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Science lab

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1 Submitted by Name : Jeevan Das.B Option: Physical science


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Name : Jeevan Das.B

Option: Physical science


No course in chemistry can be considered as complete without including some

practical work in it.The practical work is to be carried out by individual in a chemistry

laboratory.Most of the achievements of modern chemistry are due to the application of the

experimental method. At school stage practical work is even more important because of the fact

that we “learn by doing” scientific principles and applications are thus rendered more

meaningful.It is a well known fact that an object handled impress itself more firmly on the

mind than an object merely seen from a distance or in an illustrations.Centuries of purely

deductive work did not produce the same utilitarian rssults as a few decades of experimental

work.Practical class room experiments help in broadening pupil’s experience and develop

initiative,resourcefulness and cooperation .Because of the reasons discussed above practical

work forms a prominent feature in any chemistry course.

Out of the various teaching methods discussed earlier the assignment method is

the only method that combines theory and practice in a harmonious manner and can be easily

practiced in our schools.the Heuristic method is predominantly a laboratory method .However

from this it should not be concluded that practical work in laboratory is impossible if the

teacher makes use of any other teaching method.thus irrespective of the method adopted by the

teacher for teaching of chemistry in the class,practical work in laboratory must be attempted.

One of the important functions of the science laboratory is the deepening of the students

understanding that scientific concepts and supplication are closely related to his own natural

environment.practical work in science even at the school stage is essential because of the fact

that we “learn by doing”.Scientific principles and applications are thus rendered more

meaningful.Moreover it is a fact that an object handled impress itself firmly on the mind than

an object merely seen from a distance or in an illustration.Most children like doing things with


their hand.Practical work provides an activity which can be profitable and emotionally


The achievement of modern science are mainly due to the application of experimental

method.It is in the laboratory that pupils get a training in this important phase of science


In doing laboratory work the pupils get a chance for both physical and intellectual and

they are learning by doing.

Laboratory exercises train them in scientific thinking they develop scientific attitude

and scientific methods as a result of laboratory work.

The laboratory helps the pupils in the development of manipulate skills.

The experiments done serve as a source of motivation.They are interested in handling

materials and doing experiments.

The laboratory,the teacher comes into closer contact with the individual and helps them

to bring out of their difficulties.


Laboratory is a room or building equipped for scientific experimentation or research. It is imperative for

schools to have the latest and high quality science lab supplies these days. Science lab equipment allows

students to interact directly with the data gathered. They get a first-hand learning experience by

performing various experiments on their own. Students are made to use the models and understand

different scientific theories and concepts. It is also found that school science lab equipment and supplies

make teaching and learning easy both for the teachers, as well as for the students. There are several

scientific theories and concepts that are difficult to explain directly from the books. Anatomy models,

physics science kits, and chemistry science kits for instance make it easy to understand the otherwise

compex theorises of science.


Accidents may happen in the laboratory. So it is necessary to keep FIRST AID KIT.

This should contain acetic acid,bandages,carbolic acid,cotton,dressing

guaze,eyedropper,forceps,glycerine,milk of magnesia,plaster,plucker.scissors,sodium

carbonate,tincture iodine,Vaseline.

It would be better to display a chart depicting the accidents that are usual in the

laboratory and remedies.

1. Wounds: Apply cotton dipped in tincture iodine.

2. Burns from fire: Cover the portion with linen dipped in Vaseline.

3. Acid Burns:Wash with and then with a saturated solution of sodium

bicarbonate and finally with water.

4. Alkali Burns: Wash with plenty of water and with weak vineagar or lime


5. Burns from phosphorous: wash with plenty of water and then cover with

cotton dipped in silver nitrate.

6. Injuries to eye: The eye dealt with by doctor.

7. Acid in eye: The eye should be opened and closed under water. Then wash

with 1% sodium carbonate solution by means of an eye glass.

8. Alkali in eye: The should be thoroughly washed with water and then with 1%

boric acid by means of an eye glass.


9. Poisons:It a solid or liquid goes to the mouth ,but is not swallowed,spit it at

once and repeatedly rinse with water.If the mouth is scalded,apply olive oil or


10. Electric shock:Switch of the electric supply .Beat with a wooden stick.admit

to a hospital.

Laboratory glass ware must be never used as drinking vessels.

Solutions split on the bench or floor should be cleaned up immediately.

Concentrated solutions should be diluted before they are poured down the


Do not point to the other people with a test tube.

Do not look into the mouth of a test tube while heating its contents.

For constant boiling, chips of marbles pieces should be placed in the liquid

under boil.

Always use test tube holders while heating materials in a test tube.


Maintainance of a proper record of the apparatus ,materials ect. in the

laboratory is one of the important duties of the science master.For this after receipt of

articles they should be thoroughly checked and then they be entered in the stock


Separate stock register be maintained for consumable and non-consumable

items ,permanent articles,glass articles ect.Following stock registers are generally

maintained in schools:

1. Permanent stock

It contais details of articles which are not liable to be consumed or

broken like magnets,iron stands,wooden blocks,newtons colour disc.Some

articles like ammeter,stop watch,thermometer,voltmeter are also enterd in the

register as they are considered non consumable.Working and non working

models,charts,telescopes and microscope can be entered in this register.

2. Breakable stock register

It includes the articles of glassware,flacks,test

tubes,beakers,pipettes,burettes and funnels.

3. Consumable stock register

It includes chemicals and other fluids liable to be consumed such as

acids,alcohol,distilled water,potassium permanganate and the like.

4. Order register

It includes the record of the orders sent for the purchase of new apparatus.

5. Requirement register

The most appropriate method of collecting suggestions for new resources

for the science staff,is to note the ideas in a requirement register.


In storage of chemicals the following methods are normally adopted:

o Grouping the chemicals in a systematic way.

o Arranging the elements in alphabetic order.

o Arranging the elements and their components in which they occur in

periodic table.

o Grouping all elements and their similar components together.

o Numbering each bottles and jar and keeping and index book.

o Keeping reagent bottles in definite places on the bench and the cupboard.

o Storing similar types of solutions at one place.

o Using same types of bottles for a particular reagent.

o Always store large bottles on floor not on shelves.

o While storing Winchester bottles of concentrated acids,they be kept in

brackets with sand.


o Bottles containing inflammable liquids be stored in a cool place outside the


o While phosphorous be stored under water and sodium be stored under

kerosene oil.

o Hydrogen peroxide be stored in an air light tin.

The equipments for laboratory

Almirahs(wooden and steel)

Wallboard or blackboard

Demonstration table (8’*4’) with cupboards,water and gas points.


Working tables with cupboards,shelves,water and gas points.

Balance room should be attached to the laboratory.

Sinks on each working table or at least two large sinks at the corners of the


A fume cupboard.

A wooden box half filled with sand for use as waste material box.

Acid proof drainage system.

Shelves for reagent bottle on each working table and wall shelves for storage of

reagent bottles.

Rules are important because the laboratory happens to be a place of potential

dangers.The science teacher is the supreme authority in the laboratory and he should be strictly

obeyed.Discipline is taught by making the pupils know what to do in the laboratory rather than

don’ts.The laboratory is essentially a workshop without any sort of confusion.

• No pupil should be allowed to enter the laboratory in the absence of the teacher or

laboratory assistant.

• Every pupil may have a seat assigned to him.

• The arrangement in the laboratory should be such that there is no need to move a pupil

from his seat.

• Every one should pick up the practice of putting up his hand to call the attention of the


• When the pupil are working in groups they might be allowed to discuss in a low tone.


• Unnecessary talking should be strictly forbidden.

• While they are doing experiments ,the pupil must examine the apparatus given and

report defects if any.

• Reagent bottles should be returned to the shelves immediately after use.

• Stopper are also to be replaced on the bottles.

• Waste papers,burnt match sticks should not be thrown into sink.Waste box should be


• Scribbling figures on furniture and on loose sheets of paper should never be permitted.

• The teacher can get the help of the pupils to distribute apparatus and materials to clean

them after use and to replace them at the end.

• The pupils must be insisted on keeping the furniture neat and arranging the apparatus

neatly on the bench during the experiments .After use the apparatus must be left clean.

• The large number of applications and materials in the laboratory is a source of

temptation to the mischievous pupils.Hence the teacher has to be very vigilant.they are

to be given tight work and particularly watched by the teacher.

• Bottles must be labeled clearly.

• The wall of the laboratory can be decorated with pictures of scientists and diagrams of


• Useless substances /broken glass,chemicals solid waste must be deposited in a separate


• A bucket full of water must be kept not only when experiments are being done but



To conclude, schools must have the latest science lab and equipment to make science

interesting and effective for students and to encourage them to make significant

contributions in the field of physics, chemistry, biology, and other streams of science

later in life.

Kolasani sunil kumar,Rama Krishna.K,Digumarti

Bhaskara Rao.(2004).Methods Of Teaching


Das R C; Science Teaching in Schools; Sterling

Publishers Pvt. Ltd.



