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Scholarly Publishing 2.0

Date post: 11-Nov-2014
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Presentation for conference on 'Researcher 2.0' at the OU on 10 Feb 2009, part of the OLnet project. CC BY-NC-SA or, now, also available as CC BY
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Scholarly Publishing 2.0 Doug Clow [email protected] http://dougclow.wordpress.com 10 February 2009
  • 1. Scholarly Publishing 2.0 Doug Clow [email_address] http://dougclow.wordpress.com 10 February 2009
  • 2. What is scholarly publishing?
  • 3.
    • What scholars publish!
    • A distinctive sort of conversation by researchers
    • Quality
      • Peer review
  • 4.
    • Twitter, IM
    • Blogs, podcasts (iTunesU), SlideShare, YouTube
    • Conference presentations/papers
    • Journal articles
    • Books
  • 5. information explosion
  • 6.
    • eJournals (all e collections)
    • CiteSeer, Zotero
    • Google Scholar
    • OU Library federated search
    • TicTOCs (RSS)
    There is no such thing as information overload, only filter failure (Clay Shirky)
  • 7. What really counts?
  • 8.
    • Metrics REF
      • Citation counts, impact factors
      • h-index (N papers with N citations)
      • Gaming the system
      • Worse outside academia Technorati (!)
    • Quality, impact Peer review
  • 9. follow the money
  • 10.
    • Marginal cost of publishing is zero
        • - Moores Law: costs halve every 18 months
    • E-journal price inflation >10% every year
    • Publishing costs alone now 575m/y
  • 11. Per-article costs
    • 5300 Writing
    • 2900 Publisher
    • 1400 Peer review
    • (source: JISC 2009)
  • 12.
    • Subscription
    • Open access
      • 50% author-pays
    • Self archiving
      • ORO
  • 13. peer review 2.0
  • 14. JIME
    • Radical open publishing with quality
    • Author blogs submission draft
    • Editors first filter
    • Referees blog reviews
    • Author blogs revised draft
    • Editors review
    • Formal publication
  • 15. So what?
  • 16.
    • Quantitative change (more, faster, easier)
    • No fundamental change
      • Open access important, but small beer (libraries traditionally open, seamless sign-on)
    • Peer review remains key
      • New forms?
  • 17.
    • Houghton et al, Economic implications of alternative scholarly publishing models: Exploring the costs and benefits, JISC, 2009
    • Clay Shirky http://www.cjr.org/overload/interview_with_clay_shirky_par.php?page=all
    • Twitter: @ciphergoth @mweller @andrew_x @jvvw @Marmara @francesbell @agneskh @KarenK @rjconnelly
    • Photos: Erica Marshall of muddyboots.org
    (CC) Some rights reserved http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/uk/ Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales
