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Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

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3 M r tv Schools dedicate new building by Kob Meyers Dignitariee from IUPUI. IU Bloomington, dty and stata government officiala and stata and locai business and cavie leader» will mark thè formai dedication of one of IUPUI s newest buildings. Ceramoniae begin today at 11 a.m. for thè Schools of Education and Social Work at IUPUI in thè courtyaràof thè Education/Social Work Building, 902 West New Yotk Street. Rain location will be - inside thè building. J It was two and one-half yeirs ago, March 4,1980, whaaGu^x President John W. Ryan, IU Vice President for Indianapolis Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., and Indianapolis Mayor William H. Hudnut III broke ground for thè new building. Today-these seme gentleman, along with Howard D. Mehlinger, dean of thè School \ of Education, Beulah R. Compton, acting dean of thè School of Sodai Work and Lana S, Alien and Cathleen S. Graham, studente at thè Schools of Education and Social Work, respectively, will provide opening remarks. Both thè Schools of Education and Social Work bave scheduled separate celebratane which will last through Sept. 12. The School of Social Work, celebration started yesterday with a forum on “The Changing Professional and Educational Issues as Affected by thè Preoent Economie and Politicai Climate” held at thè Indiana Convention Center, lt Kit waa foUowed by a banquet at 7 m. which highlighted Arthur ita, an internationally known sodai worker from New York, who addreesed thè future on “ Sodai Work Practicee in thè 21at Centurv " Headlining thè School of Education activitiea will be Gene Schwilk, president of thè Danforth Foundation, wtib will addreas thè 1:30 p.m. con* ference today on “ Service Miasion of Schools of Education.” The three-part con ference will be held in room 102 of thè Lecture Hall. Alno induded is a 2:15 p.m. panel diecusaion, “ What Do Cliente Want and Expect from Schools of Education?," foUowed by a speech at 3:46 by Dean Mehlinger on “Office of Indiana School Programa: A Responso to thè Challenge for Improved and Grester Service to thè SU te. ” HlghHghta for Sept. 10 indude a 9:30 a.m. combined Bloomington and Indianapolis education faculty meeting, an 11 a.m. ali-univeraity (through- out thè eight-campus IU System) generai faculty meeting, and a 2 p.m. open house and tour of thè entire building. A second open house for School of Education alumni, sUff, faculty, parente and studente, friends and thè generai publk begins at 1 p.m. Sept. 12. Alumni, thè IUPUI com- munity, mOTtoers of thè sodai work and education professione and thè public are invited to attend all theae activitiea. Financial aid checks ready The Bursar's Office will begin fall semester financial aid disbursement Sept. 10 in Cavanajugh Hall, room 126 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. All studente who are expecting financial aid for fall should pick up checks on this date. After Sept. 10, financial aid checks will be available in thè Bursar’s Office, University Services Building, room 116 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Aa revealed bare, studente at thè natatorlum are required to undergo ankle inapections before uslng thè facllltles. Thoae falllng are heaved through thè round window. (Photo dlacreetiy taken by Mike Streib, who was diagulsed aa a world-class balance beam.) Center opens Writer’s by Becky Gottman Beginning Monday, Sept. 13, studente with writing difficulties will bave an opportunity to learn how to overcome them through IUPUI‘s new Writing Center. Currently only IUPUI studente may take advantage of this program. Ronald Strahl, director of thè writing program of IUPUI, and Professor Barbara Cambridge, assistant director, hope to expand thè center to include thè entire Indianapolis community. -^ T h e center is located at Cavanaugh Hall, room 427, and is open during thè following hours: Mondays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Tuesdays, 9 a.m. to 3:46 p.m.; Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 to 8 p.m.; and Fridays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Besides being open duHng weekdays, thè center will be open on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in order to serve weekend college studente. Due to a limited staff, studente are asked to cali 264-2049 to set up an appoint- ment. This reduce» thè number of walk-ina, which enables thè staff to help each student effi- ciently. Any appointments that can't be kept should be cancelled by calling thè center. Studente are asked to bring samples of unfinished work if possible. The center also has textbooks / on hand for studente who wish to look up particular styles of writing or to check speìlings without scheduling an appointment. The center will stress three phases of writing: writer’s block, expressing concepts, and punctuation. Besides Strahl and Cambridge, thè center will be staffed by four IUPUI faculty members from thè Department of English, and senior writing majors who have completed proper training. If any student needs help, thè Writing Center encourages calla anytime during open hours.
Page 1: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

3 M rt v

Schools dedicate new buildingby Kob Meyers

Dignitariee from IUPUI. IU Bloomington, dty and stata government officiala and stata and locai business and cavie leader» will mark thè formai dedication of one of IUPUI s newest buildings.

Ceramoniae begin today at 11 a.m. for thè Schools of Education and Social Work at IUPUI in thè courtyaràof thè Education/Social Work Building, 902 West New Yotk Street. Rain location will be - inside thè building. J

It was two and one-half yeirs ago, March 4,1980, whaaGu^x President John W. Ryan, IU Vice President for Indianapolis Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., and Indianapolis Mayor William H. Hudnut III broke ground for thè new building.

Today-these seme gentleman, along with Howard D.Mehlinger, dean of thè School \ of Education, Beulah R. Compton, acting dean of thè School of Sodai Work and Lana S, Alien and Cathleen S. Graham, studente at thè Schools of Education and Social Work, respectively, will provide opening remarks.

Both thè Schools of Education and Social Work bave scheduled separate celebratane which will last through Sept. 12.

The School of Social Work, celebration started yesterday with a forum on “The Changing Professional and Educational Issues as Affected by thè Preoent Economie and Politicai Clima te” held at thè Indiana Convention Center, lt

K it

waa foUowed by a banquet at 7 m. which highlighted Arthur ita, an internationally known

sodai worker from New York, who addreesed thè future on “Sodai Work Practicee in thè 21at Centurv "

Headlining thè School of Education activitiea will be Gene Schwilk, president of thè Danforth Foundation, wtib will addreas thè 1:30 p.m. con* ference today on “Service Miasion of Schools of Education.” The three-part con ference will be held in room 102 of thè Lecture Hall.

Alno induded is a 2:15 p.m. panel diecusaion, “What Do Cliente Want and Expect from Schools of Education?," foUowed by a speech at 3:46 by Dean Mehlinger on “Office of Indiana School Programa: A Responso to thè Challenge for Improved and Gres ter Service to thè SU te. ”

HlghHghta for Sept. 10 indude a 9:30 a.m. combined Bloomington and Indianapolis education faculty meeting, an 11 a.m. ali-univeraity (through- out thè eight-campus IU System) generai faculty meeting, and a 2 p.m. open house and tour of thè entire building.

A second open house for School of Education alumni, sUff, faculty, parente and studente, friends and thè generai publk begins at 1 p.m. Sept. 12.

Alumni, thè IUPUI com­munity, mOTtoers of thè sodai work and education professione and thè public are invited to attend all theae activitiea.

Financial aid checks readyThe Bursar's Office will

begin fall semester financial aid disbursement Sept. 10 in Cavanajugh Hall, room 126 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

All studente who are expecting financial aid for fall should pick up checks on this date.

After Sept. 10, financial aid checks will be available in thè Bursar’s Office, University Services

Building, room 116 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Aa revealed bare, studente at thè natatorlum are required to undergo ankle inapections before uslng thè facllltles. Thoae falllng are heaved through thè round window. (Photo dlacreetiy taken by Mike Streib, who was diagulsed aa a world-class balance beam.)

Center opensWriter’sby Becky Gottman

Beginning Monday, Sept. 13, studente with writing difficulties will bave an opportunity to learn how to overcome them through IUPUI‘s new Writing Center.

Currently only IUPUI studente may take advantage of this program. Ronald Strahl, director of thè writing program of IUPUI, and Professor Barbara Cambridge, assistant director, hope to expand thè center to include thè entire Indianapolis community.

-^The center is located at Cavanaugh Hall, room 427, and is open during thè following hours: Mondays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Tuesdays, 9 a.m. to

3:46 p.m.; Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 to 8 p.m.; and Fridays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Besides being open duHng weekdays, thè center will be open on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in order to serve weekend college studente.

Due to a limited staff, studente are asked to cali 264-2049 to set up an appoint- ment. This reduce» thè number of walk-ina, which enables thè staff to help each student effi- ciently. Any appointments that can't be kept should be cancelled by calling thè center. Studente are asked to bring samples of unfinished work if possible.

The center also has textbooks


on hand for studente who wish to look up particular styles of writing or to check speìlings without scheduling an appointment.

The center will stress three phases of writing: writer’s block, expressing concepts, and punctuation.

Besides Strahl and Cambridge, thè center will be staffed by four IUPUI faculty members from thè Department of English, and senior writing majors who ha ve completed proper training.

If any student needs help, thè Writing Center encourages calla anytime during open hours.

Page 2: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

New study lounge opensw

Arayratiradofti Uàmraity library Mk

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Page 3: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI


Miffed getsTo Um editor

UM durinepmwftottmttea. I lim ato d to •ruoli io § cUm which neeòed apocìol pormlooioa” from tho

matrucior 1 tpproechod tb« Uutrucior witb my roqyoot «ad b» informad rat tbot "apudai ptrmÙMÙon « u noe nacmaory

Innocuily, 1 procuodad to C«v»n«ufh Hall to wmit la kmg tlnoo of othor prorofiotnnU only to And thét ih» “apodol ponniooion* orifineUy in» dicoud la my oototef of cUtm wai octunlly nocooonry.

It « y timo 1 modo my tette miotobo .. doridi no to volt far droodod Drop-Aòd doyt.. Summor corno and wont Foli

orrlvod. So did "droodod Drop» Add doyt..

Thio porUculor d u i bod la tho moontlmo booa fUlod onco,

*ul>»n ii#nll> droppod by variou» «tudmia. It didal occur to in* that I inight stili Mod tpociol pormi mìo n to ootor o noorty ompty doM It

miffed off

pormlooìoo olipt. portiouloiiy ot oihor ocboolo noi bcotod oa tbo Mldupoa Strooi Compu*«ould la o d laform ymi limi thoy or» ooooooory And II tboy foilod. your Inotructor «ould laform ymi ol tbo nood far "apodol porméodoa," vbon So/«ho oifnod your pormMoo

working tbo drop-odd doport- moiiu orili laform you « tboy rofuoo to Ut you ootor tbo

Loot opring. durine prorofiotnitfcm. I ottomptod to onroulao doto

- Miffod

Smeli manila rectangles appear on cars at randomTothooditor:

Today I wolbod out of Cavanoufh Hall aitar my da »ooo and boodod ter my m y OldomobUo Omoea porbod la tbo only opaco I could And ot 10:00 Odo morninf Tblo opaco hoppoood to boia tbo amali cor k* (my cor mooouroo 16 teot 2 Inchot). A amali mollo roc* Uaeulor objact woo nootly plocod uodor my windablokl wipor

Wbot lattea, afainol cor dooo? Why io it tbot ornali cara eoa park la tbo

A liIota, why aro tbooo Iota

K dnconvoniontlyl at tbo ad ornali cor Iota oro up

lo tbo btekhrmrfIl you r» goine to ticket

violatori’’ oflair and tickat allaoaoatoli H

U>U. bo

- A Studeqt

Not back home again in Indiana. . .

One* again, 1U PU I n i undar-ranraaanted in U n Univaraitiaa Building diaplaya at U n Indiana State F air.

Note wa aaìd «ndarrapra— tad raUnr U n a not at a ll W a did b m a aotepnd with U n maaanga. ThinkIUPUI."

W a ro gU d (or «nv matiuoo but wa «rondar U (airgoara ihought o l IU PU 1 aa anythiag mora tknn admtlonal parking ter tha Inir

Bloomington ia quark to dain i our fac iliti*. anroii mani and tuiUon whan to do ao suite Ita purpoaa. Apparantiy. notidng ua at Uw State Fair auited bu ia mora purpoaa than SO aquara Inrhaa far doodling

Ssptambsr S. IMS

Page 4: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI


Herron School of Art stili isAccountl

<k.n of •rrountmc io U» fefcool ai Buaìnei tetroduca Ih» «ccounUni teruHy «IIUFUIgenesis daadlineJournal |#**u f rouat be recaivad te Cavana 8api. ÌO AJB tri and «ritta» Mtrte turni ibìo and ba idanttlted with il» cmtftevtor •


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Acthrtttei and Oppartumtles:

Secraaeet d Im adH te al Sn CwRev. Jeff Godecker, Chaplain


4 Sagomar*

Page 5: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

• ' . * •

Use of sports facilities requires feeStudenta, faculty and staff

wìshing to use thè sports facilities on campus may do so durìng spedfiad times after payment of a user’a fee.

The fee for studenta is $6 per semeeter and a student 1D card, valida ted for recrea tional use, is required. Faculty and staff members will be charged 120 per semester. Fees may be paid at thè School of Physical Education Building, room 062,

Netters nab newcomersby Matt Shrum

IUPUI Women's Voheyball Coach Tim Brown enters his second season at thè Metro helm with just two players with as many years at IUPUI.

Marcea Lee, junior, and Nancy Glenn, senior, are thè only returns from last year’s team.

Ten newcomers give Coach Brown reason to be optimistic despite thè lack of experience.

“ High school players are coming in with better skills, ” according to Coach Brown.

Lix Albera from Greenwood. Lori Swan from Ben Davis and Lori Hefner from Perry Méridian are, among thè top newcomers.

Coach Brown said that his team looks good in practice and he expects to do well against teams in thè division in which IUPUI plays. He added that thè Metros have a tougher schedule this year.

After thè Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) folded over thè summer, IUPUI moved into thè National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). Among thè Metros' opponente will be NCAA schools Ball State, Indiana State, Butler and Indiana Central.

The IUPUI Athletic Depart­ment is looking for studente interested in volunteering to work stat crews at homo volley ball and men’s and women’s basketball games. Anyone interested should con­tact Matt Shrum at 291-4849 or 264-3529.

Monday through Friday.Ì0 a.m-4 p.m. or at thè Bursar's office, University Services Building, room 116, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

The Student Actìvities Office will provide an opportuni ty to obtain ID carde in early October.

Facilities are available durìng thè foliowing days and times.

Handball/racqoetbell coarta(by reservation, for one-hour perioda, at 264-3346). Monday Thursday, 4-9 p.m.; Friday, 4-6 p.m.; and weekends, 1-6 p.m.

Instracttanal pool Monday- Friday. 7-8 a.m. and 4-6 p.m.; weekends, 1-6 p.m.

Large gy omasi um (badmin­ton, basketball and volleyball): Monday-Thursday, 6:30-9:30 p.m.; weekends, 1-6 p.m.

Monday-Frìday, 4-6 p.m.; weekends, 1-6 p.m.

Tradì and outdoor riddaMonday-Frìday. 7-8 a.m, noon-1 p.m and 4-6 p.m;

1-6 p.m

Weight Monday-Frìday, 7-8 a.m. and 4-6 p.m; weekends, 1-6 p.m

A limi ted amount of sporta

gsar, may be chacked out from PE 062, Monday thrangk Friday. 10 a.m-4 p.m and on weekends. 1-6 p.m

The schedule is subject to change but thoee changee will be announced as far in advanoe as poasibk. For further Infor­mation, contact thè Intramural and Recrea tional Sporta Office at 264-2824.

This calculator thinks business. TheTl Student Business AnalystIf there’s onc thtng undcrgrad business students nave always needed, this is it: an affordable, busincss-oriented calculator. The Student Business Analyst. Its built-in business formulas let you pcrform complicated fìnance, accounting and statistical functions-the ones that usually reouire a lot of time and a stack of refcrence boòks, like prescnt and future value calculations, amortiia- tions and balloon payments.

h all means you spcnd less time calculating, and more time learning. One keystroke takes thè place of many.

The calculator is just part

of thè package. You also get a hook that follows most business courees: thè Business Analyst Gutdebook. Business professore helped us write it, to help you get thè most out of calculator and classroom.A powerful combination.

Think business.With thè Student Business Analyst.

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September 8, 1982

Page 6: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

University Theatre closes ‘Sam’bf Marti* DngoMtt«

Tba IUPUI production of Woody Allen a hilarioua comedy, “ Play it Again, Sam,1 loft me wanting more — morelaughe.

T I» nmaio character, AUan Felix, is a nervoua and insecure

who has drifted in and

out of peychotherapy for aeveral years. When thè play first hit Broadway in 1969, Woody Alien played AUan Felix. In this production, Doyle Hoggatt took thè seme role, poesibly in more ways than one. In seeing Doyle's perfor­mance I can’t help thinking he

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tried to emulate Woody Alien too much Doyle eteted thè key to his performance with one of his linee, "thè secret is noi in being you, but me." Doyle had some fine moments in thè vignette» he did with thè sup- porting cast. His mannerisms were very good. and he settled down to a very ni ce finish in act three.

The play had some strong performance*. Myke Perrey, who played Dick, Allan's best friend, Uved up to thè role of a lack-lustar, compulsive "workahoUc." Mary White por- trayed Nancy, Allan's ex-wife, and did a very good job. Nancy toyed with my emotions, making me feel frustrated in thè beginning, and alao making me feel sdrry for ber in thè end when she dedded that, without Allan, she’d have to settle for God.

Don Dewees was delightful in his interpretation of Bogart.The gestures and voice gave me thè impression that he had seen "Casablanca" more than once.

If I had to put a star on my program for thè moet out- standing performance, then it would go to Mary Foley. Às Allan’s friend/lover and friend again, ber transitions within thè character were marvelous! Mary had an obvious insight into her role as Nancy. I look forward to seeing her in future IUPUI productions.

The supporting cast, in- cluding Amy Frazer, Missy Miller, Martha Bartlow, Pam Roberta and Deleasa Rendali, all put forth fine efforts which helped to upiift thè play.

The AUen comedy was directed by Jim Walker, who has been technical director for thè past two years. The next IUPUI offering wijl be "Dark of thè Moon," a tragic drama based on thè haunting ballad of "Barbara AUen." It wiU run Nov. 5*7 and 12-14.


Inter-varslty Christian FellowshipIVCF welcomes you to ita Friday evening meeting» on

mission». Come and enjoy a picnic before thè meeting. Meet out side thè pool entrane© at thè Union Building at 5 p.m., to car pool to Zionsville. AU prenursing studente are invited along with Nurses Christian FeUowship. For Information, cali Da ve at 298-8845 or Alan at 636-12J6.

Public relations powwowThe IUPUI Division of Continuing Studies and Women in

Communications wiU co-sponsor a one-day seminar for public relations professionals and aspirants Thursday, Sept. 30. Titled ‘Think Creatively," thè seminar wiU be held at thè HoUday lnn North near thè Pyramids and wiU feature topica such as managing pubUcations, fund raising, working with media and other rela ted subjects. Fees and enroUment informa ti on are available by caUing continuing studies at 264-4501.

Go see GoetheThe Department of German and thè Goethe Institute of

Chicago are co-sponsoring a pictorial display commemorating thè 150th anniversary of thè death of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 18th century writer, statesman and researcher. The display is loca ted in thè lobby of University Library.

Psychology ClubThe IUPUI Psychology Club wiU have an organizational

meeting to elect officers and pian thè activities for this school year.'We enjoyed a successful year in 1981-82 and are looking for­ward to even more ac ti vi ty in 1982-83. The meeting wiU be held Thursday, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in thè faculty lounge in thè Krannert.Building, 38th Street campus. AU are invited to attend. This is your opportunity to get together with feUow psychology students in a social setting.

Voler registraticiTh^udent Assembly wiU be hosting thè League of Women

VoterOOT a voter registration drive for Marion County residente Sept. 13 and 14, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in thè basement lobby of Cavanaugh HaU. CaU thè SA office. CA 001C, at 264-3907 for more information.

Lutheran studentsThere wiU be a gathering of aU Lutheran studente and friends

at IUPUI Friday, Sept. 10 at 3 p.m. in Cavanaugh Hall, room 439. Our hope is to meet other Lutheran students and pian for future activities. CaU Jim Stender, Lutheran campus minister at 925-3588 if you have any questiona.

Bio bashThe IUPUI Biology Club is sponsoring an aU-school party Fri­

day, Sept. 10 from 4-10 p.m. The events include three locai banda, volleyball, a clown and baUoons for children and free chili and coffee cake from 5:30 until it runa out.

The party will be at 38th Street campus behind thè Community Service Building. For volleybaU information. contact C.B. Mc- Quigg, 422-9466 or Tom Goss. 787-7740.

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Page 7: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

• i u t i l t n c * * * - 1

Coffee and cigarettes

- - rAt thè office, thè coffee

mechlne man brought in a new coffee thè other day Suppoeed to be cheaper and batter Or ahould I eay thè lattar by vir­tù® of being thè formar?

Anywayi. ha aaid that once thè water runa through thè machine, we ahould allow thè newborn coffee to sit far a few mimi Lee to gain Ita hearing» bdon we partak», aa it improvee thè coffee'a flavor. I wondared why . . ,

1 tkink it ia that when early morrung coki water droptai e initially spili through, eaaring theìr little H,Oe on thè hot atainleea Steel. foUowed by a quick aki through gigantic ground coffee boulders, thair First reaction ia something lika (something Uke?) “Wow! thè hall with V4IM

But, aa thè Inai drip atrag- glers clog through thè reeking ground» and lima-sa tura ted fUter, they're down to "Yuckl what ia thia . . . mumphh!" or something Uke (ibkD that.

Then, dapanding on filter poroeity, once thay'va splaahed, poured or drìppad into thè coffee pot, thay gei a chance to mix a little, gapa at thè gatharad office workers, rap about what carne down, and you know, kind of melkm out. ’ Thoae that gol a good hit come down when thè onee that got ripped start bitching And it nuikes a batter crup of coffee.

You know, I can remen k m once stopping off for a skull seesion in a public reetroom. It was eleo occupied by two citisene, one who asked me if I had a equa re.

Now, at that time. my ex- perience with his referred-to “aquare” connotad. dapanding on context, something in thè mathematkal carpentry or social fialds I had nothing from any of thaaa categoria® and so I was forcad to answar “no.”

Than ha said, “ No man, a _ cigarette I had a eigaretta, I gave him one. and 1 walked out. But I ’ve often wondared why ha aakad ma that. And what would he bave dona if ISeptember 8. 1982

had been a eodaUy inept

geometry texU? What would / bave don®?

Perhape more importantly. what if dgarattea wort aquare? Could old-timer» laarn to effec- tively manuAilate theìr fixing» with Four Cornar» fokiìng pepar? Must theee snemel steinars now be known ea tobecco aquarse? Would T-ahirt slaevee wear differenti? Wouidn t cigarette pack» re» qulr» redeeign?

What new eveouee of adver- tising and packaging marketing would be openedt Can you eo-

« aquare. Two adgwtad but thia ha» no

hearing whateoever on thia story

Even thè tilt adornìng four walls and a floor srare aquare, albeit my marna thè leene of verying

So I gueee I couldsome initletive by thè tils in a towel


2 by lOe?” — refomng, of courea, to two row» of 10 cigarette» in a package. How about fi va rows of fi va? Cali am “Fiva Squarad." Am i back where I stertad? Yas. 1 aay squarad. What or who alea was squere in that faciUty all thoaa, so many yaars ago?

Doni read whila I think Let e se».. thera were aquare steli», although thay most probably «rare adjudged so in- corractly from » cartaio

my “ Commoda HoU’d. offered it to that guy and be would nevwr bave known thè differente

How doea thie aU ila ia togathar? May be it thet's what thè adii to know. Oawd. bave to ba show •varything Gimmo a break (hiat.) That s righi, gimmo a break anytime and HI bave coffee and dgarettee, no mattar how long 1 bave to wait or what ahape or form thay take. Ed note. Air Paul i» aa sighth ysor Bopkomont who pian» to recali* o bacholor’* degras prior to kit SptA birtkday H» taU» us that at tk» rato ho » going, ho'Il mise kit mark by

ptovìouj Mutane*

BOB'S & TED'S RESTAURANT• Authentic Greek Meals• Salads and Deserts• Greek Wine and Beer• Greek Music




Downtown Gyros Home Restaurant

36 E Washington


Plans underway for First of Fall Festival Expo

* NMhaM W M aM *Studiai Ssnrtees. in i

taon wiU thè Studsnt

'■“ CnSùI

thè n m d Fefie year thè eepo wtu u

placa thè enose lime ee thènret of Fall Feetival in thè Ceveaaugh HaU Mail sto fonti a chance te i bear what la avnilahle atIUFUL

The Fai Peetival wil ma tnm Sewt V thwMÉi Od. 1

a. f F A R M

MONSAC haa craatad apaoa for you to carry al aorta of Earthfy qooót And tha vanaty of MON8AC Owy- pacà deaiqne m matchad by thar ruygao oristrutto* of apaca a p NYLON Oxford Thaaa

consamant mode ripperad pocà strepe bar taci stitchmg at •aty of campua colora

poeta and a var

Otta» Iip trw t«p t m . IM I


Page 8: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI


Chemlstry seminar»' Conforma tional Anania with Lenthanide Stufi

will ba thè seminar topic Sapi. 8 la thè Krmnnart Building. moni 281 (Tom 4 b pm Prnfcaanr Douglas J Rabar. University al South Florida Department of Chemisiry, will «peak

Kafraahmanta wiU ba aarvad in KB 248 ai 8 p m

GraSuating sani or sTha Recorder» Ottica in iha School o# Uberai Aria rami ad»

graduatine sentori tbat tbay must apply far thair dafraaa Applications must ha on file hy 8 **. 80. 1882 for January. May and Angus i 1883 candida tee Pick up application» in Cavaneugh Hall, room 401 or pboua 884 8878 for additional mformaUon

Faculty Council holds flrst fall meotingI f t a i l M U i

Brown bag bunchTha IUPU1 Cantar for Wotnan wiU aponaor a

for ratonung women atudenU, full or part-time li will maai tha aacoad Monday of aach month begmning Sapt 18 from noon-1 -80 p m. al 1817 Waat Michigan Street Por Information, cali 284-4784.

English ClubTk* firtt Engiiab Club mntiac o( tk* fall am ala

2:80 p.m.. Sapi 9 la CavaneufkHall, room 228 Diacuaaioa cantar on officer», funding and film festival actìvitiea


Woman’s softballAny full Urne woman atudenU who arish to try out for tha

IUPUI .Women a Softball Team ahould cali 284 2248 for infor malico. Predice will bugia Wedneeday. Sapt 8.

Studant AssemblyTha oaxt meeting of tha Sludent Aaaambly will ba Thureday.

Sapt, 9 ai 8:30 p.m Tha location will ba poatad on tha door of Usa aeeemhiy office, Cavaneugh Hall, room 001C, or cali 264-3807 for mora detaila. All atudenU ara welcome.

Pai Chi at IUPUIPai Chi. tha nationuMMnor society in paychofogy, waa inaUlied

at IUPUI thia year and ìs acoapting application! for membershìp Tha chapter will aaak to notinoli and stimuiate profaaaional growth through programa deaignad In augment and enhance thè

curriculum and to prò vide precragùlar cui feliowhMp

prac licei eaperience and



H n a g 3 B mS KFYSTONE

«MI S M. , I...M /k

GRE ENBRIAR*« * Sètti Si .**1



I.U.P.U.IStudent Discount

Show your tfwdenf IO and gel I frue a d m a u o n with I p a td ad m a t io n of any timo fhii month I

O ffur anpiraa Sapt 30,82

Iha IUPUI Faculty Ceundl uM fuAfcttne wi mai thia peat Thuraduy lo hanr «an d * traaa tha reporta an budget, fall «oro* «overnmant whi

Qualificationa for maanberakip includa thè completion of 12 houra of paychofogy or nina houra and ragiairation for ai laaet three mora; ragiatration for major or minor sUnding in paychofogy; and an ovarall GPA of 3.0 and 3.6 in paychofogy couraawork Pai Chi is open for under gradua te and graduate atndanU. For information or mamhmahip application, contad Dr Rogar Ware. faculty adviaor, at thè paychofogy departxnent in tha Krannert Building or Jody Kendrick at 266-8846.


Dr Giana W irwux. J r. IU ke praaident for li


hagad an thè principia wiU ba no inorano» in i fona Thd le noi Kheiy U>

thetdurtng Ibi punì

two yeare bave farad thaty to inorasse fata. Ha i paaaimiam ahout tha


af North Cantini fot IUPUI Sane

Mdnt. -lMMid.-to «tiv it» muto « M . « U

praaanUtisa ahout IUPUI

■émJBdtngfor bigbar

la a meeting at IUPUI Aug 10. tha IU Board of Traetene approved tha unéveraitys 1883-86 appropria

Indiana Gei

A maater offaofogy wdl «a hafoaa tha IU BeordafTraetene this Fhday al IUPUI Traetee approvai ha» bara given U a BA in art biatory and ta schedufod for raviaw hy tha Indfona

for Highar tmgopanad by-pass

art biatory (fograa will forthor integrate tha Harroo SdMbi (of Arti inio tha uaivaraity Ha

fog m i «ri al raanhiiiona far

^ C +m m * £ £ £ °

Irwin ampèainad tbat tha taumaaa&x ncraaaaa in

Notine ihatauff benefìU and utili tiaa bava un. ha commentai claaaiftad aa unavoédabfae hytha univaraity

Accordine to Irwin, praliminary anroUmeot figura» far IUPUI show an increaaa in credit houra enrolled of 0.7 par- cent whiie tha numhar of atudenU aaama io bava dropped hy ahout 160.

man of thaSumry in tha Bchool of Mancina, and Uwta E Wagner, leu profano* af puwk and-----— nmrnlalalfière in tha Schemi of Pubhc and E mime mani al A finirà

Tha nani meeting of thaIUPUI FecuRy Coundl la schedulad far Od. 7 In room 118 af tha law


V jp / S S

/ t v


IUPUI atudnnU g a i fra#


Page 9: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI



Location: BaM Residence 4th fioor gym Every Mon & Wed 4:00 p.m.4 weeks (8 times)- $ 15.00

Btglnnlng Date: September 15 Continuous class — Register

in class


^illage SquareApartments

C lose O ut S p e cia l!!!1 Month Free Rent with 12 Month Lease

Heat and W ater Included 6 Month Leases available

293-5885• Perfect Westside location

near 38th St. and 1*465• 20 minute8 from campus• 5 Minutes to Lafayette Square• 2 Swimming Pools• 2 Tennis Courts• Home Box Office Offered• Basket ball CourtJust south of 38th St. on High Schooi Rd

TKZS 18 1

u II 1 Ii.mnn.nip—_L_ _ m '


1. Free All-Campus, Back-to- 5. Newslettera:Schooi Dance Student Bar AssociationSept. 17 Student Advisory Council-Organized by thè BSU EducationUve entertainment 4. First of Fall Festival, RN/BSNHideaway Cafe ' Sept. 28-30 latrogenesis9:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m. Bands and Booths on thè

2. Book Bank, Aug. 30- concrete 6. Concrete Campus W elcom eSept. 10 Back BashHideaway Cafe — University S e p t 10Ubrary, sponsored by Alpha Organized by thèPhi Omega. Used books Biology Clubsold on consignment basis behind Community Service

3. Clrcle City Circuit, Building. S e p t 27-O ct 2. 38th Street campus

Get your teams ready now. Bands, food and recreation


Chairperson o/thè activity should tum in information to CA 322 two weeks prior to thè event.

September 8, 1982 9

Page 10: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

politili b; Rkfcari A WapiMWorkers struggle throughout historyU t a D n . l W . b t p » orfani^, union. ^ tfH'

statuì. With that sUtui carni middle ri*— valuta ai workare ìncreaaingly idanUftad their intanata with thoea of Un corporation!

While buying labor peace at Some, thè multine tiooal cor­poration! ha ve takan aiactly thè oppoaita tack abroad

Thaaa corporation!, ueing thè U.S. government io protoct their foreign internati (aecuring inaxpanaiva raw jeeourcea and cheap labor) bava tumed thè U .a government iato thè

baine wagad by workart In othar coun trias

Accordine to Amneety Inter­national, thè apolitica! human nghli organila tion, than wara 36 countriaa in thè 1970e whkh ay eternatkally uaad violente and torture againit their own peopla.

Out of thaaa 36 sta tea. 36 or roughly 76 percant bava a

Poat arar growth waa apectacular ai thè major U.S. corporation! bacarne multi national The corporation!' abihty to buy labor hannony at homi waa a direct reeult of their advantagioui domaatk and world poaition.

Perhape thè roost bitter and vioient clssh beiween workers and corporate capitai in thè long hiatory of thè labor struggle aree thè arar wagad in Colorado in thè yeera 1913-14.

Known ae thè "Lodkm Massacro thia confrontetion

{con tinua i oh p a g i 11)

V V elcom e Back toV « » W«nl* to bolp you o«t thè *cbool y«ar ott to • good start with thia $5 00 nwebond». Xoumoy »a * th. coupon lor any pu rcb », ltM

« 0 00 ot mote at any ^ S, « T September 9 tbrougb September 30 We look forarard to see™ vtv*


\MPOBTANT This coupon can be used only toc thè purchase ot mecchandise and no\ as payment on an existing chaige baiane© Must be vahdated with youc Student 10 Card al thè time ot purchase

•Does noi include Best Buys, September Sale Mecchandìse Fragrances. Cosmetics, Services,Tobacco Shop, Coms. Optvcal, Prescription Orugs or Health and Beauty Aids Sorry, no mai! or phone orders

workers actually look control of «tira citine.

Thia ara miao fave birth to thè ait-down atrikea aa workers phyaicelly took over thè menni of production to inaure thè eettiement of thè grievancee In 1937 thare were nearly 600 of theee atrikea.

Polke and miliUry resporne waa violent at tixnea but thè eyatem compromiaed. Workers gmined thè legai right to


Page 11: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

(c o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 10) dependency relationahip with thè United Sutea. All are undemocratic, quaeh labor attempta to organica and bave received aubetantial military and polke-state aid from thè U.S. Ruthless regimee in Argentina, Bradi, Chilo, Uruguay, Turkey, E1 Salvador and thè Philippines are but a few of thè examplee of U.S. handiwork abroad.

The American working dass’s acquieecence in thia

state of affairs has worked to ita long-range disadvantage. The American miiltinational corporations bave been shifting investment and opera- tions from thia country to cheap-labor locationa in Latin America and thè Far Eaat. The American economy, lacking thè requisite investment to create joba and thus consumption is in tetterà. Unemployment is higher than at any time since thè Great Depreasion and officiai policy is growing ex-

plicitly anti-labor and pro­capital.

Inatead ot targeting tax dollara to help inàure full employment at home, thè money is apent in thè military machine to protect corporate intereata abroad. While job training programa and aid to thè poor and eiderly are being alaahed and workpLace and environmental hsidth and aafe- ty standards are being lowered. aid to repressive regimee is increasing. Long term pesce.

juatice and security will never be aehieved by such polidea

Labor’s program for thè future must derive from a realiiation of theae realitiee. A return to militancy is needed aa is a comprehenaive program is opposi tion to that of thè cor porationa. Worker input or control of investment decisione is assentisi aa thia is ultima tely how new joba are created. A foreign policy which recognixee thè common interest between American and foreign workera

is neceesary tocurb thè exploit!ve power of thè tional corporations

It is Urne for thè American labor movemsnt to return to thè forefront of thè fighi for freedom, sodai equality and juatice.B d note. R ic h a rd A W aplee ie a e tu d e n t o f p o lit ic a i econom y enroU ed in th è te c o n d y e a r c io è * a t th è IU P U I S ch o o l o f L a w . H i$ o p in io n co lu m n w iU d e a l w ith a v a rie ty o f e o d a l a n d p o lit ic a i concerne.


For saleCO PIE* FOR SALE. Apaco s o p ir stat works aporadfcaly H you Hka to Hnksr A ftx things, It.s y o u rt for $5 00 Inqutra at thè Sagamore Cavaneugh, Boom oh-oh-wungse1251__________________KEYSOARO DUO Yamaha Uphght Studio Plano and Klmba» F u i 25 Pedal Or pan in matchino Igh t

for amai church, chapai. or homa Separately. $1900 00 aach or $ 3 2 0 0 .0 0 fo r th a p a ir 840-7323 (26 ) _______________

ServicesGENERAL TYPtNG - Reporta, Thaeto, a le Raaaonabie ratea, qutok aarvtoa 896-9478 (23 ) ACCURATE TYP1NQ - Schooi

tranacrìpson Studant Oiacounta 894-8160 (28 )

Services Miscellaneo!» For ReniTYWNQ: Fast, accurata eervtce Manuacript. tosala and tochn ictf ty p in g a s p s c ia lty P h o n a291 -8 926 . (29 ) ______________EXPERtENCEO TYPtST Raaumaa L a tta r i onty C a i 928-7061 (24 ) FINANCIAL A t t l l Wa guarantae to flnd achotarahipa. granfa you re attgibta to racetve AppNcatkxì matahata $ 1.00 F inancial Aid Flndar, Box 1063 BK Fatftold. IA62568 (23 )___________________WEOOtNO INVITA TIONS $17 90 par hundrad, quèck aarvica, quality raéaed prlnttng Abla Pnnt Shop. 839-8101 2440 Lafayatta Road Alao Graduabon Announcamanta. carda Opan Saturdaya. 10-2p.m .(28 )_______________________TERM PAPER WORRIE8 ? Profaa stonai wrtter/ecKtor w * heip you produca a top notch papar Coat depanda on what you naad C a i Scott. 269-0785 (24 )

reaidency training? Phyaèdan a or DanttaTa O ttica for lassa at 8980 South Kayatona Ava ac$acant to Qraanwood Park M a l $8 00 par aquara tool; uUitiee nduòad C a i Or Manctaa for daWM Tal 882-4898 or 888 -4220 . (23 ) FREE TO 0 0 0 0 HOME one famala klttan Approximatafy 6 montha old. Nttér box tralned. ahota. Black, gray. ton. wtkte tiger atrtpod Plaaaa ce» 284-3468 and «ak tor Toni.ANY ONE INTERE8TEO m a (rack and fiald team, c a l 823-8672 1221________________

For RentPRIVATE APT IN oid house for

FOR RENT ALL UTILITIES PAR) Larga two room apartmanta C la a n . q u la t . a e c u re d Refrigarstor. atova. carpai In haarl of downtown Reetorabon area naar an aaay aocaaa to IU P U I. C a li 6 6 1 -6 5 6 7 ,836 -61 6 6 . (26 )________________FOR RENT. Mother in lew api 2

IUPUI $ 76/monto 924-0316l?31________________ 1 _

RKSKAKCH 1VAPKRSImprova youf grada* Rudi 1100 tor tha ounent 306 paga. rawarchcetotOQ 11271

acaóatmc aubfaciaReeeaità A aatela** 1130 ktoho Ave. flOIW. Loa Angela», CA 90025 (213) 477-6226


Need 4 agressive students 3 nights and Saturdays Car requlred $125 a week to start For interview cali: 257-4685 or 255^346


Mlius Luftll Weddlnj Satollili

Vide VMWy d Beiutthil Multe • Mederalely PricN

AMERICAN SOUND* 786-1258 •

nlahad Share kftehan A l utftttoa paéd. $160 Naar 38 th A Kaaator 299 7241 avaninga, 266-6825 d ty à P Qulnn (24 )_____________

Help WantedF0 0 0 W AITERS/WAITRE66ES ExcaAant aamlng p o ta n te Appfy In paraon J Rosa Browne's Dry Dock. " 7230 Pandlaton Ptka.E O E. 647-6608 (28 )_________THE IUPUI ATHLETIC DEPART­MENT la looklng for atudanta Irv tarastad In keeplng stata at homa gamaa Anyona intaraated ahouk) contact Matt Shrum at 291-4849123]____;_______________CREATIVE, INTELLECTUALLY S T IM U LA im O STUOENT NEED­ED t(x4 0 m 3 brighi cfddran. 1H -4 ; 12:00 -8:00 p.m M F ; Naar IUPUI Tranatt 924-3228 (231

ABOATIONOn erri n«rlHU riboera uernn9a OyneoologisttUpto 12 w taka

Pragnancy laaSng

CUNIC FOftWOMENIndpia 317-646-2286

00 YOU MECO SENTINEL7li you ari m i aloni al Itomi, walkmg Nw itraota. oui mghtt. lo car or anywttari dangar iurta YRJ M aaai S a M In you poeti! or punì night stand giova compari meni

CIVE SENTIREI TO TOUR LOVEO ONES FOR WHEN YOU CAN T BE WITH THE IRHi a sali toga! iftoctiva imam of delendmg yoursafl from aitaci by man or beasi '


SS- w


« u i u |___j

S U T H L W T ^ ra i t fM Y te tato !FEEl . 1


Full and Part-time Day Help Several shifts avaiiable Exciting work envlronment

Delaney’s Hyatt Regency

Celi Nancy, 636-2427(5 minutea from IUPUI)

prC ltupen r M INDUSTRIES

Roommates PersonalFE M A LE TO 6 HARE W ITH S AM E .F u rm ahad 2 badroom townhouaa on far weataèda Mica a re a N a ad tra n a p o r ta tio n Woakonda and avanènga axcapt M o n d a y and W a d n a a d a y271 - 1733 . (23 )________________FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED 3 badroom apt Savan Tratta Waal $103 par month A Mi aèectoc and phona 924-8237 or 647 7769m_________ __S T R A IQ H T F E M ALE S EE K 88AME to ahara comforiabto ofdar 2 badroom aoutosrte homa naar bua $40 /week or $ 160 /monto In- dudaa a l 783 5998 after 5 30p,re. (23 )______________________


IndianapolisWomin’s Center



Pregnacy Teahng Termino tion To Ten Weeks

Counselmg5626 E 16ttì 353 9371

I t YOUR SOCIAL UFE bara al schooi a nasi <kag? WaA I va got tha anewer for you Coma to Alpha Phi Omega Ruah M a Saptomtoar 17 . In 9w RRey Room In toa Union BuAdng Tour praotoua anawara wW begm at 7 30 W e re a N a tto r* Co-Ed Service Fratem lty Ba

LIMI____ ” ______

than io aqualch tha beich A auffar tha peto

tTUOENTSI Sapt 17 could your (ucky day C M 284 7261261-8176 Today (23 )_________ \HAPPY MRTHDAY TO YOU.

happy birtoday to you, ---bktoday. mr bear

py brthday to y o u lll lW A N T E D -T Y P IS T R E C E P ­T IO N IS T $ 1 1 .0 0 0 /y ea r In- tarastmg work tor paychotogècN ckagnoabe team Must ba TamMar with medicai and paychotoglcal

Prafar graduato sludant or up-

Contact Susan Oraw 923-3208 or 923-8202 (24 )_____________

PersonalTIRSO OF WANOERtNQ AROONOIU FU I a im ie ss te y-no fr landa nothing to d a jota AJphi PN Omega NationN Co-Educattonaf Sarvica Fratamrty - RUSH P w ly Sapt 17 , 1982 C M 251-8178 or 284-7257 fo r mora N o (23 )

N0 6 0 0 Y 6UT NOROOY wS show you a battar im a than APO Why? Becauee APO wants you aa a m am bar Cali 261-8176 fo rdato la. (23 ) ______________beerà bava bérthdayt? of oouraa. toay do!

thay'd a l ba new A wa d o n i want a naar bear, wa want fha on# wa gota, causa a l of ua knowa Mr Bear la top#! happy birthday, rogar— crltlu r A oompany________ ____ALPHA PHI OMEGA WANTS YOUI QuaMlca«ona tor a mambar 1. Ba a studant 2 Ba wMng to apend soma Im a doing aarvtoa tor tha schooi and community 3 Ba wMng to maka Manda and bava a t

,good Im a N you quaMy atop by tha R iey Room In tha Studant U n io n B ld g . th a 1 7 th o f Septem bsr at 7 00 p m A l


THE UNIFORM SHOP4830 W 34 Ih (Georgetown and 34 Ih) Houra 9-5 Mon Sai Wa want to hatp'299-2199

D iv o rc eREASONABLE No charge for

FEES initial consultationALSO

Corporation»—Bankruptcy—Wlllt and o(h#f legai matterà


11S0S. 8.X. 135 703 Broad Rippte AvaOrMnwood 2550916••2-5552

September 8, 1982 11

Page 12: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI


STATEMENT O f POUCY Stnce '9 1 9 rhe Aa* N*hoh Co he» mcyxjEociix»ng hne Oomonó ond Gold j^w^lry fo» refoil

|ew^r> yores ihrouqhouf rhe country Now ih* Ime jew&y * ovo»iob*e ro fhe pubhc or ih * tome poca ihor jawely y o « poy Th* rneons you lave ih* mort morK-up

"Shop and Compare"SAVE The 50-100%

Retali MARK-UP• SMtM aittfftxe Duying 0»'tCt

trom me MVUitKlurtf and import* c * r UaM

pw tc n w e w m Y q m w it ma a»RHS-NKHOLSV II SOUTH MUMOIAN ST LO m n UDJtL

Opan Daily 10:00 a ja .—1:00 p.m., ta l. 10:00—1:00 • Sunday/noon MI 4:00 M i.• Thura. ava. 'MI 7:00 p.m.

The Christian and SexSeptember 13-17, 19821226 Ww fcfccftgan Sfraal. Bai ^TiHnm 1*3

k»w 46223 <312) 264 26MOr. Wayna C. Olaon,

Nooa ho«f Ix tu w II 45 a m 8SJSJ»

••Tha Or OMMCtfn.


ar Èm. *a M a aa


m •


The atyc»wlapc#>t »nnanna) Ma «I Or tu |M U « a


Th»La»*dSaa«nw u a u i**«i*L a »


•Taupnaoi Omai, ■■ ialini an

and cfrdctor ai t»

Seminata 1:30 p11

C I M I CA 141

• i l M d i f d a i

14CA 1*4

«*■» a May «a And «HtfO M a i CA w

CA UHMwiadVar

11c a is r

CA «di

CA M4• M C dM W N M vrM ddM

10Ma» C A iar Vour O d i Baa

c a %m

17ca* ca «tr

c a iaa

Filma 3:15 p.m. CA 143


Page 13: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI


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Page 16: Schools dedicate new building - IUPUI

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