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Scientific Thinking - Group Project

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Topic: Medicine
MeD MaNiA FRUIT of the MONTH 10 Tips for Dry Skin MeD-RaT iNgS INSOMNIA Energy Medicine MeD-Fun Facts Fall issue 2012 Think Positive .. Think MeD-MaNiA



10 Tips for Dry Skin


Energy Medicine

MeD-Fun Facts

Fall issue 2012

Think Positive ..

Think MeD-MaNiA

Mission Statement

Med-Mania feeds your curiosity about the most random topics in medicine. It digs deeper to provide you with the ultimate in-sight from the wonders of alternative medicine to the history of some of the most important cures along with the magazine’s specials like the fruit of the month, med-ratings, some tips for your skin ...... and much


Created by

Dima El SakkaOla AbdallaShereen Ali 1

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I fInally found thIs MaGaZInE!



• Whysomepeoplearestartingtolikeneedles.......3


• TheMagicofEnergyMedicine..............................7

• MentalDiseases:CausesandCures.......................9

• Havingtroublefallingasleep?!............................11

• 10tipsfordryskin...............................................13

• HistoryofInsulin.................................................15

• FruitoftheMonth...............................................17

• Wannaknowwhatfamousscientistsharesthe







3 4

“I want me some acupuncture”!why some people are startIng to lIke



None the less acupuncture has developed to become a world re-nowned form of alternative medicine and a controversy in the world of science on how effective its treatments are. What’s quite interesting about acupuncture, is that it existed at some point in its evolvement in a phase where medicine and demonology were the same practice, in what’s called a ‘demonic phase’, until it grew out on its own through theories and practice. Although the exact date of the beginning of acu-puncture is undetermined, it is safe to say that it has been around for more than 2 millennia. So it’s safe to say it’s been around for a while. But why acupuncture? You might ask. Well, in Chinese medicine, living organisms are thought to have some type of energy called the “Qi”, when there’s an imbalance in our “Qi”, acupuncturists manipulate

When the word acupuncture comes to mind, it may seem as a form of alter-native medicine that is somehow mod-ern, but it is in fact very, very old, old to the point where it is believed to have first been used in eras as early as the stone age, where instead of metal nee-dles, they were made out of bones and stone! Now that metal needles are used, they have shrunken to the size of two human hairs! You can give it a try now and pull two pieces of your hair out and see how thin that is! Maybe that would hurt a bit, unlike acupuncture needles that are actually painless!

the needles into specific points to return that balance. It is gen-erally based on balancing the acts of yin (feminine, calm, cool-ing, subtle, hormonal) quality in each of us, and the yang (the masculine, energetic, mobile, powerful counterweight) quality as well. Yin is what provides energy for the Qi that moves our blood that moves the yang. In order to be healthy, we need to find some sort of balance in qi and blood flow, which can be done by fixing up our yin and yang levels through acupuncture, which helps the blood flow properly, so the cycle can continue. Though there is lack of evidence that acupuncture really works, when people go ‘under the needle’ with a mindset that they’ll come out pain free, that is usually what happens, oth-erwise called the “placebo effect” which “arises from the pa-tient’s expectations concerning the treatment rather than from the treatment itself” making the treatment successful. Acupunc-ture regularly requires you to be a believer more than a think-er! And it has been trying to find evidence to fit the theories, instead of the opposite way around, which is how oriental med-icine or alternative medicine usually works. That does not nec-essarily mean that acupuncture is a hoax, many people believe in it, and it makes them feel better and relieves them from their pain. So try it out, book a doctor’s appointment now - but make sure that acupunctur-ist knows what they’re doing! - And let us know what you think! Are you one of those believers??

5 6

The demand of our population for more natural remedies has increased, and physicians as well as science have started to take herbs more seriously. So you won’t be surprised if you heard that The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 50 percent of the population of some Asian and African countries currently use herbal medicine essentially for their health care in some cases, and the search for sup-plements derived from plants has accelerated, but that might actually back fire in the face of medicine. A recent study was conducted on the amount of herbs used for pharmaceutical purposes, and they concluded that cures for some of our most incurable dominant diseases may become “extinct before they are ever found”. This probably might not make sense at first, but when you begin to think about it, the meaning unravals itself. Due to deforestation and over-collection of herbs, along with their extinction, we might miss on the op-portunity to make benefit of herbs that can cure diseases such as ‘cancer’ and ‘diabetes’ because it would already be too late.

This matter calls for eco-friendliness! We must preserve our environment and science must pick up the pace, so that we might be able to stumble upon a cure for more risky dis-eases, or maybe we’ve found one already, but science hasn’t

realized it yet. So let me leave you with this question, are herbs the only type of natural remedies out there? The fascinat-ing thing is that some of the most daring remedies can come from the foods that we eat, and from mixing certain types of food together. Now that’s what we like to call:


Would You Like a Cure with Your


them. What usually happens is they open their medieval style cabinets, and take out a leaf or two of who knows what, add it to boiling water, and voila, problem solved. These natural remedies are quite effective, making them the closest type of alternative medicine to conventional, as they are as functional, and often as capable of producing more or less the same side effects. Obviously the use of herbs or natural remedies is not some-thing new, and usually alternative medicine never is new, it just takes more time to come out into the spot light for us to see how it actually does work and it’s not only a myth. The study of herbs goes back to 5000 years, and in 1500 B.C. the Ancient Egyptians wrote the Ebers Papyrus, which contains information on over 850 plant medicines. So long before our generation or even the several ones before them were born, Egyptians were cooking up natural remedies in their kitchens. Many different cultures followed, each adding their input to this type of natu-ral remedy, which would be later given the name “herbalism.

If you pay a visit to some of those small little towns that you may find when you’re travelling between one major city to another on the agricultural roads of Egypt, you’ll find that in less developed socie-ties where people are simple and content, they are not used to throwing down your average headache pill with a cup of water whenever they feel like it’s coming down on

7 8

The Magic of Energy Medicine How to Cast Its Spells

When the word medicine comes to mind, we usually have men-tal pictures of doctors in white coats, needles, tubes, and oddly colored pills of all sizes and pur-poses, but in this one of a kind contemporary alternative med-icine, the image is quite differ-ent, it’s more of a psychic in front of a crystal ball trying to predict your future. Those who practice energy medicine believe in spiritual cure, that by chan-neling the right “energy” to-wards someone, they can relieve them from their pain, no matter how far away this person may be and how long of a distance these energy waves will have to travel. The perk of energy medi-cine is that it doesn’t only claim

to be able to cure physical illness-es, but also emotional or mental disorders and produce some sort of fulfillment of self and accom-plishment and basically makes you happier and full of joy, which makes it seem like quite the catch? Let’s see how it works.

There are several forms of energy medicine, such as acupuncture (visit page [3] to read all about it!), kinesiology (the study of human movement) and practi-cal daily life exercises such as yoga. But how exactly can the energy be transmitted? Among the lines of channeling energy are through tapping, massag-ing, pinching, twisting, or any action that basically causes cer-tain locations of the human body to become alert and active and

hence the energy flows. Those who extremely believe in energy medicine, claim that it could be channeled spiritually from one mind to another, from many kilometers away, like a witch casting spells or playing with her magic wand, some thera-pists claim they can cure from a distance, and even if it can’t be tested, it can be sensed by those who distribute this form of “cure”, sometimes, the heal-er’s hand’s move over the body without actually touching it!

One of the most outstanding names on the list of spokes-persons for energy medicine is Donna Eden, who from child-hood, has been able to sense that everything is brought back to energy, even human beings are controlled by their balance of energy, and she has used this ability to call for energy medi-cine, and lead people to happier and joyful lives. She has also been able to teach 50,000 people worldwide how to be able to di-rect their energy towards hap-piness and health, spreading

the word and being mentioned by some as the most joyous and effective of the pioneers call-ing for the importance of en-ergy medicine, and just to add to her popularity, she along with her husband are authors of the best-selling book “En-ergy Medicine” which has been translated into 18 languages.

So even if you don’t believe that we ARE energy, you can’t dis-claim something without giv-ing it a try, so next time you decide to go to the gym, re-place the treadmill with your affordable yoga mat, and see how much better you might feel afterwards, or you could just sit down, cross your legs, and get into some good old meditation action! And see how balanced your energy is!

9 10

“Mental Diseases” Causes and Cures A mental disease or known as mental “Disorder” is a psychological pattern that is reflected in behavior. Distress and disabilities, that are not usual for a person’s natural behavior, always accompany a mental disorder. Mental disorders are generally defined by a com-bination of how a person feels, thinks or perceives. It’s usually a certain part of the brain or the whole nervous system that is affected. Over a long time, the acknowledgment and understanding of mental health has definitely changed across different cul-tures. There are still a lot of uncertain variations in definition, assessment and classifications, and that makes diagnosis complex.[1 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over a third of people in most countries report problems at some time in their life which meet criteria for diagnosis of one or more of the common types of mental disor-der. [2] Mental disorders are caused by various rea-sons and sometimes the cause is not so clear

that the theories incorporate findings from different range of fields. Psychotherapy and psychiatric med-ication are two major treatment options, as are so-cial interventions, peer support and self-help. Shame and discrimination can add to the suffering and disability associated with mental disorders (or with being diagnosed or judged as having a mental dis-order), leading to various social movements attempting to increase understanding and challenge social exclusion. There are many categories of mental disorders:• Fear or anxiety associated with behav-

iour is classified as anxiety disorder.• Excess panicking is described as panic dis-

order; it’s when you go crazy over anything.• People who are madly obsessed about their weight

all the time are suffering from eating disorders. Among these numerous mental diseases and disorders is ultimately famous one that peo-ple might think is unrelated to mental state, but actually it is very much related, which is

the sleep disorder or “INSOMNIA”.

11 12

Having trouble falling asleep?Or

facing difficulty staying asleep as much as you want?!

Welcome to Insomnia!! You’re suffering from a sleep disorder. Insomnia is most often thought of as both a sign and

a symptom(1)(2)that can accompany several sleeps, medi-cal, and psychiatric disorders characterized by a persistent difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep or sleep of poor quality. Insomnia is typically followed by functional impair-ment while awake. Insomnia can occur at any age, but it is particularly common in the elderly(3). Insomnia can be short term (up to three weeks) or long term (above 3-4 weeks), which can lead to memory problems, depression, irritability and an increased risk of heart disease and accidents(4).

Types of Insomnia:• Transient insomnia lasts for less than a week. It can be

caused by another disorder, by changes in the sleep envi-ronment, by the timing of sleep, severe depression, or by stress(5).

• Acute insomnia is the inability to consistently sleep well for a period of less than a month. Insomnia is present when there is difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or when the sleep that is obtained is non-refreshing or of poor qual-ity. These problems occur despite adequate opportunity and circumstances for sleep and they must result in prob-lems with daytime function. Acute insomnia is also known as short term insomnia or stress related insomnia

• Chronic insomnia lasts for longer than a month. It can be caused by another disorder, or it can be a primary disorder. People with high levels of stress hormones are more likely to have chronic insomnia(7). Its effects can vary according to its causes. They might include muscular fatigue, hallucina-tions, and/or mental fatigue.

Some people that live with this disorder see things as if they are happening in slow motion, where in moving ob-jects seem to blend together. Chronic insomnia can cause double vision. Specialists in sleep medicine are qualified to diagnose the many different sleep disorders. Patients with various disorders, including delayed sleep phase syn-drome, are often misdiagnosed with primary insomnia. In many cases, as well, insomnia is an accompanied disease to another disease or a side effect from medications or psy-chological problem. Before deciding on the treatment for insomnia, it’s important to identify the psychological causes. The 2005 NIH State-of-the-Science Conference on insomnia concluded that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) “has been found to be as effective as prescription medications are for short-term treatment of chronic insomnia”. Further-more, the beneficial effects of (CBT) indicate that they may last well beyond the termination of active treatment(8).

13 14

Tired of worrying about your skin too much from the sun, the dust and the

dry weather?!All you have to do is read the following

simple tips: If you have a DRY skin, you’re probably suffering from itching all the time and you’re more prone to rashes, eczema and bacterial infections.

Well the answers to all your questions are just right here;

• The best treatment for dry skin is frequent daily lubri-cation with an emollient; that is a substance that inhib-its the evaporation of water.

• Dry skin can be improved by applying bland moisturiz-ers.

• Light moisturizers for mild dry skin are: Cetaphil lotion, Lubriderm lotion and AmLactin 12% lotion.

Other moisturizers for severe dry skin are: Vaseline, Aquaphor and Crisco vegetable shortening.

Some Home remedies :

Take lukewarm baths or showers and avoid excess skin scrubbing. Hot wa-ter and harsh scrubbing can take away the natural oils that protect the skin leaving it even drier.

Use gentle cleansers. It’s better to use non-scented, soap-free products. Special moisturizers con-taining lactic acid are very effective in hydrating the skin.

Be careful!!

Some medications for medical conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol lowering drugs and acne treatment cause dryness.

That’s all for your dry skin. Those of you who suffer from oily skin and want to fight acne, tune in for next week’s article to know all about that .... AND MORE!!

We all know that with-out insulin, those of us with type-1 dia-betes would slowly starve to death. Our bodies don’t make in-sulin, so we can’t pro-cess the food we eat properly and get en-ergy and nutrients from it. Before insulin became available, chil-dren routinely were fed a cup of cooking oil a day because that was thought to help them process food. The results were as you imagine. Unlike

History of Insulinmany medicines, in-sulin cannot be taken orally. Like nearly all other proteins, it is digested into useless fragments in the gas-trointestinal tract.

In the 19th centu-ry, after researchers figured out that the body needs this criti-cal hormone to burn glucose as energy, doctors tried differ-ent ways to restart production of insulin in people with type 1 diabetes. Some phy-

sicians even tried feed-ing fresh pancreas to patients! The experi-ment failed (and prob-ably left more than a few patients begging for a palate-cleans-ing sorbet), as did the other attempts to re-place missing insulin.

Finally, in 1922 a for-mer divinity student named Dr. Frederick Banting figured out how to extract insulin from a dog’s pancreas. Ani-mal insulin has saved millions of lives, but it has a problem: It caus-es allergic reactions in some users. In 1978,

a fledgling biotechnol-ogy company named Genentech produced the first synthetically manufactured insulin that could be made in large amounts. Using bacteria or yeast as miniature “factories,” the gene for human in-sulin was inserted into bacterial DNA. The re-sult was human insu-lin, called recombinant DNA insulin, which did not cause problems animal insulin did.

15 16



1 .Avocados were once a luxury food reserved for the tables of roy-

alty! And they were first introduced to the United States in 1871.

2. Avocado, like olive oil, is high in oleic acid, which has been shown

to prevent breast cancer in numerous studies.

3. Avocados have more of the carotenoid lutein than any other com-

monly consumed fruit. Lutein protects against macular degeneration

and cataracts, two disabling age-related eye diseases.

4. One cup of avocado has 23% of the recommended daily value of

folate lowering the risk of heart diseases

5. Avocados are the best fruit source of vitamin

E, an essential vitamin that protects against many

diseases and helps maintains overall health.


Wanna Know What Famous Scientist Shares The Same Horoscope With You??

Read along and find out:

William Harvey Steven Weinberg Richard E. Smalley Hans Bethe

Alexander Fleming Charles Nicoolle Alexander R. Todd Edwin Hubble Karl Popper

Alfred Werner Isaac Newton Robert Boyle Albert Einstein Ahmed Zewail

19 20

Do you have any idea what are theTop 10 Greatest Medical Discoveries of All

Time?!Well..Get ready for the countdown :10. The Human Retrovirus (HIV).ScientistsRobertGalloandLucMontagnierwerethediscoverers.9. Vitamins.FrederickHopkinsalongwithsomeotherscientistsdiscoveredintheearly1900’sthatvitaminsarees-sentialtohealthandthattheirdeficiencymightac-tuallycausediseases!8. Insulin.FrederickBantingandhiscolleaguesdiscoveredthiscriticalhormoneinthe1920’s.Beforeinsulindiabe-tesmeantaslowandcertaindeath.7. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid).SwissphysicianFriedrichMiescherwastheonewhodiscoveredDNA.Hefirstcalledit“nuclein”becauseitresidesinthenucleusofacell.6. Blood Circulatory System.TheArabianphysicianIbnElNafiswasthefirstper-sontoaccuratelydescribetheprocessofpulmonarycirculation,forwhichheissometimesconsideredthefatherofcirculatoryphysiology.5. X-Ray.DiscoveredbyWilhelmConradRöntgen.Hetested

aCrooksTubewithablackpaperarounditandputelectricityinitandhisfirstX-raypicturewasonhiswife’shand.4. Anesthetics.Simplyoneofthemostcrucialmedicaladvancesinsurgicaloperations.Withanesthetics,painnolong-erbecamesuchahugefactorinoperations.Notonlydidthisreducetheriskofshock,butitalsoallowedformorecomplexandknottedsurgicalprocedures.3. Germ Theory.DiscoveredbyFrenchchemistLouisPasteur.Sci-entistswereallowedtodiscoveroneofthemajorproblemsbehinddiseasesandemphasizedtheim-portanceofhygiene.Beforeit,theoriginofdiseas-essuchascholera,anthraxandrabieswasamys-tery!2. Penicillin.It’sbecomethestartingpointofawholenewstringofantibiotics.Thisnewwayoftreatmentmeantthatamputationsweresignificantlyreduced,guminfectionscouldbetreated,andinfectionsofthebloodwerenolongerfatal.1. Vaccination.Thankstovaccination,wenolongerhavetodealwithsomeoftheworld’sdeadliestandmostinfec-tiousdiseases,whichhaveplaguedhumankindformillennia,fromcholera,influenzaandmeasles,tothebubonicplague.

Med-Fun Facts: Did you know that?

1. Your thumb is the same length as your nose.2. In 30 minutes, the average body gives off enough heat (combined) to bring a half gal-lon of water to boil.3. Your tongue has a unique print similar to your fingerprints.4. Ketchup was once sold as a medicine.5. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.6. Sneezes regularly exceed 100 mph. There’s a good reason why you can’t keep your eyes open when you sneeze.7. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents.8. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.9. According to Acupuncturists, there is a point on the head that you can press to control your appetite. It is located in the hollow just in front of the flap of the ear.10. Coffee increases mental alertness, short-ens eye-hand reaction time, reduces depression, treats asthma, and potentiates all pain medicines.11. It is believed that the main purpose of eye-brows is to keep sweat out of the eyes.

21 22

12. Apples contain a number of antioxi-dant such as polyphenol and flavonoid that reduce the risk of development of cancer by preventing DNA damage.13. A recent study found that apples reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s.14. An apple a day reduces the risk of skin diseas-es.15. Cosmetic Benefits of Apples * Application of apple pulp on the face cures and improves acne. * Keeping the apple pulp on the eyelids for 15 to 20 minutes reduces strain of the eyes. 16. Dark chocolate improves blood flow and may help prevent the formation of blood clots.17. Dark chocolate also contains several chemical compounds that have a positive effect on your mood and cognitive health.18. Dark chocolate helps keep your blood vessels healthy and your circulation un-impaired to protect against type 2 diabetes.19. Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.20. Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis.

Med-Ratings: Every now and then our eyes and ears stumble upon a new tv show about how to be healthy, stay healthy, and the “did you know’s” about medicine. Med-Mania has decided to choose some of most popu-lar tv shows out there, and make that job of choosing who and what to watch- easier for you! Here our ratings for the best medicine-oriented tv shows on air.

DR.OZ// Doctor Oz’s – or should I say cardio surgeon, professor, and writer Oz- on screen career officially started when he was brought in on the Oprah show to talk about medicine related things that peo-ple are embarrassed to mention, and like many of Oprah’s first time comers, he became famous in an instant, and now he has his own tv show on Oprah’s network “OWN”. Not only does he discuss all types of diseases, potential cures, natural remedies, and new technology, he also gives it a twist by inviting celebrity guests on the show, from these guests are Michelle Obama, Kristy Allen, and many more. Let’s not forget to mention that the audience often gets to play games and

win prizes! Med-Mania happily gives it a 5/5 stars!

THE DOCTORS// Watching the doctors is like walking into a re-ally good hospital with any medical emergency that can come to your mind, you have a surgeon, a pediatrician, a gynecologist, and even a plastic surgeon on board of the Doctors team, each of them extensively qualified in their field and professional lives and have taken the liberty to share their expertise with their kind and humble audience. The Doc-tors often interact with their audience and exert the effort and come off quite genuine and nice. They often tend to discuss topics related to the news and current events that might not seem so medicine-ish. Regardless, it presents enough diversity and gives its audience a new take on medicine; and also adding a talk show twist for that they get a 4/5 stars.

23 24

GREEN APPLE// We all know that green apples are beneficial – they help lighting skin, preventing some diseases and even things like our weight- and believe it or not so is this show! It has been airing since 2004, hosted by Howaida Abo El-Hief which is not a name to forget in the Egyptian world of medicine and media. Even though it’s only a weekly show, it’s continiously driving and increasing speed on the way to improve-ment. The show discusses various medical aspects of life while focusing on the contemporary Arab woman in particular in order for her o carry out a healthy daily lifestyle. Though it often dives too deep into psychological and marital issues we’re very proud to give it 3.5/5 stars.

DR.PHIL// There is no doubt that Dr.Phil is most probably one of the most influential medicine/psyhcology related tv shows of our generation. He has managed for years to bring on to his show the most tragic, outra-geous, scandalous, and funniest of cases, and analyze them to their core. He has virtually saved many lives in the process, and has opened up the eyes of his viewers to how simple and inspiring life can be all at the same time. From his quotes: “ you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge” and “you’re only lonely if you’re not there for yourself”. The show has been airing for 11 seasons for a whopping 10 years, and despite some of the criticism it is often subjected to, it’s still running strong with a 5/5 stars!

25 26


Answer thecross word puzzle :

• Inordertobehealthy,weneedtofindbalanceinour...............andenergyflow.

• Acupunctureonceexistedinastrangephasecalledthe.......................phase.• Somecuresfordominantdiseasesmadeoutofherbsmaybe.......beforethey

areeverfound.• Someenergymedicinepractitionersbelievethattheycancurefroma............• Avocadosarethebestfruitsourceof.........• TheAncient..........wrotetheEbersPapyruswhichcontainsinformationover

850plantmedicines.• .............disorderiswhenyougocrazyoveranything.• Chronicinsomniacancausedouble............• FrederickBantingfiguredouthowtoextractinsulinfromadog’s..............

Answer Key : Q I









Were You Paying Attention?!

Hint:The Answers lie in our ARTICLES.

Refrences :

Why some people are starting to like needles:1. http://www.drmanik.com/chap4.htm2. http://awakenwellness.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/fun-facts-

about-acupuncture/3. http://www.woninstitute.org/?page=snow-policy4. http://www.oprah.com/health/Sticking-Points-of-Acupuncture-

Daphne-Oz/25. http://www.thefreedictionairy.com “The Placebo Effect”Would You like a Cure with your Tea:6. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs134/en/7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7196702.stmThe Magic of Energy Medicine:8. http://www.energymed.org/pages/energy_medicine_what_is.htm9. http://www.the freedictionairy.com “Kinesiology”10. http://www.eomega.org/workshops/teachers/donna-eden.Having Trouble Falling Asleep:11. http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/sleeping-

difficulty/causes-of-chronic-insomnia.html. Retrieved 4 November 2011.

Ten Tips for Dry Skin:12. www.medicinenet.com › ... › skin az list › dry skin indexCached -

Similar. History of Insulin:13. http://health.howstuffworks.com/medicine/medication/histo-

ry-of-insulin.htmTop Ten Greatest Medical Discoveries of All Time:14. http://www.healthfiend.com/weeklytop/top- 10-greatest-medi-

cal-discoveries-of-all-time/Med-Fun Facts:15. http://medxforum.com/vb/showthread.php?23-20-Interesting-

Funny-and-Strange-Medical-Facts 16. http://weirdfacts.com/weird-fact/medical-facts.html17. http://icantseeyou.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/02/100-very-

cool-f.html18. http://www.skygaze.com/content/facts/medicine.shtml


19. http://www.medindia.net/facts/index.asp20. http://herbs.ygoy.com/health-benefits-of-apple/

In less than TWO minutes, Find out MORE about :• Mental disorders, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpu3MVvdhtU.• Strange facts of the human body, visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFrRebVvj-w • Genetic engineering and the synthesis of insulin, watch

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRheGe3TM2I• Listen to acupuncture expert Li Zheng, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdwSs7C1YAM• Herbal Plant Remedies, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svqVuQszSH0

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