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Schedule 7: Political Activities - Description · Schedule 7: Political Activities - Description...

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www.canadiancharitylaw.ca Schedule 7: Political Activities - Description Description Achat d'un pancarte pour une conférence de presse concernant l'importance de la poursuite de la poursuite du seul programme de financement pour l'itinérance au pays. Achat d'un document du Réseau Solidarité itinérance Québec "Plate forme pour une politique en itinérance au Québec, pour les gens de la Table itinérance de Sherbrooke. Participation à quelques campagnes de correspondance aux gouvernements du Québec et du Canada, en lien avec le programme fédéral en itinérance, la réforme de l'aide sociale, la mise en oeuvre d'une politique en itinérance par le gouvernement du Québec et pour l'augmentation du financement aux organismes santé et services sociaux par le ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du gouvernement du Québec. Participation à des raliements sur les réformes de l'aide sociale et à l'assurance-emploi. Le lien avec nos activités de bienfaisance est la conservation de services de qualités, accessibles et gratuits. Face au coupures à l'aide sociale au Québec, nous avons écrit un mémoire que nous avons déposé un mémoire à la ministre responsable, avons invité nos membres et la population à manifester leur désaccord et à signer des pétitions, et rédigé des communiqués. Cette action s'inscrip parfaitement dans notre mandat d'aider les gens qui vivent des difficultés budgétaires. Les personnes vivant de l'aide sociale représentent 27% de la clientèle qui nous consulte. L'ORGANISME A RÉDIGÉ UN COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE ET PARTICIPE À UNE LETTRE OUVERTE POUR DÉNONCER L'IMPACT DES HAUSSES DES FRAIS DE SCOLARITÉ SUR L'ENDETTEMENT ÉTUDIANT. IL A ÉGALEMENT PARTICIPÉ À QUELQUES RALLIEMENTS POUR DÉNONCER L'IMPACT DE POLITIQUES GOUVERNEMENTALES SUR LE BUDGET DES MÉNAGES. Wrote less than 5 letters to government organizations advocating for persons living with dementia and their family care providers. Participation à des manifestations organisées par la Troc. (Table Régionale des Organismes Communautaires de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec) Afin de faire valoir les besoins des organismes communautaires Internal project which supported a portion of the wages for the VP of Government Relations & External Affairs. CARFAC arranged meetings for their members to meet with their MPs about the Artist's Resale Right, an amendment to the Copyright Act, which benefits visual artists. In addition to meetings, CARFAC engaged in research about this amendment, prepared press releases about it, and responded to interview requests from the press. This legislation amendment essentially assists in improving the socio-economic situation of Canadian visual artists, which is within CARFAC's mandate. The charity's political activities were focused on advocating for (1) cystic fibrosis newborn screening in Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and (2) access to medicines to treat cystic fibrosis. Other activities included an educational event for members of the British Columbia legislative Assembly and their staff, and memberships with the Canadian Coalition for Genetic Fairness which advocates for laws to protect Canadians from genetic discrimination, and the Canadian Organization for Rare Diseases which advocates for health policy and a healthcare system that works for those with rare disorders. Cystic Fibrosis Canada's mission is to help people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Cystic Fibrosis Canada supports high quality CF care and promotes awareness of cystic fibrosis. Provided information and education surrounding the purpose and effect of Not Criminally Responsible because of mental Illness legislation and proposed changed thereto. The Foundation contracted advice to develop an provincial election strategy, developed resources to
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Schedule 7: Political Activities - Description


Achat d'un pancarte pour une conférence de presse concernant l'importance de la poursuite de la poursuite du seul programme de financement pour l'itinérance au pays. Achat d'un document du Réseau Solidarité itinérance Québec "Plate forme pour une politique en itinérance au Québec, pour les gens de la Table itinérance de Sherbrooke. Participation à quelques campagnes de correspondance aux gouvernements du Québec et du Canada, en lien avec le programme fédéral en itinérance, la réforme de l'aide sociale, la mise en oeuvre d'une politique en itinérance par le gouvernement du Québec et pour l'augmentation du financement aux organismes santé et services sociaux par le ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du gouvernement du Québec.

Participation à des raliements sur les réformes de l'aide sociale et à l'assurance-emploi. Le lien avec nos activités de bienfaisance est la conservation de services de qualités, accessibles et gratuits.

Face au coupures à l'aide sociale au Québec, nous avons écrit un mémoire que nous avons déposé un mémoire à la ministre responsable, avons invité nos membres et la population à manifester leur désaccord et à signer des pétitions, et rédigé des communiqués. Cette action s'inscrip parfaitement dans notre mandat d'aider les gens qui vivent des difficultés budgétaires. Les personnes vivant de l'aide sociale représentent 27% de la clientèle qui nous consulte.


Wrote less than 5 letters to government organizations advocating for persons living with dementia and their family care providers.

Participation à des manifestations organisées par la Troc. (Table Régionale des Organismes Communautaires de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec) Afin de faire valoir les besoins des organismes communautaires

Internal project which supported a portion of the wages for the VP of Government Relations & External Affairs.

CARFAC arranged meetings for their members to meet with their MPs about the Artist's Resale Right, an amendment to the Copyright Act, which benefits visual artists. In addition to meetings, CARFAC engaged in research about this amendment, prepared press releases about it, and responded to interview requests from the press. This legislation amendment essentially assists in improving the socio-economic situation of Canadian visual artists, which is within CARFAC's mandate.

The charity's political activities were focused on advocating for (1) cystic fibrosis newborn screening in Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and (2) access to medicines to treat cystic fibrosis. Other activities included an educational event for members of the British Columbia legislative Assembly and their staff, and memberships with the Canadian Coalition for Genetic Fairness which advocates for laws to protect Canadians from genetic discrimination, and the Canadian Organization for Rare Diseases which advocates for health policy and a healthcare system that works for those with rare disorders. Cystic Fibrosis Canada's mission is to help people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Cystic Fibrosis Canada supports high quality CF care and promotes awareness of cystic fibrosis.

Provided information and education surrounding the purpose and effect of Not Criminally Responsible because of mental Illness legislation and proposed changed thereto.

The Foundation contracted advice to develop an provincial election strategy, developed resources to

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engage volunteers in the strategy, developed a pre-election survey for political parties, produced a document outlining our policy priorities, contracted an analysis of the provincial government budget, developed and delivered a presentation for the tree main party caucus offices, surveyed school board candidates about their positions of health, communicated survey results to stakeholders, educated stakeholders about potential school board policy change to support health.

This year, CPAWS was involved in three major activities that were political in nature; the Black Out Speak Out campaign that dealt with proposed legislation that would have affected environmental assessments, National Park management plans and budget cuts to scientific monitoring of ecosystem health in National Parks. We released a critical report with recommended changes to government policies on National Parks. We also issued a report about Canada's lack of commitment to ocean conservation through marine protected areas. All of these activities relate to our mission to promote and encourage the beneficial use, management and preservation of areas of natural significance.

Canadian Wildlife Federation's missions is to conserve wildlife and so CWF encouraged supporters and the public to provide input to public officials to support changes to a law, policy, plan or decision by government that is positive (or has no negative) impact on wildlife, and to express their opposition to changes to a law, policy, plan or decision that we believe will have a negative impact on wildlife. During 2012-13 our activities focused on input to the Boreal Caribou Recovery Strategy, the Species At Risk Act, and the listing of species of bats threatened by white nose syndrome.

Mobilisations, communiqués, pétitions, ateliers, blogue

Le CQDA a participé aux consultations publiques du CRTC sur la téléphonie cellulaire, les services d'urgence 911, la faisabilité d'un service de relais vidéo au Canada et la mise en place de norme de sous-titrage francophone afin que les services répondent adéquatement aux besoins des personnes vivant avec une surdité. Le CQDA a aussi invité ses partenaires à participer aux consultations publiques et citoyennes ainsi qu'aux audiences du CRTC en matière de téléphonie cellulaire, de services d'urgence 911, de la faisabilité d'un service de relais vidéo et de sous-titrage francophooe. Le CQDA est intervenu auprès du gouvernement du Québec dans le cadre d'une modification du Code civil concernant le droit des personens sourdes à rédiger un testament en présence d'un interprète afin de faire enlever le mot <> du projet de loi pour le remplacer par >>sourd>>. Le CQDA a participé à des travaux concernant l'accessibilité des personnes sourdes aux documents et services du gouvernement québécois. Toutes ces activités visaient une plus grande participation sociale, économique et citoyennes des personnes vivant avec une surdité à la société canadienne et québécoise et l'accès aux mêmes informations et services que l'ensemble des Canadiens et Québécois. Ces activités s'inscrivent dans la philosphie de bienfaisance du CQDA qui vise plus particulièrement à sensibiliser et à informer le public et les décideurs aux besoins spécifiques et compétences des personens vivant avec une surdité.

CCD meets with political decision-makers of all parties to share with them the needs and situation of Canadians with Disabilities. CCD is called on by government for input into tax reform, employment, transportation access, poverty reduction strategies, etc. CCD makes presentations to Parliamentary and Senate Committees as requested. CCD is a non-partisan association funded by the Government of Canada to improve the status of Canadians with disabilities.

-Nous avons participe avec nos membres à une importante manifestation à Ottawa, le 27 novembre 2013, une action organisée par le FRADRU pour reclamer auprèt du gouvernement fédéral de renouveler le financement du projet arrivant en fin de convention-Nous avons aussi participé à une action du GCLACQ à Montreal, le 24 avril 2013. pour exiger un contrôle universel et obligatoire de loyers auprès du gouvernement du Québec.

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Nos activités politiques ont consisté cette année à revendiquer la construction de plus de logements sociaux et le maintien des subventions des logements sociaux existants, nous avons également dénoncé les coupures à l'aide sociale et les diverses hausses de tarifs, finalement nous sommes intervenu localement auprès de la municipalité en ce qui concerne des questions de zonage et de mobilité. Ces activités sont directement en lien avec notre mission qui d'améliorer les conditions de vie des ménages sous le seuil de pauvreté du quartier Saint-Jean-Baptiste.

- Monitoring and reporting human rights violations - Restoration of "right relationships" and justice. - Sending violence reduction teams who have been trained, to areas of conflict.

Aucune activité politique

The EAC focuses on a number of environmental issues in NS & beyond. As such, it utilizes various means to work towards improvement on environmental issues, some of which include: changes to policies or regulations; making the public more aware of environmental issues & the need for change; and suggesting how the public can take action to support environmental change. Exampble areas: implementing a Coastal Act in NS; promoting sustainable fishing practices; working towards a higher percentage of renewables in the energy mix.

-Participation à des études et des actions ponctuelles relatives à l'aide international et à la politique étrangère canadiennes; -Participation à des campagnes visant l'adoption d'une législation permettant l'accès à la justice canadienne pour les victimes d'abus avéré des compagnies minières à l'étranger. Ces activités sont en lien avec la mission de L'Entraide missionnaire: un lieu de réflexion sur le monde et l'Église et sur l'engagement citoyen; un lieu d'action en cohérence avec la réflexion; un lieu de rencontres de réseaux: un carrefour, des concertations et des mobilisations. Dans un monde en constante mutation, discerner les enjeux pour intervenir à la lumière de nouvelles pratiques solidaires, missionnaires et de coopération internationale.

In its capacity to encourage co-ordinate and facilitate the advancement,teaching, demonstration and implementation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and related truths of the Holy Bible in Canada and abroad, The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada facilitates, communicates and presents an understanding by Evangelicals on matters of social relevancy from biblical perspective to government, government related bodies, the courts, and public authorities.

Family Service Toronto's primary charitable purposes are to provide family, individual and group counselling, to provide directly or in collaboration with other community groups, services or programs of an educational nature aimed at the prevention of family distress, to participate in research relevant to the purpose of improving organization and community services and to initiate and/or participate in social action concerning family life. The organization, in collaboration with other community groups and using various methods, recommends policies and programs to the governments of Canada and the provinces which would reduce child and family poverty in Canada and prevent family distress.

Des motions déposées en Chambre ont suscité des activités d'éducation et de sensibilisation du grand public sur le libre choix des femmes dans le domaine de la santé sexuelle et reproductive.

Ontario Nature protects Ontario's wild species and wild spaces through conservation, education and public engagement. Ontario Nature opposed changes to environmental legislation in Bill 55 (Strong Action for Ontario Act), particularly related to the removal of protections for at-risk species under the Endangered Species Act 2007. Ontario Nature opposed the hunting of snapping turtles, a species listed as special concern under the Endangered Species Act 2007.

As an elected body established under the Alberta School Act, the FMCBE is the leading voice advocating

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for catholic public education in the region. This FMCBE is a member of the Alberta School Board Association (ASBA) and the Alberta Catholic School Trustee's Association (ACSTA). The political activities of the FMCBE are related to ensuring the the Province of Alberta provides School Boards the autonomy to make decisions in the best interests of the students and communities they serve and access to equitable funding to fulfill the mandate of educating their students. The FMCBE also provides input to any amendments to the Alberta School Act and regulations and communicates with their local communities about the local public education system. As a member of the ACSTA, the FMCBE is also committed to preserving and enhancing the rights of Catholics to education based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide spiritual and political leadership for publicly funded Catholic Education.

A subcommittee of directors wrote letters to the Minister of the Environment regarding changes in the status of Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site. We also wrote politicians, Senators, the CEO of Parks Canada as well as to School Boards who used the school programs at the site. These programs were threatened by the changes. We also had people mail in cards to our M.P. and spoke to the local media.

- Une manifestation à Trois-Rivières: coupure à l'Aide Sociales - Trois communiqués de presse en lien avec la pauvreté. *-Un rassemblement à Drummondville, pétition et envoie de cartes postales pour sensibiliser la ministre de l'Aide Sociale de l'impact des coupures sur les conditions de vie des prestataires de l'Aide Sociale. - Un bulletin d'information sur les élections municipales.

The Corporation advocates for changes in social policies from time to time on behalf of the developmentally handicapped.

- Family Violence Awareness - Senior Abuse Awareness

The Foundation meets with government representatives (both elected and civil servants) on key issues related to our mission priorities. We also hold delegations before municipal councils and attend the Association of Municipalities of Ontario annual conference. Throughout the year we issue news releases on government announcements and policies, send letters and program proposals and submitted a budget submission, reports on government funded programs as well as represented HSF at government events.

The charity is not involved in any political activities.

no political activities

Ce volet a pour but de faire des pressions et des revendications afin d'amener des changements sociaux et politiques pour ainsi favoriser une meilleure qualité de vie des femmes. Des actions sont aussi faites afin que les organismes communautaires aient un meilleur financement pour la réalisation de leurs activités.

Pour connaître des gains en matière de condition féminine, nous nous devons d'oeuvrer pour l'atteinte d'un changement social. Nos actions politiques visent à faire avancer différents dossiers qui touchent les conditions de vie des femmes. Depuis quelques années, notre gouvernement à une tendance à augmenter ou tarifier de différentes façons nos services publics. Ces mesures portent atteinte à l'accessibilité universelle de nos services publics. La majorité des actions cette année étaient donc en ce sens. De plus, l'autonomie économique demeure encore aujourd'hui un enjeu important qui touche les femmes. Comme nous nous retrouvons majoritairement dans des emplois à statut précaire ou à temps partiel, tout ce qui touche la pauvreté nous interpelle grandement. Activité politiques: qui avait comme objectif de dénoncer l'adoption de mesures prise par le gouvernement provincial qui favorisent l'écart grandissant entre les riches et les pauvres. 1) Participation à la grève social du 1er mai à Québec pour

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dénoncer la hausse des frais de scolarité; 2) Participation à la mobilisation visant à dénoncer la tarification et à la privatisation des services publics au Québec le 15 mai à Rivière-du-Loup; 3) Participation à la manifestation pour l'abolition de la taxe santé du 21 novembre à Québec; 4) Participation à la mobilisation du Mouvement action communautaire pour le rehaussement du financement des organismes communautaires le 28 novembre à Rimouski;5)Participation à la manifestation contre la réforme de l'assurance-emploi le 27 février à Rimouski et le 28 février à Rivière-du-Loup.

Le RAPSIM a rencontré de façon non partisane des élus de tous les paliers gouvernementaux pour faire connaître la situation actuelle au niveau de l'itinérance à Montréal afin que soient apportées des réponses au niveau du logement, des services et de la réinsertion sociale. Ces rencontres s'inscrivent en conformité avec notre charte et nos règlements généraux qui stipulent que le RAPSIM a comme objectif de contribuer au soulagement de la pauvreté, tout en faisant la promotion et la diffusion des connaissances dans les domaines reliés au phénomène de l'itinérance, de l'isolement social et leur prévention.

Prises de positions de l'organisme pour augumenter le financement à la mission, limiter la gentification dans le quartier, défencre les droits des jeunes. Ces activités sont en lien avec la mission et les objectifs, soit "être des citoyens critiques, actifs et responsables", "apprentissage à la citoyennté", "éducation à la participation sociale","prévention promotion santé et bien-être".

Re activities of Qualified Donee, MCC Canada: MCC's purposes is to respond to basic human needs and work for peace and justice in Canada and around the world. In support of its program work in the area of disaster/war relief, in the past year MCC wanted the Government of Canada to strengthen its commitment to the Cluster Munitions Convention and Arms Trade Treaty negotiations, and establish a Department of Peace. In support of its program work in the area of social services, in the past year MCC wanted the Government of Canada to maintain its existing refugee asylum system, strengthen its commitment to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, build appropriate nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous peoples in Canada, reform Canada's Access to Medicines Regime in order to improve access to life-saving medicines in developing countries, and increase funding for climate change adaptation in developing countries; in addition, MCC wanted the Government of Haiti to better address the housing shortage for Haitians displaced by the 2010 earthquake.

MCCC's purpose is to respond to basic human needs and work for peace and justice in Canada and around the world. In support of its program work in the area of disaster/war relief, in the past year MCCC wanted the Government of Canada to strengthen its commitment to the Cluster Munitions Convention and Arms Trade Treaty negotiations, and establish a Department of Peace. In support of its program work in the area of social services, in the past year MCCC wanted the Government of Canada to maintain its existing refugee asylum system, strengthen its commitment to the United nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, build appropriate nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous peoples in Canada, reform Canada's Access to Medicines Regime in order to improve access to life-saving medicines in developing countries, and increase funding for climate change adaptation in developing countries; in addition, MCCC wanted the Government of Haiti to better address the housing shortage for Haitians displaced by the 2010 earthquake.

MCC Manitoba contributed to MCC Canada's political work, which is described as: "MCC's purpose is to respond to basic human needs and work for peace and justice in Canada and around the world. In support of its program work in the area of disaster/war relief, in the past year MCC wanted the

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Government of Canada to strengthen its commitment to the Cluster Munitions Convention and Arms Trade Treaty negotiations, and establish a Department of Peace. In support of its program work in the area of social services, in the past year MCC wanted the Government of Canada to maintain its existing refugee asylum system, strengthen its commitment to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, build appropriate nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous peoples in Canada, reform Canada's Access to Medicines Regime in order to improve access to life-saving medicines in developing countries, and increase funding for climate change adaptation in developing countries; in addition, MCC wanted the Government of Haiti to better address the housing shortage for Haitians displaced by the 2010 earthquake."

MCC's purpose is to respond to basic human needs and work for peace and justice in Canada and around the world. In support of its program work in the area of disaster/war relief. In the past year MCC wanted the Government of Canada to strengthen its commitment to the Cluster Munitions Convention and Arms Trade Treaty negotiations, and establish a Department of Peace. In Support of its program work in the area of social services. In the past year MCC wanted the Government of Canada to maintain its existing refugee asylum system, strengthen its commitment to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of indigenous Peoples, build appropriate nation-to-nation relationships with indigenous peoples in Canada, reform Canada's Access to Medicines Regime in order to improve access to life-saving medicines in developing countries, and increase funding for climate change adaptation in developing countries; In addition, MCC wanted the Government of Haiti to better address the housing shortage for Haitians displaced by the 2010 earthquake.

Meetings with politicians to obtain insurance coverage for smoking cessation therapies. Press releases for the forementioned goal. Support for cessation therapists help smokers quit, help prevent lung cancer and COPD. Write letters for ministers signed by other health organizations.

Offrir à toute personne dans le besoin une aide directe pour la reconnaissance et la défense des droits sociaux. Vulgarisation de la Loi sur l'aide sociale. Communiqués, prise de positions, petitions et participation a des rencontres pour appuyer les personnes bénéficiant de l'assistance sociale.

None - agricultural research and demostration projects only

CFSH does not assume a pro-active role in any political activities. The extent of our political activities reported during the current fiscal year involves the occasional response to unsolicited media calls with respect to issues in the news and the occasional dissemination of Calls to Action developed by other organizations or individuals, but shared using our Canadian Federation for Sexual Health social media platforms. All such comments relate to public policy questions related to access to sexual and reproductive health services.

Green Action Centre appeared at meetings of Winnipeg City Council to recommend measures on waste collection fees, transportation policy and school zone speeds. A delegation also appeared at a Legislative Committee studying school zone speeds. In all cases, these were related to the mission of the charity and involved taking well-reasoned positions based on research and on experience gained through projects.

Nos activités politiques ont consisté à défendre les droits sociaux et par conséquent à dénoncer des mesures qui ont pour effet de nuire à leur plein exercice. Ces activités directement en lien avec notre mission ont touché certaines politiques qui nuisent à l'accessibilité et l'universalité des services publics. L'augmentation des tarifs d'électricité ou les coupures dans les prestations d'aide sociale ont comme conséquence de nuire à l'exercice des droits des personnes et plus particulièrement celles vivant sous le

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seuil de pauvreté.


Child & family poverty report card - recommendation on poverty reduction Participation in make poverty history - coalition calling for coalition in rent supplements. EIA advocates network - coalition seeking ways to improve welfare payments

During the year we wrote letters to PEI Ministers asking for changes to projects such as the TransCanada highway re-alignment, moving the wind turbine project at Hermanville to protect intact forests and made presentations to commissions and panels to improve the land management and land use on PEI.All letters asked for changes or actions to improve the quality and quantity of natural areas on PEI. We did not make any gifts to any political parties.

Community Living Welland Pelham is a member of Community Living Ontario, a province-wide federation, rooted in a strong network of individuals who have an intellectual disability, families, friends, member organizations and community partners. It will be guided by, adhere to and strive to achieve its Goal and Vision in all its actions. Community Living Ontario advocates for, promotes and facilitates the full participation, inclusion and citizenship of people who have an intellectual disability. To facilitate this mission, Community Living Ontario: Develops positions and promote positive change in public policy; Provides expertise, resources, information and education; Creates and responds to opportunities for networking, actively supporting those who share our vision; Builds public awareness; and, Develops, nutures and support community leadership, capacity and innovation. Other than the cost of membership in Community Living Ontario, Community Living Welland Pelham spends no other money on political activities.

The objects of United Jewish Welfare Fund of Toronto include the following:"To promote the interest and advance the welfare in general of the Jewish community of Toronto by engaging in charitable activities and expending funds to further the aims of other Canadian charitable organizations." > fees paid to an organization to design and implement an educational program in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to sensitize, educate and engage the GTA community on threats and challenges to Israel's right to exist as Jewish liberal democratic state in the Middle East. > payment to a media watchdog organization dedicated to defending Israel against prejudice in the media. > Organized Toronto Rally for the People of Israel

Information et sensibilisation des travailleuses et travailleurs, de divers intervenants en santé au travail ainsi que de l'ensemble des députés provinciaux sur les impacts pour les travailleurs les plus gravement handicapés du projet de réforme de la loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles par le biais de notre journal de rencontres d'information et d'un envoi à l'ensemble des députés. Ces activités permettent de décrire la réalité vecue par les travailleurs accidentés et particulièrement celle de ceux dont la condition physique ou psychique est la plus détériorée. Une meilleure compréhension de cette réalit permet de développer une sensibilité qui se traduit par une augmentation de l'entraide envers ces personnes.


Meeting with government leaders, cabinet ministers and senior government officials

Action Life (Ottawa) Inc. does not explicitly advocate for the change, retention, or opposition of any law, policy, or decision of any level of government in its educational activities.

Held a Community Round Dance to generate public awareness about challenges faced by abused

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Aboriginal women and children living on-reserve and those shelters who provide services to them. Encouraged people and organizations to collaborate with and support on-reserve shelters. Event fits three of our charitable purposes: " To improve services in order to better meet the needs of abused women", " Develop coordinated, collaborative response to family violence", and " To educate the public and professionals about prevention of and responses to spousal and senior abuse".

Alberta Wilderness associations work is to educate and create awareness about wilderness and wildlife. Decisions being made by government that affect the quality of wilderness, habitat and well-being are explained with the intent that knowledge will increase understanding and citizenship.

Online and newspaper ads regarding non-renewable resource development in Ontario far North, as it relates to our objectives to educate the public, to promote and encourage the preservation, protection, use and enjoyment of the natural environments.

The Alzheimer Society of B.C. is seeking action from B.C. government to develop and implement a comprehensive funded dementia plan. The society encourages the public to advocate for a action plan on our website, held public forums at various communities throughout B.C. and sends brochures across B.C. From time to time the Society meets with MLAs, Minister of Health and Ministry staff to discuss the need for a provincial dementia plan.

The Alzheimer Society of Canada identifies and facilitates the development of national public policies that will effectively alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, as well as promotes research and leads the search for a cure.

Campagne nationale Dans la marge jusqu'au cou!: sensibilisation faite auprès des citoyens du sud-ouest de Montréal et les élu-e-s municipaux pour une conscientisation et une diminution des impacts du surendettement. Protection du consommateur: rencontre de divers représentants gouvermentaux et publics afin de faciliter l'adoption du projet de loi 24 qui vise à contrer le surendettement et à moderniser les règles relatives au crédit. Préparation de la phase IV de la modernisation de la législation. Renforcement du mouvement consommateur: suivre les enjeux polique et financier et participer à l'élaboration d'actions concernant l'éducation financière et la consommation afin d'améliorer la protection des consommateurs. Dossiers sociaux en lien avec les conditions de vie: sensibilisation aux élu-e-s municipaux concernant les difficultés financières vécues par les ménages à faible revenu pour le paiement de leurs factures d'électricité afin de rendre ce service plus accessible à ce groupe cible.

L'ACEF Basses-Laurentides est le chein de garde des consommateurs et consommatrices. Ainsi, nous veillons à ce que les lois, politiques et règlement gouvernementaux ne viennent pas diminuer leur protection, tant au niveau des droits en consommation que des droits sociaux et de la personne. Nous revendiquons pour eux une société plus équitable portée par des valeurs de justice et de solidarité collective. Pour ce faire, nous avons rédigé des communiqués de presse, rencontré des députés, appuyé des pétitions, sensibilité et mobilisé les consommateurs-trices dans les ateliers d'éducation populaire, lors de la campagne nationale <

The CCS-NB advocated the provincial government of NB to implement new legistlation to restrict indoor tanning to those 19 and over; to implement a catastrophic drug program; to establish a formal cancer patient navigation system ; to ban the sale and use of all pesticides designed for cosmetic use and to further advance tobacco control legislation through smoke-free outdoor spaces, amending the Tobacco Sales Act to prohibit the sale of flavoured tobacco products not covered by federal legislation and returning municipal authority in enacting tobacco control by-laws.

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Discussion with municipal governments around the issue of smoke free outdoor spaces. These efforts support one of our mission focuses to reduce incidences of cancer.

1.Advocated provincial government for full implementation and expansion of the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation Program into the two provincial hospitals as well as community hospitals across PEI. These efforts support smoking cessation which serves to reduce the incidence of cancer. 2.Advocated the provincial government for legislation to ban indoor tanning for youth under 18 years of age. These efforts support prevention/reducing incidence of cancer. 3. Advocated the provincial government for implementation of a catastrophic drug program. Theses efforts serve to both reduce mortality rates and enhance the quality of life for those living with cancer. 4. Advocated various municipalities across PEI to implement smoke free policies. These efforts support prevention and smoking cessation which serve to reduce incidence of cancer.

-Advocated for legislative ban on artificial tanning for individuals under the age of 18 (currently has received Royal Assent). -Advocated amendments in the NL Prescription Drug Program to add NRTs and prescription smoking cessation medicines for low-income residents of the province. -Continued to take a lead role in the Provincial Cancer Control Advisory Committee. Mandate is to work on priorities for action, monitor progress and develop and implement an evaluation plan for the Provincial Cancer Control Policy Framework. -Began work on an advocacy campaign focusing on improved access to financial support for travel needs of people living with cancer. This campaign was developed from the work of the Atlantic Canada Oncology Network (ACON) which CCS-NL is a part of.

Au niveau national, Pour la période visée, notre campagne visait à sensibiliser la population canadienne sur les orientations de l'aide canadienne au développement international, pour en comprendre les enjeux, informer la classe politique canadienne sur l'impact des réductions des sommes consacrées à l'aide internationale et demander que le correctifs nécessaires soient apportés pour que l'aide canadienne garde son objectif d'aide aux pauvres. Sur le plan international, nous avons a travaillé avec des groupes locaux qui, dans leurs pays respectifs, engagent leur population et les autorités publiques dans des démarches qui visent à réduire la pauvreté via des changements à des lois ou règlements publics. Ces démarches ont un lien direct avec la réduction de la pauvreté.

We advocate for Canada to make a strong commitment towards international development and poverty reduction and to dedicate the appropriate resources to it

En réponse aux préoccupations soulevées par les membres et ayx analyses des impacts des politiques en place et proposées, telles que publiées dans nos documents, le CCR a encouragé ses membres et d'autres organisations concernées à contracter le gouvernement pour appuyer ou pour s'opposer à certaines politiques, notamment dans le domaine des services de santé pour les réfugiés, l'âge maximal d'un enfant à charge et les protetion des travailleurs migrants. Les activités ont consisté essentiellement de message envoyés électroniquement à nos membres ou publiés sur notre site web. Nous avons également organisé une téléconférence des membres afin de permettre l'échange de stratégies en réponse de la proposition gouvernementale de réduire l'âge maximal des enfants à charge, un enjeu qui préoccupait beaucoup nos membres en raison de leurs expériences sur le terrain des réalités des familles réfugiées et immigrantes.

We routinely engage in a non-partisan fashion in methods such a those listed below to educate policy and decision makers about the burden that diabetes imposes on people with the disease, our economy, healthcare system, and government, and potential measures to address this.

Environmental Defence's political activities emphasized opportunities for government to enhance

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and/or maintain legislation to protect the environment. Specifically, we urged the federal government not to diminish protection for the environment as proposed through Omnibus Bills C-38 and C-45. We also urged the federal government to consult with environmental charities regarding important decisions related to environmental legislation. We researched and promoted the need for a national clean energy strategy that will create thousands of new jobs and decrease Canada's dependence on fossil fuels. We also developed educational materials to encourage stronger action by the federal government on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the tar sands and mitigating climate change. With respect to the environment and human health, we published a report on men's personal care products that urged Health Canada to ban harmful and risky ingredients in these products. At the provincial level, we encouraged Ontarians to support a new Great Lakes Protection Act, having engaged directly in the public consultation process directed by the Ontario Government. We also joined with the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) to urge the BC Government to ban the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes on lawns and gardens. We worked to educate and build support for an expansion of the Ontario Greenbelt and the inclusion of urban river valleys in the Greenbelt Act

Encouraged Canadians to write letters urging the Federal Government to provide financing to developing countries for adaptation to climate change, particularly financing for smallholder farmers. Encouraged Canadians to send post cards urging the Federal Government to continue supporting food securities in developing countries as a priority of Canada's international aid program. Both of these activities are directly related to reducing hunder in developing countries, which is the primary charitable purpose of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank Association inc.

During the 12/13 year, the COC undertook lobbying activities in support of its primary purpose. The purpose of these activities was to advocate for continued and increased investment in the arts and culture in Canada, Ontario and Toronto.

CARE Canada was established to relieve poverty in developing nations through furnishing and supporting a service of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. CARE Canada encourages the Canadian Government, along with other nations, to support a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. We facilitate lasting change by influencing policy decisions at all levels and advocate for global responsibility.

Gift to a non-profit organization engaged in political activities.


Les activités politiques sont réalisées au travers le programme des actions urgentés où les communiqués et des lettres sont envoyés aux autorités concernées pour dénoncer des violations de droits humains de leaders communautaires en Amérique latine. Nous invitons les autorités à respecter des lois, traités, conventions et en adopter s'il y a lieu, pour le respect des droits humains, tel que stipulé dans le droit international.

Representations auprès des élus municipal et provincial afin: - d'améliorer la réglementation en matière de logement - de promouvoir et de développer le logement social et communautaire

The Organization's politcal activities involved lobbying the government of New Brunswick (primarily the Ministers of Energy and Mines, Environment and local Government) to create and implement stricter environmental policies regarding climate change, the protection of wetlands, mining regulations, forest management, pollution control, and the oil industry. These political activities are primarily carried out through media releases and advertisements, publications, public meetings, calls to action, and through an internet presence.

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1. Supporting the creation of a housing benefit that would contribute greatly to reducing poverty and the need for food bank support. 2. Preparation of a press release on the March 2013 Ontario provincial budget. 3. Working on a Web campaign together with "25 in 5" to support the elimination of poverty amongst children.

Ducks Unlimited Canada issues media releases and holds press conferences, usually in cooperation with governments, to recognize effective laws, policies and decisions. Ducks Unlimited Canada also publishes articles on these same matters in its magazine, on its website and promotes the presence of the information through social media. Staff and volunteers of Ducks Unlimited speak on government mandates and their role in conservation at public conferences and other venues.

Ecology North's political activities of 2012-2013 include three initiatives: 1) Educating the public, community leaders, Administration, Council and Mayor of the City of Yellowknife about sustainable transportation options. 2) Educating the public, community leaders and members of the NWT Legislative Assembly about the benefits of establishing carbon pricing policies and legislation. 3) Educating the public, community leaders and members of the NWT Legislative Assembly about the need for sound environmental regulation including the role of regional regulatory boards in the NWT and consideration of cumulative impacts through land use planning and regional or strategic environmental assessment. All three of these initiatives are directly related to one of our stated objectives: "To educate and increase the public's understanding of the environment, sustainable living, and climate change by offering courses, seminars, conferences and meetings and by collecting and disseminating information on these topics". For the most part, these initiatives are supported and lead almost entirely by volunteers. As an exception, education and advocacy about the NWT environmental management framework has involved more paid staff time. All Ecology North political activity has been focussed in the Northwest territories, Canada with occasional communication with Federal Government representatives in Ottawa.

- Publication of Child Poverty Report Card for BC with recommendations for public policy changes. - Publication of articles on child labour standards in BC, with recommendations for public policy changes. - Living Wage for Families Campaign activities urging public and private employers to pay living wages. - Urging BC to adopt a cosmetic pesticide ban. Regular communications about these campaigns and recommendations promoting public policy solutions to better support children and families.

- Comité de réflexion sur l'avenir des régimes complémentaires de retraite de la Régie des Rentes du Québec - Commission spéciale sur la question de mourir dans la dignité

FCM advocates on behalf of Canadian municipalities & the federal government (i.e. some call to action)

Political activities consisted of a Letter writing campaign promoting the value and benefits of investing in our organization to deliver charitable activities.

Involves Cemetery - operations in East Farnham QC - 300+ interments since 1900. Open to all denominations.

Environmental protection - web posts and email action on endangered species, green energy, Environmental rights - web poss and email action and petition on salmon scientists, citizen action in India and Tuatemala.

HSC advocates for genetic fairness on behalf of Canadians living with Huntington disease. HSC advocates at both the federal and provincial levels of government to end genetic discrimination and create a safe environment for people to participate in genetic testing and to benefit from their own genetic information without being discriminated against because of it. HSC also advocated for the Special Diet

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Allowance in Ontario.


In this fiscal year staff participated in 2 regular injured worker demonstrations; 1 at the ministry of labour in Dec.2012 and another at Queen's park on June 1st, 2012. Both of these demonstrations involved speeches and chants about unfainess to injured workers in current law and practice. These are non-partisan demonstrations. They fit squarely within our mandate of service and advocacy for injured workers. Our involvement mainly consisted of attending the demos, and in the case of June 1st, providing some assistance in planning and bringing water and pizza. The other activity of significance was the "Take my last penny campaign", which is run by an injured worker group but supported by 1 Aug 0. We provide some united funding (printing the postcards). This campaign invites people to sign a postcard to send to th premier statting if they know an injured worker who suffers because of WSIB practices. His non-partisan. Our work involved drafting and circulating the postcards (mostly in our office and at meetings). This campaign occupied some staff hours, but not in excess of 40 hours over the fiscal year.

Présence a l'assemblee generale et participation aux reunions thematiques reliees a la defense de droits et aux enjeux sociaux qui touchent notre clientèle (acces a l'aide juridique bonification des services de mediation familiale, financement des oreanismes juridiques)

Hosted "Take back the Night" March which is a March for safety for women while walking unescorted down the Street.

Lakehead University frequently lobby's provincial, federal and municipal politicians & key staff to make aware and advance Lakehead University. We comply with lobbying protocols and in many cases this does not take financial resources. These activities are needed for the well being of the University and to continue to serve our stakeholders.

Notre organisme a participé à des activités dites politiques (celles cochées plus bas) dans le but de sensibiliser le gouvernement et notre principal bailleur de fonds, l'ASSS, à l'importance des subventions qui sont versées à la mission des organismes et au rehaussement de ces dernières. Ces activités sont organisées par des Tables d'instance régionales et provinciales. Tout cela dans le but de maintenir nos activités, nos services en place et préserver leur accessibilité aux clientèles visées. La possibilité de développer et d'être encore plus présent dans les municipalités que nous desservons sont directement liés à cette majoration des subventions que nous demandons.

Participated in Conferences, Campaigns to Address Social Assistance, Immigration, Human Trafficking Initiatives

Political activity include letter writing on behalf of Amnesty International; a non-partisan effort directed towards the international expansion of human rights.

no political activity except to pray in accordance with 1Timothy 2 verses 1-3 (1) Exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (2) For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

In the area of Justice and Peacebuilding, we participated in advocacy efforts related to Correctional Service of Canada cuts in Chaplaincy programs (wrote letters to MPs, attended meetings, media interviews, etc.). In partnership with other Refugee agencies, we lobbied against the federal government's cut to the Interim Federal Health program (attended meetings with MPs, wrote letters, encouraged others to write letters, etc.). At the provincial level, through partnerships and coalitions, we

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lobbied for improved poverty reduction strategies (meetings, letters, presentations). We created and promoted a social media campaign as part of the provincial "25 in 5 Network" calling for investments in poverty reduction initiatives in the 2013 budget. In Waterloo region and in Toronto we lobbied municipal governments to address homelessness and housing issues. Finally, we encouraged churches in Ontario to sign on the a petition campaign against cluster munitions.

Pétitions, cartes postales, manifestation, entretien avec bureau d'un ministres et envoi de documents, production d'un journal interne pour informer, kiosques, internet, ateliers, représentations.

The Foundation's political activities include the following expenses in regard to the following related charitable purposes: - Contribution to Water Alliance, $1,000 contribution, related to the Foundation's ongoing peace, environment, women and development programs. - Contribution to Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, $650, related to the Foundation's ongoing arts programs. - Contribution to Greenpeace Canada, $250, related to the Foundation's ongoing peace, environment, women and development programs. - The Foundation, acting from its work on women's history in archives, has conducted research and development on the history of Canada's National Anthem in the amount of $12,096.

Représentations auprès des instances publiques pour faire changer certaines lois, règlements et programmes afin de faciliter la vie aux personnes vivant avec une déficience motrice. -Ateliers, cours, séances d'information et comité de travail pour conscientiser et favoriser l'inclusion sociale des membres de l'organisme, ce qui leur permettra de défendre leurs droits et de revendiquer de meilleures conditions de vie.

I don't think this is a political activity under your definition as it was non partisan and we were not attempting to have any law or policy opposed, changed or retained. However, in the interest of transparency and because it is borderline and open to debate, I'll describe here. For one good or bad reason or another people with disabilities have generally led somewhat sheltered lives and not properly integrated into society and social organizations including political organizations. Thus, an important article in the United Nations Convention on the Right of People with Disabilities (signed and ratified by Canada) urges signatory states to encourage people with disabilities to become more involved in the political institutions and decision making of the nation. Our organization gave $100 to another organization (a qualified donor) and helped them to set up a "Meet the Candidates" meeting to which people with disabilities were invited. Candidates from all parties were invited and came and were given equal time and opportunities to present their views. Our purpose was to provide people with disabilities who came with a face-to face in person exposure to the political process and as such, although the topic was politics, I think the activity was more educational than political. But perhaps that is debatable.

Emailing politicians to protest their failure to protect the natural environment. Our purpose includes the preservation and conservation of Canada's natural heritage.

RC Military Ordinate of Canada -Contribution Shares for Lent Centre Missionnaire Oblat Partners in Mission Foodbank Catholic Christian Outreach

Dans une perspective de lutte à la pauvreté et d'amélioration des services auprès des démunis du Sud-Ouest de Montréal, l'organisme effectue des analyses de situations problématiques; participe à des consultations publiques; rédige des documents / mémoires et organisme des activités de sensibilisation auprès de la population et des élues. L'augmentation du nombre de logements sociaux financés sur notre territoire guidé toutes nos interventions

Nos activités politiques tournent autour de 2 volets liés à notre mission: * Une campagne contre les coupures à l'aide sociale qui vont diminuer le revenu de plusieurs prestataires. * L'égalité entre les

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hommes et les femmes

Notre organisme a pour mission de sensibiliser les individus sur les effets, nefastes de l'endettement sur leur sante physique & mentale et demande aux gouvernements une meilleure protection des consommateurs faces aux entreprises qui les exploitent.

- Regroupement des Auberges du Coeur du Québec (RACQ) sur le conseil d'administration, au comité défense des droits et au projet d'action collective Rassemblement de la jeunesse citoyenne. Essentiellement ces 3 instances oeuvrant à la défense des droits des jeunes et des organismes communautaires autonomes. - Table de concertation jeunesse Rosemont. Peu d'activité politiques mais, lorsqu'il y en a, on parle de défense de droits des jeunes. - Comité BRIC : Comité qui travaille au développement du logement social dans Rosemont et qui milite en faveur du maintien et du développement des programmes reliés au logement social. Cette mission en lien avec nos activités d'hébergement de jeunes en difficultés et de défense de leur droit au logement.

As a member of continuing care associations, we have participated in conferences and workshops to develop position papers voicing our concerns about changes in public funding of health care for seniors as well as recommendations to change.

The organization has written letters to elected representatives and encouraged its members to do so concerning the following: Repeal of cuts to refugee healthcare Call for progressive climate change legislation as a result of Typhoon Haiyan Call for legislation concerning access to the Canadian justice system for persons and communities overseas who suffer human rights abuses due to action of Canadian mining companies.The organization has made donations to organizations that may be involved in political activity concerning social justice issues.These activities are connected and subordinate to the organizations charitable purposes which are care of the homeless, alienated, economically poor, women at risk and the earth.

Increase public awareness of the plight of the poor.


In the fiscal year we had limited political activities related to poverty reduction. We met with our MPP to discuss poverty reduction, participated in a conference related to raising social assistance rates in Ontario, and participated in a demonstration against the proposed reduction to the Toronto community start up and maintenance benefit, and sent out a number of social media messages related to poverty and food issues. These activities are clerly related to our charitable purpose of rendering services to economically and socially disadvantaged persons in Toronto and engaging in research into the causes of, and means of alleviating poverty, and alienation in Toronto.

We engage in advocacy activities by participating in committees and coalitions that are advancing important public policy agendas (e.g. poverty reduction, social assistance reform, funding reform etc.)

The Alzheimer society of Greater Simcoe County shared information with the public about the impact of dementia on Ontario's health and social systems, and the alzheimer society of Ontario's proposed blueprint of government solutions for addressing the needs of persons with dementia and their caregivers, and the impact of dementia on society. This activity relates to the organization's mission to improve the quality of life of persons who are directly affected by ADRD.

One of our objectives as a charity is to protect and preserve wildlife. We encouraged people to: 1. Contact Ontario politicians and express opposition to new exemptions which weaken the Endangered Species Act. 2. Attend City of Kitchener committee and council meetings to support the acquisition and preservation of the Hidden Valley Natural Area. 3. Contact Ontario politicians to express support for the

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Region of Waterloo's appeal of a Ontario Municipal Board ruling and to ask the province to limit the power of the OMB. The Region's official plan, which provided firm limits to urban sprawl into the countryside, had been over-ruled by the OMB.

Addressing domestic violence through education of the public to me is a political act. We encouraged the particpation of all local politicians in both the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes campaign and in soliciting used shoes for our Standing up Against domestic violence-art installation. not political in the more general use of the term

The Charity undertook political activities in relation to issues that the Charity became aware of when carrying out its charitable activities in delivery of frontline social services to low-income residents. Such activities included advocacy for improved income security (e.g. provincial social assistance, financial literacy) as well as advocacy for improved funding for community services (e.g. city budget, garbage collection fees, provincial funding reform).

Our community hall is used for informational meetings and workshops mainly for our regional district. We also are the location for all levels of voting. Federal, provincial & municipal.

USC Canad used social media postings to encourage the public to contact policymakers regarding threats to genetic biodiversity presented by the introduction to market of patented and or synthetic genetic resources. USC Canada also paid membership fees to CBAN (Canadian Biotechnology Action Network) which supports the political activities of that organization. Both activities contribute maintaining the accessibility and genetic diversity of seeds, which, along with the ecological agriculture methods promoted by USC Canada, help to enhance the sustainable livelihoods of small hold farmers.

United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto's political activities relate to gifts to qualified donees. The objects of the charity are to raise, solicit, and collect funds from the Jewish community, and expend amounts in respect of charitable activities and to other charities with similar objects. We have made gifts to a charitable organization that promotes the interests of the community and protects the Jewish community, and defends israel against prejudice in the media.

The Positive Action Standing Committee of the Board of Directors for the Positive Living Society of British Columbia fulfills the need to keep the Society abreast of developing issues affecting the Society's membership. These issues include: - ongoing policy development and, in some instances, re-development; - the intended merger of BC PharmaCare listings on the PhamaNet on-line database with the Drug Treatment Program's anti-retroviral medications dispensed through the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (and how this impacts patient confidentiality); - the re-design of pharmacy procedures for anti-retroviral dispensation (for province-wide distribution and possible needed medical follow-up); - home test-kits which appear in Canada which are not yet licensed for use;- issues of access to medications (for example, access to EXPREX for the amelioration of HCV treatment-related anemia in persons co-infected with HIV); - issues arising from Supreme Court of Canada decisions in regard to disclosure of HIV status; - ongoing immigration issues which represent systemic matters our membership is interested in (including changes to either legislation or regulations). Some of these issues remain ongoing matters for our Society, and on .......

To assist the local unincorporated association of Jehovah's Witnesses in carrying out their religious objective of preaching the good news of God's Kingdom and promoting public religious worship designed to uplift Jehovah's Witnesses and any who attend their public meetings by means of moral and spiritual instruction based on God's Word the Bible.

One of WCLERF's charitable purposes is to preserve and protect the environment, including through

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legal research to develop laws, regulations and standards that will promote the maintenance of environmental quality. Based on our in-depth research, we have reached the conclusion that BC's 150-plus year old mining laws are not maintaining environmental quality and should be updated. We want the BC government to begin an inclusive, participatory process to decide how. One of WCLERF's charitable purposes is to promote the enforcement and efficacy of existing laws and regulations related to the environment, including by advocating on behalf of individuals and communities to prevent violations. We want government to make decisions that are consistent with its legal duties and existing environmental laws on matters such as trade agreements and pipeline projects, and to maintain strong environmental laws.

West Coast LEAF's political activities are related to its law reform projects. Not all law reform work is political (much is charitable), especially when it overlaps with our education work. We write legal reports and make recommendations about how to change law and policy to better ensure respect for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Occasionally, we urge the public to contact their MLA or MP to encourage them to take action on a particular issue of concern. For most of our litigation and law reform work, we do some communications work which entails speaking to the media and at public events about our research and the need for changes in the law. There are a number of reasons we produce our legal research reports, one of which is to seek change to a particular law or policy that our research shows is contrary to the rights of women as protected by the Charter.

Our permitted political activities consist of communication to members and supporters about retaining, changing or opposing a particular law, policy or decision. This is linked to our charitable purpose of research, and education on the value of Canadian wilderness and wildlife. We provide opportunities to write elected representatives, leading to better informed policies and legislation. This communication includes speaking at rallies and public meetings, producing educational materials with take action components, and using electronic tools such as e-mail, social media and our website.

Disseminating information about political campaigns related to arts, culture and heritage; discussions with political figures regarding the arts, culture and heritage sector; discussions with other arts and heritage groups about the sector as it relates to government bodies (ie funding); involvement in letter writing campaigns and provincial budget consultations; participation in conferences where politicians sometimes attend/speak

Political activity was carried out in concert with an array of charitable activities in the implementation of annual plans designed to achieve WWF-Canada's long-term program goals and objectives. Calls for action related to execeution of the following WWF programs: - Protecting the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia- call on federal and provincial officials to reject the Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal - Addressing the threats of climate change through a national energy strategy- call on federal officials to ensure a scientific base and strong public dialogue around an energy strategy for Canada. - Addressing the threats of climate change by reducing carbon emissions- call on provincial and municipal officials to implement a good


Activités politiques et collectives afin d'améliorer les conditions de vie des femmes. Défendre les droits et intérêts des femmes. Les activités sont non-partisannes.

Manifestation pour le rehaussement des org. comm. dans le Bas-St-Laurent en collaboration avec notre mouvement action communautaire.

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1. Sensibilisation sur le crédit et l'endettement: en lien avec notre mission d'aider les personnes endettées. 2. Promotion des nouvelles réglementations de l'assurance emploi: en lien avec notre mission d'aider les gens à faire leur budget. 3. Sensibilisation des citoyens sur la sollicitation et la publicité sur le crédit: en lien avec nos activités de sensibilisation, auprès de la population, à ne pas s'endetter.


We pay membership in First Call and Coalition of Child Care Advocate

Blogs on various topics, including Supreme Court of Canada hearings with regards to UNICEF Canada Intervention for the protection of child victims of cyber-bullying. Media releases describing new Quebec Child Friendly City designation and encouraging participation in/support for MAE initiative to promote good governance of children. Launch of UNICEF Report Card 10 and Canadian Companion, including press releases, web site and documents, media interviews. Media release, Web page, e-blast, and report for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Dialogue with the Government of Canada. Media interviews and op-eds on several issues including Aboriginal children, need for a Children's Commissioner. Speech to Law Society of Upper Canada on child policy issues. Speech at Ryerson University on recommendations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Dialogue with the Government of Canada. Media (traditional and social), web page,e-blast regarding Bill C398- Medicines for All: Reforming Canada's access to medicines regime - used to encourage MPS Media, web page to Highlight publication 10 Under - eported Stories which included story on missed opportunity to pass Bill C-398

Organized petitions and letter writing campaign for elected officials advocating for our clients connected to changes in Ontario Disability Support Program. In partnership with other poverty related organizations we created a campaign that requested the Canadian government to preserve our social programs. All of our activities related directly to our charitable purpose of alleviating poverty.


DPNCHC's political activities were focused on civic engagement & advocacy key strategies of the health promotion approach (Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion 1986 etc. DPNCHC's political activities relate to DPNCHC's objects which state in article 6 that the organization will "strengthen, support and encourage individual, family and community life..." by advocating for programs & other appropriate responses where needed and issues have been identified. (DPNCHC letters patent 1985).

Communications with public officials or elected representatives regarding improvements in legislation or policy are non-partisan and connected and subordinate to the charity's purposes and are made for the purpose of improving conditions for injured workers and would be considred within the general scope of charitable activites or permited political activities as described in the CRA Policy Statement.

Manifestations, pétitions, publications, réunions, etc... tout ce qui est possible pour aider la population a faible revenus a améliorer sa qualité de vie, a préserver ses acquis et à défendre ses droits

Envoi de lettres, petitions et autres envoyées aux gouvernements fédéral et provincial pour dénoncer les coupures à l'aide sociale, les augmentations de tarifs des services publics et les modifications à l'assurance-emploi. Augmentation du financement des organismes communautaires.

Met with all political parties to identify the challenges that PARC members face with current social assistance policies. Met with all political parties to present third party research findings that link health and wellness to improved food security and reduced poverty. Met with all political parties to present third party research that shows improved health outcomes based on safe, affordable housing.

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Oxfam Canada seeks to inform public dialogue on international development issues that sometimes have a political dimension, in particular in relation to object 3 (to advance sustainable development) and object 4 (to promote human rights). This is accomplished primarily through information on our Web site, support to coalitions with other NGOs and special events. Oxfam Canada's web site occasionally hosts petitions and incorporates a capability that helps Canadians to communicate with their elected representative. Oxfam representatives meet with government officials regularly to inform them of Oxfam's work in fighting poverty.

Wrote one letter to mayor to oppose a city option to potentially place a multi-lane freeway through a natural wetlands area.

feuillet info-consommation,'Participation au comité énergie de la CACQ, lutte contre sollicitation au crédit et endettement, Envois de lettres aux députés et Ministres (Hausse des tarifs d'hydro QC, lois relatives au crédit et à la consommation, Réforme de l'assurance-emploi, modif. à l'aide sociale, Soutien aux org. communautaires). Positionnement dans les médias - Organisme de défense collectives des droits nous réagissons et informons la population sur tout ce qui a un impact budgétaire dans la vie des Québécois

The Canadian Women's Foundation's political activities have been minimal during 2013 and have all related to the Foundation's charitable purpose of supporting vulnerable women and girls across Canada particularly in the areas of diversity, violence prevention, economic development and girls empowerment. These activities included a brief letter to Prime Minister Harper to express the Foundation's support for the Canadian Premiers call for an inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal women. In addition, collaborated with Plan Canada on their "A Girls Right to Learn Without Fear" project where time was spent on research and a meeting in Ottawa on the topic. The Foundation funded a grant of $860 to Canadian Council for Refugees to strengthen the capacity of NGOs in Canada to respond to trafficked persons, especially women and girls, through effective awareness-raising, services and advocacy.

Letter writing -Amnesty International Peace Rally attendance by congregants Our response to the call of Jesus Christ to live in community with all and end injustice.

Signer des pétitions, participer à certaines manisfestations pour défendre les droits des femmes pour lesquelles l'organisme travaille. Femmes qui sont souvent sans voix. L'organisme informe également lesdites femmes des enjeux politiques qui pourraient avoir une incidence sur leur qualité de vie.

Participation ponctuelle aux revendications auprès du MSSS pour rehaussement du financement à la mission globale dans le but d'obtenir un financement adéquat pour la réalisation de la mission.


-> Participation à l'organisation de 3 sessions d'informations pour informer la population des nouvelles mesures à l'assurance-emploi -> Participation à une manifestation -> Rédaction de 2 lettres d'opinion dans les journaux dont une sur les enjeux des nouvelles mesures de l'assurance-emploi et l'autre sur le

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budget provincial -> Diffusion d'articles sur notre site web. Nous desservons une clientèle à revenus précaires, qui vit des problématiques sur le plan financier. La moindre hausse de tarifs ou compression dans des programmes sociaux à des répercussions majeures pour notre clientèle. Il est normal d'informer la population des enjeux et de réclamer le retrait de ces mesures.

Lettres d'appui, campagne de courriels, pétition, manifestations Ces activités sont reliées à notre mission: amélioration des conditions de vie des femmes, lutte à la pauvreté, la violence, l'exclusion sociale.

Un montant de 100$ a été versé au regroupement des organismes communautaires (ROCGIM) pour le fonds national de mobilisation (actions nationales de representation)

The Co-op is a member of the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA), a non-profit umbrella group consisting of film, video, audio and new media arts organizations across Canada.Biennially, the IMAA hosts a national conference in a different region of Canada. Panels, workshops and keynote speakers are a part of a national conference that educates and provides rare networking opportunities for those involved in the media arts spread out across the country.

Le MAC a tenu diverses conférences de presse et rédaction de communiquées afin de dénoncer la réforme de l'assurance-emploi et pour sensibiliser et informer la population. Dans le même objectif, le MAC a tenu une assemblée publique et plusieurs formations. Nous avons aussi participé à quelques rassemblements non partisan.

The Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction's Action Plan priorities relate to political activity centered on education and policy reform. This work is non-partisan, and is focused on engaging politicians at various levels to invest in poverty reduction initiatives. The estimated political activity for fiscal 2012/13 contributed to 20% of HRPR's total activity.

PIAC issued press releases during the subject year that called upon the public to take action such as contacting their MP in relation to telecommunications and broadcasting matters and their regulation. PIAC also publicly released documents it produced for consultations on legislation or regulation which recommended to the relevant department whether to support or amend the legislation or regulation. PIAC in a number of media releases, public letters and backgrounders made available on its website commented upon bills before Parliament in a manner suggesting the public take such actions as to contact their MP or follow a link to another organization organizing a petition to government or similar action. PIAC representatives had occasional meetings with Members of Parliament, Ministers or political staff of ministers (Industry, Finance) in areas where PIAC does advocacy work.

Activités de représentation politique, incluant la rédaction d'avis et de mémoires de même que l'émission de communiqués, visant à accroître la protection sociale et la sécurité des femmes victimes de violence conjugale: représentations pour que le nouveau plan d'action gouvernemental 2012-2017 en matière de violence conjugale, en élaboration, permettre de mieux protéger les victimes; demande d'enquête du coroner, face aux décès répétés de femmes tuées par leur conjoint après avoir demandé en vain l'aide des policiers; analyse assortie de recommandations, suite à la publication du rapport du comité d'experts sur les homicides intrafamillaux; sensibilisation des élus face au manque de cohérence dans les décisions des tribunaux et le besoin de formation ou de sensibilisation des procureurs, des juges, des avocats en droit de la famille et des policiers; demande d'une meilleure supervision des droits d'accès dans le but d'offrir des services partout au Québec et l'importance d'élargir le mandat du Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes (projet de loi 12).

Signer et fait signer par nos membres et allies la petition je tiens à ma communauté je soutiens le

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communautaire Dépôt collectif de notre demande de financement (organis mes communautaires de Lanaudière). Investir la C.A. de l'Agence de Santé et des Service Sociaux de Launaudière afin de lui faire connaître la situation et les besoins des organismes communautaire

Not applicable

Activity was entirely related to opposition to the use of L.E.D lighting in streets. This impact to ability of an observating to operate. Presentation by members were made to civic officiale and public in onder to amend By Law relating to the use of LED'S for street lighting. Alltough this used much of the members time, no funds were expended on this activity

Canada Without Poverty was established with the charitable purpose of relieving poverty in Canada. CWP believes that to lift 3-4 million people in Canada out of poverty will require the federal government to play a leading role and adopt national action plan to address key indicators of poverty, in particular: homelessness and inadequate income. We also believe this is in keeping with Canada's human rights commitments and obligations, which is also a charitable pursuit. For this reason approximately 4% of work focused on encouraging all members of parliament to adopt legislation which would establish a national housing and homelessness strategy, and a national anti-poverty strategy.

Participation à la campagne nationale pour un meilleur Programme de soutien des organismes communautaires

Défense des droits des femmes pour l'égalité

De par son volet d'actions citoyenne, l'organisme sensibilise la population à des enjeux locaux (circulation, illots de chaleur, qualite de vie de quartier) ainsi que sur certaines lois (education, securite du revenu, assurance emploi) Aucun don n'a été effectué durant ces activités.

Nous demandons au gouvernement provincial d'établir le registre des loyers et l'instauration d'un code provincial de logement. Ces demandes permettent d'améliorer les conditions de vie des locataires.

Dans le cadre de nos fins de bienfaisance, nous informons et aidons un grand nombre de ménages à revenu faible ou modeste (aînés, nouveaux arrivants, familles pauvres, etc.) qui vivent des problèmes liés à la consommation, à l'endettement, au budget et à la pauvreté. Cela nous a amené à nous impliquer sur des questions liées à la pauvreté et aux politiques sociales et fiscales qui touchent ces problèmes vécus par les gens que nous rejoignons. Nos activités politiques ont consisté à appuyer des campagnes dénonçant le manque d'accès aux centres locaux d'emplois pour les personnes assistées sociales, les coupures à l'aide sociale pour les parents de jeunes enfants et les personnes de 55 ans et plus et les modifications à l'assurance emploi quirisquent d'appauvrir les travailleurs précaires et celle demandant un rehaussement des seuils d'adminissibilité à l'aide juridique. Ces appuis furent apportés après analyse des demandes avec notre conseil d'administration (argumentaire, cohérence avec notre mission et avec nos constats sur le terrain). Nous avons aussi été sollicités pour réagir aux budgets provinciaux et fédéraux sur les dossiers consommateurs et pauvreté. Lors des élections provinciales de l'automne 2012, nous avons relayé une lettre de l'Union des consommateurs à tous les candidats de l'Estrie leur demandant de répondre à quelques questions touchant nos champs de préoccupations. Les réponses reçues furent transmises à nos membres.

Assurance-emploi: participation à quatre manifestations dont une à Thetford Mines pour dénoncer la réforme de l'assurance-emploi. Agences de location de maint-d'oeuvre: révision de nos revendications sur le dossier des agences et rédaction de l'argumentaire en vue de le présenter publiquement et auprès du politique.

Diverses manifestations

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Lettres d'appui et pétitions: détournement des pensions alimentaires, accessiblilité à l'aide juridique.

Pas activités politiques. Éducation populaire et recherche seulement.

Aucun don de la part de l'organisme. Activités consistent à faire des représentations auprès des ministères concernés pour modifier les lois/règlements affectant négativement les asthmatiques et allergiques ou pour faire adopter lois/règlements favorables, comparables à ce que d'autres provinces ou nations ont adopté pour leur population.

Lettres d'appui et participation à des comités stratégiques aux niveaux local, régional et national pour convaincre la population et les décideurs de prendre en considération les besoins des personnes handicapées visuelles dans leurs législations.

Political activity this past year related to issues promoting peace and justice in accordance with the religious principals and beliefs of the Society of Friends in Canada: conscientious objection- a Canadian Church Leaders'letter and assistance with a refugee case (Peace testimony); human rights- public education regarding Canada's legal obligations regarding the rights of Indigenous peoples, as well as obligations regarding civil liberties (Equality Testimony).

1. Staff time advocating for amendments to the Criminal Record Review legislation to allow for safe and efficient processing of volunteers, as part of our mandate to promote volunteerism

Implication pour le maintien du régistre des armes à feu. Un contrôle des armes à feu est une première étage essentielles dans la lutte contre la violence envers les femmes.

Campagnes de sensibilisation, marches

Provided a bus for members or non-membres to travel to Victoria for a rally-the BC governement was not in session at the time

Community Links acts as the Nova Scotia Division of Canadian Pensioners Concerned, and through this affiliation is a member of the Group of IX, the advisory committee on seniors issues to the Nova Scotia Government. We advocate on behalf of seniors and do occasional workshops for seniors' groups on how to advocate for change within their communities. This past year, we sent a message to municipal candidates about what makes an age friendly community; through the Group of IX, we advocated for the establishment of a Dental Officer of Health in Nova Scotia; we supported the effort to have a post-fracture screening program for osteoporosis in the province; we wrote a letter of support asking for handrails to be installed in the Halifax Metro Centre. Our involvement in political activity is minimal, and always related to seniors' well-being.

Provide community awareness on poverty & social justice issues


Formations offertes à la population. Interviews pour promouvoir les services. Elaboration du site internet.

La mission de l'organisme de bienfaisance, Action Autonomie, vise la défense des droits des personnes vivant avec des problèmes de santé mentale et à établir un rapport équitable entre des personnes et les professionnels de la santé. L'organisme souhaite: - que le ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux encadre l'utilisation des électrochocs en psychiatrie-qu'il prenne les moyens pour s'assurer du respect

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de la Loi qui encadre la garde forcée de personnes en psychiatrie.

Mobilisation des femmes et actions de lutte au niveau local

The Ontario Association of Children's Rehabilitation Centres has represented the interests of Children's Rehabilitations Centres in Ontario since 1978. Through our services as a membership organization, we provide a strong collective (united) voice for our member centres and deliver leadership in influencing policy, planning, programs and funding to maximize the potential for all children and youth facing physical, communication or development challenges. OACRS represents 20 Children's Rehabilitation Centres across Ontario. The Association has not made any gifts to qualified donees that are intended for political activities.

Cette année, nous avons réalisé quelques activites politiques en lien avec notre mission afin de soutenir les personnes assistees sociales. Ces activités ont consisté principalement à demander, au gouv, en place, l'améliorations des conditions de vie de ces personnes par une augmentations de revenu d'aide sociale et ce retrait des coupures annoncées, ainsi que la fin du calcul des pensions alimentaires dans ces revenus. Les recours au depannage alimentaire augmente chaque année pour ces personnes, ils ont besoin d'un revenu accru pour assurer leurs besoins essentiels-

Action Alerts issued to members to ask Government to stop logging in the Castle. Action Alerts issued to members to ask Government to permanently protect the Castle Watersheds. Media Releases to bring awareness of potential environmental threats to the Castle. Rally held to protest further logging in the Castle. All the actions meet the CCWC's objectives to address threats to the integrity of the Castle and to gain permanent protection as put forth in our Society Objectives.

Membre de regroupement des CPE Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec (RCPE 04-17) et de l'association québecoise des CPE (AQCPE) 2 organismes sans but lucratif de soutien et défense des intérêts des CPE.

Aucune activité politique autre que support par pétition des mouvements de contestation de projet de loi ainsi que de participer, via notre regroupement provincial à des commissions parlementaires.

The Society does not engage in any political activities.

Actions menées collectivement dans le but de promouvoir et défendre les droits et les intérêts des femmes dans une perspective de changement social Exemple: Pétition, information, réseau internet, journée nationale des centres de femmes du Qc, journée international des femmes,

Public education about alternatives to prison, as per our mandate & mission statement

North York Women's Centre sent a letter to its elected municipal representative asking him to vote against the introduction of waste disposal charges for charities and nonprofits operating in the City of Toronto. Via social media, we encouraged others to do so as well. We argued that the introduction of waste disposal charges would increase costs for the charity and take funds away from the delivery of programs and services.

-Droit au logement -Défense de droit collectif (action communautaire autonome)

Signature de pétition, Participation à des manifestations pour dénoncer les conditions de vie des femmes et à l'impact de ces conditions sur leur santé.

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network promotes the human rights of people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. In fiscal year 2012/13 the charity worked to: - streamline the "Canada's Access to Medicines Regime" so that more people in developing countries could have access to affordable AIDS medicines; - limit the use of criminal law in cases of HIV non-disclosure; - build support for health services in prisons.

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Nous nous adressons de différentes façons (pétitions, correspendances, démonstrations, etc.) aux différents palliers de gouvernement pour demander plus de logement sociaux et des mesures de lutte à la pauvreté. Nous mobilisons nos membres et les citoyen-ne-s du quartier sur des enjeux sociaux et politiques (toujours de façon non-partisanne) via des conférences, des ateliers, notre site web, nos médias sociaux et notre journal.) Nous sommes membre d'organisations régionales ou nationales qui se onsacrent aussi à des activités politiques non-partisannes comme le front d'action populaire en réaménagement urbain (Frappu).

Our community leader, Dawn Braithwaite attended the Rally Opposing the BC pipeline held on the lawn of the B.C. Legislature. For us it was important to make our presence known in support of the environment - one of our principles of stewardship.

Manitoba Multifaith Council's Political activities are limited to those outlined earlier (page 2) in our STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: 2. TO PROMOTE INTERFAITH AND MULTIFAITH DIALOGUE AND UNDERSTANDING 2.1 Meetings with elected representatives and government officials that are entirely non-partisan and connected and subordinate to the charity's purposes.

We encourage trap, neuter, return of feral cats to be allowed with in the city of Red Deer, AB.

We do not engage in any political activities.

Valley animal rescue circulated a petition that called for the province of Ontario to end puppy mills by strengthening legislation. The petition onginated from the organization puppy mill awareness working solutions and was circulated by volunteers at Valley animal rescue fundraising events.

Travelled from Ottawa to Toronto to give a speech to the Provincial Council of Women of Ontario on the topic of early identification and intervention of autism. At the same time, met with government officials to brief them on the current autism situation. Our goal would be to educate policy makers on the need for more programs for younger children so intervention can begin at an earlier age. Research shows early intervention allows a child to reach his or her full potential.

Sent a Letter to the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and to Howard Wetston, Chair OSC regarding Ontario Securities Act and Civil Liability for Secondary Market Disclosure regarding the need for a legistative amendment to the Ontario's Securities Act to allow for the tolling of the three year limitation period set out in section 138.14 of the Act to correct a technical defect in the legislation that defeats the purpose of Part XXIIi.1 (Civil Liability for Secondary Market Disclosure) in light of a (then) recent court decision. FAIR Canada representatives had occasional meetings with political staff of Ministers (Finance) in areas where FAIR Canada presents research and analysis and makes recommendations with respect to proposed policy initiatives of securities regulators.

The executive members of the Students' Association of Mount Royal University (SAMRU) work cooperatively with other groups to lobby various levels of government on issues that effect post-secondary students. Since these issues can have serious implications for the well-being of students, these political activities relate to the SAMRU's charitable purposes of providing crisis support to students, food bank access, an emergency student loan program, counseling services, a free breakfast program for in-need students, a Christmas hamper program, support to Aboriginal students, elder counseling, support to international students, and advocacy

The Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation's charitable purposes include preserving, protecting and restoring the environment of the Greenbelt area in Ontario, as well as educating and increasing the public's understanding of the environment and agricultural issues pertaining to the Greenbelt. Since the provincial legislation that established the Greenbelt area, the Greenbelt Act, 2005 (Ontario) and the

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Greenbelt Plan, will be the subject of a 10 year review in 2015, the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation has spent some of its staff time and financial resources during the fiscal year on increasing public awareness of the benefits of the Greenbelt and encouraging members of the public to take action to protect and enhance the Greenbelt. These activities are intended to support the Foundation's purpose of preserving, protecting and restoring the environment of the Greenbelt and increasing the public's awareness and understanding of the benefits of the Greenbelt. The Foundation's political activity involved expenditures for its own activities, as well as gifts to two qualified donees (see Qualified Donees Worksheet - T1236, for details) to fund a portion of their respective political activities on the Greenbelt.

Made submissions to provincial government to support funding of patient augmentation therapy.


Encouraged municipal government to change business by-law regarding pet stores to not allow the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits. This by-law was implemented August 13, 2013. This is related to our primary mandate as pet stores contribute to pet overpopulation, animal abuse and neglect.

Producing non-portison research reports which includes public recommendation which, if adopted, would reduce the import of energy production and consumption on this environment.

Given our focus on youth energy and environmental education, we do not directly engage in activity that explicitly communicates to the public that a law, policy or decision of any level of government inside or outside Canada should be retained, opposed, or changed. However, given that the success of sustainable energy development in Ontario (which we do communicate on) is dependent on certain policies like the Green Energy Act and Feed-in Tariff programs, these do get mentioned in the context of our workshops as positive developments for a sustainable energy future. This may be stated as a sentence in our workshops or at an event with our partners. It does not represent more than 2% of our activity.

Advocacy in support of a bill to make it easier to ship lower-priced generic drugs to poor countries. This would make needed AIDS medications more easily available to those who need them.

We have met with local politicians to make them aware of our organization. We have incurred no expenses regarding this activity.


Board Directors advocated/campaigned to retain funding government funding and awareness for the need for services provided by organization.


Not applicable.

It is not the mandate of the Kinsmen Club of Calgary Foundation to carry out any political activities.

The Windsor Workers' Education Centre supported a group of Vietnamese workers in defending their rights against an employer. This included a support rally for these workers, a writing campaign to educate the public about wage theft, and working closely with the Ministry of Labour to ensure the workers ESA claims were filed properly and monitoring payments owed to the employees. The work noted above was undertaken by volunteers of the organization. No gifts were made to political parties.


Commented on an industrial proposal (Burnco McNab Mine Proposal) and recommended request for

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rezoning but denied due to air quality concerns.

Made submissions to the Common Drug Review Committee to advocate for coverage of new treatment for Idiopathic Pulmonmary Fibrosis so that patients could have affordable access to this new and only treatment

Meeting with government and opposition regarding taxation of sugar sweetened beverages. Writing opinion editorials and doing media interviews regarding taxation of sugar sweetened beverages.

1) Reinstate separate line item for public library funding in provincial budget. 2) Reinstate community access program grants to libraries (federal)

Contribution financière et récoltes de signatures de pétition dans le cadre de la campagne nationale "Je tien à ma communauté; je soutiens le communautaire". Nous avons recueilli l'appui de la population et avons sensibilisé la population afin de déposer une pétition à l'Assemblée Nationale pour le comté de Portneuf afin que le gouvernement investisse pour rehausser le financement à la mission des organismes communautaires du Québec. C'est lié directement à nos activités de bienfaisance car dans notre mission nous avons le volet"empowerment-implication citoyenne" qui vise à ce que les jeunes prenne en main leur rôle de citoyen et prenne du pouvoir dans leur vie de futur adulte.

The charity's political activities include attending public meetings organized by the City of Kingston addressing issues of development along Kingston's waterfront and in the Inner Harbour area.

Published electronic newsletter article that requested readers to support protection of the Peel River watershed.

The Christian Reformed Church has undertaken a Centre for Public Dialogue. As reformed Christians, we believe that governments are God's servants for doing justice and seeking the good of all people - a demanding job in a diverse society and a broken world. Therefore, public dialogue seeks to provide thoughtful support and constructive criticism in work with our political leaders. Public dialogue is definitely an ongoing conversation about seeking justice, peace, and the good of all; for us, it is deeply rooted in our faith in Jesus.

The Foundation's purposes include applying funds for the protection and preservation of the environment. The Foundation made gifts to qualified donees to fund a portion of their respective political activities in support of protecting and preserving the environment. The qualified donees' political activities were aimed at formulating policy alternatives and engaging in non-partisan political activity to seek change in public policy and regulation related to toxins and carcinogens in consumer products. The gifts made to these qualified donees were intended to support and further the Foundation's purpose of protecting and preserving the environment.

OANHS has not performed any political activities or donated gifts to any qualified donees, intended for political activities.

Travel to Ottawa, to talk to M.P.S. - re affordable housing related to charities work with the homeless, those if jail, those suffering P.T.S.D


Aucune activité politique et aucun don remis àdes donnataires reconnus

The Society has advertised against the closure of the Michener Center by the Alberta Government. This is in support of the individuals who benefit from utilizing the camp operated by the Society as a number of these individuals reside at the Michener Center. The Society is trying to ensure that these individuals can have the best quality of life possible.

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Representations to Niagara Falls City Council advocating that the central U.S. position at the war of 1812 Lundy's Lane battlefield be conserved in accordance with the city's own planing documents. "Promoting the preservation of the Lundy's lane battlefield lands"=central mandate.

-Marche pour soutenir la pauvreté chez les femmes et personnes handicapées -Lettre (facture) pour dénoncer le sous-financement des organismes sans but lucratif

The Foundation's purposes include applying funds for the support of the charitable works undertaken by or for which the religious congregation the Sisters of Service of Canada provides or wishes to provide support. That includes works of an educational and social welfare nature. The Foundation made gifts to qualified donees to fund a portion of their respective political activities in support of public education on issues of public/social policy. The qualified donees' political activities were aimed at identifying policy alternatives and engaging in non-partisan political activity to seek change in public policy. The gifts were made to qualified donees the Sisters of Service of Canada wished to support.

Sensibilisation,communiqué de presse,conferences et formation,rencontre des députés, sensibilisation des instances municipales. Faire connaître l'autisme et les difficultés vécus par ces personnes et leurs familles afin d'adapter des services et améliorer leur conditions de vie

Wec provides public comment on environment issues that affect or could affect the western, Newfoundland region. We sometimes include political (non-partisan) information in our quarterly newsletter, which is available in print and on our website. We also occassionally release our position statements to the media. We encourage others to shore their opinions.

The NCES' purpose is to promote sustainable living and protection of the natural environment in the North Columbia region. In keeping with this purpose, the NCES voiced opposition to Enbridge's Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal and Bill C-38 that weekend environmental protection legislation at the federal level. The NCES is also concerned with the lack of public input, consideration of cumulative impacts and effective oversight and enforcement by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations with a focus on local projects such as gravel pits and independent power projects. Our sustainable living purpose also lead us to suggest a local bylaw similar to ones in place in other municipalities regarding keeping backyard chickens to promote and further food security.

L'organisme a pour but d'aider les personnes et les familles démunies de notre paroisse en leur fournissant de la nourriture, des vêtements et de transport à l'hopital ou chez le médecin lorsqu'ils n'ont pas de véhicule pour se déplacer.

Maintain information dissemination and consultative relationship with federally elected officials. Provide briefs and letters on special policy matters affecting people with disabilities.

The Calgary Homeless Foundation engages in municipal, provincial and federal government relations related to ensuring that public funding and policies support the goals of the 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness in Calgary.

We distributed 10 copies of "Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" in English. We received 40 in French, but gave out only one. We encouraged people at support meetings to vote for the establishment of a "World Awareness Day for ADHD" through the World Federation for ADHD to be sent to WHO.

Campagne de fax, pétition, campagne de lettre d'appui, rencontre avec le député pour les enjeux sociaux (discution), mobilisation


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We had our youth at a press conference that detailed how funding was given to aboriginal organizations. The only cost was transporting the youth to the announcement The government finded one of our after schools programs that we provide to the youth

Conférences de presse pour souligner les impacts de la discrimination, de l'insalubrité sur la santé et de l'appauvrissement sur les locataires; l'inefficacité des lois pour enrayer la pauvreté, les difficultés pour avoir accès à la Régie du logement. Rencontre de députés et manifestation publiques (Commission populaire itinérante sur le droit au logement) dans le même but, Appuis: signatures de pétition et campagnes de fax pour soutenir les luttes: nouveaux et entretien des HLM, accès Aide juridique, programmes contre l'Itinérance, amélioration Régie du logement, Suppléments au loyer d'urgence.

The charity is totally apolitical and does not involve itself in political activities

Ne s'applique pas NA-

- Campagne de lettres par internet auprès d'autorités du Guatemala pour appuyer les revendications des organismes civils. - Pétition pour l'adoption d'une loi sur les minières canadiennes.

We signed on to statements by international NGOs to World Bank and asking for stronger social safeguards, respect for human rights, improvement in policies on forced resettlement. Two letters to the editor, Montreal Gazette, expressing concern about human rights violations in Honduras and China. Related to charitable purpose because we accept that a rights-based approach to development is the most effective in terms of outcomes and sustainability, and in terms of improving conditions for the poor.

L'organisme analyse et établi de stratégies diverses en lien avec les politiques d'assistance sociale, du logement social et d'assurance emploi. Dans le but de soulager les effets de la pauvreté vécus par les personnes assistées sociales et à faible revenu nous signifions notre opinion et nos recommandations aux gourvernements concernés afin qu'ils puissent intevenir de façon à améliorer leur conditions de vie. Cette activités s'est concrétisée en 347 heures de travail rémunées ou bénévoles, 4 personnes du personnel salarié et bénévole se sont impliquées et 313 personnes ont participé pour 2012-2013.

La Maison de Marthe poursuit son appui au projet de loi privé C-452¹de la députée du Bloc québécois Maria Mourani, du comté Ahuntsic, déposé le 15 octobre 2012, rue la traite de personnes et l'exploitation sexuelle. Madame Mourani est venue tenir un point de presse dans les locaux de la Maison de Marthe le 18 octobre 2012 (Aucun coût). Étaient également présents à la rencontre, Geneviève Quinty coordonnatrice et Annick Gagnon du PIPQ, le commandant adjoint John Nolan du service de police de la Ville de Québec ainsi que des bénévoles et les employées de La Maison de Marthe. À la suite de cette annonce, La Maison de Marthe a expédié une lettre à tous les députés fédéraux de notre région les enjoignant d'appuyer le projet de loi sans partisanerie. Et poursuivant les mêmes objectifs, le 1er mai 2013 Rose Dufour est allée témoigner au Comité permanent de la justice à Ottawa en appui à ce projet de loi. Ce projet de loi vise à mieux outiller les policiers et les procureurs pour leur permettre de lutter plus efficacement contre la traite de personnes. En plus de confirmer que l'infraction de traite de personnes englobe non seulement les activités internationales, mais aussi celles à l'intérieur du Canada ou d'une province, d'une ville ou même d'un quartier, il prévoit des modifications explicitant davantage les notions de traite de personnes et d'exploitation à partir des définitions mises de l'avant par le Protocole de Palerme. Ainsi, cela permettra au Canada de respecter ses engagements internationaux. En plus de mieux définir l'infraction, ce projet de loi instaure des peines consécutives permettant aux juges de s'assurer de peines plus longues pour les délinquants les plus dangereux. En raison des sommes importantes en jeu (une fille peut rapporter 250000 dollars par

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année), il est plus qu'évident que la confiscation des biens de ces criminels s'impose et le projet de loi C-452 instaure aussi cette mesure. Par ailleurs, en suivant l'exemple de l'infraction actuelle de proxénétisme, il crée une présomption d'infraction d'exploitation ou de facilitation d'exploitation. Chacune des propositions de ce projet de loi a été élaborée en collaboration avec des groupes oeuvrant sur le terrain avec des personnes exploitées sexuellement, mineures comme majeures, et de concert avec les policiers qui m'ont interpellée afin d'avoir une loi plus efficace pour les aider leur travail. ...

Participation à la Fête internationale des travailleurs et des travailleuses(dénonciation des impacts des hausses de tarification et de la privatisation des services publics sur les personnes les plus pauvres du Québec); participation à un pique-nique en solidarité avec les étudiants et étudiantes (dénonciation de l'appauvrissement des personnes les plus pauvres-complication du retour aux études pour les personnes assistées sociales); participation à un rassemblement de la Coalition pour la justice sociale afin de rappeler les promesses électorales du gouvernement du Québec (abolition du détournement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants à l'aide sociale); participation à un rassemblement du FRAPRU pour dénoncer la politique du gouvernement fédéral en matière de logement social (difficultés de logement pour les personnes assistés sociales); participation à la campagne contre le détournement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants à l'aide sociale du FCPASQ (envois de lettres et de fax - rencontres avec la ministre Agnès Maltais-rassemblement); participation à un rassemblement contre les coupures à l'aide sociale et campagne de signature d'une pétition (dénonciation des changements apportés au règlement de la Loi sur l'aide aux personnes et aux familles).


The Foundation made a donation to Reserves 2000. Reserves 2000 is a lobby group concerned with the security and defence of our Country. Reserves 2000 keeps in contact with the Government and DND regarding changes etc effecting the contribution of the Canadian Reserves and Militia as a viable component of Canada's Armed Forces.

In 2012/13 FRW spent approximately $15,196 on the following activities to help fulfill our mandate of encouraging the protection and restoration of ecosystem, watershed and community health: 1. FRW created and printed 2500 copies of a colour flyer on Rouge National Urban Park which asked people to

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write letters and sign a petition for a larger park with high standards of ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration.2. FRW retained the services of a communication company to assist with messaging and a media release on the Rouge National Urban Park Concept and an October 31, 2012 presentation to the Environment and Sustainable Development Committee.3. FRW executive and staff met with political representatives of four parties (Conservative, NDP, Liberal and Green).4. FRW had a website created to provide information on the Rouge National Urban Park concept and to encourage people to sign our petition and write letters to elected officials.

Nos activités politiques se déroulent dans la cadre de nos activités normales d'éducation populaire. Nous informons les gens sur les conséquencs d'une nouvelle loi ou d'une nouvelle politique sur leur vie et plus particulièrement sur la situation du logement. Nous soutenons également certaines initiatives en distribuant des pétitions ou en participant à certaines manifestations. Cependant, toutes nos activités politiques sont en liens avec la problématique du logement dans le quartier. Ainsi, aucune ressource financière n'y est investit puisque cela entre directement dans notre mission d'éducation populaire et celle de lutter contre la pauvreté. De plus, nous rencontrons les élus municipaux et provinciaux afin de faire connaitre nos revendications en matière de logement et pour tisser des liens afin qu'il soit plus facile de travailler avec les fonctionnaires de la ville.

The daycare was closed from 7:30am to 10am. All the staff met with other child care workers to have a peaceful walk along 2nd Ave to the YTG building on Fri. Oct. 5, 2012. We were hoping to have the Gov't increase our direct operating grant (DOG) funding for staff wages & program & increase funding for subsidy program for parents.

- Submit position papers on disability issues to Ministers responsible for the specific issues. - Organized rallies to raise awareness regarding disability related issues.- Met with government officials regarding disability related issues and concerns.

Letters written to Members of Parliament of all parties seeking support for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Participation in consultations respecting children's rights and well-being in respect of policies.

No gifts given. Hosted a forum opposing a proposal by Vancouver city council/Parks board to consider creating a walk way / sea wall along the Point Grey Foreshore from Kitsilano beach park to Jericho Beach Park. The societies purpose is to keep this Foreshore in its natural state for all peoples to enjoy no costs were incurred to host the forum.

Participation à la consultation du comité sur l'environnement et le développement durable de la chambre des communes sur le plan de conservation national. Cette consultation concerne la conservation de la biodiversité au Canada et est donc directement liée à notre fin de bienfaisance qui est de protéger la biodiversité dans le sud du Québec.

Peggy Baker Dance Projects joins in sector-wide initiatives to advocate for public support for the arts, and to promote arts and culture as vital for our national identity and our quality of life as Canadian residents. We seek to educate by disseminating relevant information about public arts and cultural policies and proposed changes to them, so that our audience may asses these issues and how they may affect them in the future.

The charity did not participate in political activities.

Masses Education pre-school

- Participation in FEDCAN, academic forum for the Social Sciences and Humanities. - Letters of support for historical archival, and heritage funding and public awareness. - Letters of support for public access

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to archives.

Letter to Premier of Ontario to express our concern regarding provincial government changes that would offer less protection to species at risk. Letter to Premier of Saskatchewan expressing concern that Prairie Grasslands were being put up for sale to private owners.

Nous n'avons aucune activité politique et ne donnons à aucun organisme dont les activités sont politiques.

The Canadian Royal Heritage Trust applied to be and was accepted as a witnes before the senate committee studying proposed changes to the laws of succession to the throne, providing non-partisan evidence based upon the CRHT'S expertise on the subject

Nous effectuons de la représentation et de la défense de droits avec d'autres organismes communautaire. Aussi, par la sensiblisation et l'informations. Nous défendons les droits des personnes TSA ainsi que leurs familles.

L'APEHHL a participé avec d'autres organismes communautaires de la région et du Québec à des revendications auprès du gouvernement (Qc) pour du rehaussement financier car une augmentation du budget pour la mission permettrait plus d'activités de soutien des familles et une meilleure organisation.


Table TDAH provinciale pour améliorer la situation des personnes liés et personnes ayant un TDAH.

- prise de position publique contre la réforme de l'assurances emploi, invitation à la manifestation de facon pacifique -cette réforme aura un impact négatif important sur les conditions de travail des non-syndiques et les pratiques contraires à la loi sur les normes du travail.

Actions politiques non partisanes: Appuis divers: programme d'habitation à loyer modique, demande d'adoption d'une politique en itinérance, rehaussement du seuil d'accès à l'aide juridique, modernisation des règles relatives au crédit à la consommation.

The charity sponsored the publication of two short articles on energy issues which supported a phase-out of conventional energy sources in favor of renewable energy. It held a press conference urging the closure of coal-fired power plants. It producted a small banner supporting a ban on lawn pesticides. These activities relate to the charitable purpose of educating the public on environmental causes of illness.

Alternative Naissance a participée à une consultation sur la plate-forme de revendications communes organisée par le Regroupement des organismes communautaire de Montréal. Alternative Naissance a participé aux activités du regroupement, notamment en invitant ses membres à participer à des appels à l'action.

weekly church services weekly bible studies Radio Ministry Supporting missionaries

-Rédaction d'une lettre ouverte dénonçant les hausses des finances publiques. -Rassemblement dans le cadre de la semaine de la dignité des personnes assistées sociales avec conférence de presse et ateliers sur les changements apporté au règlement de l'aide sociale. -Participation à la commission itinérante organisé par le FRAPRU sur les problématiques vécues par les locataires -Rencontres avec le député provincial pour mentionner notre opposition aux hausses des finances publiques. et pour le sensibiliser aux conséquences des modification au règlement de l'aide sociale. -Appui au RO-DCD pour obtenir un meilleur financement pour les organismes en défense collectives des droits sociaux. -Appui à l'aide juridique, au FRAPRU.

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No involvement in political activities No funds directed to political activities

Activités politiques non partisanes Le service budgetaire populaire des sources a intégré le comité de dérèglementation via condition des associations des consommateurs du Quebec (CACQ). Le comite est chargé surveiller et de commenter, au nom des membres, tout changement ou propositions de changements législatifs ou réglementaires louchout de près ou de loin les consommateurs.

NLEN educates the public about environmental protection. It helps if laws are clear and changes to them are debated publicly. We joined similar groups in a short rally objecting to changes being "hidden" in omnibus budget bills.

-Demande de renouveller les subventions fédérales des 127 000 logements sociaux du Québec fondés avant 1994 -Demande d'un nouveau programme de HLM -Demande d'investissement dans le logement social au fédéral/provincial/municipal

The charity conducts activity with the purpose of education workers in their political, social and labour rights. For the most part this educational activity deals with existing rights and their application. Inevitably, there is some evaluation of these rights and their application, but this is by no means a major focus of the educational activity.

Multiple Births Canada supported Bill C-464 -extended El Benefits for families of multiples.

conférences ateliers

We do an annual golf tournament which business' make prize donations also charge the golfers a fee We work bingos for the Knights of Columbus #2094 We email and are trying to set up a website

The SLF, through its Agents across Africa, supports a limited number of political activities including the following: *meetings with traditional leadership, political officials, and other duty-bearers around support for people living with HIV/AIDS, and the promotion of human rights, democracy, and public accountability *development of publications and policy briefs on existing rights and laws *creation of petitions to specifically address issues of violence against women and seek the enforcement of existing laws *organizing rallies/marches on the rights of grandmothers and children in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic

We assisted Canadian Biotechnology Action Network with their mail-out campaign to ban Genetically modified alfalfa in Ontario. Our mandate is to provide non-hybrid, safe seed to the public, and the sale of genetically modified alfalfa would be harmful to all alfalfa seed.

Appuis politiques pour obtenir un meilleur financement à la mission des organismes communautaires tels que pétitions, rencontre avec les députés, ministres concernés.

Signature de pétition pour un meilleur financement, participation à des activités de mobilisation, envoi de communiqués et de correspondance.


Volcano joins in sector-wide initiatives to advocate for public support for the arts, and to promote arts and culture as vital for our national identity and our quality of life as Canadian residents. We seek to educate by disseminating relevant information about public arts and cultural policies and proposed changes to them, so that our audience may assess these issues and how they may affect them in the future.

Our purpose is to educated the public about environmental toxicants and their links to breast cancer,

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and advocate for stricter industry regulation and stronger government policy regarding toxic chemicals in consumer products that put women at greater risk for the disease. Our work aims to improve the quality of life for women with breast cancer now and to prevent or reduce its incidence for future operations. To that end our political activities include informing the public about certain gaps in regulations concerning the control of toxic ingredients in consumer products and petitioning the government to develop better controls.

Campagne publique afin de contrer une réglementation municipale allégeant la protection des locataires lors de la convension des logements locatifs en copropriétés divises. Comme se sont surtout les ménages à faibles revenu qui font les frais de ses évictions, il était important de sensibiliser la population de l'impact d'un telle réglementation sur l'augmentation du coût des loyers et sur la protection du parc locatif dans les quartier centraux de Québec.
