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Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real ... · ( VETENSKAP Scientists call for cell phone...

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SÖK ! " MORGONDAGENS DAGSTIDNING – fredag 10 november 2017 (https://nyadagbladet.se/) VETENSKAP Scientists call for cell phone tests to ‘get real’, claiming simulated results grossly misleading Lab experiments cloud reality: Three scientists observe the truth using real- life mobile phone radiation exposures. Publicerad 2 november 2017 Uppdaterad 9 november 2017 Important information is often overlooked by ordinary people because facts, as Al Gore observed, are “inconvenient truths” or they run counter to social practice or rapportering-problematisk-enligt-natos-tankesmedja/) (https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call- cell-phone-tests-get-real-claiming-simulated-results-grossly-misleading /&t=Scientists+call+for+cell+phone+tests+to+%27get+real %27%2C+claiming+simulated+results+grossly+misleading&redirect_uri=https://nyadagbladet.se?sharing- thankyou=yes) a Facebook d Twitter (http://vkontakte.ru/share.php?url=https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests-get- real-claiming-simulated-results-grossly-misleading/) q VK # TTiippssaa oossss!! (( hhttttppss::////nnyyaaddaaggbbllaaddeett..ssee//kkoonnttaakktt// )) Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real', claiming simulated... https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests... 1 av 15 2017-11-10 10:40
Page 1: Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real ... · ( VETENSKAP Scientists call for cell phone tests to ‘get real’, claiming simulated results grossly misleading Lab experiments

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MORGONDAGENS DAGSTIDNING – fredag 10 november 2017



Scientists call for cell phonetests to ‘get real’, claimingsimulated results grosslymisleadingLab experiments cloud reality: Three scientists observe the truth using real-life mobile phone radiation exposures.

Publicerad 2 november 2017Uppdaterad 9 november 2017

Important information is often overlooked by ordinary people because facts, as AlGore observed, are “inconvenient truths” or they run counter to social practice or

8/11 – Nya Dagbladets rapportering problematisk enligt Natos tankesmedja (https://nyadagbladet.se/utrikes/nya-dagrapportering-problematisk-enligt-natos-tankesmedja/)8/11 – “Lack of success of ‘displacement-of-furniture-sensitivity’ provocation study may prove validity of real-life cell


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Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real', claiming simulated... https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests...

1 av 15 2017-11-10 10:40

Page 2: Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real ... · ( VETENSKAP Scientists call for cell phone tests to ‘get real’, claiming simulated results grossly misleading Lab experiments

company profits.

A scientific review article by three embattled scientists published by a little-known butreputable scientific publisher is a case in point. The paper, Real versus SimulatedMobile Phone Exposures in Experimental Studies , by Dr. Dimitris J. Panagopoulos,Assoc. Prof. Olle Johansson and Dr. George L. Carlo is published by Hindawi PublishingCorp. based in Cairo, also publisher of the BioMed Research International journal.

In another paper published a month earlier in June 2015, authors Vincent Larivière,Stephanie Haustein, and Philippe Mongeon of the Université de Montréal entitled, TheOligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era , note that “Combined, the top fivemost prolific publishers account for more than 50% of all papers published in 2013.”Therefore the growing amount of scientific research is being controlled by a handful ofpublishers. With fewer opportunities to publish, access to the public is limited andimportant information can be denied the general public while limiting the careerprospects of scientists who must “publish or perish”.

Lesser-known publishers like Hindawi are a breath of fresh air to academia and asource of information which would otherwise – purposely or not – be overlooked.

Essentially, the Panagopoulos-Johansson-Carlo article refutes industry practicesrelating to rating devices which use electromagnetic signals – everything from babymonitors, to cell phones and other forms of microwave-based communications. TheInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Health ProtectionAgency (HPA) both recognize “unreliable dosimetry”, “highly variable” exposures andthe absence of controls. The result is that device manufacturers produce signals andrely on readings taken by other machines. The article notes: “The aim of the presentstudy is to review biological and clinical experimental studies on mobile phoneradiation effects which have employed exposures with real mobile phone emissions,as opposed to the mainstream studies which employ simulated mobile phoneemissions produced by generators or test phones, and seek an explanation for thedivergent results reported in the literature.”

Two years ago the same three scientists collaborated on a paper critical of theSpecific Absorption Rate (SAR) as an entirely inadequate method of measuring EMFdosimetry and bioactivity assessment. Taken together, their work is the equivalent offracking the bedrock under the edifice of industry-supported microwave safetystandards.

“The new study was prompted by the fact that when we want to study the effects of adevice emitting radiation,” explained Panagopoulos, “we must simply use the deviceitself, not any simplified simulation of it. It is absurd that international healthorganizations direct scientists to use simplified simulations instead of real mobilephone devices simply because the emissions are very different. I had these opinionssince my early PhD years, and when I started designing and performing my first PhDexperiments with GSM mobile phones back in 1998 I was curious to know what theeffects would be of this new device which is still the most powerful RF emitter in our





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2 av 15 2017-11-10 10:40

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daily proximate environment. When I improved and finalized my experimentaltechniques with Drosophila (fruit flies) and got the first experimental results early in2009, they were astonishing – a 60% decrease in reproduction after a few minutesdaily exposure to this radiation for a few days!”

Panagopoulos’ infertility findings in Greece matched the earlier findings of Prof.Johansson working in Stockholm with laboratory animals. Panagopoulos also foundDNA damage. This result matched findings that MRI scans can cause DNA damagetoo. Double-strand DNA breaks are widely accepted as the most toxic form of DNAdamage. The issue of infertility is also supported by the work of Dr. Fiona Mathews atthe University of Exeter who found that sperm quality declined by eight percentfollowing a review of to studies based on environmental exposure to microwaveradiation. Also supporting the contention of the three scientists is a study atJawaharlal Nehru University in India where researchers found that exposure toradiation from cell towers and phones could have an adverse impact on male fertilityand pose health hazards by depleting the defence mechanism of cells.

In regard to claims for no DNA damage,” Panagopoulos said, “I simply show the manynow scientific publications (including my own) demonstrating DNA damage. Nobodyhas challenged these papers. They tried to do this in the US litigation and theDrosophila expert who tried to challenge my experiments, Dr. Giovanni Bosco, wasfinally exposed and did not come to testify in front of the judge.” His words are in directwith the CBS This Morning program in the U.S. during which a pop-up graphic assuredviewers there is no DNA damage from cell phones.

The objective of the discussion is to analyze the effects of radiation from cell phonesand headsets where the antennae are placed near the head and to compare thedivergent results between real experiences and tests which employ machines. Theauthors note “that the issue of the present study applies also for every other type ofRF/microwave emitting devices used in modern telecommunications, such as Internetconnection wireless devices and local wireless networks (Wi-Fi), domestic cordlessphones (DECT, Digitally Enhanced Cordless Technology), and baby monitors. Theemissions from all these devices, although differing in specific frequencies andmodulation types, are very similar. The reason that we concentrate on studies withmobile phone radiation (either real or simulated) is only the fact that they constitutethe vast majority of the published studies testing the biological activity ofRF/microwave EMFs.”

The scientists agree that all living things evolved in an environment with a backgroundrange of frequencies which are called the Schumann Resonance, name given to theresonant magnetic frequency of the Earth’s atmosphere, between the surface and thedensest part of the ionosphere and named for the German physicist Winfried OttoSchumann (1888-1974) who worked briefly in the United States after WWII, andpredicted that the Earth’s atmosphere would resonate certain electromagneticfrequencies. When there are high variations of the Schumann Resonances of 20percent during magnetic storms a whole range of human diseases surface.




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Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real', claiming simulated... https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests...

3 av 15 2017-11-10 10:40

Page 4: Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real ... · ( VETENSKAP Scientists call for cell phone tests to ‘get real’, claiming simulated results grossly misleading Lab experiments

Microwave-based radiation is something new. “It is clear,” the scientists claim, “thatliving organisms perceive EMFs as environmental stressors. But since man-madeEMFs constitute a very new stressor for living organisms within the billions of years ofbiological evolution, the cells have not developed defensive mechanisms, for example,special genes to be activated for protection against electromagnetic stress of man-made EMFs.”

Many cell phone users experience heat in and around the ear when using a cell phoneand heat has been the primary method of judging whether or not a device is safe. Theheating of tissue became a controversy in Canada after the Consumer and ClinicalRadiation Protection Bureau admitted that Safety Code 6 was based solely on heateffects, prompting Dr. Magda Havas to observe, “it is accurate to say that Canada doesnot have a guideline to protect Canadians from long-term exposure to ‘non-thermal’levels of microwave radiation!” Ominously, Canada is not alone.

Reliance on heating effects was the basis for the study on the Specific AbsorptionRate (SAR) by the three scientists and the new paper explains why the heating effectstandard is inadequate to protect living organisms. “But since man-made EMFsconstitute a very new stressor for living organisms within the billions of years ofbiological evolution, the cells have not developed defensive mechanisms, for example,special genes to be activated for protection against electromagnetic stress of man-made EMFs. This can be the reason why in response to man-made EMFs cells arefound to activate heat-shock genes and produce heat-shock proteins very rapidly(within minutes) and at a much higher rate than for heat itself.”

In support of the claim that activation of heat-shock genes and other stressors alongwith repeated exposure to electromagnetic radiation can lead to cancer the scientistscite both the International Agency on cancer Research and and a 2001 study byphysicists P. W. French, R. Penny, J. A. Laurence, D. R. McKenzie at the Center forImmunology at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, Australia . In short, 14 years havepassed since original research was done and yet nothing has changed except that themobile phone market has exploded exposing ever increasing numbers to cancer-causing multiple communications signals.

According to Panagopoulos, this research shows that the real cell phone emissionsexposing daily billions of users are actually causing all these severe effects (fromsimple alterations in biological rates to severe DNA damage which is the main cause ofcancer). The problem is exacerbated by the development of pulsed signals such asTDMA, GSM, WLAN, Intel’s Wi-Max LTE or Motorola’s Tetra signals and radar whichuses a double pulse. A double pulse produces a double echo to eliminate noise andinterference and ensure accuracy. Radar systems employ pulse trains in contrast tosingle or double pulses, and are formed with a combination of different kinds of pulsessuch as periodic or non-periodic, and modulation can be applied to each pulse. Radarsignals not only produce signals that are stronger than cell phone signals but areintermittent and repetitive.

A single pulsed signal:





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A pulse train radar signal:Another type of pulse is the modulated pulse which uses a frequency cycle which canbe condensed or expanded as if the accelerator on a car is repeatedly revved up andreleased.


The point of discussing these different types of signals is to explain how cells can bestressed repeatedly by just one signal and in reality as the scientists claim livingorganisms are being exposed to uncounted numbers and types of signals in theenvironment at any given time. As the scientists explain, “Since living organisms donot have defense mechanisms against variations on the order of 20% of natural EMFsas explained above, it is realistic to expect that they do not have innate defensesagainst unnatural (man-made) EMFs, which are mostly not static but varying(alternating, pulsed, modulated fields, including simultaneously several differentfrequencies, etc.) and totally polarized in contrast to natural EMFs.”

These pulsed and modulated frequencies are even more bioactive than ordinarymicrowave signals, leading them to conclude that “This experimental evidence furthersupports the argument that the more complicated and variable the field/stressor is,the more difficult it is for a living organism to adapt to it.”

According to Panagopoulos, “This research shows that the real cell phone emissionsexposing daily billions of users are actually causing all these severe effects (fromsimple alterations in biological rates to severe DNA damage which is the main cause ofcancer).”

A second issue in addition to types of external exposure entering the living organism,also affects the individual cell. Simply put, cell polarity refers to the positive andnegative direction or orientation of each cell. Microwave radiation interferes with thepolarity of a cell as well as interrupting the movement of electrons around the cell’snucleus. In a parenthetical observation, the scientists commented, “We note that eventhough the polarities and intensities of the static terrestrial electric and magneticfields do not change significantly (except during specific periods as explained) thereare always small changes and local variations in the direction of the field lines that



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make these natural static fields only partially and never totally polarized. This is incontrast to all man-made EMFs which are totally and invariantly polarized due to theinvariant geometry of their electric circuits.”

Co-author Dr. George Carlo said, “All generated wireless communication signals arepolarized — whether ‘real’ or ‘simulated’ — as contrasted to naturally occurring EMFs.Thus, these generated signals are generally more bioactive than background EMFs.However, ‘real’ phone signals where there is talking and data — in other wordsInformation Carrying Radio Waves — are also more variable than ‘simulated’ signalsbecause of the multiple layers of modulation that are required to carry information —code, time, voice etc…”

What then is the cumulative effect of one signal regularly used by a cell phone user?And is there a cumulative effect? According to Carlo, “Whether its the accumulation ofone particular signal over time or the accumulation of multiple signals, the cumulativeeffect is biological and not the result of the physical aggregate of the signals. The sumtotal effect is best described as an epigenetic biological cascade that can change thestructural configuration of cell membranes and ion channels, thus altering theirfunction. These changes can be carried forward to progeny cells when genes forcertain structures and functions are switched on and off. Once the switching happens,the effect can be maintained through generations of cells until the gene or genes areswitched off or when other genes are switched on to override them.”

The vast number of variables

Consequently reality is much more complicated than simple measurements taken totest one device. “A constant carrier RF wave modulated by a constant ELF field cancertainly be simulated but this is not the case in real mobile telephony signals, in whichboth the carrier and the modulation are constantly and unpredictably varying inintensity, frequency, and waveform during a phone-conversation,” explain the threescientists. Even when cell phone users are only speaking on one device they areabsorbing different levels of radiation because the signals vary in intensity, frequencyand wave form resulting in a continuous and unpredictable change. Simultaneously,even the polarity of individual cells is being affected. The constant change is moreperilous because, as the scientists state: “This experimental evidence further supportsthe argument that the more complicated and variable the field/stressor is, the moredifficult it is for a living organism to adapt to it.”

Prof. Johansson noted that “As can be extrapolated from the work of Henry Lai and hisco-workers11 the addition of multiple sources, with repetitive and/or constantexposure sequences, will increase the exposures, thus leading to higher probability ofcumulative effects (i.a. they studied the DNA damaging effect of 2.45 GHz exposuresat levels well below the official guidelines). As a consequence of it, the only safeexposure situation will be ‘no exposure above natural background levels’, something Ihave called for since 1997.”

The crux of the issue is that a constant carrier radio frequency using a constant


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extremely low frequency (ELF) can be simulated. However, the intensity of radiationcan vary significantly during a conversation using a mobile phone. This is caused bynumerous factors: 1) the distance from a cell tower – phones must increase power thefarther away they are from a tower; 2; the number of subscribers using a service; 3) airconductivity; the presence of metallic objects and surfaces; and 4) if the phone is in“speaking” or “nonspeaking mode”. These variations are greater than the 20 percentobserved during magnetic storms. Depending on traffic, overloaded carriers haveagreed to “signal-hopping” where calls are diverted to other carriers that are less busy.The type of information carried to a device, whether text, speech, pictures, music,videos, or the internet also add to the complexity and predictability of measurements.These changes can occur instantaneously.

Other variables include the intensity of the signal (radiation), the electric phase of thesignal and the wave shape. With so many variables the the number of possible effectsincreases exponentially depending upon the interaction of the signal with the livingcell whether plant or animal.

“Thus,” the scientists conclude, “real digital mobile phone (and other wirelesscommunication devices) emissions change constantly and unpredictably. As aconsequence, living organisms cannot adapt to such a highly varying type of stress.Moreover, due to the unpredictably varying type of the real emissions, it is impossibleto simulate them by EMFs of fixed parameters.”

Panagopoulos explained, “As written in the paper, the more information is included inthe most recent phone generations – 3G, 4G, 5G – the more complicated andunpredictably varying becomes the cell phone signal, and thus the more difficult forany living organism to adapt to it.”

The three scientists list a “significant number of studies” in which the effects ofmicrowaves have had a negative effect – on everything from fruit flies to ants, chickeneggs , quail to human sperm, mouse cells to mice, guinea pigs and rabbits in vivo, beesand protozoa and purified proteins all the way up the ladder to living human beings. “Animpressive percentage (95.8 percent),” they claim, (or 46 of 48 studies with real-lifeexposures), “have recorded significant biological or clinical effects, ranging from lossof orientation, kinetic changes and behavioural or electroencephalographic (EEG)changes to decrease in male and female reproductive capacity, molecular changes,changes in enzymatic activity, DNA damage and cell death, and histopathologicalchanges in the brain.”

The problem of meta-data

By contrast, the scientists note that more than 50 percent of the studies usingsimulated signals do not reveal any effects whatsoever. “A recent meta-analysis of 88studies published during 1990–2011 investigating genetic damage in human cellsfrom RF radiation, 87 of which did not employ real telecommunication EMFs, reportedno overall association with genotoxicity.”


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Page 8: Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real ... · ( VETENSKAP Scientists call for cell phone tests to ‘get real’, claiming simulated results grossly misleading Lab experiments

Johansson has strong opinions about the reliability and public perceptions of meta-analyses and the potential to create confusion rather than clarity. “Such meta-analysesare very hard to scientifically understand,” said Johansson, “Most likely they are basedon the misunderstanding that scientific publications (as the tobacco industry said formany years) can be used as ‘weights’ to balance each other. But you can never balancea report showing a negative health effect with one showing nothing! This is amisunderstanding which, unfortunately, is very often used both by the industrialrepresentatives as well as official authorities. The general audience, naturally, easily isfooled by such an argumentation, but if you are bitten by a deadly poisonous snake,what good does it make for you that there are 100 million harmless snakes around? Iam very happy that such ‘meta-analyses’ are not used e.g. in the car industry. If theywould, no car manufacturer would ever try to increase their car safety since nearly alljourneys end happily…so why bother?!”

Not only is there a strong conflict in outcomes between real and simulated studies,there is a conflict within the studies using simulated emissions. According to thescientists, “within the group of studies with simulated emissions there is also a conflictbetween studies that find effects and studies that do not, the group of studies withreal exposures demonstrates an impressive consistency in showing effects almost at100 percent.” The scientists claim that there is an “impressive consistency” andincreasing epidemiological evidence of an association between “real-life” mobilephone use and brain tumours as well as statistical studies of illnesses of people livingnear cell phone towers and field studies which cite a decline in birdlife and amphibians.

According to Johansson, “you often see in such meta-analyses that negative effectsare downplayed, and “no effects seen” are instead clad in golden clothes. Even thesampling of studies to be included have many times been skewed which, naturally, donot give you the information you are looking for. The Bioinitiative Working Group veryoften has been accused of so-called “cherry-picking” of studies but, trust me, that isnot the case, and – furthermore – I do believe the general audience rather wants aprecautionary (“better safe than sorry”) approach than the opposite, a scientific andpublic health laissez-faire (“maybe sorry rather than safe – but I do not give a toss”)one. As a matter of fact the Precautionary Principle – as e.g. formulated by theEuropean Union law – strongly calls for the first approach , and not for the latter.”

The results in reality testing are forcing increasing numbers of scientists to recognizethe validity of the scientists’ concerns. The report states, “In spite of the criticism onthe studies employing real exposures by health agencies, the different aspects ofwhich we extensively addressed, and the consequent difficulty in the publicationprocess, the number of studies with real mobile phone emissions is increasing rapidlyin the peer-reviewed literature, especially during the last years. An increasing numberof scientists realize that real exposures by commercially available mobile phonehandsets are the only way to represent conditions experienced by users in real-life,since they are very different and considerably more bioactive than the exposuresmade by simulated fields.”



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“Talking about the real stuff,” explained Johansson, “that was exactly what I did in the1995 paper “Electrohypersensitivity and sensitivity to mobile telephones: Resultsfrom a double-blind provocation study of pilot character “, a paper which was – as amatter of fact – the first provocation study on humans, and also with a very successfuland interesting outcome. The study prompted i.a. the BBC, as well as a huge number ofother news channels, newspapers, and magazines, to cover it in extenso. At the sametime, many of my peers heavily criticized me for using a real mobile phone in a real-lifesituation instead of a ‘standardized exposure in a laboratory setting’.”

“A scary extrapolation of our present paper,” said Johansson, “is that everyone on thisplanet, daily exposed to the real wireless emissions, does run a huge risk fordeveloping various serious health effects ranging from behavioural alterations to DNAdamage, immune response deterioration, cancer risks, etc. So, as I have said so manytimes, maybe the big winners are the EHS persons and the very poor persons, the firstkeeping themselves away from the modern EMF-based society and the latter notbeing able to purchase all these modern items”

Panagopoulos, too, recommends a personal precautionary approach, advising peopleto “Not to spend time close to base station antennas, and use their cell phones as leastas possible time, with loudspeaker, or hands free wires, with the device at the longestdistance from their bodies, and turn off the device while they carry it in their clothes,or while they sleep, and keep it at the longest possible distance from their bodies athome or at work.”

The article ends with a demand for reality testing to protect the billions cell phoneusers. They call for more research conducted with greater precision. “As the scientificdatabase regarding the biological effects of EMFs emitted by moderntelecommunications continues to grow,” claim the scientists, “it is important forexperimental study designs to grow in rigor and provide a more informed basis forinterpretation. One important step is to employ real-life exposures. To investigate thebiological/health effects from a widely accessible device exposing daily billions ofhumans we should not try to simulate the device but simply use the device itself. Inparticular, we should not try to simulate its real varying emissions with totallyunrealistic invariant ones. This is a serious scientific flaw that may lead to totallydevious results with enormous adverse consequences for public health.”

Dr. Carlo agrees, “The literature on the bioeffects triggered by various types of EMFsnow numbers more than 20,000 peer-reviewed papers. These papers are not allcreated equal and as has been the case over the past two decades, conclusions varydepending on the studies chosen for a ‘weight or evidence’ or other review includingthose that appear in the media. This does not mean that some studies are ‘right’ andsome studies are ‘wrong’ or that reporters are always ‘cooking the books’. It meansthat the research database itself lacks precision and therefore is subject to widelyvarying interpretations. That is the case with the ever growing EMF database wherethe widely varying interpretations are leveraged for business and political purposes.There is something in there for everyone — depending on your point of view. This is



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one reason why the differentiation of type of exposure — ‘real’ or ‘simulated’ — inexperimental and observational studies is so critical. When the precision in exposurequantification increases, so increases the precision of the studies themselves. And,that gets us closer to the scientific truth of the matter.”

The number of human being affected by the technology and the vast amount ofresearch dedicated to the effects of microwave radiation may mean that the truth ofthe issue will eventually become widely known. According to Johansson, “any papermoving mankind closer to the final mechanistic understanding of the associationbetween electromagnetic fields and health effects is very important and valuable. Icount this paper as one of the very best and most important in my career. To worktogether with Dimitris Panagopoulos and George Carlo is a genuine blessing. Trustme…and I can reveal that we have more to come.”


– John Weigel


Also read this article: “Lack of success of ‘displacement-of-furniture-sensitivity’provocation study may prove validity of real-life cell phone tests forelectrohypersensitivity” (https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/lack-of-success-of-displacement-of-furniture-sensitivity-provocation-study-may-prove-validity-of-real-life-cell-phone-tests-for-electrohypersensitivity/)

D. Panagopoulos, O. Johansson and G. Carlo, Real versus Simulated Mobile PhoneExposures in Experimental Studies. Hindawi Publishing. BioMed ResearchInternational. Vol. 2015, Article ID 607053. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/607053

Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Cairo. London. New York. http://www.hindawi.com/

V. Larivière , S. Haustein and P. Mongeon. The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers inthe Digital Era. PLOS. https://www.plos.org/ San Francisco, U.S. and Cambridge, U.K.June 10, 2015 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0127502

Analysis of DNA Double-Strand Breaks and Cytotoxicity after 7 Tesla MagneticResonance Imaging of Isolated Human Lymphocytes. – PubMed – NCBI.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26176601 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26176601)

K, Sinha. Radiation from mobile phones causing ‘infertility’ among men: Study. TheTimes of India. 2014. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/science/Radiation-from-mobile-phones-causing-infertility-amongmen-Study/articleshow/36340636.cms

M Havas. Health Canada admits SAFETY CODE 6 guideline for microwave radiationis based only on thermal effects! http://www.magdahavas.com/health-canada-admits-








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P. W. French, R. Penny, J. A. Laurence, D. R. McKenzie. Mobile phones, heat shockproteins and cancer. John WIley & Sons, Ltd. 2001. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1046/j. 1432-0436.2001.670401.x/ (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1046/j. 1432-0436.2001.670401.x/)

Rohde & Schwarz, Tackling the Challenges of Pulsed Signal Measurements. Munich.http://cdn.rohdeschwarz.com/pws/dl_downloads/dl_application/application_notes/1ma124/1MA124_0e_tack_the_challenges_of_pulsed_signal_meas.pdf(http://cdn.rohdeschwarz.com/pws/dl_downloads/dl_application/application_notes/1ma124/1MA124_0e_tack_the_challenges_of_pulsed_signal_meas.pdf)


see e.g. Lai H, Singh NP, Magnetic-field-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells ofthe rat, Environ Health Perspect. 2004; 112: 687-694

e.g. Dämvik M, Johansson O, “Health risk assessment of electromagnetic fields: Aconflict between the precautionary principle and environmental medicinemethodology”, Rev Environ Health 2010; 25: 325-333

Johansson O, “Elöverkänslighet samt överkänslighet mot mobiltelefoner: Resultatfrån en dubbel-blind provokationsstudie av metodstudiekaraktär”(=”Electrohypersensitivity and sensitivity to mobile telephones: Results from a double-blind provocation study of pilot character”, in Swedish), Enheten för ExperimentellDermatologi, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Rapport nr. 2,


Dimitris Panagopoulos

National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, 60037 Athens, GreeceDepartment of Biology, University of Athens, 15784 Athens, GreeceRadiation and Environmental Biophysics Research Centre, 11143 Athens, Greece


Assoc. Prof. Olle Johansson

Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute,171 77 Stockholm, Sweden


Dr. George Carlo

The Science and Public Policy Institute, Institute for Healthful Adaptation, FallsChurch, VA 22044, USA








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Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real', claiming simulated... https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests...

11 av 15 2017-11-10 10:40

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 About the author

John Weigel is a writer / researcher living in Ireland. He first became interested in the issue ofmicrowave radiation when he witnessed a public protest following 36 deaths of people living andworking in the vicinity of a Tetra communications mast in Ronanstown, a working class area ofsuburban Dublin. In the last year he has visited 8 countries, speaking on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation and was the only writer invited to attend the meeting in Krakow, Poland,in 2016, which outlined the city’s efforts to protect it’s residents.



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Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real', claiming simulated... https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests...

12 av 15 2017-11-10 10:40

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Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real', claiming simulated... https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests...

13 av 15 2017-11-10 10:40

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Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real', claiming simulated... https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests...

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Scientists call for cell phone tests to 'get real', claiming simulated... https://nyadagbladet.se/vetenskap/scientists-call-cell-phone-tests...

15 av 15 2017-11-10 10:40
