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SC32 RAC Install

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  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    Installation Guide forSolarisTM Cluster 3.2 Software

    and Oracle® 10 g  Release 2Real Application Clusters

     Fernando Castano June 2007 (updated March 2008)

    Sun Microsystems, Inc.

     Abstract: This document is a detaied step!"y!step #uide $or instain# the Soaris %0 %%&0' peratin#System, Soaris Custer ($ormery Sun Custer) .2 so$t*are, the +FS .- custer $ie system, and

    race %0# eease 2 ea /ppication Custers (race %0#2 /C).

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    Copyri#ht 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc., %-0 1et*or Circe, Santa Cara, Cai$ornia 3-0-, 4.S./. / ri#htsreser5ed.

    4.S. 6o5ernment i#hts ! Commercia so$t*are. 6o5ernment users are su"ect to the Sun Microsystems, Inc.standard icense a#reement and appica"e pro5isions o$ the F/ and its suppements. 4se is su"ect to icense terms.This distri"ution may incude materias de5eoped "y third parties.

     arts o$ the product may "e deri5ed $rom 9ereey 9S: systems, icensed $rom the 4ni5ersity o$ Cai$ornia. 41I; is

    a re#istered trademar in the 4.S. and in other countries, e: C1:ITI1S, >>S>1T/TI1S /1: A//1TI>S, I1C=4:I16 /1B IM=I>: A//1TB F M>C/1T/9I=ITB, FIT1>SS F / /TIC4=/ 4S> 11!I1FI16>M>1T, /> :ISC=/IM>:, >;C>T T T> >;T>1T T/T S4C :ISC=/IM>S /> >=: T 9> =>6/==B I1?/=I:.

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 2

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................42 Setup Description....................................................................................................................................43 Hardware Stac.......................................................................................................................................!4 Software Stac........................................................................................................................................!

    ! "#at Is $ro%ided "it# is Installation'...............................................................................................(!.1 Redundanc) for $u*lic Interfaces...................................................................................................(!.2 +u,*er of Oracle RAC +odes.......................................................................................................(!.3 Clusterware......................................................................................................................................(!.4 Redundanc) for $ri%ate Interfaces..................................................................................................-!.! Redundanc) for IO $at#s...............................................................................................................-!.( Raw De%ices....................................................................................................................................-!.- /olu,e anaer.............................................................................................................................-!. Cluster ile S)ste, 5S6..............................................................................................................-!.7 Auto,atic Storae anaer AS6...............................................................................................-!.10 8atest Software /ersions...............................................................................................................

    ( $re9installation Re:uire,ents.................................................................................................................(.1 ir,ware ;pdate.............................................................................................................................(.2 Setup Infor,ation............................................................................................................................(.3 Confiurin t#e Storae..................................................................................................................(.4 Docu,entation and Installation Software.......................................................................................

    (.4.1 Docu,ents...............................................................................................................................7(.4.2 Installation Software................................................................................................................7

    - Sun Software Installation......................................................................................................................10-.1 Installin t#e Solaris OS................................................................................................................10-.2 Installin Cluster Control $anel in t#e Ad,inistrati%e Console...................................................11-.3 Installin $acaes for Sun Cluster ra,ewor and Data Ser%ice for Oracle RAC....................13-.4 Installin 5S $acaes................................................................................................................13

    -.! Creatin a Cluster..........................................................................................................................14-.( $reparin for Oracle ;D8 $acae Installation........................................................................1(-.- Installin t#e ;D8 $acae.......................................................................................................1--. Confiurin RAC ra,ewor and Solaris /olu,e anaer Resource.......................................1--.7 Confiurin a Solaris /olu,e anaer etaset and etade%ices..............................................17-.10 Confiurin 5S.........................................................................................................................20

    $reparin for Oracle RAC Installation..................................................................................................237 Installin Oracle Clusterware CRS6....................................................................................................2310 Installin t#e Oracle RD Ser%er Infor,ation &a*le..............................................................................................271! Appendi= Storae Infor,ation &a*le.............................................................................................30

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 3

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    1 Introduction

    is docu,ent is a detailed step9*)9step uide for installin t#e Solaris& 10 110( Operatin S)ste,also called ;pdate 36 ? Solaris Cluster for,erl) Sun& Cluster6 3.2 software? t#e 5S 4.! cluster files)ste,? and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 Real Application Clusters Oracle 10R2 RAC? #ereafter referred to

    as Oracle RAC6. is article also pro%ides detailed instructions on #ow to confiure 5S and Solaris/olu,e anaer so t#e) can *e used wit# Oracle RAC.

    e procedures descri*ed #ere can *e used for S$ARC@ or =(4 installations wit# up to ei#t nodesusin I$ o%er Infini

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


     Fi#ure %D :ia#ram o$ the 9orac Setup

    3 Hardware Stack

    &a*le 1 identifies t#e #ardware stac used in t#is proEect.

    Ta"e %D ard*are Stac 

    Attriute !ode 1 !ode 2

    Ser%er Sun ire 400 Ser%er do,ain A6 Sun ire 400 Ser%er do,ain

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    Ta"e 2D So$t*are Stac 

    Role "endor #roduct "ersion

    Operatin s)ste, Sun icros)ste,s Solaris 10 110( s10s_u3wos_10 S$ARC

    Data*ase ser%er Oracle Oracle RAC RD5en More @4n"reaa"e@http://www.sun.com/so!twae/whitepapes/solais10/solais_cluste.pd!6.

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC (


  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    $.' Redundanc% for #ri(ate Interfaces

    is setup pro%ides redundanc) for pri%ate interfaces *ecause it uses Sun Cluster software. Sun Clustersoftware re:uires at least two separate pat#s for t#e pri%ate interface? and it auto,aticall) ,anaesfailo%er and load *alancin across t#e different pat#s. If ,ore t#an two nodes are used? t#en twot#ernet switc#es are re:uired to a%oid a sinle point of failure.

    e current setup uses G*? *ut t#e procedure does not c#ane if I$oI< is used. "it# I$oI

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    $.10 5atest Software "ersions

    is setup deli%ers t#e latest software stac currentl) certified and pu*licl) a%aila*le> t#e Solaris 10110( OS for S$ARC platfor,s? Sun Cluster 3.2 software? Oracle 10 Release 2 Real ApplicationClusters? and 5S 4.!. e sa,e stac is a%aila*le? certified? and supported on t#e Solaris 10 OS for=(4 platfor,s? so t#e procedures c#ane %er) little and c#anes are descri*ed t#rou#out t#edocu,ent6 for =(4 platfor,s.

    %re)installation *e+uirements

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    +.'.1 ,ocu&ents

    e followin docu,ents are referenced t#rou#out t#e installation procedures>

    ● S)ste, Ad,inistration Guide> I$ Ser%ices>http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-4554?q=816-4554-13

    ● Sun Custer So$t*are Instaation 6uide $or Soaris SD

    http://docs.sun.com/app/docs?q=81#-"#$0-10● Sun Ja5aTM  >nterprise System - Instaation 6uide $or 41I;D


    ● Sun Custer :ata Ser5ice $or race /C 6uide $or Soaris SDhttp://docs.sun.com/app/docs?q=81#-"#81-10

    ● Sun Stor>d#e +FS Instaation and 4p#rade 6uideDhttp://docs.sun.com/app/docs?q=81#-"$5$-10

    ● Sun Custer System /dministration 6uide  $or Soaris SDhttp://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/81#-"#$1?q=%un&luste&%*stem&dministation&,uide&!o&%olais&%s=t

    +.'.2 Installation Software

    e followin software is installed>

    ● Solaris 10 110( OS for S$ARC or =(4 platfor,s? *ot# a%aila*le for download at sun.co,http://www.sun.com/6

    ● Sun a%a A%aila*ilit) suite for S$ARC or =( platfor,s Solaris Cluster6suncluste-3_"-a-solais-spac.2ip  orsuncluste-3_"-a-solais=86.2ip 6? *ot# a%aila*le for download at sun.co,http://www.sun.com/download/poducts.ml?id=4581a#e6

    Oracle patc# !37371 wit# t#e ;D8 for S$ARC platfor,sp538#3#1_10"0"_%+%64.2ip 6? a%aila*le for download at t#e Oracle etalin we*

    site https://metalink.oacle.com/6 and pro%ided in t#e installation it

    ● 5S pacaes for S$ARC or =( %to)de_7%_4.5_spac.iso  or

    %to)de_7%_4.5_64.iso6? a%aila*le for download at sun.co,


    ● e followin patc#es? a%aila*le fro, t#e SunSol%e we* site

    http://sunsol(e.sun.com/pu-ci/show.pl?taet=tous6? w#ic# are needed for

    official support of 5S 4.! on Sun Cluster 3.2 software>

    ● 1220-90!? if )ou are installin on t#e Solaris OS for S$ARC platfor,s

    ● 122090!? if )ou are installin on t#e Solaris OS for =(4 platfor,s

    ● Oracle installation software? a%aila*le at oracle.co,>


    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 7


  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    , Sun Software Installation

    -.1 Installin t*e Solaris OS

    !ote> is section *uilds on procedures in t#e Sun Custer So$t*are Instaation 6uide $or Soaris S.

    1. Install Solaris 10 110( s10s_u3wos_10 ,eneic_118833-33 entire software roup6 on all

    t#e ser%ers.e Solaris 10 OS can *e downloaded fro, sun.co, for free. ae sure t#at )ou create t#reeslices in t#e *oot dis? as descri*ed *) t#e ser%er infor,ation ta*le in Appendi= A of t#isdocu,ent. ese slices will *e needed for Sun Cluster software and ot#er software co,ponents.Do not install an) Solaris patc#es at t#is point.

    2. na*le $=IO>a6 After t#e Solaris OS is installed on all nodes? e=ecute as root t#e followin co,,and on all


    /us/sin/stmoot -e

    e nodes re*oot.

    *6 On all nodes one at t#e ti,e6 re*oot usin t#e followin co,,and>

    oot -- -

    c6 /erif) t#at on eac# node )ou see one and onl) one pat# to eac# of t#e 8;+s presented *) t#estorae arra)s. If t#at is not t#e case? sol%e t#e pro*le, *efore oin an) furt#er.

    3. Confiure /.hosts so t#at all nodes and t#e ad,inistrati%e console ad,in console6 can use shas root a,on t#e,sel%es>

    hostnameoac1 moe /.hosts& oot

    4. Confiure s#ared ,e,or).

    On eac# node? add t#e followin line to /etc/s*stem and t#en re*oot eac# node>

    set shms*s:shmin!o_shmma=desired_SGA_size_in_bytes

    or e=a,ple>

    tail /etc/s*stem; set ce:ce_taskq_disale=1

    ; )nd o! lines added * %sc; ),+ %sam!s !ile s*stem addition; @ A )@+A ao(e line o the net " lines elow...!oceload: !s/sam!s; )@ %sam!s !ile s*stem addition

    set shms*s:shmin!o_shmma=10$3$418"40

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 10

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    e shmma settin pro%ides a s)ste,9wide li,it of 10G< shm se,ent siFe. e Data*ase

    Confiuration Assistant D

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    4. Install t#e %ccon pacae>

    adminconsole pkadd -d . %ccon

    !. Optional6 Install t#e %scman pacae>

    adminconsole pkadd -d . %scman

    "#en )ou install t#e %scman pacae on t#e ad,in console? )ou can %iew Sun Cluster,an paes fro, t#e ad,in console *efore )ou install Sun Cluster software on t#e cluster nodes.

    (. Create an /etc/clustes file on t#e ad,in console>Add )our cluster na,e and t#e p#)sical node na,e of eac# cluster node to t#e file> adminconsole (i /etc/clustesclustername node1 node2

    See t#e /opt/%cluste/in/clustes 46 ,an pae for details.

    -. Create an /etc/seialpots file>Add an entr) for eac# node in t#e cluster to t#e file. Specif) t#e p#)sical node na,e? t#e #ostna,e of t#e console9access de%ice? and t#e port nu,*er. =a,ples of a console9access de%iceare a ter,inal concentrator &C6? a S)ste, Ser%ice $rocessor SS$6? and a Sun ire s)ste,controller. ae sure t#e consoles are confiured for telnet and not for ssh access.

    adminconsole (i /etc/seialpots node1 ca-dev-hostname port node2 ca-dev-hostname port

     node1, node2  E$#)sical na,es of t#e cluster nodes6ca-dev-hostname  Host na,e of t#e console9access de%ice6 port  Serial port nu,*er6

    . Optional6 or con%enience? set t#e director) pat#s on t#e ad,in console>

    a6 Add t#e /opt/%cluste/in/  director) to t#e DAF.

    *6 Add t#e /opt/%cluste/man/  director) to t#e GDAF.

    c6 If )ou installed t#e %scman pacae? also add t#e /us/cluste/man/ director) tot#e GDAF.

    7. Start t#e CC$ utilit)>

    adminconsole /opt/%cluste/in/ccp

    Clic t#e cconsole? crloin? or ctelnet *utton in t#e CC$ window to launc# t#at tool.Alternati%el)? )ou can start an) of t#ese tools directl). or e=a,ple? to start ctelnet? t)pe t#efollowin co,,and>

    adminconsole /opt/%cluste/in/ctelnet

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 12

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    See t#e procedure JHow to 8o In to Sun Cluster Re,otel)J in t#e J Steps 1 t#rou# 3 co,e fro, infor,ation in t#e Sun Custer So$t*are Instaation 6uide $orSoaris S. Steps 4 t#rou# ( co,e fro, infor,ation in t#e Sun Ja5a >nterprise System - Instaation6uide $or 41I; .

    1. nsure t#at t#e displa) en%iron,ent of t#e cluster node is set to displa) t#e G;I on t#e ad,inconsole>

    a6 On t#e ad,in console? e=ecute>

      host &

    *6 On t#e cluster node? e=ecute>

      seten( @+%DH adminconsole:0.0

    !ote> If )ou do not ,ae t#ese settins? t#e installer prora, runs in te=t9*ased ,ode.


    cd /stae/sc_ac_install_kit/sw/ %olais_spac or %olais_866 ./installe

    4. Select onl) Sun Cluster 3.2 and t#e aent for Sun Cluster support for Oracle RAC.

    !. Select all s#ared resources and accept all t#e defaults in t#e ne=t screens of t#e installer.e installer cannot confiure Sun Cluster software? so it displa)s a ,essae a*out it t#is. oucan safel) inore t#is ,essae.

    (. ae sure t#e director) /us/cluste e=ists after t#e installation is co,pleted. If it does?

    proceed wit# t#e ne=t node. If it does not? t#e Sun Cluster software was not installed correctl). In suc#a case? see t#e Sun Ja5a >nterprise System - Instaation 6uide $or 41I;.

    -.' Installin S #ac7aes

    !ote> is procedure follows infor,ation in t#e Sun Stor>d#e +FS Instaation and 4p#rade 6uide.

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 13

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    1. $lace t#e 5S 4.! installation software in /stae/sc_ac_install_kit/sw  and untar it.


  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    -. Allow for auto,atic :uoru, selection.

    . $ro%ide t#e installer wit# t#e na,e of t#e raw de%ice representin t#e slice in t#e *oot dis of eac#node w#ere t#e lo*al de%ices file s)ste, /loalde(ices6 will *e created. is infor,ations#ould *e in t#e ser%er infor,ation ta*le )ou alread) filled out.

    After a successful installation? all nodes re*oot and Eoin t#e cluster after t#e) *oot up.

    7. Deter,ine w#ic# de%ice was selected for :uoru, de%ice usin t#e followin co,,and>

    /us/cluste/in/clquoum show

    10. Optional6 C#ane t#e :uoru, de%ice.e de%ice selected *) t#e Sun Cluster software for :uoru, de%ice can *e used for an) ot#erpurpose? since Sun Cluster software does not use an) of its c)linders. If )ou want to ,o%e t#e:uoru, de%ice to anot#er s#ared de%ice ,a)*e for RAS or perfor,ance reasons6? use t#efollowin co,,ands>

    /us/cluste/in/clquoum add dx  w#ere dx is t#e lo*al ID of new t#e de%ice6 /us/cluste/in/clquoum emo(e dx  w#ere dx is t#e lo*al de%ice reported *) SunCluster software6

    &o find #ow s#ared storae ,aps to Sun Cluster lo*al de%ices use t#e followin co,,and>

    /us/cluste/in/scdidadm -l

    11. /erif) t#e :uoru, list and status>a6 Run t#e followin co,,and? w#ic# s#ould return a list wit# all t#e nodes and t#e :uoru,de%ice in it>

    /us/cluste/in/clquoum listd4oac"oac1

    *6 /erif) t#e status of t#e :uoru, de%ice to ,ae sure t#at t#e cluster #as a worin :uoru,setup? w#ere eac# node #as a %ote and t#e :uoru, #as a %ote too.

    /us/cluste/in/clquoum status

    === luste 7uoum ===

    --- 7uoum Iotes %umma* ---

      eeded Desent Dossile  ------ ------- --------  " 3 3

    --- 7uoum Iotes * ode ---

    ode ame Desent Dossile %tatus--------- ------- -------- ------oac" 1 1 nline

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 1!

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    oac1 1 1 nline

    --- 7uoum Iotes * @e(ice ---

    @e(ice ame Desent Dossile %tatus----------- ------- -------- ------d4 1 1 nline

    12. &o confiure +etwor &i,e $rotocol +&$6 to s)nc#roniFe ti,e a,on all cluster nodes? do t#efollowin on all nodes and t#en re*oot t#e,>

    cp /etc/inet/ntp.con! /etc/inet/ntp.con!.oi cp /etc/inet/ntp.cluste /etc/inet/ntp.con!


    passwd: !iles nis JAH,+=0Koup: !iles nis JAH,+=0K

    pulicke*: !iles nis JAH,+=0KpoLect: !iles nis JAH,+=0K

    -.+ #reparin for Oracle 6,5M #ac7ae Installation

    !ote> If )ou are installin on an =( *ased s)ste,? )ou can sip t#is section *ecause t#ere is no needfor t#e ;+IB Distri*uted 8oc anaer Oracle ;D86 pacae on t#e Solaris OS for =( *aseds)ste,s.

    +ow t#at t#e cluster #as *een created and t#e data ser%ice for Oracle RAC is in place? t#e Oracle;D8 pacae needs to *e installed. is pacae is t#e JconnectorJ *etween Oracle RAC and t#eSun Cluster software. ere is one %ersion of t#is pacae for Oracle and anot#er %ersion forOracle Since t#e pacae for Oracle is *acwards co,pati*le wit# t#e one for10.2.0.1? )ou will install onl) t#e ;D8 pacae for e ;D8 pacae is usuall) includedin t#e Oracle tar*all for Oracle Clusterware for,erl) called CRS for JCluster Read) Ser%icesJ6.;nfortunatel)? Oracle forot to place it in t#e %ersion of Oracle Clusterware for S$ARC? sot#e) released a patc# t#at contains it. e patc# nu,*er is !37371 and it contains t#e ;D8included in t#e installation it6.

    1. Create t#e D

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    4. Define a password for t#e Oracle account on all nodes.

    passwd oacle

    !. Create /(a/opt/oacle on all nodes.

    mkdi /(a/opt/oacle chown oacle:da /(a/opt/oacle

    (. O*tain t#e ;D8 pacae.

    -.- Installin t*e 6,5M #ac7ae

    !ote> If )ou are installin on an =( *ased s)ste,? )ou can sip t#is section *ecause t#ere is no need

    for t#e ;D8 pacae on t#e Solaris OS for an =( *ased s)ste,.

    $erfor, t#e followin procedure on eac# node? one at t#e ti,e.

    !ote> is procedure follows infor,ation in t#e ;D8 read,e file.

    1. ;npac t#e file p5$11$016_10"0"_%+%64.2ip  into t#e

    /stae/sc_ac_install_kit/sw  director). 2. Install t#e patc# *) addin t#e pacae as root>

      cd /stae/sc_ac_install_kit/sw/  pkadd -d . udlm

    -./ Confiurin RAC ra&ewor7 and Solaris "olu&e Manaer Resource

    e RAC fra,ewor and Solaris /olu,e anaer can *e confiured wit# co,,and line interfaceC8I6 co,,ands or wit# an interacti%e te=t ,enu usin clsetup. is docu,ent uses C8I

    co,,ands? *ut if )ou want to use t#e ,enu dri%en process? )ou can follow t#e directions in t#e Sun

    Custer :ata Ser5ice $or race /C 6uide $or Soaris S .

    !ote> is procedure follows infor,ation in t#e Sun Custer :ata Ser5ice $or race /C 6uide $or

    Soaris S .


  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    !. Reister t#e %.ac_udlm resource t)pe.

    clesoucet*pe eiste %.ac_udlm

    (. Add an instance of t#e %.ac_udlm resource t)pe to t#e resource roup Eust created.

    clesouce ceate - m*-esouce-oup M-t %.ac_udlm M

    -p esouce_dependencies=m*-ac-!mwk-s m*-ac-udlm-s 

    -. Reister and add an instance of t#e resource t)pe t#at represents t#e Solaris /olu,e anaer.

    clesoucet*pe eiste %.ac_s(m

    . Add an instance of t#e %.ac_s(m resource t)pe to t#e resource roup Eust created.

    clesouce ceate - m*-ac-!mwk- M-t %.ac_s(m M-p esouce_dependencies=m*-ac-!mwk-s m*-ac-s(m-s


  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    -.4 Confiurin a Solaris "olu&e Manaer Metaset and Metade(ices

    !ote> is procedure follows infor,ation in t#e Sun Custer :ata Ser5ice $or race /C 6uide $or

    Soaris S .

    1. Create a ,ulti9owner dis set ,etaset6 fro, one node.Solaris /olu,e anaer allows t#e creation of ,etade%ices. &o use t#ese ,etade%ices for

    Oracle RAC? a ,etaset needs to *e created first. ou need to include all t#e nodes in t#e clusterin t#is co,,and and t#e na,e )ou want to i%e to t#e ,etaset ac(m in t#is e=a,ple6. ort#e *orac setup? t#e co,,and is>

    metaset -s ac(m -G -a -h oac1.acme.com oac".acme.com

    2. Add raw de%ices to t#e ,etaset.ou can now add raw de%ices in t#e s#ared storae to t#is ,etaset? and t#en create ,etade%iceswit# t#e,. 8oo at t#e ser%er infor,ation ta*le to identif) t#e de%ices )ou want to use wit#Solaris /olu,e anaer. ;se t#e lo*al de%ice ID DID6 instead of t#e raw de%ice na,e sinceDIDs are in%ariant across t#e cluster. or e=a,ple? oac1 presents t#e followin lo*alde%ices>

    /us/cluste/in/scdidadm -l3 oac1:/de(/dsk/c1t500"0"30000"3#d1 /de(/did/dsk/d34 oac1:/de(/dsk/c1t500"0"30000"3#d0 /de(/did/dsk/d45 oac1:/de(/dsk/c0t1d0 /de(/did/dsk/d56 oac1:/de(/dsk/c0t6d0 /de(/did/dsk/d6

    Accordin to t#e storae infor,ation ta*le in Appendi=

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    scstat -@-- @e(ice ,oup %e(es --

      @e(ice ,oup Dima* %econda*  ------------ ------- ---------

    -- @e(ice ,oup %tatus --

      @e(ice ,oup %tatus------------ ------

    -- Gulti-owne @e(ice ,oups --

      @e(ice ,oup nline %tatus  ------------ -------------  Gulti-owne de(ice oup: ac(m oac1Coac"

    -.10 Confiurin S

    5S is a eneric cluster file s)ste, t#at can #old an) ind of files. ou can install t#e Oracle #o,e init if )ou lie? use it onl) for data*ase files? or store an) ot#er ind of infor,ation in it. &o confiure5S? follow t#ese steps>

    1. Create on all nodes? a director) w#ere )ou can ,ount t#e cluster file s)ste,.

    mkdi -p /d_q!s/@ata

    2. nsure t#e director) is ,ounted after a re*oot *) addin t#ese lines to /etc/(!sta on all nodes.

    on pe! shaed 7%@ata - /d_q!s/@ata sam!s - no shaedCnotace

    3. Create /etc/opt/%sam!s/mc!  on all nodes.Here is a *rief e=planation of w#at t#e entries in t#is file ,ean>

    -ma8 Represents t#e cluster file s)ste, na,e. ou need onl) one line wit# ma and t#e na,e

    @ata in t#is e=a,ple6.

    -mm8 Represents t#e de%ice or de%ices for storin 5S ,etadata. ou need at least one *ut )ou

    s#ould #a%e ,ore for redundanc). ;se t#e DID pro%ided *) t#e Sun Cluster software.

    -mr8 Represents de%ices w#ere )ou want 5S to store data. ou s#ould i%e 5S all t#e

    de%ices )ou want it to use for data storae loo at t#e storae infor,ation ta*le to identif) t#e

    de%ices for 5S6. 5S puts all t#ese de%ices in a pool and stripes t#e, to create t#e cluster files)ste, on top. Here is an e=a,ple of t#e mc! file for t#e *orac setup>

    hostnameoac1 moe /etc/opt/%sam!s/mc!@ata " ma @ata on shaed/de(/did/dsk/d3s0 "0 mm @ata on/de(/did/dsk/d3s3 "1 m @ata on

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 20

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    hostnameoac" moe /etc/opt/%sam!s/mc!@ata " ma @ata on shaed/de(/did/dsk/d3s0 "0 mm @ata on/de(/did/dsk/d3s3 "1 m @ata on

    4. Create /etc/opt/%sam!s/hosts.@ata  on all nodes.

    In t#is file? )ou define w#ic# node is t#e 5S ser%er and w#ic# nodes are *acups all t#e rest6.;suall) +ode1 is defined as t#e ,anaer and t#e rest as *acups.

    hostnameoac1 moe /etc/opt/%sam!s/hosts.@ataoac1 clustenode"-pi( 1 0 se(eoac" clustenode1-pi( 1 0

    hostnameoac" moe /etc/opt/%sam!s/hosts.@ataoac1 clustenode"-pi( 1 0 se(eoac" clustenode1-pi( 1 0

    +otice t#at t#e #ost na,e needs to *e ,apped to t#e Sun Cluster node na,e. In t#e *orac setup?t#e nodes na,es did not ,ap in t#e sa,e order t#e) were not presented in t#e correct orderdurin scinstall6. It is for t#at reason t#at oac1 ,aps to clustenode"-pi(instead of to clustenode1-pi(. If )ou want to *e sure )ou are ,appin t#e, correctl)?)ou can find t#e Sun Cluster ID for an) node *) looin at t#e file /etc/cluste/nodeid .

    hostnameoac" moe /etc/cluste/nodeid1

    !. Create /etc/opt/%sam!s/sam!s.cmd  on all nodes.Here is t#e file used in t#e *orac setup. Cop) t#is file onto all )our nodes.

    hostnameoac" moe /etc/opt/%sam!s/sam!s.cmdstipe=1s*nc_meta=1mh_witeqwite!ocediectionsteams=10"4notacedlease=300wlease=300aplease=300

    (. Create t#e file s)ste, on t#e node )ou defined as ser%er in Step 4 oac1 in t#is setup6.

    /opt/%sam!s/sin/sammk!s -% -a 64 @ata mount /d_q!s/@ata chown oacle:da /d_q!s/@ata

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    -. ount t#e file s)ste, on all ot#er nodes>

    mount /d_q!s/@ata

    . In all nodes? c#ec t#e file s)ste,>


    oac" d! -k N ep @ata@ata "1"3"435" "6881#" "0#636160 "O /d_q!s/@ata

    7. Create t#e 5S ,etadata ser%er DS6 resource roup for #i# a%aila*ilit). ro, node 1 do>

    clesoucet*pe eiste %.q!s clesouceoup ceate -p nodelist=pwitch1Cpwitch" @ata- clesouce ceate -t %.q!s - @ata- -p 7%ile%*stem=/d_q!s/@ata clesouceoup online -emG @ata-

    At t#is point t#e cluster resource roup confiuration loos lie t#is>

    /us/cluste/in/scstat -

    -- esouce ,oups and esouces --

      ,oup ame esouces  ---------- --------- esouces: ac-!amewok- ac-!amewok-s ac-udlm-s ac-s(m-s esouces: @ata- @ata-s

    -- esouce ,oups --

      ,oup ame ode ame %tate %uspended  ---------- --------- ----- ---------  ,oup: ac-!amewok- oac" nline o  ,oup: ac-!amewok- oac1 nline o

      ,oup: @ata- oac1 nline o  ,oup: @ata- oac" !!line o

    -- esouces --

      esouce ame ode ame %tate %tatus Gessae  ------------- --------- ----- --------------  esouce: ac-!amewok-s oac" nline nline  esouce: ac-!amewok-s oac1 nline nline

      esouce: ac-udlm-s oac" nline nline  esouce: ac-udlm-s oac1 nline nline

      esouce: ac-s(m-s oac" nline nline  esouce: ac-s(m-s oac1 nline nline

      esouce: @ata-s oac1 nline nline - %e(iceis online.  esouce: @ata-s oac" !!line !!line

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 22

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    10. Optional6 Confiure OCR and %otin in 5S.If )ou plan to place t#e Oracle OCR and %otin de%ices inside t#e 5S file s)ste,? follow t#ise=a,ple on one of t#e nodes>

    mkdi /d_q!s/@ata/cs_!iles mkdi /d_q!s/@ata/d_!iles cd /d_q!s/@ata/cs_!iles dd i!=/de(/2eo o!=oc s=10"4k count=1"0

    dd i!=/de(/2eo o!=(otin s=10"4k count=1"0 chown - oacle:da (otin chown - oot:da oc chmod - 660 (otin chmod - 640 oc

    - %reparin. for /racle *AC Installation

    is section descri*es #ow to prepare a s)ste, for Oracle RAC installation wit# Oracle Clusterwarefor,erl) called CRS for JCluster Read) Ser%icesJ6. If ot#er clusterware is *ein used? please followt#e specific docu,entation for t#at product.

    dd i!=/de(/2eo o!=ocr_dev  s=10"4k count=1"0 dd i!=/de(/2eo o!=voting-dev   s=10"4k count=1"0 chown - oacle:da voting-dev  chown - oot:da ocr-dev  chmod - 660 voting-dev 

    chmod - 640 ocr-dev 

    2. Allow Oracle users to use sh on all s)ste,s.=ecute t#is co,,and as Oracle user on all t#e ser%ers t#at will *e part of t#e RAC cluster.

    echo B& oacleB P /epot/home/oacle/.hosts

    3. Confir, t#at )ou can use sh as Oracle.or all nodes? e=ecute t#e followin co,,and as Oracle user aainst all ot#er nodes andconfir, t#at t#ere are no pro*le,s reported>

    sh other-node hostname

    0 Installin. /racle Clusterware (C*S

    1. O*tain t#e Oracle Clusterware tar*all for =(=(4 or S$ARC s)ste,s6 and place it in/stae/cs.

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 23

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    2. or =(=(4 s)ste,s? run t#e ootpe.sh script as root on eac# node>


    2. Run t#e followin co,,and.

      su Q oacle

    3. C#ane to t#e /stae/cs/ director).

    4. Set t#e displa) to t#e s)ste, w#ere )ou want to displa) t#e installer G;I.

    !. Run t#e installer.


    or =((4 s)ste,s? t#e installer pro,pts )ou for confir,ation t#at t#e ootpe script #as*een e=ecuted. Answer *es.

    (. Accept t#e pat# for t#e in%entor) director) and t#e roup da6? and clic +e=t.

    -. Set t#e na,e to cs and t#e pat# to /epot/home/oacle/cs ? and clic +e=t.

    . See if t#ere are an) failures? and t#en clic +e=t.

    7. /erif) t#at pu*lic? %irtual? and pri%ate na,es resol%e in /etc/hosts? +IS? or Sun Clusterdata*ase? and t#en clic +e=t.

    10. Set t#e pu*lic I$de%ice to pu*lic. Set t#e pri%ate I$de%ice to pri%ate. Select clpi(net0de(ice for pri%ate and lea%e t#e ones used *) t#e Sun Cluster software as Jdo not use.J

    11. Set OCR to t#e de%ice selected in t#e storae ta*le usin t#e DID identifier or t#e 5S file6. ;see=ternal redundanc) if possi*le.

    12. Set %otin to t#e de%ice selected in t#e storae ta*le usin t#e DID identifier or t#e 5S file6. ;see=ternal redundanc) of possi*le.

    13. Clic Install.

    14. Run scripts as root in t#e order and on t#e nodes indicated.

    1!. If /I$ fails w#ile runnin scripts on t#e last node nown *u6? do t#e followin>

    a6 Set t#e @+%DH %aria*le appropriatel).

    *6 =ecute /epot/home/oacle/cs/in/(ipca. 

    c6 ill in aain t#e /I$ infor,ation? and (ipca creates and starts t#e /I$? GSD lo*alser%ices dae,on6? and O+S Oracle na,e ser%er6 resources under Oracle Clusterware.

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 24

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    1 Installin. t$e /racle *D!S Ser&er 

    1. O*tain t#e Oracle data*ase

    2. Create t#e director) /stae/10d on t#e data*ase ser%er and place t#e data*ase installationsoftware t#ere.

    3. C#ane to t#e /stae/10d director) and unpacae t#e tar*all.

    4. Run t#e followin co,,and>

    su Q oacle

    !. C#ane to t#e /stae/10d director).

    (. Set t#e displa) to t#e s)ste, w#ere )ou want to displa) t#e installer G;I.

    -. Run t#e installer wit# t#e followin co,,and>


    . Select nterprise dition? and clic +e=t.

    7. Define Oracle #o,e as /epot/home/oacle/d . Clear t#e c#ec *o= for Jcreate starterdata*ase?J and clic +e=t.

    10. Select all nodes? and clic +e=t.

    11. 8ea%e t#e in%entor) in /epot/home/oacle/oa+n(ento*  and lea%e t#e operatins)ste, roup na,e as da. Clic +e=t.

    12. Disreard t#e failure for noneec_use_stack=1 . If t#ere are no ot#er warnins? clic +e=tand clic es in t#e warnin popup dialo.

    13. Select t#e option Jinstall data*ase software onl)J and clic +e=t.

    14. Clic Install and wait until t#e installation finis#es.

    1!. As root? e=ecute t#e two co,,ands presented *) t#e installer? and clic OL.

    1(. =it t#e installer.

    1-. +ow it is necessar) to install t#e patc#set 2. O*tain t#e tar*all for t#is patc#set. or =((4 s)ste,s?et Oracle Data*ase $atc#set. or S$ARC s)ste,s? et Oracle $atc#set.

    1. Create t#e director) /stae/ps" and place t#e tar*all in it.

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 2!

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    17. ;npacae t#e tar*all.

    20. Run t#e followin co,,and>

    su Q oacle

    21. Set t#e displa) to t#e s)ste, w#ere )ou want to displa) t#e installer G;I.

    22. C#ane to t#e /stae/ps"/@isk1 director).

    23. Install t#e patc# on CRS #o,e first? and t#en install it aain on data*ase #o,e.

    24. =ecute t#e followin co,,and.


    2!. Clic +e=t.

    2(. Select CRS or d* for t#e data*ase first install on Oracle Clusterware and t#en on data*ase6.

    2-. Clic Install.

    2. Repeat installation of patc# on data*ase #o,e.

    27. As Oracle user? add t#e followin entries to t#e file /epot/home/oacle/.cshc .

    seten( )_%) RFG)seten( )_FG) R)_%)/dseten( %_FG) R)_%)/cs if RAC present6seten( DAF R)_FG)/in:RDAF

    seten( @_+H_DAF R)_FG)/liseten( )_%+@ SI_!or_your_database

    30. S$ARC onl)6 Install patc# !11-01( after patc# on Oracle #o,e onl) ,andator)6.

    31. Appl) t#e woraround descri*ed in docu,ent ID 3(340.1 at t#e Oracle eta8in we* site

    https://metalink.oacle.com? re:uires reistration6? w#ic# in%ol%es t#e followin>

    a6 nsure all instances are s#ut down.

    *6 anuall) cop) li*rar) file liknlopt.a fro, t#e local node to t#e sa,e director) on allre,ote nodes. On so,e ports? t#is li*rar) e=ists in R)_FG)/dms/li  and inot#er ports? t#is li*rar) e=ists in R)_FG)/li. It is critical to cop) t#e li*rar) file to

    t#e sa,e location on all re,ote nodes as it e=ists on t#e installation node.

    c6 Relin Oracle on all re,ote nodes it is not necessar) to relin on t#e node w#ere t#einstallation was perfor,ed6>

    cd R)_FG)/dms/limake -! ins_dms.mk ac_on ioacle

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 2(


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    32. Appl) perfor,ance patc#es? w#ic# are downloada*le fro, t#e Oracle eta8in we* site


    ● or =( *ased s)ste,s onl)? appl) perfor,ance patc# 4--0(73.

    ● or S$ARC *ased s)ste,s onl)? appl) patc# !!!771( to i,pro%e t#e lo writer dae,on8GR"R6 perfor,ance.

    33. C#ec t#e Oracle eta8in we* site for an) ot#er patc#es re:uired for )our installation.

    11 Creatin. a Test Database

    ;sin D

  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    14 Appendi A5 Ser&er Information Table

    Attriute !ode 1 !ode 2 Co&&ents

    Ser%er t)pe Sun ire 400

    Ser%er do,ain A

    Sun ire 400

    Ser%er do,ain <Host na,e   oac1 oac"

    C$;s (= ;SIII Cu1.2GHF

    (= ;SIII Cu1.2GHF

    Host I$ address 10.(.222.11 10.(.222.(-

    Root password   welcome welcome It #elps if t#e) are all t#e sa,e

    RA 1(G< 1(G<

    S#ared ,e,or) 10G< 10G< At least !G< less t#an total RA

    /I$ alias   oac1-(ip oac"-(ip

    /I$ I$ address 10.(.222.! 10.(.222.7

    OS %ersion Solaris 10 110( Solaris 10 110( Solaris 10 110( s10s_u3wos_10

    Console I$ address 10.(.222.4do,ain A6


  • 8/21/2019 SC32 RAC Install


    1" Appendi !5 Stora.e Information Table

    Attriute "alue Co&&ents

    Arra) t)pe Sun Storde &3

    Alias   t3-a

    Console I$ address"orld "ide +a,e !0020f2000002*37 +eeded to identif) 8;+s in t#e Solaris OS

    ir,ware %ersion 3.2.!

    nclosure fir,ware%ersion


    Dis siFe 3(G<

    Console password   welcome

    Dis 1 ,ap 8;+1

    Dis 2 ,ap 8;+1

    Dis 3 ,ap 8;+1

    Dis 4 ,ap 8;+1

    Dis ! ,ap 8;+2

    Dis ( ,ap 8;+2

    Dis - ,ap 8;+2

    Dis ,ap 8;+2

    Dis 7 ,ap Spare for *ot# 8;+s

    8;+1 t)pe RAID 01 Sun Cluster :uoru, oes in 8;+1. It re:uires no

    slice ,aps to/de(/dsk/c1t500"0"30000"3#d0 6.

    8;+2 t)pe RAID 01 aps tode(/dsk/c1t500"0"30000"3#d1

    8;+1? slice 0 1G< Oracle %otin de%ice

    8;+1? slice 1 1G< &o *e used as raw de%ices or *) Solaris /olu,eanaer

    8;+1? slice 3 3!G< 5S data

    8;+2? slice 4 3!G< &o *e used as raw de%ices or *) Solaris /olu,eanaer

    8;+2? slice 0 1G< 5S ,etadata

    8;+2? slice 1 1G< Oracle OCR  

    8;+2? slice 3 3!G< 5S data

    8;+2? slice 4 3!G< &o *e used as raw de%ices or *) Solaris /olu,eanaer

    Installation Guide for Solaris Cluster 3.2 Software and Oracle 10 #  Release 2 RAC 27

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    8;+1 DID d4 Glo*al DID assined *) t#e Sun Cluster softwareafter installation

    8;+2 DID d3 Glo*al DID assined *) t#e Sun Cluster softwareafter installation

    6icensin. Information4ness other*ise speci$ied, the use o$ this so$t*are is authoried pursuant to the terms o$ the icense $ound athttpD&&***.sun.com&"i#admin&common&"ereeyGicense.htm 

