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Sayanaadi Avasthas

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(3) A planet in its debilitation rasi or a rasi owned by an enemy is said to be in “Sushupta” avastha (asleep). The results it gives are negligible. 15.4.3 State Related to Attitude and Mood We have 9 states of planets that are related to attitude and mood : (1) A planet in its exaltation rasi is said to be in “Deepta” avastha (bright). (2) A planet in its own rasi is said to be in “Swastha” avastha (doing well, contented,
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(3) A planet in its debilitation rasi or a rasi owned by an enemy is said to be in“Sushupta” avastha (asleep). The results it gives are negligible.

15.4.3 State Related to Attitude and MoodWe have 9 states of planets that are related to attitude and mood :(1) A planet in its exaltation rasi is said to be in “Deepta” avastha (bright).(2) A planet in its own rasi is said to be in “Swastha” avastha (doing well, contented,comfortable, natural).(3) A planet in a good friend’s rasi is said to be in “Mudita” avastha (delighted).

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(4) A planet in a friend’s rasi is said to be in “Saanta” avastha (peaceful).(5) A planet in a neutral planet’s rasi is said to be in “Deena” avastha (sad,depressed).(6) A planet in an enemy’s rasi is said to be in “Duhkhita” avastha (distressed,miserable).(7) A planet joined by malefic planets is said to be in “Vikala” avastha (crippled,confused).(8) A planet in a malefic planet’s rasi is said to be in “Khala” avastha (mischievous,scheming).(9) A planet joined closely by Sun is said to be in “Kopita” avastha (angry).

We have 6 additional states of planets that are related to attitude and mood :

(1) A planet in the 5th house joined by Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu is said tobe in “Lajjita” avastha (ashamed).(2) A planet in its exaltation rasi or moolatrikona rasi is said to be in “Garvita”avastha (proud).(3) A planet is in an enemy’s rasi or conjoined by enemies or aspected by enemies orconjoined by Saturn, it is said to be in “Kshudhita” avastha (hungry).(4) A planet stationed in a watery rasi and aspected by enemies without the aspect ofbenefics is said to be in “Trishita” avastha (thirsty).

(5) A planet in a friend’s sign, conjoined or aspected by friends and conjoined byJupiter, is said to be in “Mudita” avastha (delighted).(6) A planet conjoined by Sun and aspected by malefics or enemies is said to be in“Kshobhita” avastha (shaken, agitated).Planets give results based on the state they are in. If a house contains planets inKshudhita or Kshobhita avasthas, the significations of the house are affected. If aplanet in the 5th house is in Lajjita avastha, there may be losses related to progeny. Ifa planet in the 7th house is in Kshobhita avastha, there may be loss of spouse

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Stronger Co-Lord:

Basic rule: If one of the co-lords is in the rasi, take the other planet. For example, ifSaturn is in Aq and Rahu is in a rasi other than Aq, Rahu becomes the primary lordof Aq. If not, we find the stronger of the 2 planets and the stronger planet becomesthe primary lord.The stronger planet of two planets is determined using the following rules. We gofrom one rule to the next, only if we do not have a winner. If we have a winner inone step, we do not go through the remaining steps.

(1) If one planet is joined by more planets than the other, it is stronger. SupposeSaturn is in Pi with Mars and Sun and Rahu is in Ar with Jupiter. Then Saturn isstronger than Rahu, because he is with 2 planets and Rahu is only with oneplanet. So Saturn becomes the primary lord of Aq.

(2) We find how many of the following planets conjoin/aspect a planet: (1) Jupiter,(2) Mercury, and, (3) dispositor. A planet conjoined/aspected by more of these 3planets is stronger. We must use rasi aspects here. Suppose Saturn is in Ge withMercury, Rahu is in Ar, Mars is in Le, Jupiter is in Ta. Saturn is conjoined byMercury and his dispositor (who is Mercury again). His count is 2. Rahu in Ar isaspected by Mars, his dispositor, from Le. Neither Jupiter nor Mercury aspects orconjoins Rahu. So Rahu’s count of 1 loses to Saturn’s count of 2 and Saturn isthe stronger planet. He becomes the lord of Aq.

(3) If one planet is exalted and the other not, then the exalted planet is stronger.Suppose Saturn is in Li and Rahu is in Cn, with the same number of planets.Suppose we have a tie after step (2). Then we note that Saturn is exalted in Liand declare him as the stronger planet. He becomes the primary lord of Aq.

(4) If we have a tie after (3), we consider the natural strength of the rasi containing

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the planet. Dual rasis are stronger than fixed rasis and fixed rasis are strongerthan movable rasis. Suppose Mars is in Ge and Ketu is in Aq and we have a tiebetween them after step (3). Then we declare Mars as the stronger planet and theprimary lord of Sc, because he is in a dual rasi and Ketu is in a fixed rasi.

(5) (a) When finding dasa duration: If we have a tie after (4), we take the planetgiving a larger length for dasa. Supose Saturn is in Ge and Rahu is in Vi andsuppose we have a tie after (4). Suppose we want to find the stronger lord forNarayana dasa. Rahu in Vi gives 5 years and Saturn in Ge gives 8 years. SoSaturn is used instead of Rahu.

(b) When finding the lord for arudha padas etc: If we have a tie after (4), we takethe planet that is more advanced in its rasi. We measure the advancement ofRahu and Ketu from the end of the rasi. Suppose Mars is at 23Li17 and Ketu is at5Cn54. Suppose we have a tie after (4). Advancement of Mars in Li is 2317'.Advancement of Ketu from the end of Cn is 30– 554' = 246'. Because Ketu ismore advanced, Ketu is stronger than Mars and becomes the primary lord of Sc.

Stronger Rasi:

To conclude that a rasi is stronger than another rasi for the purpose of rasi dasas, we use the following rules. We use the same rules for finding the stronger rasi owned by a planet, when computing its graha arudha. We go from one rule to the next only if there is no winner after the rule. When we have a winner, we stop and do not go to the next rule.(1) If one rasi contains more planets than the other rasi, then it is stronger. Supposewe are comparing the strengths of Ar and Li. Suppose Ar contains Saturn andJupiter and Li contains Venus. Then Ar is stronger, as it contains more planets.

(2) We find how many of the following planets occupy/aspect a rasi: (1) Jupiter, (2)Mercury, and, (3) the rasi’s lord. A rasi occupied/aspected by more of these 3planets is stronger. We must use rasi aspects here. Suppose we are compring thestrengths of Ar and Li. Suppose Jupiter is in Ar, Mercury and Venus are in Ta

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and Mars is in Vi. Then Ar is occupied by Jupiter and not by the other two(Mercury and lord Mars). Its count is 1. Li is aspected by two (Mercury and lordVenus) and only Jupiter doesn’t aspect it (we are using rasi aspects). So Li’scount of 2 beats Ar’s count of 1 and Li is stronger than Ar.(3) If one rasi contains an exalted planet and the other does not, then the former rasiis stronger. Suppose we are compring the strengths of Ar and Li. Suppose Saturnand Mercury are in Li and Jupiter and Venus are in Ar. Suppose we have a tiebetween Ar and Li after rule (2). Then we note that Saturn is exalted in Li anddeclare Li as the stronger rasi.(4) A rasi whose lord is in a rasi with a different oddity (odd/even) is stronger than arasi whose lord is in a rasi with the same oddity. Suppose we are compring thestrengths of Ar and Li. Suppose we have a tie after rule (3). Suppose Venus is inCn, an even rasi and Mars is in Le, an odd rasi. Both Ar and Li are odd rasis.Because the lord of Li is in an even rasi (i.e. a rasi with a different oddity) andthe lord of Ar is in an odd rasi (i.e. a rasi with the same oddity), Li is stronger.NOTE: If we have a tie upto rule (3) when finding the stronger rasi owned by aplanet for computing its graha arudha, this rule will surely resolve the tie,because the two rasis owned by each planet have a different oddity. So one ofthem will have the lord in a rasi with a different oddity

(5) If we have a tie after rule (4), we use the natural strength of rasis. Dual rasis arestronger than fixed rasis and fixed rasis are stronger than movable rasis. This ruleis not useful in Narayana dasa, because we always compare a rasi and the 7th

from it. If a rasi is dual/fixed/movable, the 7th from it is also of the same type.However, this rule is useful in some other dasas.

(6) If we have a tie after rule (5), we look at the longitudes of the lords of the tworasis. We measure the advancement of each planet from the beginning of the rasioccupied by it (from the end of the rasi in the case of Rahu and Ketu) andcompare them. The rasi owned by the planet with the higher advancement isstronger. Suppose we are comparing the strengths of Ar and Li. Suppose we havea tie after rule (5). Suppose Mars is at 23Ge17 and Venus is at 19Le51.

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Advancement of Mars (lord of Ar) in his rasi is 2317'. Advancement of Venus(lord of Li) in his rasi is 1951'. Because Mars is more advanced, his Ar isstronger than Li.

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Sun, Moon and lagna form the “tripod of life”. Parasara clearly said that we shouldanalyze all charts with respect to the positions of Sun, Moon and lagna. He adviseddrawing Sudarsana chakra with the innermost chakra representing the houses withrespect to lagna (body), next chakra representing the houses with respect to Moon(mind) and the outermost chakra representing the houses with respect to Sun (soul).The results experienced due to soul (Sun) last long and change slowly. The resultsexperienced due to mind (Moon) last shorter and change fast. The resultsexperienced due to body (lagna) change even faster.Sun is an important reference point in rasi and divisional charts when judging theresults of a mahadasa. Moon is an important reference point when judging the results

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of an antardasa. Lagna is an important reference point when judging the results of apratyantardasa.If a planet takes part in a Ravi yoga (solar combination), it gives the results of theyoga in its mahadasa. If a planet takes part in a Chandra Yoga (lunar combination), itgives the results of the yoga in its antardasas. If a planet takes part in other yogas(e.g. a Raja Yoga), it gives the results of the yoga primarily in its pratyantardasas

In addition, dasa lord can be taken as a reference point when interpreting antardasas.

Though many people limit themselves to Vimsottari dasa started from the birthstar,one is advised to use the variations mentioned in this chapter for the best results.If all the quadrants from the stronger of lagna and Moon are occupied by planets,“Kendradi Graha Dasa” is more appropriate than Vimsottari dasa. Results fromVimsottari dasa may not be very good in such cases.In addition, it should be noted that the error in the start/end dates of dasas have anerror of approximately m.n/4 days, if there is an error of m minutes in birthtime andthe complete duration of the first dasa is n years.For example, if the first dasa belongs to Venus, then n = 20. So an error of 5 minutesin the birthtime results in an error of 5x20/4 = 25 days in dasas (this is approximate).Considering this, we cannot use low level sub-periods of Vimsottari dasa (likesookshma dasas) confidently, unless we rectify the birthtime.It is a good idea to allow a margin of error when we examine the dates on whichdasas start and end.

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In this system, the sum of all dasas is 108 years. Ashtottari means “ashtottara sata”,i.e. one hundred and eight. Some scholars have suggested that ashtottari dasa is best used as an ayur dasa, i.e. a dasa that shows longevity. Some other scholars suggest that Ashtottari dasa can be used as a phalita dasa. Because only chara karakas, i.e. Rahu and the seven planets, have dasas under the Ashtottari dasa scheme, it may also be suggested that it shows events related to sustenance, achievements, raja yogas and moksha (just like chara karakas do). Some people, however, prefer to see all matters in Ashtottari dasa.


Order of dasas and the length of dasas is as shown in Table 39. Each planet covers anarc of either 5320' (4 nakshatras) or 400' (3 nakshatras) in the zodiac, as shown inthat table.

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We note natal Moon’s longitude and see which of the eight arcs it belongs to. Theplanet ruling the arc will rule the first dasa. The fraction of the arc that is yet to betraversed by natal Moon is calculated and the same fraction of the dasa length of thefirst dasa lord is left at birth. After that, dasas will come in the order shown in thetable and the length of a planet’s dasa is the full dasa length given in the table. AfterVenus, we come back to Sun at the beginning of the table.


The first antardasa belongs to the planet that comes in the table after the dasa lord.Then antardasas go in the same order as dasas and the last antardasa belongs to dasalord. For example, antardasas in Jupiter dasa go as: Rahu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars,Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. Antardasas in Moon dasa go as: Mars, Mercury, Saturn,Jupiter, Rahu, Venus, Sun and Moon.

The length of a dasa is divided into eight antardasas in the ratio of the dasa lengths.For example, Sun dasa is of 6 years. Moon antardasa in Sun dasa is of 6 x

15/108 =0.8333 year = 10 months. Mars antardasa in Sun dasa is of 6 x 8/108 = 0.4444 year =5 months 10 days. Mercury antardasa in Sun dasa is of 6 x 17/108 = 0.9444 years =11 months 10 days. And so on.

APPLICATION:There are three different views on the applicability of Ashtottari dasa:(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable in all charts.(2) Ashtottari dasa is applicable if Rahu, who is not in lagna, is in a quadrant or atrine from lagna lord.(3) Ashtottari dasa is applicable for daytime births in Krishna paksha (darkerfortnight) and night time births in Sukla paksha (brighter fortnight).

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