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Save Groceries Think 1. What You Savedwight-historical-society.org/Star_and_Herald... · brighten...

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brighten up. The West Side Furniture C'o.—Adv. William Russ, of Chicago, spent Sunday here visiting his wife and I, or parents. You do not have to stand on a chair 10 fill the flour bin on the Hastings cabinet.—Adv. A. F. Mette was in Pontiac a portion of Monday evening attending to some , business matters. For Rent: Furnished rooms suit- able for light houskeeping. Enquire this office.—Adv. 3-tf. Miss Anna Korsgaard, of Joliet, , spent Sunday here visiting Mr. and Odell, spent last Saturday here visit- ing friends. Mrs. Henry Fox returned from Chi- cago Monday evening after spending a day in the city. Miss Mayme Barnum returned home Sunday evening after spending the past two weeks in Chicago. Horace Thornton, of Pontiac, spent a few hours in our city last Saturday afternoon calling on friends. Jack Reeb purchased a house and two lots on Franklin street through Frank L. Smith agency.—Adv. Conductor Fox of the Alton Limited, spent Saturday and Sunday here the Misplaced pride rides a money- eating monster. Is your position sufficiently secure to warrant the spending of twenty cents a mile for automobile travel—when you may drive a Ford in comfort, security and record time for less than a tenth that sum? Every third car is a Ford. Nearly 180,000 have been sold and delivered. New Prices —runabout $525—touring car $600—deliv- ery car $625—town car $800—with all equipment, f. o. b. Detroit. Get particulars from Ford Motor Company, Michigan and Fourteenth Streets—or from Detroit factory. E. J. BRUMBACH, Odell, Ill. "..eWS.Pieri,e6,15,1" DON'T FORGET That during Lent we carry a full line of Fish and Oysters. FRESH, SMOKED, SALTED AND PICKLED FISH W. R. Drew's Fulton Meat Market Phones 34 and 6T ESTIMATES PROMPTLY FURNISHED Its natural for you to want the most and the best you can get for your money. But when you buy a bill of lumber without getting an estimate from us, how do you know that you're getting the best bargain that is possible for you to get? You simply can't tell a thing about it. You don't know whether you're losing money or not. The only safe way is to always let us make you an estimate on what you want, before buying elsewhere. We have complete stocks of every thing in lumber and building material. CARL TOCK Phone 46 Lumber and Coal Dwight, III. vsiormere. Think What You Save By taking advantage of our 10 to 20 per cent discount on Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats. The man who is shrewd enough to figure ahead and invest a dollar where it will do the most good, will, at once, recognize in this offer the opportunity to supply his clothes needs at a decided saving. Remember, this offer includes every suit and overcoat in the store. None are reserved. We refuse to carry any over into next season. CAREY & SEABERT' S ..The Store That Satisfies" DWIGHT FEED MILL To Our Customers: Having had our grist mill recorrugated we are again able to grind a meal for table use, also other grinding done promptly. Send in a trial order for table meal. CHRISTOPHER BROTHERS FEED AND IMPLEMENTS ., 7 ,,,,,,,,..„..,..ww,.................„..„....w.....w.....,,,, ,,,ww,...,-----...... *** * **** *** a 0 0 0 0 0 : suin i d a a rr yy . . Adams was a Chicago visitor Progressive Groceries ki a a DWIGHT NOTES a 0 Sons.—Adv. 0 Cowboy Tank Heaters at Larsen & ...,: :,-...,—...,--.......,......"-...,,,---,—.•--- Save You Money a a a a.° a a a a a a a a a a a a E. r. Clowes, of Peoria, was In this % . Fine old violins. S. G-oodspeed.— i'ily Wednesday. % They are goods of quality and the best that money can buy. Our Adv. 42-tf. John Kramer, of Kankakee, was in 1. % guarantee and reputation as well as that of hundreds of other reliable .. 1.0 Both, Sr., went to Streator on'; Dwight Monday. % , grocery dea:ers are backing this brand. .: % Tuesday. L. H. Wise, of Reddick, was on our % Bakerize your kitchen wilh a 'streets Saturday. (loonier.—Adv. John Moore, of Kankakee, was in Geo. Rice,sof Kankakee, was in Dwight Wednesday. wight Monday. John Pfiefer was a Wilmington pass- :: F. P. Vickery went to South Bend, senger Tuesday morning. % Ind., Wednesday. $25.00 for a team harness, factory .1 , Mrs. N. .blamer, of Campus, was in made, at Frank Reeb's.—Adv. Dwight Saturday. Miss Mabel Monahan, of Streator, Factory made team harness $25.00, visited in Dwight Wednesday. at Frank Reeb's.—Adv. We make homes beautiful. The 1 0: Charles Reed spent Monday in West Side Furniture Co.—Adv. , Brighton Park on business. Miss Irma. Smith, of Pontiac, spent W. A. Chester Howard Conner, of Joliet, spent last Sunday in Dwight with relatives. Saturday here visiting friends. Frank Reeb has received two car Peter Jensen and William Burns loads of buggies and surries.—Adv. were Pontiac visitors Tuesday. Estimates will be furnished on plan- My own make team harness, $32.00 tering by Jaw L. Deegan, Dwight.— to $43,00, at Frank Reeb's.—Adv. Adv. 7-4w Edward McWilliams left Tuesday Otto Fauser left Monday morning for a few months visit in Belleair, for a month's visit with his parents Florida. in Pedria. If you want some Government gar- Frank L. Smith sold the Louie Paul- den seeds free, call at office of Frank sen new house on Mazbn avenue this I.. Smith. week.—Adv. Wall paper, paints and Chi-Namel, Mrs. Huber and daughter, Ella, of ti ti ti ti ti ti ti Dress Goods New Effects For Spring Our Dress Goods Department is now exceptionally well supplied with the latest fabrics and colors for Spring. VESSEINE AND FOULARD SILKS Frank L. Smith agency.—Adv. duties after a few days' visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown returned her mother. to their home in Odell after a two Thos. O'Niel purchased the Dr. Rabe -- -.-4•--..--..*. ..-• •-•-•-••••••°-.• • • •-•-• •-•-•-•••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••-% weeks' stay here with relatives. house adjoining the Catholic Church, Four parties have taken advantage through the Frank L. Smith agency I of our Introductory Sale. Better learn why? The West Side Furniture Co.—this week.—Adv. y s e urnure Mrs. Rudolph Fox and daughter, of Pontiac, spent Saturday afternoon and .. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Larsen returned Sunday here the guests of Mr. and 11-.-'-..............-.--.-.-...................-.............-6-.....t t ...................e......"....................."-.............-.. home Sunday evening after spending Mrs. Carl Miller. o ne 63 T. J. M 0 L 0 N E Y i ; CHRISTIANSEN & t er, only $7.50. Mr. and Mrs. Burkhardt and dough- atives. / KNUDSEN i several days in Chicago visiting ref- The greatest aid during house clean- e.,,,,,,,,,,,,....ww-ww-^,-,"w-w-ww-,,,,mm,,- ing time is the Perkins Vacuum Clean PLUMBING, HEATING - AND PUMP WORK i 4 1 TAILOR ter and son, of Altoona, Pa., are here visiting at the home of and Mrs. i GI Why pay more? The Mr. West Side Furniture Co.—Adv. I J 0 I l i n e t - r c e i s , p i , a o n g s o e b t l o . ec o b n o t o i k ns u e n d , a i y n q b u e 1 r p i r e o s -, Res. Phone 255-R DWIGHT - - ILLINOIS East Main St. ,,, I ; XIIIIIE *SAIDA °IMAMS Mary Miss Murphy, of Pontiac, and ELECTRIC SUPPLIES AND ALL KINDS : 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Mr. John Tallman, of Clarion, Iowa, i 4 of Sidne were guests OF E LECTRICAL WORK. Dwie0: I .. I ce at Larsen & Son's. Call or Phone 110-W + 4 4 4 4 + f Now back in our old stand on y O'Malley on Franklin Street. :Phone No. 26-R — DwIGHT, ILL. 7 Tuesday evening. I A fine 50-horse power five-passenger ' automobile in excellent shape for sale -..-.....-.........................................................t ,..........---------....----- !at a bargain. Easy terms. Inquire at -•-•-•-•-•••••-•"•-•"•"*".".". *". • • ' ."-* • • **; r" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ....."-*- ''''''''''''''''''''' ...... l this office.—Adv. d v. 7-tf .., I • I am prepared to do all kinds of We are showing a very complete 1 JAS. Ti. DEEGAN i i 4 Electrical Work such as house wir- !and extensive line of bedroom furni- i ture this season, in several woods. The 4, LATHING, PLASTERING, i ; ing motor repairing, etc. Also have l 'West Side Furniture Co.—Adv. CHIMNEY AND REPAIR WORK i ; a complete line of Electrical sup- ,1 4 4 i I i Special votes on hook sales today. 4 ESTIMATES FURNISHED 4 I T plies. Call or phone 213 R. , 4 4 , 444).:...:»:-:-.:-:-:. -•:-:-:•-•:..:.-:...X..:-:.•:-.:.•:..:..:..X..).:•-•:-:.•:-).:•.:••:•.:44:•.:••:..:.+4:•.:•.:..:-:..:-:-:..:.•:-:.•:. !of a fine little nine-pound baby boy x i to Mr. and Mrs. Edward McWilliams :k THE GREATEST SENSATION OF THE CHICAGO SHOW 2nd, who formerly lived in Dwight, X .. but are now making their home in t. , . Y .. Santa Ana, Cal. 4t * --- Th e Elegant,Rel i able, itc e s When you t V think of a kitchen equip- went you always think of a Hoosier f. ..i. . . Cabinet. So do we. Strange isn't t I it? We would like you to call at The -- ---- 'Furniture Store and see what your t ;,., t - ..:,.. .„.. .... -7,,,,...-- ' \ lmoney will buy for you. Special offer , FI-7 l to Hoosier buyers now. C. M. Baker y , , ,- "_;;,-'' .' l& Son.—Adv. ..,ti ' .._ $ ______-______i, Z- ,10 The flagman at the Chippewa and c--,-- ,..4 -,.-=- --...- - ._ , N. , (Ss, 'i Prairie Ave. railroad crossing of the _t., _ 1: \ ,-,-- .., ' '-." fl Alton was furnisaed with a neat little 1building this week by the company. It X 1 is to be used by him during cold and in- I. ! convenient weather and also as a rest- l ing place when there are no trains . l passing the crossing. 1 , There Will be special meetings in {. Bethel Danish Lutheran Church from .. Feb. 20 to 23. Rev. Kjoller, Blair, X, Neb., and Rev. Aaberg, of Dwight, will sents an outlay, including the grounds, 5 :, be the principal speakers. On Thurs- of $87,817 and is a building that Liv- 4, 1 day the meeting will be at 7:30 in the ingston county as well as Pontiac can :: evening. On Friday there will be meet- be proud of. 4 ings at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. On Sun- On Friday February 28th there will . .r., day there will be meetings at 10:30 a. be a concert at the Opera House given x m., and 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Every- by and for the benefit of the Dwight 1. Y body invited. Military Band. An exceptionally good There will be an observance of Lin- program has been arranged and the coin, Washington and McKinley Days entertainment will be well worth hear- )e at the residence of W. G. Dustin Thurs- lug. Besides a carefully selected pro- 3; day evening, Feb. 27. There will be gram arranged for the band, there 7 a program consisting of papers for the will be vocal and instrumental solos. Ie three distinguished Americans by There will not be an old number on Commander Welch, of the G. A. R., the program, and it is safe to say that s Rev. McClung and A. S. Holbrook, of the concert will be one that will meet 3ethe Sons, and music under the direc- with the approval of all. Price of i •• tion of the Auxiliary. The members admission 35c. Don't forget the date, of the three orders are to be invited. February 28th.—Adv. Save ytair Marco coupons and then look our catalogue over care- full:7 and select your premiums. We have a big stock of 36-inch plain and changeable Messaline and a good assortment of Dress and Waist Patterns in Foulard and Fancy Silk, no two patterns alike. Van Eman & Sondergaard Mrs. James Korsgaard. guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Baker. Emil Nelson sold his lot on Chip- The Grab Bag afforded much fun for pewa street through Frank L. Smith those who patronized it on last Sat- agency this week.—Adv. urday at The Furniture Store.—Adv. Does not the number of sales con- Miss Ada Hahn returned to Normal wince you we sell city property. Sunday evening to resume her school BUSINESS DIRECTOR 250 votes with each 50c book pur- l chased for cash today; a large selec- t Phone 139-R Dwight, Ill. t I 4 4 Harry Hannabery DwIGHT - - ILLINOIS i i r —Adv. tion to select from. C. N. Baker & Son. 4 I ; Shop in rear of Bank of Dwight. SEE Sadie Gibbons returned from , + WILLIAM RATTING Pontiac last Saturday where she had 4 THORWALD TOSTESEN t t , been visiting friends and relatives for I ! MANUFACTURER OF —for— !a few days. Cleaning and Pressing t Riling. Mrs. Chris Scott returned from the r considerable saving i Chi- , cago Sunday evening after a...week's cured at the postoffice, thus e off ue n c d tin t g rip a in lvisit with her daughter, Mrs. Nick Chicago fare. adv-47-tf Dwight Arbor of Gleaners will give a basket social at their hall Tuesday evening, February 18th. Everyone in- vited to come. Ladies, please bring baskets.—Adv. 6-2w Miss Cass returned here Monday evening to take charge of her millinery establishment again after being absent from this city for a month visiting her folks in Fort Atkinson, Wis. Arthur Peterson, Sidney Brownsey and Ernest Perschnick went to Chats- worth Monday to take part in a shoot- ing match held at that place. They made the trip by automobile, Clarence Boyer driving the car. Wanted—Young man to learn trade; must be over 16 years of age and un- der 22, of good habits and have some education. Apply by letter. Address, Contractor, care Dwight Star and Herald. Adv. 7 tf. Del Opdyke, a former resident of this city, but who now resides in Chi- cago, spent a few days here the latter part of last week calling on old friends. Many were surprised to know of his misfortune in having his hearing par- tially destroyed and his voice affected by injuries sustained in a gas ex- plosion in Chicago. C. M. Baker & Son are offering for a limited time Hoosier Kitchen Cab- inets, equipped with fifteen different kitchen utensils, just the pieces you most need, including a sanitary stool, for a small additional charge. You should avail yourself of this oppor- tunity. Remember the Hoosier is a silent servant, the great step saver.- Adv. The new postoffice building at Pon- tiac which has been under construc- tion for the past two years, was open- ed for government business Wednes- day of this week. The building is a magnificent structure which repre- es ELECTRIC STARTER ELECTRIC LIGHTS WITH THE LONG STROKE MOTORS The largesi makers of six-cylinder cars in the world 7 These cars are all complete, including top, glass front, extra rim (both quick detachable and demount- able) 36 inch wheels, long wheel base, made with the best material that money will purchase. 40 h. p.. 4 cylinder, 4 1 ,x7 in. stroke, 5 pas. $1500 50 b. p.. (Little Six) 4x6 in. stroke, 5 pas. $1850 X 60 h. p. (Big Six ) 4 1 , x7 in. stroke, 7 pas $2500 I We also have some bargains in Second Hand Cars in first class repair I Dwight Automobile Co.
Page 1: Save Groceries Think 1. What You Savedwight-historical-society.org/Star_and_Herald... · brighten up. The West Side Furniture C'o.—Adv. William Russ, of Chicago, spent Sunday here

brighten up. The West Side Furniture C'o.—Adv.

William Russ, of Chicago, spent Sunday here visiting his wife and I, or parents.

You do not have to stand on a chair 10 fill the flour bin on the Hastings cabinet.—Adv.

A. F. Mette was in Pontiac a portion of Monday evening attending to some

, business matters. For Rent: Furnished rooms suit-

able for light houskeeping. Enquire this office.—Adv. 3-tf.

Miss Anna Korsgaard, of Joliet, , spent Sunday here visiting Mr. and

Odell, spent last Saturday here visit-ing friends.

Mrs. Henry Fox returned from Chi-cago Monday evening after spending a day in the city.

Miss Mayme Barnum returned home Sunday evening after spending the past two weeks in Chicago.

Horace Thornton, of Pontiac, spent a few hours in our city last Saturday afternoon calling on friends.

Jack Reeb purchased a house and two lots on Franklin street through Frank L. Smith agency.—Adv.

Conductor Fox of the Alton Limited, spent Saturday and Sunday here the

Misplaced pride rides a money-eating monster. Is your position sufficiently secure to warrant the spending of twenty cents a mile for automobile travel—when you may drive a Ford in comfort, security and record time for less than a tenth that sum?

Every third car is a Ford. Nearly 180,000 have been sold and delivered. New Prices —runabout $525—touring car $600—deliv-ery car $625—town car $800—with all equipment, f. o. b. Detroit. Get particulars from Ford Motor Company, Michigan and Fourteenth Streets—or from Detroit factory.

E. J. BRUMBACH, Odell, Ill.


DON'T FORGET That during Lent we carry a full

line of Fish and Oysters.



W. R. Drew's Fulton Meat Market Phones 34 and 6T

ESTIMATES PROMPTLY FURNISHED Its natural for you to want the most and the best you can get

for your money. But when you buy a bill of lumber without getting an estimate from us, how do you know that you're getting the best bargain that is possible for you to get?

You simply can't tell a thing about it. You don't know whether you're losing money or not.

The only safe way is to always let us make you an estimate on what you want, before buying elsewhere. We have complete stocks of every thing in lumber and building material.

CARL TOCK Phone 46 Lumber and Coal Dwight, III.


Think What You Save

By taking advantage of our 10 to 20 per cent discount on Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats.

The man who is shrewd enough to figure ahead and invest a dollar where it will do the most good, will, at once, recognize in this offer the opportunity to supply his clothes needs at a decided saving.

Remember, this offer includes every suit and overcoat in the store. None are reserved. We refuse to carry any over into next season.

CAREY & SEABERT' S ..The Store That Satisfies"

DWIGHT FEED MILL To Our Customers:

Having had our grist mill recorrugated we are again

able to grind a meal for table use, also other grinding

done promptly. Send in a trial order for table meal.


.,7 ,,,,,,,,..„..,..ww,.....„..........„ ..„..„....w.....„w„.....,,,,,,,ww,...,-----...... *** * **** *** a 0 0 0 0 0 : suini daarryy.


Adams was a Chicago visitor

Progressive Groceries ki a •

a DWIGHT NOTES a 0 Sons.—Adv.

0 Cowboy Tank Heaters at Larsen &

...,::,-...,—■ ...,--.......,......"-...,,,---,—.•---

Save You Money a a a a.° a a a a a a a a a a a a E. r. Clowes, of Peoria, was In this % . Fine old violins. S. G-oodspeed.— i'ily Wednesday.

% They are goods of quality and the best that money can buy. Our Adv. 42-tf. John Kramer, of Kankakee, was in 1.

% guarantee and reputation as well as that of hundreds of other reliable .. • 1.0 Both, Sr., went to Streator on'; Dwight Monday. % , grocery dea:ers are backing this brand.

.: %

Tuesday. L. H. Wise, of Reddick, was on our % Bakerize your kitchen wilh a 'streets Saturday.

(loonier.—Adv. John Moore, of Kankakee, was in Geo. Rice,sof Kankakee, was in Dwight Wednesday. wight Monday. John Pfiefer was a Wilmington pass-

:: F. P. Vickery went to South Bend, senger Tuesday morning. % Ind., Wednesday. $25.00 for a team harness, factory .1, Mrs. N. .blamer, of Campus, was in made, at Frank Reeb's.—Adv.

Dwight Saturday. Miss Mabel Monahan, of Streator, Factory made team harness $25.00, visited in Dwight Wednesday.

at Frank Reeb's.—Adv. We make homes beautiful. The 10: Charles Reed spent Monday in West Side Furniture Co.—Adv.

, Brighton Park on business. Miss Irma. Smith, of Pontiac, spent W. A. Chester Howard Conner, of Joliet, spent last Sunday in Dwight with relatives. Saturday here visiting friends. Frank Reeb has received two car

Peter Jensen and William Burns loads of buggies and surries.—Adv. were Pontiac visitors Tuesday. Estimates will be furnished on plan-

My own make team harness, $32.00 tering by Jaw L. Deegan, Dwight.— to $43,00, at Frank Reeb's.—Adv. Adv. 7-4w

Edward McWilliams left Tuesday Otto Fauser left Monday morning for a few months visit in Belleair, for a month's visit with his parents Florida. in Pedria.

If you want some Government gar- Frank L. Smith sold the Louie Paul- den seeds free, call at office of Frank sen new house on Mazbn avenue this I.. Smith. week.—Adv.

Wall paper, paints and Chi-Namel, Mrs. Huber and daughter, Ella, of

ti ti ti ti ti ti ti

Dress Goods New Effects For Spring

Our Dress Goods Department is now exceptionally well supplied with the latest fabrics and colors for Spring.


Frank L. Smith agency.—Adv. duties after a few days' visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown returned her mother.

to their home in Odell after a two Thos. O'Niel purchased the Dr. Rabe

■-•—•--.-4•-•-..--..*. ..-• •-•-•-••••••°-.• • • •-•-• •-•-•-•••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••-% weeks' stay here with relatives. house adjoining the Catholic Church, Four parties have taken advantage through the Frank L. Smith agency I of our Introductory Sale. Better learn

why? The West Side Furniture Co.—this week.—Adv. y s e urnure Mrs. Rudolph Fox and daughter, of Pontiac, spent Saturday afternoon and

.. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Larsen returned Sunday here the guests of Mr. and 11-.-'-..............-.--.-.-...................-.............-6-.....t t...................e......"....................."-.............-.. • home Sunday evening after spending Mrs. Carl Miller. one 63

T. J. M 0 L 0 N E Y i ; CHRISTIANSEN & t

er, only $7.50. Mr. and Mrs. Burkhardt and dough- atives. /


several days in Chicago visiting ref- The greatest aid during house clean- e.,,,,,,,,,,,,....ww-ww-^,-,"w-w-ww-,,,,mm,,- ing time is the Perkins Vacuum Clean


AND PUMP WORK i 4 1 ■ TAILOR ter and son, of Altoona, Pa., are here

visiting at the home of and Mrs. i

GI Why pay more? The

Mr. West Side Furniture Co.—Adv.

I J 0 Il ine t -rceis, pi , ao ngsoe btlo. ec obno toi knsu end, a iyn qbue 1 rpi re os -,

Res. Phone 255-R DWIGHT - - ILLINOIS East Main St.



; XIIIIIE *SAIDA °IMAMS Mary Miss Murphy, of Pontiac, and

ELECTRIC SUPPLIES AND ALL KINDS : 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Mr. John Tallman, of Clarion, Iowa, i 4 of Sidne were guests



— I.. I

ce at Larsen & Son's.

Call or Phone 110-W + 4 4

4 4 + f Now back in our old stand on y O'Malley on Franklin Street.

:Phone No. 26-R — DwIGHT, ILL.

7 Tuesday evening.

I A fine 50-horse power five-passenger ' automobile in excellent shape for sale

-..-.....-.........................................................t ,..........---------....----- !at a bargain. Easy terms. Inquire at -•-•-•-•-•••••-•"•-•"•"*".".". *". • • ' ."-* • • **; r" • ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ....."-*- ''''''''''''''''''''' ...... l this office.—Adv. d v. 7-tf

.., I • I am prepared to do all kinds of We are showing a very complete 1 JAS. Ti. DEEGAN i i 4 Electrical Work such as house wir- !and extensive line of bedroom furni- i ture this season, in several woods. The 4, LATHING, PLASTERING, i ; ing motor repairing, etc. Also have l

'West Side Furniture Co.—Adv. CHIMNEY AND REPAIR WORK i ; a complete line of Electrical sup- ,1 4

4 i I i Special votes on hook sales today. 4 ESTIMATES FURNISHED 4

I T plies. Call or phone 213 R. ,

4 4 ,

444).:...:»:-:-.:-:-:. -•:-:-:• -•:..:.-:...X..:-:.•:-.:.•:..:..:..X..).:•-•:-:.•:-).:•.:••:•.:44:•.:••:..:.+4:•.:•.:..:-:..:-:-:..:.•:-:.•:. !of a fine little nine-pound baby boy x i to Mr. and Mrs. Edward McWilliams :k THE GREATEST SENSATION OF THE CHICAGO SHOW 2nd, who formerly lived in Dwight, X .. but are now making their home in t. ,



.. Santa Ana, Cal. 4t* --- The Elegant,Rel iable, itc e s When you t

V think of a kitchen equip-

went you always think of a Hoosier f. ..i.. . Cabinet. So do we. Strange isn't


I it? We would like you to call at The

------ 'Furniture Store and see what your

t ;,., t — - ..:,.. .„.. ....-7,,,,...-- '

\ lmoney will buy for you. Special offer ,

FI-7 l to Hoosier buyers now. C. M. Baker

y , , ,-

"_;;,-'' .' l& Son.—Adv. ..,ti ' .._ $ ______-______i, Z-,10 The flagman at the Chippewa and

c--,-- ,..4-,.-=---...--._ , N., (Ss, 'i Prairie Ave. railroad crossing of the _t., _ 1: \ ,-,--

.., ' '-." fl Alton was furnisaed with a neat little 1building this week by the company. It

X 1 is to be used by him during cold and in-


! convenient weather and also as a rest- l ing place when there are no trains

. l passing the crossing.

1 , There Will be special meetings in {. Bethel Danish Lutheran Church from .. Feb. 20 to 23. Rev. Kjoller, Blair, X, Neb., and Rev. Aaberg, of Dwight, will sents an outlay, including the grounds, 5 :, be the principal speakers. On Thurs- of $87,817 and is a building that Liv-

4,1 day the meeting will be at 7:30 in the ingston county as well as Pontiac can

:: evening. On Friday there will be meet- be proud of.

4 ings at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. On Sun- On Friday February 28th there will ..r., day there will be meetings at 10:30 a. be a concert at the Opera House given x m., and 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Every- by and for the benefit of the Dwight

1. Y body invited. Military Band. An exceptionally good

There will be an observance of Lin- program has been arranged and the coin, Washington and McKinley Days entertainment will be well worth hear-

)e at the residence of W. G. Dustin Thurs- lug. Besides a carefully selected pro- 3; day evening, Feb. 27. There will be gram arranged for the band, there 7 a program consisting of papers for the will be vocal and instrumental solos.

Iethree distinguished Americans by There will not be an old number on Commander Welch, of the G. A. R., the program, and it is safe to say that

sRev. McClung and A. S. Holbrook, of the concert will be one that will meet

3ethe Sons, and music under the direc- with the approval of all. Price of

i•• tion of the Auxiliary. The members admission 35c. Don't forget the date, of the three orders are to be invited. February 28th.—Adv.

Save ytair Marco coupons and then look our catalogue over care-full:7 and select your premiums.

We have a big stock of 36-inch plain and changeable Messaline and a good assortment of Dress and Waist Patterns in Foulard and Fancy Silk, no two patterns alike.

Van Eman & Sondergaard

Mrs. James Korsgaard. guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Baker.

Emil Nelson sold his lot on Chip- The Grab Bag afforded much fun for pewa street through Frank L. Smith those who patronized it on last Sat-agency this week.—Adv. urday at The Furniture Store.—Adv.

Does not the number of sales con- Miss Ada Hahn returned to Normal

wince you we sell city property. Sunday evening to resume her school


250 votes with each 50c book pur- l chased for cash today; a large selec-

t Phone 139-R Dwight, Ill. t I

4 4

Harry Hannabery DwIGHT - - ILLINOIS i i

r —Adv.tion to select from. C. N. Baker & Son. 4 I


Shop in rear of Bank of Dwight.

SEE Sadie Gibbons returned from ,

+ WILLIAM RATTING Pontiac last Saturday where she had 4

THORWALD TOSTESEN t t , been visiting friends and relatives for

I ! MANUFACTURER OF —for— !a few days.

Cleaning and Pressing t Riling. Mrs. Chris Scott returned from

the r considerable saving i

Chi- , cago Sunday evening after a...week's cured at the postoffice, thus e

offuencdtintgripa in

lvisit with her daughter, Mrs. Nick Chicago fare. adv-47-tf Dwight Arbor of Gleaners will give

a basket social at their hall Tuesday evening, February 18th. Everyone in-vited to come. Ladies, please bring baskets.—Adv. 6-2w

Miss Cass returned here Monday evening to take charge of her millinery establishment again after being absent from this city for a month visiting her folks in Fort Atkinson, Wis.

Arthur Peterson, Sidney Brownsey and Ernest Perschnick went to Chats-worth Monday to take part in a shoot-ing match held at that place. They made the trip by automobile, Clarence Boyer driving the car.

Wanted—Young man to learn trade; must be over 16 years of age and un-der 22, of good habits and have some education. Apply by letter. Address, Contractor, care Dwight Star and Herald. Adv. 7 tf.

Del Opdyke, a former resident of this city, but who now resides in Chi-cago, spent a few days here the latter part of last week calling on old friends. Many were surprised to know of his misfortune in having his hearing par-tially destroyed and his voice affected by injuries sustained in a gas ex-plosion in Chicago.

C. M. Baker & Son are offering for a limited time Hoosier Kitchen Cab-inets, equipped with fifteen different kitchen utensils, just the pieces you most need, including a sanitary stool, for a small additional charge. You should avail yourself of this oppor-tunity. Remember the Hoosier is a

silent servant, the great step saver.-Adv.

The new postoffice building at Pon-tiac which has been under construc-tion for the past two years, was open-ed for government business Wednes-day of this week. The building is a magnificent structure which repre-



❖ The largesi makers of six-cylinder cars in the world

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front, extra rim (both quick detachable and demount- able) 36 inch wheels, long wheel base, made with the best material that money will purchase.

40 h. p.. 4 cylinder, 4 1 ,x7 in. stroke, 5 pas. $1500

50 b. p.. (Little Six) 4x6 in. stroke, 5 pas. $1850


60 h. p. (Big Six ) 4 1 , x7 in. stroke, 7 pas


I We also have some bargains in Second Hand Cars in first class repair I

Dwight Automobile Co.
