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SAY GOODBYE to nail fungus With these 3 ingredients · What is nail fungus? Nail fungus – as the...

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SAY GOODBYE to nail fungus With these 3 ingredients

SAY GOODBYE to nail fungus With these 3 ingredients


INDEX .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Important – please note .................................................................................................................... 3

What is nail fungus?.......................................................................................................................... 4

Is what I have likely to be nail fungus? ....................................................................................... 4

Why bother about nail fungus? ...................................................................................................... 4

Higher risk factors for nail fungus ................................................................................................ 6

Natural treatment to fight nail fungus .......................................................................................... 8

How do I prepare this remedy to fight nail fungus? ................................................................ 10


Important – please note

This book has been written to provide you with good

information that will help you achieve a healthy nails.

It is not designed to diagnose or treat any medical condition.

It is given to you on the clear understanding that neither the author nor the publisher are engaged in rendering any form of diagnosis, treatment or other medical services.

If you require health or medical assistance, the services of a

competent health or medical professional should be sought.

The dietary and other habits that may have given rise to your nail fungus have developed over some time and so will take some time and effort to reverse.

But, as medical science is advancing all the time, neither the author nor the publisher warrant that the information contained in this book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions.

Neither the author nor the publisher shall have liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.


What is nail fungus?

Nail fungus – as the name implies – can appear in either

your finger or your toe nails.

But it is far more common in the toenails, because the fungus thrives in dark, warm, moist environments, which is the perfect description of the conditions around your toes, if you normally wear socks and shoes.

The medical name for nail fungus is ‘Onychomcosis’.

It originates from the moulds or yeasts (invisible spores of

which are all around us – unseen with the naked eye) in the air.

Is what I have likely to be nail fungus?

As a general rule, nail fungus starts off as a small white or yellow – hardly noticed - spot on the tip of the nail. But, before long it starts to grow bigger and bigger.

Then, as it develops some more, the nail may become thickened, brittle/crumbly/ragged, change shape, possibly become darker in color, or get dull.

In more advanced stages the nail might start to separate from

the nail bed.

This is known, medically, as ‘Onycholysis’.

This can start to become uncomfortable if left untreated.

Why bother about nail fungus?

It can be tempting – particularly if you are a man and wear socks and shoes all the time, to think that nail fungus doesn’t matter. After all, it’s surely a case of ‘Out of sight, out of mind’?

But your nail fungus won’t get any better – and probably get a

lot worse without treatment.


And the, eventually, it will probably start to give you pain, by which time it will be in an advanced stage and even more difficult to eradicate.

And it seems than men are more prone to this condition

than women.

Also, what about when you want to go to the beach in

summer. Those toenails are going to look pretty grim then!

And, of course, if you are a lady, then chances are you want to look your best in strappy sandals. Of course you could paint over the nails with nail varnish, but that might only make the problem worse by sealing off the air to the surface of the nail.


Higher risk factors for nail fungus

There are several factors than increase the risk of getting

nail fungus, making it harder to get rid of.

And, of course if you are one of the categories – and remain in it

- you’ll also be at an increased risk of the condition returning.

It’s therefore even more important to get rid of the fungus

quickly and thereafter observe good food hygiene.

Genetics: meaning that there is a family history of suffering

from nail fungus.

Poor circulation: if you have poor circulation of the blood,

this can result in a build up of toxins at the extremities.

Illness: suffering an illness that depresses the immune system

or taking drugs (such as chemotherapy).

Excessive sweating: this condition needs even tighter hygiene and more frequent changes of socks – perhaps with the application of anti-fungal powder.

Injury or infection: of the skin near the nail – or the nail itself.

Age: particularly being aged 60 or over, because your

immune system tends to downgrade as you age.

Gender: men seem to be more susceptible, because they all

tend to wear socks and shoes.

Geography: living in a hot, humid areas.

Environment: being in damp areas, such as swimming baths,

gyms and the like regularly without proper foot protection.

Tight shoes: wearing shoes that are too tight, so the feet

aren’t properly ventilated.

Alkalosis: this occurs when the body has too high a PH level. This

can cause a number of problems, of which nail fungus is just one.

Ingrown toe nail: this is an abnormal condition that can

also give rise to nail fungus.


Poor foot hygiene: feet should be washed regularly and socks should be fresh on daily. And it’s particularly important that feet are properly dried between the toes, if they get wet, prior to putting fresh socks on.


Natural treatment to fight nail fungus

This natural fungus fighter is used topically. It contains antimycotics that

destroy the microorganisms causing the infection in the nail.

Treatment takes a minimum of two months for most cases, but may need to be

continued for up to 8-12 months to completely fight nail fungus and regrow the


From the start, you need to understand that patience is key when it comes to

these remedies. It will not offer immediate effects and requires continuous


This product is made with ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, 90% ethyl

alcohol and white vinegar. These three ingredients are known for their natural

antifungal and antiseptic properties that treat various types of injuries and

skin conditions.

The benefits of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used to disinfect wounds due to its powerful

antibacterial action.

It has one more atom of oxygen than water. It is commonly sold in most

pharmacies as a 3% solution.

It’s an environment-friendly disinfectant that oxidizes to kill pathogens.


Using it on toenails destroys the yeasts and dermatophytes that cause infection.

Benefits of 90% ethyl alcohol

Ethyl alcohol is distilled for medical purposes and is found in almost every first

aid kit. It’s a disinfectant that can be used on skin injuries.

It’s proven to be effective against the majority of bacteria and fungi, but not

against bacterial spores.

It’s used cosmetically in manicures and pedicures to fight nail fungus and to

disinfect the tools used.

Benefits of white vinegar

The acidic compounds in white vinegar have been used since antiquity in the

treatment of fungal infections on the skin. It’s a good antiseptic and antimycotic

capable of treating onychomycosis, otherwise known as athlete’s foot.

Its application reduces itching and yellowing as well as the unsightly calluses

that make your feet look ugly.


How do I prepare this remedy to fight nail fungus?

Now that we know all about what’s in this remedy, the next step is to prepare it

so we can start treatment.

Ingredients :

5 tablespoons 90% ethyl alcohol

5 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide

2 tablespoons white vinegar

Utensils :

1 glass container

Directions :

Combine the alcohol and hydrogen peroxide in the glass container.

Incorporate the white vinegar and stir to mix everything.

Cover and store in a cool, dry place.

Wash the affected nail and gently dry with a towel.

Apply a little solution using a cotton ball.

If the nail is really thick, carefully file the surface and then apply the


Use twice daily.


For best results, disinfect your shoes, socks and anything else that has come

into contact with the infected nail(s).
