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Saturday? NOT TRUE,IUKton Shippers and Jobbers of all Icommodities are urged to attend. | Karl Neel,...

Date post: 11-Jul-2020
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?select holiday gifts now?pay 1 next year! "NO CASH DOWN!" make your ?olcrtlona of homefurnlah Inn* up to lion without a caali payment time the IntUl lionirfiu iimlH'i, io make your own twroa." "MAKE YOU* our well-known liberal credit *er\U'i- OWN TERMS!" will fit your Individ lal needa' EXTRA SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! casseroles: I*l rawfrol* rtiuroli »l «» imvcfrw gray-enamelware roasters: special for Friday and Saturday? 39 cents! ?«*actly like picture: bottom can he u>c«i as dish pan; regular price $1; extra special f"r l rnlay and Saturday 39r I I ?one to a person. Jchafiag dishes: I ESESET at half-price ? s,t " dly jj^ | 9>.50 chafing dtah. extra \u25a0peclal at M 75 $11.50 chafing dlah. extra special at 15.75 ... ?r.gular li.S# ng 913.50 chafing dish. extra lamp »*tr« ap»ri»i #t<?9 ?pecui at $6 7b Vxtraap« \u25a0 55.95 co \u25a0L. sons Correct Apparel for Women SPECIAL for FRIDAY SUITS $25 We have selected one hundred suits for quick selling. These suits are this sea- son's best models and most desirable shades and fabrics and feature much better work- manship and much better materials than you would expect to find at so reasonable a price? $25 Yotir Inspection Invited. CHEA#TY /Ya ifcU > mj »"<« .U,10, n0 ('ARMAN = Vr?= Commerce Course at the University PINCHED FOR FIGHT i "Foreign and domestic nun mei'f Is the newest course to lie undertaken by the extension dl vision of the I'nlverslty of Wash IUK ton Shippers and Jobbers of all Icommodities are urged to attend. | Karl Neel, 23. and John Htn.i/o, 32, were arretted VVedneadiiv l<> rlty det«< lived. Ttiey are charged ivlth being 'he men who mt uked Nick Inovltch at BBJ Yenler way )Mt Haturday. Inovltrh l,eat. the men off after a fight. t STAR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS WILD MAN WHO HAUNTED WOODS AT LAST CAUGHT The bewtilakered and mvnterloiia wild null, who tin* been holm with tli» u«rv«H Hint probity of \V. .1 L»wla, a SunnydaUi tnixii i>r, for the laat few week*, will haunt tlx* wood* of tlint dlatrlet no IdtiKer. Iteputle* Rtarwlrh and Calhoun, 111 iniwar to telephonic |dea» late Wedne«da\ itfternoon. *?? n l In H«ait'll of lli» man who wan lapott i>d Keen In lh<- wood* near l,e»l*' farm by a Kinall bov Hiur*i<'h caniK upon him a* he w«a frying hotoakea on tin old ruaty ahtivel. and aire«ted lilui without a struggle The man I* apparently aaue." Starwlch aald Thuraday lie gave hla name a* tleor*e llarrla. but aald he knew nothing about III* al- leged depradailona llarrla had a knife, a revolver, three good bill leta and two dumiule* with him. He wa* llvtni; In a rudely run- atrui'ted hovel " who h»« be> n carrying on a Katn' of hide and »e«"k with the hairy individual. will attempt ti> Identirv llnrrln Th'irad»y ll* It bfiiiK held In th«* county Jail. pending Identification WANT LUMBERMEN TO PUSH BUSINESS I.timber manual**. repreaontltig all of the groat lumber dlatrlet* of the t'nlted State*, are In Seattle Thuraday for the purpoae of atari I rig a great adrertlaing campaign In the lumberlnK and tnlllltiK Indu* try to Ix'tter their biialneaa H II I >»w nman. of New Orleaua, ami president of the National l«um- «r Manufacturer*' aaao<'la'lou tald that the biialneaa had been Im l>ro\e«l In the Kaat and South, and that nearly |30«>,u»0 had been a pent for newapaper Advertising "The work along ihla line baa been ailghted 111 the Northweat,'' Downman explained, 'and It la our hop# that the manufacturer* of thta section will *ee> the beneflta of ad vertlslng " After alien ding a day Ifi Taroma the Waiting lumbermen win apend Krlday with metuliera of the Wnl «'oa*t Lumberman aasodatlon Members <>f Ihr party are <' s Keith, of Kanaan City; \ H Turn bull, of Norfolk, Va . H II Oood man. of Goodman. Wla . K C Wey ? rliaeuaer, of St I'aul. and It II Itown man WANDERER DROWNS The body of Prank Johnaon. age "9, a ward of the county almahouae. waa found under the Mth are 8 bridge, in Jtouth I'ark. by (* J Ouet tel. 1401 Thistle *t. Thunnday mom Inr Johnson had w and Ted t*a) from the almshouse WVdneeda*. after me noon rnMl. apparently in *ood aplr It* Matron ft A. Cord thinks hp ronat have dro*ne<] areldenuiry Ifn was «ell liked and contented He had been a I >Kicrr before nolne to the almshouse, and none of hi* relative* la known to tho*e in charge there GRAND Theatre Third Ave. and Cherry Eugene Levy, Mgr. TODAY A Laugh A Minute !! JESSOI. CONRAD Seattle University Girl, in "The Taking of Letn La Grew" A Romance of the Tennesf.ee Hills SONGS that are new DANCES that are beautiful JOKES that are screams Weekday Evenings Matinees Sundayn 5c 10c One Child Free With Adult to Weekday Matinee* Satin and Fox on New Winter Coat Th* lat»»»t wlnlT coat I* thl* riiorlnt reproduction In black ea'ln trlmmm! »lth army fo* fur. Kur lit hhi*lit mill nobbln*** BY WILLIAM ALLEN Adventurer and Eaplorer MAZATLAN. Nov. U ? What frightful fate hat befallen ad venturera who aouyht to un ravtl th« myatery of tha Tlbu- ron laland. ly ng In the far north of the Gulf of Lower Cali- fornia? Suppotedly the mhab itarta of thia laland art canni- bal* Beneath ita aurface may Me the Loat City of Aftec legend! Thfr* »r» few more faarlnatlnx myeterln# than that t>f the Tlbiiron And the truth known of It auunil* Ilk# an unbelievable pa*e from fir tlon Hut of the many i>»rtle* of adventurer* who have purpoenl) *«t sail ami *tart«<l exploring. none ha* ever returned An ohl Alter |eg,-nd tella of a lorn city aomewhere In the region of Tiburon Inland It la credited with being the greatest and rlcheat city of primitive time*, the tenlth of the flml civilisation The legend aver* that the god Toctle flatted hla wrath upon thl* city when It fell into great aln I waa on my little trading ahip recently. bound for Guay- maa Wa ware typhoon caught and awapt off our couraa. north, weat, for daya Whan tha atorm aubaided it wa* found by charta that tha great tableland in eight waa the Tiburon ialand On the laland were found roada of *<rnng« masonry, norne of them fift feet wHe They were flanked with walla aeven feel thick and three feet high. Curloua Inacrtp Hon* were engraved Forty native* were found In n village at the aouth- ea*t of the deaolate region of moun- tain and deaert Huta of Turtle Shell The native* lived In huta of huge turtle ahell. There were no old men The women did all the work No clothe* wcr«> worn. On the arm* of the tall, alender male* were thick, hammered gold band* Crude ring* of gold *et with white atone were worn on the finger* No amount of Inducement could per»u»d«i them to part with theae curloua vanltle* Memory that no man had ever returned from Tibu- ron made our Utile part> from the trading ve**«.| alert. The tall men of the laland al way* followed at a distance and II Thr** 11 m*? * KNOW-DOC PORE TREATMENT I JnpnHrar *H > Ir I If»a« KMiiiifg tin'Y r*ll»v*a «hrri\»r ap- plt*d l»on'» hraltat* t<i uar. |t \ n ii,* worat of ikln tll»»«se plaurlav, n»u- >aial% m t,#w»i mtnrrh. ftuhhiKl over "rn " 'riilui# ttioitg \u25a0plflM an ? I on ImM'trni <>f f. *< ir f. urtimi i# llr\aa rh*uinatl«in HuUt>»d on * haat and n»" h It atop* rold on »>»«? litii it p Nii'l tor* throat K'ir nartouan»aa or chronle bft«k< i hi. it mlon if ? !»#? apm* from ..f nr< k iltmn lla mri ami fry Jt fur th* romplat on li tak«a out all linpurlt i»« nod Improt,#* ihn iikln. I.oth In « olor und taitura Apply an.l l«r ghiorl. Tlrsa AUr. in*- and Si 00. at druggist* hn«»*\ don ( 0,, I'lumlenii ( «|, \ I\«m tlmm»nt. HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKS Be Better Looking?Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow?complexion pallid tongue coatrd?appetite poor ?you have a bad taste in your mouth ? a lazy, no-«ood feeling -you should take ()hvc 'I ablet*. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets?a sub- stitute for calomel?were prepared by Dr. Fdwards after 17 years of study with Ins patients. Ur. hdwardt Olive Tablets are a purely \ egrtable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their oln >? . olor. To have a t lear, Pink -kin. bright eyes, no pimple* a ff'litiv. of buoyancy like childhood davs you mii't get a t tlic cause Dr. I .dw.iro t Hive 'I iblets act on tin- lner and bowels like calomel- yet have no dangerous after effects. I hey tart the bile and overcome constipation. 'I hat's why millions of boxes are sold annually at 10c and 25c. All druggists. Take one or two night- ly and note the pleasing result*. STAR?THURSDAY, NOV. 16. 1916. PACK I CANAL NAVIES MAY NOW BE A FACTOR IN WAR BY WILBUR ». PORREST t'nlted I'reaa Ht«ff Correapmident LONDON', NMv HI In In ml na vlea may figure alrongly aoon In the war new a from the waatern Iront. Conatanl preaaurn on the (ierman front by the Anglo French, accord Ing to tho llrltlah war enperta, mnat Inevitably mean n withdrawal of the Herman line now lying acroea northern Krance mid Klan- der*. Thla would throw the allien' line near and acinaa varloua canal" and rlvera. and bring a new branch of warfare Into play Thla new bianrh would be the Inland navlea river and canal rnilaera mounting fairly heavy guna and munned by experienced men. Canal Navy Experienced Ah first announced by the Vnlted Piea* rorreapondent on the French front. tlen ftch'i canal navy baa already been In action agalnat heavy tierman guna mounted on Mt. St. Quentln. Theae unlta. moatly monitor*, operate allently and alow ly on the ranala akinlng the crook ed courae of the Itlvcr So in me lint In the eiirrma north of I'Yance and aoiith of ItHglum. It la pointed out, river* and ranala are more apacloua and afford real opportunltlea for maneuvering. Theae waterway* alao Interlink, ao that *eparat» unlta Mtid fleeta may extend their activity to tunny area* Have Special Man Neither ordinary aoldlera or aall ora would oi>erate the landlocked navlea. Such aervlcea aa Kniland'a Koyal Marino l.ight Infantry and Royal Marine Artlllerv would aerve Theae men are hllhly trained for »urh work, aa are their correapond In* unlta in the FVench aervlc«. Has Hidden City of Aztecs Been Found at Last? Yes, According to This Explorer taeemed to aenae that the Intruder* were hunting for dlamonda and gold, the reputed wealth Of tho loat city ('online to a drcllvlty 1n the flrat open tableland our party »»« one of the natlvea auddenly draw hta how A bullet brought the aavaite to the ground A battle waa on A aecond *hot dropped another na- tive and a rain of arrowa ahowered among ua. Th»n. aa tho by magic, tha native band diaappearad Into aoma aecrat hole in the ground. For milea in every direction tha land apread abaolutely level. But we could aee no living be- ing. This, then. solved the mya ttry of where lay the hidden city f Night waa falling awiftty anj aa there waa no time to chance fur- ther exploration*. «e returned to the ahore Juat a* a terrific tropical atortn broke, li meant ahlpwreck to remain near the laland. Anchor wa* lifted and the trader aought ahelter of the weatern coaat line firm In our mlnda waa tbe belief that under the aurface of Tiburon laland Ilea the ioat city of Aztec legend. BANK ROBBER SHOT IN ACT ST. I'ATU Nov. 16? William Sandell. 22. wa* killed today, when he attempted to roll lhe Security Slate batik. In the realdence din trlct. Sandell entered the hank thl* afternoon, put a revolver to the raxhler'a fare, and got $670. Will- lam Oliver, detective who haa been ataylng at the bank constantly nine* the bank «a* held up and robbed one afternoon la*t April, opened fire on Sandell Several *hot* were etchangcd Oliver wan uninjured Sandell via Inatanlly killed. ? CONFESSED MAN IS GLAD HE TOLD ALL HEDDINO. Cal , Nov 16 ? Alex- ander Nalniea. who confeaaed to the murder of Mra Hoaetta Ihirbln and John Pollock ten day* ago, will leaveJor San Quentln prlaon Satur- day to begin hi* life term. It waa announced today Pollock declare* that ii loud had been lifted from hi* mind by hla plea of guilty, and that he would be glad to bc«ln hla term Nalme* - crime n particularly heinou* one After knocking his two victim* uncon*clou*. he chop- ped (heir head* nff with nn ax, an the r«-mill of a Irunken quarrel. Nalrne* adnilted today thut he hail nerved thre<> year* In the Oregon penitentiary for burglary. TACOMA WON'T SELL SEATTLE ANY JUICE rACOM\. Nov. Hi. Mccau*c of "ii expected enormous detiiHnd for municipal electricity at home, th.' I'aconia council today turned down Scuttle* offer to purchase (i,6tio borne power of Juice from the local plant. A dozen large Industrie*, IncludlnK u shipbuilding plant and a amelter, will hulld here within a few montliH, the city authorities learned, and all will demand large supplies of municipal current. SIX BABES BONN AT ONE TIME; ALL BEAD KNOXVII.I.K Tenn . Nov It; Mra Andrew Wood*, 31 years old.' !«»? birth to alar ebiMm, all bojra.l at hi t home In tlila city, aorordingJ to the report or City Physician Kyle, who attended '1 lie liable* were formed perfect- ly, but were dead. And remember, all work here is actually Painless. DELAY ADMISSION OF HUGHES DEFEAT what he will do as to conceding de- feat or taking new action after the count. MOW YOUK, Nov. Hi Republic- Mti admission of \u25a0 luklx-u' defeat will depend )>ii gely upon what the Call- lornla republican leader* advioe 'after the official count la complete, i H:itional headipi itteiH Indicated to- i J day. Chairman Wlllco* admitted thai vague. charge* and suggestions of fraud in California had not come j i from leaditiK California republicans i Uu yei suited lu refusing lo outline | 19 AUTOS START IN BIG RAGE CLASSIC SANTA MONICA. Nov If. ?Nine- teen c ats shot away at 10-»econd In- tervals here, at noon today, in the 11th annual Vanderbllt cup race. Weither condition* were Ideal. A I bright *un, with a cool breeze from the ocean, suggested a speed that [will prove a record breaker. j "NOT TRUE," Says Dr. Sipes L r*um Tw+Mdmr'm *»ratile Time* Llk«w|M th»* roil «»f rnedl c«: B\irg!<al *od dental attention In wountlfic by )«*« and bound" and loon from arlato* to the toothache the reach the \u25a0 n bMQ \u25a0 idvincf I I advamed aup- mmj pile* tape, handaare» waahea and trie amrea .f article* In daily u»« 1n office treatmenta which alao are In demand on t'.a European battle* field# (leaf lata* Proflta l.eaa A t lAa f A a |ko "Toothacha?which can be cured ril iCn * l 5U In ' a> illc > )udl« luui U«e of the forcepa la " auc< umhlri( »n«>re an ! more to that treatment than ever before aa a re- Rntfnn Hanfal Pn aa ault of the growing coat of amalgam. DOftlOn L/emai IS K .,|«l *n<l a!l\«r for fiuinr* a* well ? a* pi r.«l«ln rubbei and other of the \u25a0 uppllea In dally u»e by Umtlata Many of the more auccaaaful ?tentlata concernea. of H»ttU ar# advancing their prlcea \u25a0 from 10 t" 13 1-J per cent and aaaert their proflta are le»a today than ever " There's not the slightest foundation for the above statement, printed in last Tuesday's Times, at least so far as it affects the BOSTON DENTAL COMPANY. Our prices will not be advanced one penny, no matter how high the cost of dental materials soars. Some of the so-called "leading dentists," operating one or two- chair shops, and buying supplies hand-to-mouth fashion, may be se- riously aflected by rising prices of materials and forced to raise charges to their customers. The Boston is not in that class. We buy in huge quantities, on the wholesale plan; have to, as a matter of fact, in order to give our thousands of patrons the very finest dental work possible at the tairest, most reasonable prices charg- ed by any first-class dental establishment on the Pacific coast! Don't let the dentist who lives entirely in the past?the man who is doing business along antiquated lines, scare you with his high- cost-of-materials excuses. If you need .1 tooth crowned, a gold bridge, a set of perfect-fitting teeth that cannot be distinguished from the natural article, you can be sure of extremely modest charges at the Boston. We make no charge for a thorough examination and *ve tell you in advance exactly what our charges will be. ABSOLUTELY FREE PAINLESS EXTRACTING Dr. Sipes, D. D. S? founder and head of the BOSTON DEN- TAL COMPANY, is still demonstrating the wonderful new anes- thetic that has brought comfort and joyful relief to thousands of STAR readers. * ** Not a cent is charged for extracting useless, aching teeth, no matter how many, and you do not have to order other work. * ** It is the most remarkable discovery of science, as applied to dentistry. By its aid every operation, from the drilling ot teeth for simple fillings to grinding down for crowns and bridgework, the removing of live nerves, and the extracting of troublesome molars is rendered absolutely painless. THE BOSTON DENTAL CO. M. O. SIPES, Manager. 1420 Second Ave. Opposite the Bon Marche. I PACIFIC OUTFITTING CO 1 COR.THIRD & UNIVERSITY DRESSES MEN -WOMEN TOUR CREDIT "c O K v»tam ?
Page 1: Saturday? NOT TRUE,IUKton Shippers and Jobbers of all Icommodities are urged to attend. | Karl Neel, 23. and John Htn.i/o, 32, were arretted VVedneadiiv l rlty det«< lived.

?select holidaygifts now?pay

1 next year!

"NO CASH DOWN!"make your ?olcrtlona of homefurnlahInn* up to lion without a caali payment

timethe IntUl lionirfiu iimlH'i, io makeyour own twroa."

"MAKE YOU* our well-known liberal credit *er\U'i-OWN TERMS!" will fit your Individ lal needa'



I*l rawfrol*rtiuroli »l «» imvcfrw

gray-enamelware roasters: specialfor Friday and Saturday?

39 cents!

?«*actly like picture: bottom can he u>c«i as dishpan; regular price $1; extra special f"r l rnlayand Saturday 39r I I

?one to a person.

Jchafiag dishes: I ESESETat half-price ?

s,t "dly jj^

|9>.50 chafing dtah. extra

\u25a0peclal at M75

$11.50 chafing dlah. extra

special at 15.75...

?r.gular li.S# ng913.50 chafing dish. extra lamp »*tr« ap»ri»i #t<?9

?pecui at $6 7b Vxtraap« \u25a0 55.95


\u25a0L. sons

Correct Apparel for Women


SUITS $25We have selected one hundred suits forquick selling. These suits are this sea-son's best models and most desirable shadesand fabrics and feature much better work-manship and much better materials thanyou would expect to find at so reasonablea price?

$25Yotir Inspection Invited.

CHEA#TY /Ya ifcU > mj »"<«

.U,10, n0 ('ARMAN=Vr?=

Commerce Courseat the University


"Foreign and domestic nunmei'f Is the newest course to lieundertaken by the extension dlvision of the I'nlverslty of WashIUKton Shippers and Jobbers of all

Icommodities are urged to attend. |

Karl Neel, 23. and John Htn.i/o,32, were arretted VVedneadiiv l<>rlty det«< lived. Ttiey are chargedivlth being 'he men who mt ukedNick Inovltch at BBJ Yenler way)Mt Haturday. Inovltrh l,eat. themen off after a fight.


WILD MAN WHOHAUNTED WOODSAT LAST CAUGHTThe bewtilakered and mvnterloiia

wild null, who tin* beenholm with tli» u«rv«H Hint probityof \V. .1 L»wla, a SunnydaUi tnixii

i>r, for the laat few week*, willhaunt tlx* wood* of tlint dlatrlet noIdtiKer.

Iteputle* Rtarwlrh and Calhoun,

111 iniwar to telephonic |dea» lateWedne«da\ itfternoon. *?? n l InH«ait'll of lli» man who wan lapotti>d Keen In lh<- wood* near l,e»l*'farm by a Kinall bov

Hiur*i<'h caniK upon him a* hew«a frying hotoakea on tin oldruaty ahtivel. and aire«ted liluiwithout a struggle

The man I* apparently aaue."Starwlch aald Thuraday lie gavehla name a* tleor*e llarrla. butaald he knew nothing about III* al-leged depradailona llarrla had aknife, a revolver, three good billleta and two dumiule* with him.He wa* llvtni; In a rudely run-atrui'ted hovel "

who h»« be> n carryingon a Katn' of hide and »e«"k withthe hairy individual. will attemptti> Identirv llnrrln Th'irad»y

ll* It bfiiiK held In th«* county

Jail. pending Identification

WANT LUMBERMENTO PUSH BUSINESSI.timber manual**. repreaontltig

all of the groat lumber dlatrlet* ofthe t'nlted State*, are In SeattleThuraday for the purpoae of atariI rig a great adrertlaing campaign

In the lumberlnK and tnlllltiK Indu*try to Ix'tter their biialneaa

H II I >»w nman. of New Orleaua,ami president of the National l«um-«r Manufacturer*' aaao<'la'lou

tald that the biialneaa had been Im

l>ro\e«l In the Kaat and South, andthat nearly |30«>,u»0 had been a pentfor newapaper Advertising

"The work along ihla line baabeen ailghted 111 the Northweat,''Downman explained, 'and It la ourhop# that the manufacturer* of thtasection will *ee> the beneflta of advertlslng "

After alien ding a day Ifi Taromathe Waiting lumbermen win apendKrlday with metuliera of the Wnl«'oa*t Lumberman '» aasodatlon

Members <>f Ihr party are <' sKeith, of Kanaan City; \ H Turnbull, of Norfolk, Va . H II Ooodman. of Goodman. Wla . K C Wey? rliaeuaer, of St I'aul. and It IIItown man

WANDERER DROWNSThe body of Prank Johnaon. age

"9, a ward of the county almahouae.waa found under the Mth are 8bridge, in Jtouth I'ark. by (* J Ouettel. 1401 Thistle *t.Thunnday momInr

Johnson had w and Ted t*a) fromthe almshouse WVdneeda*. after menoon rnMl. apparently in *ood aplrIt* Matron ft A. Cord thinks hp

ronat have dro*ne<] areldenuiryIfn was «ell liked and contentedHe had been a I >Kicrr before nolneto the almshouse, and none of hi*relative* la known to tho*e incharge there


Third Ave. and CherryEugene Levy, Mgr.





Seattle University Girl,in

"The Taking ofLetn La Grew"A Romance of the

Tennesf.ee Hills

SONGSthat are new

DANCESthat are beautiful

JOKESthat are screams

Weekday EveningsMatinees Sundayn

5c 10cOne Child Free With Adult

to Weekday Matinee*

Satin and Fox onNew Winter Coat

Th* lat»»»t wlnlT coat I* thl*riiorlnt reproduction In black ea'lntrlmmm! »lth army fo* fur. Kurlithhi*lit mill nobbln***

BY WILLIAM ALLENAdventurer and Eaplorer

MAZATLAN. Nov. U ? Whatfrightful fate hat befallen adventurera who aouyht to unravtl th« myatery of tha Tlbu-ron laland. ly ng In the farnorth of the Gulf of Lower Cali-fornia? Suppotedly the mhab

itarta of thia laland art canni-bal* Beneath ita aurface may

Me the Loat City of Afteclegend!Thfr* »r» few more faarlnatlnx

myeterln# than that t>f the TlbiironAnd the truth known of It auunil*Ilk# an unbelievable pa*e from firtlon Hut of the many i>»rtle* of

adventurer* who have purpoenl)*«t sail ami *tart«<l exploring. noneha* ever returned

An ohl Alter |eg,-nd tella of alorn city aomewhere In the regionof Tiburon Inland It la creditedwith being the greatest and rlcheatcity of primitive time*, the tenlthof the flml civilisation The legendaver* that the god Toctle flattedhla wrath upon thl* city when Itfell into great aln

I waa on my little tradingahip recently. bound for Guay-maa Wa ware typhoon caughtand awapt off our couraa. north,weat, for daya Whan thaatorm aubaided it wa* found bycharta that tha great tablelandin eight waa the Tiburon ialandOn the laland were found roada

of *<rnng« masonry, norne of themfift feet wHe They were flankedwith walla aeven feel thick andthree feet high. Curloua InacrtpHon* were engraved Forty native*were found In n village at the aouth-ea*t of the deaolate region of moun-tain and deaert

Huta of Turtle ShellThe native* lived In huta of huge

turtle ahell. There were no oldmen The women did all the workNo clothe* wcr«> worn. On the arm*of the tall, alender male* werethick, hammered gold band* Crudering* of gold *et with white atonewere worn on the finger*

No amount of Inducement couldper»u»d«i them to part with theaecurloua vanltle* Memory that noman had ever returned from Tibu-ron made our Utile part> from thetrading ve**«.| alert.

The tall men of the laland alway* followed at a distance and

II Thr** 11m*? *


I JnpnHrar *H > Ir IIf»a« KMiiiifg tin'Y r*ll»v*a «hrri\»r ap-plt*d l»on'» hraltat* t<i uar. |t \ n ii,*

worat of ikln tll»»«se plaurlav, n»u->aial% m t,#w»i mtnrrh. ftuhhiKl over"rn " 'riilui# ttioitg \u25a0plflM an ? I on ImM'trni<>f f. *< ir f. urtimi i#llr\aa rh*uinatl«in HuUt>»d on * haat andn»" h It atop* rold on »>»«? litiiitp Nii'l tor*

throat K'ir nartouan»aa or chronle bft«k<i hi. it mlon if ? !»#? apm* from ..f

nr< k iltmn lla mri ami fry Jt fur th*romplat on li tak«a out all linpurlti»«nod Improt,#* ihn iikln. I.oth In « olor undtaitura Apply an.l l«r ghiorl. Tlrsa

AUr. in*- and Si 00. at druggist*hn«»*\ don ( 0,, I'lumlenii ( «|, \ I\«mtlmm»nt.

HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKSBe Better Looking?Take

Olive Tablets

If your skin is yellow?complexionpallid tongue coatrd?appetite poor?you have a bad taste in your mouth? a lazy, no-«ood feeling -you shouldtake ()hvc 'I ablet*.

Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets?a sub-stitute for calomel?were prepared byDr. Fdwards after 17 years of studywith Ins patients.

Ur. hdwardt Olive Tablets are apurely \ egrtable compound mixedwith olive oil. You will know themby their oln >? . olor. To have a t lear,Pink -kin. bright eyes, no pimple* aff'litiv. of buoyancy like childhooddavs you mii't get a t tlic cause

Dr. I .dw.iro t Hive 'I iblets act ontin- lner and bowels like calomel-yet have no dangerous after effects.

I hey tart the bile and overcomeconstipation. 'I hat's why millions ofboxes are sold annually at 10c and 25c.All druggists. Take one or two night-ly and note the pleasing result*.



t'nlted I'reaa Ht«ff Correapmident

LONDON', NMv HI InIn ml navlea may figure alrongly aoon Inthe war new a from the waatern

Iront.Conatanl preaaurn on the (ierman

front by the Anglo French, accordIng to tho llrltlah war enperta,

mnat Inevitably mean n withdrawalof the Herman line now lyingacroea northern Krance mid Klan-der*. Thla would throw the allien'line near and acinaa varloua canal"and rlvera. and bring a new branchof warfare Into play Thla newbianrh would be the Inland navleariver and canal rnilaera mounting

fairly heavy guna and munned byexperienced men.

Canal Navy Experienced

Ah first announced by the VnltedPiea* rorreapondent on the Frenchfront. tlen ftch'i canal navy baaalready been In action agalnatheavy tierman guna mounted on Mt.

St. Quentln. Theae unlta. moatlymonitor*, operate allently and alowly on the ranala akinlng the crooked courae of the Itlvcr So in me lintIn the eiirrma north of I'Yance andaoiith of ItHglum. It la pointed out,

river* and ranala are more apaclouaand afford real opportunltlea formaneuvering. Theae waterway*alao Interlink, ao that *eparat»unlta Mtid fleeta may extend theiractivity to tunny area*

Have Special ManNeither ordinary aoldlera or aall

ora would oi>erate the landlockednavlea. Such aervlcea aa Kniland'aKoyal Marino l.ight Infantry andRoyal Marine Artlllerv would aerveTheae men are hllhly trained for»urh work, aa are their correapondIn* unlta in the FVench aervlc«.

Has Hidden City of AztecsBeen Found at Last? Yes,According to This Explorer

taeemed to aenae that the Intruder*were hunting for dlamonda andgold, the reputed wealth Of tho loatcity

('online to a drcllvlty 1n the flratopen tableland our party »»« oneof the natlvea auddenly draw htahow A bullet brought the aavaiteto the ground A battle waa onA aecond *hot dropped another na-tive and a rain of arrowa ahoweredamong ua.

Th»n. aa tho by magic, thanative band diaappearad Intoaoma aecrat hole in the ground.For milea in every direction thaland apread abaolutely level.But we could aee no living be-ing.

This, then. solved the myattry of where lay the hiddencity fNight waa falling awiftty anj aa

there waa no time to chance fur-ther exploration*. «e returned tothe ahore Juat a* a terrific tropicalatortn broke, li meant ahlpwreckto remain near the laland. Anchorwa* lifted and the trader aoughtahelter of the weatern coaat line

firm In our mlnda waa tbe beliefthat under the aurface of Tiburonlaland Ilea the ioat city of Azteclegend.


ST. I'ATU Nov. 16? WilliamSandell. 22. wa* killed today, whenhe attempted to roll lhe SecuritySlate batik. In the realdence dintrlct. Sandell entered the hankthl* afternoon, put a revolver to theraxhler'a fare, and got $670. Will-lam Oliver, detective who haa beenataylng at the bank constantly nine*the bank «a* held up and robbedone afternoon la*t April, openedfire on Sandell Several *hot* wereetchangcd Oliver wan uninjuredSandell via Inatanlly killed.



HEDDINO. Cal , Nov 16 ? Alex-ander Nalniea. who confeaaed to themurder of Mra Hoaetta Ihirbln andJohn Pollock ten day* ago, willleaveJor San Quentln prlaon Satur-day to begin hi* life term. It waaannounced today Pollock declare*that ii loud had been liftedfrom hi* mind by hla plea of guilty,and that he would be glad to bc«lnhla term

Nalme* - crime n particularlyheinou* one After knocking histwo victim* uncon*clou*. he chop-ped (heir head* nff with nn ax, anthe r«-mill of a Irunken quarrel.

Nalrne* adnilted today thut he hailnerved thre<> year* In the Oregonpenitentiary for burglary.


"ii expected enormous detiiHnd formunicipal electricity at home, th.'I'aconia council today turned downScuttle* offer to purchase (i,6tioborne power of Juice from the localplant. A dozen large Industrie*,IncludlnK u shipbuilding plant anda amelter, will hulld here within afew montliH, the city authoritieslearned, and all will demand largesupplies of municipal current.


Mra Andrew Wood*, 31 years old.'!«»? birth to alar ebiMm, all bojra.lat hi t home In tlila city, aorordingJto the report or City PhysicianKyle, who attended

'1 lie liable* were formed perfect-ly, but were dead.

And remember, all work here is actually Painless.


what he will do as to conceding de-feat or taking new action after thecount.

MOW YOUK, Nov. Hi Republic-

Mti admission of \u25a0 luklx-u' defeat will

depend )>ii gely upon what the Call-lornla republican leader* advioe

'after the official count la complete, iH:itional headipi itteiH Indicated to- iJ day. Chairman Wlllco* admittedthai vague. charge* and suggestions

of fraud in California had not come jifrom leaditiK California republicans iUu yei suited lu refusing lo outline |


SANTA MONICA. Nov If. ?Nine-teen c ats shot away at 10-»econd In-tervals here, at noon today, in the11th annual Vanderbllt cup race.Weither condition* were Ideal. A

I bright *un, with a cool breeze fromthe ocean, suggested a speed that[will prove a record breaker. j

"NOT TRUE,"Says Dr. Sipes

L r*um Tw+Mdmr'm *»ratile Time*Llk«w|M th»* roil «»f rnedl c«:

B\irg!<al *od dental attention Inwountlfic by )«*« and bound" andloon from arlato*

to thetoothache the reach

the\u25a0 n bMQ

\u25a0 idvincfI I advamed aup-

mmj pile* tape, handaare» waahea and trieamrea .f article* In daily u»« 1noffice treatmenta which alao are Indemand on t'.a European battle*field#

(leaf lata* Proflta l.eaa

A t lAa f A a |ko "Toothacha?which can be curedril iCn*l 5U In' a> illc > )udl« luui U«e of the forcepa la


auc< umhlri( »n«>re an ! more to thattreatment than ever before aa a re-

Rntfnn Hanfal Pn aa ault of the growing coat of amalgam.DOftlOn L/emai IS K .,|«l *n<l a!l\«r for fiuinr* a* well


a* pi r.«l«ln rubbei and other of the\u25a0 uppllea In dally u»e by UmtlataMany of the more auccaaaful ?tentlataconcernea. of H»ttU ar# advancing their prlcea

\u25a0 from 10 t" 13 1-J per cent and aaaerttheir proflta are le»a today thanever


There's not the slightest foundation for the abovestatement, printed in last Tuesday's Times, at least sofar as it affects the BOSTON DENTAL COMPANY.Our prices will not be advanced one penny, no matterhow high the cost of dental materials soars.

Some of the so-called "leading dentists," operating one or two-chair shops, and buying supplies hand-to-mouth fashion, may be se-riously aflected by rising prices of materials and forced to raise chargesto their customers. The Boston is not in that class.

We buy in huge quantities, on the wholesale plan; have to, as amatter of fact, in order to give our thousands of patrons the veryfinest dental work possible at the tairest, most reasonable prices charg-ed by any first-class dental establishment on the Pacific coast!

Don't let the dentist who lives entirely in the past?the manwho is doing business along antiquated lines, scare you with his high-cost-of-materials excuses.

If you need .1 tooth crowned, a gold bridge, a set of perfect-fittingteeth that cannot be distinguished from the natural article, you can besure of extremely modest charges at the Boston. We make no chargefor a thorough examination and *ve tell you in advance exactly whatour charges will be.


Dr. Sipes, D. D. S? founder and head of the BOSTON DEN-TAL COMPANY, is still demonstrating the wonderful new anes-thetic that has brought comfort and joyful relief to thousands ofSTAR readers. * * * Not a cent is charged for extracting useless,aching teeth, no matter how many, and you do not have to orderother work. * * * It is the most remarkable discovery of science, asapplied to dentistry. By its aid every operation, from the drillingot teeth for simple fillings to grinding down for crowns andbridgework, the removing of live nerves, and the extracting oftroublesome molars is rendered absolutely painless.


1420 Second Ave. Opposite the Bon Marche.


TOUR CREDIT "c O Kv»tam ?
