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Scientology OCA IQ Test

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This packet contains the OCA materials including questions, marking sheet, scoring & grading materials and graphs. It also includes one of the IQ tests and marking sheet. It does not include scoring for the IQ test.
This packet contains the OCA materials including questions, marking sheet, scoring & grading materials and graphs. It also includes one of the IQ tests and marking sheet. It does not include scoring for the IQ test.
Page 1: Scientology OCA IQ Test

This packet contains the OCA materials including questions, marking sheet, scoring & grading materials and graphs. It also includes one of the IQ tests and marking sheet. It does not include scoring for the IQ test.

Page 2: Scientology OCA IQ Test




REISSUED AS BPL 10 Sept 1975

CANOELS .elss Reo POLICY LETTER , NovmmER 1970Qual S80 ISSUE II-Dir P.~8onnel SAME TITLE

~~b~:rg~::l tent OONFIDEN~IALDiv VI ~e8t Markel' Hats


!be intention ot this Policy LBtter 18 to qUickly proq

vide the Hubbard Consultant with a general survey ot OxfordCapacity Analysis (OCA)o IQ, Aptitude, and Leadership test~1ng~ (Testing by E-Meter TonG Arm position and needle ~an­ifestation is doscribed in HOO PL August '66'ftEth1cB E-MeterChec~n.)


The battery of tests is given in this order.OCAIQAPTITUDELEADERSHIP(E~ME~ER TEST)

Me.DEL PROCEDURE FOR :rES?;Ilit!1. See that the testae is seated comfortably at a desk ortable where he won't be disturbedo

2. Ensure that he has a biro or pencil (and pro.1de a work­sheet it neoessary with the IQ teato)

'0 Follow the exact detailed procedures with each test inadministering the testo These instructions dlffor from testto test 80 bo sure to tollow the correct procedure for eachtest found with the test mater1also

40 Supervise the teste Do not wa.lk away or leave the room,You may qUietly do adm1n work at a desk in the roomo

50 At the end of the test oollect the teat trom the testeeand acknowledge him to en~ cycle on that test.

60 Give the next test ~ order following steps 304 0 5 and 6unt1l all tests are adm1n1steredo

7. At the end of the last teat acknowledge the testee lortaking the tests and arrange for ycur next interview withhimo

80 Mark the tests per detailed sooring prooedures with eachtest and record results tn your teat records. (Be sure torecord date when test was taken in parentheses after eachsoore notation~)

00.1-The OCA (Oxford Capaoity Analysis) is the English vers­

ion of the American Personality Analys1s (APA)~ Bither m81

Page 3: Scientology OCA IQ Test

BPL "3 NOV 70 - 2 -

be usedo Their administration, scoring and evaluation arehandled in the sat"ie way 0

!J.lhe· OCA (or .APA) cQnsis'J;s of 200 queGtions 0 These 200questions are divided up i1"J.'IiO series of 20 q,uastions, "eachof which .measures a. single personali"cy ,,(lJl:ai t 41 Thus p tentraits &1'e measured in al10 ThE' 20 quefJt~.on that 17!auaur.eeach trait aX,fi; randomly uuwbered. throuGhout iine 20(; que'stioll'S 3i.oe/t the questions that measure tre.it A ~.rc :r.l'umbored It a. 15,17(1 42 t 461) etc~

The ·testee ma:,r answer each question either :Y'E;S, ma:vbe,or 110~ To do this he fills. in one of ~~he 3 small l"cctangular -spaces on tl\e al1s.wer shae't which f~)llows .each number6

Scoring is done with acetate scorint,~ c.?\.:rds wh:Lchgivethe point value for each type of 811swer ryeB~ maybe or no)"to each qt~estiono For example £I 011 Trn.i t A g Q.uestion 83, .yes has a point value of :3 t . m:;lybe - :3 pta. ~ no - 6 pta 0

.~lhis .me~n[;1 that uno 11 is th'~ Dlorepos;itive an.swer for question83, Trait AQ .

The total points for each trait arc added up. Forex8.tilple t Tra.i t A points for J oannc Doaks ere 960 Compa.ringthis figure to the OCA percen.til€ t::bles one finds that forWClOel1 9P. on Trait A ao:r.responds 'GO + 72 /) It is also FCS~;;ibl~

to gtJt mi.iLUi':: values. For ezamplo p 71 total points wouldGorrc3])ond to ...B4 on the percel1'~ile ~ables 0

Thus p \~ilCll of th~ 10 -trai iiS h~s n. l)lus Q..'YJ.c1 minus value 0

Par exat·plc, '~~ra.it A as a plua trai't i~1 nstable"; ~s a. minustrait it is nuustable~ disjH::l'seduo

The +72 fitfUre, derivod abov~, is then plotted on .;mOCA Personality Prof11e Cha~t for Trait A against a horizon­ttl1 scale of +100 to ~lOo.o (There is a vertioal line forE::f.lcll tjrai t. - 10 inallo) The POill'tiS for' each t:rai tare .derived and nlottod in a siwilal'wanner 0 On(~ t:l1df3 U11 w1tha point plotted. for ea.ch trai1; 4· By c()rmc(~ ting these pointswi th a dravm liue one obtains a profile or ohart of -l;hetsstec IS personality iden"~i'fiY b.J~ the time of the test o

Full ~letails of scoring and the rundown on how to eyal­uatA the v!).riouB oombinations of SO(lres of the 10 '~raits aredescrilJed in tho Manual of tht: Oxfox'd GH:pacity Analysis andother materials on the HO Oourseo

OCA testiug requires the follow'ing m.:3.terials t

10 The Viauual of the Oxford Capacity Analysif3

20 The Oxford Capacity .analysis (booklet of the 200questions plus inst:r.uctioJ:.i.G ·to the tOG tel.'. )

34 The tdbles of percentile scoreso49 The tes te~ •s a,HBWl~r sh(;ot 0

50 The GOA profile chart~

60 'fhe 8coI'ing cards (each cdrd .l!~ea8ure::1 2 trai tr:; GOthere are 5 in all)o

(These roe.terials a.re pI'(''\.rided for t:J.t8 p::t'£':.ctical soctj.onof th~ Hubbard CaHslIl t;'lrl"l~ C()·.n::S0o)

Page 4: Scientology OCA IQ Test

BPL 3 }iOV 70


The IQ 'tes't used is the· Otis ~juick' .... 'Sco2~:Lng MentalJ\bility te~tlt The test has i~wo f~1l:'nla., A' ·f.\xtd··J3 g::··which allov/t1them to he given alte'rnately s·o the.:tof~te·e ·can> receive diff­erent types of quez'tions the next til1Je he does 'the. ·test (ifonly it or B varsi·ona· are availalJlf-; you may use' only the oneversion each,· t:iTil'9) (J , • . ". .:'. .,' "... .••• •

.' .' '.' #" 1-

The tesi; is a 30. mj.nute tirled ·~est~ Th.ere are 80 ques­·Gions in all and ,the an.swersa.re oit. rj,mul:tiple :choice selec­tion basis Q Only one answer.' l)er que~3tiol'l. ia corl'ect.

A sooring ce.I'd is used foi- scoring' and the total numbe:t'of cqrrect ax~swers a.:re .couni~ed upo Thel\!. th~n\f.1.mber·,i?5 isadded for men to the· total number' of correct answers and 70 :for WOmel'lo The ,·total figure ~iv~a the testae·'s IQ;' :h'or lex­ample pit ~ .answers 50 correctly, adding 75 9 his ":Iq (Jouldbe 125 a:t the time he took thQ test Q j ' : ••:',......,.. .......~.... ~......,.ta ............~~_ ....~ ..-

These :test lnatel:j~al·s are :t'equiJ':ed fCI~ the :Ot~.8 :'!Q 't.es·t 8

). 0 The test (fUtHJttons' (.a. 'smtil~bo'6}:let t' thf.'; :.f.ire"t· :p"~ge., ofwhich gives the t,ast In infJtructi.ons· 1;0 the tea,tee)~. .

20 Answer chee.t' (part of t'est booklet) I) '.

30 The L?·oo~ingoa.td 0 ,.:, :

(These material's axe .PI'.~Viqed fer ithe :Pra~t1da{ ;Section .0.£Hubbard Consultant 'Oov.rseo) . '/ . . -

Note l There j.B an' American a.nd :Englisb veraio:u oftilie test!)~he American, veJ:sion USes :dolla-rs and-cents in oertain 'ques"­tiona and the English verB'ion tises':powlds~' shillillgs' and'pence for the similar q'ueationsla

~VAL'~lE9_j)~IS,Ie.CSl'L .

~ PO:Rtila~i..Q.s·

··5".. ~O~


'10%'5% .

Senior ExecSenior Exec: -Jttilio·;r ~'xec

Non-Exec PostNen'-Exec I>OS·t' ,g' J:"eo6mmen.ded lJJ;jS,ignme.nt to aarea of fam:i..lj.ari ty. and skill/carefUll)'p:rogl:'aJIl 0

,,~& p~soxipt:i.:y'e.. d:t¥8~.!4..~.r.lt~o ..~135+ Very Superior110 - 134 .Super~or

100 - 110 High average90 co 99 Low.. fJ.v~ra.ge80 - 89 Inferior60 and helow . Very inferior

Tran:;;lating these .figures in-to ..organization ta,~ms onethis table as 8. gui'de 2obtai~nJ roughly

135+110 -.134100 ... 110

90 -. 99



Page 5: Scientology OCA IQ Test

BPL 3 NOV '10 - 4 c.

80 0 89 NOll'1XeC post, r:~commej,1ded aaaignment: to ..'demons trable a.rea: of previous ·training orknown skill g oa):efully programao

80 a..~d· below If not 111 9 diseased or in some way Wla.~le

to function, assign only to area of 'prov'encOUlpetence and S1t111 t aarei"'U,llJ' program ~

.. il1'V1~et1gatef,U1d fL"'lcl nut why lQ· isacf lowo ',", .

Language :bai:ri.erfJ tnay lower.' IQ s'cores below aotual l'avelwherein a person who is still in the l"'rc\ceas of learninglingli8h takes all Eliglish IQ test o . '

. I...1 r;i.aes. 3:'a l?idly . through Sc:le~1.tology·® .. trah~.llg· andf.l.ll~ii;il:go .. ,' .


The .Aptit1i-de meet mairuy -teata the ability of the t(~s·teeto d.nplioateo ··It .ia &180 designed to measure the acoident­prOllerL6sa (~m~festation of n tendenoy -to sucoumb) of, thetes'l;eeo'~l1e leni"~th of: time .it. t,:~kas· the tes·t;$e . to .. 'oomJ:llatethe test is tim~d~ .... .

~he .. generl.l.l .. a,ooring is d·onab~l g1ving -poin"ts whereerrors are uade e ,summing,thesG U~t, addlllJ to this' sum th~

tine in rilinuteEl E\{l tiplie,d by 3 ~ tor' example n' -if the '. tea tee'~ook l minute and 30 seconda the sum tor time takeriwotildbe 4-J) and sUbtrac'~ing the ,.Qo.m·oilled total figure 'from·lOO.I! there arc no errors and thE; time is low ·~he. 8,001'6 ,VlOl.tldapproach 100 0 The more errors and. the lOHger title taken.' thelower th~ score~ . T~e highest score to :¢late io 98, plus.~h;i.lesome soor~eci have been' so low as to· oomQ ou't 'a minu.s' ',lltimb~:ro

Teot Be.te,;!:.ials requix;~ed,s,, ". ,"- • '.' '. "

~o Instruo.tionef,or giving· anc1 "sooring -the A.~titude(8. Sh~9'~ p~ovided with thCJ'.Aptitude; Test)o' . ,

20 The Aptitude Tee·to' ....

Thetis materials are provided 'for ,the Prac,tical Seotionof the lIP 9,q~;se a.nd are unpd by ..Gol'1f1ult,ants. in.. orgs 0

.·~~ALUATL'tG iltt.CITUDE SoonEs~~ .....~.~

. .~be Hubbard' Consultant may use this 'chart ·a.s a guid~,: :t;9

an.alysis: .....

SCOUE--90 andabove


below 65


Very superior

.. ~.



Noi.; .paSSULg


Ac~ul'ate fastduplioation

Dupl,ioates v{el~

Fair Duplication,duplicates moreelowlyAooiden~ prm~eneSSt

inability to adapt,will duplica~e clen~

ardora if unde~atood

Bani·or seoP06t~

S~ni;q.r ~ec, .orJunior EXeo po~t

Junior Exec ornon=exec'· post .'

Non4llDexeo post,_not r$commel1dedfor machinetype posts 171oooMimeo i

Addressop otco

Page 6: Scientology OCA IQ Test



• /,.. 4

BPL 3 NOV 70 CIOU 5 -

Aptitude oem be r~pi.dl~r·rehs.b11j.tattHl through 8·tH-ffaUdit~l1g"

Wri tten and. .devised bJt J.JtrJ Ron Hubbal'd in 1965" thinteat was develope{i to help [;\.1ide persolu\'IJl appointments tonevI exec posts during a rapid notld wide expansion" Thesurvey measureS the curr~nt le~dershi~ level of the testae~ his po·t;elltiD.~ leadership .~evel~

.The survey consists of 30 question::-; with mul tiple choiceanswers, :(a) _~.._g (b)· ..._~·.P 01~ (0) ..": .._._t The 'Gesteechecks the answer 'i1hich is true fer' h'imc) One of '~he ,U1swersis rit:~ht9 ona is wrong a.r.ld on,~ is dOllbl~i (psychotically).wrollSe. ;

One ,~sefl a sooring ,she,e~,..in ,t?coring the au l'V (jy 'i markingan X in the right hand column.of :·.thesUt''118Y by the -l;estee t saJ:1.8we.rv;hen it is wro~'lg a.nd, dou'ble Xe,a (~{X) wh~n i t:is psy ....chotically ,wrong 0 If the answer is correc'~ no murk is .mad,e. a

One then addE: up the number of ~.!~:Q!l...G.~ answered ques=tiona and with·this number obtains a score for ths,t numberfrom' the n1,ulibe'r1cal. -table on .the scor'ing. sheetCl For example,if 6 questions al~e answered wrp:l1GJ.y the sco:r.e is 80il02e.This is THE POTENTJ..i.\.L LEADERSHIJ' LEVEL of the illdividual 0. ...'

Next count up the B..~q,e~ of XeS9 For example 11. only 6questions :migh1i have been answered wrongly but 20.f thequestions ware answered doubly wrongly so one would c'cuntup 8 Xeso The .number 8 correaponds to the score of 7'o36~

This is !»HE CURRENT (ACTUAL) LEADERSl:IP ABILITY or theindividual@ .

The Final scores would be. expressed as follows: .i',

~4-',3,,36Leader~hilj Survey materials required:

10 Survey questions (includes inst;r:uctions to testee)o

20 Saore card and pel'centile scores ()3~ Detailed ins~ructionB for SCQ~~g survey (issued with

Survey questions and, score card)o

These materials are provided-for the Practical Sectionof the He Course and are used by the Consultant in orgs"

EV.A-LUAT Il~ G' 'LEJlDEItSHIP SUHV"BYS..~~ ~.._ ~ --...... .. ': "ilII.

Beth Scores~ . ~ .

90 and above


65-80below 65 (either score)

. ~~J~=h9.1!. Defin:i. tely OK as execu ·ti~:ve

:Probsble executivePossible executiveMtnimum SCOl"e fOl,' executive

Not OK for exec ~ppointment

Page 7: Scientology OCA IQ Test

BPL " NOV 70

A wide disorepa.ncy· between '·aotualandpotential soores(caused by a high llurnbe~ of double n: answers) indioates 'spsychotic tendenoy~ For example a saore of 66 Q 70 means

:' . ~

every vTronely answered question was answered p~iyohotically

wrong!. 'r.. ' . ~ ,

Notes ~raining. auditing ,aJld. experienoe in an ~!lg impr9VQboth ac'tual and ,potentia~ leadership scorea~



QCA g IQ lt Aptitude~ and Leadership S-urve¥ test resultsand evaluations are a guide-to the Hubbard O~nsti1tante' Theythemselves are not the .basis 'of rejeotion or ac'ceptanoe of 'a staff applioantg but they would g with' the Chart of·Fiwneu·hvalua.tiont> ~upplement and oross relate to:E-Eeter ·teatdata. and data. on any SF or PTG situation of the app11aanto. .

Test re~ultB a.a.,d, tl1e1~ evaluatj.on would also guide' ~he' . ,Hubbard Oonsultant in peraor.n.el seleotion for·lJOs·ts.,and.pr~Q·

motionse in oonjunction' wi'th., Buch.'criteria. a.~:' '

P~rsonnel programming pEl::Imeter test!)Ethiq,s l!..ist~ry1) ,

Chart of Human Evaluation,Post. B tats 9 I

Case level and I;lrog·reSB.,Training level (admin/tech),S·tudy. stats p

Skills and experience,~\ll per policy letters by L~ RonlIubbard on the HubbardConsultant Courseb

Compiled byDavid ~iffg 'OEC g CloVIFr~parp..tions' Writer

Re~ssued a~ BPL by

In:ag I·~iss:toh 1234 lIdCPO ,Andrea Lewis

Approved by the


for the

BDCS:BO.fI:.~'QA:AL:Dz,alOopyright 0 1970. 1975by L o Ron Hu bardALL I{IGHTS HESERVEDThis is ReprOduced and issued to ynu bYThe Publications Organization, U. S.



Page 8: Scientology OCA IQ Test

This next page is the marking sheet. You give this to the person doing the OCA test. They make marks on the sheet to indicate their answers.

Page 9: Scientology OCA IQ Test



Address _______________Raw Score


Date, Age Sex Raw Score

Occupation Phone 'Percentile

A__ B__ C_'_ 0__ E':"""­

A_ B'_C_ C_ E.:.:..-.

F.:. __ G-,,- H_ I.... _ J.L&.....r-. .

~_._G_·_H_I_'_ J_

Read the directions in the front of the Question Booklet. Mark yourDIRECTIONS answers on this sheet by filling in the dash with a heavy black mark.


_ __ 2

+ m -

- - - 3

+ m -

___ 4

+ m -

=== 5

+ m -

=== 6

+ m -

=== 7

+ m - + m - + m -

8 9 _

+ m -

10 _

11 _12 - - - 13 14 _ _ _ 15

16 - - - 17 - - - 18 - - - 19 20 - --

21 22 23 _ 24 _ 25 _26 - -- 27 -- - - 28 29 - -- 30 - --

31 _

41 _

51 _

32 33

42 43

52 _ _ _ 53

34 _

44 _

___ 54

35 _ _ _ 36

45 46

55 56

37 - - - 38

47 48

57 =- - 58

39 - --

49 _ - _

59 - --

40 - --

50 _

60 _

61 _ _ _ 62 _ _ _ 63 _ _ _ 64 65 _66 ==::

t.67 =- - 68 ===. 69 _ - -

70 _

71 72 ___ 73 74 75 76 - - - 77 78 - - - 7980 _

81 _ 82 8384 === 85

86 _ 87 - - - 88 89 - - -90 _

91 _ 92 - __ 93 _ _ _ 94 95 _ 96 _ 97 98 99 __ - 100 ===101 = == 102 === 103 === 104 === 105 === 106 === 107 === 108 === 109 === 110 ===111 === 112 === 113 = == 114 ==::: 115 === 116 == = 117 = == 118 === 119 = == 120 ===121 === 122 == = 123 === 124 = == 125 === 126 === 127 = == 1~8 === 129 == = 130 = ==131 = == 132 === 133 === 134 === 135 = ==.136 == = 137 === 138 === 139 == = 140 = ==141 === 142 = == 143 === 144 === 145 = = :::I i 146 == = 147 === 148 === 149 === 150 ===151 === 152 === 153 = == 154 = = = 155 = ::: = 156 === 157 === 158 = == 159 = == 160 ===

161 = = = 162 = == 163 c: == 164 === 165 === 166 === 167 === 168 = == 169 === 170 ===.'

171 === 172 === 173 === 174 === 175 === 176 ==a: 177 === 178 === 179 === 180 = ==181 === 182 === 183 ==m- 184 == = 185 == = 186 == = 187 = == 188 = == 189 = = = 190 = = =191 === 192 === 193 ==;z 194 === 195 === 196 == = 197 === 198 == = 199 === 200 ===

Copyright © 1978 by L Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Page 10: Scientology OCA IQ Test

The next 16 pages are the 200 questions of the OCA. The person doing the OCA test does not mark in the booklet; they put their answers on the marking sheet.

Page 11: Scientology OCA IQ Test
Page 12: Scientology OCA IQ Test
Page 13: Scientology OCA IQ Test

'----- \.

r -,r .:r 'rr.r· ·

I •"r'fr ~




Page 14: Scientology OCA IQ Test


r ­rrr~r

r·rrr .rrrrrr'r .


(1) Do not mark on this booklet in any way. Indicate your an­swers on the separate answer sheet provided.

(2) .Make sure you understand each question: read it as manytimes as necessary. Please answer every question. You cangive your opinion if you are uncertain about the answers.

(3) Do not stay too long with one question. Answer it as soon asyou understand it and go on to the next question.

(4) When an answer would be different if one considered thepast rather than the present, answer as of the present.

(5) On the answer sheet you have the choice of three columns inwhich to mark your answer.Plus ( +) means mostly yes or decidedly so.Mid (m) means uncertain, maybe, neither definitely yes orno.Minus (-) means mostly no or decidedly no.

(6) Your answer to the question is indicated by making a heavymark between the two lines opposite the number of the ques­tion in the column which will show your answer. If youshould erase, be sure it is completely erased and the otheranswer is heavy enough so that there will be no difficulty indistinguishing your answer.

(7) Any comments you may care to make may be written on thereverse side of the answer sheet.

(8) Enter your name, address, etc. in the spaces provided on theanswer sheet, open this booklet to page 4, question numberone, and proceed to indicate your answers to the questions asper the instructions above.

Page 15: Scientology OCA IQ Test

1. Do you make thoughtless remarks or accusations which youlater regret?

2. Is it hard on you when you fail?

3. When others are getting rattled do you remain fairly com­posed?

4. Do you find yourself being extra active for periods lastingseveral days?

5. Do you browse through railway timetables, directories or dic­tionaries just for pleasure?

6. Do you resent the efforts of others to tell you what to do?..7. When asked to make a decision would you be swayed by your

like or dislike of the personality involved?

8. Is it normally hard for you to "own up and take the blame"?

9. Do you intend two or less children·in your family even thoughyour health and income will permit more?

10. Do you have a small circle of close friends rather than a largenumber of friends and speaking acquaintances?

11. Are your actions considered unpredictable by others?

12. Do you often sing or whistle just for the fun of it?

13. Do you get occasional twitches of your muscles when thereis no logical reason for it?

14. Does "everything" seem glorious to you even though you areaware of some things that should be changed?

15. Would you prefer to be in a posit'ion where you did not havethe responsibilities of making decisions?

16. Would you rather give orders than take them?

17. Do the affairs of other people interest you very much?





Page 16: Scientology OCA IQ Test

:r ~

rrrr'rrrrr­rrrrr'r .

18. Do you put quite a few depreciations of others into your con­versation?

19. Do you consider too much money is being spent on socialsecurity?

20. Are you considered warm-hearted by your friends?

21. Do you act impulsively rather than deliberately?

22. Do you make efforts to get others to laugh or smile?

23. Is your voice quite varied rather than calm?

24. Can your worlq "cave in on you" without your being upset?t

25. Do you say little except in response?. .

26. Are you strict in the matter of discipUne rather than beingeasy going?

27. Are you readily interested in other people's conversation?

28. Do you refrain from complaining when the other person islate for an appointment?

29. When hunting or fishing do you feel concern for the pain youinflict on game, live bait or fish?

30. Do you find it easy to express your emotions?

31. Are you generally careless of accepted rules for protectingyour health?

32. Are you sometimes considered by others a "spoil sport" or a"wet blanket"? .

.33. When unexpect~d things happen do some of your muscles

have jerking motions?

34. Are you constantly happy even though there is no real reasonfor it?

Page 17: Scientology OCA IQ Test

35. Do you speak slowly?

36. Would you admit you were wrong just to keep the peace?

37. Do you give a judgement only after looking at the pros andcons?

38. Do you consider there are other people who are definitelyunfriendly towards you and work against you?

39. Are you normally considerate in your demands on your em­ployees, relatives and friends?

40. Do you have only a few people of whom you are really fond?

41. Do you take reasonable precautions to prevent accidents?

42. Do you speedily recover from the effects of bad news?

43. Does the idea of talking in front of people make you nervous?

44. Do you ever get a "dreamlike" feeling towards life when it allseems unreal?

45. Do you "circulate around" at a social gathering?

46. Do you often keep your opinions to yourself because they donot seem important enough to tell others?

47. Do you sometimes think others are looking at ,you or talkingabout you, when they are really not doing so?

48. When you criticize, do you at the same time try to encourage?

49. If you saw an article in a shop which was obviously mistaken­ly marked lower than its correct price, would you try to get itat that price?

50. Do some people consider you to be cheerful?

. 51. Do you get into trouble occasionally?

52. Does life seem worthwhile?


. 111ll1

·1. 1

Page 18: Scientology OCA IQ Test

r .rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'r

53. Do you have a particular hate or fear?

54. Do you spontaneously give things away even though you havea use for them?

55. Do you prefer to be an onlooker rather than participate in anyactive sport?

56. Are you so sure of yourself that you sometimes annoyothers?

57. Do you find it easy to be impartial?

58. Do you completely condemn a person because he is a rival oropponent in some aspect of your relations to him?

59. Have you a definitely set standard of courteous behaviour infront of other members of your family?

60. Does emotional music have quite an effect on you?

61. Would you "buy on credit" with the' hope that you can keepup payments?

62. Do you often "sit and think" about death, sickness, pain andsorrow?

63. Do you remain -upset for some time following an accident orother disturbing incident?

64~ Do you hold onto things for which you have no real use?

65. Can you "start the ball rolling" at a social gathering?

66. Are you rather indifferent to maintaining the dignity of yourjob or place in life?

67. When hearing a lecturer, do you sometimes experience theidea that the speaker is referring entirely to you?

68. Do you give much time in your conversation to the criticismof people and things?

Page 19: Scientology OCA IQ Test

69. Do you consider the good of all concerned rather than yourown personal advantages?

70. Are you openly appreciative of beautiful things?

71. Do you make plans well in advance of an event and then carrythem out?

72. Do you often ponder on past misfortunes?

73. Does "external noise" rarely interfere with your concentra­tion?

74. Do you sometimes give away 'articles which, strictly speaking,do not belong to you?

75. Do you pay less attention to things going on around you thanmost people?

76. Are you sometimes considered "overbearing"?

77. Are you inclined to be jealous?

78. Do you accept criticism easily without resentment?

79. Do you consider tbe mode'rn prisons without bars system, "doomed to failure"?

80. Do you greet people cordially?

81. Do you tend to put off doing things and then discover that itis too late?

82. Does the youth of today have more opportunity than that of ageneration ago?

83. Are you usually undisturbed by "noises off" when you aretrying to rest?

84. Do you throw things away only to discover that you needthem later?

85. Is it easy for you to get yourself started?








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86. Would you give up easily on a given course if it were causingyou a considerable amount of inconvenience?

87. Are there some things about yourself on which you aretouchy?

88. Do you rarely suspect the actions of others?

89. When you see someone in pain are you sympathetic enoughas to want to do something about it?

90. Do you live the kind of life where you have only a few expres­sions of enthusiasm?

91. Do you break out in .more explosive words or actions thanwould be expected fro~ the cause?

92. Do you sometimes wonder if anyone really cares about you?

93. Do you bite your fingernails or chew objects?

94. Do you sometimes feel compelled to repeat some interestingitem or habit?

95. Are your interests and activities modified somewhat by some-one elses? .

96. Do you turn down responsibility because you doubt your fit­ness to cope?

97. Are you prejudiced in favor of your own school, college, club,team etc?

98. If you have a disagreement, do you think as well of the personafterwards?

99. If you were invading another country would you feel sympa­thetic towards conscientious objectors in this country?

100. Is your facial expression varied rather than set?

101. Can you be a stabilizing influence when others get panicky?

Page 21: Scientology OCA IQ Test

102. Would it take a definite effort on your part to consider thesubject of suicide?

103. Do you ever get a single thought which hangs around fordays?

104. When you have an opinion can you simply state it withoutoutlining how you arrived at it?

105. Are you a slow eater?

106. Would you consider yourself energ~tic in your attitude to­wards life?

107. Are you scientific in your thinking?

108. Is it hard to please you?

109. Would you stop and find out whether a person needed helpeven though they had not directly asked for it?

110. When passing a beautiful child do you avoid showing interestrather than looking and smiling?

111. Do you pay your debts and keep your promises when it ispossible?

112. Does a minor failure on your part rarely trouble you?

113. Do you sleep well?

114. Do you sometimes feel that you talk too much?

115. Do you prefer to take a passive role in any club or organiza­tion to which you belong?

116. Do you seek to have your own way rather than being likely togive in to the wishes of others?

117. Is your opinion influenced by looking at things from thestandpoint of your education, experience or occupation?


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rr 'r -rr .rrr·rrr ·r··r·rr'rr·r '-

118. Do you usually criticize a film or show that you see or a bookthat you read?

119. Would you use corporal punishment on a child ~ged 10 if itrefused to obey you?

120. Do you smile much?0.

121. Do you often make tactless blunders? .

122. Do you remember illness or pain for some time?

123. Do you ever get disturbed by the noise of the wind or a"house settling down"?

124. Do you get very ill at ease in disordered surroundings?

125. Provided the distance was not too great, would you stillprefer to ride than walk?

126. Do you try to convert others to your ideas about several sub­. jects on which you are not an expert?

127. Are personal interests unable to sway you from sound de­cisions?

128. Do you get frustrated at not be~ng able to do something,rather than finding a substitute activity or system?

129. Have you made more than one loan;' which you .. were per­suaded to do against your wishes an·(j were·never repaid?

130. When recounting some amusing incident, can you easily imi­tate the mannerisms or the. dialect in the original incident?.. . ., ..

131. Do you frequently take actions, even though you know yourown good judgement would indicate otherwise?

132. Do you often feel depressed?

133. Are you aware of any habitual physical mannerisms such aspulling your hair, nose, ears and such like?

Page 23: Scientology OCA IQ Test

134. Does disorder bother you so much that you feel you musttake immediate and drastic action against it?

135. Do you sometimes get quite exhilarated?

136. Can you accept defeat easily without the necessity of "swal­lowing your disappointment"?

137. Can you see things from someone else's point of view whenyou wish to?

138. Do you rarely express your grievances?

139. Are you in favor of color bar and class distinction?

140. Would you rather be with adults all the time rather than withchildren~part of the time?

141. Can you quickly adapt to new conditions and situations eventhough they may be difficult?

142. Are you sometimes completely unable to enter the spirit ofthings?

143. Do some noises "set your teeth on edge?"

144. Do you work in "spurts," being relatively inactive and thenfuriously active for a day or two?

145. Do you frequently stay up late?

146. Does the number of uncompleted jobs on hand bottier you?

147. When voting, do you study the candidates and issues, ratherthan voting the same party straight?

148. Do you consider the best points of most people and onlyrarely speak slightingly of them?

149. Do the "petty foibles" of others make you impatient?

150. Do people enjoy being in your company?



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't 151. Do you usually carry out assignments promptly and systema-tically?

152. Do you laugh or smile qu{ite readily?

153. Do children irritate you?

154. Can you quietly watch another work, without feeling you mustinsist on helping when they indicate they would rather do itthemselves?

155. Are you less talkative than your associates?

156. Are you definite and emphatic in voice and manner?

,. 157. Do you place too high an importance on your own interests/-

and fields of knowledge in comparison to others?

158. Do you suspect someone does not like you and criticizes youto others?

159. Would you assist a fellow traveller rather than leave it to theofficials?

160. Are you cordial only to close friends, if at all?

161. Do you quickly return to normal rather than being disturbedfor a while after seeing a tragic movie or play?


162. Does some inferiority make you feel sad?

163. Is it easy for you to relax?

164. When YQU "really want to do something do you feel your de­sires are paramount to all opposition"?

165. Do you attempt to "start things in your area';"?

166. Do you feel strongly convinced of the correctness of youropinions when in a controversy, excluding those subjectsabout which you are an expert?

167. Do you find it annoying to have any criticism made of you,even though it is justified and from which you could profit?

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- .. ""-.

168. Having settled an argument, do you continue to feel dis­gruntled for a while?

169. Would you stand by and fail to protect some animal fromneedless suffering?

170. Do you give a kiss, hug, pat on the back or otherwise mani­fest pleasure in meeting friends you haven't seen for sometime, rather than just being polite?

171. Do you find it hard to get started on a task that needs to bedone?

172. Is the idea of death, or even reminders of death, abhorent toyou?

173. Do you sometimes get so frightened or apprehensive that youhave physical reactions?

174. Do you find yourself "going off in all directions at once"?

175. Could someone else consider that you were really active?

176. Is your opinion of your abilities less than the facts warrant?

177. Do your emotions sway your judgement much?

178. If you lose an article do you get the idea that "someonemust have stolen or mislaid it"?

179. Are you opposed to the "probation system" for criminals?

180. Are you friendly in voice, attitude and expression?

181. Do you "stand up" well under difficult situations?

182. Do you feel upset about the fate of war victims and politicalrefugees?

183. Do you spend much time on "needless worries"?

184. Does life seem rather vague and unreal to you?


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185. Do you frequently find yourself "waiting" for something tohappen in~tead of taking a~tion?

186. If you.thought that someone was suspicious of you and youractions, would you tackle them on the subject, rather thanleave them to work it out?

187. In a disagreement do you find it hard to understand how theother person fails to see your side and thus agree with you?

188. Do you spend very little if any time grumbling about the con­ditions of your work?


189. Are you usually truthful to others?

190. Do mere acquaintances appeal to you for aid or advice in theirpersonal difficulties?

191. Do you spend too freely in relation to your income?

192. Do you sometimes feel that your age is against you (tooyoung or too old)?

'193. Can you take a "calculated risk" without too much worry?

194. Do you have spells of being sad and depressed rather thanstaying about the same level?

195. Do others push you around?

196. Do you tend to hide your feelings?

197. Do you make allowances for your friends where with othersyou might judge more severely?

198. Are you frequently dismayed by the actions of other-s notbeing able to understand their duplicity or stupidity?

199. If you were involved in a slight car accident would you reallytake the trouble to see that any damage you did was madegood?

200. Do you consider you have many warm friends?

Page 27: Scientology OCA IQ Test

This next page is a clear transparent sheet that you lay over the marking sheet. This overlay will get you the "raw scores" for the person's OCA answers. For each column A through J you add up the values of the person's raw scores to come up with their raw score for each of A through J.

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Page 29: Scientology OCA IQ Test

The next 4 pages is the percentile chart (scoring sheet) to translate the "raw scores" into the scores you will graph. Note that there are two sheets for men and two for women. Two are for 14-18 year olds and the other two for over 18 years old. You need to use the correct sheet that matches the person doing the test (gender and age). In each column are two number: the first will match the "raw score"; the second is the number you will graph.

Page 30: Scientology OCA IQ Test


Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard All Rights Reserved

A B C 0 E F G H 1 J

Stable Happy Composed Certainty Active Aggressive Responsible Correct Apprecia· Comm.

(Causative) Estimation tive Leval

108+ 100107+ 99106+ 98105+ 97104+ 97103+ 96 108+ 100 108+ 100102+ 95 107 + 99 107 + 100101 + 92 106+ 98 106+ 99100+ 90 105+ 97 105+ 9899+ 88 104+ 97 104+ 9798+ 85 103+ 96 103+ 96

100+ 99 97+ 80 102 + 94 102+ 94109+ 98 96+ 76 101 + 92 101 + 92108+ 96 95+ 70 100+ 90 100+ SO107+ 95 94+ 68 99+ 88 99+ 88106+ 94 93+ 66 98+ 84 98+ 86105+ 93 92+ 62 97+ 80 97+ 84 114 + 100104+ 92 91 + 58 96+ 78 96+ 80 113 + 99

"Crn 103+ 91 90+ 54 95+ 74 95+ 78 112 + 98::> 102+ 90 89+ 52 94+ 72 94+ 76 112+ 100 115+ 100 111 + 97 r-..J 101 + as 88+ 50 93+ 68 93+ 70 111 + 98 114+ 99 110+ 96 c:~ 100+ 84 119 87+ 48 92+ 64 92+ 66 110+ 96 113+ 98 109+ 95 CI'J

99+ 80 118 114+100 86+ 46 91 + 60 91 + 60 109+ 94 112+ 94 101 + 100 108+ 9498+ 76 117 + 100 113 + 98 85+ 44 90+ 56 90+ 54 108+ 92 111+ 90 100+ 99 107+ 9097+ 70 116+ 98 112 + 94 84+ 42 89+ 52 89+ 50 107 + 90 110+ 86 99+ 98 106+ 8696+ 64 115+ 96 111 + 90 83+ 40 88+ 48 88+ 42 106+ 84 109+ 82 98+ 96 105+ 8095+ 58 114+ 90 110+ 86 82+ 38 87+ 44 87+ 36 105+ 82 108+ 76 97+ 94 104 + 7494+ 52 113+ 82 109+ 82 81 + 36 86+ 40 86+ 30 104+ 78 107 + 70 96+ 90 103+ 6893+ 48 112+ 76 108+ 78 80+ 34 85+ 36 85+ 26 103+ 72 106+ 64 95+,86 102+ 6092+ 42 111+ 68 107 + 72 79+ 32 84+ 32 84+ 24 102+ 66 105 + 56 94+ 80 101 + 5491 + 36 110+ 62 106+ 64 78+ 28 83+ 28 83+ 22 101 + 58 104 + 48 93+ 72 100+ 4690+ 30 109+ 54 105+ 54 77+ 24 82+ 24 82+ 18 100+ 50 103+ 40 92+ 62 99+ 3889+ 24 108+ 44 104+ 44 76+ 20 81 + 20 81 + 14 99+ 44 102+ 30 91 + 50 98+ 3088+ 18 107 + 36 103+ 34 75+ 14 80+ 16 80+ 10 98+ 34 101 + 22 90+ 40 97+ 2487+ 12 106+ 20 102+ 22 74+ 10 79+ 10 .79+ 6 97+ 26 100 + 14 89+ 28 96+ 1886+ 6 105 + 10 101 + 10 73+ 6 78+ 4 78+ 4 96+ 18 99+ 8 88+ 18 95+ 1285+ 0 104+ 6 100+ 2 72+ 2 77+ 2 77+ 2 95+ 4 98+ 2 87+ 6 94+ 4

84- 6 103 - 6 9Q. - 6 71 - 2 76 - 4 76 - 2 94 - 0 97 - 4 86- 4 93 - 283 - 12 102 - 18 98 - 12 70 - 6 75 - 14 75 - 12 93 - 10 96 - 10 85 - 16 92 - 882 - 18 101 - 26 97 - 20 69 - 8 74 - 22 74 - 20 92 - 18 95 - 14 84-28 91 - 1481 - 26 100 - 32 96 - 26 68 - 10 73 - 26 73 - 30 91 - 28 94 - 22 83-40 90 - 2080 - 32 99-36 95 - 32 67 - 12 72 - 40 72 - 40 90-38 93 - 28 82 - 56 89 - 2479 - 40 98 - 44 94 - 40 66 - 16 71 - 48 71 - 50 89 - 46 92 - 40 81 - 62 88 - ·2878 - 46 97 - 48 93 - 46 65 - 20 70 - 58 70 - 58 88 - 54 91 - 52 80 - 70 87 - 3277 - 54 96 - 54 92 - 54 64 - 24 69 - 68 69 - 64 87 - 60 90 - 58 79 - 78 86 - 3876 - 60 95-58 91 - 60 63 - 28 68 - 72 68 - 72 86 - 66 89 - 62 78 - 80 85 - 4075 - 66 94 - 62 90 - 66 62 - 30 67 - 78 67 - 80 85 - 70 88 - 68 77 - 84 84 - 4474 - 72 93 - 66 89 - 74 61 - 36 66 - 82 66 - 85 84 - 76 87 - 72 76 - 86 83 - 4873 - 76 92 - 70 88 - 76 60 - 42 65 - 86 65 - 90 83 - 80 86 - 74 75 - 88 82 - 5272 - 80 91 - 72 87 - 80 59 - 48 64 - 88 64 - 94 82 - 86 85 - 78 74 - 90 81 - 5671 - 82 90 - 76 86 - 84 58 - 50 63 - 90 63 - 95 81 - 90 84 - 78 73 - 91 80 - 6070 - 84 88 - 78 85 - 86 57 - 52 62 - 91 62 - 96 80 - 91 83 - 80 72 - 92 79 - 6469 - 88 87 - 82 84 - 88 56 - 56 61 - 92 61 - 97 79 - 91 82 - 82 71 - 93 78 - 6668 - 90 86-84 83 - 90 55 - 60 • to - 93 , 60 - 98 78 - 92 81 - 84 70 - 94 77 - 6867 - 91 85-86 82 - 91 54 - 62 59 - 94 59 - 99 n - 92 80 - 86 69 - 95 76 - 7266 - 92 84-88 81 - 91 53 - 64 58 - 95 58 -100 76 - 93 79 - 87 68 - 96 75 - 7465 - 93 83 - 89 80 - 92 52 - 70 57 - 97 75 - 93 78 - 88 67 - 97 74 - 7664 - 94 82 - 89 79 - 92 51 - 74 56 - 98 74 - 94 77 - 89 66 - 98 73 - 80

(/) 63 - 95 81 - 90 78 - 93 50 - 76 55 - 99 73 - 94 76 - 90 65 - 98 72 - 82 ~::) 62 - 96 80-90 77 - 93 49 - 80 54 -100 72 - 95 75 - 91 64 - 99 71 - 84 -Z 61 - 98 79 - 91 76 - 94 48 - 82 71 - 95 74 - 92 63 - 99 70 - 86 Z- 60 - 97 78 """91 75 - 94 47 - 86 • 70 - 96 73 - 93 62 -100 69 - 88 C::E 59 - 97 77 - 92 74 - 95 46 - 90 69 - 96 72 - 94 61 -100 68 - 90 en

58 - 98 16 - 92 73 - 95 45 - 92 68 - 97 71 - 94 67 - 9057 - 98 75 - 93 72 - 96 44 - 93 67 - 97 70 - 95 66 - 9156 - 99 74 - 93 71 - 96 43 - 94 66 - 98 69 - 96 65 - 9155 - 99 73 - 94 10 - 97 42 - 95 65 - 98 68 - j!6 64 - 9254 -100 72 - 94 69 - 97 41 - 96 64 - 99 67 - 97 63 - 9253 -100 71 - 95 68 - 98 40 - 97 63 - 99 66 - 97 62 - 9352 -100 70 - 95 67 - 98 39 - 98 62 -100 65 - 97 61 - 9351 -100 69 - 96 66 - 98 38-99 64 - 98 60 - 9450 -100 68-96 65 - 99 37 -100 : 63 - 98 59 - 94

67 - 96 64 - 99 62 - 99 58 - 9566 - 97 63 - 99 61 - 99 57 - 9665 - 97 62 -100 60-99 56-9664-98 61 -100 59 - 99 55 - 9763 - 98 60 -100 \I'

58 -100 54 - 9762 - 99 59 -100 57 -100 53 - 9861 - 99 58 -100 .. 56 -100 52 - 9960 -100 57 -100 55 -100 51 -10059 -100 50 -10058 -10057 -10056 -10055 -100

Unstable Depressed Nervous Uncertainty Inactive Inhibited Irrespon- Critical Lack of Withdrawn(Dispersed) sible Accord

A B C 0 E F G H I J

Page 31: Scientology OCA IQ Test


Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard All Rights Reserved


Stable Happy Composed Certainty Active Aggressive Responsible Correct Apprecia- Comm,

(Causative) Estimation tlve level

108}+ 98108+ 100103

102+ 96 104+ 100 107 + 99101 + 95 103+ 99 106+ 98100+ 92 102+ 98 105+ 9799+ 90 101 + 97 104+ 9698+ 88 100+ 94 103+ 9597+ 85 99+ 93 102+ 9496+ 80 98+ 90 101 + 93

t, 95+ 76 97+ 88 100+ 9294+ 70 96+ 84 99+ 9193+ 68 95+ 80 98+ 90 114+100

en 92+ 66 94+ 76 97+ 88 113+ 99 "tI110+ 98 91 + 62 93+ 72 96+ 86 112 + 98

=> 109+ 96 90+ 58 92+ 70 95+ 82 111 + 97 r..J 108+ 95 89+ 54 91 + 66 94+ 78 110+ 96 CQ.

107+ 94 88+ 52 90+ 62 93+ 74 109+ 90C/)

106+ 92 87+ 50 89+ 58, 92+ 70 1t2+ 99 108+ 80105+ 90 114+ 94 86+ 48 88+ 54 91 + 60 111 + 96 i 101 + 100 " 107+ 76104+ 82 117+ 92 113 + 68 85+ 46 87+ 50 90+ 56 110+ 94 100+ 99 106 + 70103+ 78 116+ 88 112+ 82 84+ 44 86+ 48 89+ 52 109+ 92 115+ 100 99+ 98 105 + 66102+ 74 115+ 84 111 + 74 83+ 42 85+ 46 88+ 48 108+ 88 114+ 90 98+ 97 104 + 62101 + 68 114+ 78 110+ 68 82+ 40 84+ 44 87! 44 107+ 82 113+ 84 97+ 96 103 + 60100+ 62 113+ 72 109+ 60 81 + 38 83+ 40 86 40 106+ 74 112+ 78 96+ 90 102 + 5899+ 56 112+ 64 108+ 54 80+ 36 82+ 36 85+ 36 105+ 66. 111 + 72 95+ 86 101 + 5498+ 50 111 + 56 107+ 48 79+ 34 81 + 32 84+ 32 104+ 56 . 110+ 64 94+ 82 100+ 5097+ 42 110+ 48 106+ 40 78+ 32 80+ 28 83+ 28 103+ 46 109 + 56 ,93+ 80 99+ 4496+ 36 109+ 40 105+ 34 77+ 30 79+ 24 Ba+ 24 102+ 36 108+ 48 92+ 72 98+ 3895+ 28 108+ 32 104+ 28 76.+ 28 78+ 20 81 + 20 101 + 28 107 + 40 91 + 60 97"\ 3094+

22 '.107+ 24 103+ 20 75+ 20 77+ 16 80+ 16 100+ 20 106 + 36 90+ 46 ' -, 96+ 22

93+ 14 106+ 16 102+ 14 74+ 14 76+ 1~ 79+ 12 99+ 16 105+ 28 89+ 32 95+ 1692+ 8 105+ 8 101 + 8 73+ 8 75+ 8 78+ 8 98+ 12 104+ 16 88+ 18 94+ 891 + 0 104+ 2 100+ 2 72+ 2 74+ 4 77+ 4 97+ 4 103+ 2 87+ 2 93+ 2

91 0 103 - 4 99 - 4 7ft - 2 73 - 2 76 - 2 96 - 4 102 _w 4 86 - 10 92 - 490 - 6 102 - 12 98 - 10 70 - 6 72 - 6 75 - 12 95 - 12 101·- 10 85 - 22 91 - 1089 - 14 101 - 18 97 - 16 69 - 8 71 - 12 74 - 20 94 - 18 100 -~14 84 - 34 90 - 1488 - 20 100 - 24 96 - 22 68 - 10 70 - 18 73 - 30 93 - 26 99 - 18 83 - 46 89 - 2087 - 28 99 - 28 95 - 28 67 - 12 69 - 24 72 - 40 92 - 32 98 - 24 82 - 56 88 - 2486 - 34 98 - 34 t 94 - 34 66 - 16 68:- 30 71 - 50 91 - 40 97 - 28 81 - 64 87 - 2885 - 40 97 - 40 93 - 40 65 - 20 6i - 36 70 - 58 90 - 46 96 - 32 80 - 70 86 - 3284 - 46 96 - 44 92 - 46 64 - 24 66 - 40 69 - 64 89 - 52 95 - 36 79 - 76 85 - 3683 - 52 95 - 50 91 - 52 63 - 28 65 - 46 68 - 72 88 - 56 94 - 42 78 - 80 84 - 4082 - 58 94 - 55 90 - 58 62 - 30 64 - 50 67 - 80 87 - 62 93 - 46 77 - 86 83 - 4481 - 64 93 - 60 89 - 64 61 - 36 63 - 56 66 - 85 86 - 66 92 - 50 76 - 90 82 - 4680 - 74 92 - 66 88 - 70 60 -\42 62 - 62 65 - 90 .. 85 - 72 91 - 54 75 - 92 81 - 5079 - 76 91 - 70 87 - 76 59 - 48 61 - 70 64 - 94 84 - 76· 90 - 58 74 - 95 80 - 5678 - 80 90 - 78 86 - 82 58 - 50 60 - 76 63 - 95 83 - 80 89 - 62 73 - 96 79 - 5877 - 82 89 - 80 85 - 86 57 - 52 59 - 82 62 - 96 82 - 82 88 - 66 72 - 96 78 - 6076 - 84 88 - 82 84 - 90 56 - 56 58 - 90 61 - 97 . 81 - 84 87 - 70 71 - 97 77 - 6275 - 88 87 - 86 83 - 92 55 - 60 57 - 92 60 - 98 80 - 86 86 - 74 70 - 97 76 - 6474 - 92 86 - 80 82 - 94 54 - 62 56 - 94 59 - 99 79 - 88 85 - 76 69 - 98 75 - 6873 - 94 85 - 90 81 - 96 53 - 64 55 - 98 58 -100 78 - 88 84 - 78 68 - 98 74 - 7072 - 96 84 - 92 80 - 97 52 - 70 54 - 99 77 - 90 83 - 80 67 - 99 73 - 72

en 71 - 97 83 - 93 79 - 98 51 - 76 76 - 92 82 - 84 66 - 99 72 - 74 3:=> 69 - 98 82 - 94 78 - 98 50 - 76 75 - 92 81 - 86 65 - 99 71 - 76 -Z 68 - 99 81 - 95 77 - 98 49 - 82 74 - 94 80 - 87 64 - 99 70 - 77 Z- ~}-100 80 - 95 76 - 98 48 - 86 - 73 - 96 79 - 88 63 -100 69 - 78 C:!: 79 - 96 75}_ 99 47 - 90 72 - 98 78 - 89 62 -100 68 - 80 CJ)

78 - 97 66 46 - 92 71 - 98 77 - 90 61 -100 67 - 8277 - 98 65}-100 45 - 93 70 - 99 76 - 90 66 - 8476 - 99 57 44 - 94 69 - 99 75 - 90 65 - 8675}-100 43 - 95 68 - 99 74 - 91 64 - 9055 42 - 96 67 - 99 73 - 92 63 - 92

41 - 97 66 72 - 93 62 - 9440 - 98 65 _ 99 71 - 94 61 - 9539 - 99 64 70 - 95 60 - 9638 -100 . 63 69 - 96 59 - 9737 -100 62}_loo 68 - 96 58 - 98

58 67 - 96 57 - 9966 - 97 56 - 9965 - 98 55 - 9964 - 98 54 - 9963 - 99 53 -10062}-HlO 52 -10058 51 -100

50 -100


Unstable Depressed Nervous Uncertainty Inactive Inhibited ~rrespon· Critical lack of Withdrawn(Dispersed) sible Accord


Page 32: Scientology OCA IQ Test


Copyright © 1978 by L Ron Hubbard All Rights Reserved

A B C 0 E F G H I J

Stable Happy Composed Certainty Active Aggressive Responsible Correct Apprecia- Comm.

(Causative) Estimation tive Level

108 + 100107 + 99 108+ 100106 + 98 107+ 99105+ 97 106+ 99104+ 97 108 + 100 105+ 98103+ 95 107 + 100 104+ 96

110+ 100 101 + 92 106+ 99 103+ 94109+ 99 100+ 90 105 + 98 102 + 92108+ 98 99+ 88 104 + 96 101 + 90107 + 97 98+ 85 103 + 94 100+ 88106+ 96 97+ 80 102+ 92 99+ 86105+ 94 96+ 76 101 + 90 98+ 80104+ 92 95+ 70 100+ 88 97+ 76 112+ 100103+ 88 94+ 68 99+ 82 96+ 72 111+100102+ 86 93+ 66 98+ 78 95+ 70 110 + 99 115 + 100

(/) 101 + 84 92+ 62 97+ 74 94+ 66 109 + 98 114 + 99 '1J

:> 100+ 82 91 + 58 96+ 70 93+ 64 108 + 97 113 + 98 r..J 99+ 78 90+ 54 .95+ 66 92+ 60 107 + 96 112 + 96 CCL 98+ 76 117 + 100 114+ 100 89+ 52 94+ 62 91 + 58 106+ 95 111 + 94 en

97+ 74 116+ 99 113+ 98 88+ 50 93+ 58 90+ 56 105+ 94 110+ 92 114 + 10096+ 70 115+ 96 112+ 96 87+ 48 92+ 54 89+ 54 104 + 93 109+ 90 113+ 9995+ 66 114+ 90 111 + 92 86+ 46 91 + 50 88+ 52 103+ 92 108+ 86 112+ 9894+ 64 113+ 86 110+ 90 85+ 44 90+ 46 87+ 50 102+ 91 107 + 82 101 + 100 111 + 9493+ 60 112 + 84 109+ 86 84+ 42 89+ 42 86+ 48 101 + 90 106+ 78 100+ 98 110+ 9092+ 56 111 + 80 108+ 82 83+ 40 88+ 38 85+ 44 100+ 86 105+ 74 99+ 96 109+ 8691 + 52 110+ 74 107 + 78 82+ 38 87+ 34 84+ 40 99+ 82 104+ 70 98+ 94 108+ 8090+ 46 109+ 70 106+ 74 81 + 36 86+ 30 83+ 38 98+ 78 103+ 64 97+ 90 107 + 7489+ 42 108+ 62 105+ 68 80+ 34 85+ 26 82+ 36 97+ 72 102+ 60 96+ 88 106+ 6888+ 36 107 + 60 104+ 62 79+ 32 84+ 22 81 + 32 96+ 66 101 + 54 95+ 82 105+ 6287+ 34 106+ 50 103+ 54 78+ 28 83+ 18 80+ 30 95+ 58 100+ 48 94+ 74 104 + 5486+ 28 105+ 42 102+ 46 77+ 24 82+ 14 79+ 24 94+ 48 99+ 42 93+ 64 103+ 5085+ 24 104 + 34 101 + 38 76+ 20 81 + 10 78+ 20 93+ 40 98+ 36 92+ 54 102 + 4484 + 18 103+ 26 100+ 26 75+ 14 80+ '8 77+ 16 92+ 32 97+ 32 91 + 44 101 + 3483+ 12 102 + 18 99+ 18 74 + 10 79+ 6 76+ 10 91 + 22 96+ 22 90+ 32 100+ 2482+ 6 101 + 12 98+ 10 73+ 6 78+ 4 75+ 4 90+ 14 95+ 14 89+ 20 99+ 1681 + 0 100+ 6 97+ 2 72+ 2 77+ 2 74+ 2 89+ 6 94+ 6 88+ 6 98+ 6

80 - 8 99 - 4 96 - 6 71 - 2 76 - 2 73 - 6 88 - 2 93 - 2 87 - 8 97 - 279 - 16 98 - 10 95 - 12 70 - 6 75 - 6 72 - 20 87 - 12 92 - 10 86 - 20 96 - 1278 - 26 97 - 16 94 - 18 69 - 8 74 - 24 71 - 30 86 - 20 91 - 16 85 - 34 95 - 1877 - 34 96 - 24 93 - 24 68 - 10 73 - 34 70 - 42 85 - 28 90 - 24 84 - 46 94 - 2876 - 42 95 - 30 92 - 30 67 - 12 72 - 42 69 - 52 84 - 38 89 - 28 83 - 56 93 - 3275 - 50 94 - 34 91 - 38 66 - 16 71 - 50 68 - 60 83 - 46 88 - 34 82 - 68 92 - 3674 - 56 93 - 42 90 - 44 65 - 20 70 - 58 67 - 68 82 - 54 87 - 40 81 - 72 91 - 3873 - 62 92 - 46 89 - 48 64 - 24 69 - 64 66 - 76 81 - 62 86 - 46 80 - 78 90 - 4472 - 68 91 - 48 B8 - 54 63 - 28 68 - 70 65 - 82 80 - 68 85 - 50 79 - 84 89 - '4871 - 72 90 - 54 87 - 62 62 - 30 67 - 74 64 - 88 79 - 74 84 - 56 78 - 88 88 - 5270 - 74 89 - 60 86 - 66 61 - 36 66 - 80 63 - 92 78 - 78 83 - 60 77 - 90 87 - 5669 - 78 88 - 64 85 - 72 60 - 42 65 - 86 62 - 96 77 - 82 82 - 84 76


- 91 86 - 6068 - 82 87 - 68 84 - 74 59 - 48 64 - 88 61 - 98 76 - 84 81 - 68 75 - 92 85 - 6467 - 86 86 - 72 83 - 78 58 - 50 63 - 90 60 - 99 75 - 86 80 - 72 74 - 93 84 - 6666 - 90 85 - 76 82 - 82 57 - 52 62 - 92 59 -100 74 - 88 79 - 76 73 - 94 83 - 7065 - 91 84-80 81 - 84 56 - 56 61 - 94 58 -100 73 - 90 78 - 78 72 - 95 82 - 7264 - 92 83 - 82 80-88 55 - 60 60 - 96 72 - 91 77 - 92 70 - 96 81 - 7463 - 93 82 - 84 79 - 90 54 - 62 59 - 97 71 - 92 76 - 93 69 - 96 80 - 7662 - 94 81 - 86 78 - 90 53 - 64 58 - 98 70 - 93 75 - 93 68 - 97 79 - 7861 - 95 80 - 88 77 - 91 52 - 70 57 - 98 69 - 94 74 - 94 67 - 97 78 - 80

(/J 60 - 96 79 - 90 76 - 91 51 - 74 56 - 99 68 - 95 73 - 94 66 - 98 77 - 78 3::J 59 - 96 78 - 90 75 - 92 50 - 76 55 -tOO 67 - 96 72 - 95 65 - 98 76 - 84 -Z 58 - 97 77 - 91 74 - 92 49 - 80 54 -100 66 - 97 71 - 95 64 - 99 75 - 86 z- 57 - 97 76 - 91 73 - 93 48 - 82 65 - 97 70 - 96 63 - 99 74 - 86 c:E 56 - 98 75 - 92 72 - 93 47 - 86 64 - 98 69 - 96 62 -100 73 - 88 en

55 - 98 74 - 93 71 - 94 46 - 90 63 - 98 68 - 97 61 -100 72 - ~54 - 99 73 - 93 70 - 94 45 - 92 62 - 99 67- 97 71 - 9053 - 99 72 - 94 69 - 95 44 - 93 61 - 99 66 - 98 70 - 9052 -100 71 - 94 68 - 95 43 - 94 60 -100 65 - 98 69 - 9051 -100 70 - 95 67 - 96 42 - 95 59 -100 64 - 98 68 - 9150 -100 69 - 95 66 - 97 41 - 96 58 -100 63 - 99 67 - 91

68 - 96 65 - 97 40 - 97 62 - 99 66 - 9267 - 96 64 - 98 39 - 98 61 - 99 65 - 9266 - 97 63 - 98 38 - 99 60 -100 64 - 9365 - 97 62 - 99 37 -100 59 -100 63 - 9464 - 98 61 - 99 58 -100 62 - 9463 - 9a 60 -100 57 -100 61 - 9562 - 99 59 -100 56 -100 60 - 9561 - 99 55 -100 59 - 9660 -100 58 - 9659 -100 57 - 9758 -100 56 - 9755

~55 - 9854 - 9853 - 9952 - 9951 -10050 -100

Unstable Depressed Nervous Uncertainty Inactive Inhibited Irrespon- Critical Lack of Withdrawn(Dispersed) sible Accord

A B C D E F G H I Jo

Page 33: Scientology OCA IQ Test


Copyright © 1978 by L Ron Hubbard All Rights reserved~ -~---

A B C 0 E F G H I J

Stable Happy Composed Certainty Active Aggressive Responsible Correct Apprecia· Comm.(Causative) Estimation tive Level

- -

108 + 100108+ 100 108 + 100 107 + 100107 + 99 107 + 100 106+ 99106+ 98 106 + 100 105+ 98105+ 97 105 + 100 104+ 97104 + 97 104+ 99 103+ 96103 + 96 103 + 99 102+ 94102+ 95 102 + 98 101+ 92101 + 92 101 + 97 100+ 90100 + 90 100+ 97 99+ 8799+ 88 99+ 96 98+ 8498+ 85 98+ 94 97+ 8197+ 80 97+ 92 96+ 78

110+ 99 96+ 76 96+ 90 95+ 75

CJ) 109+ 98 95+ 70 95+ 88 94+ 72"0

108+ 96 94+ 68 94+ 84 93+ 70::::> 107+ 94 93+ 66 93+ 80 92+ 67 r...J

106+ 92 92+ 62 92+ 76 91 + 64 ca. 105+ 90 91 + 58 91 + 72 90+ 61 en

104+ 88 108+ 98 90+ 54 90+ 70 89+ 57 114+ 100103+ 86 107+ 96 89+ 52 89+ 66 88+ 54 113+ 98102+ 84 106 + 94 88+ 50 88+ 62 87+ 51 112+ 94101 + 80 105+ 92 87+ 48 87+ 58 86+ 48 111 + 90100+ 78 104+ 88 86+ 46 86+ 54 85+ 45 112 + 100 101 + 100 110+ 8899+ 76 111 + 98 103+ 84 85+ 44 85+ 50 84+ 42 111 + 99 100+ 99 109+ 8498+ 72 110+ 92 102+ 80 84+ 42 84+ 46 83+ 39 110+ 98 115+ 90 99+ 98 108+ 8097+ 70 109+ 86 101 + 76 83+ 40 83+ 42 82+ 36 109 + 90 114+ 86 98+ 95 107 + 7496+ 66 108+ 80 100+ 70 82+ 38 82+ 38 81 + 33 108+ 88 113+ 80 97+ 92 106+ 6895+ 62 107+ 74 99+ 64 81 + 36 81 + 34 80+ 30 107+ 86 112+ 76 96+ 86 105+ 6494+ 58 106+ 68 98+ 58 80+ 34 80+ 30 79+ 27 106+ 82 111 + 70 95+ 80 104 + 5893+ 54 105+ 62 97+ 50 79+ 32 79+ 28 78+ 24 105+ 80 110 + 64 94+ 72 103+ 5292+ 48 104+ 54 96+ 44 78+ 28 78+ 24 77+ 21 104+ 78 109+ 58 93+ 64 102+ 4491 + 42 103+ 46 95+ 38 77+ 24 77+ 20 . 76+ 18 103+ 66 108+ 50 92+ 56 101 + 3890+ 36 102+ 38 94+ 30 76+ 20 76+ 16 75+ 15 102+ 54 107+ 42 91 + 46 100+ 3089+ 28 101 + 30 93+ 24 75+ 14 75+ 12 74+ 12 101 + 42 106+ 34 90+ 34 99+ 2288+ 20 100+ 20 92+ 18 74+ 10 74+ 8 73+ 9 100+ 30 105+ 24 89+ 22 98+ 1487+ 12 99+ 10 91 + 8 73+ 6 73+ 4 72+ 6 99+ 20 104+ 16 88+ 12 97+ 886+ 4 98+ 2 90+ 6 72+ 2 72+ 2 71 + 3 98+ 10 103+ 6 87+ 10 96+ 2

85 - 4 97 - 4 89 - 2 71 - 2 71 - 12 70 - 10 97 - 0 102 - 0 86 - 2 95 - 284 - 12 96 - 10 88 - 8 70 - 6 70 - 26 69 - 22 96 - 8 101 - 2 85 - 14 94 - 1083 - 20 95 - 16 87 - 14 69 - 8 69 - 38 68 -' 36 95 - 14 100 - 4 84 - 28 93 - 1482 - 26 94 - 22 86 - 20 68 - 10 68 - 48 67 - 48 94 - 18 99 - 6 83 - 40 92 - 2081 - 28 93 - 28 85 - 26 67 - 12 67 - 58 66 - 58 93 - 28 98- 8 82 - 50 91 - 2480 - 38 92 - 32 84 - 30 66 - 16 66 - 66 65 - 68 92 - 38 97 - 10 81 - 62 90 - 2879 - 44 91 - 38 83 - 36 65 - 20 65 - 74 64 - 78 91 - 44 96 - 12 80 - 70 89 - 3278 - 50 90 - 40 82 - 42 64 - 24 64 - 78 63 - 86 90 '- 52 .95 - 22 79 - 80 88-3677 - 54 89 - 44 81 - 48 63 - 28 63 - 82 62 - 92 89 - 58 94 - 30 78 - 86 87 - 4076 - 60 88 - 46 80 - 54 62 - 30 62 - 86 61 - 97 88 - 64 93 ... 36 77 - 90 86 - 4475 - 64 87 - 50 79 - 60 61 - 36 61 - 90 60 - 98 87 - 68 92 - 42 76 - 92 85 - 4674 - 70 86 - 54 78 - 66 60 - 42 60 - 92 59 - 99 86 - 72 91 - 46 75 - 95 84 - 5073 - 74 85 - 58 77 - 70 59 - 48 59 - 94 59 -100 85 ~ 78 90 - 52 74 - 96 83 - 5672 - 78 84 - 62 76 - 76 58 - 50 58 - 96 84 - 80 89 - 56 73 - 96 82 - 5871 - 84 83-66 75 - 82 57 - 52 57 - 97 83 - 84 88 - 58 72 - 97 81 - 6070 - 88 82 - 68 74 - 86 56 - 56 56 - 98 82 - 87 87 - 62 71 - 97 80 - 6269 - 90 81 - 72 73 - 90 55 - 60 66 - 99 81 - 88 86 - 66 70 - 98 79 - 6668 - 92 80 - 76 72 - 91 54 - 62 54 -100 80 - 90 85 - 70 69 - 98 78 - 6867 - 94 79 - 80 71 - 92 53 - 64 79 - 91 84 - 74 68 - 98 77 - 7066 - 95 78 - 82 70 - 93 52 - 70 78 - 92 83 - 76 67 - 99 76 - 72

(J) 65 - 96 77 - 86 69 - 94 51 - 74 77 - 93 82 - 80 66 - 99 75 - 74

::::> 64 - 97 76 - 88 68 - 95 50 - 76 76 - 94 81 - 83 65 - 99 74 - 76 3:63 - 98 75 - 90 67 - 96 49 - 80 75 - 95 80 - 84 64 - 99 73 - 78 -

Z 62 - 99 74 - 91 66 - 96 48 - 82 74 - 96 79 - 85 63 -100 72 - 82 Z- 61 - 99 73 - 92 65 - 97 47 - 86 73 - 96 78 - 86 62 -100 71 - 84 c:2 60 - 99 72 - 92 64 - 97 46 - 90 72 - 97 77 - 87 61 -100 70 - 86 en

59 71 - 93 63 - 98 45 - 92 71 - 98 76 - 88 69 - 8858 70 - 93 62 - 98 44 - 93 70 - 98 75 - 89 68 - 9057 69 - 94 61 - 99 43 - 94 69 - 98 74 - 90 67 - 9256 68 - 94 60 - 99 42 - 95 68 - 99 73 - 91 66 - 9355 -100 67 - 95 59 -100 41 - 96 67 - 99 72 - 92 65 - 9454 66 - 95 58 -laO 40 - 97 66 - 99 71 - 93 64 - 9553 65 - 96 57 -100 39 - 98 65 - 99 70 - 94 63 - 9552 64-96 38 - 99 64 - 99 69 - 95 62 - 9651 63 - 97 37 -100 63 - 99 68 - 96 61 - 9650 62 - 97 62 - 99 67 - 97 60 - 97

61 - 98 61 -100 66 - 98 59 - 9860 - 99 60 -100 65 - 99 58 - 9859 - 99 59 -100 64 - 99 57 - 9958 -100 58 -100 63 -100 56 - 9957 -100 58 -100 62 -100 55 - 9956 -100 61 -100 54 -10055 -100 60}_100 53 -100

55 52 -10051 -10050 -100

-Unstable Depressed Nervous Uncertainty Inactive Inhibited Irrespon- Critical Lack of Withdrawn

(Dispersed) sible AccordA B C D E F G H I J

Page 34: Scientology OCA IQ Test

The next 2 pages are various versions of graphs used. For each trait/score A through J, mark a dot corresponding to the number you found on the percentile chart. Draw a line connecting A to B, B to C, etc. On the second version of the chart, the IQ test score is marked in the rightmost column.

Page 35: Scientology OCA IQ Test


Name.................•••.•..•.•...•....Address ..•.•..•.••••... _..•........ _...

Date _.•....•..•.•.....•.. _••....•.••. _••Marked by •.........••...•...•....... _•.











Aggressive Respon-sible










Below Broken Line-Attention Urgent




Copyright © 1978by L. Ron HubbardALL RIGHTS RESERVED







Lack of











Nervous UncertaintyB



Under PerfectConditions•


+ 100

+ 90

+ 80

+ 70

+ 60

+ 50

+ 40

+ 30

+ 20

+ 10











- 100

Page 36: Scientology OCA IQ Test













A B c D E F G H J

+100 t---+----t---f----+----+----+---t-----t----+---.-+----i----l


00-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100 t--A'------.------=-B-,--C.&.....--r-----:::D-.---E.J----r-----"F--.----Q...L..----r------lHI-.....,.-----I...-.------JJI-.....,.-----I...--j










Page 37: Scientology OCA IQ Test

The next two pages are the marking sheet for the IQ test. This is what you give to the person doing the IQ test.

Page 38: Scientology OCA IQ Test







This test is to ascertain your efficiency at solving problems. There are various sorts of questions. Beloware some sample questions. Read each question and decide which of the answers given is the correct one.

Sample (1) Which of the five thin~~ li~ted helo", i~ hard?

a) cotton b) iron c) wood d) lint e) silk

abc d e

() • {) U (}

The right answer is (b) iron; so a heavy mark has been placed in the oval under the column (b) oppositethe question. This is the way to m~rk the answers. Try the next sample question yourself. Fill in the ovalunder the correct column.

Sample (2) A pekinese is a kind of _____. a b c d e

a) cat b) fish c) bird d) dog e) plant 0 0 0 () 0

The answer is dog, so you should have filled in the oval under column d.

Sample (3) Which of the numhers below is smaller than 62? a b c d ea) 65 b) 94 c) 71 d) 63 e) 59 0 0 0 0 0

The answer is 59 of course, so you should have filled in the oval under column e.

There are 80 questions to the test. You are not necessarily expected to answer all of them in the timeallowed, but answer as many as you can. You will be allowed 30 minutes after you are told to begin. Tryto get as many right as possible. but do not try to go so fast that you make careless mistakes. If a questionappears to difficult go onto the next one, you may have time to come back to the difficult one.

No questions will be answered by the examiner after the test has started. If vou have some questions askthem now.

Copyrighl (c) 1960. L. Ron Hubbard. All RighlS Reserved.

Page 39: Scientology OCA IQ Test


abc d e61. 0 0 0 0 0

62. 0 0 0 0 0

63. 0 0 0 0 0

64. 0 0 0 0 0

65. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

66. 0 0 0 0 0

67. 0 0 0 0 0

68. 0 0 0 0 0

69. 0 0 0 0 0

70. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

71. 0 0 0 0 0

72. 0 0 0 0 0

73. 0 0 0 0 0

74. 0 0 0 0 0

75. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e76. U U 0 0 U

77. 0 0 0 0 0

78. 0 0 0 0 0

79. 0 0 0 0 0

80. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

41. 0 0 0 0 0

42. 0 0 0 0 0

43. 0 0 0 0 0

44. 0 0 0 0 0

45. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

46. 0 0 0 0 0

47. 0 0 0 0 0

48. 0 0 0 0 0

49. 0 0 0 0 0

50. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

51. 0 0 0 0 0

52. 0 0 0 0 0

53. 0 0 0 0 0

54. 0 0 0 0 0

55. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e50. 0 0 0 U 0

57. 0 0 0 0 0

58. 0 0 0 0 0

59. 0 0 0 0 0

60. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

21. 0 0 0 0 0

22. 0 0 0 0 0

23. 0 0 0 0 0

24. 0 0 0 0 0

25. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

26. 0 0 0 0 0

27. 0 0 0 0 0

28. 0 0 0 0 0

29. 0 0 0 0 0

30. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

31. 0 0 0 0 0

32. 0 0 0 0 0

33. 0 0 0 0 0

34. 0 0 0 0 0

35. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e36. 0 0 0 0 0

37. 0 0 0 0 0

38. 0 0 0 0 0

39. 0 0 0 0 0

40. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

1. 0 0 O' 0 0

2. 0 0 0 0 0

3. 0 0 0 0 0

4. 0 0 0 0 0

5. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

6. 0 0 0 0 0

7. 0 0 0 0 0

8. 0 0 0 0 0

9. 0 0 0 0 0

10. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e

II. 0 0 0 0 0

12. 0 0 0 0 0

13. 0 0 0 0 0

14. 0 0 0 0 0

15. 0 0 0 0 0

abc d e16. 0 0 U U U

17. 0 0 0 0 0

18. 0 0 0 0 0

19. 0 0 0 0 0

20. 0 0 0 0 0

Page 40: Scientology OCA IQ Test

The next five pages are the test questions for the IQ test. I believe that currently, Scientology uses two versions of this test: version A and version B. They alternate between the two tests. Note: There is no information in this packet for scoring the IQ test.

Page 41: Scientology OCA IQ Test





I, If two ice creams cost eight eent~. how many could you huy for eighty eenl~?

(a) 160 (b) 16 (c) 20 (d) 64 (e) 6

Page I

2. A child dOl" not alway, het\ c,,'

(a) eyes (b) nose (e) toys (d) lung (e) mouth

3. A collellc'" I' mn"t likel~' 10 ha\t~

(a) text books (b) a blackboard (c) a janitor (d) a teacher (e) pencils

4. Usually it is ,afer to .iudge chara".'ter hy

(a) wealth (b) appearance (c) voice (d) actions (e) shoes

5. The first figure is related to the second in the same way as the third is related to one of the followingfour. Which one?

This is to this 2 as this is to

(a)~.. (b)) ) ) ) (c) 56. The opposite of awkward is

(a) strong (b) healthy (c) beautiful

7 The moon i... relatc..'d III l',lIth a, the earth is tn

(d) slow (e) graceful

(a) Venus (b) clouds (c) the sun (d) the stars (e) the Universe

R. If the first two statements are true the third is -?

George is older th'\n Bill.Harry is older than George.Bill is younger than Harry.

(a) true (b) false (c) uncertain

9. Which of the five words below is most unlike the other four?(a) swift (b) "quick (c) speedy (d) run (e) fast

10. Which of these words comes first in the dictionary?(a) forgotten (b) furious (c) failure (d) fast (e) fire

11. Diamonds are more costly than glass because they are(a) prettier (b) purer (c) transparent (d) carbon (e) scarcer

12. What letter in the word LONDONER is the same number in the word (counting from the beginning)as it is in the alphabet?(a) E (b) 0 (c) N (d) L (e) D

13. A memory that is not definite could be said to be(a) safe (b) vague (c) forgotten (d) beautiful (e) sad

14. If a dog can run 10 feet in I/5th of a second, how many feet could he run in 20 seconds?(a) 500 (b) 350 (c) 2500 (d) 1000 (e) 250

15. Four of these five things are similar in some way, which item is dissimilar?(a) petrol (b) oil (c) wood (d) electricity (e) coal

16. If 5 crates of oranges weigh 200 pounds and each empty crate weighs 5 lbs., how many pounds ~f

oranges are there in the five crates?(a) 205 (b) 55 (e) 175 (d) 120 (e) 195

17. One number is out of series in the following: 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9, 5, 9.Which number is incorrect?(a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 12 (e) 6

Page 42: Scientology OCA IQ Test



This p ~~is to aslhis J is to

(a) a-"..,. (b) 1..~ (c) ~ (d).r.fl

19. If 2 1/2 yards of wire cost IS¢ what will 20 yards cost?

(a) $2.50 (b) 32¢ (c) 21 ¢ (d) $1.20 (e) 73¢

20. Four of these words are alike in some way. Which one is not so alike?

(a) throw (b) dislike (c) reject (d) answer (e) listen

21. The opposite of economy is

(a) buying (b) miserly (c) waste (d) extravagance (e) spending

22. A discussion always involves

(a) an argument (b) an office (c) a chairman (d) an audience (e) subject

23. Find the two letters in the word LOBOTOMY which" have the same number of letters between themin the word as in the alphabet. Which of these two letters comes first in the alphabet?

(a) T (b) M (c) L (d) Y (e) 0

24. If the first two statements are true the third is -?

One cannot become a champion swimmer without much practice.Jim frequently practices swimming.Jim will be a champion swimmer.

(a) true (b) false (c) uncertain

25. Which of these expressions is most unlike the other three?

(a) fair to good (b) handsome to beautiful (c) small to little (d) warm to hot "

26. How many of the following words can be made from the letters in the word TRIANGLES using anyletter any number of times? feeling, greatest, glorious, relating, greasiness, trials, re-instate.

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 5 (e) 4

27. In physics the law of conservation of energy is

(a) obsolete (b) absolute (c) hypothetical (d) theoretical (e) adjustable

28. Mat is to bat as -? is to stone.

(a) Iud; (h) harJ h: I g.rind (d) mill (e) prone

29. Which of these words is related to slow as many is to few?

(a) stopped (h) eal:h (c) going (d) extra (e) fast

30. The opposite of occasionally is(a) seldom (b) periodically (c) frequently (d) never (e) variably

31. A man and his wife, his two daughters and their husbands and four children in each daughter's familymake up a party of -? persons.

(a) 14 (b) 12 (c) 6 (d) 9 (e) 15

32. The opposite of affinity is(a) love (b) encouragement (e) joy (d) hate (e) fear

33. A cinema film is related to a phonograph in the same way that -? is related to a pond.

(a) swimming (b) waterfall (c) yacht (d) fish (e) water

34. At a party (ere are always

(a) drinks (b) games (c) guests

35. A clock is related to time as scales are to

(a) heavy (b) motion (c) weight

(d) cabaret

(d) ounces

(e) waiters

(e) weighing machiqe'

36. "Action of changing positions" is a good definition for

(a) chaos (b) activity (c) re-arrangement (d) confusion (e) promotion

Page 43: Scientology OCA IQ Test


37. If the first two statements are true. the third is -?

All students have passed their exams.John has not passed his exam.John is a student.

Page 3

(a) true (b) false (e) uncertain

38. If the words below' are arranged to make a good sentence, what letter would the second word of thesentence commence with?

men. two. nave. le[l'. mo~t

(a) A (b) T (e) M (d) L (e) H

o 0



o ois to as this is to

(a) (b) (c) (d)

40. Truth is to falsehood as -? is to absence.

(a) lie (b) leave (c) presence (d) absenteeism (e) visit

41. A father is always -? than his son.(a) taller (b) slower (c) older (d) wiser (e) sharper

42. Such things as language, clothing, customs, color, indicate

(a) temperament (b) race (c) birthplace (d) location (e) personality

43. A building always has

(a) doors (b) windows (c) walls (d) bricks (e) chimneys

44. What is related to a sphere in the same way that a square is related to a cube?(a) sides (b) circle (c) triangle (d) angles (e) dimension

45. Which of these pairs of words is most unlike the other three?

(a) sad-pity (b) beautiful-ugly (c) truth-lie (d) give-take

46. The two words. necessary and desired mean(a) the opposite (b) the same (c) neither the same nor the opposite

47. Of the five words below four are alike in a certain way. Which one is not like these four?(a) run (b) walk (c) crawl (d) crouch (e) jump

48. The idea that the earth is the centre of the universe is(a) improbably (b) intelligent (c) subversive (d) insular (e) astronomical

49. The opposite of brave is

(a) stubborn (b) traitor (c) cowardly (d) slow (e) irresponsible

50. The opposite of success is

(a) ensure (b) withdraw (c) failure (d) setback (e) win

51. Precede means to go before, pre-arrange means to arrange before, therefore pre means

(a) to arrange (b) before te) to do before (d) to go before (e) to do before or after

52. If 13 1/2 yards of wire cost $1.3S, what will 10 1/2 yards cost?(a) 93¢ (b) $1.05 (c) 7S¢ (d) $1.44 (e) 43¢

53. Which number in this series appears a second time nearest the beginning?

7 564 8 9 I 0 6 0 9 9 7 6 S 841 902(a) S (b) 1 (e) 0 (d) 6 (e) 7

Page 44: Scientology OCA IQ Test



This is to


~ "...,

~ .......


as this is to

(a) (d)

55. if the first two of the following statements are true the third is -?

Some of our acquaintances are clerks.Some of our acquaintances are male.Some of our acquaintances are male clerks.

(a) true (b) false (c) uncertain

56. If the words below are re-arranged to make a good sentence the fourth word in the sentence wouldend with what letter?

the two bird is in hand the bush a in worth

(a) E (b)D (c) 0 (d) A (e) H

57. A soda fountain serves a mixture of three-parts water and two-parts orange. How many pints ofwater will it take to make 100 pints of the mixture?

(a) 80 (b) 33 1/3 (c) 60 (d) 66 2/3 (e) 40

58. If a person says things he knows to be incorrect he is said to be

(a) careful (b) stubborn (c) untruthful (d) uninformed (e) self-confident

59. Which of these expressions is most unlike the other three?

(a) read books (b) make beds (c) receive guests (d) work difficulties

60. If a father can walk 10 feet while baby crawls four feet, how many feet can father walk while babycrawls six feet?

(a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 15 (d) 18 (e) 20

61. A statement which has not a definite meaning is said to be

(a) unfair (b) true (e) ambiguous (d) doubtful (e) incorrect

62. Which of the following is a trait of personality?

(a) affluence (b) reputation (c) position (d) withdrawn (e) power

63. One number is wrong in the following series- 2, 12, 4, 9, 8, 6, 16, 4. What should that number be?

(a) II (b) 3 (c) S (d) 9 (e) I0

64. Going is to gone as now is to

(a) will be (b) today (c) then (d) yesterday (e) hereafter

65. If the words below were arranged to make a good sentence with what letter would the last word ofthe sentence end?

know does mother best always not

(a) S (b) R (c) T



r ~

r ,\ l)~ .J

is to as this is to

(a) (b) (c)

Page 45: Scientology OCA IQ Test


67. If a piece of string 72 inches long shrinks to 66 inches after getting wet, how long would a 96-inchpiece of string be after shrinking?

(a) 92 (b) 48 (c) 88 (d) 90 (el 76

68. Which of the five things below is most like these three- lime, cotton, ivory?

(a) water (b) snow (c) oil (d) cheese (e) sea

69. If you were looking at the five words below in a mirror standing upright a~ the top of the page,which would look almost the same as if you looked at it directly?

(a) BEET (b) MAMA (c) TOOK (d) DEED (e) SAT

Page 5

70. A tiger is most similar to a

(a) donkey (b) elephant (c) W('! r (d) cat (e) zebra

71. Which additional word of the five words helow would make the truer sentence?

Teachers are -? wiser than their pupils.

(a) always (b) never (c) much (d) usually (e) rarely

72. Which of the five words below is most unlike the other four?

(a) lion (b) acrobat (c) clown (d) circus (e) horse

73. What letter is the fourth letter to the right of the letter which is mid-way between U and C in theword RESURRECTION?

(a) 0 (b) E (c) A (d) T (e) 1

74. Devolution is to evolution as progression is to

(a) expression (b) evaluation (c) retrogression (d) revolution (e) retarding

75. One number is wrong in the following serie~- 2. 4, 8, 16, 32, 60. 128. What should that number he?

(a) 3 (b) 9 (1.:) 1M (d) 64 (e) 96

76. If an electric train is travelling 15 m.p.h. to the north and the wind is blowing strongly to the southat 30 m.p.h. the train will move to the south at 15 m.p.h.

(a) true (b) false (c) uncertain

77. If a piece of string is cut so that one piece is 2/3rds as long as the other and the total length of thestring is 40 yards, how long must the shorter piece be?

(a) 36 1/3 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 24213 (e) 24


What number is in the space that is in the circle and in the triangle but not in the rectangle?(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (e) 5

79. How many numbers are there each of which is in two geometrical figures (but only two)?(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (e) 5

.;~. What number is in the same geometrical figure or figures (and no others) as the number 7?(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 6 (e) 5

Copyright © 1960. L. Ron Hubbard. All Rights Reserved.

Page 46: Scientology OCA IQ Test

Note: There is no information in this packet for scoring the IQ test.

Page 47: Scientology OCA IQ Test

