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Scaling your analytics with Amazon EMR

Date post: 16-Jul-2015
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Scaling your analytics with Amazon EMR Rahul Pathak - Amazon EMR
Page 1: Scaling your analytics with Amazon EMR

Scaling your analytics with Amazon EMR Rahul Pathak - Amazon EMR

Page 2: Scaling your analytics with Amazon EMR


•  EMR: Hadoop on AWS –  Elastic clusters tailored for your workflows –  Minimize costs using Spot instances –  Easy integration with your datastores

•  Leveraging the Hadoop Ecosystem on EMR –  Batch & real-time –  Data warehouse on Hadoop

•  A few examples

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Thousands of EMR Customers; Over 15 Million Clusters Launched

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Why Amazon EMR?

•  Managed services •  Easy to tune clusters and trim costs by

dissociating compute and storage •  Support for multiple datastores •  Unique features and ecosystem support

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Create a managed Hadoop cluster in just a few clicks and use easy monitoring and debugging tools

AWS Console, Command Line, or the EMR API

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Choose your instance types Try out different configurations to find your optimal architecture.

CPU c3 family cc1.4xlarge cc2.8xlarge

Memory m2 family r3 family

Disk / IO hs1.8xlarge i2 family

General m1 family m3 family

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Long running or transient clusters Easy to run Hadoop clusters short-term or 24/7, and only pay for what you need.


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Resizable clusters Easy to add and remove compute capacity on your cluster.

Match compute demands with cluster sizing.

Amazon Confidential

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Easy to use Spot Instances

Spot for task nodes

Up to 90% off EC2

on-demand pricing

On-demand for core nodes

Standard EC2 pricing for

on-demand capacity

Amazon Confidential

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Using Amazon S3 and HDFS

Data Sources Transient EMR cluster

for batch map/reduce jobs for daily reports

Long running EMR cluster holding data in HDFS for Hive interactive queries

Weekly Report

Ad-hoc Query Data aggregated

and stored in Amazon S3

Amazon Confidential

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Use the Hadoop Ecosystem on EMR Leverage a diverse set of tools to get the most out of your data.

Amazon Confidential

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•  Databases •  Machine learning •  Metadata stores •  Exchange formats •  Diverse query languages

Hadoop 2.x

and much more...

Amazon Confidential

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Use bootstrap actions to install whatever applications you want on your EMR cluster

•  Presto

•  Spark

•  Phoenix

•  Any arbitrary application

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HUE: a UI for Hadoop to easily query and browse through your data

(beta available)

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EMR example #1: EMR for processing

GB of logs pushed to S3 hourly Daily EMR cluster

using Hive to process data

Input and output stored in S3

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EMR example #2: EMR as long-running database

Sales data pushed to S3

Amazon Confidential

Logs stored in S3

Daily EMR cluster ETL data into


24/7 EMR cluster running HBase holds last 2 years of


Front-end service uses HBase cluster to power

dashboard with high concurrency

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EMR example #3: EMR for ETL and query engine for investigations which require all raw data

Amazon Confidential

TBs of logs sent daily

Logs stored in S3

Hourly EMR cluster using Spark for ETL

Load subset into Redshift DW

Transient EMR cluster using Spark for ad hoc analysis of entire log set

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Leverage Amazon S3

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Use S3 as your persistent data store

•  Use Amazon S3 as your persistent data store •  11 9’s durability •  $0.03/GB/month •  Lifecycle policies •  Versioning •  Access controls •  Integration w/ Glacier (and other AWS services)

•  Resize and shut down EMR clusters with no data loss •  Point multiple EMR clusters at same data in S3 •  Use HDFS for temporary storage data between jobs •  No additional step to copy data to HDFS

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EMRFS makes it easier to leverage S3

•  Better read/write performance and error handling than open source options (e.g. S3N)

•  Consistent View NEW! (for consistent read after write)

•  Server-side encryption •  Faster listing •  Support for files > 5 GB

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EMRFS anti-patterns

•  Iterative workloads –  If you’re processing the same dataset more than once

•  Disk I/O intensive workloads

...but still use S3: persist data on S3 and use s3distcp to copy to HDFS for processing

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Real Time

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  Read Data Directly into Hive, Pig, Streaming and Cascading from Kinesis Streams

  No Intermediate Data Persistence Required

  Simple way to introduce real time sources into Batch Oriented Systems

  Multi-Application Support & Automatic Checkpointing

EMR Integration with Kinesis

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CREATE  TABLE  call_data_records  (      start_time  bigint,      end_time  bigint,      phone_number  STRING,      carrier  STRING,      recorded_duration  bigint,      calculated_duration  bigint,      lat  double,      long  double  )  ROW  FORMAT  DELIMITED  FIELDS  TERMINATED  BY  ","  STORED  BY  'com.amazon.emr.kinesis.hive.KinesisStorageHandler'  TBLPROPERTIES("kinesis.stream.name"=”MyTestStream");  

EMR Kinesis Integration: Hive

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Run Spark on EMR

•  Ideal for iterative workloads (e.g. machine learning) •  Bootstrap action:

•  aws emr create-cluster --name SparkCluster --ami-version 3.2 --instance-type m3.xlarge --instance-count 3 --service-role EMR_DefaultRole --ec2-attributes KeyName=MYKEY,InstanceProfile=SparkRole --applications Name=Hive --bootstrap-actions Path=s3://support.elasticmapreduce/spark/install-spark

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File size and compression

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File Size Best Practices

•  Avoid small files at all costs •  Anything smaller than 100MB

•  Each mapper is a single JVM •  CPU time is required to spawn JVMs/mappers

•  Fewer files, matching closely to block size == fewer calls to S3

== fewer network/HDFS requests

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Dealing with Small Files

•  Reduce HDFS Block Size, e.g. 1MB (default is 128MB) –  --bootstrap-action s3://elasticmapreduce/bootstrap-actions/

configure-hadoop --args “-m,dfs.block.size=1048576”

•  Better: use S3DistCP to combine smaller files together –  S3DistCP takes a pattern and target path to combine smaller

input files to larger ones

–  Supply a target size and compression codec

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S3DistCP Options Option


















--s3Endpoint ENDPOINT

--storageClass CLASS

•  Most Important Options

•  --src

•  --srcPattern

•  --dest

•  --groupBy

•  --outputCodec

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•  Always Compress Data Files On Amazon S3 •  Reduces Bandwidth Between Amazon S3 and Amazon EMR •  Speeds Up Your Job

•  Compress Mappers and Reducer Output •  EMR compresses inter-node traffic with LZO with

Hadoop 1, and Snappy with Hadoop 2

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•  Compression Types: –  Some are fast BUT offer less space reduction –  Some are space efficient BUT slower –  Some are splittable and some are not

Algorithm Splittable? Compression ratio Compress + Decompress speed

Gzip (DEFLATE) No High Medium

bzip2 Yes Very high Slow

LZO Yes Low Fast

Snappy No Low Very fast

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•  If you are time sensitive, faster compressions are a better choice

•  If you have large amount of data, use space efficient compressions

•  If you don’t care, use gzip

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Change Compression Type

•  Use S3DistCP to change the compression types of your files

•  Example: ./elastic-mapreduce --jobflow j-3GY8JC4179IOK \ --jar /home/hadoop/lib/emr-s3distcp-1.0.jar \ --args '--src,s3://myawsbucket/cf,\ --dest,hdfs:///local,\ --outputCodec,lzo’

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Bootstrap actions

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EMR Bootstrap Actions

•  What are they? –  Bash scripts run on every node prior to joining the

cluster •  What can they do?

–  Anything •  Really?

–  Yes

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The Hadoop ecosystem runs in Amazon EMR

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Optimizing for cost

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Cost saving tips

•  Use S3 as your persistent data store (only pay for compute when you need it!)

•  Use EC2 Spot instances (especially with Task nodes) to save 80% or more on the EC2 cost

•  Use EC2 Reserved instances if you have steady workloads •  Create CloudWatch alerts to notify you if a cluster is underutilized

so you can shut it down (e.g. Mappers Running == 0 for more than N hours)

•  Contact your sales rep about custom pricing options if you are spending more than $10K per month on EMR

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150B Soil Observations 3M Daily Weather Measurements

200 TB of Data in S3

850K Precision Rainfall Grids Tracked

The Climate Corporation

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Per Simulation: 10K Unique Scenarios Generated 5 Trillion Datapoints 20 TB Data 5-6k Node Hadoop Cluster

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Expensive data storage (200TB!)

Long data import times

Long data processing times

Expensive computing required (5 trillion data points!)

Hadoop cluster setup and management complexity

(5-6k cluster nodes!)

Business Challenge

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AWS Import/Export to quickly migrate large amount of data into S3

AWS S3 for affordable, unlimited storage

AWS Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) for simplified Hadoop

Transient AWS compute resources

Leverage AWS EC2 Spot Instances for additional capacity at big discounts

The AWS Solution

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Temporary EMR Cluster (5,000 Nodes)

20 TB

10k Scenarios

S3 (200 TB)
