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Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers -...

Date post: 07-Aug-2015
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John Byrne Cloud Services Engineer – Scholastic, Inc. April 1 s t , 2015
Page 1: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015

J o h n B y r n e C l o u d S e r v i c e s E n g i n e e r – S c h o l a s t i c , I n c .

A p r i l 1 s t , 2 0 1 5

Page 2: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 3: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 4: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 5: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 6: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015

Pets versus Cattle

Page 7: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 8: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 9: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 10: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 11: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015


Page 12: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 13: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 14: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015


Page 15: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015
Page 16: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015

h t t p s : / / b l o g . e n g i n e y a r d . c o m / 2 0 1 4 / p e t s - v s - c a t t l e

h t t p : / / w w w. s l i d e s h a r e . n e t / g m c c a n c e / c e r n - d a t a - c e n t r e - e v o l u t i o n

h t t p s : / / s 3 . a m a z o n a w s . c o m / c l o u d f o r m a t i o n - e x a m p l e s /I n t e g r a t i n g AW S C l o u d F o r m a t i o n W i t h O p s c o d e C h e f . p d f

h t t p : / /www.packe r. i o

Page 17: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015


Page 18: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers From Pets to Cattle, Now With More Containers  - ChefConf 2015

h t tp : / /www.g i thub .com/ johnpbyrne

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