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UNESCO INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION NEWSLETTER VOL. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 2003 Connect Connect Science and T Science and T echnology echnology Education in the Arab world Education in the Arab world in the 21 in the 21 st st Centur Centur y* y* T he 21st century offers both a promise and a challenge. Remarkable advances in elec- tronic technologies in general, and information technologies in particular, hold out the promise of new scientific discoveries, improved living standards, better communication, increased pro- duction, greater access to information and significant improvements in health and quality of life. However, many children, possibility the majority, face obstacles that stem from a lack of educational opportunity and quality health care as a result of poverty, over- population and violence. They will also bear the brunt of decreasing environ- mental quality, wider and increasingly brutal armed conflict and unequal opportunities between the sexes. These children, especially girls, will not be able to reach their potential. Con- sequently, preparing students for the 21st century should be one of the pri- orities of educational and political leaders around the world. UNESCO underscores the value of sci- entific and technological literacy as a universal requirement if people are not to become alienated from the society in which they live, or be overwhelmed and demoralized by change. Mean- while, research has shown that many students in both developing and developed countries lack the neces- sary knowledge and skills in science and technology (S&T) to function effectively in the modern world (AAAS, 1989; Eisenhart, Finkel, and Marion, 1996; ETS, 1988; Halloun, 1993; et al.). Students graduating from schools in the 21st century need the scientific and technological knowl- edge and skills that will permit them to be creative members of society, take responsible decisions in their everyday and professional life and function effectively in a world of work that is fluid and in which the tradi- tional bases of economic competition continue to change. This requires stu- dents to develop a thorough knowl- edge and understanding of basic scientific and technological concepts, allied with problem-solving and criti- cal-thinking skills that they can apply in a variety of situations. A strong con- ceptual base and essential thinking skills must thus be the new basics and the focal points of teaching and learn- ing S&T in the classrooms of the 21st century (Resnick, 1999 1 ). But what science and what technol- ogy should students study and how should they study them? What charac- teristics should students have in order to be considered scientifically and technologically literate individuals? What qualities do graduate students need to succeed in an increasingly sci- entifically and technologically rich world? S&T do not only bring benefits. They may also have negative consequences. It is important, therefore, that stu- dents see S&T as disciplines with important benefits and burdens and as endeavours that have positive and negative implications for the world beyond the school. Science Education in the Arab World What are the important issues that face science and technology educa- tion (STE) in the Arab world? The two * The full text of this article published in Innovations in Science and Technology Education, Vol. VIII (v. Publications) is available on the Connect website (address on last page). 1. See http://www .instituteforlear ning.org/Interview .html, http://npeat.org/pr ofdev/r esear ch.htm , http://instituteforlear ning.org/content.html , and http://austinschool.org/tools/learning_guide/Guide_pol.pdf


VOL. XXVII I , No. 3-4, 2003


Science and TScience and Technology echnology

Education in the Arab world Education in the Arab world

in the 21in the 21stst CenturCentury*y*

The 21st century offers both apromise and a challenge.Remarkable advances in elec-

tronic technologies in general, andinformation technologies in particular,hold out the promise of new scientificdiscoveries, improved living standards,better communication, increased pro-duction, greater access to informationand significant improvements inhealth and quality of life. However,many children, possibility the majority,face obstacles that stem from a lack ofeducational opportunity and qualityhealth care as a result of poverty, over-population and violence. They will alsobear the brunt of decreasing environ-mental quality, wider and increasinglybrutal armed conflict and unequalopportunities between the sexes.These children, especially girls, will notbe able to reach their potential. Con-sequently, preparing students for the21st century should be one of the pri-orities of educational and politicalleaders around the world.UNESCO underscores the value of sci-entific and technological literacy as auniversal requirement if people are not

to become alienated from the societyin which they live, or be overwhelmedand demoralized by change. Mean-while, research has shown that manystudents in both developing anddeveloped countries lack the neces-sary knowledge and skills in scienceand technology (S&T) to functioneffectively in the modern world(AAAS, 1989; Eisenhart, Finkel, andMarion, 1996; ETS, 1988; Halloun,1993; et al.). Students graduatingfrom schools in the 21st century needthe scientific and technological knowl-edge and skills that will permit themto be creative members of society,take responsible decisions in theireveryday and professional life andfunction effectively in a world of workthat is fluid and in which the tradi-tional bases of economic competitioncontinue to change. This requires stu-dents to develop a thorough knowl-edge and understanding of basicscientific and technological concepts,allied with problem-solving and criti-cal-thinking skills that they can applyin a variety of situations. A strong con-ceptual base and essential thinking

skills must thus be the new basics andthe focal points of teaching and learn-ing S&T in the classrooms of the 21stcentury (Resnick, 19991).But what science and what technol-ogy should students study and howshould they study them? What charac-teristics should students have in orderto be considered scientifically andtechnologically literate individuals?What qualities do graduate studentsneed to succeed in an increasingly sci-entifically and technologically richworld? S&T do not only bring benefits. Theymay also have negative consequences.It is important, therefore, that stu-dents see S&T as disciplines withimportant benefits and burdens andas endeavours that have positive andnegative implications for the worldbeyond the school.

Science Education in theArab World

What are the important issues thatface science and technology educa-tion (STE) in the Arab world? The two

* The full text of this article published in Innovations in Science and Technology Education, Vol. VIII (v. Publications) is available on the Connect website (addresson last page).

1. See http://www.instituteforlearning.org/Interview.html, http://npeat.org/profdev/research.htm, http://instituteforlearning.org/content.html, and http://austinschool.org/tools/learning_guide/Guide_pol.pdf

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 20032

Message frMessage from the om the DirDirectorector-General of UNESCO -General of UNESCO

on the occasion of theon the occasion of theWWorld Science Day for Peace and Development orld Science Day for Peace and Development

(10 November 2003)

The greatest challenge of our time is to create a world where all citizens live in dignity and peace in a hos-pitable environment that they have learnt to care for. Achieving this will require political will, public support andscience. In celebrating World Science Day for Peace and Development 2003, we place particular focus on the roleof science, calling attention to the positive attributes and beneficial consequences of scientific research andknowledge.

However, while we continue to marvel at new scientific discoveries and enjoy the benefits of innovative tech-nological developments grounded upon scientific advances, there is a growing unease about science and mount-ing concern about its adverse consequences. In some quarters, these misgivings have turned into distrust andopposition, reactions which are worrying because they may erode the foundations of public support for science.That support, which is inseparable from public confidence in science and scientists, can no longer be taken forgranted.

Today, therefore, the case for science needs to be re-made, in terms that are convincing to a general publicless and less deferential towards the pure intentions of scientists or their greater wisdom. Nor can the case for sci-ence rest on past achievements or on promises of future benefits taken on trust. Science will increasingly need tojustify itself anew in the knowledge that its evidence and arguments may be subjected to critical scrutiny by amore sceptical public.

Scientists should welcome these developments, especially when they are associated with the proper function-ing of democratic processes. At the same time, scientists should work hard at educating policy-makers, opinion-shapers and the general public about science – its purposes, its principles, its methods, its critical and questioningspirit, and its many accomplishments. In this perspective, science education should address not only educationin science but also education for and about science, taking the more troubling and contentious issues con-fronting us into active consideration.

Scientists must become better communicators but this is not just about sending out clear, accurate and rele-vant messages about science. It is also about listening to the interaction between science and society as well asrecognizing the failures and dangers of scientific activities – the days of an automatic equation of “scientificdevelopment” with “human progress” are long past. Consequently, the education and training of scientists, whichshould be considered lifelong in character, must include the ethical, social and political dimensions of scientificactivity.

While science is recognized as contributing to some of the problems and looming crises facing our world, thisdoes not mean that viable solutions can leave science out of account. The design of realistic solutions must beundertaken with science, not against it. We need the contribution of science, for example, to analyse the extentto which human activities are responsible for climate change, environmental degradation and other worryingphenomena. And it is scientists and engineers who will help us to prepare for tomorrow’s complex problems.

Science must be mobilized globally to address the enormous problems related to public health, agriculturalproductivity, environmental degradation and poverty. This will require addressing the very real disparitiesbetween the developed and developing countries when it comes to producing scientific knowledge and using thisknowledge for social and economic benefit. Closing this knowledge gap will require, inter alia, finding solutionsto the unceasing exodus of scientific brainpower to the rich countries of the North. Closing the scientific knowl-edge gap also requires North-South and South-South partnerships between scientists, institutions and govern-ments. Science is a shared enterprise. The pace of scientific progress and the interrelations between globalproblems require teamwork and networking. Consequently, national and international partnership and collab-oration between scientific institutions, academia, NGOs and other sectors and disciplines are essential.

World Science Day for Peace and Development is an occasion for UNESCO to reaffirm the vision of scientificresearch as promoting the economic, social and cultural development of nations and peoples and fostering theprospects for peace and a sustainable future. Let us all commit ourselves to working together for greater solidar-ity in the sharing of scientific knowledge. Without global science, there can be no sustainable development; with-out sustainable development, there can be no global peace.

Koïchiro Matsuura

Connect 3

STE in the Arab world in the 21st Century

major problems that face Arab scienceeducation are the level of access to,and the quality of, education. Theproblems of access are manifest in theenduring high levels of illiteracy, espe-cially among females, in some Arabstates. Many Arab states are attempt-ing to increase access to educationthrough a variety of programmes andstrategies. This is evident from theincrease in student enrolment at alleducational levels in recent decadesand the decrease in illiteracy amongthe population in general and amongwomen more specifically. However,the illiteracy rates are still generallyvery high. Basic literacy is no longersufficient. The need now is for scien-tifically and technologically literateindividuals who can function in aglobal village characterized by intensecompetition and the rapid productionof knowledge. In such a world, ‘catch-ing up’ is extremely difficulty even forthose who are highly educated andtrained.Even when the problems of access areaddressed, a very serious problem inthe Arab world is the low quality ofeducation experienced by students atall levels. The problem of quality ismanifest in outdated curricula andteaching methods, an emphasis ontheoretical science education to thedetriment of hands-on and practicalactivities, a lack of access to comput-ers (or the use of obsolete equipment)and to the Internet, the low quality ofSTE programmes, a lack of teachersupport to implement new teachingmethodologies and the use of newtechnologies, and inadequate budgetsto improve the quality of education. There have been many attempts toreform science curricula in the Arabworld. The Arab League Educational,Cultural and Scientific Organization(ALECSO) has been instrumental inpromoting S&T. As early as 1989,ALECSO published an Arab strategyfor S&T. This was followed by an Arabstrategy for information in the Internetage in 1999. In 1994, the Organiza-tion published a strategy for biotech-nology in Arab countries andsubsequently made available a refer-

ence book on the integration of sub-jects at the basic level of education in1996. More recently, ALECSO pub-lished model audio-visual educationaltools packages for teaching and learn-ing in the field of renewable energies.This will be distributed to training cen-tres in the Arab world2 along with anumber of dictionaries that are aimedat standardizing usage of S&T termi-nology in the Arab world.According to Sleem (1996), a numberof Arab states have adopted scienceframeworks developed by ALESCO.These curricula have the advantage ofbeing developed by Arab experts whowere in tune with the needs of Arabsociety. Other countries have adoptedor adapted science education reformprojects developed in the West to theirdifferent needs. A third group of coun-tries has contracted Arab curriculumdesign specialists to develop their cur-ricula.Nashwan (1993) analysed the sciencecurricula of eleven randomly selectedArab countries. He found that theyfocused on the theoretical aspects ofscience, neglected the applications ofscience in novel and everyday situa-tions and did not develop students’abilities to use investigative, problem-solving and thinking skills. They alsoignored students’ interests, back-grounds and environments, paid noattention to creativity and imagina-tion, did not attempt to address stu-dents’ unacceptable beliefs in mythsand superstitions and did not helpthem to understand their bodies andtake care of their health and hygiene.Nashwan concluded that science cur-ricula in the Arab world should not befocused solely on helping students toknow scientific facts but should alsoassist them to apply scientific knowl-edge to solve everyday problems. Similarly, Badran (1993) conducted astudy to assess the quality of sciencecurricula and textbooks in seven GulfStates. The results of this study indi-cate that the curricula did not benefitfrom the new technologies in teachingscience and did not address social andenvironmental problems associatedwith the applications of S&T. More-

over, Badran found that the contentsof school science textbooks appearedto be copied from foreign books withno emphasis on local science-relatedsocial and environmental problems oron the applications of science in tech-nology and in everyday life. To makematters worse, the textbooks wereoutdated and lacked emphasis oninquiry type activities. Science teaching in most Arab statessuffers from an overemphasis onteacher-centred approaches and onpedagogies that encourage memoriza-tion. Such approaches neglect thedevelopment of critical thinking, prob-lem-solving capability, and inquiry andinvestigative skills. While it is hard tofind studies that have attempted toinvestigate the nature of scienceteaching across the Arab world, stud-ies in individual countries and recom-mendations for change in reports onArab education almost always revealthe need to adopt new and more stu-dent-centred teaching methods3.Moreover, many studies have shownthat teachers do not emphasize thenature of science and that they havean inadequate understanding of it.There has been a variety of projects toimprove the quality of science teach-ing in Arab states. Many of these havefocused attention on improving teach-ing methods, on developing computerliteracy and on updating teachers’ sci-ence content knowledge (Abd-El-Wahed, 1996; UNESCO Regional Officefor S&T, 2000). In many cases, how-ever, the projects have been of limitedscope and duration and have sufferedfrom the familiar problems of pre-college level teaching i.e. they weretrainer- rather than learner-centredfocusing on theoretical issues ratherthan on practical and useful classroomteaching skills. The enormous numberof pre- and in-service teachers whoneed to be trained or re-trained andthe lack of human and material sup-port to implement their trainingresulted in what can be characterizedas ‘one-off’ training experiences inwhich large numbers of teachers weretrained together and then left to solvetheir own problems in the classroom.

2. For more information about this project. See http://slis.uwm.edu/alecso/Abstracts/MdlTeachpack.htm3. Final reports of the fourth and fifth Regional Conferences of Ministers of Education and Ministers Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States (Abu

Dhabi,1977 and Cairo, 1994).

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 20034

STE in the Arab world in the 21st Century

Most of the pre- and in-service train-ing programmes lacked the necessaryfollow-up mechanisms to help teach-ers or to investigate the impact oftraining and university education onteachers’ classroom practice. More-over, teachers were rarely providedwith supplementary instructionalmaterials or trained to produce suchmaterials that are essential for teach-ers to implement student-centredteaching and inquiry approaches toscience teaching. In short, many of theteacher-training programmes in theArab world attempted to do worth-while things but failed to implementthem satisfactorily. Finally, there havebeen many attempts to implement dis-tance learning in teacher education ina number of Arab states, e.g. Egypt.These attempts suffer from the prob-lems that have plagued traditionalteacher preparation and trainingapproaches, namely, they were trainer-rather than teacher-centred, focusedon the dissemination of informationand lacked teacher follow-up and sup-port strategies.

ICT education in the ArabWorld

The second half of the 20th centurybrought extraordinary advances inelectronic technologies in general andin information technologies in particu-lar. “These advances have profoundlyimpacted the nature and practices ofthe scientific enterprise. Computationis becoming an increasingly crucialaspect of scientific investigation.Breakthroughs in micro- and super-computer hardware and softwaredesign, and developments in network-ing capabilities are rendering the analy-sis, modelling, and visualization ofcomplex systems an increasinglyimportant component of various scien-tific disciplines” (Abd-El-Khalick,2001). These modern-day technologieshave become an integral part of sci-ence and this has important implica-tions for teaching science at thepre-college level.

Technology education in the Arabworld, i.e., technology as an end andthe use of technology in science teach-ing, i.e. technology as a means, are intheir infancy.4 There have been severalattempts to increase access to, and theuse of, technology in many Arabstates. Also, Arab countries have real-ized that technology is not a luxury,but a necessity for catching up with,and competing in, the global economyand workplace. However, as is thecase with efforts to improve teachers’skills, attempts at reform have beenlimited in scope, duration and impact.Many factors have contributed to thissituation, the most important of whichis the lack of material and humanresources. But one cannot group together allArab states when discussing technol-ogy and its use in education. On theone hand, there are countries thathave the resources to place a com-puter or a number of computers orany technological device in each class-room, provide access to the Internetfor each student or teacher, or equipthe latter with individual computers.On the other hand, there are coun-tries where it is very hard to find onecomputer in the school and where thebasic infrastructure required to sup-port the introduction of technology isnot available. However, even in coun-tries where computers and other tech-nologies and access to the Internetare available, education systems areplagued with very serious problems.These include the absence of humanresources to train the huge number ofteachers and students who needtraining and the lack of coordinatedand clear strategies to implementtechnology education in the class-room (Abu Shakra, 1993). One othervery serious problem is the lack ofeducationally and culturally appropri-ate software programmes, matchedto the needs of Arab students andaligned with science curricula in Arabstates. When considering using theInternet in the science classroom, oneserious problem is that many Arab

students and teachers lack the neces-sary language skills to ‘surf’ and ben-efit from the Internet in a meaningfulway.

The way forward

What are the problems to be solvedand the issues to be addressed forimproving STE to fulfil the promise andconfront the challenges of the twenty-first century? Teachers and students ofthe first few decades of the 21st cen-tury should work in school environ-ments that are positive, supportiveand demanding. These schools shouldimplement integrated curricula thatare up to date, flexible and intellectu-ally rigorous. Teachers and studentsshould have access to well-equippedS&T laboratories and classrooms. Theyshould value education, S&T, be reflec-tive and thoughtful about the advan-tages and disadvantages of S&T andbe productive and reflective problemsolvers. These characteristics aredetailed hereafter:1. The first priority remains that of

building sufficient schools to enrolall school-aged students in Arabcountries where this is still a prob-lem. Government budgets andloans/grants should not be the onlysources for building schools. Com-munity and business involvement isalso important for community-sup-ported schools provide short- andlong-term advantages for all thestudents, especially girls, and thecommunity.

2. Increasing access to well-equippedschools should move hand-in handwith improving education by reform-ing teacher education programmes,providing teachers with the appro-priate means to help their students,and designing and implementing upto date curricula, teaching and eval-uation methods. Teachers who arenot themselves scientifically andtechnologically literate cannot pre-pare students to be so. Moreover,continuous follow-up in classroomsto support teachers’ work is essen-

4. There are many instances of successful use of technology in the Arab world. However, these are very limited. The aim here is to provide a general picture ofthe state of technology education in the Arab world. The discussion that follows is based on the author’s impressions gleaned from participating in several con-ferences that aimed to assess the state of technology education in the Arab world, the most recent of which was a conference held in Amman, Jordan betweenOctober 20 and 21, 2001. Other conferences included the first and second scientific conference on the future of science and mathematics teaching and theneeds of Arab society held in 1993 and 1996 in Lebanon and Tunisia respectively.

Connect 5

STE in the Arab world in the 21st Century

tial. Teachers in general, and S&Tteachers in particular, should becoached and provided with enoughflexibility to innovate and introducenew technologies and topics withina general national framework. Whatchanges should take place in teacherpreparation programmes in order toprepare professional teachers whocan prepare their students for thefuture rather than for the past? Anumber of trends and directionsneed to be emphasized to approachthe goal of preparing professionalteachers. According to Smylie andConyers (1991) teacher preparationprogrammes should move from:a. a deficit-based to a competency-

based approach, in which teach-ers’ knowledge, skills andexperiences are consideredassets. This approach will help toshift teachers away from depen-dency on external sources for the solution to their problemsand toward professional growth and self-reliance in instructional decision-making.

b. replication to reflection, in whichpractising teachers focus less onthe transfer of knowledge andmore on analytical and reflectivelearning. This reflective approachwill sharpen teachers’ skills inproblem solving, determiningstudents’ needs and conductingaction research that is designedto develop new knowledge andskills related specifically to theirschools and classrooms.

c. learning individually to learningtogether, in which teachers learnto work cooperatively to addressinstructional and other school-related problems. If cooperationis vital for students, it is no lessessential for teachers.

d. the conception that students’minds are empty vessels to onethat encourages students to con-struct their own knowledge.Teachers must abandon the ideathat the external learning situa-tion including the teacher, class-room, books and experimentsare the only determinants oflearning and espouse the notionthat students’ prior ideas andlearning are essential for success-ful teaching.

e. a teacher as a ‘finished product’to a teacher as a lifelong learner.Science teachers should alwaysbe ready to learn and incorporatenew knowledge and technolo-gies into their teaching. Theyshould be able to change inorder to help their students meetthe needs of a changing world.

One should not forget the importantrole that technology is currently play-ing and will continue to play in thelives of science teachers. Lifelonglearning therefore should necessarilyinclude an important role for technol-ogy.3. Updated, flexible and rigorous cur-

ricula that emphasize thinking andproblem-solving are essential if Arabstudents are to do well in the 21stcentury. S&T curricula that empha-size breadth rather than depth areinappropriate. If students are to beable to think, they need a deep andcoherent knowledge base, the nec-essary skills along with encourage-ment and opportunities to use themand evaluation systems that reflectthe desired outcomes. Moreover,they need the skills to reflect uponwhat they have learnt. From thisstems the importance placed on thenature of S&T and its inclusion inthe characteristics of scientificallyand technologically literate individu-als. Understanding the nature ofS&T helps students reflect uponboth, to relate them to their ownlives and to realize the importanceof lifelong learning.

4. Understanding the nature of scienceand including it in science curriculamay have another advantage. Stu-dents who are religious sometimesfind it hard to reconcile their reli-gious and scientific beliefs if scienceis considered as the only truth.However, when science is taught asone way of knowing and under-standing the natural world, studentsmay feel less threatened by it andconsequently may pursue careers inscience.

5. Having access to the Internet at pre-sent requires students to master atleast one language other than Ara-bic. Consequently, very seriousefforts are needed to improve thequality of foreign language instruc-tion at all education in schools. The

emphasis needs to be on teachingscientific and technological termi-nology to provide students with thenecessary tools to access informa-tion. This does not preclude empha-sizing the learning of Arabic andtrying to write science in this lan-guage. Rather, it provides studentswith the competitive advantage ofknowing another language.

6. The popular adage that technologywill improve our world and enhancecompetitiveness is misleading. S&Tby themselves do not help peopleto advance. It is the serious effortthat is exerted by each individual tounderstand and use S&T thatbrings about advancement, thusthe importance of effort-basedschools mentioned above. Addi-tionally, the driving forces behindany important advancement are thevalues placed on education, S&T,and their methods. Memorizingterms, even whole science books, isuseless if the methods and values ofS&T as well as their limitations arenot appreciated.

7. Living in a technologically and sci-entifically rich environment requiresstudents to think carefully about,and reflect deeply on, the interac-tions of science, technology andsociety, the benefits and burdens ofscience and the ethical and moralissues associated with science andtechnology related problems andsolutions. Integration, even partial,of school science with other cur-riculum subjects could be one wayfor students to appreciate the rela-tionships between science, technol-ogy and society as well as the moraland ethical issues associated withthem. Moreover, this integrationcan be instrumental in giving mean-ing to health and environmentalconcepts and the role that S&T canplay in sustainable development.

8. Technology should be considered asan end by itself as well as a meansor a tool for accomplishing educa-tional and everyday tasks. Schoolsshould therefore have technologycurricula and programmes thatexploit and integrate learning tech-nologies in the teaching of all sub-ject areas.

Finally, S&T have been traditionallyconsidered male subjects. This bias

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 20036

UNESCO activities in STEE

In keeping with its role as the leadagency for the implementation of

the United Nations Decade of Educa-tion for Sustainable Development

(DESD), January 2005 – December2014, UNESCO is developing a Frame-work for the implementation of theDESD on an international scale

(v. Connect, Vol. xxviii, No.1-2, 2003). A draft framework is now ready whichUNESCO intends to share with all itspotential partners: Member States,

cannot and should not be sustained inthe 21st century. Depriving women ofthe opportunity to fulfil their potentialand aspirations is indefensible onmoral as well as economic grounds.The rights of individuals to pursuetheir ambitions are supported by allinternational conventions. Moreover,squandering the productive potentialof half the population may deprivenations of their competitive edge inthe global economy.

Saouma BouJaoudeScience and Mathematics Education

Centre (SMEC)American University of Beirut


Select References

AAAS (American Association for theAdvancement of Science) 1989.Science for All Americans, Wash-ington, D.C., American Associa-tion for the Advancement ofScience.

Abd-El-Khalick, F. 2001. Integrating Technology in Teaching Sec-ondary Science and Mathematics:Effectiveness, Models of Integra-tion, and Illustrative Examples.UNESCO Paper.

Abd-El-Wahed, N. 1996. The Role ofDeveloping Scientific Literacy andProblem Solving Skills in ScienceTeaching – A Critical Study. In: M.Debs (ed.), The Proceedings of

the Second Scientific Conferenceon the Future of Science andMathematics Teaching and theNeeds of Arab Society, Beirut,Arab Development Institute, pp.469-99 (in Arabic).

Abu Shakra, G. 1993. The Status of Science and Technology in ArabEducation and its Potential toMeet the Needs of Arab Societyafter the Year 2000: A DiagnosticDocument. In: M. Debs (ed.), Pro-ceedings of the First ScientificConference on the Future of Sci-ence and Mathematics Teachingand the Needs of Arab Society,pp. 114-121. Beirut, Arab Devel-opment Institute. (in Arabic)

Badran, A. 1993. The Status of Science Teaching in the GulfCountries. In M. Debs (ed.), Pro-ceedings of the First ScientificConference on the Future of Sci-ence and Mathematics Teachingand the Needs of Arab Society,pp. 154-72, Beirut, Arab Devel-opment Institute.

Eisenhart, M.; Finkel, E.; Marion, S.1996. Creating the Conditionsfor Scientific Literacy: A Re-Exam-ination. American EducationalResearch Journal, Vol. 33, pp.261-95.

ETS (Educational Testing Service).1988. Science Learning Matters:The Science Report Card Interpre-tive Review. Princeton, N.J., Edu-cational Testing Service.

Halloun, I. 1993. Lebanese Public

Understanding of Science (A Sur-vey). (Beirut, Author).

Nashwan, Y. 1993. Evaluation of sec-ondary school Science teachingobjectives in the Arab world. In:M. Debs (ed.), Proceedings of theFirst Scientific Conference on theFuture of Science and Mathemat-ics Teaching and the Needs ofArab Society, pp. 122 - 41, Beirut,Arab Development Institute. (inArabic)

Resnick, L. 1999. Making AmericaSmarter: A Century’s Assump-tions about Innate Ability GiveWay to a Belief in the Power ofEffort. Education Week, 16th

June, pp. 38-40. Sleem, S. 1996. Reflections on the

Development of Science Curriculain the Arab World. In: M. Debs(ed.), Proceedings of the SecondScientific Conference on theFuture of Science and Mathemat-ics Teaching and the Needs ofArab Society, pp. 457-68, Beirut,Arab Development Institute. (in Arabic).

Smylie, M. A.; Conyers, J. G. 1991.Changing Conceptions of TeachingInfluence the Future of Staff Devel-opment. Journal of Staff Develop-ment, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 12-16.

Vargas, J. 2000. Science for the 21st

century. Proceedings of the WorldConference on Science: Sciencefor the Twenty-first Century: ANew Commitment, pp. 29-32,Paris, UNESCO.

UNESCO activities in STEEUNESCO activities in STEEFramework for Framework for

an Interan International Implementation national Implementation Scheme of the United Nations Decade of Scheme of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable DevelopmentEducation for Sustainable Development

(January 2005 – December 2014)

Connect 7

UNESCO activities in STEE

IGOs, NGOs, specialized agencies andinstitutions, associations, etc., for fur-ther refinement so as to have thewidest possible impact on all sectionsof the population worldwide.The draft Framework comprises 3 sections: Education for SustainableDevelopment; Partnership Approachto the DESD and Initiating the DESDtogether with a preamble whichbriefly explains the why and where-fore of the United Nations Resolutionon the DESD.Section I, Education for SustainableDevelopment, elaborates the natureof education for sustainabledevelopment and clarifies its linkswith other major international educa-tional processes and priorities. Thisserves to highlight the synergisticnature of sustainable developmentand education and the priority areasof poverty alleviation, gender equal-ity, health promotion, conservationand protection of the naturalresource base upon which social andeconomic development depends,rural transformation, human rights,peace, international understanding,cultural and linguistic diversity andthe potential of ICTs.The section is divided into 4 chapters:1. Meeting Millennium Develop-

ment Goals: explaining whatthese goals consist of and some ofthe means to achieve them; whathas been accomplished around theworld and what remains to be done

2. Education: Making the AbstractReal: showing that education is theprimary agent of transformationtowards sustainable developmentby increasing people’s capacity totransform their visions for societyinto reality

3. The Four Domains of Educationfor Sustainable Development:which explains the vital role playedby the following domains: BasicEducation, Reorienting ExistingEducation Programs, DevelopingPublic Awareness and Understand-ing of Sustainability and Training,in achieving sustainable develop-ment

4. Linking DESD to other Interna-tional Educational Priorities:which outlines the links that DESDhas with other international initia-tives and notably those concerning

education for which UNESCO isalso the lead agency

5. Key Themes in Education forSustainable Development:which lists, with explanations, themost important themes such asOvercoming Poverty; GenderEquality; Health Promotion; Envi-ronmental Conservation and Pro-tection; Rural Transformation;Sustainable Production and Con-sumption and Intercultural Under-standing and Peace that need tobe dealt with in order to achievesustainable development.

Section II, Partnership Approach tothe DESD, describes a partnershipapproach to the development of adraft international implementationscheme for the DESD. It identifies arange of partners at the sub-national,national, regional and internationallevels who will need to be involved toensure the successful implementationof Decade activities, underlining thefact that these activities have maxi-mum impact upon education policy,programmes and practice around theworld. It also outlines a range of pos-sible strategies for enhancing partici-pation, ownership and commitmentby partners in the Decade. Emphasisis placed upon supporting initiativesat the local level and ensuring thatstructures at the national, regionaland international level provide direc-tion and guidance for local initiatives.The section comprises the followingchapters:

(i) Partners, which defines thepotential partners at the verti-cal (from local to interna-tional) level as well as thehorizontal (governmental andnon-governmental to private)

(ii) Principles for DevelopingPartnerships, which explainsthe reasons for consideringvision; demonstration activi-ties and networking as thethree key principles designedto build participation, owner-ship and commitment tocatalyse momentum for theDESD

(iii) Community-based Processes,including associations, schoolsupport groups, cooperatives,development committees,volunteer groups, etc., work-

ing at different levels individ-ually or in cooperation withother groups, institutions ororganisations

(iv) National, Provincial andLocal Government Processes,illustrating the various ways inwhich government depart-ments at various levels can pro-vide both input and leadership

(v) Regional Processes, describ-ing the role of the actors atthe sub-regional and regionallevels and ways in which theycan contribute individually orin groups to the DESD

(vi) International Processes,which lists the existing inter-national fora already engagedon the DESD and explainstheir modus operandi

(vii) Monitoring, which explainsthe rationale of the monitor-ing process

(viii)Communication and Advo-cacy, which sets out thework that UNESCO willaccomplish in the area ofcommunication and market-ing by the beginning of theDESD in January 2005.

The concluding Section III, Initiatingthe DESD, sets out UNESCO’s pro-posed schedule of activities aimed atcatalyzing world society in prepara-tion for the DESD over the period July2003 – December 2005. They areorganized under two heads:

(i) communication and advo-cacy, and

(ii) building momentum andsupport.

The full text of the Framework can bedownloaded from UNESCO’s website:<http://www.unesco.org/education/esd>

For all further information contact: Education for Sustainable

Development Section(ED/PEQ/ESD)

Division for The Promotion of Quality Education, UNESCO

7, place de Fontenoy75352 Paris 07 SP

fax: (33)+(0) [email protected]

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 20038

UNESCO activities in STEE

This Regional Workshop for theArab States was organized by the

UNESCO Regional Office for Educationin the Arab States/Beirut, in collabora-tion with the UNESCO Regional Officefor Science and Technology/Cairo andthe Science and Technology EducationSection, UNESCO/ Paris. Besides beingpart of UNESCO’s science and technol-ogy education (STE) programme forthe Arab States for 2002-2003, theworkshop was also meant as a follow-up of work of the previous bienniumin the region, in particular the devel-opment of educational materials onSTE/STL (Project 2000+). It was attended by 36 specialists and experts in science and technologyeducation from 8 Member States*,UNESCO (Beirut and Cairo Offices),UNRWA and the Arab Bureau for Edu-cation in the Arab States (ABEGS) aswell as local representatives from private educational institutions andpublishers.

The Organizing Committee had alsoarranged for the participants to attendthe Seventh Annual Conference forScience and Mathematics Teachers,organized by the Science and Mathe-matics Education Centre (SMEC) at theAmerican University of Beirut (seebelow).The main objectives of the workshopwere:1. To promote use of model activities

and projects in the continuoustraining of teachers in STE

2. To enhance use of model activitiesand projects in teaching and learn-ing at all levels (basic and secondaryeducation)

3. To reinforce capacities of specialistsand teachers in the Arab countriesin the diversification of projects and education practices for sustainable development throughefficient utilization of teaching/learning resources

4. To develop the capacities of special-

ists and teachers in the Arab Statesregion in environmental protectionand to improve exploitation of edu-cational areas (schools, environ-ment, society)

5. To benefit from new informationand communication technologies(ICT) in science and technologyeducation.

Inquiry education and cooperationeducation were two methods used inthe workshop programme to assist inthe capacity building and knowledgesharing of specialists in STE. ArabStates members of INGOSTE (Interna-tional Network of Governmental Offi-cers in Science and TechnologyEducation) were active participants inthe workshop. They highlighted theneed for all Arab countries to nomi-nate representatives in the Network. The agenda of the workshop includedpresentations, discussions and groupwork. All country representativesmade presentations of their national

* A report on this workshop will be published in the next issue of Connect.* Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Palestinian Authority

Evaluation of Educational CurEvaluation of Educational Curricula for the use of Model ricula for the use of Model Activities in Science and TActivities in Science and Technology Education echnology Education

in the Arab States, in the Arab States,

Beirut, Lebanon, 20-22 May 2003.

Regional WRegional Workshops on orkshops on Science & TScience & Technology Education (STE)echnology Education (STE)

Following the recommendations ofthe Budapest World Conference

on Science (1999), the Dakar WorldForum (2000) and the Goa Interna-tional Conference on Science, Technol-ogy and Mathematics Education(2001), UNESCO’s Science and Tech-nology Education Section organised aConsultation Meeting of STE expertsfrom around the world and UNESCOregional specialists in Paris, September2002. The objective of this meetingwas to provide a regional orientationfor UNESCO’s STE programme in thecoming years, as promoting exchange

of ideas and experiences among itsMember States for mutual benefit isone of UNESCO’s major goals. Following the recommendations madeat the Paris meeting, the Science andTechnology Education Section, incooperation with its relevant regionaloffices, decided to hold four regionalworkshops for the Arab States (Beirut,Lebanon, 20-22 May 2003); for LatinAmerica and the Caribbean (Santiago,Chile, 1-4 July 2003); for Africa(Windhoek, Namibia, 28- 30 July2003); and for the Asia-Pacific (Tokyo,Japan, 20-24 October 2003*). Each

workshop focused on the specificneeds and priorities of the concernedregion and the participants werecalled upon to make recommenda-tions both for UNESCO as well as theregional actors in order to develop ajoint strategy for the improvement ofSTE in the region. The recommendations will eventuallybe compiled and disseminated amongall UNESCO Member States of theregion as well as outside the region inorder to promote synergies and fosterinter-regional/international collabora-tion among Member States.

Connect 9

UNESCO activities in STEE

This regional experts meeting wasorganised by UNESCO/Santiago in

the framework of UNESCO’s Scienceand Technology Education (STE) pro-gramme. The Latin America and Caribbeanregion is characterised by great diver-sity both on the socio-economic as wellas the educational front. STE, which isrecognized as essential in order to liveand compete successfully in today’s

world, is limited to a small privilegedfringe of society. A ‘democratisation’of STE is thus necessary if all levels ofthe population are to possess theknowledge and skills that can allowthem to make the right choices anddecisions in their daily life best suitedto their advancement in society. Notonly from the educational but also theethical point of view, the primary focusof STE in the region should be on

ensuring scientific and technologicalliteracy for all.Thus, this meeting was also placedwithin the framework of the newRegional Project for Education in theLatin America and Caribbean Region(PRELAC) (v. Connect, vol. XXVII, No.2002). Its guiding principle was todevelop a regional agenda capable ofensuring quality science education forall.

experience in the subject whereas representatives from organizations(UNESCO, UNRWA and ABEGS) pre-sented the regional and internationalcontext for the development of STE inthe Arab States region. Participants were then divided intothree groups corresponding to threelevels of education: basic, secondaryand continuing education and training.They were asked to evaluate anddevelop new educational materialsrelated to STE at each of the three levels. Each group identified areas of strength within the educationalmaterials, characteristics of innovativemodels/projects and evaluation mecha-nisms.Group A: worked on evaluating andimproving STE activities and projects inbasic education. The group high-lighted advantages and disadvantagesof the activities and projects suggestedfor this level and presented character-istics of model activities as well asideas for improving collaborationamong the countries involved in theprojects.Group B: focused on evaluating andimproving STE activities and projects atthe secondary level. It underlined theadvantages of the suggested activitiesand outlined the characteristics ofmodel activities in secondary educa-tion.Group C: dwelt on evaluating andimproving the continuous training ofteachers of science and technologies.The group also specified the advan-tages and disadvantages of the

suggested activities and made sugges-tions regarding the training pro-gramme and strategies for selection oftrainers and training.In the light of the working papers andreports presented by the countries andthe ensuing discussions, the partici-pants made the following recommen-dations in relation to STE/STL materialsin the education curricula:1. To reinforce educational strategies

of the Arab States countries inorder to improve science and tech-nology teaching/learning at all lev-els of education, continuoustraining of teachers and sharing ofexperiences

2. To emphasize the strong bonds thatexist between science and technol-ogy as well as the mutual influenceof the one on the other and fur-thermore recognize their influenceon the learner, the society at large,the environment and sustainabledevelopment

3. To encourage Arab States countriesthat are not members of theINGOSTE to send representatives toparticipate in this network

4. To establish a communication net-work via internet concerning STEactivities and projects

5. To establish national or regionalteams of experts and specialists incharge of planning, supervision andevaluation of practices in STE formutual benefit (with the possiblesupport of UNESCO)

6. To incite national UNESCO teams tocollect activity models and projects

applied and improved in the ArabStates countries and send them tothe Regional Office for wider distri-bution to all concerned

7. To prepare a workshop in order toestablish Arab States standards todesign and plan the curriculum ofsciences and technology in the lightof international standards

8. To establish an STE database forexperts and specialists

At the end of the workshop partici-pants were given an opportunity toreflect on the administrative and tech-nical programme of the workshop bymeans of evaluation forms. Most ofthe participants evaluated the work-shop positively, though they judgedthat certain areas need improvementwithin the STE/STL programme, suchas: the number of training workshopson the issues of STE development,which were too scare; the trainingperiod (3 days), which was too short;and opportunities for science andtechnology teachers to benefit fromsuch training courses, which were notenough. A more in-depth analysis of the evalu-ation forms is featured in the Arabicversion of the report.

For further information contact: Mr Sulieman Sulieman

UNESCO/BeirutCite Sportif avenue

Beirut, Lebanon.E-mail: [email protected]

STE for Latin America and the CaribbeanSTE for Latin America and the Caribbean

Santiago, Chile, 1-4 July 2003

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200310

UNESCO Activities Worldwide

This regional workshop for SouthernAfrica was organized by UNESCO/

Windhoek in collaboration with theNamibia National Chamber of Com-merce in the framework UNESCO’s Science and Technology Education Pro-gramme in order to identify regionaltrends and priorities, facilitate regionalpartnerships and networking in STE aswell as to develop proposals onUNESCO’s’ intervention in the region. The workshop was attended by 45

representatives from eight countries ofthe SADC (Southern African Develop-ment Community) region: Angola,Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia,South Africa, Swaziland and Zim-babwe. Each national delegationincluded at least one representativefrom the Ministry of Education andone from the private sector. The aim ofthe workshop was to explore ways inwhich Private-Public Partnerships (PPP)and regional networking can improve

the quality and quantity of STE at sec-ondary level in order to respond to theneeds of the growing economies ofthe participating countries.The rationale of the workshop was thata continuous and vivid dialoguebetween education providers andpotential employers is imperative inorder to adapt STE contents to thedemands of the world of work, as wellas to match demand and supply for sci-ence education at policy level. Such a

The meeting was inaugurated by Mr Segio Bitar, the Chilean Minister ofEducation, and counted on the pres-ence of several high representativesfrom Ministries of Education of theregion together with regional expertson STE. The following countries wererepresented at the meeting: Argentina,Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba,Dominican Republic, El Salvador,Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,Uruguay and Venezuela.The workshop revolved around the fol-lowing major themes:• Major problems encountered in

quality and equity focused STE• The place of scientific literacy and

science for all in compulsory educa-tion

• Needs and challenges in scienceteacher training

• Good practices• Associated educational institutesThe objectives of the meeting were to:• Analyse and evaluate changes that

have taken place in the past fiveyears in STE planning and curriculaand their impact on quality andequity in the education of children,adolescents and youths of theregion

• Evaluate the extent to which scien-tific training for all is guaranteed inthe region and how to achieve thiseffectively

• Analyse the propositions of regional

experts that can contribute to a sig-nificant change in STE in the region

• Define a regional agenda and com-mitment on the part of nations todevelop national agendas

After four days of intense discussionsin plenary sessions as well as workinggroups, the participants arrived at thefollowing general conclusions:• UNESCO has a major role to play in

filling lacunae, promoting equalityand ensuring scientific literacy andquality science education for all forfostering a culture of peace

• Recognizing the diversity of the LatinAmerican region as well as the rightof the various populations to auton-omy, stress should be laid upon pro-moting the rights of all populationsand UNESCO should support actionsrelated to quality science educationfor all in the interests of peace

• In the framework of the scienceeducation programme, it is hopedthat horizontal cooperation will bestrengthened among states, amonginternational organisations – partic-ularly the Convenio Andres Bello -represented in this meeting andlikewise among governments,agencies and institutions of theregion. It is also hoped that the net-work that has been constituted willplay a leading role in this work.

Recommendations made by the partic-ipants were centred on the followingfive areas:

1. Teacher training for basic andsecondary level science teach-ers: in which they were groupedunder Pre- and in-service training;training institutes and their status;teacher trainers; and continuingtraining.

2. Curriculum and contents: withanalysis of content and curricularorganisation; determination of con-tent and conditions for achievingequality.

3. Research: focusing on promotingresearch on STE as well as training ofresearchers; integration of teachersin research; identification and articu-lation of as well as support forresearch groups.

4. Scientific literacy: relating to pro-motion of non-formal STE activitiesas well as the Science-Technology-Society-Environment relationship;role of communication; interactionbetween scientists and the public

5. National focal points: dealingwith the necessity of a focal pointwithin each Ministry of Educationand the specific duties assigned tohim/her.

For further information contact: Beatriz Macedo

Regional Expert, UNESCO/SantiagoCasilla 3187

Enrique Del Piano 2051Santiago, CHILE.

E-mail: [email protected]

ParPartnerships to enhance Science and Ttnerships to enhance Science and Technology Education echnology Education in Southerin Southern African Africa

Windhoek, Namibia, July 28-30 July 2003

Connect 11

UNESCO Activities Worldwide

UNESCO STEE Activities in the Arab StatesUNESCO STEE Activities in the Arab StatesSeventh Annual Science and Math TSeventh Annual Science and Math Teachers’ Confereachers’ Conference ence


Beirut, Lebanon, 23-24 May 2003

This international conference wasorganised by the Science and

Math Education Center of the Ameri-can University of Beirut (AUB) and sup-ported by UNESCO/Cairo. The SMEC conference is an annualevent designed to promote the contin-ued development of a professionalcommunity of science and mathemat-ics (SM) teachers across Lebanon andthe surrounding region. The specificaims of the conference are to:• Provide an intellectual and profes-

sional forum for teachers toexchange theoretical and practicalviews on SM teaching/learning atthe elementary, intermediate andsecondary levels

• Provide a forum for teacher educa-tors and researchers to share theirfindings with SM teachers with spe-cial emphasis on the practical class-room implications of their findings

• Provide an opportunity for SMteachers to interact with high cali-

bre SM education specialists fromabroad

• Contribute to the ongoing develop-ment of a professional culture of SMteaching at the school level inLebanon and the surrounding region

• Raise awareness of SM teachersabout the array of curriculum andsupplemental classroom materialsavailable to them through publish-ers and local distributors

The SMEC VII 2003 was attended byover 570 participants from the follow-ing Arab States: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq,Jordan, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia,Syria, Tunisia and United Arab Emi-rates as well as Iran, U.K. and U.S.A. The main objective of this conferencewas the professional development ofSM teachers, which is also one ofUNESCO’s priorities.The major themes of the conferencewere:• specialised ways of using language

in teaching science and mathematics

• critical thinking in math and science• implications of research in science

and math education including waysfor teachers to engage in research

The work of the conference wasorganised notably in plenary sessions,workshops, research presentations,practical interactive sessions, ideaexchange sessions as well as a Pub-lishers’ Exhibition. All sessions andworkshops were classified accordingto level: Pre-school, Elementary, Inter-mediate, Secondary, Advanced; withan indication of the main subject mat-ter treated, such as math, science, sci-ence & technology, ICT, Chemistry,Biology or Earth Sciences.The highlights of the conference werethe keynote presentations: “How toteach science and remain sane” by DrM. Stirrup and “What’s happening inelementary math classrooms aroundLebanon: preliminary results from theMARA project” by Dr M. Henningson.Dr G. Gholam and Dr. W. Ebeid pre-

dialogue should further remind theemploying sector of its responsibilityand its direct interest in investing andsupporting an education that respondsto its needs of skilled labour in the fieldof science and technology.The specific objectives of the work-shop were to:• explore the potential and possibili-

ties of partnerships to contribute tothe enhancement and relevance ofSTE in the region

• arrive at an increased understand-ing of the demands the private sec-tor and industries put on an STEwhich enables students to confrontthe challenges of the world ofwork

• identify barriers between formal/non-formal education and the world of

work together with possible strate-gies to overcome them

• develop concrete proposals forpartnerships between the privatesector, NGOs and Governments topromote quality STE

• develop pilot projects for possibleextra budgetary funding to beimplemented in partnership withUNESCO.

At the workshop all stakeholdersagreed that investment in STE is vitalfor economic and social developmentand that in order to improve STE in theregion, both the public and the privatesectors need to coordinate efforts andinvest resources. The private sector pleaded for achange from a supply driven educationto a more demand driven one, the

need for clear partnership frameworksand priorities, the necessity to beinvolved in curriculum developmentand other planning aspects of educa-tion and tax incentives. The public sector called upon indus-tries and businesses to invest in formaland in particular non formal STE, toprovide expertise, to engage inexchange programmes and bursaryschemes as well as to establish fundsand support the establishment of cen-tres of excellence.

For further information contact:Julia Heiss, Programme Specialist

(E-mail: [email protected])UNESCO/ED/STV/STE

(address last page)

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200312

UNESCO Activities Worldwide

This national workshop was organized by the National Insti-

tute for Science and MathematicsEducation Development (NISMED) andsupported by UNESCO Asia andPacific Regional Bureau for Education,Bangkok.The aim of the workshop was to buildcapacities of elementary and highschool teachers in the documentationof exemplary science and mathematicsteaching in the classroom. Its rationale was that despite the workdone for the last 40 years by the Uni-versity of the Philippines NationalInstitute for Science and MathematicsEducation Development (UP NISMED)in developing and publishing curricu-

lum materials – both print and nonprint – on teaching or facilitating theteaching of science and mathematicsat the elementary and the secondaryschool levels, there is no material onbest practices in classroom teaching.This lacuna is all the more regrettablethat NISMED professionals havenoted exemplary strategies and prac-tices both in classrooms and in infor-mal talks with teachers. Theseexemplary practices could be pro-duced in print, video or electronicforms and disseminated to would-beteachers and teacher trainers, includ-ing faculties of teacher-training insti-tutions. They could also servepotential users for adoption or adap-

tation in the context of their ownteaching situations. Ultimately, theywould be a valuable tool for otherteachers as they give excellent insightinto how science and mathematicsteachers facilitate meaningful learn-ing activities. Ten science and mathematics teacherswere invited to the workshop basedon the following criteria: a. recipient of a national/regional/divi-

sion award in teaching in the last10-15 years

b. effective practicing teacher recom-mended by either Supervisor orPrincipal or a teacher colleague

c. observed in the classroom by a UPNISMED staff member

UNESCO Activities in the Asia-PacifiUNESCO Activities in the Asia-Pacific Regionc RegionNational WNational Workshop on Best Practices in orkshop on Best Practices in

Science and MathematicsScience and Mathematics

Quezon City, Philippines, 4-8 August 2003

ExperExperts Meeting on the Adaptation of ts Meeting on the Adaptation of the UNESCO Resourthe UNESCO Resource Kit on ce Kit on

STE for the Arab statesSTE for the Arab states

UNESCO/Beirut and UNESCO/Amman are in the process of

organizing an Experts Meeting on theadaptation of the UNESCO ResourceKit on Science and Technology Educa-tion for the Twenty First Century (v. Connect, vol. xxiv, no. 4, 1999) forthe Arab States. The kit has alreadybeen translated into Arabic by theDirectorate of Curricula at the Ministryof Education, Jordan. The meeting, which will consist of 20professionals from 10 Arab countries,UNESCO, UNRWA, ABEGS (Arab

Bureau of Education for the GulfStates), and King Hussein Foundation– Jordan, will allow experts to reflectupon and suggest – if need be - mod-ifications for the translated modules. Itwill also serve to consider practicalaspects such as layout, printing anddissemination of the kit in the ArabStates region. The adapted kit isexpected to help teachers and curricu-lum specialists of the Arab States inteaching/learning of science and tech-nology subjects in-school and out-of-school.

The meeting will also help to encour-age non formal learners and NGOs toadopt the modules in their educationalcurricula. Follow-up activities in theform of training workshops on the kitfor teachers and curriculum specialistswill be arranged during 2004 – 2005.

For further information contact: Mr Sulieman Sulieman

UNESCO/BeirutCite Sportif avenue

Beirut, Lebanon.E-mail: [email protected]

sented a paper on “Paradigm shift inmathematics education within the con-text of globalisation” in an interactivesession which was attended by morethan 200 math teachers, inspectorsand university professors.

The Proceedings of the conference aredue to be published by UNESCO/Cairo.

For further information contact:Ghada Gholam

Programme Specialist in EducationUNESCO/Cairo

8 Abdel Rahman Fahmy Street, Garden City, Cairo 11541

Egypte-mail:[email protected]

Connect 13

UNESCO Activities Worldwide

In the framework of the Asia PacificProgramme of Education Innovation

for Development (APEID), UNESCO/Bangkok, and with funding from theJapanese Funds-in-Trust (JFIT), aMobile Training Team (MTT) on Cur-riculum Reform in Science and Tech-nology Education was organized from3-15 August 2003. The MTT com-prised two members from each of theCurriculum Development Centers ofthe Ministry of Education of Lao PDRand of Cambodia.The four members of the MTT visitedinstitutions in the Philippines andMalaysia with the objective of study-ing authentic experiences in innovativepolicies, practices and strategies oncurriculum reform in science and tech-nology in the host institution as well asits institutional partners. Concurrently,a UNESCO/Bangkok funded NationalWriting Workshop on Best Practices inTeaching and Learning Science andMathematics, was held in the Philip-pines, in some of whose sessions MTTmembers participated. In Malaysia,they visited the Curriculum Develop-ment Center, some Smart Schools andthe Technology Education Center inKuala Lumpur and the Southeast AsiaRegional Centre for Education in Sci-ence and Mathematics (SEAMEO-REC-SAM) in Penang.In the Philippines, the MTT memberswere given a comprehensive orienta-tion on curriculum development in sci-ence and mathematics education(SME) in the Philippines: Spanning 40Years of Curriculum Development,

which features the development ofthree generations of textbooks byNISMED. The first generation text-books (published from the late ‘60s toearly ‘70s) were influenced by curricu-lum innovations in the US whichstressed scientific inquiry. The second(early ‘80s) were oriented towards theapplications of science and mathemat-ics in real life, with emphasis on theenvironment. The third (late ‘80s toearly ‘90s) focused on the interactionof science, technology and societytogether with problem solving. Along with textbooks and guides,efforts in curriculum materials devel-opment in the ‘90s were expanded toother print formats, like science read-ers for children, self-learning modulesfor students and resource materials forteachers. The Institute also starteddeveloping video and microcomputerlessons together with visual aids andlow-cost equipment to support itspractical work approach. The develop-ment of a series of teacher resourcematerials, both print and non print,was the major activity of science andmathematics curriculum reform in thePhilippines from 1993 to early 2000.These were prepared in conjunctionwith foreign-funded projects, thePhilippines-Australia Science andMathematics Education project andthe Science and Mathematics Educa-tion Manpower Development Project(SMEMDP) supported by JICA. Withthe changing trends in SME worldwideand the privatization of textbooks inthe Philippines, the NISMED started to

develop in 1991 a thematic curriculumfrom Grades 1 to 8. Labelled “Cur-riculum for the 21st Century” or CD21, it has a learner-centred approachand an integrated content. The latterfocuses on a societal context to allowin-depth development of concepts,skills, and desirable attitudes useful forbuilding a better future. Still in thedevelopment stage, the spiral curricu-lum from elementary to high schoolaims to develop Scientific and Techno-logical Literacy for All, in line withUNESCO’s thrust of STL/STE for All. In Malaysia, orientation briefings weregiven on the Education Reform forMalaysia, Vision 2020, including theSmart Schools Development and therole of ICT in promoting quality educa-tion for all. The training of science andmathematics teachers from the region,and specifically from Cambodia andLaos PDR, at SEAMEO RECSAM wasalso observed and discussed.These study visits will be followed upin the respective countries withnational workshops by the end of theyear, to share experiences from thestudy visits and to demonstrate hands-on SME reforms. Funding for thenational workshops will also be pro-vided by the JFIT grant for the MTTand with complimentary support fromthe UNESCO/Phnom Penh andUNESCO/ Bangkok.

For further information contact: Ms Lucille C. Gregorio

(address below)

Mobile TMobile Training Training Team on Cuream on Curriculum Reforriculum Reform in Science andm in Science andTTechnology Education for Laos PDR and Cambodia echnology Education for Laos PDR and Cambodia

3-15 August 2003

The recommended participants wererequired to submit a 3-page descrip-tion of the “best practice” togetherwith an accompanying lesson/teachingplan and/or study activity. The “bestclassroom practice” features included:interactive and possibly integratedteaching strategies; assessment strate-gies; philosophy of science/mathemat-ics teaching; examples of student

work from the featured classroom;teacher’s reflections on their classroominstruction; and a specialist commen-tary.As follow-up, it is planned to organizean international conference on bestpractices in science and mathematicsin 2004, hosted by the national insti-tute.

For further information about the project contact:

Dr. Merle C. Tan, Director/ Dr. MarleneFerido, Deputy Director

University of the Philippines, Diliman Quezon CityFax +63-2-928.2625

E-mails: [email protected] or [email protected]

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200314

UNESCO Activities Worldwide

This Seminar, to be held succes-sively in the two capital cities of

Brazil and Argentina, was organisedby UNESCO/Brasilia in collaborationwith UNESCO/IBE, UNESCO/IIPE(Buenos Aires), the Brazilian Ministriesof Education and Science & Technol-ogy, the Argentinean Ministry of Edu-

cation as well as the Santillana Foun-dation and the Roberto Marinho Foun-dation. The objective of the seminar was toallow high level personnel, at thenational and provincial level, fromArgentinean and Brazilian Ministries togain an understanding of the historical

processes that have allowed some EastAsian and European countries to sub-stantially develop their Education andScience & Technology frameworksover the last 30 years. In this context,special attention was given to thespecificities of the national systems ofthe selected countries, including their

UNESCO Activities in UNESCO Activities in Latin America and the CaribbeanLatin America and the Caribbean

“Education, Science and T“Education, Science and Technology as Strategies for Nationalechnology as Strategies for NationalDevelopment”Development”

Brasilia, Brazil (22-23 September 2003)

Buenos Aires, Argentina (25-26 September 2003)

The UNESCO APEID Japan Seminaron Environmental Education was

hosted by the Tokyo Gakugei Univer-sity under the sponsorship of theJapanese Ministry of Education, Cul-ture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT) and the Japanese NationalCommission for UNESCO. The seminar theme was “Environmen-tal Education and Sustainable Devel-opment,” and it was organized withinthe framework of the 7th Program-ming Cycle of the APEID, UNESCO/Bangkok. Fourteen countries wererepresented at this seminar along withUNESCO/Bangkok: Australia, People’sRepublic of China, Fiji, India, Indone-sia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, NewZealand, Philippines, Republic ofKorea, Thailand and South Africa. The participants shared experiences ineducational programmes/activities onthe global challenge of sustainabledevelopment and critically reviewedthe concept of environmental educa-tion (EE) and education for sustainabledevelopment (ESD). They also dis-cussed the future direction of EE in theAsia and Pacific region. At the sympo-

sium held on the 3rd day, in view of theUN Decade of Education for Sustain-able Development ( 2005- 2014), sev-eral presentations were made bypanellists exposing different view-points on ESD which were followed bydebates. Japanese interest in the celebration ofthe “Decade of Education for Sustain-able Development” was catalyzed bythe Japanese Prime Minister, H.E.Junichiro Koizumi’s statement at theJohannesburg World Summit on Sus-tainable Development: “my govern-ment, together with Japanese non-governmental organizations, has pro-posed that the United Nations declare aDecade of Education for SustainableDevelopment”. He also said that theJapanese government would provide noless than 250 billion yen in educationassistance to developing countries overa five-year period as Japan attachesparamount importance to education onthe basis of development and wants toshare with the rest of the world Asianexperiences in lessons learned especiallyin the area of cooperation on environ-ment-related capacity building.

The 2004 UNESCO APEID Japan EESeminar will be organized by the Envi-ronmental Education Center, MiyagiUniversity of Education.For further information on the 2003seminar contact: Professor Eiichiro“Atom” HARAKO, secretary forUNESCO EE Seminar, Field Studies Insti-tute for Environmental Education,Tokyo Gakugei University, 4-1-1Nukuikita-machi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8501, Japan. Fax: +81-42-329-7668,7669. E-mail: [email protected] For information on the 2004 Seminarcontact: Professor Kazuyuki MIKAMIDirector of Environmental EducationCenter, Miyagi University of Education,Aramaki-aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0845, Japan. Fax: + 022-211-5594. E-mail: mikami@staff. miyakyo-u.ac.jp

Ms Lucille C. GregorioSpecialist in Science and Technology

EducationAsia Pacific Programme of Education Innovation for Development (APEID)


e-mail: [email protected]

UNESCO APEID Regional Seminar on UNESCO APEID Regional Seminar on EnvirEnvironmental Educationonmental Education

Tokyo, Japan, 18-20 March 2003.

Connect 15

STEE Activities Worldwide

For the Republic of Paraguay, thelast decade of the 20th Century

was marked by important changes ineducation, notably due to the settingup of the strategic plan for educa-tional reform. The plan was initiated in1993 with the aim of transforming theentire national educational system.In 1995, with the technical support ofexperts from Harvard University, USA, aPolicy Dialogue Group was establishedin order to implement the educationalreform in collaboration with differentsectors of society. The following yearthe Ministry of Education and Culturepresented its project in a documententitled ”The educational challenge: Aproposition for dialogue on educationalopportunities in Paraguay”.Concerning the incorporation of science and technology (S&T) in theeducational reform, internationalcooperation has been vital in the mat-ter of logistics and organisation. It hasalso proved fundamental for imple-mentation at the technical and curric-ular level.

Improvement of the administrativeinfrastructure of educational institu-tions has included:• Construction of class rooms• Enlarging and rehabilitating school

areas• Installation of equipment in infor-

matics in order to improve schoolmanagement

• Installation of laboratories for sci-ence students

• Creation and updating of librariesfor the use of communities asknowledge base

It has also included training and capac-ity building of teachers in educationaltechnology as instruments for updat-ing teachers’ knowledge base and aspedagogical resource to improve theirperformance.In 1997, after almost a decade of dis-cussion among the different institu-tions and actors involved (ministries,universities, professionals, representa-tives of industries, research institutionsand the national Congress) a big stepforward was taken with the creation

of a legal framework for S&T whichled to the establishment of CONACYT(National Council of Science and Tech-nology) and FONACYT (National Fundfor Science and Technology). The prin-cipal objective of the CONACYT is todirect, coordinate and evaluate activi-ties of the national systems of S&Twith due regard to quality. In the framework of the national strat-egy for S&T, a project on the integra-tion of information and communicationtechnologies in the national educa-tional system has been developed forimplementation from the coming year.Known as the TIC (Tecnologías de lainformación y communicación), theproject aims to develop teachers’operational and pedagogical capaci-ties for the effective use of technologyas a fundamental resource for use ofmultimedia in the classroom as well asfor updating their professional capac-ity.Currently, Paraguay is increasinglyfaced with the digital divide. S&T is thebasis of a new means of marginalisa-

performance as rated in theUNESCO/OECD report Further Resultsfrom PISA 2000.Additionally, Brazilian and Argen-tinean authorities manifested theirinterest in getting access to interna-tionally transferable lessons fromthese countries particularly on policiesrelated to the following issues:• Effective functional literacy• Initial and continuing teacher train-

ing and compensation policies• Evaluation and accountability poli-

cies and strategies• Financing strategies at system and

school levels• School input policies, particularly in

instructional materials• Macro and micro level managementWorld renowned specialists from Finland, Ireland, Malaysia, South Koreaand UK were invited as keynote speak-ers to share their national experiences

with the Brazilian and Argentineanauthorities and experts. Several Fed-eral Ministers were also invited toserve as panellists. The work of the seminar consisted inthe presentations of the internationalspeakers who shared their nationalexperiences on overcoming educa-tional challenges in their specific coun-tries in the recent years. Thepresentations were followed bydebates with national specialists onhow bottlenecks for broad nationaldevelopment can be overcome bysound investment in education, sci-ence and technology. The seminar was attended by over 60participants consisting of top man-agers of the Ministries of Educationand Science & Technology of the twohost countries together with severalState or Provincial Secretaries of Edu-cation and Science & Technology.

Besides this core group, intellectualsand senior officers from the federaladministration also participated. The event attracted considerableattention from the media and isexpected to lead up to a number ofdevelopments related to the themes ofthe seminar.The proceedings of the seminar, con-taining the contributions of the inter-national participants together with theoutcomes reviewed and commentedby the rapporteur, will be published inPortuguese, Spanish and English.

For further information contact: Director, UNESCO/Brasilia

Caixa postal 0856370070-914 Brasilia DF

BrazilFax: (55-61) 322-4261

E-mail:[email protected]

STEE Activites WSTEE Activites WoridwideoridwideScience and TScience and Technology Education in the echnology Education in the

Republic of ParaguayRepublic of Paraguay

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200316

STEE Activities Worldwide

In Peru, as in any other country, STErepresents a major challenge in the

building of human resources that areessential for development. An integraland systemic educational programmethat includes an STE adapted to an ageof information and knowledge is a cry-ing necessity. In Peru, lack of educa-tional research accentuated by theclosure of the National Institute ofEducational Research and Develop-ment (INIDE) has slowed down theincorporation of educational advancesmade in science and diminishedenthusiasm for reading. Furthermore,the closure in 1993 of the ScienceMuseum (the first of its kind in LatinAmerica which opened in 1979) hasretarded science popularisation in thecountry. Currently, the Ministry of Educationand the National Council of Scienceand Technology (CONCYTEC) areworking jointly to innovate the educa-tional system. Thus, a Programme forthe Popularisation of Science, Technol-ogy and Innovation (CTeI) has beenapproved in the context of the 20thState Policy of National Agreementconcerning S&T development whoseobjective is “to promote at all levels ofthe population, particularly amongchildren and youths, creativity, logicand critical reasoning, regard forNature and positive insertion in thesociety of knowledge and informa-tion”. In this context, the Draft Projectof the General Law on the Promotion

of Science and Technology forNational Development, spells out thestrategy of the CONCYTEC in the fol-lowing terms: Promotion, dissemina-tion, divulgation and interchange inCTeI from the school level to the indus-try, including museums, fairs, nationalawards; identification and promotionof talent and adoption of continuingresearch and innovation.The aim of the strategy is to contributeto :• setting up an integrated and sys-

temic educational project in linewith the national needs andprogress made in S&T knowledge

• strengthening capacity building ofnational decision makers andresearch workers in S&T followingresearch priorities

• fostering scientific and technologi-cal literacy in the Peruvian popula-tion

Strengthening capacity building in S&Tfor a more equitable participation of the population in the knowledgesociety, one of UNESCO’s strategicobjectives, is undoubtedly highly meri-torious. However, it requires on thepart of its Member States the commit-ment to promote and sustain projectsand activities based on the bestnational and international practices inorder to yield tangible results andqualitative improvement. To attain thisgoal, it is vital to promote STE at alllevels. In order that nations progress, itis essential to undertake a number of

actions such as capacity building ofteachers and research workers, identi-fication and promotion of decisionmakers in S&T, establishment of linksbetween academia and industry, pro-moting S&T literacy among the popu-lation and ensuring the support ofpolitical leaders.Thus, the main actions of the CONCYTEC are directed towardscapacity building of experts in S&Twith the objective of creating multidis-ciplinary teams in order to link up thework of scientists and teachers. In thiscontext, agreements are beingprocessed with universities for capac-ity building in content and pedagogyof experimental sciences. Three net-works have been launched: theNational Network of Science Clubs,the Network of Science Teachers andthe National Network of Science Jour-nalists. Finally, reconstruction andmodernisation of the Science andTechnology Museum, which had beenclosed for the past decade, has beenundertaken – a long postponed debtto the Peruvian society.In the framework of the World ScienceDay for Peace & Development (v.Connect, vol.xxvii, no.3-4, 2002), aNational Science & Technology Festi-val, 6-8 November 2003, is beingorganised by the Peruvian NationalCouncil for Science and Technology(CONCYTEC), in collaboration with theMinistry of Education, the NationalAssembly of Rectors (ANR), the Direc-

tion in the society between the fewwho can accede to it and the majoritywho cannot. Although the private sec-tor has the means to utilise S&T as atool for modernisation and innovation,the public sector is faced with the lackof technological support added to thatof specialised human resources. Fur-thermore, S&T continues to be limitedto the urban sphere. All those living outof this sphere are either marginalized orlive on the periphery of the knowledgesociety. The challenge of making a quality edu-cation available to the entire populationalso implies facilitating access of the

majority to modern technology. Itmeans installing and strengtheningregional networks of teachers,researchers, government servants whocan coordinate joint actions that helpconfront common educational issues.At the academic level, it implies bridg-ing the gap between curricular contentand the world of work. It also meansseeking strategic alliances with nationaland international institutions, industriesand NGOs in order to reduce the digitaland technological gulf that separatesthe most vulnerable sectors of society. Paraguay, like other Latin American countries, is strongly impacted –

whether positively or negatively - bythe transformations generated by sci-entific and technological progress andin this “global village” education con-tinues to be the fundamental factorfor the economic, social, cultural andpolitical development of the people.

For further information contact: Domingo Pedrozo

Asesor del Gabinete TécnicoMinisterio de Educación y Cultura

Chile 849 c/Humaitá y PiribebuyAsunción, Paraguay

Fax: (595) 21 [email protected]

Science and TScience and Technology Education in Perechnology Education in Peruu


USA(Http:// www.TryScience.org)

TryScience is a gateway to experience the excitement of contemporary science and technology through on andoffline interactivity with science and technology centres worldwide. It believes that science is not only exciting, it isfor everyone and that is why all are invited by TryScience and over 400 science centres worldwide to investigate,discover and try science themselves. TryScience has been put up through a partnership between IBM Corporation, the New York Hall of Science(NYHOS), the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) and science centres worldwide.New interactive content is added regularly to these areas:

Connect 17

STEE Activities Worldwide

Focusing Families on ScienceFocusing Families on ScienceUSAUSA

Science. It’s Everywhere” is thetitle of a new public awareness ini-

tiative of the Partnership for Science Lit-eracy launched by the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement ofScience (AAAS) through a National Sci-ence Foundation grant to Project 2061.The message of this initiative is that sci-ence is all around us and a good sci-ence education can help give children agreat foundation for success in life. Itaims to increase awareness among par-ents and families – particularly those inLatino/Hispanic, African American andother minority communities – of thevalue of science literacy for all children.The initiative invites parents to make adifference in their children’s scienceeducation by doing science activities

around their home, exploring sciencecentres and activities in their commu-nity and making sure there is quality sci-ence in their schools. “Science. It’s everywhere” combinesgrassroots efforts with a national multi-media campaign. Regional kick-offevents hosted by local science centrestook place in May and June in fivediverse communities across the country:Los Angeles, California; Chicago, Illinois;Tampa, Florida; Lehigh Valley, Pennsylva-nia; and Austin, Texas. A free FamilyGuide to Science booklet presents usefulinformation and hints on science activities for parents and families. The initiative’s Website < www.ScienceEverywhere.org > is hosted by Try-Science.org (see below) and provides

additional information about scienceeducation along with links to electronicscience resources for children and adults. The Partnership for Science Literacydraws on the expertise of Project 2061and the AAAS Directorate for Educa-tion and Human Resources. The Part-nership is building a coalition of localand national organisations toempower families to improve theirchildren’s interest in and learning ofscience.

For further information contact: AAAS/Project 2061,

1200 New York Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20005, USA.E-mail: [email protected]: //www.project2061.org

tors of Public and Private ResearchInstitutes as well as specialised Techno-logical Institutes, Industrial societies,Forum of Technological Innovation anddiverse NGOs.The festival aims to assemble theentire chain of actors involved in sci-entific knowledge, from school chil-dren and university students toresearch projects, industries and spe-cialised institutes, not forgetting thegeneral public. It includes visits toresearch institutes in order to promoteexchange of information betweenresearch workers and the public, aswell as cultural and artistic events

demonstrating the links between artand science in order to better sensitisethe public to the importance of S&T. Itis also an occasion to reflect upon therole of the public in the productionand use of scientific and technologicalknowledge, as underlined in theRegional Meeting on STE in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean, Santiago,July 2003 (see above).The major objectives of this festival areto: • reiterate the national and interna-

tional commitment for promotingscience for peace and developmentbased upon the responsible use of

science for the benefit of society,and more particularly for humansecurity and eradication of poverty

• raise awareness in the public of theimportance of science and fill upthe existing breach between science and society

For further information contact: Teresa Salinas Gamero, Chief,

Oficina de Actualización y Fortalecimiento de las Ciencias - CONCYTEC

[email protected]

Adventure: Thematic interactive experienceExperiments: Hands-on (offline) activities with an online componentField Trips: Interactive science centre features, plus a science centre locatorCurious?: Short polls and activities based on a hot topic question, plus related news linksLive Cams: Live views from webcams at science and technology centres worldwide

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200318

STEE Centres, Associations, Networks…

The Malta Council for Science andTechnology is the national advi-

sory body to the Maltese governmenton science and technology policy. The

MCST is responsible for identifyingand addressing major science andtechnology challenges and issues ofstrategic importance for Malta,

thereby contributing to the develop-ment of coherent and sustainable pol-icy visions and initiatives.The MCST’s main remit is to encourage

CentrCentres, Networks, Associations,…es, Networks, Associations,…Malta Council for Science and TMalta Council for Science and Technologyechnology

Since May 2003, the CERN (Euro-pean Organisation for Nuclear

Research) has launched a new series ofencounters called Mondays of Discov-ery to promote science and technology(S&T) for all. The objective of this enterprise is toallow the public a hands-on experienceof S&T, to discuss and exchange viewsdirectly with researchers in order toimprove public understanding of scienceand technology. For the public is quiteunaware that whether in physics, medi-cine, astronomy, micro-electronics…orother branches of S&T, CERN conductsresearch and develops and utilises itsapplications in ways that are sometimesunique and often spectacular.CERN has since long been opening outto the public. Since 15 years a perma-nent exhibition, the Microcosm, is sta-tioned at its site in Meyrin, Switzerland.Organised visits to this site where anumber of scientists work, attractaround 30,000 visitors from 42 nationsannually. Since 4 years, Microcosm isbeing increasingly adapted to suit fam-ilies and +12 yr old school children.Now, with the Mondays of Discovery,which with its hands-on approach to

science is meant to remove barriersbetween specialists and the generalpublic, CERN is rounding off its rangeof educational activities.It has been possible to take up this chal-lenge thanks to the goodwill and com-mitment of scientists. The first Mondayof each month, the public is invited todiscover the startling aspects of tech-nologies developed by CERN throughnovel experiments. In this way, CERNopens to the public a window on theworld of fundamental research, servingat the same time to demystify the workcarried out in the world’s biggest centreof particle physics.Each Monday of Discovery will serve toreveal a different facet of the labora-tory. Far removed from specialised con-ferences or key-note speeches, the aimof this exercise is to present science asalive and approachable through a veri-table exchange with the public accom-panied by demonstrations andexperiments. Young or old, ignorant orknowledgeable, each one will be ableto satisfy her/her curiosity throughworkshops where one can observe,touch - and even consume!This programme was launched on 5

May 2003, the topic of the day being‘Cold’, as CERN is constructing itsfuture accelerator of particles (a 27 kmlong ring), which will be cooled to atemperature close to absolute zero(around -271ºC). Other topics treatedin the following months:• Examining matter through ultra-

sounds and electron microscopes• Small scale astronomy: the first

moments of the universe• Crystals for medicine: heavy as lead

and transparent as glass• Perfect alignment – geometricians’

tools• The future Web – a planetary calcu-

lator• Chips for listening – electronics to

hear the sound of matterEntry to Mondays of Discovery is freeof charge. The sessions take placefrom 19:30 – 21:00 at the MicrocosmExhibition at Meyrin.

Further information from: James Gillies, CERN,

Tel:+41.22.767.41.01 or Emma Sanders, Tel:

+41.22.767.69.44 http://www.cern.ch/microcosm


Discovering Science-in-the-Making at the CERN

Geneva, Switzerland

Connect 19

STEE Centres, Associations, Networks…

The APRTC is an independent, non-profit NGO dedicated to improv-

ing the welfare and knowledge ofdeveloping country farmers and thepromotion of sustainable agriculturalpractices. The goal of the APRTC is toimprove the welfare and knowledge ofrural communities through the promo-tion of sustainable natural resourcemanagement practices. A priorityactivity of APRTC is agLe@rn, aneLearning programme targeting thecontinuing educational needs of agri-cultural educators and other profes-sionals who serve and support farmersand farming communities.In most developing countries, ruralcommunities are the backbone of theeconomy. Most of the people living inthese areas depend on agriculturewhich is under increasing pressure fromgrowing populations, increased afflu-ence, a dwindling natural resource baseand globalisation. Rural communitiesneed to improve their economic perfor-mance, production and profits. And forthis it is of utmost importance to pro-tect the fragile natural resource baseupon which their livelihoods depend.

Sustainable natural resource manage-ment has to be a major component ofany response strategy.The Asia Pacific Regional TechnologyCentre (APRTC) was born from the real-ization that the key to meeting chal-lenges in rural areas was throughimproving access to information andknowledge. Its founders were con-vinced that an educational programmeutilizing new information and commu-nication technologies could be morepowerful than traditional approaches inachieving this goal. These new toolsoffer the ability to respond to today’srealities and tomorrow’s challenges.They are ideally suited to the rapid dis-semination of knowledge from anyplace in the world to almost any placeelse and allow collaboration and discus-sion over vast spatial and temporal dis-tances.In an ideal world, rural communitieswould be able to directly access theinformation and knowledge theyrequire and this is becoming a realityin many developed countries. In mostdeveloping countries, however, this isnot yet feasible. The numbers involved

are too great and the prerequisite ICTinfrastructure and knowledge is not yetwidespread. Given this situation,APRTC has chosen to focus its initialeLearning activities on meeting thecontinuing educational needs of agri-cultural educators and professionals.They are the individuals who can helpfarmers access the information andknowledge they need for better cropand farm management. And they are atleast as much in need of better accessto knowledge as the farmers them-selves. APRTC is aware that Asia’s agriculturaleducators and professionals can play apivotal role in promoting sustainableagriculture and improving farmers’livelihoods. Also that they havedemanding jobs, travel extensively andalso need time for their families. With-out access to new knowledge andinformation they are in danger of los-ing their competitive advantage andtheir effectiveness is compromised.This is why APRTC has made its onlineagLe@rn programme for agriculturaleducators and professionals the pri-mary focus of its overall educational

investments and capacity building inscience and research, with a view topromoting a culture for science, tech-nology and innovation across the pub-lic, private and education sectors. Oneof MCST’s major initiatives is the set-ting-up of an Innovation Relay Centre(IRC) in Malta within the current Inno-vation Programme of the EuropeanCommunity.The MCST is also the national agencyresponsible for the management andco-ordination of Malta’s participationin the Sixth Framework Programme forResearch, Technological Developmentand Innovation (FP6). In this regard, the MCST has set up theNational Contact Point Organisation(NCPO) for FP6. The NCPO is responsi-ble for information and awareness-building as well as matters concerningadvice, assistance, training on proce-dures, partner search, proposal-prepa-

ration, training sessions and seminarsfor specific target groups.In January 1996, the MCST launchedThe Science Popularisation Programmewith the first National Science andTechnology Week. The 6th edition ofthis event took place in March 2003.The two main tasks of this Programmeare to raise a greater awareness oftechnological concepts amongst thegeneral public, and to encourage morestudents to take up sciences at school.The objectives of these tasks are toensure that no one is left out of theopportunities and debate on thethreats presented by advances in tech-nology and also to have a work forcecapable of meeting the technologicalchallenges offered by transitions in theMaltese economy During 1997, 1998 and 1999 openweeks were organised with industries,through which students had the

opportunity to observe the applicationof scientific principles learnt at school,as well as the careers that exist forthose who opt for a technologicalcareer. Two thirds of secondary schoolsparticipated in these events, involvingover 150 collaborating industries. Other popular activities in this Pro-gramme include science weekends incollaboration with Local Councils,schools and technology providers in aparticular area. The Programme regularly participatesin international fora that deal with sci-ence popularisation. In 2002 the Pro-gramme became a full member ofEUSCEA, the European Science EventsAssociation.

Further information on the MCST and its activities from:



Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200320

STEE Centres, Associations, Networks…

Newton Network (NewNet) is a virtual space for co-operation in

projects and activities aiming toincrease the interest of young peoplein science and technology.NewNet is a Slovak initiative in thearea of science and education estab-lished in the framework of the open

method of co-ordination introducedby the European Council in Lisbon(2000). It was submitted by the Minister of Education of the SlovakRepublic to the commissioners of theEuropean Commission for science andtechnology. In the area of science and technology

the project reflects the Action Plan onScience and Society (approved by theEuropean Commission in 2001) and inthe area of education it aims at fulfill-ing one of the objectives of Europeaneducation and training systemsapproved by the European Council inBarcelona (2002).

strategy in support of sustainable agri-culture.eLearning is “Internet-enabled learn-ing”, or “The use of network tech-nologies to create, foster, deliver, andfacilitate learning, anytime and any-where.” eLearning is the most recentevolutionary stage of distance learning- learning in a situation where instruc-tors and learners are separated by dis-tance, time or both. APRTC’s agLe@rn programme cur-rently offers a range of on-line coursesand is in the process of developingmore. Together these will form a com-prehensive curriculum of learningopportunities related to sustainable

agriculture for agricultural educatorsand professionals in the public, private,academic and NGO sectors. Currentcourses either developed and imple-mented or under construction include:• Digital Literacy for Agricultural Pro-

fessionals • Introduction to Integrated Pest

Management (IPM) • Integrated Pest Management in

Cotton • Integrated Pest Management in Irri-

gated Rice • Basics of Vegetable IPM • Responsible Pesticide Use • Integrated Soil Fertility Manage-

ment in the Tropics

All agLe@rn courses include continu-ous assessment and feedback mecha-nisms that allow for the measurementof student performance and provide ameans to improve course content,usability and delivery.

For further information contact: Robert T. Raab, Director

Asia Pacific Regional Technology Cen-tre (APRTC) 28th Floor, Rasa Tower

555 Pahonyothin RoadChatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand

Fax: (66) 2 937-0491Email: [email protected] URL:


NEWTON NETWORK (NewNet) NEWTON NETWORK (NewNet) < http://www< http://www.newnet.sk/>.newnet.sk/>

Slovak Republic

Asia-Pacific Regional Technology Centre (APRTC) Scholarship Fund

Based on the knowledge that the majority of agricultural educators and other professionals who most need accessto continuing educational opportunities are least able to pay for them, and with the initial generous support of theinternational crop protection industry, APRTC has established the agLe@rn scholarship fund to support deservingcandidates from government agencies, academia and non-governmental organizations. More scholarship opportu-nities will be available in the future and APRTC is actively seeking more contributors and contributions to this fund.

In order to be eligible for a scholarship, candidates must:1. be agricultural professionals working in a developing country 2. be involved in the promotion of sustainable agriculture 3. be working with farmers or students of agriculture4. be in need of financial support to take advantage of an agLe@rn course 5. furnish a recommendation from their supervisor for participation in the course. (The supervisor can email this to

[email protected])

More information on the APRTC homepage: http://www.aprtc.org

Connect 21

STEE Centres, Associations, Networks…

InterInternational Union for Science Communicators national Union for Science Communicators (IUSC)(IUSC)

Mumbai, India

The project is focused on raisingawareness of science and increasingthe interest of young people in scienceand technology studies. Its main aim isto strengthen cooperation at the Com-munity level (all Member states andcandidate countries) and to developnew instruments for raising awarenessof science and to increase recruitmentfor scientific and technical studies. Itscharacteristics are the following:• NewNet is an open network of

institutions and groups from Euro-pean countries joined by commonaims and objectives implementedby a set of individual projects.

• An integral part of its activities isthe dissemination of its results out-side the network.

• It promotes mutual co-operationamong schools, universities, scien-tific institutes, industrial companies,non-governmental organisations,artists, museums, general public,etc.

• It supports harmonious develop-ment of children and youth by cre-ating links between science and thefollowing disciplines: geography, lit-erature, drama, creative arts, his-tory, economics, environment, anduse of internet.

• Its target group is children andyouths up to 18.

• NewNet is open for cooperationwith countries outside the Euro-pean Union.

NewNet activities focus on:• Mapping existing national activities

and their promotion • Collecting all possible information

about activities aiming at scienceeducation organised in differentcountries.

• Widely promoting obtained infor-mation to serve as an inspiration forothers.

• Exchange of information through:◆ establishment of an internet site ◆ a magazine, leaflets, thematic

materials ◆ videoconferences, discussions,

seminars and conferences ◆ short-term mobility ◆ co-operation with media

NewNet aims to promote existingnational activities and best practices atinternational level through its website, national co-ordinators, thematicco-ordinators, conferences and train-ing sessions.Both organisations and individuals canbe involved in NewNet activities(directly or via national co-ordinators).NewNet is based on the open co-ordi-nation principle. Involvement in spe-cific activities is voluntary and open forall the members of NewNet.

The NewNet web site functions in twolanguages: English and the nationallanguage where all the publishedreports are provided in an other lan-guage than English. The language ofcommunication at the internationallevel is English. Any interested person or organisationcan become a member of NewNet onsubmitting an application. Member-ship is free of charge.The following are some thematicgroups of NewNet activities: Scienceeducation in schools; Olympiads;Competitions in student scientificactivities; Teacher education; Leisuretime activities; Co-operation withresearch institutes; Exhibitions, muse-ums; Conferences, workshops; Presen-tations, discussions; Science weeks;Science in media; Student sciencemagazines; etc. An activity, depending upon its charac-teristics, can figure in several groups.

For further information contact: IUVENTA

Budkova 2, 81104 Bratislava, Slovak republic.

Fax:+421-2-592.96.121E-mail: [email protected]

The decision to establish the Inter-national Union for Science Com-

municators ( IUSC) was taken bydelegates attending the InternationalConference for Science Communica-tors, Pune, India, 2000. An ad hocinternational committee of 9 expertsfrom Bangladesh, Brazil, France,Ghana, India, Japan and USA, wereentrusted with the task of writing theconstitution and the National Centrefor Science Communicators (India)with the process of registering it inMumbai, India. The International Union for ScienceCommunicators aims to incite active

co-operation and association amonggroups and individuals throughout theworld - including developed as well asdeveloping nations, interested in pro-moting as a necessary part of culture,the dissemination of science in thepublic and in particular amongst chil-dren for furthering scientific temperinto society and individuals and foreradication of fallacious resorts toirrational beliefs. It will alert the soci-ety against misuse of science, whichresults in threats to peace as well as tosocial and cultural diversity. It will alsohelp the society to make use of sci-ence in defence of solidarity, toler-

ance, social justice and equality whichreflect the culture of science.The following categories of member-ship are foreseen: For organisations,Full membership and Associate mem-bership; and for individuals interestedin the promotion of the culture of sci-ence worldwide, Individual member-ship.

For further information contact: A.P.Deshpande

General Secretary, IUSC.E-mail: [email protected]


Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200322

STEE Centres, Associations, Networks…

The association Action for Sustain-able Development « Le RONIER »,

established by a group of young volun-teers with university and other socio-professional backgrounds, aims topromote education for development,information and public participation inthe sustainable development process inTogo and the entire world. The major programmes of the Associ-ation focus on Education for All, rightto a healthy environment, communityhealth and sustainable agriculture. Itson-going actions include:

• EE in villages and schools of the Ziodistrict

• Organisation of a theatre festivalfor schools in Tsévié

• Biological market gardening• Awareness raising and contacts for

the protection and conservation ofthe Havé natural forest of 100 acresin the Zio district

• Support to 3 associations – ofwhich two women’s – in the pro-duction of rice in the Zio river valley

All these activities are being carriedout on a purely voluntary basis. After

having participated in the Johannes-burg World Summit on SustainableDevelopment, the Association wouldbe interested in giving greater visibilityto its work in the field through sharingand exchange of experiences withother partners.

For further information contact: Association Le RÔNIER,

BP 03, Tsévié, Togo

Association Action for Sustainable Development Association Action for Sustainable Development «« le RONIERle RONIER »»


The Centre for Indigenous Environ-mental Resources (CIER) is a

national, non-profit organization pur-suing local, regional and internationalinitiatives. Founded in 1994, it wascreated for the express purpose ofestablishing and implementing envi-ronmental capacity-building initiativesfor First Nations. CIER is committed to the developmentof the education, research and techni-cal resources needed for communitiesto acquire greater ability to meet anddeal with the environmental issues andinitiatives we face. CIER believes thatunique indigenous rights, needs, goalsand perspectives must be included andaddressed in all capacity-building.Integral to this process is CIER’s will-ingness and commitment to createand strengthen partnerships withother indigenous, environmental andconcerned organizations.CIER has three primary goals:1. To build capacity in First Nations by

providing technical expertise andadvice, particularly in the environ-mental assessment and remediationfields.

2. To initiate, promote and increase FirstNations’ input in all environmentalissues, and without exception, thosethat affect their lands, which is of crit-ical importance to the long-termhealth of their communities.

3. To develop and enhance the linksbetween all First Nations in Canadaand indigenous peoples throughoutthe world, to ensure our significantcontribution in international envi-ronmental matters.

In education and training, CIER hastwo major programmes: ContinuingEnvironmental Education (CEE) andthe National Environmental Education& Training Program (NEETP).• Continuing Environmental Educa-

tion (CEE)The intent of the Continuing Envi-ronmental Education (CEE) Programsis to continue CIER’s commitment toeducational opportunities to learnabout environmental issues affectingFirst Nations including incorporatingindigenous ecological knowledgeand western technological and sci-entific knowledge into any frame-work. Five areas are being developed

in the Continuing EnvironmentalEducation area at CIER: Youth,Adults, Community, Professionaland Corporate.

• National Environmental Education& Training Program (NEETP)The programme is guided by the goalof developing the capacity to engagein environmental protection initiativeson First Nation lands, and has a spe-cific focus within the environmentalprotection field: environmental assess-ment, including environmental impactassessment, auditing and monitoring.It provides First Nation youth withinterdisciplinary indigenous and west-ern environmental knowledge andskills in the area of environmental pro-tection. It comprises 15 months ofclass instruction and a 3-month fieldpracticum component.

For further information contact: Centre for Indigenous Environmental

Resources Inc.3rd Floor - 245 McDermot Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 0S6Fax: 204.956.1895, E-Mail: [email protected]

CentrCentre For Indigenous Envire For Indigenous Environmental Resouronmental Resources ces (CIER)(CIER)


Connect 23

Doing it & Telling it

Doing it & TDoing it & Telling itelling itEnvirEnvironmental education and contemporaronmental education and contemporary ry realitiesealities

BulgariaPlace: Department of information and teacher training at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” .Target groups: Science teachers, experts in education from regional educational boards, university lecturers, authors of school-books.Objectives:– To stimulate an intensive rethinking of EE in the different types of schools.– To introduce an innovative model of EE integrating all school subjects in developing environmental culture, consciousness and

behaviour in all students and the community.– To offer integrating concepts for teaching sustainable living and development.– To propose new technology for evaluation of EE.Resources: Financial support and encouragement was received from the Ministry of Environment and Water resources.Methodology: A worksheet of advantages and disadvantages of EE together with a proposal of an innovative model of EEwas sent to 60 people of the target groups. A workshop was then organized to discuss the new proposals for advancementof EE at different levels. Valuable ideas were exchanged on the new approaches and the new requirements for contemporaryEE. Every participant received the book “Conceptualisation of EE” comprising all the advances in EE and outlining the trendsfor the establishment of an innovative teaching model. All the ideas were summarized in a brief article and published in the

ECO-UNESCO, Ireland’s only environ-mental organisation specifically for

young people, has been involved in envi-ronmental education (EE), conservationand international projects for over 15years. By means of a wide range of EE aswell as conservation programmes, ser-vices and resources, ECO-UNESCO incitesyoung people to take positive and cre-ative actions for nature protection.ECO-UNESCO’s aims, directed towardsthe youth, are the following: • to raise awareness, understanding

and knowledge of the environment • to promote the protection and con-

servation of the environment • to promote personal development

through practical environmental pro-jects and activities.

• to promote environmental educationRecognising the value of action-orientedlearning and interaction with the naturalworld, ECO-UNESCO promotes a dynamicand positive approach to EE through inclu-sive, relevant and enjoyable programmes.It organises environmental events, facili-tates workshops, produces educationalresources, provides environmental trainingprogrammes and runs the annual YoungEnvironmental Awards. Its activity-basedworkshops investigate themes such as

waste, biodiversity, air, habitats and trees.These are oriented towards youth groupsand services, schools and communitygroups and include concrete activities suchas river clean-ups, tree planting, bird boxerection and wildlife habitat conservation.ECO-UNESCO works with a wide varietyof partners including government depart-ments, local authorities, NGOs and busi-ness. ECO-UNESCO is member of nationaland international associations such as theWorld Federation of UNESCO Clubs,Youth and Environment Europe (YEE),Council of for Environmental Education(CEE), Tree Council of Ireland and NationalYouth Council of Ireland (NYCI).ECO-UNESCO has recently launched anew CD-ROM entitled Your Environ-ment: Your Choice – Protect your localenvironment in conjunction with theDepartment of the Environment, six localauthorities (Country Councils) and TheWrigley Company. This stimulating, interactive educationaltool is designed to encourage young peo-ple to take an active role in the protectionof their environment and to develop pos-itive environmental practices includingwater conservation, energy saving, recy-cling, habitat conservation and good anti-littering behaviour.

Interesting facts on a range of issues aresupported by interactive games and ideasfor practical activities, encouraging stu-dents to bring their knowledge into thelocal community. The CD-ROM coverstopics such as biodiversity, water, air,waste, litter, energy and sustainabledevelopment making it a useful teaching-aid for a number of second level subjectsincluding science, geography, environ-mental and social studies and many ofthe transition year subjects. It is also avery useful and fun tool for youth leaders,youth organisations, youth services, com-munity groups and others who want tocarry out practical environmental projectswith young people.The six County Councils will distribute itto schools, libraries and youth groups intheir areas.

For further information contact: Elaine Nevin, National Director, ECO UNESCO, 26 Clare Street,

Dublin 2, Ireland. E-mail: [email protected]

orSuzanne Mc Cormack, Whelan

Communications The Digital Hub, 157 Thomas Street, Dublin 8, Ireland.

E-Mail: [email protected]


magazine “Education and qualification” of the Department. The participants visited a special exhibition of students’ creativework on nature and sustainable development.Evaluation: Every participant expressed his opinions on the workshop anonymously. The proposals were summarized. Theapproval of the workshop was unanimous. Two proposals deserve mentioning: a workshop of this kind should become a tra-dition and should be organized each year; well-organized activities in EE of students should be shown on TV for dissemination. Results: A regular modular programme and a course for teacher qualification “Environmental Education for Sustainable Devel-opment” is offered to teachers at the Department. Teachers involve students in the improvement of school environment. Sent by: Prof. Zdravka Kostova, Lecturer in Biology, Department of Information and Teacher Training, Sofia University, Bulgaria.e-mail: [email protected]; URL: http://zdravka_kostova.tripod.com

Readers are invited to send us their FIELD experiences in Science, Technology, Environmental Education activitiesinvolving the teaching/learning process - but not necessarily limited to students and teachers. They should be as brief aspossible and set under the following headings: Place: Locality where the activity was carried outTarget Groups: For whom the activity was intendedIntroduction: Background information - reasons for initiating the activityObjectives: What was the activity expected to achieve?Resources: Materials/funds needed for the activityMethodology: The way in which the activity was carried outEvaluation: How was the activity judged? By whom?Results: Did the activity produce any concrete changes in the target group(s)? Selected experiences will be published with the name and address of the author. Please address your contributions to:Doing it and Telling it (address on last page)

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200324

News & Publications

With permission of the QueenslandStudies Authority, Science Years 1

- 10 Syllabus Core Content is nowincluded in the website located at:http://www. uq.edu.au /_School_ Sci-ence_Lessons and its contents are linkedto the collection of databases of experi-ments in physics, chemistry, earth sci-ences, and biology for middle schools,and experiments in science and agricul-ture for primary schools. Middle schoolteachers of science and geography mayfind this website useful for selecting richtasks appropriate to their classes. The

website lives in S322 of the School ofEducation, University of Queensland, andis still being edited, so any feedback onits use would be appreciated. Contact:J.Elfick @mailbox.uq.edu.au

In the framework of the Project onInstitutional Development of Scienceand Technology for the UnifiedHealth System being carried out by theBrazilian Department of Science andTechnology in Health in collaborationwith UNESCO/Brasilia, three documentshave been published in Portuguese:

• Methodology for the Elaboration ofa National Agenda of Priorities inResearch and Technological Devel-opment in Health

• Proposal for a National Policy onScience, Technology and Innovationin Health

• Guidelines for Planning Science andTechnology Actions in Health

For further information contact: Director,UNESCO/Brasilia, Caixa postal 08563,70070-914 Brasilia DF, Brazil. Fax: (55-61)322-4261 E-mail: [email protected]

News & PublicationsNews & Publications

ALERTAVERDE.COM (v.Connect, Vol. XXVII, No.3-4, 2002)has created two new sections entitled:1. Energías (http://www.alertaverde.com) in which all the

materials developed on this very timely topic by the special-ists of the parent organisation Mainumbí will be put up; and

2. Capacitacion (Capacity building) (http://www.alertaverde.com/capacitacion/index.jsp) which features all the activitiesof Mainumbi concerning this capacity building of educatorswith brief descriptions of the courses and the places wherethey were carried out.

Mainumbi has also published a new interactive CD-ROM, devel-oped and designed by its specialists, entitled “Energía: el motorde la vida” (Energy: the motor of life). For a free demonstrationas well as eventual orders: http://www.alertaverde. com/cd/3/info.jsp

An innovative Japanese product that has the potential to savemillions of people from malaria every year is for the first timebeing manufactured in Africa - the continent where 90 percent of the world’s malaria deaths occur. UNICEF, the WorldHealth Organization and the Acumen Fund, which jointlyannounced the breakthrough, said the transfer of the Japan-ese technology to an African manufacturer was made possibleby an international public-private partnership aimed at greatlyreducing malaria deaths. The new technology extends the effi-cacy of insecticidal bednets from about one year to more thanfour years without being retreated. Known as “long-lastinginsecticidal nets”, the new product is a powerful weapon forfighting malaria, which kills more than one million peopleannually, most of them children under the age of five. For fur-ther information, contact: Mohammad Jalloh, UNICEF Media,

Connect 25

News & Publications

Innovations in Science andTechnology Education, Vol. VIII(2003, 348 p.) Ed. E. Jenkins. Theeighth volume of this series exam-ines STE at a crucial time in humanhistory: the start of a new centuryand a new millennium. Significantcontrasts in the state of STE in dif-ferent parts of the world as well asdiffering attitudes towards STE

became apparent both at the Budapest World Conference onScience(1999) as well as the Goa International Conference onScience, Technology and Mathematics Education (2001). Thisvolume attempts to present a worldwide panorama – albeit notexhaustive – of the state of STE based on the experience ofrenowned specialists in the field. Price 16 (+s&h). Order from:UNESCO Publishing, 1 Rue Miollis, 75015 Paris, France.http:www.unesco.org/publishing

Guidelines for Policy-making inSecondary School Science andTechnology Education (2003, 56p.) by E. Jenkins. This UNESCOpublication aims to help ministriesof education and others with simi-lar responsibilities, to identify,improve, strengthen or developpolicies for school STE. Keeping inmind the diversity of educationalsystems and responsibilities, these guidelines, which do notaim to be taken as ready-made prescriptions, cover notablycurriculum planning and materials, courses, teaching methods,practical work, gender, teacher recruitment and training, mon-itoring and assessment. For copies contact: Connect (addresson last page).


4th Regional Congress: Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists(SSYS), Malaysia, 8-10 March 2004. Organised by theSEAMEO-RECSAM, the main aim of this conference is toencourage young learners to apply scientific and technolog-ical knowledge and skills to problem-solving activities for thebenefit of the society. Further information from: The Secre-tariat of SSYS, SEAMEO RECSAM, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah,11700, Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia. Fax: 60-4-657.25.41

CASTME International and CASTME Europe Conference:Linking Science, Mathematics and Technology Education andtheir Social Relevance, Cyprus, 15-18 April 2004, organisedby the Commonwealth Association for Science, Technologyand Mathematics Educators (CASTME) in collaboration withthe Cyprus Mathematical Society, Intercollege, University ofCyprus, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education andCulture of Cyprus. Further information from: Dr GregoryMakrides, Chairman of Local Organising Committee, Dean –Intercollege, 46 Makedonitissas Avenue, P.O.Box 24005,CY1700 Nicosia, Cyprus, Tel. +357-22841555, Fax: +357-22352059 e-mail: [email protected] http://<www.intercollege.ac.cy> < www. castme. org>

International Conference INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGES:Transforming the Academy. Theme areas: Food, Wellness,Nature, Local Knowledge Generation and Transfer. Penssyl-vania, USA, 27-29 May 2004. Further information from:Nancy Eckard, Conference Planner, The Pennsylvania StateUniversity, 225 The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel,

University Park, PA 16802-7005, USA. Fax: 814-863-5190.E-mail: [email protected] (http:// app.outreach.psu.edu/IndigenousKnowledges/)

The 10th International Congress on Mathematical Educa-tion will be held under the auspices of the ICMI (Interna-tional Commission on Mathematical Instruction) inCopenhagen, Denmark, from 4-11 July 2004. Further infor-mation from: Chair, International Programme Committee,Mogens Niss, IMFUFA, Roskilde University, PO Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark. E-mail: [email protected]://www.icme-10.dk

Master of Arts in Environmental Education and Communi-cation at the Royal Roads University, Victoria B.C., Canada,is a leadership programme focusing on developing the com-petence and skill of educators and communicators whohave an interest in, or a responsibility for, presenting envi-ronmental information to audiences. Building on both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, this interdis-ciplinary programme aims to provide solid grounding inenvironmental studies and sustainability, learning theory,communications theory, environmental education, educa-tional programme development, philosophical and culturalanalysis, research methods and programme evaluation. Formore information contact: Dr. Richard Kool, Royal RoadsUniversity, 2005 Sooke Rd., Victoria, BC, Canada V9B 5Y2. E-mail: [email protected] http://www.royalroads.ca/ste

ForForthcoming Conferthcoming Conferences, Wences, Workshops, Courses…orkshops, Courses…

New York: (212) 326 7516; Maria Cheng, WHO, Geneva,Switzerland: (41 22) 791 3982; Victor Chinyama, UNICEF East-ern and Southern Africa Regional Office: (254) 20 622218;

Rustom Masalawala, Acumen Fund, New York: (212) 5668821 Ext. 103; Damien Personnaz, UNICEF, Geneva: +41 22909 5716 .

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200326

News & Publications

Scientific and TechnologicalLiteracy for All: Experiences inIndia (2003, 79 p.) Compiled byA. Mukherjee, V.S. Varma. Thisreport and the accompanyingCD ROM are the outcome of aUNESCO /Delhi-UNICEF- Univer-sity of Delhi project on makingscience more interesting for girlsof primary and lower secondary

levels (v. Connect, Vol. XXVII, No.1-2, 2002). The project, which wascarried out in five Indian states

involving around 70 schools and over 100 teachers, helpeddevelop and test new teaching materials for teachers to use ascomplementary resource materials. The CD ROM contains a filmon the evolution of STL (Scientific and Technological Literacy forAll) scripts in two schools in Delhi and the articulation by STLpractitioners of their ideas and experiences. For copies contact:Director, UNESCO/Delhi, UNESCO House, B-5/29 SafdarjungEnclave, New Delhi 110029, India. E-mail: [email protected]

Participation and SustainableDevelopment: New Strategies,Old Challenges, is a multilingualCD ROM (English/French/Span-ish/Portuguese) produced by theFederal University of Rio deJaneiro, holder of a UNESCO Chairon Sustainable Development andcontaining a selection of research work done by the Interdisci-plinary Studies of Communities and Social Ecology (EICOS)programme of the university. The purpose of the CD ROM isnot only to acquaint the user with the work of the programmebut also to present some practical examples of communitywork treating fundamental questions on sustainable develop-ment, participative research, participative techniques in com-munities and methodologies addressed to specific groups suchas disadvantaged women. For copies contact: ProgramaEICOS-UFRJ -Instituto de Psicologia, Av. Pasteur, 250 Praia Ver-melha, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil CEP 22290 240 Fax: 55 212295 3185 http://www.eicos.psycho.ufrj.br

La Réserve de Biosphère deMananara-Nord: Un défi pour laconservation et le développementintégrés (The Mannanara-NorthBiosphere Reserve: a challenge forconservation and integrated devel-opment) (2002, 188p.) by C. Hut-tel, L. Touber, M. Clüsener-Godt.This publication is the report of aproject conducted jointly by theMan & the Biosphere programmeof UNESCO and the Association Nationale pour la Gestion desAires Protégées (ANGAP) for the conservation and sustainabledevelopment of the Mananara-North Biosphere Reserve inMadagascar. In French only. For copies contact: Dr M.Clüsener Godt, Division of Ecological Sciences, UNESCO, 1, rueMiollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France. Fax: (33-1)[email protected]

Home Grown: The Case for LocalFood in a Global Market, World-watch paper 163 (2002, 83 p.), byB. Halweil. The author makes astrong case against a worldwideincrease in reliance on food grown‘elsewhere’, the tonnage of foodshipped between countries havinggrown fourfold during the last 4decades. Although global trading infood offers a wider variety of food

to the consumer, it also means enormous fuel consumptionfor transportation, loss of quality for the transported food,loss of local varieties as well as erosion of local economies.Price US$5 (+s&h). For copies contact: Susan Finkelpearl,Worldwatch Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,Washington, DC 20036, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

Science in Indian Media (2002,174 p.) by D. M. Salwi gives anoverview of the present status andfuture potential of science com-munication in India. In an agewhere communication and themedia are increasingly importantto get through to the public thevital messages of science and tech-nology, this book, although based

solely on the Indian experience, provides a meaningful insightinto a number of issues which are common to many otherdeveloping nations. Price: US$4.50. For orders contact: VigyanPrasar, C-24, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 016,India. E-mail: [email protected] http://www.vigyanprasar.com

Invoking the spirit: Religion andSpirituality in the Quest for a Sus-tainable World, Worldwatch paper164 (2002, 62 p.), by G. Gardner,documents how religious institu-tions around the world are goinggreen and providing a push to theenvironmental movement. Theauthor provides examples fromaround the world where religionsare using their influence to promotesustainability and states that collaboration between environ-mentalists and religious institutions could change the world.Price US$5 (+s&h). For copies contact: S. Finkelperl (addressabove)

Connect 27

News & Publications

Fish Trouble, a teacher’s guide to fisheries educationactivities, developed by the Center for Sustainable Fisheriesat the Rosenstiel School of Marine And Atmospheric Sci-ence in collaboration with Audubon’s Living Ocean Pro-gram is now available at: http://csf.rsmas.miami.edu/projects.html. The activities were developed by fish-eries experts in conjunction with educational specialistsand teachers. The guide is meant to provide teachers back-ground information on fisheries, hands-on activities forstudents, demonstrations as well as discussion on thought-provoking topics. The guide is not meant to be used as anentire curriculum but so that teachers can pick and choosefrom the activities included what works best for their class-room and their students. Each lesson has many accompa-nying activities for different grade levels marked low,intermediate and advanced (for elementary, middle andhigh school). A print version will be available soon. Formore information contact: Dr. Ellen Prager, Assistant Dean,Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Uni-versity of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Csy, Miami FL 33149,USA. Fax 305 361 4711.

PAMOLARE (Planning and Management of Lakes andReservoirs focusing on Eutrophication) is one ofUNEP/IETC’s major thrusts in the Freshwater ManagementProgramme. In this context, a training package has beendeveloped by the International Lake Environment Commit-tee Foundation (ILEC) and Kyoto University. PAMOLARE’snumerical models for PCs can be used for capacity buildingand decision making. The models have been designed toconsider a variety of variables for a given freshwater bodyand range from simple to structurally dynamic models thatbring the phyto and zooplankton components into context.PAMOLARE provides training and contains a help-menu toassist users in understanding the basics of modelling. It alsohas a multiple choice test and lake concept sub-menusunder Training including basic information about limnology.The models have been calibrated in different lakes aroundthe world and have been tested in workshops in Africa,Europe and Latin America. Further information from:

UNEP/IETC, 2-110 Ryokuchi Koen Tsurumi-ku, Osaka 538-0036, Japan. Fax: (81-6) 6915.0304.

Learning and Teaching Secondary Science with ICT(192 p., 2003) edited by R. Barton addresses the questionof how ICT can be used to enhance secondary science edu-cation. The book intends to enable teachers to make themost effective use of the ICT tools available. The contentsare presented from a teacher’s perspective, consideringsuch issues as selection of resources, lesson planning,impact of ICT on classroom organisation and how ICTaffects assessment of pupils’ work. Useful for anyoneinvolved in science education including practising scienceteachers, trainee teachers and their tutors and mentors.Price £16.99 (pb) + £3.50 (Europe), £5 (rest). Order from:Marketing Dept, Open University Press, McGraw-HillHouse, Shoppenhangers Rd, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL62QL, U.K. Fax:+44(0)1628.635.895 E mail:[email protected] http://www.openup.co.uk

The Journal of Baltic Science Education (JBSE) is aninternational scientific journal issued by the ScientificMethodical Centre “Scientia Educologica”, Lithuania,emphasizing theoretical, experimental and methodicalstudies in the field of science education. It is publishedtwice a year in March and October. Representing a varietyof cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practi-cal, the JBSE invites manuscripts on a wide range of topics,especially in areas such as: Didactics of natural sciences;Theory and practice in science teacher education; Inte-grated science education; scientific and technological lit-eracy; General and professional science education; andPhilosophical, political, economic and social aspects of sci-ence education. Further information from: ScientificMethodical Center ”Scientia Educologica”, Pagegiu str. 43-1, LT-5410 Shiauliai, Lithuania. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

The AMUCHMA newsletter (no. 27) on the history ofmathematics in Africa, as well as all earlier issues are avail-

UNESCO Technology Education Guide (2003, 168 p.)M. J. Dyrenfurth, K. Langer, D. Wahl (Compilers). Theresult of a collaboration between UNESCOand WOCATE, this guide aims primarily toincrease in students technological literacy i.e.the technological understanding and capabil-ity necessary to live and work in a technologybased society. With the help of this guide stu-dents can develop a better understanding ofthe role of technology in society; nurture anappreciation for the importance between andamong technological systems; solve techno-logical problems through the application anduse of tools, materials and processes; investigate andstudy the technological world of the past, present andfuture; and analyse technological systems and the impactof these systems on the environment and society.

The Guide is divided into 4 units: What is Technology?;Communication and information technology; Materials and

processing technology; and Energy and powertechnology. Each unit is further divided intotopics with distinct sections for knowledge,skills and attitude acquisition ending withinstructional and learning activities for instruc-tors as well as students.The primary strategies used in this Guide con-sist of brief instructor-led presentations inte-grated through a student (individual or group)project method. Instructors are encouraged toemploy all other available strategies, e.g. field

trips, community service, contracted work, etc., that fitthe situations and do not take advantage of the students.For copies contact: Connect, (address last page).

Vol. XXVIII, No. 3-4, 200328

News & Publications

able on the web page: www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amuchma_online.html

Down To Earth 200 Special Issue – a compilation of arti-cles published in Down To Earth from May 31, 1992 till Sep-tember 15, 2000 covering such diverse topics as:Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Climate Change, Ecosystems,Energy, Environment Education, Pesticides, Pollution,Poverty, Science & Technology, Toxic Waste, TraditionalWater Harvesting, Watershed Management, and manymore. Price US$10 (Rs.290 for India). Order from: Society

for Environmental Communications, 41, Tughlakabad Insti-tutional Area, New Delhi 110062, India. E-mail:[email protected] or [email protected]. For online payment:http://csestore.cse.org.in/store1.asp?sec_id=1&subsec_id

Sciences au sud, the journal of the Research and Develop-ment Institute (IRD), France, has published a special bilin-gual English-French issue devoted to the International Yearof Freshwater. For copies contact: IRD, 213 Rue La Fayette,75480 Paris Cedex10, France. Fax: 33 (0)1-

Due to staff shortage, it is no longer possible to attend to requests for mailing list changes without theSUBSCRIPTION NUMBER (top right hand corner of address label).

Editorial Board:Chairman: J. DanielAssistant Director-General for EducationW. IwamotoM. J. Pigozzi M. Nalecz O. Hall-Rose S. Sjöberg (IOSTE)W. Goldstein (IUCN) Editor: D. Bhagwut

Unless otherwise stated, all correspondence concerning Connect should be addressed to: Editor, Connect, UNESCO/ED/STV/STE, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris Cedex 07, France. Fax: (33-1) E-mail: [email protected] N.B. Replies to unsolicited correspondence cannot be ensured

Save trees.

This issue is printed on recycled papernot retreated with chlorine.

Connect is also published in French asConnexion, in Spanish as Contacto, inRussian as Kontakt, in Arabic as Arra-bita and in Hindi as Sampark.

Connect is free. Reproduction of itscontents is not only permitted, it issolicited and encouraged; please sendclippings, if used.


Published by UNESCO

Education Sector

7, place de Fontenoy

75352 Paris 07 SP


Tel: (33-1)

Fax: (33-1)

E-mail: [email protected]


CONNECT is also available on the Science and Technology Education homepage:http://www.unesco.org/education/educprog/ste/index.html


Science and Technology Education for a Diverse World – dilemmas, needs and partnerships.

Lublin, Poland, 25 – 30 July 2004

Organized by the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, this Symposium will focus on the following sub-themes pre-sented with respect to research, practice or policy: Science curricula; Interdisciplinary science education; Learning ofscience; Cognitive activity of students; Assessment Teachers’ education; General and culture role of STE;International Educational technology cooperation; Environmental education; Pupils’ interest in science and technol-ogy; History and philosophy of science.It will consist of keynote lectures, paper & poster sessions, workshops and open discussions.

Further information from: Dr Jaros_aw W. Dymara, Department of Chemical Education, Maria Curie-Sklodowska Uni-versity,Pl. M. Curie-Sklodowskiej 3,20-031 Lublin, POLAND Tel: (4881)-5375690 Fax: (4881)-5375629 E-mail: [email protected] http://ioste11.umcs.lublin.pl

Science and technology education in the Arab world in the twenty-first century

Saouma BouJaoude

The twenty-first century offers both a promise and a challenge. Remarkable advances in electronic technologies in general, and information technologies in particular, hold out the promise of new scientific discoveries, improved living standards, better communication, increased production and greater access to information. Moreover, advances in medical technologies and in medicine more generally, in agriculture and in the economies of many countries point towards significant improvements in health and quality of life. Many of today’s children can expect a bright future full of opportunities, success and happiness. However, many other children, possibility the majority (Vargas, 2000), face obstacles that stem from a lack of educational opportunity and a lack of access to quality health care as a result of poverty, overpopulation and violence. They will also bear the brunt of decreasing environmental quality, wider and increasingly brutal armed conflict, and unequal opportunities between the sexes. The future of these children, especially the girls, is bleak. They will not be able to reach their potential. Consequently, preparing students for the twenty-first century should be one of the priorities of educational and political leaders around the world. UNESCO (1994) underscores the value of scientific and technological literacy as a universal requirement if people are not to become alienated from the society in which they live, or be overwhelmed and demoralized by change. Meanwhile, research has shown that many students in both developing and developed countries lack the necessary knowledge and skills in science and technology to function effectively in the modern world (AAAS, 1989; Eisenhart, Finkel, and Marion, 1996; ETS, 1988; Halloun, 1993; Miller, 1989; Ogawa, 1998; Shamos, 1995). Students graduating from schools in the twenty-first century need the scientific and technological knowledge and skills that will permit them to be industrious and creative members of society. They also need to develop attitudes that will encourage them to use their knowledge and skills responsibly when taking everyday and professional decisions. Students must also develop those skills that are particularly important for effective functioning in the world of work, a world that is very fluid and ever-changing, and in which the traditional bases of economic competition have changed and continue to change (Koller, 1995). This requires students to develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of basic scientific and technological concepts, allied with problem-solving and critical-thinking skills that they can apply in a variety of situations. In addition to developing a profound understanding of these concepts, students must learn to identify and analyse problems, and to explore and test solutions in a variety of in-school and out-of school situations. A strong conceptual base and essential thinking skills must thus be the new basics and the focal points of teaching and learning science and technology in the classrooms of the twenty-first century (Resnick,1[1][1] 1999). But what science and what technology should students study and how should they study them? What characteristics should students have in order to be considered scientifically and technologically literate individuals? What qualities do graduate students need to succeed in an increasingly scientifically and technologically rich world? Science and technology, however, do not only bring benefits. They also may have negative consequences. It is important, therefore, that students see science and technology as activities with important benefits and burdens and as endeavours that have positive and negative implications for the world beyond the school. Science and technology in the Arab World Science Education

1[1][1] See http://www.instituteforlearning.org/Interview.html, http://npeat.org/profdev/research.htm, http://instituteforlearning.org/content.html, and http://austinschool.org/tools/learning_guide/Guide_pol.pdf

What are the important issues that face science and technology education in the Arab world? The two major problems that face Arab science education are the level of access to, and the quality of, education. The problems of access are manifest in the enduring high levels of illiteracy, especially among females, in some Arab states. Many Arab states are attempting to increase access to education through a variety of programmes and strategies. This is evident from the increase in student enrolment at all educational levels in recent decades and the decrease in illiteracy among the population in general and among women more specifically. However, the illiteracy rates are still generally very high. Basic literacy is no longer sufficient. The need now is for scientifically and technologically literate individuals who can function in a global village characterized by intense competition and the rapid production of knowledge. In such a world, ‘catching up’ is extremely difficulty even for those who are highly educated and trained. Even when the problems of access are addressed, a very serious problem in the Arab world is the low quality of the education experienced by students at all levels. The problem of quality is manifest in outdated curricula and teaching methods, an emphasis on theoretical science education to the neglect of hands-on and practical activities, a lack of access to computers (or the use of obsolete equipment) and to the Internet, the low quality of science and technology education programmes, a lack of teacher support to implement new teaching methodologies and the use of new technologies, and inadequate budgets to improve the quality of education. There have been many attempts to reform science curricula in the Arab world. The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) has been instrumental in promoting science and technology. As early as 1989, ALECSO published an Arab strategy for science and technology. This was followed by an Arab strategy for information in the Internet age in 1999. In 1994, the Organization published a strategy for biotechnology in Arab countries and subsequently made available a reference book on the integration of subjects at the basic level of education in 1996. More recently, ALECSO published model audio-visual educational tools packages for teaching and learning in the field of renewable energies. This will be distributed to training centres in the Arab world2[2][2] along with a number of dictionaries that are aimed at standardizing usage of science and technology terminology in the Arab world. According to Sleem (1996), a number of Arab states have adopted science frameworks developed by ALESCO. These curricula have the advantage of being developed by Arab experts who were in tune with the needs of Arab society. Other countries have adopted or adapted science education reform projects developed in the West to their different needs. A third group of countries has contracted Arab curriculum design specialists to develop their curricula. Nashwan (1993) analysed the science curricula of eleven randomly selected Arab countries. He found that these focused on the theoretical aspects of science, neglected the applications of science in novel and everyday situations, and did not develop students’ abilities to use investigative, problem-solving and thinking skills. They also ignored students’ interests, backgrounds and environments, paid no attention to creativity and imagination, did not attempt to address students’ unacceptable beliefs in myths and superstitions, and did not help them to understand their bodies and take care of their health and hygiene. Nashwan concluded that science curricula in the Arab world should not be focused solely on helping students to know scientific facts but should also assist them to apply scientific knowledge to solve everyday problems. Similarly, Badran (1993) conducted a study to assess the quality of science curricula and textbooks in seven Gulf States. The results of this study indicated that the curricula did not benefit from the new technologies in teaching science and did not address social and environmental problems associated with the applications of science and technology. Moreover, Badran found that the contents of school science textbooks appeared to be copied from foreign books with no emphasis on local science-related social and environmental problems or on the applications of science in technology and in everyday life. To make matters worse, these textbooks were outdated and lacked any emphasis on inquiry type activities. Science teaching in most Arab states suffers from an overemphasis on teacher-centred approaches and on pedagogies that encourage memorization. Such approaches neglect the development of critical thinking, problem-solving capability, and inquiry and investigative skills. While it is hard to find studies that have attempted to investigate the nature of science teaching across the Arab world, studies in individual countries and recommendations for change in reports on Arab education almost always 2[2][2] For more information about this project. See http://slis.uwm.edu/alecso/Abstracts/MdlTeachpack.htm

reveal the need to adopt new and more student-centred teaching methods (e.g. Abd-El- Wahed, 1996; Al Sharki, 1993; Badran, 1993; Nashawn, 1993, 1996; Sleem, 19963[3][3]). Moreover, many studies have shown that teachers do not emphasize the nature of science and that, like their students, they have an inadequate understandings of it (Al Attar, 1993; BouJaoude, 1996; Haidar, 1999). There has been a variety of projects to improve the quality of science teaching in Arab states. Many of these have focused attention on improving teaching methods, on developing computer literacy and on updating teachers’ science content knowledge (Abd-El- Wahed, 1996; UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology, 2000). In many cases, however, the projects have been of limited scope and duration, and have suffered from the familiar problems of teaching at the pre-college levels. That is, they were trainer- rather than learner-centred with attention focused on theoretical issues rather than on practical and useful classroom teaching skills. The enormous number of pre-service and in-service teachers who need to be trained or re-trained and the lack of human and material support to implement their training resulted in what can be characterized as ‘one-off’ training experiences in which large numbers of teachers were trained together then left to solve their own problems in the classroom. Most of the pre-service and in-service training programmes lacked the necessary follow-up mechanisms to help teachers or to investigate the impact of training and university education on teachers’ classroom practice. Moreover, teachers were rarely provided with supplementary instructional materials or with the training to produce these materials, materials that are essential if teachers are to implement student-centred teaching and inquiry approaches to teaching science. In short, many of the teacher-training programmes in the Arab world attempted to do worthwhile things but failed to implement them satisfactorily. Finally, there have been many attempts to implement distance learning in teacher education in a number of Arab states (e.g., Egypt). These attempts suffer from the problems that have plagued traditional teacher preparation and training approaches, namely, they were trainer- rather than teacher-centred, focused on the dissemination of information, and lacked teacher follow-up and support strategies. Technology education The second half of the twentieth century brought extraordinary advances in electronic technologies in general and in information technologies in particular (Abd-El-Khalick, 2001a). “These advances have profoundly impacted the nature and practices of the scientific enterprise. Computation is becoming an increasingly crucial aspect of scientific investigation. Breakthroughs in micro- and super-computer hardware and software design, and developments in networking capabilities are rendering the analysis, modeling, and visualization of complex systems an increasingly important component of various scientific disciplines” (Abd-El-Khalick, 2001a, p.2). These modern-day technologies have become an integral part of science (Lane, 1999), and this has important implications for teaching science at the pre-college level. Technology education in the Arab world, i.e., technology as an end (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 1990, 1993; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 1987, 1991, 1995) and the use of technology in science teaching, i.e. technology as a means (Bereiter, et al., 1997; Hannafin and Land, 1997; McCluskey, 1994; Scardamalia and Bereiter, 1996), are in their infancy.4[4][4] There have been several attempts to increase access to, and the use of, technology in many Arab states (UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology, 2000). Also, Arab countries have realized that technology is not a luxury, but a necessity for catching up with, and competing in, the global economy and workplace. However, as is the case with efforts to improve teachers’ skills, the attempts at reform have been limited in scope, duration and impact. Many factors have contributed to this situation, the most important of which is the lack of material and human resources. However, one cannot group together all Arab states when discussing technology and its use in education. On the one hand, there are countries that have the resources to place a computer or a number of computers or any

3[3][3] See also the final reports of the fourth and fifth Regional Conferences of Ministers of Education and Ministers Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States (Abu Dhabi,1977 and Cairo, 1994). 4[4][4] There are many instances of successful use of technology in the Arab world. However, these are very limited. The aim here is to provide a general picture of the state of technology education in the Arab world. The discussion that follows is based on the author’s impressions gleamed from participating in several conferences that aimed to assess the state of technology education in the Arab world, the most recent of which was a conference held in Amman, Jordan between October 20 and 21, 2001. Other conferences included the first and second scientific conference on the future of science and mathematics teaching and the needs of Arab society held in 1993 and 1996 in Lebanon and Tunis respectively.

technological device in each classroom, provide access to the Internet for each student or teacher, or equip the latter with individual computers. On the other hand, there are countries where it is very hard to find one computer in the school and where the basic infrastructure required to support the introduction of technology is not available. However, even in countries where computers and other technologies and access to the Internet are available, education systems are plagued with very serious problems. These include the absence of human resources to train the huge number of teachers and students who need training and the lack of coordinated and clear strategies to implement technology education in the classroom (Abu Shakra, 1993). One other very serious problem is the lack of educationally and culturally appropriate software programmes, matched to the needs of Arab students and aligned with science curricula in Arab states. When considering using the Internet in the science classroom, one serious problem is that many Arab students and teachers lack the necessary language skills to ‘surf’ and benefit from the Internet in a meaningful way.


What are the problems to be solved and the issues to be addressed for improving science and technology education to fulfil the promise and confront the challenges of the twenty-first century? Teachers and students of the first few decades of the twenty-first century should work in school environments that are positive, supportive and demanding. These schools should implement integrated curricula that are up to date, flexible and intellectually rigorous. Teachers and students should have access to well-equipped science and technology laboratories and classrooms. They should value education, science, and technology, be reflective and thoughtful about the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology, and be productive and reflective problem solvers. These characteristics are detailed below. The first priority remains that of building sufficient schools to enrol all school-aged students in Arab countries where this is still a problem. Government budgets and loans or grants should not be the only sources for building schools. Community and business involvement is also important. This involvement provides resources to build schools, and equip their science and computer laboratories, but more importantly, it strengthens the spirit of ownership of the school by the community as well as its sustainability. These community-supported schools provide short- and long-term advantages for all the students, especially girls, and the community. Secondly, increasing access to well-equipped schools should move hand-in hand with improving education by reforming teacher education programmes, providing teachers with the appropriate means to help their students, and designing and implementing up to date curricula, teaching, and evaluation methods. Teacher-education programmes appropriate for the twenty-first century are those that prepare technologically and scientifically literate teachers. Teachers who are not themselves scientifically and technologically literate cannot prepare students to be so. Moreover, continuous follow-up in classrooms to support teachers’ work is essential. The traditional role of inspectors as enforcement officials who attempt to impose rules and requirements from a central office far from where the real action is, i.e., the classroom, is not appropriate for education in the twenty-first century. Rather, teachers in general, and science and technology teachers in particular, should be coached and provided with enough flexibility to innovate and introduce new technologies and topics within a general national framework. What changes should take place in teacher preparation programs in order to prepare professional teachers who can prepare their students for the future rather than for the past? The following are a number of trends and directions that need to be emphasized to approach the goal of preparing professional teachers. According to Smylie and Conyers (1991) teacher preparation programmes should move from:

a. a. a deficit-based to a competency-based approach, in which teachers' knowledge, skills and experiences are considered assets. This approach will help to shift teachers away from dependency on external sources for the solution to their problems and toward professional growth and self-reliance in instructional decision-making.

b. replication to reflection, in which practising teachers focus less on the transfer of knowledge and more

on analytical and reflective learning. This reflective approach will sharpen teachers' skills in problem solving, determining students' needs and conducting action research that is designed to develop new knowledge and skills related specifically to their schools and classrooms.

c. learning individually to learning together, in which teachers learn to work cooperatively to address

instructional and other school-related problems. If cooperation is vital for students, it is no less essential for teachers. This implies that teacher education should focus on fieldwork and on

collaboration between schools and universities, and place an emphasis on the co-construction of knowledge about teaching. It also implies that teachers should be provided with support after they start teaching. The emphasis on the induction phase of teaching, typically the first year of teaching, and the use of experienced master teachers in this phase is one way of inducting new teachers into the profession.

d. d. a teacher who thinks that students' minds are empty vessels to be filled to one who encourages

students to construct their own knowledge. A teacher must act as a facilitator, providing experiences that enable students to construct meaning for themselves. Teachers must abandon the idea that the external learning situation including the teacher, classroom, books, and experiments are the only determinants of learning and espouse the notion that students' prior ideas and learning are essential for successful teaching. This shift entails different approaches not only to planning and teaching but also to assessment and evaluation.

e. a teacher as a ‘finished product’ to teacher as a lifelong learner. Today, teacher education is talked of

as a lifelong experience that extends from admission to a teacher-education programme to retirement. In this context, science teachers should always be ready to learn and incorporate new knowledge and technologies into their teaching. They should be able to change in order to help their students meet the needs of a changing world. This flexibility may be achieved in a variety of ways, including conferring temporary certification followed by permanent certification after a number of years. Another method of encouraging teachers to become lifelong learners is to give merit pay based on involvement in science teaching-related professional development activities that can take a variety of forms. These include: programmes of individually guided staff development that encourage teachers to plan and engage in activities to promote their own learning, schemes of observation/assessment that provide teachers with objective data and feedback regarding their classroom performance that can be used to identify areas for professional growth, programmes of professional development that engage teachers in developing curricula, programmes and instructional improvement projects to solve school-related problems, and involving teachers in inquiry by requiring teachers to identify an area of instructional interests, collect the relevant data and make changes in their instruction on the basis of interpretation of that data.

One should not forget the important role that technology is currently playing and will continue to play in the lives of science teachers. Lifelong learning therefore should necessarily include an important role for technology. Realizing the above goals requires qualified scientifically and technologically literate teacher educators who, according to the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (AETS, 1997), will possess: good subject matter knowledge and skills, and have inquiry/research experiences within their discipline, together with a sound knowledge of science process skills and an adequate understanding of the philosophy, sociology and history of science; a good knowledge of, and skill at, teaching science, especially those skills relating to the pedagogical content knowledge of their discipline; documented expertise in the development and implementation of curriculum and instructional materials in school settings; expertise in a variety of assessment approaches, including traditional and alternative methods of assessment; an in-depth functional knowledge of the relationships between learning outcomes, instructional strategies, and approaches to assessment and evaluation; the skills necessary to apply, in an appropriate manner, different research approaches to answer significant questions in science teacher education; and expertise in the development of educational products/materials or professional development programmes that are informed by the research literature, allied with a good knowledge of, and experience in, science teacher development, including the design and implementation of workshops and institutes. Thirdly, updated flexible, and rigorous curricula that emphasize thinking and problem-solving are essential if Arab students are to do well in the twenty-first century. Science and technology curricula that emphasize breadth rather than depth are inappropriate. If students are to be able to think, they need a deep and coherent knowledge base, the necessary skills along with encouragement and opportunities to use them, and evaluation systems that reflect these desired outcomes. Moreover, they need the skills to reflect upon what they have learnt. From this stems the importance placed on the nature of science and technology, and its inclusion in the characteristics of scientifically and technologically literate individuals. Understanding the nature of science and technology helps students reflect upon both, to relate them to their own lives and to realize the importance of lifelong learning.

Fourthly, understanding the nature of science and including it in science curricula may have another advantage. Students who are religious sometimes find it hard to reconcile their religious and scientific beliefs if science is considered as the only truth. However, when science is taught as one way of knowing and understanding the natural world, students may feel less threatened by it and consequently may pursue careers in science. Fifthly, having access to the Internet at present requires students to master at least one language other than Arabic. Consequently, very serious efforts are needed to improve the quality of foreign language instruction at all education in schools. The emphasis needs to be on teaching scientific and technological terminology to provide students with the necessary tools to access information. This does not preclude emphasizing the learning of Arabic and trying to write science in this language. Rather, it provides students with the competitive advantage of knowing another language. A sixth point is that the popular adage that technology will improve our world and enhance competitiveness is misleading. Technology and science by themselves do not help people to advance. It is the serious effort that is exerted by each individual to understand and use science and technology that bring about advancement, thus the importance of effort-based schools discussed above. Additionally, the driving forces behind any important advancement are the values placed on education, science and technology, and their methods. Memorizing terms, even whole science books, is useless if the methods and values of science and technology as well as their limitations are not appreciated. The seventh characteristic is that living in a technologically and scientifically rich environment requires students to think carefully about, and reflect deeply on, the interactions of science, technology and society, the benefits and burdens of science, and the ethical and moral issues associated with science and technologically related problems and solutions. Integration, even partial, of school science with other curriculum subjects could be one way for students to appreciate the relationships between science, technology and society as well as the moral and ethical issues associated with them. Moreover, this integration can be instrumental in giving meaning to health and environmental concepts and the role that science and technology can play in sustainable development. An eighth characteristic is that technology should be considered as an end by itself as well as a means or a tool for accomplishing educational and everyday tasks. Schools should therefore have technology curricula and programmes that exploit and integrate learning technologies in the teaching of all subject areas. Finally, science and technology have been traditionally considered male subjects. This bias cannot and should not be sustained in the twenty-first century. Depriving women of the opportunity to fulfil their potential and aspirations is indefensible on moral as well as economic grounds. The rights of individuals to pursue their ambitions are supported by all international conventions. Moreover, squandering the productive potential of half the population may deprive nations of their competitive edge in the global economy. REFERENCES AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) 1989. Science for All Americans, Washington, D.C., American Association for the Advancement of Science. AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) 1993. Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Washington, D.C., American Association for the Advancement of Science. Abd-El- Wahed, N. 1996. The Role of Developing Scientific Literacy and Problem Solving Skills in Science Teaching – A Critical Study. In: M. Debs (ed.), The Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference on the Future of Science and Mathematics Teaching and the Needs of Arab Society, Beirut, Arab Development Institute, pp. 469-99 (in Arabic). Abd-El-Khalick, F. 2001a. Integrating Technology in Teaching Secondary Science and Mathematics: Effectiveness, Models of Integration, and Illustrative Examples. UNESCO Paper. Abd-El-Khalick, F. 2001b. Embedding Nature of Science Instruction in Preservice Elementary Science Courses: Abandoning Scientism, But . . . Journal of Science Teacher Education, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 215-33.

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