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Saved Magazine - May/June Issue

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  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    To Our Friends,

    Welcome to the Tribute to Freedom issue oSaved Magazine. Sometimes it is easy to orgetthat there are people today ghting or the ree-

    dom we enjoy in this great country o ours. I youhave a loved one ghting or our country, or onewho has served our country in the past, or i youyoursel have served in the military--our gratitudeand prayers are with you. The greatest reedomwas bought or us at a dear price over 2,000 yearsago, and it is available or you today. What do youneed to be ree rom today? Gods greatest desireis to see Himsel magnied greatly in your lie.Can you trust Him this day?

    We pray that you are inspired, encouraged andlited up this day. Remember, God has greatthings in store or you. The best is yet to come!


    Victor and Diana Morales // Publishers


    Victor Morales


    Diana Morales



    Dr. Rodney HowardBrowneJoyce Meyer

    Staf Sgt. Jose Ramos


    Tony GeersLesley Geers

    To obtain additional copies, or to readcurrent issue online, log on towww.savedmagazine.orgor call

    (956) 3286117


    (956) 6869925


    Contact Advertising DirectorVictor Morales Pne: (956) 328-6117

    E-al: @aeaane. L n www.savedmagazine.org

    2009ALL rights rEsErvEd.

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    executive editors letterEDITORIAL

    pt t teverydaypb

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    Celebrate! Christian Revival Center

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


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    The high Price of freedom

    God declared us ree long beore the Constitution was signed. Today, many are still paying a price or us to enjoy the reedom we have in this great country.

    The Power To creaTe


    The most important step you will ever take toward building wealth.

    leadershiP ThroughcomPassion

    Love never ails, and you can never ail

    when you genuinely care or those you have been entrusted to lead.

    marriage 101

    A basic course rom the Bible or a successul marriage Gods way.

    god in The midsT of a

    soldiers BaTTle

    The riveting account o a soldier wounded in battle, his unwavering trust in the Lord, and a recovery that has let many proessionals amazed!

    iTll cosT You By Joyce Meyer Climb on board the journey o obtaining victory with great courage and by making a rm decision to over come any adversity that may come your waypaying the price now to reap the greatest benets later.

    develoPing Yourchilds gifTs

    Learn simple, yet long lasting parenting tips or developing your childs gits18

    walking in The PerfecT willof god By Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne

    Have you ever asked yoursel, What is Gods

    will or my lie? Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne

    removes any questions or doubts as to what this

    really means, and gives you a straight biblical

    answer to this question.









    saved magazine | may/june 2009

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    May/June 2009

    freedom noun the state of being free

    or at liberty rather than in connement orunder physical restraint. exemption from

    external control, interference, regulation, etc.

    the power to determine action without

    restraint. political or national independence.

    personal liberty, as opposed to bondage

    or slavery. exemption from the presence of

    anything specied (usually ol. by rom): i.e.

    freedom from fear. the absence of or release

    rom ties, obligations, etc.

    Freedom has always had a price. Through-out history, whenever anyone has oughtor reedom, there have been lives lost,blood shed and a very high price paid.

    Today, our country is ghting or the peace,security, and reedom we currently enjoyas Americans. Thomas Jeerson once said,My God! How little do my countrymenknow what precious blessings they are inpossession o, and which no other peopleon earth enjoy! Did you know that welive in the most blessed country in theworld? The most impoverished American istruly richer than most o the worlds popu-lation, in every way possible.

    War is never nice, yet Jesus talked aboutwar in the Bible as something inevitable:You will hear o wars and rumors o wars, but

    see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things

    must happen, but the end is still to come(Matthew 24:6). In our own lives, we are insome kind o war daily. Whether we areghting or our lives, our children, or our

    marriagesthere is always a sacrice, somekind o dying to sel that we do each day.We do all this with the hope o coming outwith a victory--a liberating victory that willlead us toward a more peaceul lie. Thereare men and women giving their lives each

    day or our own reedom. Let us remem-ber to pray or them daily, thank the Lordor their courage and strength, and neverorget that we are able to breathe the airo reedom, to rejoice and laugh, and enjoyour lives because someone has paid or ispaying a price.

    Jesus demonstrated the greatest sacriceor reedoms sake. He is the single most

    important man that ever walked the earth.His impact is still resounding throughoutthe world. He gave His lie, shed His bloodand paid the highest price so that wemight enjoy the ultimate reedom! John8:32 says Then you will know the truth, andthe truth will set you ree. They answered him,

    We are Abrahams descendants and have

    never been slaves o anyone. How can you say

    that we shall be set ree? Jesus replied, I tellyou the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to

    sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in

    the amily, but a son belongs to it orever. So i

    the Son sets you ree, you will be ree indeed.

    Jesus paid the greatest price to see to it


    FREEDOMTHE HIGH PRICE Of By Victor and Diana Morales

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


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    that you and I would live in the greatestliberty. He said, I am the wayand the truthand the life. No one comes to the Father

    except through me (John 14:6). He makes

    a way or you where there is no way. He isthe truth, the whole truth and nothing butthe truth. In Him, you will only nd lieand lie very abundantly (John 10:10). I youcan trust Him, you will begin to enjoy thebest lie you have ever had.

    There were two thieves crucied on eitherside o Jesus. One o them recognizedthat He truly was the Son o God. Herecognized that the only shot o living inreedom orever was through Jesus. Theother only mocked Him. Each o them hada decision to make in a moments notice.

    Only one made the right decision saying,Jesus, remember me when you come into

    your kingdom (Luke 23:42).

    God has a divine plan o reedom or youtoday, to live lie wonderully and grateully.We also live in the greatest country wherereedom still rings. As you go about yourday, remember the words o Lee Green-wood: And Im proud to be an American,where at least I know Im ree. And I wontorget the men who died, who gave thatright to me. Dont orget all those whohave given you the opportunity to live inthis amazing country. And especially, dontorget the One who paid the ultimate priceor your lieWho gave you the greatestright to be ree.

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    May/June 20098

    Did you know that God deposited great-ness in you even beore you were born?Did you also know that God depositedeverything you would ever need to have

    great success on the earth? Sometimesyou may not even eel that you possessany kind o git or ability. Maybe you wereraised with the idea that you would nevermake it big in lie, or maybe you have letcircumstances that surrounded you inchildhood dictate who or what you aretoday. The Bible says in Psalm 139 that youwere earully and wonderully made. Inthe Hebrew language, this means that youwere made with great reverence, made tobe distinguished rom anyone else, andmade marvelous. In other words, Godmade you with very specic, very big plansto do great things!

    Many people stressully talk about the

    current economy, but most people dontknow or understand Gods economy. Wetell people all the time, I no one wants tohire you, hire yoursel! Several years ago,my husband, Victor and I were on a longhighway contemplating and complaining

    about our proes-sional and nancialsituation at that time.

    As we were driving, Iheard the Lord speakthese words to me inmy spirit, Take out asheet o paper andwrite down every-

    thing you are each good at. The thingsthat you are good at are gits that I havegiven you and that you have possessed

    your whole lie. Take any one o these gitsor a combination o them and take thetime to urther develop them. I shared thiswith Victor and he told me to quickly nd apiece o paper. I began to write two listsone or me and one or him. While on thathighway, God began to give us a plan ordeveloping those gits and bringing themto ruition. We got so excited that we saidto each other, We need to hire ourselves!Why didnt we ever take the time to seewhat God Himsel has deposited in us?

    People around you will always suggest toyou what you should be doing with yourlie. You will not be satised until you aredoing what God has called you to do. Deu-

    teronomy 8:18 says But thou shalt remem-ber the LORD thy God: or it is he that giveth

    thee power to get wealth, that he may estab-

    lish his covenant which he sware unto thy

    athers, as it is this day. This power comesonly rom God. It is His ability, His strength,

    T H E P O W E R T O

    Your talent is Gods gift to you.What you do with it is your gift

    back to God!By Diana Morales


    --Author Unknown

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


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    and His gits that will help you get wealth,and establish you. I dont know what youhave been called to do, but whatever it is,dig deep within your soul to gure it out.

    I know a young woman who, many yearsago, cleaned houses or a living. She wasquite the ashionistawith an amazing eyeor clothing and accessories. She used totell me how she loved anything having todo with ashionyet at that time she wascleaning houses. A good eye or clothingand ashion was one o her gits. Today sheowns a successul clothing store. Part othe wonder o lie is seeing your own lieunold itsel into the beautiul tapestry Godcreated it to be.

    I a man is called to be a street sweeper,he should sweep streets even as Michelan-gelo painted, or Beethoven played music, or

    Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweepstreets so well that all the hosts o heaven andearth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well.

    Martin Luther King Jr.

    I cooking is your git, then do everythingto develop that git and be the best cheever. I sewing is your git, then take someclasses and be the best seamstress/tailorever. I carpentry is your git, then be thebest carpenter ever. Most o the greatestnames known today in any o these cat-

    egories started out in their kitchens, sparebedrooms or garages. Gods Word says inProverbs 12:14 From the ruit o his lips aman is lled with good things as surely as the

    work o his hands rewards him. Today, whydont you take out a piece o paper andmake a list.

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    May/June 200910

    I have compassion on the multitude,because they have now continued with Methree days and have nothing to eat. And i Isend them away hungry to their own houses,

    they will aint on the way; or some o themhave come rom aar. So he commanded themultitude to sit down on the ground. AndHe took the seven loaves and gave thanks,broke them and gave them to His disciples toset beore them; and they set them beore themultitude. They also had a ew small sh; andhaving blessed them, He said to set them alsobeore them. So they ate and were lled, andthey took up seven large baskets o letoverragments. Now those who had eaten wereabout our thousand (Mark 8:2-3,6-9).

    Jesus had a purpose when He walkedthe earth, and that purpose was to helppeople. Even i He had several places togo and people to see, He somehow alwaysseemed to take care o peoples needs,especially i the people seeking him were

    persistently pressing upon Him. He neverregarded status, nor did he let anythingcome between Him and those needinghelp. As a matter o act, when He lookedat the people, the Bible tells us that he sim-ply had compassion on the multitude, andthat was enough or them to qualiy as re-cipients or His assistance. Im sure He sawall kinds o people, good and bad, happy

    and sad, healthy and sick. There was no redtape, no CEO signature, no chain o com-mand, no picture session or recognition ospecial groups to wade through beore thepeople received help. Jesus simply helpedpeople in the name ocompassion. Talkabout a leader or the ages!

    Can you imagine Jesus having told hisdisciple, Peter at that time, Peter, nd usa great sketch artist. Oh, and make surewe get the best scribe in the land to write

    about this honorable act Im about to do.No, as a matter o act, on many occa-sions, Jesus told his disciples and even thepeople who received a miracle rom him,Do not tell anyone what happened heretoday. The Bible instructs us, Do not let

    your right hand know what your let hand isdoing (Matthew 6:3). Just help where youcan--this is Gods way. Do it in the name ocompassion.

    What role does compassion play in ourmodern day business structure or withinemployer-employee relationships? Manybusiness leaders have ound that withoutcompassion and kindness to employees,customers, suppliers and even competitors,short-term results cannot be maintained orconverted into long-term positive results.

    In other words, we have to be kind andcompassionate to those placed in our path.In the book, Leadership Secrets rom theBible, the author, Lorin Wole explainshow Isaac Tigrett, ounder o Hard RockCa, upheld compassion as a number onepriority or principle when he opened up hisrst restaurant. He set out to hire societysoutcasts who would not have t well into

    more traditional organizations. He elimi-nated all sta meetings and called themamily meetings, instead. Tigrett said, Ididnt care about anything but the people.Just cherish them, look ater them, and besensitive to their lives. His compassion paido in many ways. A ew years later, he sold


    cpBy Victor Morales

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


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    his business or $100 million.

    Famous business philosopher, NapoleonHill said in one o his quotes, It is literallytrue that you succeed best and quickest by

    helping others to succeed. All o us placed inpositions o trust or authority, will be testedto make sure we are capable or humbleenough to lead those placed under ourcare. In Biblical times, Moses wouldsometimes throw himsel on the groundand plead or the lives and well-being ohis people. He would entreat God withheavy crying and supplications in order to

    divert Gods plan o destroying many o theIsraelites because o their disobedience.Every one o those people was a treasure toMoses. As modern leaders, weve also beenentrusted by God and by those placedunder our care. We are to cherish these

    people, and remember that without them,we have no one to lead. In Biblical timesand in modern times, people have enthu-siastically ollowed leaders who have caredabout them. Time and again, it has been

    shown that true caring creates more em-ployee loyalty, and ironically better resultsin production, than cold exhortation or theold ruling with an iron st.

    Robert Galvin, ormer CEO o Motorola, ad-dressing his successor and son, Chris, said,My philosophy o business? Five words: tolove and to achieve. And the second will

    never happen without the rst. So remem-ber, love your employees and those placedunder your trust, just as i they were amily.

    They, in turn, will take care o you and yourorganization.

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    May/June 200912

    In 20 years o marriage, the biggest regretI have is not having had more time inthe day to do all the things I would haveenjoyed doing with my wie. I once wentto a job interview, and the interviewerasked me, Who is your best riend? I didnthesitate or pause when I said, My wie.He then asked, Why your wie? Well, Isaid, When Ive been down, my wie hasbeen there to lit me up. When moneysbeen scarce, shes been content with whatshe has. When Ive been sick, shes alwaysmade the perect tea. When Ive beenscared, shes been the perect inspiration,and when Ive elt insignicant and alone,

    shes made me eel like Im the greatestperson in the world.

    Many people have come and gone in mylie, but the only one that is still with methrough thick and thin, better or worse,richer or poorer, is no one else but my God-given wie. Even during my worst times,she has remained constant. Is our marriage

    perect? Far rom it, but we are perect oreach other, as ar as Gods Word is con-cerned. The Bible tells us, Wives, submitunto your own husbands as unto the Lord.For the husband is the head o the wie, evenas Christ is the head o the church: and he isthe savior o the body. Thereore as the churchis subject unto Christ, so let the wives be totheir own husbands in everything. Husbands,love your wives, even as Christ also loved thechurch and gave himsel or it. So ought mento love their wives as their own bodies. Hethat loveth his wie loveth himsel. For noman ever hated his own esh; but nourishethand cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church(Ephesians 5:22-25, 28-29).

    More marriages might survive i the partnersrealized that sometimes the better comes aterthe worse. -Doug Larson

    This is the oundation or any marriage.God created us in His image, and He cre-ated us or each other. In this scripture, yound out why the church (like a wie) ollowsater Jesus (like a husband). Paul sums itup like this, Christ rst loved the church. Inother words, a husband is to rst love hiswie. Christ treats his church as his ownbody, and the church, in turn, submits tothe authority o the Lord Jesus Christ. Canyou imagine it any other way? Can you

    imagine Jesus abusing the church, or vice-versa, the church not wanting anythingto do with submitting itsel to the Lord?In other words, he instructs us why thechurch ollows ater Jesus Christ, and willnot ollow ater anyone else. The reason isthat Jesus rst gave himsel to his churchby willingly sacricing his lie or it.

    Marriage works the same way. I eitherparty is abusing o the other, it cant work.Husbands, we are to give ourselves to ourwives completely. Its never 50-50. Its allor nothing at all. When we are married, weare to give ourselves to one another 100%.In marriage, i we ollow the oundationound in the Bible, wives should submitthemselves to their own husbands as unto

    the Lord, and the husbands ought to lovetheir wives. Husbands, i you dont showproper care and concern or your wie, shewill not be able to care or you the wayshe was intended to. One o the great-est things that a husband can do is takecare o what God has given him, by being

    SUCCESS IN MARRIAGEdoes not come merely through

    fnding the right mate, but

    through being the right mate.

    -Barnett R. Brickner

    MARRIAGE 101 By Victor Morales

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    supportive, encouraging and remember-ing to water your wie with gestures andacts o love. There is no one else out therebetter or you, but the wie that you made

    a promise to. The grass is never greeneron the other side--and i it looks greener,it is probably Astrotur! Take care o whatyou have and your wie will continue togrow to be the woman o God that she wasintended to be.

    Wives, submit yoursel to your husband,respecting him as a man. One o the worstthings a wie can do to her husband is lose

    respect or his authority as head o thehousehold, and to counter every decisionhe makes. According to the Bible, in amarriage, it is the husbands responsibil-ity. Wives, i you ully put your husbandin the hands o the Lord, and ask God to

    guide him, in time you will see him steeringyour amily in the right course. My wiehas always told me that she understandsthat God has called her to pray or me as

    the head o our household. Regardless ohow long you have been married, i youemploy these basics rom the Bible, youwill see your marriage take a course or thebetterGods way.

    To advertise in Saved Magazine, please call (956) 328-6117

    Victor and Diana Moraleswith Victor MoralesMinistries Internationalhave been called to bring

    encouragement, hope andrevival through Jesus Christto the lives o the people inthe Rio Grande Valley. Theyare Pastors, Evangelistsand Publishers o SavedMagazine.

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    May/June 2009

    g i tmt

    s BttBy Sta Sgt. Jose RamosPe:Staf Sgt. Jose Ramos in Aghanistan

    On March 9, 2006, the sun had alreadyhit its blistering pinnacle in Musaquala,Aghanistan. I was enjoying my middaybrunch beore preparing or my aternoon

    tasks. I was not scheduled to be on patrolthat day, but a convoy was shorthandedand I volunteered to help on that routineconvoy patrol. Little did I know the eventsthat would ollow in the next ew hourswould change my lie orever. At about 1p.m. local time, our hummer vehicle wasambushed by enemy re. My platoon andI were somewhat secure in our vehicle, butthere was a sliver o open space about 1inches wide where I was sitting. Throughthat seemingly insignicant crevice, twobullets pierced through my arm at thesame time. It was now approximately 1:13p.m local time. We had seen no helicoptersin that area that whole day, but suddenlyone happened to be ying over us en routeto pick up a wounded K-9. Within 30 min-utes, we had air support.

    I just lay there in a daze. All I could thinko was, I they end up sending me home, Iwant to go home completewith no miss-ing limbs. I was transported to a M.A.S.H.(Mobile Army Surgical Hospital), and I heardthe doctor saying to me, Pick up yourarm. I said, It is up! I couldnt really eel myarm, and all kinds o thoughts were racing

    through my head. I asked, What time isit? Someone responded, Its 3:45 p.m. Ithought that i I was about to die, I at leastwanted to know my time o death. I haveno recollection o the 2 days that ol-lowed. I nally woke up and called my wieback home to explain what had happened

    to me.

    I was eventually transerred to Brooks ArmyMedical Center at Ft. Sam Houston in San

    Antonio, Texas. The doctors advised methat I had two severed nerves along witha severed main artery. I had no controlo my arm. I was mad at the world! I wasespecially mad at mysel because I had letthis happen to me ater 20 years in militaryservice. The prognosis rom the doctorsregarding the use o my arm was very dim.

    They advised me that it would take at least18 months to possibly regain 40% use omy arm.

    My mind began to shoot back to 10 yearsprior, in 1996, when my daughter wasdiagnosed with a very serious kidneyproblem. I surrendered my lie to the Lordduring that timeyet with my current situ-ation looming over me, I could not thinkor see straight, let alone believe God the

    way I needed to. Right about this time, myuncle brought me the Serenity Prayer byReinhold Niebuhr. These words reverber-ated through my entire being. My mindwas lled with the promises that God hadmade to me 10 years priorpromises tobring me out and through any challenge. Ibegan to retort back to the doctors, I willprove you wrong! Within mysel all I could

    think o was, Actually, GOD will prove youwrong.

    My aith ght response made me pushmysel to double my therapy to twice a dayor 2-3 hours. I even made my wie park mytruck right in ront o the window where I


  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


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    would do therapy, as a point o contact. Iwould tell my therapist, When I get outo here, Im driving mysel out in that truckparked out there. All he could say was,Youre crazy! How do you think youre go-

    ing to do that?

    Wellsix and a hal weeks, 13 surgeries,and six months o therapy later, I had donein the Lord what nobody expected meto do. I had ull use o my arm within sixmonths! The protocol or therapy was 13months. I spent the last seven o thosemonths going to my Case Manager eachweek just to tell him, Hi! Im alive and do-ing great! Id sign a sheet proving I showedup and then Id leave again.

    I dont know what you are going throughtoday, but God can do greater things than

    you can imagine! Gods Word is true whenit says that God is able to do exceedinglyabundantly above all that we ask or think,according to the power that works in us (Eph.3:20).

    A respected Sergeant Major o the Armyonce presented me with a Military Excel-lence Coin. He posed a question and madea statement to me that still remains in myheart to this day. He said, Do you under-stand that 98% o Americans enjoy the ree-dom that only 2% o Americans are willingto die or? You are one o those 2%.

    Editors Note: Staf Sgt. Jose Ramos, a resident o the Rio

    Grande Valley, received 26 Military Excellence Coins inthe 13-month period at Ft. Sam Houston. Most notably,he received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. Ater 22

    years o dutiul military service to our country, he retiredrom the U.S. Army in 2008. We thank God or men andwomen like Staf Sgt. Ramos. Without them, we couldnot enjoy the reedom we have today.

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    May/June 2009

    We will all gothrough situationsin lie. Many times,

    we think the phraseIm going throughsomething is badnews, but i we viewit properly, we real-ize going throughis goodit meanswere not stuck! We

    may be acing diculties, but at least weare moving orward.

    You may have heard the name WilmaRudolph. Perhaps you know o her as anoutstanding emale athlete whose storywas told in the television movie Wilma andwhose image appeared on a United Statespostage stamp. Indeed, this phenomenalrunner, coach, and sports commenta-tor gained remarkable recognition and

    acclaim, but do you have any idea what itcost her to achieve her goals and live herdreams?

    She was born prematurely, the twentietho twenty-two children in a poor am-ily reeling rom the impact o the GreatDepression. In addition to suering scarletever and double pneumonia as an inant,she was aficted with polio rom birth and

    had to be driven ty miles twice a week toa hospital or Arican-Americans, where shereceived treatment.

    In addition, her mother had to rub her legsour times each day or years. At one point,the doctors told her she would never walk,but eventually she proved them wrong andwalked with a brace until she was nine years

    old. By the time she was twelve, she couldnally walk normally, and within our shortyears, at age sixteen, she won her rst Olympicmedal. Four years later, at the 1960 Olympicsin Rome, she earned gold medals in threeevents and became an international superstar.

    The little girl who was told she would never

    walk ended up learning to run better and

    aster than any other woman in the world.But she did not do it without pain, withoutsacrice, without discipline, or without pay-ing a price. She wanted to see her desiresullled and she didbecause she nevergave up.

    To be people who never give up, we mustlearn to press past both natural obstacles,as Wilma Rudolph did, and unseen orces

    such as anger, unorgiveness, guilt, shameand ear. We need to learn to overcomethese issues in our lie so we can pressthrough anything that is holding us backand go on to be everything God intends orus to be. Press in, press on, press through,and pay the price now so you can reachyour goals and your ull potential later.

    The Bible even tells us that we will suer

    and encounter trials, so we must learnto deal with them in ways that help usovercome them instead o letting themovercome us. We need to be balancedin our approach to growth and adversitybecause growth is not an automatic resulto diculty. Hardships do not necessarily

    By Joyce MeyerITLL COST YOU!


  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


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    produce growth or strength in usits justnot that simple. Some people shrink backor all apart when diculties arise. Theydont always realize that there is a cost thatcomes with victory.

    We grow when we determine to think andbehave in godly ways in the midst o adver-sitywhen we do what we know is right,even when it is dicult, uncomortable, orinconvenient. We grow spiritually, and weare strengthened. We may have to do whatis right or a long time beore we eel it ispaying o, but i we stay aithul and reuse

    to give up, good results will come. Once weget through the adversities and challengeswe ace, we emerge as better people thanwe were when we went into them.

    I want to share a verse with you that hasgiven me courage and comort through

    many battles in my lie. I believe it will alsoencourage you. Habakkuk 3:19 says, TheLord God is my Strength, my personal bravery,and my invincible army; He makes my eetlike hinds eet and will make me to walk [notto stand still in terror, but to walk] and make[spiritual] progress upon my high places[o trouble, sufering, or responsibility]! ( The

    Amplied Bible).

    Determine that you will go all the waythrough every diculty you might everace in lie, recognizing that it will cost yousomething. Make the decision now to keep

    going orward, no matter how dicult it is. Ican guarantee youll be glad you did.

    Author/teacher Joyce Meyer has been helping people overcome lifesproblems through biblical keys to practical Christian living since 1976. Herradio and television programs are broadcast throughout the United Statesand much of the world. For additional information, you may contact Joyce

    Meyer Ministries at P.O. Box 655, Fenton, Missouri 63026 or visitwww.joycemeyer.org.

  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


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    T vT vy

    T vicTorY!With God ALL things are possible!

    mtt 19:26I you have never given your lie to the Lord or received Jesus into your heartthis isa prayer you can pray and receive His ree git o salvation. Gods Word says that I youconess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you believe with your heart He roserom the deadyou will be saved. (Romans 10:9-10) This is the only way to get toheaven. I you want to experience this hope to live orever with God, pray this prayer:

    Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Take away my stony heart, and give me a heart o esh.

    I repent o my sins and receive your ree git o salvation or my lie. I turn my back on theworlds way o living and turn my lie over to you. Thank you, Jesus or coming into my heart


    I you prayed this prayer or the rst time, we would love to give you a ree git. Pleasecall us at 686-9925 or e-mail us at [email protected] and tell us, I just prayed theprayer o salvation. The Bible says that all heaven is rejoicing over YOU! Praise God!

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  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue



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  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Saved Magazine - May/June Issue


    May/June 200926

    I you raise your children to eel that theycan accomplish any goal or task they decideupon, you will have succeeded as a parentand you will have given your children thegreatest o all blessings. -Brian Tracy

    Did you know that as parents, we will oneday have to give an account or how weraised our children, and how we helpednurture and develop the best in them? Inthe Amplied Bible, Proverbs 22:6 says,Train up a child in the way he should go [andin keeping with his individual git or bent],and when he is old he will not depart rom it.We have the powerul ability to either help

    bring out greatness in our children, or stiethe gits that God has put on their lives.

    This scripture basically states that whenwe notice certain gits that our childrenpossess, we are to help them along by en-couraging and helping urther those gits.Genesis 1:26 says that God made usandthat includes our kidsin His image! Hehas absolute greatness, power and might.

    Our kids were also born with greatness,regardless o their character or any setbackor handicap that they may possess.

    In most amilies, no two children possessthe exact same gits. In the same way thatwe possess completely dierent nger-prints and DNA, we possess completelydierent gits and abilities. Sometimeswe hear o parents telling one child, Why

    arent you more like your brother (orsister)? Did you know that is the quickestway to break a childs spirit? Whether ourchildren are young or adult, we must seekthe wisdom o God to recognize each indi-vidual git, and take care o nurturing it.

    We also know o other parents that tell

    us that they want their kids to becomewhat they did not become. Our primary

    job as parents is to train them up in theway. What way? Gods way: His plan, Hispurpose and His will or your child. What

    is the outcome when we ollow Godsinstructions? The Bible says in Psalm 128:3that i you, as a parent walk in the wayso the Lord, your children will be like oliveplants all around your table. What does thismean? First o all, the word olive in thisscripture means illuminating oil. God liter-ally desires or your child to illuminate thelives o others. Historically, olive trees havealways symbolized abundance, glory and

    peace. Amazingly, there are still olive treesin the regions o Galilee and surroundingareas, that are over 3,000 years oldall owhich are still producing ruit!

    As parents, our words and actions will makeor break our kids utures. You have noidea how God may want to use themsotrust that God has a plan and purpose or

    each o their gits. Jeremiah 29:11 says ForI know the plans I have or you, declares theLORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm

    you, plans to give you hope and a uture. Hehas great plans or your childrens uture!

    This should bring peace to your lie. Iyou trust Him, He promises you that, 1)like an olive plant, your children will havelong ruitul lives; 2) they will be lled with

    abundance, glory and peace; and 3) theywill be an illuminating light to everyonearound them until their old age. Today, Ipray that the Lord guide you as you helpguide your children into their very brightand hopeul uture. Your eternal rewardswill be priceless!


    By Diana Morales

    c y t p

    t t y believe t.-ly B J

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