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Its Various Forms WD~~A Islaarnic Da'awah Academy
Page 1: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Its Various Forms

WD~~APS Islaarnic Da'awah Academy

Page 2: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling 6 its Various Forms


Publication No 6

1st Edition Sha'baan 1415/January 1995

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Islaamic Da'awah Academy 186 Melbourne Road Leicester, England LE2 ODT Telephone (01 16) 262 5440 Facsimile (01 16) 242 501 6


Allah ta'aalaa has blessed us with innumerous gifts and favours, one of which is wealth. The Ahaadeeth of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam encourage a Muslim to earn this favour of wealth through Halaal means and spend it in causes which bring the Pleasure of Allah. If Halaal wealth is a source of blessings, mercy, comfort, peace and tranquillity, then Haraam wealth will bring calamities, misfortunes and harm from all four sides.

Wealth acquired through gambling is unlawful and the Qur'aan and Ahaadeeth have condemned the act of gambling which brings loss, not only in the life Hereafter, but also in this very world. It is explicitly clear from the verses of the Qur'aan and the Ahaadeeth of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that: 1. Gambling is a major sin, 2. All forms of gambling are prohibited, 3. The harms of gambling are far more greater than

its paltry benefits, 4. It is from Shaytaan's work, 5. It creates hatred and enmity amongst gamblers, 6. It prevents the gambler from the remembrance of

Allah and Salaat, 7. Success lies in abstaining from this evil.

Page 3: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling & its Various Forms

In this materialistic western society, where material gains and achievements play a vital role in each individual's life, the commands of Allah regarding Halaal and Haraam are being neglected. Earning Halaal livelihood and protecting one's self from Haraam has become one of the most difficult tasks, even for those who are considered religious. Greed for wealth is dictating everyone's life and each person very easily becomes the victim of the nafs and Shaytaan. The latest example is the evil of the National Lottery which has attracted the attention of all, old and young alike.

The startling figures of Muslims indulging in this great sin led me to make a firm resolution to expose the harms and evil of this great sin verbally and in writing. Some articles, along with bayaans on various occasions in different parts of the country, were published in Riyaadh ul Jannah. However, there was ,still a need to publish a leaflet or booklet on this subject for free distribution throughout the UK. I was in the process of collecting material from authentic sources on this subject when my friend Maulana Ismail Pate1 presented to me a copy of a scholarly article by the late Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It would have been definitely difficult, if not impossible to prepare or find such a comprehensive andunique work on this particular subject.

Gambling & its Various Forms

I appeal to my Muslim Brothers and Sisters to read this book with great care and attention and abstain from this great evil. Remember! Wealth is a gift from

, Allah; it is a trust regarding which we will be questioned on the Day of Qiyaarnah as to how it was earned and where it was spent.

It is not wealth that brings happiness; instead it is the Pleasure of Allah that guarantees peace, happiness, success, tranquillity and contentment of the heart.

Whosoever desires the transit0 y things of this world, We will readily give him therein that which We will for whom We please. And afterwards We have appointed Hell for him; he will burn therein, disgraced, rejected. And whosoever desires the Hereafer and strives for it with the effort necessary, being a believer, for such their effort will find favour (with their Lord). (1 7:18-19)

Muhammad Sdeem Dhorat, Leicester, England Sha'baan 1415/January 1995

Page 4: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling 6 its Various Forms Gambling & its Various Forms

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

The negligence and carelessness regarding the Aqaa'id (beliefs), Ibaadaat (acts of worship) and Mu'aamalaat (business transactions) of Muslims has reached its peak. If Muslims were recopised strictly according to the proper Islaamic definition of a Muslim, then only a small number from among the 1.2 billion Muslims of the world would be regarded as true Muslims. This will be even more evident when it concerns business deals and financial transactions they would not be regarded as true Muslims since most of their dealings and transactions are, today, very far from the noble standards of Islaam.

Generally, people are regarded as pious and God- fearing Muslims due to their appearance and frequent attendance at the masaajid. Yet sadly in their shops, factories and offices, they are far away from Islaam and its pure teachings. In their business transactions, they too are involved in all those activities that the non-Muslims and rejectors of Islaam are involved in. Furthermore, there are many people who engage themselves in devotions, lead lives of abstinence and piety and may be regarded as leaders, yet they fail to conduct their dealings and transactions in the correct

manner, though the earning of Halaal (lawful) sustenance is the soul of every action.

Some people enquired from I m a m Muhammad Ibne Hasan Shaybaani, the most renowned student of Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah rahmattlllahi alayh, that despite having written many books, "You have not written even one book on Tasawwuf (Mysticism)." He replied, "I have already written it - The Book of Business and the Book of Transactions. The entire field of Tasawwuf is dependant on one's sustenance being lawful and Halaal, and this knowledge can only be gained through these books."

Every transaction that is based on one party's gain and another's loss, or if the transaction is obscure, is called 'gambling' in the terminology of the Sharee'ah. In Arabic, it is referred to as Qimaar and Maysir. Take the case of two persons competing in a race on the condition that the loser pays the winner l100; or that a person says, "If it rains today, I will give you LIOO, and if it does not rain, you will have to give me L100." Since one party gains and the other loses, it falls under the definition of gambling. Another example is that of sealed boxes that are sold for a specific price while the contents are unknown - i.e. the sealed boxes are sold forf;5 each, while the value of the contents of each box

Page 5: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling I3 its Various Forms may vary from i 1 to i1O. As a result, the purchase of these boxes revolves around one's gain or loss being obscure (hidden) is also considered as gambling. Gambling, therefore, can take countless different forms. In every era and every different land gambling is practiced in a variety of different ways.

A special way of gambling existed among the Arabs. There would be ten (10) people who would each have an arrow. Some arrows had a sum specified for it while others had no sum specified. The arrows were put together and one person picked up the arrows one at a time while calling out one of the names of the ten (10) people for each arrow. The person whose arrow had no amount specified was completely deprived. It was also a custom to slaughter one camel and distribute it according to the specified amounts of the arrow. The person who was allocated an arrow without a sum specified, was deprived of the meat of the camel, and was made to pay for the camel. This particular method of gambling has been referred to in the Holy Qur'aan as Maysir and Azlaam. Maysir meant that camel that was slaughtered and Azlaam meant those arrows which were used for gambling. Besides this, other forms of gambling in business were also present such as BayCul Mulaamasah, and Bay6ul Munaabazah, etc. Bay'ul Mulaamasah meant that whatever the buyer

Gambling I3 its Various Forms. touched was his for a particular sum paid before

' touching. Bay'ul Munaabazah meant that the buyer throws a pebble and on whatever the pebble falls, he

t becomes its owner, provided a specified amount was paid before throwing the pebble. All these forms of gambling were expressedly forbidden in the Ahaadeeth.

Before the advent of Islaam, gambling was regarded as great honour and means of gaining respect. To increase their honour and respect the money earned through gambling would be donated to charity.

Islaam, the all-embracing religion, not only displayed its just and moderate systems in beliefs and devotion, but also in economics and social orders. This just religion could not tolerate the unjust seizure of another person's wealth (through games of chance) which resulted in crippling the poor even more and strengthening the rich by accumulation of wealth without any effort nor could it tolerate the collection of a large amount from the poor and making it one person's property without any lawful religious reason. Consequently, gambling was declared unlawful.

The consideration by this vast and all-embracing religion of Islaam of the human instinct and feelings is

Page 6: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling & its Various Forms

admirable and worthy of a hundred thanks. Gambling and alcohol which had become a second nature of man, were not prohibited at once. First its evils were made known and after a period when the evil of gambling and alcohol were recognised in the heart, the order of prohibition was revealed.

In the beginning of Islaam when the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was asked about alcohol and gambling, this verse was revealed,

They ask thee concerning wine andgambling. Say: In them is a great sin and some benefit for men. The sin is greater than the benefit. (2:219) This verse is indistinct regarding the lawfulness

and unlawfulness of wine and gambling. Some high- ranking Sahaabah radhiyallahu anhum understood from this verse that these things are undesirable and detestable. They began abstaining from these things immediately. Generally, the people participated in gambling and wine drinking, since a clear ruling declaring the unlawful and Haraam was not revealed and since there had been no definite decision from the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Then this verse of Soorah Maa'idah was revealed, 0 you who belieue! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones and arrows are

Gambling b its Various Forms abomination of Shaytaan's handiwork: Abstain from it so that you may prosper. Shaytaan'splan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between

@ you, with intoxicants andgambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: Will you not then abstain? (5:91) The prohibition of alcohol (intoxicants) and

gambling is clearly and openly mentioned in this verse. It is declared unlawful with great emphasis according to Imaam Raazi rahrnatullahi alayh. Firstly, the verse commences with the word 'Innamaa' which in the Arabic language stands for special emphasis. Secondly, the things mentioned in this verse are regarded as 'rijsun', meaning filth or dirt, which every sensible person will refrain from. Thirdly, they are referred to as Shaytaan's handiwork. Fourthly, it's evil is expressed even more when it is associated with idol-worshipping, meaning that all these acts are rings of the same chain. After mentioning all this, the order of abstinence is given. Further, the adverse and spiritually evil effects are mentioned. Shaytaan wishes to destroy you religiously and as far as your worldly matters are concerned, he will create enmity between you, the effect of which will be long-lasting and this habit will stop you from the remembrance of Allah and Salaat.

May Almighty Allah save all Muslims from its evil. Aameen.

Page 7: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling & its Various Forms


Generally, old customs and habits gradually become part and parcel of a person's temperament and they become almost second nature. The prohibition of that which was part of their lives and a means of pride for them was a great trial and tribulation for them. This period was very vital in Islaam. As the consideration of the human feelings and instincts by the Divine Religion is praiseworthy, the spirit of obedience and total submission of the Muslim Ummah, after the prohibition, is also a living and outstanding example unparalleled in history.

After the prohibition was revealed, the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent out a caller, who proclaimed in the streets of Madeenah: "Beware intoxicants (alcohol) have been prohibited." This proclamation and message went straight to the hearts and changed the spirits of the people. Intoxicants, which a few minutes ago were the most beloved thing of the Arabs and pan of their lives, became detestable in their sight after hearing the order of prohibition. Whoever had glasses of intoxicants in their hands threw -

them to the ground; whoever had alcohol in their mouths spat i t out. The sound of breaking glasses and

Gambling & its Various Forms

drinking vessels was heard from every home. Liquor flowed in the streets of Madeenah like torrents of rain.

A very illustrious Companion of the Holy Prophet 1 sallallahu alayhi warallam, Hadhrat Anas Ibne Maalik

radhiyallahu anhu, reports that at that time a group of Sahaabah were assembled at the house of Hadhrat Aboo Talhah radhiyallahu anhu. Among them were prominent Sahaabah like Hadhrat Aboo 'Ubaydah Ibne Jarraah, Hadhrat Aboo Dujaanah, Hadhrat Mu'aaz Ibne Jabal and Hadhrat Suhayl Ibne Baydhaa radhiyallahu anhum. He says, "I was the cup-bearer in this gathering. Suddenly I heard the sound of the caller and all present heard it also. None of us present thought it necessary to go outside and investigate, but instead all the glasses were thrown to the ground. Large earthen pots and containers were broken and destroyed. All the alcohol was thrown into the gutters and down pipes. We all made ghusl and wudhoo, and proceeded t o the masjid, where we found the Holy Prophet sallallahu akayhi wasaltam reciting the verse which contained the order of prohibition."

Hadhrat Buraydah ra&iyallahKanh was also in a gathering engaged in drinking alcohol A d giving others to drink. The voice of the caller was heard and

I immediately, the alcohol in the glasses was thrown to

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Gambling & its Various Forms

the ground, the alcohol in the mouths was spat out, and the alcohol in huge containers was destroyed.

Hadhrat Jaabir radhiyallahu anhu reports that a Companion's business was liquor. He used to bring liquor from Khaybar and sell it in Madeenah. Incidentally, at the time intoxicants were declared Haraam, he had gone to Khaybar to purchase alcohol. Upon entering Madeenah one Sahaabi informed him that liquor had been declared Haraam. Hearing this, he stopped where he was and did not move further with the liquor. He left all the liquor on one hill-top and proceeded to the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam arid asked him if the news of the prohibition was true. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam verified this. He enquired further, 'Will I be permitted to give it back to the person I brought it from ?'

The Holy Prophet sallallahu aluyhi wasallam replied, 'No, now to return it is not permissible for you.' 'Can I give it to some non-Muslim, who has done me some favour?' The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam replied, 'No.' He then said, 'I have utilised the wealth of some orphans who are in my care, in buying this liquor. What should I do?' The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam told him when the goods of Bahrain come to them, at that time, the compensation of the rights of the orphans will be given from the

Gambling & its Various Forms

Baytul Maal. This Companion went back to where he had left the liquor and poured all the liquor on to the ground. Liquor was flowing in large quantities like rain water.

This is not the occasion to accumulate incidents concerning liquor, but since liquor and gambling were prohibited together in the same verse at the same time, a few incidents to reflect the spirit of obedience of the Sahaabah radhiyallahu anhum are mentioned here. When this was the spirit of obedience in liquor, the total abstinence of which is very difficult, one can imagine their submission and obedience in gambling. History bears testimony to the fact that after the revelation of the prohibition of gambling, the Sahaabah abstained from everything that seemed doubtful to them. In Saheeh Bukhaari, the Hadeeth of the Holy Prophet sullalluhu alayhi wasallam, is mentioned that whoever tells his companion, 'Come let's gamble,' he should give charity as a compensation for merely talking about such an evil deed.

Alas, how sorrowful to note, that intoxicants and gambling, which have been very strongly prohibited in the Qur'aan and the very mentioning of gambling is termed in the Hadeeth as a sin, are regarded as completely lawful and permissible by the Muslims of today, as if the prohibition of these things does not

Page 9: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling & its Various Forms Gambling & its Various Forms even exist in the Qur'aan and Hadeeth, or (Allah forbid) they have no faith in the Qur'aan and Hadeeth. What is more regretful is that those people who are regarded as pious and religious, due to their acts of worship (Salaat and Fasting), are also involved in these sins.

SOME FORMS OF GAMBLING Hadhrat Ali radhiyallahu anhu says that chess is

gambling. He also says that the betting by children on walnuts is gambling. Hadhrat Raashid Ibne Sa'ad and Hadhrat Hamzah Ibne Habeeb are also of the view that the games of betting little children play with sticks, walnuts, eggs, etc. is also regarded as gambling.

From the definition of gambling and from the explanation of Sahaabah radhiyallahu anhum and Taabi'een, it becomes evident that the undermentioned games of today are also forms of gambling and falls under the severe warnings mentioned in the Qur'aan regarding gambling.

Horse Racing The present-day horse racing where one stakes a

certain amount on a particular horse is in fact gambling. It is exactly that form, where loss and gain is based on something indistinct, where one person loses his initial amount and the other wins a substantial amount.

All lotteries are also gambling and not allowed. Gambling has taken hundreds of forms, which are present in businesses and market places. The viewpoint and some common types are mentioned here.

Crossword Puzzle This form of gambling has become more like an

epidemic nowadays. It is a big business for newspapers and monthly magazines. Various types and forms of crosswords are published and it is advertised that whoever solves them correctly and encloses a certain amount, when posting it to the company concerned, stands a chance of winning a certain amount of money or a certain prize if, he is the lucky one at the time of the draw. Some companies fix substantial amounts of cash as the prize money. As a result, the poor masses, seeing that the entry fee is so small and negligible and there is a chance of winning a substantial amount, enter by the thousands. This is open gambling where a person stakes an amount in this indistinct way that either he loses that amount or wins a substantial amount. This in Sharee'ah is known as gambling. In some monthly magazines this form of gambling has expanded very widely and the income runs into millions. Even if the company does not indulge in any form of cheating, and distributes the prize

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Gambling & its Various Forms Gambling & its Various Forms

money justly, thousands of pounds are left over which is the blood and sweat of the poor classes. Consequently, the poor become poorer and the rich become richer. In the Islaamic economic system, basically, it has been very severely opposed that the wealth of the masses be owned by a handful of people. This reason is sufficient for the prohibition of gambling. This gambling in the form of crosswords is a very detrimental form, and acollection of thousands of sins. This form openly invites the general public to participate in it and go against the commands of Allah and His Rasool sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Every Muslim who participates in this is defying the Qur'aan and is guilty of committing a major sin.

The burden of this sin is placed on the shoulders of the people responsible for organising this. Any person who renders any form of assistarice to such a business will also be a partner in sin. In this manner thousands of Muslims at one time openly indulge in that which is undoubtedly Haraam and against the clear command of the Qur'aan. There are hundreds of Muslims who indulge in this Haraam act. The unending chain of evil and sin continues.

May Allah Most High save all Muslims from this crime and misfortune

The transaction of sealed boxes of unknown value

Sealed boxes are bought and sold in market places and fun fares. Some contain goods worth more than its price and some are even empty. People normally buy these boxes on the pretext of trying their luck. This is not permitted and is a form of gambling.

Various games of children In some towns little children bet and gamble with

almonds, walnuts, marbles, etc.; this is all Haraam and unlawful. In some places pebbles andstones are thrown and bets of money are taken; this is all prohibited and included in gambling.

All those games of chance where betting takes place are regarded as gambling. Any form of assistance to it is also Haraam.

Pigeon flying and lute flying are not permissible nor is betting permissible in them.

Insurance Great efforts are made to legalise insurance by

naming it 'financial assistance'. But since the current forms are all based on interest and gambling, none of them are permitted.

Page 11: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling 6.' its Various Forms Gambling & its Various Forms

The prize winning tickets of shows and exhibitions

Recently, the organisers of exhibitions and shows have invented a new formula to attract more people by issuing entrance tickets with lucky numbers. An announcement is made that at the end of the show or exhibition, there will be a draw and the lucky person will be given a prize. This is not regarded as open gambling, because the ticket holder has paid for entry to the show, that was granted to him, and he has received the returns for his money. The intention in this situation plays a very important pan. Any person buying an entrance ticket with the intention of winning the prize will be indulging in a form of gambling. On the other hand, if a person buys the entrance ticket to see the show and has no intention or desire of winning the prize and wins the prize then this will not be regarded as gambling.

NATIONAL LOTTERY IS HARAAM Q The National Lottery starts next month. Can you

please state the Shar'ee position of gambling supported by Qur'aan and Hadeeth, so that Muslim brothers and sisters may become aware of the consequences of this sin?

A Gambling falls within the category of major sins. Verses were sent down touching upon the subject of gambling and in each of them it was condemned until finally it was completely forbidden by the following verse of Soorah Maa'idah: 0 you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, and idols and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination of shaytaan's work, so avoid them, so that you may get salvation. Shaytaan's only desire is to precipitate enmity and hatred between you by means of intoxicant and gambling and bar you from the remembrance ofAllah and from prayer. Wil l you then not abstain? (90-91) It is clear from this verse that gambling has in it the following evils:

1. It creates hatred and enmity amongst gamblers. Generally the loser will hold grudge and hatred in his heart for the winner who has deprived him of his wealth, which will result in feuds, killing, murder, etc. This is the material and worldly loss.

2. It prevents the gambler from remembrance of Allah ta'aalaa and he becomes heedless of devotion to Allah ta'aalaa. This is a spiritual and religious loss.

Page 12: Scanned Document - Islamibayanaat.com · Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb rahmatullahi alayh on this subject, translated by Jamiatul Ulama (Natal). It ... Imaam-e-Aazam, Imaam Aboo Haneefah

Gambling & its Various Forms

If gambling consists of both internal and external harms, a Mu'min will definitely abstain from it. Allaamah Zahabi rahmatullahi alayh states, "It (gambling) is a form of devouring people's wealth unlawfully which Allah ta'aalaa has prohibited in the following verse: And do not eat up the property of one another amongst yourselves wrongfully. (2 : 188) And it falls within the Hadeeth of Nabee sallallahtr alayhi wasallam, "Indeed those men who interfere in the property of Allah (i.e. property of other people) without right, for them is Jahannam." And in Bukhaari, the Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, "Whoever says to his companion, come let us gamble, then he should give sadaqah." If only the statement (of gambling) establishes the giving of sadaqah, then what about the gravity of the act (of gambling). (Kitaabul Kabaa'ir Page 88-89) The Arabs in the days of ignorance had different forms of gambling. In modern times too, there are dozens of types of gambling of which a very common form is lottery. It is therefore of utmost importance to abstain from such a grave sin. May Allah save us all from those things which brings His displeasure.

Muhammad Saleeem Dhorat Extracted from Questions & Answers column published in Riyaadh ul Jannah (Vol4 No 1)

Riyaadh A MONTHLY JOURNAL ul Jannah A Monthly publication in English promoting a

greater understanding and awareness of the teachings of

the Qur'aan & Sunnah.



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