research work isdone to find a solution for theepidemic that entails manyhealth problems along with it.Obesity is a problem not onlyin adults but in children aswell. From junk food to videogames, many factors havebeen blamed on the additionalpounds that people are increas-ingly adding to their frames.

According to a new report,obesity has now become a big-ger health crisis globally thanhunger. It is also the leadingcause of disabilities around theworld, the report says.

According to the global re-port, all the countries in theworld, except the countries ofsub-Saharan Africa, face analarming obesity rate -- an in-crease of 82 percent globallyin the last 20 years.

Middle Eastern countrieshave revealed a 100 percentincrease in obesity since 1990.

Apparently, the health issuescaused by obesity are nowhigher than the health issuescaused by hunger around theworld, according to the report.

Also, for the first time, non-communicable diseases likediabetes, stroke and heart dis-

Obesity is a BiggerProblem Globally thanHunger: Report

8 Saturday, December 15, 2012

Health & Living

praised Obama's handling ofthe disaster response just be-fore his reelection.

Christie's weight and possi-ble related health issues, how-ever, would likely be animmediate issue if he soughtthe White House in four years.

ABC's Barbara Waltersasked if this meant he couldn'tbe president.

Christie replied: "That'sridiculous. I mean, that'sridiculous. People watched mefor the last number of weeks inHurricane Sandy doing 18-hour days, so I don't reallythink that would be a problem."

He said he had tried to slimdown. "If I could figure thatout I would fix it," he told Wal-ters. "I've had more diets andlost and gained back moreweight in my life than I couldcount."

NEW YORK(AFP) - The gov-ernor of the US state of NewJersey, leading Republicanpolitician Chris Christie, saysit's "ridiculous" to think thathis being fat would make hima poor president.

Christie is increasinglytalked about as a possible can-didate to replace PresidentBarack Obama, a Democratwhose final term expires in2016.

In an interview with ABCtelevision this week, Christiedid not say he would run, butcontinued to stir expectations.

The former prosecutor roseto national prominence duringlast month's Hurricane Sandy,which struck New Jersey hard.

Christie, in his trademarkblue fleece, was a constantpresence on television andcaused upset in his own party'sranks when he effusively

US governor insists he'snot too fat to be president

Mandela'comfortable'after week inhospital

Preparation:Preheat oven to 425 degrees - Remove giblets and neckfrom inside the turkey and reserve to make stock if youwish. - Rinse turkey inside and out with cold water. Patdry with kitchen paper. -Place onion, half a lemon and 4sprigs of (fresh rosemary, thyme and sage) herb insidethe bird's cavity - Secure legs with kitchen string. Placeturkey breast side up on roasting rack in pan. Squeezelemon half into a small bowl. Brush bird with lemon juiceand olive oil, and add salt and pepper - Place in oven androast for 15 minutes at 425 degrees for an initial blast ofheat - Reduce heat to 325 degrees. Baste turkey fre-quently with pan juices plus lemon and oil, and roastuntil an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickestpart of the thigh reaches 180 degrees - about 3 to 3 3/4hours- Remove turkey from oven and let stand for 15minutes. Transfer to a warm platter and garnish with re-maining herbs (rosemary, thyme, sage).


Low Fat Christmas Turkey

N. Korealeader urgesmore satellitelaunches SEOUL (AFP) - NorthKorea's leader has or-dered more satellitelaunches, state mediasaid Friday, two days afterPyongyang's long-rangerocket launch triggeredglobal outrage and UNcondemnation.

Kim Jong-Un, who over-saw Wednesday's launch,stressed the need "tolaunch satellites in the fu-ture... to develop thecountry's science, tech-nology and economy", ac-cording to the officialKorean Central NewsAgency (KCNA).

North Korea says itplaced a satellite in orbitfor peaceful research, butcritics say the launchamounted to a bannedballistic missile test thatmarked a major advancefor the communist state'snuclear weapons pro-gramme.

The United Stateswarned North Koreaagainst any furtherlaunches.

The rocket launch hasbeen seen as a timelyboost for Kim, laying torest the humiliation of amuch-hyped but failedlaunch of North Korea'sUnha-3 rocket in April,when the carrier explodedshortly after take-off.

Outrage over the recentlaunch was mixed withconcern that North Koreamay follow past practicein following up a missileor rocket launch with anuclear test.

The North's first nucleartest in 2006 came threemonths after it tested along-range missile. Onthat occasion, Pyongyangannounced the test sixdays before it explodedthe device.

Saturday, December 15, 2012 9

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Athird of Americans believe theintensity of recent natural dis-asters is linked to the Apoca-lypse described in the NewTestament, according to a pollreleased this week.

Many more blame globalwarming, the survey added.

Seeking to explain floodsand heat or cold waves, 36percent of those surveyed, and66 percent of EvangelicalChristians, evoke the end ofthe world, said the poll by thePublic Religion Research In-stitute/Religion News Service.

But 63 percent of thosepolled blame climate change,and 67 percent say the USgovernment should do more toaddress this problem.

Some 15 percent of thosepolled believe the world willend during their lifetime, andtwo percent say it will happenon December 21 of this year assome believe was predicted bythe Mayan calendar.

A total of 1,018 adults tookpart in the poll, which was car-ried out between December 5and 9 and had a margin oferror of 3.2 percentage points.

Many Americans see hintof Apocalypse in extremeweather


--A film from Nasaabout the Mayanprophecy that the worldwill end on 21 Decem-ber has been released 10days early. The Mayancalendar's 5,125-yearrun is due to end in 10days, but the film – enti-tled The World Didn'tEnd Yesterday – arguesthat the calendar shouldbe interpreted as cyclical

NASA scientistsgathered for a Google Hang-out to debunk the multipleend-of-world theories allegedto transpire later this month.NASA even put together aYouTube video titled "Whythe World Didn't End Yester-day" clearly meant to be re-leased on December 22, afterthe winter solstice doomsdaythe day before.

The video details how the

Mayan calendar doesn't pre-dict the end of the world be-fore we get to see anotherepisode of "Game ofThrones."

But for some reason, thespace agency has opted to re-lease the video 10 days early.Perhaps someone at NASAisn't so sure we'd be able towatch it on December 22 afterall?

NASA releases Mayancalendar 'told ya so'video 10 days early

-- MANILA (AFP) : A man alights using an extended lad-der from a monorail system that has been set up at thecampus of the state-run University of the Philippines inManila on December 14, 2012. The monorail is a pilotproject of the government's Science and Technology De-partment to test the possibility of setting up a monorailto service for the sprawling campus and for possiblemonorail systems elsewhere in the traffic-clogged Philip-pine capital

10 Saturday, December 15, 2012

DEC 15 - DEC 21

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7.8 percent (+2,458 visitors)and 61.3 percent (+893 visi-tors). The Latin American mar-ket continued to grow,attributed mostly to an in-crease in visitors fromVenezuela of 7.1 percent(+1,086 visitors). The rise inthe European market is associ-ated mainly with increases invisitors from the Netherlandsand England of, respectively,467 and 318. The number ofcruise visitors went up by1,829 or 39.3 percent to 6,481in the month of September2012 compared to the samemonth of the previous year.The number of ship calls de-clined slightly from 4 to 3 inSeptember 2012 compared toSeptember 2011.

In September 2012, regis-tered tax revenue totaled Afl.77.4 million, an increase ofAfl. 12.8 million or 19.8 per-cent, compared to the samemonth of the previous year.This growth was associatedmostly with surges in revenuefrom profit, wage and land taxof, respectively, Afl. 4.4 mil-lion, Afl. 3.1 million and Afl.3.1 million. Foreign exchangetax and turnover tax (BBO)also noted increases of, respec-tively, Afl. 1.9 million and Afl.0.6 million. On the other hand,non-tax revenue recorded a fallof Afl. 3.8 million in Septem-ber 2012 compared to the samemonth of last year, due to a de-crease of Afl. 1.1 million in in-come from leases of land.

SOLO, Indonesia (AFP) : In this photograph taken on December 13, 2012, hundredsof employees of the Sritex textile and garment company sew military uniforms at thefactory in Solo in Central Java province. Sritex, an Indonesian company and one ofthe largest textile makers in Southeast Asia, employs more than 15,000 people to man-ufacture military uniforms for some 27 countries, including Oman, Qatar, Kuwait,Lebanon, Australia, Singapore, Brunei and NATO countries.

The new rules, which if fi-nalized will come into effecton July 1, 2015, would applyto around 107 foreign banks,and another 26 or 27 foreignnon-bank financial institutions.

Meanwhile US stocks slidlower Friday amid worriesabout Washington's budget im-passe, with a sharp drop inApple weighing on the Nas-daq.

The Dow Jones IndustrialAverage was down 34.25points (0.26 percent) at13,136.47 in closing trade.

The broad-market S&P 500fell 5.71 points (0.40 percent)to 1,413.74, while the tech-richNasdaq Composite shed 20.83points (0.70 percent) to2,971.33.

Investors continued to beconcerned about sharp taxhikes and spending cuts set totake effect in January if Wash-ington fails to reach a deal toavert the so-called fiscal cliff,which economists say woulddrag the United States into re-cession.

.Oil prices rose Friday,lifted by upbeat Chinese man-ufacturing data and a weakerdollar.

New York's main contract,West Texas Intermediate(WTI) for January delivery,rose 84 cents from Thursday tosettle at $86.73 a barrel.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheFederal Reserve plans to sub-ject large foreign banks to thesame rigorous standards ap-plied to US banks, includingsubjecting them to stress tests,according to draft rules un-veiled Friday.

Foreign banks with globalassets of more than $50 billionthat are active inside theUnited States will be subject tocredit-exposure limits underthe regulations, with more le-nient rules for smaller foreignbanks.

The regulatory regime thatwas tightened for US banks inthe wake of the financial crisisfour years ago would be effec-tively extended to foreignbanks doing business in theUnited States.

ORANJESTAD, The CentraleBank van Aruba (CBA) con-cludes in its Monthly Bulletinof September 2012 that broadmoney grew by Afl. 127.4 mil-lion to Afl. 3,264.3 million, re-sulting from an Afl. 401.2million rise in net foreign as-sets (excluding revaluation dif-ferences of gold and foreignexchange holdings) to Afl.1,443.1 million, which waslargely offset by an Afl. 273.9million drop in net domesticassets. The growth in net for-eign assets was caused mainlyby a net inflow of foreign ex-change related to the issuanceof bonds of Afl. 452.9 million(USD 253 million) by the gov-ernment on the internationalmarket, which was partiallyoffset by a net outflow of for-eign exchange associated withnet payments for the import ofgoods and services, and invest-ment income (interest and div-idend) settled through thebanking system.

The drop in the domesticcomponent of the money sup-ply was associated with de-clines in domestic credit andnon-credit related balancesheet items of, respectively,Afl. 248.8 million and Afl.25.0 million. Domestic creditdecreased because the Afl.176.5 million net liability ofthe public sector to the bank-ing sector turned into an Afl.74.2 million net claim of thepublic sector on the bankingsector, stemming from a surgein the government’s depositsof Afl. 259.4 million, reflect-ing the issuance of bonds bythe government mentionedabove. In contrast, claims ofthe banking sector on the pri-vate sector went up slightly byAfl. 1.8 million (+0.1 percent),following increases in con-sumer credit and housingmortgages of, respectively,Afl. 8.1 million and Afl. 2.5million, while commercialloans fell by Afl. 8.6 million.

The consumer price index(CPI) for September 2012 reg-

istered a 2.1 per-cent decrease,compared to thesame month of2011. The maincontributors tothis drop werehousing, cloth-ing & footwear,and householdoperation. Ex-cluding the ef-fect of food andenergy (whichpartly affects thehousing andtransport compo-nents), the core

CPI showed a 0.6 percent de-crease compared to September2011, brought about by de-clines in the index categoriesof clothing, household opera-tion, and recreation and cul-ture. The 12-month averageinflation rate reached 2.9 per-cent in September 2012, downfrom 3.6 percent in August2012.

The number of stay-overvisitors totaled 69,718 in Sep-tember 2012, which is 9.4 per-cent higher than in September2011. This growth was causedby increases in the number ofvisitors from North America,Latin America and Europe of,respectively, 10.2 percent(+3,351 visitors), 6.7 percent(+1,443 visitors), and 17.6 per-cent (1,157 visitors). Thegrowth in the North Americanmarket resulted from hikes inarrivals from the United Statesand Canada of, respectively,

Aruba Net Foreign Assets Went Up

Saturday, December 15, 2012 11



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KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) : Newlywed couples pose for agroup picture during a mass wedding ceremony in con-junction with the date 12.12.12 at a Chinese temple inKuala Lumpur on December 12, 2012. Some 200 couplesgathered at the temple to attend a grand colourful wed-ding ceremony on December 12, 2012, which many inAsia mark as an auspicious date on the calendar.

with his countrymen beforeheading to Cuba to vote forMaduro if he is unable to re-turn to the presidency.

On Saturday Chavez de-scribed Maduro as an experi-enced "true revolutionary" thatwould lead Venezuela with "afirm hand, with his foresight,with the heart of a man of thepeople, (and) with his peopleskills."

Maduro was named vicepresident one week afterChavez was re-elected, andwas barely two months into hispost when Chavez had to flyurgently to Cuba for surgery.

"Look where Nicolas, thebus driver, is headed. He was abus driver and they hadmocked him," Chavez saidwhen he named Maduro as hisnew deputy, replacing EliasJaua.

Maduro was elected to thelegislature in 1999 as a mem-ber of the Fifth RepublicMovement (MVR), a partyfounded by Chavez, and roseto become National Assemblypresident in 2005 and 2006.

Their paths first crossedwhen Maduro joined the Boli-varian Revolutionary Move-ment 200 (MBR-200), agrouping that Chavez led whenhe spearheaded a failed coupagainst then president CarlosAndres Perez in 1992.

Chavez and Maduro oftenappeared together at publicevents, during which the pres-ident sometimes mocked hischief diplomat over his vora-cious appetite for "submarine"sandwiches.

Though analysts say he isnot as vocal as Chavez,Maduro showed a fiery sideafter he was briefly detainedby security at New York'sKennedy airport in 2006, rail-ing against the "Nazi" and"racist" government of thenpresident George W. Bush.

In another contrast withChavez, a devout Catholic,Maduro is an adherent of Hin-duism, a religious belief heshares with his wife,Venezuela's Attorney GeneralCilia Flores.

Maduro is considered to bein the moderate wing ofChavez's inner circle, whichincludes more radical mem-bers like National Assemblypresident Diosdado Cabello, aformer army officer who par-ticipated in the 1992 coup at-tempt.

Though Chavez hasamassed a huge following overthe years through popular, oil-funded health and subsidizedfood programs, Maduro is rec-ognized by the president's loy-alists as the man from humblebeginnings.

LONDON (AFP) - A collection of letters sent by RollingStones frontman Mick Jagger to his secret lover in thesummer of 1969 sold for around $300,000 at a Londonauction on Wednesday, trumping their pre-sale estimate.Purchased by a private collector over the telephone, theletters sold for £187,250 (about $301,000 or 231,000euros) at a Sotheby's auction, trumping their pre-sale es-timate of £70,000 to £100,000. The letters were writtento black American singer Marsha Hunt, aged 23 at thetime, while Jagger was filming the movie "Ned Kelly" inAustralia, and were presented as a window into a differ-ent side of the rock-and-roll legend.

Saturday, December 15, 2012 12

CARACAS (AFP) - With anailing Hugo Chavez recover-ing in Cuba, Venezuelan VicePresident Nicolas Maduro, aformer bus driver, may have tostep out of the leftist leader'sshadow to steer his oil-rich na-tion down an untraveled road.

A tall, broad-shouldered for-mer union leader with a thickmustache, Maduro is known asa moderate who listens -- astark contrast from his loqua-cious "comandante" Chavez.

Now Maduro, 50, faces thepossibility of succeeding theinimitable Chavez, who after14 years in power designatedthe vice president as his politi-cal heir last weekend in casecancer forces him out ofpower.

The government revealedThursday that Chavez, 58, bledduring the fourth round of sur-gery in more than a year onTuesday, but that he was show-ing signs of recovery.

Known outside Venezuelaas the country's foreign minis-ter since 2006 -- a post he still

holds -- Maduro has deliveredsome of the president's healthnews, somberly warning hisnation Tuesday that it must be"prepared to face a tough anddifficult situation."

But Maduro also showed hisloyal "Chavista" side, usingthe pulpit of the Miraflorespresidential palace to railagainst "ferocious attacks"from a "small but venomous"minority in the opposition.

With regional electionscoming up Sunday, Madurourged the polarized nation toback pro-government candi-dates, saying that voting forthem would be like "a hug, akiss, a vote of love" forChavez.

Maduro could face his ownelectoral test soon if Chavez'shealth deteriorates. Under theconstitution, Venezuela musthold elections within 30 daysif the president becomes inca-pacitated or dies.

Chavez -- re-elected in Oc-tober and scheduled to besworn in to another six-yearterm on January 10 -- pleaded

VP Maduro: Former bus driverwho may steer Venezuela

WASHINGTON (AFP) - USpolice have foiled a plot to killteen pop idol Justin Bieber andpossibly castrate him withpruning shears, with the allegedkiller promised $2,500 per tes-ticle, legal documents revealedThursday.

Mark Staake, 41, and hisnephew, Tanner Ruane, werearrested in Vermont and NewYork last month and facecharges in New Mexico of con-spiracy to commit murder andconspiracy to commit aggra-vated battery with a deadlyweapon.

The pair were allegedly plot-ting to strangle two victims andcastrate them with pruningshears, but a convicted killerwho is serving life in prisontold police that the "ultimate"

target was Bieber, who wasperforming in New York.

Dana Martin,( who had a tat-too of Bieber on his leg and hadtried to contact the singer re-peatedly without success) whowas jailed for life for a 2000murder in Vermont and whohad met Staake in jail in NewMexico, allegedly recruitedStaake to carry out the mur-ders. Staake then asked hisnephew to help.

Staake and Ruane are cur-rently awaiting extradition toNew Mexico, officials said.

The 18-year-old Canadianstar's managers said they tookBieber's safety seriously. "Wetake every precaution to protectand ensure the safety of Justinand his fans," a managementofficial told AFP in an email.

US police foil plot tokill, castrate JustinBieber

Mick Jagger love letterssold at London auction

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Saturday, December 15, 2012 13

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Cool Casino is a greatplace to learn to understand

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Cool Casino…where those

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One of the distinctions ofAruban cuisine is incorporat-ing unique indigenous ingredi-ents such as in Wild CucumberStew and a particular light fishchowder accompanied by thelocal specialties pan bati (cornmeal pancake) and funchi (thelocal version of polenta.)

.Seafood main courses forCatch of the Day Aruban Styleto shrimp and a mixedseafood platter with shrimp,fish, squid, scallops and mus-sels. Meat dishes such as BBQChicken and Ribs or GrilledTenderloin, each including achoice of 2 side dishes; allquite yummy and bargain-priced to boot!

The Queen’s is located onthe second level of PalmBeach Plaza, tucked into acozy corner at the front of themall. If you have a mind to trythe real deal in Aruban food,without a doubt, this is theway to truly eat like a local.They are open from 11:00 AMto 11:00 PM, daily, offering in-door and outdoor dining.Aside from an extensive menuthey also have daily specialsmade from whatever is in sea-son and Mama Luisa is in themood to prepare, so don’t for-get to ask about what isn’t onthe menu!

An elegant décor with abreezy terrace overlookingPalm Beach welcomes gueststo Varella Innocencia’s verypopular restaurant showcasingauthentic local cuisine:

The Queen’s.They may have moved

from Oranjestad to hipper newdigs in Palm Beach Plaza, butthe food and prices are strictlynative, which is what first wonthis charming eatery theirloyal clientele. Varella’s mom,Luisa, is still in the kitchen,conjuring up the deliciousdishes that have been in herfamily for generations, ac-knowledged on the menu withitems such as “Carni Stoba diMamachi”-“Grandma’s BeefStew,” and their ArawakSteak, along with local delica-cies like Keshi Yena -“FullCheese.” This is a tasty, fillingstew of chicken, with other in-gredients that are handy thatday, all incased in a thick skinof melted Gouda. It was verysatisfying and particularlymemorable paired with TheQueen’s garlic bread and veryspecial Pica, a mix of choppedonions and the famous localhot pepper, Madame Janette.Not overly spicy, it lends thatperfect bit of tang to this deli-ciously picturesque meal.

Eat like a local at The Queen’s

restaurant at Palm Beach Plaza

Varella, Luisa and the next generation of chef

Grandma’s clasic Stew beef with Rice and Potato salad

Jansrud of Norway into fourthby just .06sec.

"I was hoping to performwell but perhaps not apodium," said Marsaglia.

"Aksel Lund Svindal isfrom another planet but I con-sider myself the best of the ter-restrials. He made mistakesbut despite that he is still a sec-ond in front of everyone.

Svindal, a four-time worldchampion and reigning super-G Olympic champion pickedup his third win of the youngseason after super-G anddownhill wins at Lake Louiselast month and tightened hisstranglehold on the battle foroverall supremecy.

He also leads the super-Gand downhill rankings and iswell on track to add to hisseven crystal globes that in-clude four in super-G.

VAL GARDENA, Italy (AFP)- Norwegian Aksel Lund Svin-dal outclassed the field here onFriday as he won his 19thWorld Cup race by taking thesuper-G ahead of Italian duoMatteo Marsaglia and WernerHeel.

The overall World Cupchampion in 2007 and 2009,finished 1.07sec ahead ofMarsaglia with Heel a slender.05sec further back as he con-silidated his lead in this sea-son's standings, 12 days beforehis 30th birthday.

"I didn't expect to go so fastbut it's really been a good day,"said the burly Scandinavian.

"At the moment, the Italiansare my biggest rivals and theybeat me twice at Beaver Creekbut I've won in their country.

Marsaglia lost ground onhis rival in the super-G stand-ings while Heel edged Kjetil

14 Saturday, December 15, 2012


als -- between January 23 andDecember 10, 1972.

A black and white photo-graph of a smiling Chitalu,dressed in a suit and holding aball inscribed with "1972 God-frey Chitalu 107 goals" hasbeen widely circulated on theInternet.

Yet there have also beenclaims that his name wasraised by jealous supporters ofBarca rivals Real Madrid toprevent the record going to aBarcelona player.

Zambian commentator Mu-sonda Chibulu and fellow re-searcher Jerry Muchimba, whocompiled their data from dailynewspapers and the southernAfrican country's nationalarchives, had said they wouldtry to get Chitalu's tally ratifiedby FIFA.

Chitalu died with the wholenational football team whentheir airplane crashed off thecoast of Gabon in 1993 on theway to a World Cup qualifierin Senegal. He was head coachat the time.

Skiing: Svindal continuessizzling form with super-G win

PARIS (AFP) - World foot-ball's governing body on Fri-day said that they were unableto check whether claims thatan African footballer and notArgentina star Lionel Messiwas the record holder for themost goals scored in a calendaryear.

"Thanks for the questionsabout Godfrey Chitalu. Our of-ficial stats are limited to FIFAcompetitions, so we cannotverify this 'record'," FIFA'scommunications departmentsaid on its Twitter account

@fifamedia.Barcelona forward Messi

was hailed by many as thegreatest player ever in thegame after he scored twice onSunday to beat the 40-year-oldrecord of Germany's GerdMueller and take his tally to86 for 2012.

But claims emerged onThursday that he may still infact be well short of Zambialegend Chitalu, who netted107 times -- 49 in leaguematches for Kabwe Warriorsand 58 in cup and internation-

Football: FIFA can't verify claims overMessi record

ISTANBUL (AFP) - America's Ryan Lochte set a newworld record in the 200m individual medley at the worldshort course championships on Friday, winning the titlein a time of 1min 49.63sec. The five-time world cham-pion, who also won 200m freestyle and 4x100m freestylegold on Wednesday, shattered his own previous recordof 1:50.08 set in December 2010 in Dubai. Japan's DaiyaSeto was second in a time of 1:52.80 with Laszlo Csehof Hungary taking bronze in 1:52.89. (photo; A Turkishchild, Arda Cakmak (C) poses with the medal given tohim by Ryan Lochte in front of a stunned crowd after hewon the men's 200m individual medley final)

Swimming: Ryan Lochtesets new 200 medleyworld record

by winning on Sunday.The Colts will visit Houston

to face the Texans, who at 11-2 are level with the AtlantaFalcons for the best record inthe NFL, while Baltimore willplay host to Denver, which hasalready clinched the AFC Westdivision crown.

Other games Sunday findJacksonville at Miami, Min-nesota at St. Louis, Tampa Bayat New Orleans, Seattle atBuffalo, Carolina at SanDiego, Detroit at Arizona andKansas City at Oakland.

Cincinnati will visit Pitts-burgh on December 23 andhost Baltimore one week laterand would reach the playoffswith triumphs in both contests.

The Bengals produced 27points off five Philadelphiaturnovers in dropping the Ea-gles to 4-10, the worst recordin the National Conference.

New England, Houston andDenver have already clinchedAmerican Conference playoffspots and Baltimore and Indi-anapolis, both 9-4, hope to jointhem with 10 or more victories

PHILADELPHIA (AFP) -BenJarvus Green-Ellis ran for106 yards and a touchdownwhile Andy Dalton ran for onetouchdown and threw for an-other to lead Cincinnati overPhiladelphia 34-13 in an NFLgame Thursday.

The victory boosted theBengals to 8-6 and ahead ofPittsburgh for the final Ameri-can Conference playoff spot,although the Steelers (7-6)could move back in front ofCincinnati with a triumph atDallas (7-6) on Sunday night.

NFL: Bengals boost playoff bidby downing Eagles

Mat McBriar #1 of the Philadelphia Eagles has his punt blocked by Dan Herron #34 ofthe Cincinnati Bengals

Saturday, December 15, 2012 15

when he defends the WorldBoxing Organization superbantamweight crown againstMexican veteran Jorge Arce.

Donaire, 30-1 with 19knockouts, beat South AfricanJeffrey Mathebula last Julyand Japan's Toshiaki Nishiokain October after taking the titlewith a split decision last Feb-ruary over Puerto Rico's Wil-fredo Vazquez.

"My speed is there. Mypower is there so he needs tokeep a distance," said Donaire."But he needs to be in front ofme all the time, so it's going tobe a war. That's what Arceneeds to do because that's theonly way he can win."

Arce, who at 33 gives awaythree years to his larger oppo-nent, predicted this will be thehigh point of his boxing ca-reer, one that has seen him go61-6 with two drawn and 46knockouts.

"I'm excited because it willbe the best fight of my life,"Arce said.

Arce has nine wins and a

draw since last being beaten

by South African Simphiwe

Nongqayi in 2009 -- a defeat

Arce avenged last year.

Donaire has not been beaten

since 2001 in the second fight

of his career.

HOUSTON (AFP) - Filipinostar Nonito Donaire seeks his30th victory in a row today

Boxing: Filipino starDonaire risks titleagainst Arce

DETROIT (AFP) - Right-handed pitcher Anibal Sanchezhas agreed to a five-year deal worth $80 million to remainwith the Detroit Tigers, snubbing an offer from theChicago Cubs according to reports on Friday. ESPN andUSA Today reported that the 28-year-old Venezuelan willstay with the club he helped win the American Leaguetitle before falling to the San Francisco Giants last Octo-ber in the World Series. Sanchez has a 48-51 record withas 3.75 earned run average for Detroit and Miami overhis Major League Baseball career. Sanchez was obtainedJuly 23 at the trade deadline from the Marlins and went4-6 with a 3.74 ERA in 12 regular-season games plus 1-2with a 1.77 ERA in three playoff appearances.

Baseball: Sanchez makesdeal to stay in Detroit

dan Shaqiri equalised with halfan hour left.

Leverkusen can trim Bay-ern's lead back to nine points ifthey win at home to Hamburgon today.

BERLIN (AFP) - Run-away leaders Bayern Mu-nich needed a second-halfequaliser to snatch a pointin a 1-1 draw at home toBorussia Moenchenglad-bach on Friday in theirfinal Bundesliga match of2012.

The draw left Bayern12 points clear of thechasing pack, who are allin action during the rest ofthe weekend's pro-gramme, while 'Gladbachmove up to sixth.

Having already openedthe season with a recordeight straight wins, Bay-ern are hoping to finish theweekend with another achieve-ment as they look to breakBorussia Dortmund's record10-point lead at the halfwaystage.

Bayern hammered 'Glad-bach's goal, enjoying 65 per-cent ball possession, andfinished with 25 shots on goal,compared to their guests' five.

After Gladbach claimed a

half-time lead through a Thor-ben Marx penalty, Bayern bat-tered their visitors' goal andthe torrent of chances finallypaid off when Swiss star Xher-

Football: Runaway Bayern go 12 cleardespite Gladbach draw

Khan will be no more of apushover than the old one hehas studied in films.

"We're going to come out ofnowhere and shock theworld," Molina vowed. "Beat-ing Khan is going to catapultme to that level where every-body is going to know who Iam."

Molina, moving up fromthe lightweight ranks, vowedto take punishment to deliverhis own punches to Khan.

"No way is he going to putme down and I know he needsthis win bad so we're going togo to war," Molina said.

The undercard includes ashowdown of Mexican un-beatens between Leo SantaCruz, the International Box-ing Federation bantamweightchampion, and challenger Al-berto Guevara.

been working even harder, be-cause we know we have towin even more convincinglywhen you come to someone'sbackyard and that's whatwe're going to do," Khan said.

Khan says he is a smarterfighter who is less prone tomake mistakes now that he isworking with new trainer Vir-gil Hunter rather than his for-mer trainer, Manny Pacquiaocornerman Freddie Roach.

Khan, 26, vowed he willshow his fans some newmoves.

"You will see a new AmirKhan come into this fight," hesaid. "The training I've beendoing with Virgil Hunter hasbeen great -- work on newtechniques and new skills andeverything and be a totallydifferent fighter."

Molina, 27, figures the new

LOS ANGELES (AFP) -Britain's Amir Khan, trying tofight his way back into theworld title picture after back-to-back losses, faces a must-win matchup on today againstunbeaten American CarlosMolina.

Khan was stopped in thefourth round last July byAmerica's Danny Garcia in ashowdown for two world ti-tles after a controversial lossto US fighter Lamont Peter-son last December in Wash-ington, Peterson's hometown.

Now Khan, 26-3 with 18knockouts but winless sincestopping Zab Judah in July oflast year, will fight anotherUS hometown hero inMolina, 17-0 with one drawand seven knockouts.

"It's always tough butmaybe that's the reason we've

16 Saturday, December 15, 2012

NEW YORK (AFP) -Carmelo Anthony scored 30points before leaving with asprained left ankle to help theNew York Knicks to a 116-107 NBA victory over theLos Angeles Lakers onThursday.

Anthony scored 22 pointsin the first quarter as theKnicks seized a 41-27 lead,which they stretched to 68-49by half time on the way to re-maining unbeaten after ninehome games, improving to17-5.

Kobe Bryant scored 31points, grabbed 10 reboundsand passed out six assists forthe Lakers, who sufferedtheir fourth loss in a row andfell to 9-14.

Anthony suffered a hardfall about halfway into thethird quarter and was es-

corted to the locker room. Hedid not return to the game butthe Knicks were more thanenough to hold off the Lakersto the finish.

Raymond Felton scored19 points and added a game-high eight assists for theKnicks while Tyson Chandlerand J.R. Smith each netted 18points as New York won forthe third time in a row andeighth time in the past ninegames.

Dwight Howard added 20points and seven reboundsfor the Lakers while MettaWorld Peace contributed 23points and six rebounds.

The game marked a returnto Madison Square Gardenfor Lakers coach Mike D'An-toni, who resigned as coachof the Knicks last March.

NBA: Anthony leadsKnicks to Lakerswin, sprains ankle

Boxing: Wiser Khan knows he

needs big win over Molina

Carmelo Anthony scored 22 points in the first quarter
