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Scaling Data in Magento

Date post: 14-Dec-2014
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In this technical session, we will look at how you can scale the database horizontally behind Magento. We will discuss the reasons for scaling through replication and how this may impact on your infrastructure, deployment and Magento implementation. Replication brings with it a great deal of benefits but also some pitfalls and potential problems with things such as high rates of data change. We will present simple solutions with MySQL replication and also using Tungsten by Continuent to bring high availability and high performance to MySQL. This will be backed by real data and metrics from one of the highest volume Magento stores in the UK showing how Magento can be deployed at scale with high availability to serve the UK, USA and Australia from a single implementation generating over $100 million in revenue.
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Scaling Data in Magento
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Scaling Data in Magento

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Alistair SteadCTO


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Focused seasonal trends such as Cyber Monday have the capacity to melt tin

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Server capacity can of course be expandedhardware is inexpensive...

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Back pressure

from lower systems will block PHP

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When the DB is the bottleneck

adding more servers will only make it worse

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I'm not a DBA

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When your store is popular you have to cope learn

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Don't just copy what is on stackoverflow

identify your exact problem.

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You have to learn to question the current state?

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You have to find people that can help!

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After all engineering is not a solitary affair

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So you have your store up and running...

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All web servers are scaled and running nicely...

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You have Magento configured for optimal


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Now you have more traffic and things are slowing


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What do you do?

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Well... ..?

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You can't do anything with out instrumentation

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Development instrumentationidentify problems early

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Production instrumentation

will show the real problems

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We have metrics that say the DB is a slowing us


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We need to take some actions...

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But first...a brief interlude

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Scaling, high availability and redundancy

All related but separate things

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The ability to function within acceptable limits as the number of users increases

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High availability:

The ability to facilitate continuous function following and during failure

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Duplication of critical systems so as to have no single point of failure

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In a mission critical application

all these need to be balanced

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In commerceconversion rates are directly effected

the decisions made in these areas

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Technology should facilitate conversion!

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So where should we start?

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The Apache / Nginx process is blocking

waiting on PHP...

PHP is waiting on the Database...

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Step 1Make your queries FASTer

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MySQL IndexesIdentify missing indexes for a query

and speed up the result

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Re-design queriesNot recommended for core queries but

sometimes you have to...

However send a patch back to Magento for inclusion in the next release

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Step 2Cache as much as you can

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Expand query cache as much as you can

Can you fit your entire DB into memory?

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Use Full Page Cache

State the obvious but it protects the database at peak loads

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Use proxy or edge caches

If you don't need to execute PHP don't

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At some point your cache MUST expire

On highly merchandised sites then cache is simply not as effective

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But this is all for read operations...

What about writing data?

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Lock wait timeout...

Have you seen this in your exception log?

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Step 4Ensure all tables are INNODB

Some legacy code will have created MYISAM

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Increase lock_wait_timeout

Don't this is an anti-pattern

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Step 5Transaction level

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instead of the MySQL default of REPEATABLE READ

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Step 6Reduce transaction size

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Your transaction is not committed?

Your waiting for external service calls or none critical writes...

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Step 7Reducing non-critical write operations

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Logging can be done somewhere elese<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><frontend> <events> <controller_action_predispatch> <observers><log><type>disabled</type></log></observers> </controller_action_predispatch> <controller_action_postdispatch> <observers><log><type>disabled</type></log></observers> </controller_action_postdispatch> <customer_login> <observers><log><type>disabled</type></log></observers> </customer_login> <customer_logout> <observers><log><type>disabled</type></log></observers> </customer_logout> <sales_quote_save_after> <observers><log><type>disabled</type></log></observers> </sales_quote_save_after> <checkout_quote_destroy> <observers><log><type>disabled</type></log></observers> </checkout_quote_destroy> </events></frontend>

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HTTP 101Only modify state on HTTP POST

#TIP 1. This simple rule can help so many aspects of scaling

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Off-load functionality to third parties

logging and tracking can be handled else where

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Move data and logic to the client

If state has not changed then the client should know all it needs to know

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Step 8Asynchronous write operations

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Use job queues

non-crtitical write operations can be pushed to the queue

You then have to work with eventual consistency

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Step 9Clustering & replication

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Introduce a slave databaseReplicate data to the slave database

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Use standard MySQL replication

Enable binary logging

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Ensure you have compression enabled!

Or you will flood you internal network

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Use MIXED Binary logging format

for quicker replication

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STATEMENT Binary logging

Can cause PK clashes... in our experience...

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Single threaded replication

Prior to MySQL 5.6 you only have one thread

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Split read from write operations

Across the cluster

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Write, read consistency

Can be resolved with module level connections

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Module config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><config> <global> <resources> <module_read> <connection> <use>core_write</use> </connection> </module_read> </resources> </global></config>

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Cluster & replication options

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A multi-threaded replication process over MySQL

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Connection manager

A smart connection manager that can filter based on query content

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High availability

Connection manager provides active service discovery

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Connection Manager

runs on every server and allows the master to float around the cluster

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Hot production upgrades

MySQL can be configured or upgraded with zero downtime

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The Master Database

Can be moved to any node without config changes or downtime

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Service discovery

All servers connect to their own Connection Manager

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Next steps...

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One setting does not rule them all

Use many tuned connections for specific operations types

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Alternate replication architecture

Fan-in for example allowing multiple masters

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The smart connector can re-write the query on the fly

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Turn off security updates because your cluster will FAIL

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Ensure enough RAM for the transaction size

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Do you have enough file descriptors

This will be limited ensure you have enough

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Thank you!


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