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Sbe- }~ Kaaies P · 2017-12-13 · School Board. It was moved by Mr. Alexander, seconded by Dr....

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, , , .. .. .... ,., " . . . - IL -. •, ,H -• , r t : .. o .•r l 'XN DYKE2 S'.. . sc .ie for t3 . . newar yoreAh arloc@ l agent .r s"nd$4. t•o , Fit- Ave, ?lew York Cft S. I. POSNAINSKY "J -- GEO.'HAHN'S• Wondc rful E ternal t Rt _7 , 7 7 •- "'., :v,::- S. "' I * s: -t -tnt"' 33. s las ~tt-**ijU1; . "~ S Sit at ~r-t -, I: tY:~~ 4iP49 4it I il'h acknowledgments to K. C. B. SSally- she knew WHEN I was small SO W-1HEN I happened. I USED to watch. ON SOME cigarettes. AUNT SALLY. WRAPPED NEATLY up. PUT UP fruit. IN A glassine jacket AND VEGETABLES. I DIDN'T think. IT WAS just for looks FOR THE winter. . EUT RATHER that. A * I REMEMSER how. 4* * THE EXTRA wrapper. SHE PACKED .t aiL. . * " KEPT AIR ,nd dampnesL IN CLEAN glass jars. * * * * * ALL OUTSIDE. *AND SEALED the tops. * . AND GOODNESS in. WITH PARAFFIN. * " * SO THAT'S another. TO KEEP out. BLAME GOOD reason wh?. ALL THE air ::1 Leep. ''THEY SATISFY." THE JUICY flavor in. UITE right, th at noea glassine AND ALL tie wIntter. Q jacket isn't just for looks. It N *S * * protects your Chesterfields from STHANKS TO 'er. the weather-seals in the flavor of - 4 4 those wonderful Turkish and Do- WE HAD the fruits. mestic tobaccos - keeps them in Sprime shape for smoking! Rain or OF SUMMER on our table, shine, winter or summer, Chester- * 4 * fields always "satisfy!" CIGAR.ETTBS c. Fo4 a AdmiasimO.ai iJat es de buckwheat cake got Sop over on his face, Br'er oacon- rin' dance 'ron' en may, seaee:-- ' "One good tu'n deserves on nuth-' er," soe..-Mleanta' dat et de gojer boys go ean do de ghtin' ter Ia, de klea we alls 4kin do is ter sea' 'em all do e wheat-en eat Buckwhea tnstidu. Oo'n mse, rye I*h ba.en !ss' for as will be'p a 1jot to, r. C D. ahauff. wishes to i•formh li friends and the ui thact be has Itestaned 3b~pe .ti? fn ddei ad has .assiated himself with 4 Dr. E.P. Fecht.L I Prq pt sittention will be i gatl profmonal canl ' I e ma•agement. of the South Louisiana Fair Asso- ciati~a desires to .announce ihorse fandcits tha ~ they yr ,nag the services of a cqne eeet t ipner who wil' Sbe- j'40 neiitly located at t oundsin Donald- It i r i purpose of P ig ;ire-tol tr•ta fither }~ tmazess or the sad dle t1 ifr erd ;board and .a....it permi+ it. -rei ~~-~s ~ 3Ck~MGM Prompt Relief Frcm Nouralgia and Headache has resulted in thousands of.casea from the use of DR. MILES' SAnti-Pain Pills: The Quick Relief This reliable prepara- tion has been before the public many years - is free from Opiates, par- cotics or any habit fbrm- ing drugs and no ill ef- fects follow its extended use. Easy and pleasant to take. Money back if ;first package fails to re- lieve or satisfy. Get a box today and Hlve it handy. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS WANTED: Man with car to demonstrate and sell auto- rmobile accessory. Exclusive Iparish Agency.' Quick seller. Big profits. 1 Address 209 Travis Street, Shreveport, La. - FOR SALE- 80 Sacks Choice Honduras Seed Rica. 2A Sacks Choice Carolina Seed Rice. At reasonable prices. Apply or write to-- SW. Schexuaydre & Co., Lauderdale, La., ,e Leisure Time Wiselry. isIset ayour spare bons br qmsome deasite purpose sad ot bow much yoe u so-. ,t. A ans iso commonly tber x,•. .& Notice is hereby given that the contract between the State of Louisi- ana, the Parish of St. John the Bap- tist, and W. S. Bonner, Contractor, for the construction of the New Or- ckar.s-Baton Rouge Highway, St. John the Baptist Parish, (East Bank of River) has been completed and this tighi.:ay finally accepted. Final payment will be issued to the Contractor thirty (30) days from March 22nd, 1920, in accordance with the terras of his contract. Louisiana State H:ghway Department 5t. Mar. 20-27, Apr. 3, 10, 17. Subscribe to this paper and get all the local News. I OUP% SPRINTING PIMERAfi on, BOND WillSell YourGoods Why be urged to buy Wai Savings Stamps?. You don' give--you receive. Kaaies and r HR IFT SEs ENTS WE BUY,. raise, sad ell we.t ev C aasc Ad s . t kt. . . ANu. D 4I I . Official Proceedings -Of The- SCHOOL BOARD Parish of Saint. John the Baptist Edgard, La., June 3, 1920. The School Board assembled this day in regular monthly meeting with Pres dent E. O. Abadie in the Chair, and the follow.ng members present: Mlessrs. Alexander, Tassin, Gendron, and Dr. Feuchc. Absent, Mr. Millet. 'fhe Secretary read the minutes of I the preceding meeting and on motion I of Dr. Feucht, seconded by Mr. Gen-! dron. and carried, the minutes were approved as read. Mr. Bod n appeared before the 3oard and requested permission to bid on lot of ground owned by the School Board. It was moved by Mr. Alexander, seconded by Dr. Feucht, and carried, that the School Board lot on the LeBrun property be adverti- sed for sale, and that bids be receIv- ed until the next regular meet.ng o_ she Board, the Board reserving the right to reject any or all bids. The Superintendent explained that he had arranged with an architect to make plans and spec.fications for en- .arging the Godchaux School. It was moved try Mr. Alexander, seconded by "Ir. Gendron, and carried, that bids be received for the building of two additional rooms to the Godchaux School and that b ds be received for Ile building of four additional rooms' o the Godchaux School, at the nex, neeting of the Board, the plans anc zpecifcations to be secured from the Super:ntendent, and the Board re- -:rv.ng che right to reject any or all aids. it was mrved by Mr. Alexander, se- :onded ty Dr. Feacht, and carr.ed, .hat b.d3 be rece.ved at the next neeting of the School Board, for the oc.ild ng of two additional rooms to he Ory School, the Board reserv.ng Lie right to reject any or all bids. It was moved by Mr. Alexander, se- onded by Dr. Feucht, and carried, that bids be reee.ved for the buildin 1 Sf one additional room to the Gary-. I -Ie School, the Board reserv.ng the Srght to reject any or all bids. ia e ioilowmng b hs were approved by i -he Finance Committee and on mo_ ;Ltn of Mr. Alexander, seconded by? ir. TaEs.n, and carried, they were rdered paid: Chas. Alitmont & Bro., furnish- ags $ 25.00 Lay Flower Benevolent Associat-on, cent 25.00 Dr. E. P. Feucht, dinners to com- nssioners 3.50 Mrs. Emile Burch, coal 10.2a .. aseigne Pr.ntery, printing 13.25 . Nobt. Gravo s, furn shings 4.50( ngelina Plant:ng Co., f-urnsh- .ngs 3.80 hars. E. Cambre, dinners to com- isasoners 10.00 K.od Help Us SocIety, rent 10.00 Lodge No. 5888 Odd Fellows, rent 20.00 Miss Corinne Baudry, books and furnishings 25.27 . J. Quick, repa rs and furnsh- n 3.77 ngs .tred Chapoton, dinners to Com- nissioners 3.00 hi.as Ruth Babin, furnishings 4.00 St. John Bargain Store, furnish- gs 5.85 Navarro Bros., furnishings 64.40 There being no further business, on mot on of Dr. Feucht, seconded by Mr. Tassin, and carried the Board' adjourned.E. DE, E. O. ABADIE, * President L. F. LAURENT, Secretary. -Iw.sS. -. BUILDERS & CONTRACeTORS NOTICE. Bids will be received at the next meet.ng of the School Board for the ouilding of two additional rooms to .be Leon Godchaux High School, and Las wail be rere.ved for the build- : four add.tional rooms to the .eon Godchaux HIgh School, plans .4d "pec t cat ons to be secred from o Snper.ntendent. The School Board reserves the rght .o reject any or all, bids. B.ds will be rece.ved at the naxt neet ng o0 the sc•olo Bi ard for the id:ng of two sad tionsl rooms to Ury School, and ds will be rece.ved at the next tee-ng of tae School Board for the - ne addiLonal room to ,ie Garyville School - .he righttorid- :.t any or all b.ds. -- -w.5.s. LOT FOR SALE. ~lr-:ll ~ho et-'ved at the next meeting of the School Board for a lot of ground owned by the School Board and stunated near the publ;e road on the Jos. LeBrun property, vasuring 125 ft. by 300 ft. ~he Board reserves the right to ri- ject any or all bids. How's This? We oer One uandred Dollars eward tor Lar oua• of Catarrb that csot be aned vby aaI Catarrh Me la . Hais Catrh Meslae has beem take by estsrbh. ~meoes for the past thirty- fvts yeeS, and bas becawm awn as the mast remaL) remedy or to t'rb. a.re Catars• Meieae soats tbwq the eBlo em the Masons tnerfacemaxiu tn Pot* .a or tA mood ne. =W a sl l. e4.- see a suert tmw-r ry . a A ~ih hark takaf Nae Catafril aass aas etarw. saBe & bfI iOu.I Profit IMaking Farm Equipment It pays to buy GOOD farm equipment --- you can rely on the Williams Line. Power Hay Ba!ers The well-knowa standard Wiilians Tuttle b!ockless. self-thresdmkglow- er Hay Balers have r a sn eycusive features. Moast ewnomical to operate-strong z:d durable. Hun- deeds of satisfied owners. Boos.et free if youask. One-Horse Hay Press TheWillimsSteel Princes., light. simp.aturdy. all steel. with armple power and strength. MW e a compact. marketabie bze. Suatie for small farmers. Write for new f.lder.maited 6 requea Portable Engines W- ms thrtth governed Eninee are uesp im designel ad bu•t to deiaver full power as low-price kero sene. Ali sises and types - thoausand are givigm[tisaC- tory se rvive_. F u information seat Frc. .i rsqunet. ealla Threshers for Grain, Peasets mIce. Peas. meas. e t. Williams Thresher are a safe ane profitable invet- ment - U af efficient and depend- able. Standard the country over. ter esting circular on rega. Williams Mill Mfg. Co. f,. 417 L Bread St. Texmdrama, U.. A. pUd. C n crbm ?t In S ia IEm+ n, Caeo 1 Site. Emap CdesU, KEgL his als. rFd Cat.s, Car Sb an ., sk e hms w .•. a.,mn m.. l a . a use Tan-No-More THE SKIN 8LUTF The most scientlfce and most facial preparation of the modera age imparts to the abl a vtl. Yety setO tveet uoln y ran which apd ple eta tn efect. ed dnrt te the sun and Wib a the eventg Its .uase e- 'o_. .t mara h Cultloeseo lon_ Tints: White and Flsh. ers. 35c, 600 and $1.00, or sent Past sel on receipt of prlea BSample Lb, the BAqU WilERER MAMWFATIUS CIWiWA DALLAS, TrZAS $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper Il be pleased to learn that there Is i least one dreaded disease that seleaee ba been able to cure in all its stages nsa that Is catarrh. Catarrh batI; influenced by constitutiobal a l requires constitutienal Catarrh Medicine is tak"es $ fcte thru the Blood on the Sm,/- faces of the System therdeby mOi the foundation of the disease. i th pal't et by buildag up ea- Csturrbb MYediie that they Hundred Dollars ar *s t to dare. Bend for 1ita Address F Jl CHENT Co. D g t Ohio. Bod by al1 DruU . W ITADES OFF DANDRUFF, I HAIR STOPS FAlUUS awe yew Mairi y et adins bm s ofDo/Ks-M t NO i- Vie haie sdl ~lulw I3~ atmsh 5W,. uss ao9 dl risbg ~ A T his, sald an-tdbI hair is mot bsidishu atr of~p d nrrog--tL pbl Aa Thereb fO to de [ w IsI~i .1 fir as It f ` st y . iis of 14 lo ur hane irS Ta 7rI Uh~l "MUM~Brday 1J~ nrot asid 5 Ga mit a man o . MWU > dedr)As fv e7 ra g Irqi'otl r e .a hvre warld" fxIt -I der fts 7011aariTim $ tiled a reward for, ri w return obef r pet qterieron TucaW' qon Wehui~~ recovered b t "Boakgraci Ot* 4 y Mi;W,
Page 1: Sbe- }~ Kaaies P · 2017-12-13 · School Board. It was moved by Mr. Alexander, seconded by Dr. Feucht, and carried, that the School Board lot on the LeBrun property be adverti-sed

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.. .. .... ,., "

. . . -IL -. •, ,H -•

, r t : .. o .•r l •'XN DYKE2

S'.. .sc .ie for t3 . . newaryoreAh arloc@ l agent

.r s"nd$4. t•o

, Fit- Ave, ?lew York Cft



Wondc rful E ternal

t Rt_7 , 7 7 •- "'., :v,::-

S. "' I

* s:

-t -tnt"'

33. slas ~tt-**ijU1; .

"~ S Sit at

~r-t -,I:tY:~~ 4iP49 4it

I il'h acknowledgments to K. C. B.

SSally- she knew

WHEN I was small SO W-1HEN I happened.

I USED to watch. ON SOME cigarettes.


PUT UP fruit. IN A glassine jacket


IT WAS just for looksFOR THE winter. .EUT RATHER that.A * I REMEMSER how.

4* * THE EXTRA wrapper.SHE PACKED .t aiL. .

* " KEPT AIR ,nd dampnesLIN CLEAN glass jars. * * *



WITH PARAFFIN. * "* SO THAT'S another.

TO KEEP out. BLAME GOOD reason wh?.

ALL THE air ::1 Leep. ''THEY SATISFY."

THE JUICY flavor in.UITE right, th at noea glassine

AND ALL tie wIntter. Q jacket isn't just for looks. ItN *S * * protects your Chesterfields from

STHANKS TO 'er. the weather-seals in the flavor of- 4 4 those wonderful Turkish and Do-

WE HAD the fruits. mestic tobaccos - keeps them inSprime shape for smoking! Rain or

OF SUMMER on our table, shine, winter or summer, Chester-* 4 * fields always "satisfy!"


c. Fo4 a AdmiasimO.ai

iJat es de buckwheat cake gotSop over on his face, Br'er oacon-rin' dance 'ron' en may, seaee:--' "One good tu'n deserves on nuth-'er," soe..-Mleanta' dat et degojer boys go ean do de ghtin' terIa, de klea we alls 4kin do is tersea' 'em all do e wheat-en eatBuckwhea tnstidu. Oo'n mse, ryeI*h ba.en !ss' for as will be'p a1jot to,

r. C D. ahauff. wishes toi•formh li friends and the

ui thact be has Itestaned3b~pe .ti? fn ddei ad

has .assiated himself with4Dr. E.P. Fecht.LI Prq pt sittention will bei gatl profmonal canl '

I e ma•agement. of theSouth Louisiana Fair Asso-ciati~a desires to .announce

ihorse fandcits tha ~ theyyr ,nag the services of

a cqne eeet t ipner who wil'Sbe- j'40 neiitly located at

t oundsin Donald-It i r i purpose of

P ig ;ire-tol tr•ta fither}~ tmazess or the sad dlet1 ifr erd ;board and

.a....it permi+ it.

-rei~~-~s ~ 3Ck~MGM


Frcm Nouralgia andHeadache has resulted inthousands of.casea fromthe use of


SAnti-Pain Pills:The Quick Relief

This reliable prepara-tion has been before thepublic many years - isfree from Opiates, par-cotics or any habit fbrm-ing drugs and no ill ef-fects follow its extendeduse.

Easy and pleasant totake. Money back if;first package fails to re-lieve or satisfy. Get abox today and Hlve ithandy.SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS

WANTED: Man with carto demonstrate and sell auto-rmobile accessory. ExclusiveIparish Agency.' Quick seller.Big profits.1 Address 209 Travis Street,

Shreveport, La.

-FOR SALE-80 Sacks Choice Honduras

Seed Rica.2A Sacks Choice Carolina

Seed Rice.At reasonable prices.Apply or write to--

SW. Schexuaydre & Co.,Lauderdale, La.,

,e Leisure Time Wiselry.isIset ayour spare bons br

qmsome deasite purpose sadot bow much yoe u so-.

,t. A ans iso commonly tber

x,•. .&

Notice is hereby given that thecontract between the State of Louisi-ana, the Parish of St. John the Bap-tist, and W. S. Bonner, Contractor,for the construction of the New Or-ckar.s-Baton Rouge Highway, St. John

the Baptist Parish, (East Bank ofRiver) has been completed and thistighi.:ay finally accepted.

Final payment will be issued to theContractor thirty (30) days fromMarch 22nd, 1920, in accordance withthe terras of his contract.

Louisiana State H:ghway Department

5t. Mar. 20-27, Apr. 3, 10, 17.

Subscribe to this paper and

get all the local News.



on, BOND


Why be urged to buy WaiSavings Stamps?. You don'give--you receive.

Kaaies andr HR IFT


WE BUY,. raise, sad ellwe.t ev C aascAd s . t kt. . .

ANu. D 4I I .

Official Proceedings


Parish of Saint. John theBaptist

Edgard, La., June 3, 1920.The School Board assembled this

day in regular monthly meeting withPres dent E. O. Abadie in the Chair,and the follow.ng members present:

Mlessrs. Alexander, Tassin, Gendron,and Dr. Feuchc. Absent, Mr. Millet.'fhe Secretary read the minutes of I

the preceding meeting and on motion Iof Dr. Feucht, seconded by Mr. Gen-!dron. and carried, the minutes wereapproved as read.

Mr. Bod n appeared before the3oard and requested permission tobid on lot of ground owned by theSchool Board. It was moved by Mr.Alexander, seconded by Dr. Feucht,and carried, that the School Board loton the LeBrun property be adverti-sed for sale, and that bids be receIv-ed until the next regular meet.ng o_she Board, the Board reserving theright to reject any or all bids.The Superintendent explained that

he had arranged with an architect tomake plans and spec.fications for en-.arging the Godchaux School. It wasmoved try Mr. Alexander, seconded by"Ir. Gendron, and carried, that bidsbe received for the building of twoadditional rooms to the GodchauxSchool and that b ds be received forIle building of four additional rooms'o the Godchaux School, at the nex,neeting of the Board, the plans anczpecifcations to be secured from theSuper:ntendent, and the Board re--:rv.ng che right to reject any or allaids.

it was mrved by Mr. Alexander, se-:onded ty Dr. Feacht, and carr.ed,.hat b.d3 be rece.ved at the nextneeting of the School Board, for the

oc.ild ng of two additional rooms tohe Ory School, the Board reserv.ng

Lie right to reject any or all bids.It was moved by Mr. Alexander, se-onded by Dr. Feucht, and carried,

that bids be reee.ved for the buildin 1Sf one additional room to the Gary-.I -Ie School, the Board reserv.ng theSrght to reject any or all bids.

ia e ioilowmng b hs were approved by i-he Finance Committee and on mo_;Ltn of Mr. Alexander, seconded by?ir. TaEs.n, and carried, they wererdered paid:

Chas. Alitmont & Bro., furnish-ags $ 25.00

Lay Flower Benevolent Associat-on,cent 25.00Dr. E. P. Feucht, dinners to com-nssioners 3.50

Mrs. Emile Burch, coal 10.2a..aseigne Pr.ntery, printing 13.25

. Nobt. Gravo s, furn shings 4.50(ngelina Plant:ng Co., f-urnsh-

.ngs 3.80hars. E. Cambre, dinners to com-

isasoners 10.00K.od Help Us SocIety, rent 10.00Lodge No. 5888 Odd Fellows,rent 20.00Miss Corinne Baudry, books andfurnishings 25.27

. J. Quick, repa rs and furnsh-n 3.77ngs

.tred Chapoton, dinners to Com-nissioners 3.00

hi.as Ruth Babin, furnishings 4.00St. John Bargain Store, furnish-

gs 5.85Navarro Bros., furnishings 64.40

There being no further business, onmot on of Dr. Feucht, seconded by

Mr. Tassin, and carried the Board'adjourned.E. DE,

E. O. ABADIE,* President


Secretary.-Iw.sS. -.


Bids will be received at the nextmeet.ng of the School Board for theouilding of two additional rooms to.be Leon Godchaux High School, and

Las wail be rere.ved for the build-: four add.tional rooms to the

.eon Godchaux HIgh School, plans

.4d "pec t cat ons to be secred fromo Snper.ntendent.

The School Board reserves the rght.o reject any or all, bids.

B.ds will be rece.ved at the naxtneet ng o0 the sc•olo Bi ard for the

id:ng of two sad tionsl rooms toUry School, andds will be rece.ved at the next

tee-ng of tae School Board for the- ne addiLonal room to

,ie Garyville School- .he righttorid-

:.t any or all b.ds.




~lr-:ll ~ho et-'ved at the nextmeeting of the School Board for alot of ground owned by the SchoolBoard and stunated near the publ;eroad on the Jos. LeBrun property,vasuring 125 ft. by 300 ft.~he Board reserves the right to ri-

ject any or all bids.

How's This?We oer One uandred Dollars eward

tor Lar oua• of Catarrb that csot beaned vby aaI Catarrh Me la .Hais Catrh Meslae has beem take

by estsrbh. ~meoes for the past thirty-fvts yeeS, and bas becawm awn as the

mast remaL) remedy or to t'rb. a.reCatars• Meieae soats tbwq the eBlo emthe Masons tnerfacemaxiu tn Pot*.a or tA mood ne. =W a sl l. e4.-

see a suert tmw-r ry . aA ~ih hark takaf Nae Catafril

aass aas etarw. saBe& bfI iOu.I

Profit IMakingFarm EquipmentIt pays to buy GOOD farmequipment --- you can relyon the Williams Line.

Power Hay Ba!ersThe well-knowastandard WiiliansTuttle b!ockless.self-thresdmkglow-er Hay Balers haver a sn eycusivefeatures. Moast

ewnomical to operate-strong z:d durable. Hun-deeds of satisfied owners. Boos.et free if youask.

One-Horse Hay Press

TheWillimsSteel Princes., light. simp.aturdy.all steel. with armple power and strength. MW ea compact. marketabie bze. Suatie for smallfarmers. Write for new f.lder.maited 6 requea

Portable EnginesW- ms thrtth governed Eninee are uespim designel ad bu•t to deiaver full power as

low-price kerosene. Ali sises andtypes - thoausandare givigm[tisaC-tory se rvive_. F uinformation seatFrc. .i rsqunet.

ealla Threshers for Grain, PeasetsmIce. Peas. meas. e t.


are a safe aneprofitable invet-

ment - U afefficient and depend-able. Standard thecountry over. ter

esting circular on rega.

Williams Mill Mfg. Co. f,.417 L Bread St. Texmdrama, U.. A.

pUd. C n crbm ?t In S ia IEm+ n,Caeo 1 Site. Emap CdesU, KEgLhis als. rFd Cat.s, Car Sb an ., sk e

hms w .•. a.,mn m.. l a .a use


The most scientlfce and mostfacial preparation of the modera age

imparts to the abl a vtl.Yety setO tveet uoln

y ran which apd ple etatn efect. ed dnrt te

the sun and Wib athe eventg Its .uase e-

'o_. .t mara h Cultloeseolon_ Tints: White and Flsh.ers. 35c, 600 and $1.00, or sent Past selon receipt of prlea BSample Lb, the


$100 Reward, $100The readers of this paper Il be

pleased to learn that there Is i leastone dreaded disease that seleaee babeen able to cure in all its stages nsathat Is catarrh. Catarrh batI;influenced by constitutiobal a lrequires constitutienalCatarrh Medicine is tak"es $fcte thru the Blood on the Sm,/-faces of the System therdeby mOithe foundation of the disease. i thpal't et by buildag up ea-

Csturrbb MYediie that theyHundred Dollars ar *s tto dare. Bend for 1ita

Address F Jl CHENT Co. D g tOhio. Bod by al1 DruU . W


awe yew Mairi y et adins bm s

ofDo/Ks-M t NO i-Vie haiesdl ~lulw I3~ atmsh 5W,.uss ao9 dl risbg ~ AT his, sald an-tdbIhair is mot bsidishu atrof~p d nrrog--tL pbl AaThereb fO to de [ w IsI~i.1 fir as It f ` st y . iisof 14 lo ur hane irS Ta 7rIUh~l "MUM~Brday 1J~

nrot asid 5

Ga mit a man o . MWU> dedr)As fv e7 ra g Irqi'otl r

e .a hvre warld" fxIt

-I der fts 7011aariTim $

tiled a reward for, ri wreturn obef r pet

qterieron TucaW'qon Wehui~~recovered b t"BoakgraciOt* 4 y

