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Sciatica Relief Guide

Date post: 11-Oct-2015
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Sciatica Relief Guide
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  • 2Instant Sciatica Relief Complete Self Treatment Guide for Sciatic Pain Online Version 2.3

    Please read this guide thoroughly and more than once

  • 3Fellow Back Pain Sufferer:

    Its Dennis from MySciaticaExercises.com.

    Let me congratulate you on taking the first steps to relieve your pain!

    I started MySciaticaExercises.com and wrote this report after my own painful battle with Sciatica so I could help folks just like you get out of crippling pain

    I know where youre at right now, because Ive been there and I know how to help you get pain free like I am today.

    Youre about to discover the real truth about your Sciatica the quickest ways and the most helpful products I know of from my experience and research that will work to get you pain free quickly!

    But before we dive in, allow me a brief minute and explain about this guide:

    This guide is a quick read - but dont be fooled when I first wrote it, it was 50+ pages long.

    So, because I know that you want to spend your time getting pain free and not reading for days I distilled it down into what you must know to get pain free NOW!

    But I didnt just throw out that other great info in fact, I made it into a series of follow-up emails that will give you bite sized chunks of all the other helpful tips, tricks and useful products that Ive found to help with Sciatica.

    You can expect your first email tomorrow so keep an eye on your inbox but for today

    Lets get you pain free fast!

  • 4The pain is draining the life out of me

    Does this sound familiar?

    How about these?

    Im in what I consider horrible pain... says a real person afflicted with Sciatica.

    ...I have more questions than answers

    Youre reading this because youre in pain and you want to do something about it.

    And you need real answers to these questions:

    -How can I make the pain stop NOW?

    -Why am I in pain in the first place?

    -How can I keep the pain from coming back?

    These answers are going to be your roadmap to reaching your end goal: a life free from Sciatica pain

    And youre going to get your first answer right now

    How can I make the pain stop NOW?

    Okay, lets help you get some immediate relief

    Im going to introduce you below to one of the experts that truly helped me get rid of my sciatic pain. His name is Steve Hefferon and below hes going to demonstrate 2 stretches you can do right now to get some relief from your sciatic pain.

  • 5Enter Steve Hefferon

    Hello and Welcome, My name is Steven Hefferon CMT and Im the Co-founder of the The Healthy Back Institute and Dennis just emailed to asked me if I could give just one stretch to someone with Sciatica, what stretch would that be?

    Hands down it would have to be the Seated Figure Four Stretch. This stretch can be done by almost everyone, except those individuals that have had a Total Hip Replacement and or a Total Knee Replacement.

    For fast relief please refer to all 3 of the photos and written instructions, Please also understand that while this is a great stretch, you the user need to pace your self and only do the activity to your tolerance, we will give you guidelines but only you can gauge the intensity and frequency that you perform the Seated Figure Four Stretch

    Sciatica Stretch #1

    STEP 1: Starting Position for the SEATED FIGURE FOUR STRETCH

    STEP 1A: Being sitting, on the edge of a non-moveable chair, your knees should be no higher then your hip and your feet should be flat on the floor.

  • 6STEP 2: Crossed Leg Position

    STEP 2A: Once sitting comfortably, bring the effected (side) leg up and over the opposite knee. If you can not get your ankle over your knee, then straighten out your good leg and then put your effected leg as high up your shin as you can, holding the effected leg in position. If you can, you may try to curl your good leg back as close to the leg of the chair, to get the best stretch possible.

    STEP 2B:Once in that position stabilize the bent leg with both hands one hand on the foot keeping the leg in position then push down on the bent legs knee with the other hand while at the same time leaning your trunk forward. Only go as far as you comfortably can, come out of the stretch and repeat, only on the effected side.

    STEP 3: Crossed Leg Forward Position

    STEP 3A:We can suggest that you hold the stretch for 3-5 seconds and repeat 5-8 times, as many times per day as you can tolerate.

  • 7Stretch Position:

    Sciatica Stretch #2


    Starting Position:

    Being on your back knees bent, take the effected leg and bring it over the non effected leg, keeping shoulders on the ground, applying gentle downward pressure to the knee. Allowing the hip to stretch as much as you comfortable can, Hold 3-5 sec; Repeat 5-8 times; Perform at least once per day

    These are just some of the more simple stretches that you can perform right now.

    Over the next couple of days, I will be sending you more stretches and exercises so be sure to check your email.

  • 8Understanding Inflammation and Sciatica

    Studies show a close association between pain and inflammation. Swollen tissues due to injury or trauma cause you a double-dose of pain.

    First, the inflammation- a natural response of your body- causes you pain to let you know something is wrong.

    Secondly, the inflammation presses on your sciatic nerve causing you even MORE pain.

    Reduce the swelling, and you will have done two key things...

    ...you will have alleviated some of the pain, and, most importantly, the reduced swelling will allow for a better, more specific diagnosis of your Sciatica.

    More on that later... right now you need to reduce the inflammation in your body to start feeling better.

    But how?

    Your body fights inflammation by releasing enzymes to neutralize it. However, the enzymes that counteract inflammation disappear with age.

    In fact, at the age of approximately 25 or so, there is a severe reduction in your body of the enzymes that counteract inflammation.

    Getting these enzymes back into your body is one of the ways to reduce inflammation and in a moment I will share with you one of the best ways to do just that.

    But first, lets take a closer look at the difference between conventional prescriptions and an all-natural approach

    Often patients with back pain will be prescribed Non-Steroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drugs, or NSAIDs.

  • 9While they are effective in the short term for fighting off inflammation, the FDA warns that prolonged use of NSAIDs increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

    But a safer, natural, long-term alternative is available:

    Its called Heal-n-Soothe. Check It out here.

    Heal n Soothe works by replacing Proteolytic enzymes in your body. These enzymes are one of the first lines of defense against pain, inflammation, scar tissue and toxins.

    These enzymes have been proven to reduce pain, inflammation and help regulate your bodys natural healing processes by working with your body to allow it to repair itself.

    Heal n Soothe is an all-natural supplement that has no mystery chemicals, harmful side effects or high price tag.

    Now that you know how to reduce the inflammation causing you pain, youre probably asking yourself...

  • 10

    Why was I in pain in the first place?

    The answer to this question is different for everybody who suffers from Sciatica.

    You see, Sciatica is a SYMPTOM, not an actual condition. That means it serves as a sign that something else is wrong with your body. Finding out what that something else is- and fixing it- is the only way to truly alleviate your back pain.

    There are four common causes: Piriformis Syndrome, Herniated Disc, Spinal Stenosis, and Spondylolisthesis. (You should seek the help of a healthcare professional to be diagnosed as to the specific causes of your sciatic pain.)

    Here is a quick general overview of these causes of Sciatica. Ill be diving into greater detail on these in emails to come.

    Piriformis Syndrome

    Your piriformis is a small muscle in your pelvis that lies over top of your sciatic nerve. When this muscle becomes inflamed or suffers trauma, the muscle puts pressure on the sciatic nerve underneath and causes you discomfort in the form of pain, burning or numbness.

    Because a muscle and nerve are involved, the potential for pain is double what it would be if only one or the other were affected.

    Herniated Disc

    Resting in between the bones of your spine are discs, or muscles that have sponge-like characteristics.

    They absorb energy much like a shock absorber on a car.

    When they are all intact, they also provide flexibility to your backbone so you can move freely without your vertebrae grinding against each other.

    When one of these discs swells or ruptures, it is said to be herniated.

    The bulging disc may press on the nerves of the lower back, causing sciatic pain.

  • 11

    Spinal Stenosis

    Nerves that run through your spine branch out to the rest of your body through tiny openings. When the passageway that houses the nerves becomes restricted, or the openings that allow the nerves to branch out become blocked, you feel pain on the nerve.

    This is most common in middle-aged adults, caused by wear and tear from a lifetime of use.


    Your vertebrae, or the bones of your spine, are stacked atop each other in a row. When one of the vertebrae gets out of line by bulging too far forward or too far backward, it is described as Spondylolisthesis.

    The vertebrae in the lumbar spine, or lower back, are the most common to become out of line.

    When this happens, it can negatively affect posture, muscle use or even the way in which you walk.

    How can I keep the pain from coming back?

    A healthy lifestyle and the right choices regarding your health are just as essential to your bodys well-being as any pill, medication or prescription.

    Plenty of restful sleep and a healthy diet will definitely make a positive difference in giving your body the support it needs to repair itself.

    Muscles need to be in balance

    Muscles in your body change over time, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. As you go through your day-to-day life muscles become strained, some become stronger than others with more use, and some become injured.

  • 12

    Your body is constantly fighting to keep itself in balance, free from injury- but it can only hold on for so long before it suffers damage from being misaligned.

    Achieving that balance in your body again has shown to be an effective method in healing and preventing Sciatica and the pain associated with it.

    Many people who suffer from Sciatica become discouraged that their pain cannot be alleviated immediately, but patience and a positive frame of mind play a key role in recovery.

    Since the underlying cause of your sciatic pain developed over time, it will take time for the body to undo the damage and restore balance. That makes it even more important to see a healthcare professional immediately to begin the healing process.

  • 13

    Mental and Emotional Stress

    Aside from the physical and structural damage to your body, there are mental and emotional factors as well.

    Many people turn to support groups and even social media to raise awareness and get help.

    I can feel myself falling into depression. Ive had mood swings.. says a 26-rear-old bartender.

    ...even found myself laying on the floor crying a few times.

    Many people here manage years of daily pain, with the reasonable expectation of an improvement that never arrives. writes another chronic pain sufferer.

    One therapist told me to stay away from this therapy and the other therapist contradicted and warned stay away from that kind of therapy. It began to get very confusing.


    Mental and emotional support from family, friends, and peers can also help you in dealing with the stress and anxiety surrounding your chronic pain.

    Others have dealt with this effectively... let their tales be your inspiration to get better.

    Get the help and support you need for you... another encourages back.

    ...your story is very common here.

  • 14

    Ive tried everything, but nothing works

    If you have tried everything, and you still cannot find relief, its time to try the PROVEN system from the Healthy Back Institute

    this breakthrough Lose The Back Pain System is a single resource that gives you everything you need to live a life free from pain.

    You can start addressing the underlying cause of your pain- something that other treatments fail to achieve...

    And thats exactly what makes the Lose The Back Pain System better than anything else available on the market today.

    You can eliminate the muscle imbalances and the dysfunctions in your body that lead to Sciatica all while you develop a Personalized Self Treatment Program that will help target your specific, individual needs.

    But thats not all

    The system also comes with additional resources- like the Back Pain Bible, two DVDs, and 3 audio CDs full of strategies for eliminating, managing and preventing pain.

    You can see the whole system here: Lose The Back Pain System

  • 15

    Now Take Action!

    Youve already taken the first steps toward a pain free life

    And youll be getting the follow up emails from me with all the tips and tricks I know, and have used to break free from Sciatica

    So keep this momentum going!

    Apply what youve just read - modify it as needed to accommodate your level of pain.

    Watch for the emails.

    Read them and act on them.

    Pay attention to the products and supplements I will be showing you. See why and how they work then put them to use in your life.

    Your pain will be a distant memory in no time!

    I look forward to hearing about your victory over Sciatica!

    To your pain free back,

    Dennis Passetto

