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SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in...

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SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School PRINCIPAL: Frank Dileo SUPERINTENDENT: Bernice Brand TRUSTEE: Angela Kennedy SCHOOL ADDRESS: 176 Leslie St , Toronto ON , M4M 3C7 STUDENT ENROLMENT: 181
Page 1: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School PRINCIPAL: Frank Dileo

SUPERINTENDENT: Bernice Brand TRUSTEE: Angela Kennedy

SCHOOL ADDRESS: 176 Leslie St , Toronto ON , M4M 3C7


Page 2: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

2009-06-01 Page 2 of 18

Page 3: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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School involvement with the Church in the preparation for the sacraments in grade 2 and in grade 8. Continue to work closely with Father Frank Wagner to update and develop programs for First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Academic Year Teacher, Principal Church, Board, School

In progress The programs to prepare the students for the sacraments will be updated and delivered jointly by the grade 2 and grade 8 teachers, the St. Joseph's Church community members and Fr. Wagner.

Scheduling whole school monthly masses with Father Frank Wagner. Liturgical committee to formulate a schedule for involvement of all grades and classes.

Academic Year Teacher, Principal School resources Ongoing Monthly masses are planned for the school year 2008/2009. Schedule for class involvement is in progress each month. Monthly masses are an integral part of our Faith Community and development. Each month a different class prepares for this sacred celebration with Fr. Wagner and the entire school population. The school day always begins with Scriptual Readings and a Reflection. Readings are done over the P.A. by students from different grade levels.

Prayer TableThe school and each classroom to set up a Prayer Table incorporating the primary symbol of each Religious Education Program.

Academic Year Teacher, Principal Classroom / school resources

In progress Prayer Table established in main hallway and classrooms.Prayer Table to contain:-coloured cloth-bible-cross/icon-appropriate symbol for each grade level

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Faith Development

To create and celebrate Catholic Community where all proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and where Catholic beliefs are modelled and integrated into the whole learning experience.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

Page 4: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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Promote a safe and welcoming learning environment for all members of our school community. Practicing Lockdown procedures, as well as Fire Drills to ensure that staff and students are prepared for emergency situations.

Academic Year Principal/Safe School Action Team

Board-wide resources In progress The safe arrival program provides monitoring of student attendance and punctuality. A telephone is made to parents of students who are not at school. The TCDSB protocol for Fire Evacuation, Bomb Threat and School Lockdown has been inserviced and practiced by all. This is an on-going process. All matters requiring immediate intervention are addressed in a timely manner with the appropriate contacts made. Parents are kept informed in a timely manner. The school has established a Safe School Action Team made up of teachers and parents. A Safe School Action Plan and Code of Conduct has been developed and is being implemented.

Develop and expand our "Anti-Bullying and Conflict Resolution" programs. The CYW to implement these programs.

Academic Year Child Youth Worker Board-wide resources In progress The Child and Youth Worker has developed "Anti-Bullying and Confict Resolution" programs. These programs are being delivered to all classes and students at different times of the year. Through these programs, strategies will be taught so that students can deal with situations in a socially appropriate and non violent manner. All students will gather at an assembly to reinforce such strategies. Promoting anti-bullying behavior through the use of live performances, we should see inappropriate ways of dealing with situations declining and students resolving conflicts peacefully. Role modelling is also a key factor in reducing/eliminating inappropriate behaviour.

School to participate in TCSAA sports activities. Sports to include: Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball, Cross Country and Track and Field. Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities at school, such as W5H.

Academic Year Teachers, Coaches School resources In progress Students, through physical education classes and teacher coaches, will develop the skills and strategies necessary to participate in a school team sport. Students will also model Sportsmanship and Catholic Values at all school tournaments.

Division JK - 12

Identified Goal/Need Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Safe, Inclusive and Healthy Learning Environment

To enhance the quality of the working and learning experience through improving schools and workplaces so that they contribute to positive healthy and respectful relationships.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

Page 5: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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"Daily Physical Activity" for all grades. All classes will be involved with Daily Physical Activity on an ongoing basis and will be integrated with our skating, swimming and Physical Education programs.

Academic Year Principal Community Resources

Ongoing All classes will be part of the 20 minutes of Daily Physical Activity. It will be integrated with our annual walk-a-thon, skating, swimming and Physical Education programs. Through this program, students' level of physical activity will be increased in order to promote good fitness.

Organize and coordinate swimming lessons for grades 2 to 6 students with our community resources (City of Toronto, Parks and Recreation). In addition to this, Grade 4 students to take part in the 'Swim to Survive' program.

Academic Year Principal Community Resources

Complete Booking swimming lessons for grades 2 through 6 for the 2008/2009 school year. Through these lessons, students will develop skills and knowledge that will enable them to be safer around water.

Note: The principal will report to the school community on the effectiveness of each strategy at the end of the year how the plan worked based on the evidence of improvements.

Division JK - 12

Identified Goal/Need Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Safe, Inclusive and Healthy Learning Environment

To enhance the quality of the working and learning experience through improving schools and workplaces so that they contribute to positive healthy and respectful relationships.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

Page 6: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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Foster and maintain a welcoming school environment and open communication with the school community.

Academic Year Principal, Secretary, Teachers, EA's, CYW's

School resources Ongoing An increase in student registration at St. Joseph School.

Work closely with the St. Joseph CSAC parents promoting a positive Community Based Catholic School in order to help increase enrolment at St. Joseph School.

Academic Year CSAC Members, Principal and Teachers

Community Resources

Ongoing CSAC and school working closely together with school fundraising events, school community barbecues, student barbecues, School Youth Nights for students in grades 6-8, Easter Sunday Beach Parade and the school community Fun Fair.

Inform all local media of ALL school activities and initiatives. Cultivate closer relationships with local media such as: ETC News, Beach Metro News, Scarborough Mirror, CITY TV and CTV. Positive publicity should have a positive impact on our enrollment.

Ongoing Teacher, Principal School resources Ongoing Increased number of positive media articles.

Encourage the expansion of our Best Starts program facility and develop closer ties between our kindergarten teacher/class and the Best Starts program.

Ongoing Kindergarten Teacher, Best Start Coordinator, Principal

Board-wide resources In progress The Best Starts program has been established in our school and is now in full operation. This program will expand our child care facilities by 20 spots. Our kindergarten teacher, the Best Starts staff and coordinator are working closely and developing programs together.

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Increasing Enrolment and Retention in Grades JK-12

To support and implement a variety of local and system initiatives that actively enhance the school profile and promote the benefits of Catholic education.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

Page 7: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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Consider all Ministry of Education programs, T.C.D.S.B. initiatives and pilot projects which will support our school philosophy and increase the school profile and indicate that St. Joseph's is a progressive and responsive school community.

Ongoing Principal School resources Ongoing Develop and refine recent initiatives such as: swim program, Youth Nights, Best Starts/Child Care, Artists in the School and Heritage/Family Night programs. With this we hope to increase school enrolment.

Monthly Newsletters to share school information and good news of the many programs and activities being provided at St. Joseph Catholic School.

Academic Year Principal School resources Ongoing Increased enrolment.

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Increasing Enrolment and Retention in Grades JK-12

To support and implement a variety of local and system initiatives that actively enhance the school profile and promote the benefits of Catholic education.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

Page 8: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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Division JK - 8


CAT3-National Percentile-20072008-Grade 2

Gap Analysis:

Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2.

EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

Gap Analysis:

Data shows strong representation of grade 3 students at a level 3 and 4. The goal is to move more students from a level 3 to a 4, and to move students from a level 2 to a 3.

Goal Literacy

To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

Page 9: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 6-All Students

Gap Analysis:

Data shows a strong representation of students in grade 6 at a level 3 in reading. The goal is to move more of these students to a level 4. Data also shows a strong representation of students in levels 1 and 2. The goal is to move these students up at least 1 level.

Running Records-Number of Students-20072008-Year to Date

Gap Analysis:

EQAO-Writing-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

Gap Analysis:

Data shows a strong representation of grade 3 students in level 3 and 4 for writing. The goal is to move more students from a level 3 to a 4 and move students from a level 2 to a level 3.

Page 10: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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Charts EQAO-Writing-20072008-Grade 6-All Students

Gap Analysis:

Data shows a strong representation of students in grade 6 at a level 2 and 3 in writing. The goal is to move students at least 1 level up.

CAT3-National Percentile-20072008-Grade 7

Gap Analysis:

CAT3-National Percentile-20072008-Grade 5

Gap Analysis:

Page 11: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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Select a junior teacher for the position of Lead Teacher. This person will attend workshops and then report back and share to the teachers. This person will also attend HUB meetings and report back with the principal to all other teachers focusing in on best paractices.

Ongoing Teacher, Principal Board-wide resources Ongoing Attendance at Board and Ministry in-services/workshops and Professional Learning Centre in-services. Sharing strategies and material with other teachers. Attending meetings as set out by superintendents.

Schedule and support monthly division planning meetings for the Primary, Junior and Intermediate divisions. These meetings will facilitate and encourage shared planning and improved integration of resources. Use of Data Integration Platform information, all evidence based data to be used to analyze student performance/assessment and to program accordingly. The development of S.M.A.R.T. Goals as a division to be development and then using the TLCP model to teach the areas of need.

Ongoing Teacher, Principal School resources Ongoing Daily/weekly planning as a division. Long Range Planning Ongoing assessment Evidence based assessment for programming

Junior Literacy Lead Teacher will attend all Junior Literacy workshops and then coordinate and work with the Junior Division teachers.

Ongoing Teacher, Principal Board-wide resources Ongoing A Junior Literacy Lead Teacher has been selected. The Lead teacher will be working closely with Junior teachers in developing and implementing the Junior Literacy program in the Junior Division.

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Literacy

To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

Page 12: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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Primary Division students to be provided with workshops to complete and meet success on literacy initiatives. The Comprehensive Literacy program will be used to help drive programming.

Academic Year Teacher Board-wide resources In progress Students to complete teacher prepared lessons and workshops. Running records are an ongoing process. Results are input three times a year as determined by the Board. Students to show an improvement in the area of literacy.

All teachers will participate in the grade appropriate Professional Learning Communities/ Board/ Ministry in-services and workshops. School and Board will establish release time to enable staff to attend these valuable workshops/in-services. Teachers to work as divisonal teams in the development of S.M.A.R.T. Goals. All teachers working together to focus in on achieveable goals that will improve assessment results for students. Meetings organized on a regular basis.

Academic Year Teacher, Principal Board-wide resources Ongoing Teachers to register for grade appropriate workshops and in-services provided by the Board and Ministry. S.M.A.R.T. and TLCP meetings conducted on an on-going basis.

Primary/Junior/Intermediate Divisions-The focus will be Making Connections. This is to be done through increasing reading comprehension skills, content analysis, critical interpretation and inference (retell, relate, reflect).

Academic Year Teacher Classroom / school resources

In progress Students being able to make connections between literacy material and the real world. Being able to generalize. Improvement in assessments.

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Literacy

To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

Page 13: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

2009-06-01 Page 13 of 18

Division JK - 8

Charts EQAO-Mathematics-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

Gap Analysis:

Data shows a strong represenation of grade 3 students at a level 3 and 4 in math. The goal is to move as many students in level 2 and level 3 up one level.

EQAO-Mathematics-20072008-Grade 6-All Students

Gap Analysis:

Data shows a strong representation of grade 6 students at a level 2. Special education students were not exempt and the data reflects all students. The goal is to try and get students to move at least one level up.

Goal Numeracy

To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics.

Page 14: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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CAT3-National Percentile-20072008-Grade 5

Gap Analysis:

CAT3-National Percentile-20072008-Grade 7

Gap Analysis:

CAT3-National Percentile-20072008-Grade 2

Gap Analysis:

Page 15: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

2009-06-01 Page 15 of 18

Junior Division/Intermediate- The focus in the Junior and Intermediate divisions will be to continue to apply the strategies and learning techniques developed last year while identified as an OFIP 4 school in math. Teachers to work on SMART GOALS and using the TLCP model to teach for learning. All areas of math to be covered. Students to be provided with daily practice of basic math skills through teacher lessons and activities (TLCP). Providing students with real life connections to further provide student support.

Academic Year Teacher Classroom / school resources

In progress Increase in participation in math lessons and math activities. Homework completion. Better results on assessments.

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Numeracy

To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

Page 16: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

2009-06-01 Page 16 of 18

Primary Division- The area of focus will be data management and probability, analyzing data in graphs and tables. Teachers will come up with S.M.A.R.T. Goals and then use the TLCP format to teach for learning. Teachers to use concrete math manipulatives when analyzing and interpreting data with students and then to make connections to the real world. Teachers to use TCDSB program materials and other resources to complement the math curriculum. Mathematical language will also be a focus to assist students through daily math language.

Ongoing Teacher, Principal Board-wide resources Ongoing Student interest level in Mathematice to increase. More participation from all students. Homework completion. Better results on assessments.

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Numeracy

To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

Page 17: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

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Develop leadership positions within the school.

Ongoing Teacher, Principal Board-wide resources Ongoing Teachers will take on leadership positions such as Primary and Junior Literacy Lead Teachers, Primary, Junior and Intermediate Mathematics Lead Teachers and committee chairs.

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Empowering Catholic Leadership

To develop and support Catholic Educational Leaders who are energizing, caring, visionary, student-focused and collaborative role models in building a Catholic professional learning community.

Priority Building Capacity to Lead and Learn

Page 18: SCHOOL NAME: St. Joseph Catholic School Frank Dileo · Data showa that we need to build skills in all areas of Language and math for grade 2. EQAO-Reading-20072008-Grade 3-All Students

School Learning PlanSt. Joseph Catholic School

2008 - 2009

2009-06-01 Page 18 of 18

All teachers in all divisions will participate in Ministry of Education workshops and Board Professional Learning Networks in-services/workshops. These will include the development of S.M.A.R.T. Goals and TLCP teaching. These in-services/workshops will help teachers stay current in order to enhance teaching in the classroom and to get better assessment results from students.

Academic Year Teacher, Principal Board-wide resources Ongoing Every teacher in every division will participate in workshops or in-services provided by the Ministry of Education, TCDSB and the Professional Learning Networks. The principal to guide teachers/divisions in the development of S.M.A.R.T. Goals and the use of the TLCP framework for teaching.

The school has developed a resource centre for teachers in the school library. Resources focusing on developing excellence in the areas of literacy and numeracy are included. At staff meetings, any new addition to the resource centre will be presented and discussed by the entire staff.

Ongoing Librarian, Teacher, Principal

School resources Ongoing A resource centre has been established within our Library for professional development. The librarian has been put in charge and will acquire resources with input from the entire staff. Staff meetings will include a professional development segment to discuss any new resources.

Intermediate- Teachers in the Intermediate division attending Student Success in-services with the local high school. Establishing a network with the high schools in order to help with transition and student success.

Academic Year Teacher Classroom / school resources

In progress More students attending Catholic High School. Grade 8 students better prepared for high school.

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Division JK - 8

Goal Professional Development

To provide job-embedded professional development that focuses on broadening the range of skills, practices and attitudes needed to create sustainable improvement and better results.

Priority Building Capacity to Lead and Learn
