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SCM-7_Sourcing Decision in a Supply Chain

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  • 7/27/2019 SCM-7_Sourcing Decision in a Supply Chain


    2007 Pearson Education 13-1

    Chapter 14

    Sourcing Decisions in a Supply Chain

    Supply Chain Management

    (3rd Edition)

  • 7/27/2019 SCM-7_Sourcing Decision in a Supply Chain


    2007 Pearson Education 13-2


    The Role of Sourcing in a Supply Chain

    Supplier Scoring and Assessment

    Supplier Selection and Contracts

    Design Collaboration

    The Procurement Process

    Sourcing Planning and Analysis

    Making Sourcing Decisions in Practice

    Summary of Learning Objectives

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Some Definitions

    Sourcing:Finding sources of supply, guaranteeing continuity in supply,ensuring alternative sources of supply and gathering knowledge of

    procurable resources.

    Procurement:All activities that are required in order to get the product andservices from the supplier to its final destination


    All activities for which the company receives an invoice fromoutside parties


    in-house performed activities are transferred to a third party


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    2007 Pearson Education 13-4

    The Role of Sourcing

    in a Supply Chain

    Sourcing processes include:

    Supplier scoring and assessment

    Supplier selection and contract negotiation Design collaboration


    Sourcing planning and analysis

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    2007 Pearson Education 13-5

    Benefits of Effective

    Sourcing Decisions

    Better economies of scalecan be achieved if orders areaggregated

    More efficient procurement transactions can significantlyreduce the overall cost of purchasing

    Design collaborationcan result in products that areeasier to manufacture and distribute, resulting in loweroverall costs

    Good procurement processes can faci l i tate coordinationwith suppliers

    Appropriate suppl ier contractscan allow for the sharingof r isk

    Firms can achieve a lower purchase price by increasingcompetition through the use of auctions

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    2007 Pearson Education

    In-house or Outsource Decision

    Make or buy materials or components is a strategic decisionthat can impact an organizations competitive position.

    Buy/ Outsourcing

    In-house Make

    Backward Integration

    Forward IntegrationVS.

    Strategic Decision Drivers:

    Strategic Advantage Cost

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    Reasons for Making

    Protect proprietary technology

    No competent supplier

    Better quality control

    Use existing idle capacity

    Control of lead-time, transportation, and

    warehousing cost

    Lower cost

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    Rationales for outsourcing

    Strategicreasons for


    1. Improve company focus

    2. Gain access to world class capabilities

    3. Get access to resources that are not available


    4. Accelerate reengineering benefits

    5. Improve customer satisfaction

    6. Increase flexibility

    7. Sharing risks

    Tactical reasons

    for outsourcing

    1. Reduce control costs and operating costs

    2. Free up internal resources

    3. Receive an important cash infusion

    4. Improve performance

    5. Ability to manage functions that are out of control

    All these reasons underlie one overall objective: to improve the overall

    performance of the outsourcing firm

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    Strategic decision for outsourcing

    Maintain / invest (opportunistically)

    Competencies are not strategic

    but provide important advantages;

    keep in-house as long these

    advantages are (integrally) real

    In-house / invest

    Competencies are strategic and


    focus on investments in technology

    and people; maximize scale and

    stay on leading edge


    Competencies have

    no competitive advantage

    Collaborate / maintain control

    Competencies are strategic but

    insufficient to compete effectively;

    explore alternatives such aspartnership, alliance, joint-venture,

    licensing, etc.







    Strategic importance of competenceHigh




    Savelkoul, 2008

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    How Do Third Parties Increase the

    Supply Chain Surplus

    Capacity aggregation gives economies of scale

    Inventory aggregation reduces uncertainty

    Transportation aggregation allows to convertLTL/LCL to TL/FCL

    Consolidated deliveries reduce distance per drop

    Warehouse aggregation


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    How Do Third Parties Increase the

    Supply Chain Surplus

    Procurement aggregation gives economies of scale

    Information aggregation

    Receivables aggregation

    Relationship aggregation

    Low costs and higher quality


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    Risk of Using Third Party

    The process is broken

    Cost of coordination

    Reduction of customer/supplier contact

    Loss of internal capability and growth in third-party


    Leakage of sensitive data and information

    Ineffective contracts


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    3PL and 4PL

    A thirdparty logistics (3PL) provider performs one or more

    of the logistics activities relating to the flow of product,

    information, and funds that could be performed by the firm


    A fourth-party logistic is an integrator that assembles the

    resources, capabilities and technology of its own organization

    and other organizations to design, build and run comprehensive

    supply chain solutions. Andersen Consulting (now

    Accenture) A general contractor who manages other 3PLs, truckers, forwarders,

    custom brokers, and others essentially taking responsibility of a

    complete process for the customer


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    Sources of Information

    Current suppliers

    Preferred suppliers

    Sales representatives

    Information databases


    Trade journals

    Trade directories

    Trade shows

    Second-party or indirect


    Internal sources

    Internet searches

    gement, 4e 14

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    Supplier Scoring and Assessment

    Supplier performance should be compared on the

    basis of the suppliers impact on total cost

    There are several other factors besides purchase price

    that influence total cost

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    Supplier Assessment Factors

    Replenishment Lead Time

    On-Time Performance

    Supply Flexibility

    Delivery Frequency /Minimum Lot Size

    Supply Quality

    Inbound Transportation Cost

    Pricing Terms

    Information Coordination


    Design CollaborationCapability

    Exchange Rates, Taxes,


    Supplier Viability

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    The Weighted-Criteria Evaluation


    1. Select mutually acceptable performance dimensions

    2. Assign weight based on their relative importance to the company


    3. Monitor and collect performance data (0100)

    4. Calculate weighted sum of the performance data

    5. Classify suppliers based on their overall score:

    i. Unacceptable (less than 50)

    ii. Conditional (between 50 and 70)iii. Certified (between 70 and 90)

    iv. Preferred (greater than 90)

    6. Audit and perform ongoing certification review

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Example for the XYZ Supplier company

    Performance Measure Rating X Weight = Final Value

    Technology 80 0.10 8.00

    Quality 90 0.25 22.50

    Responsiveness 95 0.15 14.25

    Delivery 90 0.15 13.50

    Cost 80 0.15 12.00

    Environmental 90 0.05 4.50

    Business 90 0.15 13.50

    Total Score 1.00 88.25

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    2007 Pearson Education 13-19

    Supplier Selection- Auctions and


    Supplier selection can be performed through competitive

    bids, reverse auctions, and direct negotiations

    Supplier evaluation is based on total cost of using a


    Sealed-bid first-price auctions

    English auctions

    Dutch auctions

    Second-price (Vickery) auctions

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Supply Contract

    Supply Contract can include the following:

    Pricing and volume discounts.

    Minimum and maximum purchase quantities.

    Delivery lead times.

    Product or material quality.

    Product return policies.

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Supply Contracts for Strategic


    1. Make to Order Supply Chain Contractsi. Sequential Supplier, Contracts?

    ii. Buy Back Contracts

    iii. Revenue Sharing Contracts

    iv. Quantity-Flexibility Contracts

    v. Sales Rebate Contract

    vi. Global Optimization

    2. Make to Stock Supply Chain Contractsi. Pay Back Contracts

    ii. Cost Sharing Contracts

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Supply Contracts for Strategic


    1. Contracts with Asymmetric Information

    i. Capacity Reservation Contracts

    ii. Advance purchase contracts

    2. Contracts for Non-Strategic Componentsi. Long-Term Contracts

    ii. Flexible, or option, Contract

    iii. Spot Purchase

    iv. Portfolio Contract

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    1. Make to Order Supply Chain


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    2-Stage Sequential Supply


    A buyer and a supplier who want to optimize ownprofit.

    Buyers activities:

    generating a forecast determining how many units to order from the supplier

    placing an order to the supplier so as to optimize his ownprofit

    Purchase based on forecast of customer demand

    Suppliers activities: reacting to the order placed by the buyer.

    Make-To-Order (MTO) policy

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Swimsuit Example

    2 Stages: a retailer who faces customer demand

    a manufacturer who produces and sells swimsuits to theretailer.

    Retailer Information: Summer season sale price of a swimsuit is $125 per unit.

    Wholesale price paid by retailer to manufacturer is $80 perunit.

    Salvage value after the summer season is $20 per unit

    Manufacturer information: Fixed production cost is $100,000

    Variable production cost is $35 per unit

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    What Is the Optimal Order


    Retailer marginal profit is the same as the marginal profit of themanufacturer, $45.

    Retailers marginal profit for selling a unit during the season,$45, is smaller than the marginal loss, $60, associated with

    each unit sold at the end of the season to discount stores.Optimal order quantity depends on marginal profit and

    marginal loss but not on the fixed cost.

    Retailer optimal policy is to order 12,000 units for an averageprofit of $470,700.

    If the retailer places this order, the manufacturers profit is12,000(80 - 35) - 100,000 = $440,000

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    Sequential Supply Chain

    FIGURE 4-1: Optimized safety stock

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    Risk Sharing

    In the sequential supply chain: Buyer assumes all of the risk of having more inventory than


    Buyer limits his order quantity because of the huge financial risk.

    Supplier takes no risk.

    Supplier would like the buyer to order as much as possible Since the buyer limits his order quantity, there is a

    significant increase in the likelihood of out of stock.

    If the supplier shares some of the risk with the buyer

    it may be profitable for buyer to order more reducing out of stock probability

    increasing profit for both the supplier and the buyer.

    Supply contracts enable this risk sharing

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    Buy-Back Contract

    Seller agrees to buy back unsold goods from the buyer

    for some agreed-upon price.

    Buyer has incentive to order more

    Suppliers risk clearly increases.

    Increase in buyers order quantity

    Decreases the likelihood of out of stock

    Compensates the supplier for the higher risk

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    Buy-Back Contract

    Swimsuit Example

    Assume the manufacturer offers to buy unsoldswimsuits from the retailer for $55.

    Retailer has an incentive to increase its order quantityto 14,000 units, for a profit of $513,800, while themanufacturers average profit increases to $471,900.

    Total average profit for the two parties

    = $985,700 (= $513,800 + $471,900)

    Compare to sequential supply chain when total profit= $910,700 (= $470,700 + $440,000)

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    Buy-Back Contract

    Swimsuit Example

    FIGURE 4-2: Buy-back contract

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    Revenue Sharing Contract

    Buyer shares some of its revenue with the supplier

    in return for a discount on the wholesale price.

    Buyer transfers a portion of the revenue from each

    unit sold back to the supplier

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Revenue Sharing Contract

    Swimsuit Example

    Manufacturer agrees to decrease the wholesale pricefrom $80 to $60

    In return, the retailer provides 15 percent of theproduct revenue to the manufacturer.

    Retailer has an incentive to increase his order quantityto 14,000 for a profit of $504,325

    This order increase leads to increased manufacturersprofit of $481,375

    Supply chain total profit= $985,700 (= $504,325+$481,375).

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    Revenue Sharing Contract

    Swimsuit Example

    FIGURE 4-3: Revenue-sharing contract

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Other Types of Contracts

    Quantity-Flexibility Contracts

    Supplier provides full refund for returned (unsold) items

    As long as the number of returns is no larger than a certainquantity.

    Sales Rebate Contracts

    Provides a direct incentive to the retailer to increase sales bymeans of a rebate paid by the supplier for any item soldabove a certain quantity.

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Global Optimization Strategy

    What is the best strategy for the entire supply chain?

    Treat both supplier and retailer as one entity

    Transfer of money between the parties is ignored

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Global Optimization

    Swimsuit Example

    Relevant data Selling price, $125

    Salvage value, $20

    Variable production costs, $35

    Fixed production cost.Supply chain marginal profit, 90 = 125 - 35

    Supply chain marginal loss, 15 = 3520

    Supply chain will produce more than average demand.

    Optimal production quantity = 16,000 unitsExpected supply chain profit = $1,014,500.

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Global Optimization

    Swimsuit Example

    FIGURE 4-4: Profit using global optimization strategy

    Global Optimization and Supply

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Global Optimization and Supply


    Unbiased decision maker unrealistic Requires the firm to surrender decision-making power to an unbiased

    decision maker

    Carefully designed supply contracts can achieve as much as

    global optimizationGlobal optimization does not provide a mechanism to allocate

    supply chain profit between the partners. Supply contracts allocate this profit among supply chain members.

    Effective supply contracts allocate profit to each partner in a

    way that no partner can improve his profit by deciding todeviate from the optimal set of decisions.

    I l t ti D b k f

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Implementation Drawbacks of

    Supply Contracts

    Buy-back contracts Require suppliers to have an effective reverse logistics system

    and may increase logistics costs.

    Retailers have an incentive to push the products not under thebuy back contract.

    Retailers risk is much higher for the products not under the buyback contract.

    Revenue sharing contracts Require suppliers to monitor the buyers revenue and thus

    increases administrative cost.

    Buyers have an incentive to push competing products withhigher profit margins. Similar products from competing suppliers with whom the buyer

    has no revenue sharing agreement.

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    2007 Pearson Education

    2. Contracts for Make-to-Stock Supply Chains

    Previous contracts examples were with Make-to-

    Order supply chains

    What happens when the supplier has a Make-to-Stocksituation?

    Supply Chain for Fashion Products

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Supply Chain for Fashion Products


    Manufacturer produces ski-jackets prior to receivingdistributor orders

    Season starts in September and ends by December.

    Production starts 12 months before the selling season

    Distributor places orders with the manufacturer six months later.

    At that time, production is complete; distributor receives firmsorders from retailers.

    The distributor sales ski-jackets to retailers for $125 per unit.

    The distributor pays the manufacturer $80 per unit.

    For the manufacturer, we have the following information: Fixed production cost = $100,000.

    The variable production cost per unit = $55

    Salvage value for any ski-jacket not purchased by the distributors= $20.

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    Profit and Loss

    For the manufacturer Marginal profit = $25

    Marginal loss = $60.

    Since marginal loss is greater than marginal profit, themanufacturer should produce less than average demand, i.e., lessthan 13, 000 units.

    How much should the manufacturer produce? Manufacturer optimal policy = 12,000 units

    Average profit = $160,400.

    Distributor average profit = $510,300.Manufacturer assumes all the risk limiting its

    production quantity

    Distributor takes no risk

    M k t St k

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    Ski Jackets

    FIGURE 4-5: Manufacturers expected profit

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Pay-Back Contract

    Buyer agrees to pay some agreed-upon price for anyunit produced by the manufacturer but not purchased.

    Manufacturer incentive to produce more units

    Buyers risk clearly increases.Increase in production quantities has to compensate

    the distributor for the increase in risk.

    P B k C t t

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Pay-Back Contract

    Ski Jacket Example

    Assume the distributor offers to pay $18 for each unit producedby the manufacturer but not purchased.

    Manufacturer marginal loss = 55-20-18=$17

    Manufacturer marginal profit = $25.

    Manufacturer has an incentive to produce more than averagedemand.

    Manufacturer increases production quantity to 14,000 units

    Manufacturer profit = $180,280

    Distributor profit increases to $525,420.

    Total profit = $705,400Compare to total profit in sequential supply chain

    = $670,000 (= $160,400 + $510,300)

    P B k C t t

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Pay-Back Contract

    Ski Jacket Example

    FIGURE 4-6: Manufacturers average profit (pay-back contract)

    P B k C t t

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Pay-Back Contract

    Ski Jacket Example (cont)

    FIGURE 4-7: Distributors average profit (pay-back contract)

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    Cost-Sharing Contract

    Buyer shares some of the production cost with the

    manufacturer, in return for a discount on the

    wholesale price.

    Reduces effective production cost for themanufacturer

    Incentive to produce more units

    C t Sh i C t t

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Cost-Sharing Contract

    Ski-Jacket Example

    Manufacturer agrees to decrease the wholesale pricefrom $80 to $62

    In return, distributor pays 33% of the manufacturerproduction cost

    Manufacturer increases production quantity to 14,000Manufacturer profit = $182,380

    Distributor profit = $523,320

    The supply chain total profit = $705,700

    Same as the profit under pay-back contracts

    C t Sh i C t t

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    Cost-Sharing Contract

    Ski-Jacket Example

    FIGURE 4-8: Manufacturers average profit (cost-sharing contr

    C t Sh i C t t

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    Cost-Sharing Contract

    Ski-Jacket Example (cont)

    FIGURE 4-9: Distributors average profit (cost-sharing contract

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    Implementation Issues

    Cost-sharing contract requires manufacturer to shareproduction cost information with distributor

    Agreement between the two parties:

    Distributor purchases one or more components that themanufacturer needs.

    Components remain on the distributor books but are shippedto the manufacturer facility for the production of thefinished good.

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    Global Optimization

    FIGURE 4-10: Global optimization

    3 Contracts with Asymmetric

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    3. Contracts with Asymmetric


    Implicit assumption so far: Buyer and supplier share

    the same forecast

    Inflated forecasts from buyers a reality

    How to design contracts such that the informationshared is credible?

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    Two Possible Contracts

    Capacity Reservation Contract Buyer pays to reserve a certain level of capacity at the


    A menu of prices for different capacity reservationsprovided by supplier

    Buyer signals true forecast by reserving a specific capacitylevel

    Advance Purchase Contract Supplier charges special price before building capacity

    When demand is realized, price charged is different Buyers commitment to paying the special price reveals the

    buyers true forecast

    4 Contracts for Non Strategic

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    4. Contracts for Non-Strategic


    Variety of suppliers

    Market conditions dictate price

    Buyers need to be able to choose suppliers and change

    them as neededLong-term contracts have been the tradition

    Recent trend towards more flexible contracts

    Offers buyers option of buying later at a different price thancurrent

    Offers effective hedging strategies against shortages

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    Long-Term Contracts

    Also calledforward or fixed commitment contracts

    Contracts specify a fixed amount of supply to be

    delivered at some point in the future

    Supplier and buyer agree on both price and quantityBuyer bears no financial risk

    Buyer takes huge inventory risks due to:

    uncertainty in demand inability to adjust order quantities.

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    Flexible or Option ContractsBuyer pre-pays a relatively small fraction of the product

    price up-frontSupplier commits to reserve capacity up to a certain level.

    Initial payment is the reservation price orpremium.

    If buyer does not exercise option, the initial payment islost.

    Buyer can purchase any amount of supply up to theoption level by:paying an additional price (execution price orexercise


    agreed to at the time the contract is signed Total price (reservation plus execution price) typically

    higher than the unit price in a long-term contract.

    Fl ibl O ti C t t

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    Flexible or Option Contracts

    Provide buyer with flexibility to adjust order quantities

    depending on realized demandReduces buyers inventory risks.

    Shifts risks from buyer to supplier Supplier is now exposed to customer demand uncertainty.

    Flexibility contracts Related strategy to share risks between suppliers and


    A fixed amount of supply is determined when the contractis signed

    Amount to be delivered (and paid for) can differ by nomore than a given percentage determined upon signing thecontract.

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    Spot Purchase

    Buyers look for additional supply in the open market.

    May use independent e-markets or private e-markets

    to select suppliers.

    Focus: Using the marketplace to find new suppliers

    Forcing competition to reduce product price.

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    Portfolio Contracts

    Portfolio approach to supply contracts

    Buyer signs multiple contracts at the same time optimize expected profit

    reduce risk.


    differ in price and level of flexibility

    hedge against inventory, shortage and spot price risk.

    Meaningful for commodity products a large pool of suppliers each with a different type of contract.

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    Appropriate Mix of Contracts

    How much to commit to a long-term contract? Base commitment level.

    How much capacity to buy from companies selling optioncontracts? Option level.

    How much supply should be left uncommitted? Additional supplies in spot market if demand is high

    Hewlett-Packards (HP) strategy for electricity or memoryproducts About 50% procurement cost invested in long-term contracts

    35% in option contracts Remaining is invested in the spot market.

    Risk Trade-Off in Portfolio

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    If demand is much higher than anticipated Base commitment level + option level < Demand,

    Firm must use spot market for additional supply.

    Typically the worst time to buy in the spot market

    Prices are high due to shortages.

    Buyer can select a trade-off level between price risk, shortagerisk, and inventory risk by carefully selecting the level of long-term commitment and the option level. For the same option level, the higher the initial contract commitment,

    the smaller the price risk but the higher the inventory risk taken by the

    buyer. The smaller the level of the base commitment, the higher the price and

    shortage risks due to the likelihood of using the spot market.

    For the same level of base commitment, the higher the option level, thehigher the risk assumed by the supplier since the buyer may exercise

    only a small fraction of the option level.

    Risk Trade-Off in Portfolio

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    Risk Trade-Off in Portfolio


    Low High

    Option level

    Base commitment level

    HighInventory risk


    LowPrice and shortage

    risks (buyer)

    Inventory risk (buyer)

    *For a given situation, either the option level or the base commitment level may be high, but not


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    Design Collaboration

    50-70 percent of spending at a manufacturer isthrough procurement

    80 percent of the cost of a purchased part is fixed inthe design phase

    Design collaboration with suppliers can result inreduced cost, improved quality, and decreased time tomarket

    Important to employ design for logistics, design formanufacturability

    Manufacturers must become effective designcoordinators throughout the supply chain

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    The designers consideration of the organizations

    manufacturing capabilities when designing a product

    Concurrent EngineeringComputer-Aided Design (CAD)Recycling


    Design for DisassemblyComponent Communality

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    Concurrent Engineering To achieve a smoother transition from product design to production, and to

    decrease product development time, many companies are Usingsimultaneous development, or concurrent engineering.

    In its narrowest sense, it brings design and manufacturing engineering

    people together early in the design phase to simultaneously develop theproduct and the processes for creating the product.

    May mean to include include manufacturing personnel (e.g., materialsspecialists) and marketing and purchasing personnel in loosely integrated,cross-functional teams.

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    Computer-Aided Design (CAD)Computer-aided design (CAD) , Product design using

    computer graphics.

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    RecyclingRecovering materials for future use.

    Cost savings., Environment concerns. Environmental regulations

    An interesting note: Companies that want to do business

    in the European Economic Com munity must show that a

    specified proportion of their products are recyclable.

  • 7/27/2019 SCM-7_Sourcing Decision in a Supply Chain


    2007 Pearson Education

    Design for Recycling

    Design for Recycling (DFR), referring to productdesign that takes into account the ability to

    disassemble a used product to recover the recyclableparts.

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    2007 Pearson Education

    RemanufacturingRemanufacturing refers to refurbishing used products by

    replacing worn-out or defective components, and

    reselling the products.

    This can be done by the original manufacturer, or anothercompany.

    Among the products that have remanufactured components are

    automobiles, printers, copiers, cameras, computers, and telephones.

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    2007 Pearson Education

    Design for Disassembly

    Design for Disassembly (DFD) includes using fewerparts and less material, and using snap-fits where

    possible instead of screws or nuts and bolts.

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    2007 Pearson Education 13-76

    The Purchasing Process

    The process in which the supplier sends product in response toorders placed by the buyer

    Goal is to enable orders to be placed and delivered on scheduleat the lowest possible overall cost

    Two main categories of purchased goods: Direct materials: components used to make finished goods

    Indirect materials: goods used to support the operations of a firm

    Differences between direct and indirect materials listed in Table 14-7

    Focus for direct materials should be on improving coordinationand visibility with supplier

    Focus for indirect materials should be on decreasing thetransaction cost for each order

    Procurement for both should consolidate orders where possibleto take advantage of economies of scale and quantity discounts

    Manual Purchasing Process (Simplified)

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    Manual Purchasing Process (Simplified)







    Yes No





    Invoice & PO




    MR= Material Requisition

    PR = Purchase Requisition

    PO = Purchase Order

    DO = Delivery Order



    & SO

    RFQ= Request for Quotation

    RFP = Request for Proposal

    SO = Sales Order

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    into ITsystem


    selection &

    Issue PO




    suppliers to


    on B2Bsystem for




    date and



    Extracts &



    requisitiondata into


    based B2B




    Product Categorization by Value

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    2007 Pearson Education 13-79

    Product Categorization by Value

    and Criticality (Figure 14.2)

    Critical Items Strategic Items

    General Items Bulk Purchase








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    2007 Pearson Education 13-80

    Sourcing Planning and Analysis

    A firm should periodically analyze its procurementspending and supplier performance and use thisanalysis as an input for future sourcing decisions

    Procurement spending should be analyzed by part and

    supplier to ensure appropriate economies of scaleSupplier performance analysis should be used to build

    a portfolio of suppliers with complementary strengths

    Cheaper but lower performing suppliers should be used tosupply base demand

    Higher performing but more expensive suppliers should beused to buffer against variation in demand and supply fromthe other source

    Making Sourcing

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    a g Sou c g

    Decisions in Practice

    Use multifunction teams

    Ensure appropriate coordination across regions

    and business units

    Always evaluate the total cost of ownershipBuild long-term relationships with key suppliers
